Ejemplo n.º 1
def tag_ddh(dhdata, rkdata, nreals, outfl, grid):
    '''Code drillholes by categories in rkdata'''

    ddh = gs.DataFile(dhdata)
    nx, xmin, xsize, ny, ymin, ysize, nz, zmin, zsize = grid

    ix = np.ceil((ddh['X'].values - xmin) / xsize + 0.5)
    iy = np.ceil((ddh['Y'].values - ymin) / ysize + 0.5)
    iz = np.ceil((ddh['Z'].values - zmin) / zsize + 0.5)
    ix = np.where((ix == 0) & (ddh['X'].values == xmin - (xsize / 2.0)), 1, ix)
    iy = np.where((iy == 0) & (ddh['Y'].values == ymin - (ysize / 2.0)), 1, iy)
    iz = np.where((iz == 0) & (ddh['Z'].values == zmin - (zsize / 2.0)), 1, iz)
    ix, iy, iz = ix - 1, iy - 1, iz - 1

    idx = ix + iy * nx + iz * nx * ny
    idx = idx.astype(int)

    len_real = nx*ny*nz
    idx = np.where((idx < 0) | (idx > len_real), np.nan, idx)
    out_grid = np.argwhere(np.isnan(idx) != False)  # indexes outside grid
    idx = np.delete(idx, out_grid).astype(int)  # remove indexes

    for i in range(nreals):  # nreals
        mwa = gs.DataFile(rkdata[i])
        tag = mwa.data.iloc[idx].values
        ddh['GSTag'] = tag
        gs.write_gslib_f(ddh, outfl[i])
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_write_read_h5(self):
        data = {'East': [1000, 1200], 'North': [2000, 2500]}
        dat = gs.DataFile(data=data)

        except Exception:
            self.fail('Unable to write hdf5 output')
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_write_vtk(self):
        data = {'East': [1000, 1200], 'North': [2000, 2500], 'Elevation': [1,1]}
        dat = gs.DataFile(data=data, dftype='point')

        except Exception:
            self.fail('Unable to write vtk output')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def mwa_threshold(low, high, nreals, simfl, outfl):
    '''Threshold MWA realizations to categories'''

    for i in range(nreals):
        mwa = gs.DataFile(simfl[i])
        mwa.data.loc[mwa.data['variable_00001'] < low, 'cat'] = 0
        mwa.data.loc[(mwa.data['variable_00001'] >= low) & (
            mwa.data['variable_00001'] < high), 'cat'] = 1
        mwa.data.loc[mwa.data['variable_00001'] > high, 'cat'] = 2
        mwa.writefile(outfl[i], variables='cat', fmt='%i')
Ejemplo n.º 5
def add_coord(grid, nreals, simfl, outfl):
    '''Add xyz coordinates to realizations'''

    grid_xyz = calc_grid_xyz(grid)

    for i in range(nreals):
        sim_xyz = gs.DataFile(simfl[i])
        sim_xyz.data['X'] = grid_xyz[:, 0]
        sim_xyz.data['Y'] = grid_xyz[:, 1]
        sim_xyz.data['Z'] = grid_xyz[:, 2]
        sim_xyz.data = sim_xyz.data[['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'variable_00001']]
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_set_catdict(self):
        data = {
            'East': [1000, 1200],
            'North': [2000, 2500],
            'Elevation': [1, 1],
            'Categorical': [0, 1]
        dat = gs.DataFile(data=data, dftype='point', cat='Categorical')

            dat.setcatdict({0: 'Category 1', 1: 'Category 2'})
        except Exception:
            self.fail('Unable to set the categorical dictionary')
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_set_catdict_missing_category(self):
        A test to check a missing categorical code in a dictionary raises the correct exception

        data = {
            'East': [1000, 1200, 1500],
            'North': [2000, 2500, 2600],
            'Elevation': [1, 1, 2],
            'Categorical': [0, 1, -99]
        dat = gs.DataFile(data=data, dftype='point', cat='Categorical')

