Ejemplo n.º 1
    def testDeprecated(self, LatLon):

        c = HeightIDW  # == HeightIDWeuclidean in Python 3.7+
        self.test(c.__name__, issubclass(c, HeightIDWeuclidean), True)
        c = HeightIDW2  # == HeightIDWequirectangular in Python 3.7+
        self.test(c.__name__, issubclass(c, HeightIDWequirectangular), True)
        c = HeightIDW3  # == HeightIDWhaversine in Python 3.7+
        self.test(c.__name__, issubclass(c, HeightIDWhaversine), True)

        p = LatLon(0, 0), LatLon(1, 0), LatLon(0, 1)
        self.test('areaof', areaof(p, radius=R_MA), '7.086883e+09', fmt='%.6e')

        p = LatLon(85, 90), LatLon(-85, 0), LatLon(85, -90), LatLon(85, -180)
        b = map2(float, bounds(p))
        self.test('bounds', b, '(-85.0, -180.0, 85.0, 90.0)')

        self.test('decodeEPSG2', decodeEPSG2(32712), "(12, 'S')")
        self.test('encodeEPSG', encodeEPSG(12, hemipole='S'), '32712')

        t = equirectangular3(0, 2, 3, 4)
        self.test('equirectangular3', len(t), 3)
        self.test('equirectangular3', t[0], 12.997, fmt='%.3f')

        h = hypot3(3000, 200, 10)
        s = sqrt(3000**2 + 200**2 + 10**2)
        self.test('hypot3', h, s, fmt='%.6f')

        b = LatLon(45, 1), LatLon(45, 2), LatLon(46, 2), LatLon(46, 1)
        self.test('isenclosedby', isenclosedby(LatLon(45.5, 1.5), b), True)

        p = LatLon(45, 2)
        b = LatLon(45, 1), LatLon(47, 3)
        t = nearestOn3(p, b, adjust=False)
        self.test('nearestOn3', len(t), 3)
        self.test('nearestOn3', t[:2], (45.5, 1.5))
        t = nearestOn4(p, b, adjust=False)
        self.test('nearestOn4', len(t), 4)
        self.test('nearestOn4', t[:2], (45.5, 1.5))

        t = parseUTM('18 N 516620 4574500', Utm=None)  # Milford, PA
        self.test('parseUTM', t, "(18, 'N', 516620.0, 4574500.0)")

        p = LatLon(0, 0), LatLon(1, 0), LatLon(0, 1)
        self.test('perimeterof', perimeterof(p, radius=R_MA), '2.687460e+05', fmt='%.6e')

        p = LatLon(0, 0), LatLon(1, 0), LatLon(0, 1)
        self.test('polygon', polygon(p)[0], 3)

        t = simplify2(RdpFFI, 16, adjust=True, shortest=False)
        self.test('simplify2', len(t), 4)

        t = toUtm('50°52′10″N', '115°39′03″W', Utm=None, name='Mt Assiniboine')
        self.test('toUtm', len(t), 6)

        t = utmZoneBand2('50°52′10″N', '115°39′03″W')
        self.test('utmZoneBand2', t, "(11, 'U')")
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def testLatLon(self, module, Sph=False, Nv=True):  # MCCABE 39

        self.subtitle(module, 'LatLon')

        LatLon = module.LatLon

        # basic LatLon class tests
        p = LatLon(52.20472, 0.14056)
        self.test('isEllipsoidal', p.isEllipsoidal, not Sph)
        self.test('isSpherical', p.isSpherical, Sph)

        self.test('lat/lonDMS', p,
                  '52.20472°N, 000.14056°E')  # 52.20472°N, 000.14056°E
        self.test('lat/lonDMS F_DM', p.toStr(F_DM, 3),
                  '''52°12.283'N, 000°08.434'E''')
        self.test('lat/lonDMS F_DM', p.toStr(F_DM, 4),
                  '''52°12.2832'N, 000°08.4336'E''')
        self.test('lat/lonDMS F_DMS', p.toStr(F_DMS, 0),
                  '''52°12'17"N, 000°08'26"E''')
        self.test('lat/lonDMS F_DMS', p.toStr(F_DMS, 1),
                  '''52°12'17.0"N, 000°08'26.0"E''')
        self.test('lat/lonDMS F_RAD', p.toStr(F_RAD, 6),
                  '0.911144N, 0.002453E')
        q = LatLon(*map(degrees, p.to2ab()))
        self.test('equals', q.equals(p), True)

        # <http://www.edwilliams.org/avform.htm#XTE>
        LAX = LatLon(33. + 57. / 60, -(118. + 24. / 60))
        JFK = LatLon(degrees(0.709186), -degrees(1.287762))
        Rav = m2NM(6366710)  # av earth radius in NM
        # <http://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/html/python/examples.html>
        WNZ = LatLon(-41.32, 174.81)  # Wellington, NZ
        SAL = LatLon(40.96, 5.50)  # Salamanca, Spain
        BJS = LatLon(40.1, 116.6)  # Beijing Airport
        SFO = LatLon(37.6, -122.4)  # San Francisco

        p = LatLon(52.205, 0.119)
        q = LatLon(48.857, 2.351)
        self.test('equals', p.equals(q), False)

        a = p.antipode()
        self.test('antipode1', a, '52.205°S, 179.881°W')
        self.test('antipode2', a.isantipode(p), True)
        b = a.antipode()
        self.test('antipode3', b, '52.205°N, 000.119°E')
        self.test('antipode4', a.isantipode(b), True)
        self.test('antipode5', b, p)

        if hasattr(LatLon, 'initialBearingTo'):
            b = p.initialBearingTo(q)
                      156.1666 if Sph else 156.1106,
                      fmt='%.4f')  # 156.2
            b = p.finalBearingTo(q)
                      157.8904 if Sph else 157.8345,
            b = LAX.initialBearingTo(JFK)
                      65.8921 if Sph else 65.9335,
                      fmt='%.4f')  # PYCHOK false?  66

        c = p.copy()
        self.test('copy', p.equals(c), 'True')

        if hasattr(LatLon, 'distanceTo'):
            d = p.distanceTo(q)
                      '404279.720589' if Sph else '404607.805988',
                      fmt='%.6f')  # 404300
            d = q.distanceTo(p)
                      '404279.720589' if Sph else '404607.805988',
                      fmt='%.6f')  # 404300
            d = LAX.distanceTo(JFK,
                               radius=R_NM) if Sph else LAX.distanceTo(JFK)
            self.test('distanceTo', d, 2145 if Sph else 3981601,
                      fmt='%.0f')  # PYCHOK false?
            if not Nv:  # <http://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/html/python/examples.html>
                self.test('antipodal', WNZ.isantipode(SAL, eps=0.1), False)
                d = WNZ.distanceTo(SAL, wrap=False)
                self.test('distanceTo dateline',
                          19119590.551 if Sph else 19959679.267,
                          known=True)  # PYCHOK false?
                d = WNZ.distanceTo(SAL, wrap=True)
                self.test('distanceTo unrolled',
                          19119590.551 if Sph else 19959679.267,
                          known=True)  # PYCHOK false?

                self.test('antipodal', BJS.isantipode(SFO, eps=0.1), False)
                d = BJS.distanceTo(SFO, wrap=False)
                self.test('distanceTo dateline',
                          9491735 if Sph else 9513998,
                          fmt='%.0f')  # PYCHOK false?
                d = BJS.distanceTo(SFO, wrap=True)
                self.test('distanceTo unrolled',
                          9491735 if Sph else 9513998,
                          fmt='%.0f')  # PYCHOK false?

        if hasattr(LatLon, 'distanceTo3') and not Sph:
            for w in (False, True):
                d = WNZ.distanceTo3(SAL, wrap=w)  # XXX expected values?
                self.test('distanceTo3 dateline', fStr(d, prec=4),
                          '19125097.7012, 270.7159, 276.0288')  # PYCHOK false?
                d = BJS.distanceTo3(SFO, wrap=w)
                self.test('distanceTo3 dateline', fStr(d, prec=4),
                          '9513997.9901, 42.9164, 138.8903')  # PYCHOK false?

        if hasattr(LatLon, 'intermediateTo'):
            i = p.intermediateTo(q, 0.25)
                'intermediateTo', i, '51.372084°N, 000.707337°E'
                if Sph else '51.372294°N, 000.707192°E')
            self.test('intermediateTo', isinstance(i, LatLon), True)

            if hasattr(p, 'distanceTo'):
                d = p.distanceTo(q)
                self.test('intermediateTo', d, '404279.721',
                          fmt='%.3f')  # PYCHOK false?