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            dat.setcatdict({0: 'Category 1', 1: 'Category 2'})
Ejemplo n.º 8
def clip_reals(nreals, grid, bxmin, bxmax, bymin, bymax, bzmin, bzmax,
               simfl, outfl):
    '''Clip realizations by a 3D bounding box'''

    # xyz locations of simulation grid
    grid_xyz = calc_grid_xyz(grid)

    # generate keyout array
    buf_box = np.array([(bxmin, bymin, bzmin),
                        (bxmin, bymax, bzmin),
                        (bxmax, bymax, bzmin),
                        (bxmax, bymin, bzmin),
                        (bxmin, bymin, bzmax),
                        (bxmin, bymax, bzmax),
                        (bxmax, bymax, bzmax),
                        (bxmax, bymin, bzmax)])

    buff = in_hull(grid_xyz, buf_box) * 1
    grid_clip_xyz = grid_xyz[buff == 1]
    np.savetxt('grid_clip_xyz.out', grid_clip_xyz, fmt='%.2f')

    # load realizations
    sim = np.zeros((len(grid_clip_xyz), nreals))

    for i in range(nreals):

        real = gs.DataFile(simfl[i])
        val = real.data.values.ravel()
        val = val[buff == 1]
        sim[:, i] = val

    # all realizations in one array
    out_flat = sim.flatten(order='F')
    outdat = gs.DataFile(data=pd.DataFrame(out_flat,
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_set_catdict_typeissue(self):
        A test to check that provided non numeric codes can be handled by a proper error message
        data = {
            'East': [1000, 1200, 1500],
            'North': [2000, 2500, 2600],
            'Elevation': [1, 1, 2],
            'Categorical': [0, 1, '-99']
        dat = gs.DataFile(data=data, dftype='point', cat='Categorical')

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                0: 'Category 1',
                1: 'Category 2',
                '-99': 'Unknown'
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_file_not_found(self):
     with self.assertRaises(FileNotFoundError):
         _ = gs.DataFile(flname='notfound')
Ejemplo n.º 11
def voi_calc(refdir, stopedir, outdir, plotdir, nreals_true, nphase,
             nstope, cost_per_m, len_comp, grid, fval_pars):
    '''Calculate value of information from voi_main() workflow'''

    ndata = np.zeros((nphase, 2))
    for j in range(nphase):
        dat = np.loadtxt(f'ndata_p{j+1}.out')
        ndata[j, :] = dat.T

    # grid [nx, xmin, xsize, ny, ymin, ysize, nz, zmin, zsize]
    nx, xmin, xsize, ny, ymin, ysize, nz, zmin, zsize = grid
    grid_xyz = calc_grid_xyz(grid)
    np.savetxt('voi_calc_gridxyz.out', grid_xyz, fmt='%.2f')

    # get cost of data
    nsamp = ndata[:, 0]
    nddh = ndata[:, 1]
    vol2d = (ny*ysize) * (nz*zsize)
    vol3d = (nx*xsize) * (ny*ysize) * (nz*zsize)
    dens = nsamp / vol2d
    dhs = np.sqrt(vol3d/(len_comp*nsamp))
    samples_per_ha = dens * 100**2
    cost = nsamp * cost_per_m * len_comp

    # get value of stopes against reference model Vc
    Vc = {}
    for t in range(nreals_true):
        Vc[f't{t+1}'] = {}
        for j in range(nphase):
            Vc[f't{t+1}'][f'phase{j+1}'] = {}

    for t in range(nreals_true):

        ref_model = gs.DataFile(refdir + f'realblk{t+1}.gsb').data.values

        for j in range(nphase):

            gross_stpval = []
            tonnes_stp = []

            for i in range(nstope):

                hull = np.loadtxt(
                    stopedir + f't{t+1}/phase{j+1}/stope{i+1}.out')

                gross, avg_grade, tonnes = fval(ref_model, hull, grid_xyz, xsize, ysize, zsize,
                if gross >= 0:
                    Vc[f't{t+1}'][f'phase{j+1}'][f'val_stp{i+1}'] = gross
                    Vc[f't{t+1}'][f'phase{j+1}'][f'gr_stp{i+1}'] = avg_grade
                    Vc[f't{t+1}'][f'phase{j+1}'][f'tonnes_stp{i+1}'] = tonnes