            i = p.intermediateTo(q, 5)
                'intermediateTo+5', i, '35.160975°N, 008.989542°E'
                if Sph else '35.560239°N, 008.833512°E')
            if hasattr(p, 'distanceTo'):
                          p.distanceTo(i) / d,
                          fmt='%.3f')  # PYCHOK false?

            i = p.intermediateTo(q, -4)
                'intermediateTo-4', i, '64.911647°N, 013.726301°W'
                if Sph else '64.570387°N, 013.156352°W')
            if hasattr(p, 'distanceTo'):
                          p.distanceTo(i) / d,
                          fmt='%.3f')  # PYCHOK false?

        if hasattr(LatLon, 'intermediateChordTo'):
            i = p.intermediateChordTo(q, 0.25)
            self.test('intermediateChordTo', i, '51.372294°N, 000.707192°E')
            self.test('intermediateChordTo', isinstance(i, LatLon),
                      True)  # PYCHOK false?

        if hasattr(LatLon, 'midpointTo'):
            m = p.midpointTo(q)
            self.test('midpointTo', m, '50.536327°N, 001.274614°E'
                      )  # PYCHOK false?  # 50.5363°N, 001.2746°E

        if hasattr(LatLon, 'destination'):
            p = LatLon(51.4778, -0.0015)
            d = p.destination(7794, 300.7)
            self.test('destination', d, '51.513546°N, 000.098345°W' if Sph else
                      '51.513526°N, 000.098038°W')  # 51.5135°N, 0.0983°W ???
                'destination', d.toStr(F_DMS, 0), '51°30′49″N, 000°05′54″W'
                if Sph else '51°30′49″N, 000°05′53″W')
            # <http://www.edwilliams.org/avform.htm#LL>
            d = LAX.destination(
                100, 66, radius=R_NM) if Sph else LAX.destination(100, 66)
            self.test('destination', d.toStr(F_DM, prec=0),
                      "34°37′N, 116°33′W" if Sph else "33°57′N, 118°24′W")
                'destination', d, '34.613647°N, 116.55116°W'
                if Sph else '33.950367°N, 118.399012°W')
            self.test('destination', d.toStr(F_RAD, prec=6),
                      '0.604122N, 2.034201W'
                      if Sph else '0.592546N, 2.066453W')  # PYCHOK expected
            # <http://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/html/python/examples.html>
            d = LatLon(-32.06, -115.74).destination(20e6, 225).toStr(F_D,
                      '31.96383509°N, 064.37329146°E'
                      if Sph else '32.11195529°N, 063.95925278°E',
                      known=True)  # PYCHOK false?

        if hasattr(LatLon, 'alongTrackDistanceTo'):
            s = LatLon(53.3206, -1.7297)
            e = LatLon(53.1887, 0.1334)
            p = LatLon(53.2611, -0.7972)
                d = p.alongTrackDistanceTo(s, 96)
                self.test('alongTrackDistanceTo', d, 62331.59,
                          fmt='%.2f')  # 62331
            except TypeError as x:
                    'alongTrackDistanceTo', x,
                    'type(end) mismatch: int vs sphericalTrigonometry.LatLon'
                )  # PYCHOK false?
            d = p.alongTrackDistanceTo(s, e)
            self.test('alongTrackDistanceTo', d, 62331.58, fmt='%.2f')

            # <http://www.edwilliams.org/avform.htm#XTE>
            p = LatLon(34.5, -116.5)  # 34:30N, 116:30W
            d = p.alongTrackDistanceTo(LAX, JFK, radius=Rav)
            self.test('alongTrackDistanceTo', d, 99.588, fmt='%.3f')  # NM

            # courtesy of Rimvydas Naktinis
            p = LatLon(53.36366, -1.83883)
            d = p.alongTrackDistanceTo(s, e)
            self.test('alongTrackDistanceTo', d, -7702.7, fmt='%.1f')

            p = LatLon(53.35423, -1.60881)
            d = p.alongTrackDistanceTo(s, e)
            self.test('alongTrackDistanceTo', d, 7587.6,
                      fmt='%.1f')  # PYCHOK false?