            Vc[f't{t+1}'][f'phase{j+1}'][f'num_stp'] = len(gross_stpval)
            Vc[f't{t+1}'][f'phase{j+1}'][f'avg_tonnes'] = np.int(
            Vc[f't{t+1}'][f'phase{j+1}'][f'gross_val'] = np.sum(gross_stpval)

            with open(outdir + f't{t+1}/phase{j+1}.out', 'w') as f:
                f.write(json.dumps(Vc[f't{t+1}'][f'phase{j+1}'], indent=2))

    # get value of current information V0
    V0 = np.zeros(nreals_true)
    for t in range(nreals_true):
        V0[t] = Vc[f't{t+1}'][f'phase1'][f'gross_val']

    # calculate gross (GVOI) and net (NVOI) voi
    GVOI = np.zeros((nphase, nreals_true))
    NVOI = np.zeros((nphase, nreals_true))
    EGVOI = np.zeros(nphase)
    ENVOI = np.zeros(nphase)

    for t in range(nreals_true):

        for j in range(nphase):

            vc = Vc[f't{t+1}'][f'phase{j+1}'][f'gross_val']
            gvoi = vc - V0[t]
            GVOI[j, t] = gvoi

        NVOI[:, t] = GVOI[:, t] - cost
        NVOI[0, t] = 0

    EGVOI = np.mean(GVOI, axis=1)
    ENVOI = np.mean(NVOI, axis=1)

    fmt = '%.2f'
    np.savetxt(outdir + 'nvoi.out', NVOI, fmt=fmt)
    np.savetxt(outdir + 'gvoi.out', GVOI, fmt=fmt)
    np.savetxt(outdir + 'cost.out', cost, fmt=fmt)
    np.savetxt(outdir + 'envoi.out', ENVOI, fmt=fmt)
    np.savetxt(outdir + 'egvoi.out', EGVOI, fmt=fmt)

    # generate figure
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    ax1 = ax.twiny()
    ax1.spines['bottom'].set_position(('outward', 40))

    # expected curves
    ax.plot(samples_per_ha, EGVOI,
            samples_per_ha, ENVOI,
            samples_per_ha, cost,
            marker='.', zorder=2)
    ax.axhline(0, c='k')
    ax.set_xlabel('Samples per Hectare')
    ax.set_ylabel('Dollars ($)')
    ax.set_xlim(0, samples_per_ha.max()+250)

    # all curves
    for i in range(nreals_true):
        ax.plot(samples_per_ha, GVOI[:, i], c='C0',
                alpha=0.75, lw=0.5, zorder=0)
        ax.plot(samples_per_ha, NVOI[:, i], c='C1',
                alpha=0.75, lw=0.5, zorder=0)

    xmax = np.int(np.ceil(samples_per_ha[-1]/1000) * 1000)
    step = 1000
    xx = np.arange(0, xmax+step, step)
    nsamp2 = (xx*vol2d) / 100**2
    dhs_eq = np.round(np.sqrt(vol3d/(len_comp*nsamp2)), 1)

    ax1.set_xlabel('Equivalent Data Spacing (m)')
    ax.legend(['Exp. GVOI', 'Exp. NVOI', 'Cost of Data'])

    plt.savefig(plotdir + 'voi_curve.pdf')
Ejemplo n.º 12
def stope_opt(simfl, nreals, nstope, seed, verts, bounds, grid, fval_pars, de_pars,
              min_width, max_width, rot, outfl1, outfl2, true_idx, phase_idx):
    '''Call differential evolution function for stope optimization'''

    rseeds = gs.rseed_list(nstope, seed)
    grid_clip_xyz = np.loadtxt('grid_clip_xyz.out')
    nvert = 8