        if hasattr(LatLon, 'crossTrackDistanceTo'):
            s = LatLon(53.3206, -1.7297)
            e = LatLon(53.1887, 0.1334)
            p = LatLon(53.2611, -0.7972)
                d = p.crossTrackDistanceTo(s, 96)
                self.test('crossTrackDistanceTo', d, -305.67,
                          fmt='%.2f')  # -305.7
            except TypeError as x:
                    'crossTrackDistanceTo', x,
                    'type(end) mismatch: int vs sphericalTrigonometry.LatLon'
                )  # PYCHOK false?
            d = p.crossTrackDistanceTo(s, e)
            self.test('crossTrackDistanceTo', d, -307.55, fmt='%.2f')  # -307.5

            # <http://www.edwilliams.org/avform.htm#XTE>
            p = LatLon(34.5, -116.5)  # 34:30N, 116:30W
            d = p.crossTrackDistanceTo(LAX, JFK, radius=Rav)
            self.test('crossTrackDistanceTo', d, 7.4524,
                      fmt='%.4f')  # PYCHOK false? # XXX 7.4512 NM

        if hasattr(LatLon, 'greatCircle'):
            p = LatLon(53.3206, -1.7297)
            gc = p.greatCircle(96.0)
            self.test('greatCircle', gc,
                      '(-0.79408, 0.12856, 0.59406)')  # PYCHOK false?

        if hasattr(LatLon, 'greatCircleTo'):
            p = LatLon(53.3206, -1.7297)
            q = LatLon(53.1887, 0.1334)
            gc = p.greatCircleTo(q)
            self.test('greatCircleTo', gc,
                      '(-0.79408, 0.12859, 0.59406)')  # PYCHOK false?

        if isclockwise:
            f = LatLon(45, 1), LatLon(45, 2), LatLon(46, 2), LatLon(46, 1)
            for _ in self.testiter():
                self.test('isclockwise', isclockwise(f),
                          False)  # PYCHOK false?
            t = LatLon(45, 1), LatLon(46, 1), LatLon(46, 2), LatLon(45, 1)
            for _ in self.testiter():
                self.test('isclockwise', isclockwise(t), True)  # PYCHOK false?
            for _ in self.testiter():
                    self.test('isclockwise', isclockwise(t[:2]), ValueError)
                except ValueError as x:
                    self.test('isclockwise', x,
                              'too few points: 2')  # PYCHOK false?

        if isconvex:
            f = LatLon(45, 1), LatLon(46, 2), LatLon(45, 2), LatLon(46, 1)
            for _ in self.testiter():
                self.test('isconvex', isconvex(f), False)  # PYCHOK false?
            t = LatLon(45, 1), LatLon(46, 1), LatLon(46, 2), LatLon(45, 1)
            for _ in self.testiter():
                self.test('isconvex', isconvex(t), True)  # PYCHOK false?
            for _ in self.testiter():
                    self.test('isconvex', isconvex(t[:2]), ValueError)
                except ValueError as x:
                    self.test('isconvex', x,
                              'too few points: 2')  # PYCHOK false?

        if isenclosedby:
            b = LatLon(45, 1), LatLon(45, 2), LatLon(46, 2), LatLon(46, 1)
            for _ in self.testiter():
                self.test('isenclosedby1', isenclosedby(LatLon(45.5, 1.5), b),
                          True)  # PYCHOK false?
            for _ in self.testiter():  # on polygon point is outside
                self.test('isenclosedby2', isenclosedby((46, 2), b),
                          False)  # PYCHOK false?
            for _ in self.testiter():  # on polygon point is outside
                self.test('isenclosedby3', isenclosedby((46, 1), b),
                          False)  # PYCHOK false?
            for _ in self.testiter():  # on polygon edge is outside
                self.test('isenclosedby4', isenclosedby((46, 1.5), b),
                          False)  # PYCHOK false?
            for _ in self.testiter():  # on polygon is False
                self.test('isenclosedby5', isenclosedby((45.5, 1), b),
                          False)  # PYCHOK false?
            p = LatLon(85, 90), LatLon(85, 0), LatLon(85,
                                                      -90), LatLon(85, -180)
            for _ in self.testiter():
                self.test('isenclosedby6', isenclosedby((90, 0), p),
                          'True')  # PYCHOK false?
            p = LatLon(85, 90), LatLon(85, 0), LatLon(85, -90)
            for _ in self.testiter():
                self.test('isenclosedby7', isenclosedby((90, 0), p),
                          'True')  # PYCHOK false?