    # fixed params for value function
    SG, price, cf, cost_m, cost_p, cost_ga, frec, fmine, fdil, froy, fstr = [

    # grid params
    nx, xmin, xsize, ny, ymin, ysize, nz, zmin, zsize = grid
    nxyz = nx*ny*nz

    sim = gs.DataFile(simfl)
    sim = sim.data.values
    sim[np.isnan(sim)] = 0  # catch undefined blocks
    sim = sim.reshape((nxyz, nreals), order='F')

    # full set of arguments for DE fucntion
    args = dict(nreals=nreals,

    print('Starting Differential Evolution')
    print(f'Reference model: {true_idx}')
    print(f'    Working on phase: {phase_idx}')

    for i in range(nstope):

        print(f'        Stope: {i+1}')

        verts_de = verts[i*nvert:(i+1)*nvert]
        bounds_de = bounds[i*nvert:(i+1)*nvert]

        args['verts'] = verts_de

        x, h, f, f_its = de(fobj, args, bounds_de,
                            rseeds[i], *de_pars.values())

        np.savetxt(outfl1[i], h, fmt='%.2f')
        np.savetxt(outfl2[i], f_its, fmt='%.2f')

    print(f'    Finished Phase: {phase_idx}')
Ejemplo n.º 13
def sample_ddh3d(simfl, rockfl, outfl1, outfl2, nreals, nddhout,
                 grid, dh_data, sample_space):
    '''Function to sample 3D simulated realizations by defining drillhole
    collars, azimuths and dips. Samples are returned as the x,y,z midpoint 
    of the defined sample interval. If rock type ile is defined, 
    function returns two data frames - one with grades and the
    second with rock types. Otherwise dataframe of grades is returned. 
    Positive dip is down: vertical holes have a dip of 90.
    dhdata format: [x,y,z,azm,dip,length]
    Code Author: Ben Harding
    Date: February 6 2020'''

    nx, xmin, xsize, ny, ymin, ysize, nz, zmin, zsize = grid

    grade = gs.DataFile(simfl).data.values
    grade = grade.flatten()
    if rockfl is not None:
        rock = gs.DataFile(rockfl).data.values
        rock = rock.flatten()

    dhdata = np.loadtxt(dh_data)

    # setup ddh properties
    col = dhdata[:, 0:3]
    azm = dhdata[:, 3]
    dip = dhdata[:, 4]
    length = dhdata[:, 5]

    # get sample coordinates

    nddh = col.shape[0]
    holeid = np.arange(1, nddh+1)
    coords = []

    print('Generating sample coordinates')

    for ddh in zip(col, azm, dip, length, holeid):
        col_tmp = ddh[0]
        azm_tmp = ddh[1]
        dip_tmp = ddh[2]
        len_tmp = ddh[3]
        holeid_tmp = ddh[4]
        azm_rad = azm_tmp * np.pi/180
        dip_rad = dip_tmp * np.pi/180
        samp_tmp = np.arange(sample_space/2, len_tmp, sample_space)
        coords_tmp = np.zeros((len(samp_tmp), 5))

        for i, s in enumerate(samp_tmp):
            l_plan = np.cos(dip_rad) * s
            dx = np.sin(azm_rad) * l_plan
            dy = np.cos(azm_rad) * l_plan
            dz = np.sin(dip_rad) * s
            coords_tmp[i, 0] = holeid_tmp
            coords_tmp[i, 1] = col_tmp[0] + dx
            coords_tmp[i, 2] = col_tmp[1] + dy
            coords_tmp[i, 3] = col_tmp[2] - dz
            coords_tmp[i, 4] = s

    coords = np.vstack(coords)

    # get 3D model index of dh coordinates
    x = coords[:, 1]
    y = coords[:, 2]
    z = coords[:, 3]
    ix = np.ceil((x - xmin) / xsize + 0.5)
    iy = np.ceil((y - ymin) / ysize + 0.5)
    iz = np.ceil((z - zmin) / zsize + 0.5)

    # Check if on the minimum edge
    ix = np.where((ix == 0) & (x == xmin - (xsize / 2.0)), 1, ix)
    iy = np.where((iy == 0) & (y == ymin - (ysize / 2.0)), 1, iy)
    iz = np.where((iz == 0) & (z == zmin - (zsize / 2.0)), 1, iz)
    ix = ix - 1
    iy = iy - 1
    iz = iz - 1

    # get the 1D model index from 3D model index
    idx = ix + iy * nx + iz * nx * ny
    idx = idx.astype(int)

    # set coords outside model grid to NaN
    len_real = nx*ny*nz
    idx = np.where((idx < 0) | (idx > len_real), np.nan, idx)
    out_grid = np.argwhere(np.isnan(idx) != False)  # indexes outside grid
    idx = np.delete(idx, out_grid).astype(int)  # remove indexes
    coords = np.delete(coords, out_grid, axis=0)  # remove coords

    print(f'{len(out_grid)} samples outside the grid')

    # sample the gridded model data
    samp_gr = np.zeros((len(coords), nreals))
    samp_rk = np.zeros((len(coords), nreals))
    for i in range(nreals):
        ii = i*len_real
        jj = (i+1)*len_real
        samp_gr[:, i] = grade[ii:jj][idx]
        if rockfl is not None:
            samp_rk[:, i] = rock[ii:jj][idx]

    out_gr = np.concatenate((coords, samp_gr), axis=1)
    out_rk = np.concatenate((coords, samp_rk), axis=1)

    # output dataframe
    cols = [f'Real {i+1}' for i in range(nreals)]
    cols[0:0] = ['DHID', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'Mid Point']
    samples_gr = pd.DataFrame(out_gr, columns=cols)
    samples_rk = pd.DataFrame(out_rk, columns=cols)
    nsamp = len(samples_gr)

    print(f'{nsamp} samples generated from {nddh} holes')

    ndata = np.array([nsamp, nddh])
    np.savetxt(nddhout, ndata, fmt='%i')

    # output gslib data files
    gr_gslib = gs.DataFile(data=samples_gr)
    rk_gslib = gs.DataFile(data=samples_rk)
    gs.write_gslib_f(gr_gslib, outfl1)

    if rockfl is not None:
        gs.write_gslib_f(rk_gslib, outfl2)

    return [samples_gr, samples_rk] if rockfl is not None else samples_gr
Ejemplo n.º 14
def histogram_plot_simulation(simulated_data, reference_data, reference_variable=None, reference_weight=None, reference_n_sample=None,
                            simulated_column=None, griddef=None, nreal=None,
                            n_subsample=None, simulated_limits=False, ax=None,
                            figsize=None, xlim=None, title=None, xlabel=None, stat_blk='all',
                            stat_xy=(0.95, 0.05), reference_color=None, simulation_color=None, alpha=None, lw=1,
                            plot_style=None, custom_style=None, output_file=None, out_kws=None, sim_kws=None,
    histogram_plot_simulation emulates the pygeostat histogram_plot program as a means of checking histogram
    reproduction of simulated realizations to the original histogram. The use of python generators
    is a very flexible and easy means of instructing this plotting function as to what to plot.

    The function accepts five types of simulated input passed to the ``simulated_data`` argument:

        #. 1-D array like data (numpy or pandas) containing 1 or more realizations of simulated
        #. 2-D array like data (numpy or pandas) with each column being a realization and each row
           being an observation.
        #. List containing location(s) of realization file(s).
        #. String containing the location of a folder containing realization files. All files in
           the folder are read in this case.Can contain
        #. String with a wild card search (e.g., './data/realizations/*.out')
        #. Python generator object that yields a 1-D numpy array.

    The function accepts two types of reference input passed to the ``reference_data`` argument:

        #. Array like data containing the reference variable
        #. String containing the location of the reference data file (e.g., './data/data.out')

    This function uses pygeostat for plotting and numpy to calculate statistics.

    The only parameters required are ``reference_data`` and ``simulated_data``. If files are to be read or a 1-D
    array is passed, the parameters ``griddef`` and ``nreal`` are required. ``simulated_column`` is required
    for reading files as well. It is assumed that an equal number of realizations are within each
    file if multiple file locations are passed. Sub-sampling of datafiles can be completed by
    passing the parameter ``n_subsample``. If a file location is passed to ``reference_data``, the parameters
    ``reference_variable`` and ``reference_n_sample`` are required. All other arguments are optional or determined
    automatically if left at their default values. If ``xlabel`` is left to its default value of
    ``None``, the column information will be used to label the axes if present. Three keyword
    dictionaries can be defined. (1) ``sim_kws`` will be passed to pygeostat histogram_plot used for
    plotting realizations (2) ``out_kws`` will be passed to the pygeostat exportfig function and
    (3) ``**kwargs`` will be passed to the pygeostat histogram_plot used to plot the reference data.

    Two statistics block sets are available: ``'minimal'`` and the default ``'all'``. The
    statistics block can be customized to a user defined list and order. Available statistics are
    as follows:

    >>> ['nreal', 'realavg', 'realavgstd', 'realstd', 'realstdstd', 'ndat', 'refavg', 'refstd']

    Please review the documentation of the :func:`gs.set_plot_style() <pygeostat.plotting.set_plot_style>` and
    :func:`gs.export_image() <pygeostat.plotting.export_image>` functions for details on their
    parameters so that their use in this function can be understood.

        simulated_data: Input simulation data
        reference_data: Input reference data

    Keyword Arguments:
        reference_variable (int, str): Required if sub-sampling reference data. The column containing the data
            to be sub-sampled
        reference_weight: 1D dataframe, series, or numpy array of declustering weights for the data. Can also
            be a string of the column in the reference_data if reference_data is a string, or a bool if reference_data.weights
            is a string
        reference_n_sample (int): Required if sub-sampling reference data. The number of data within the
            reference data file to sample from
        griddef (GridDef): A pygeostat class GridDef created using :class:`gs.GridDef
        simulated_column (int): column number in the simulated data file
        nreal (int): Required if sub-sampling simulation data. The total number of realizations
            that are being plotted. If a HDF5 file is passed, this parameter can be used to limit
            the amount of realizations plotted (i.e., the first ``nreal`` realizations)
        n_subsample (int): Required if sub-sampling is used. The number of sub-samples to draw.
        ax (mpl.axis): Matplotlib axis to plot the figure
        figsize (tuple): Figure size (width, height)
        xlim (float tuple): Minimum and maximum limits of data along the x axis
        title (str): Title for the plot
        xlabel (str): X-axis label
        stat_blk (str or list): Indicate what preset statistics block to write or a specific list
        stat_xy (str or float tuple): X, Y coordinates of the annotated statistics in figure
            space. The default coordinates specify the bottom right corner of the text block
        reference_color (str): Colour of original histogram
        simulation_color (str): Colour of simulation histograms
        alpha (float): Transparency for realization variograms (0 = Transparent, 1 = Opaque)
        lw (float): Line width in points. The width provided in this parameter is used for the
            reference variogram, half of the value is used for the realization variograms.
        plot_style (str): Use a predefined set of matplotlib plotting parameters as specified by
            :class:`gs.GridDef <pygeostat.data.grid_definition.GridDef>`. Use ``False`` or ``None``
            to turn it off
        custom_style (dict): Alter some of the predefined parameters in the ``plot_style`` selected
        output_file (str): Output figure file name and location
        out_kws (dict): Optional dictionary of permissible keyword arguments to pass to
            :func:`gs.export_image() <pygeostat.plotting.export_image.export_image>`
        sim_kws: Optional dictionary of permissible keyword arguments to pass to
            :func:`gs.histogram_plot() <pygeostat.plotting.histogram_plot.histogram_plot>` for plotting realization
            histograms and by extension, matplotlib's plot function if the keyword passed is not
            used by :func:`gs.histogram_plot() <pygeostat.plotting.histogram_plot.histogram_plot>`
        **kwargs: Optional dictionary of permissible keyword arguments to pass to
            :func:`gs.histogram_plot() <pygeostat.plotting.histogram_plot.histogram_plot>` for plotting the reference
            histogram and by extension, matplotlib's plot function if the keyword passed is not
            used by :func:`gs.histogram_plot() <pygeostat.plotting.histogram_plot.histogram_plot>`

        ax (ax): matplotlib Axes object with the histogram reproduction plot


    .. plot:: 
        import pygeostat as gs
        import pandas as pd

        # Global setting using Parameters
        gs.Parameters['data.griddef'] = gs.GridDef([10,1,0.5, 10,1,0.5, 2,1,0.5])
        gs.Parameters['data.nreal'] = nreal = 100
        size = gs.Parameters['data.griddef'].count();

        reference_data = pd.DataFrame({'value':np.random.normal(0, 1, size = size)})

        # Create example simulated data
        simulated_data =pd.DataFrame(columns=['value'])
        for i, offset in enumerate(np.random.rand(nreal)*0.04 - 0.02):
            simulated_data= simulated_data.append(pd.DataFrame({'value':np.random.normal(offset, 1, size = size)}))

        gs.histogram_plot_simulation(simulated_data, reference_data, reference_variable='value',
                                title='Histogram Reproduction', grid=True)
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Sanity checks, file type determination, and try loading fortran
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    import pygeostat as gs
    from . utils import format_plot, _set_stat_fontsize
    # Figure out what type of input simulated_data is
    subsamp = False
    ndim = False
    generator = False
    folder = False
    wildcard = False
    array = False
    filelist = False
    if isinstance(simulated_data, types.GeneratorType):
        nreal = 0
        generator = True
        iterator = simulated_data
    elif isinstance(simulated_data, str) and ('*' in simulated_data):
        wildcard = True
    elif isinstance(simulated_data, str) and os.path.isdir(simulated_data):
        folder = True
    elif isinstance(simulated_data, list):
        filelist = True
    elif any([isinstance(simulated_data, pd.DataFrame), isinstance(simulated_data, np.ndarray), isinstance(simulated_data, pd.Series)]):
        array = True
        if subsamp:
            raise ValueError("Sub-sampling won't work if the data is already in memory")
        raise ValueError("The passed `simulated_data` is not a valid input format")
    if n_subsample is not None and isinstance(n_subsample, (int, float)):
        subsamp = True
    # Make sure the required parameters are passed
    if griddef is None:
        griddef = Parameters['data.griddef']
        if griddef is None:
            raise ValueError("A gs.GridDef must be passed when reading from files")

    if nreal is None:
            nreal = Parameters['data.nreal']
            if nreal is None:
                raise ValueError("The number of realizations to be read must be specified when"
                                 " reading from files")

    if any([folder, wildcard, filelist]):
        if simulated_column is None:
            raise ValueError("The column in the files that contains the simulation data must be"
                             " specified")
    elif array:
        if (len(simulated_data.shape) == 1) or (simulated_data.shape[1] == 1):
            if not isinstance(griddef, gs.GridDef):
                raise ValueError("If a 1-D array is passed, a gs.GridDef must be passed to"
                                 " `griddef`")
            if nreal is None:
                raise ValueError("The number of realizations must be passed if dealing with a"
                                 " 1-D array")
    # Figure out what type of input reference_data is
    if isinstance(reference_data, str) and (n_subsample is not False):
        refsubsamp = True
        refsubsamp = False
    # Try to load the subsample function if it required
    if subsamp or refsubsamp:
        if not isinstance(griddef, gs.GridDef):
            raise ValueError("A gs.GridDef is required for subsampling.")
            from pygeostat.fortran.subsample import subsample
            raise ImportError("The fortran subroutine subsample could not be loaded, please ensure"
                              " it has been compiled correctly.")

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Handle data input
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Set-up variables
    realavg, realavgstd, realstd, realstdstd, refavg, refstd = ([] for i in range(6))
    # Handle pd and np input
    if array:
        if isinstance(simulated_data, pd.DataFrame):
            simulated_data = simulated_data.values
        if (len(simulated_data.shape) == 2) and (simulated_data.shape[1] > 1):
            ndim = 2
            ndim = 1
        # Handle 1-D arrays
        if ndim == 1:
            ncell = griddef.count()
        # Handle 2-D arrays
        if ndim == 2:
            nreal = simulated_data.shape[1]
    # Handle folder and wildcard searches
    if folder:
        if simulated_data[-1] != '/':
            simulated_data = simulated_data + '/'
        simulated_data = simulated_data + '*'
        files = []
        for filepath in glob.glob(simulated_data):
    if wildcard:
        files = []
        for filepath in glob.glob(simulated_data):
    if filelist:
        files = simulated_data

    if any([folder, wildcard, filelist]):
        ncell = griddef.count()
        ndim = 1
        # Check and make sure the number of files and the nreal value passed makes sense
        if nreal % len(files) != 0:
            raise ValueError(" The number of realizations passed is not divisible by the number"
                             " of files passed/found. Please make sure there are the same number"
                             " of realizations in each file and that the sum of them match the"
                             " nreal argument passed.")
        # Read the data
        simulated_data = []
        for file in files:
            data = gs.DataFile(file).data.iloc[:, simulated_column - 1]
            if simulated_limits:
                if isinstance(simulated_limits, (int, float)):
                    data = data.loc[data > simulated_limits]
                elif len(simulated_limits) == 2:
                    data = data.loc[data.between(simulated_limits[0], simulated_limits[1])]
                    raise ValueError('simulated_limits must be a value or tuple')
        simulated_data = np.array(simulated_data)
        if simulated_limits:
            ncell = len(data)
    # Handle sub-sampling if required
    if subsamp:
        ncell = griddef.count()
        if array:
            if ndim == 1:
                simulated_data = np.reshape(simulated_data, (nreal, griddef.count())).T
                ndim = 2
            newarr = np.zeros((n_subsample, nreal))
            for ireal in range(nreal):
                ridx = np.random.permutation(ncell)[:n_subsample]
                newarr[:, ireal] = simulated_data[ridx, ireal]
            simulated_data = newarr
            # Sub-sample all of the files and combine into a single numpy array
            files = simulated_data
            file_nreal = int(nreal / len(files))
            simulated_data = []
            for fl in files:
                dump = subsample(fl, simulated_column, ncell, n_subsample, file_nreal, gs.rseed())
                dump = np.transpose(dump)
            simulated_data = np.array(simulated_data)
            simulated_data = np.transpose(simulated_data)
            nreal = simulated_data.shape[1]

    # Create a generator for the realizations
    if generator is False:
        def _itersimulated_data():
            for i in range(0, nreal):
                if subsamp or ndim == 2:
                    real = simulated_data[:, i]
                elif ndim == 1:
                    real = simulated_data[(i * ncell):(((i + 1) * ncell) - 1)]
                yield real
        iterator = _itersimulated_data()

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Plot Figure
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Set figure style parameters

    # Handle dictionary defaults
    if sim_kws is None:
        sim_kws = dict()
    if out_kws is None:
        out_kws = dict()
    # Set-up figure
    if ax is None:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
    if simulation_color is None:
        simulation_color = Parameters['plotting.histogram_plot_simulation.simclr']
    if alpha is None:
        alpha = Parameters['plotting.histogram_plot_simulation.alpha']
    # Plot realization histograms
    for real in iterator:
        # Append intermediate realization dist statistics to variables
        if stat_blk:
        if generator:
            nreal += 1
        gs.histogram_plot(real, ax=ax, icdf=True, lw=(lw / 2), stat_blk=False, color=simulation_color, alpha=alpha, plot_style=False, **sim_kws)
    # Calculate more realization dist statistics if required
    if stat_blk:
        realavgstd = np.std(realavg)
        realavg = np.mean(realavg)
        realstdstd = np.std(realstd)
        realstd = np.mean(realstd)
    # Sub-sample original distribution if needed

    if isinstance(reference_data, str):
        if subsamp:
            reference_data = subsample(reference_data, reference_variable, reference_n_sample, n_subsample, 1, gs.rseed())
            reference_data = reference_data[:, 0]
            reference_data = gs.DataFile(reference_data)
            if isinstance(reference_variable, str):
                reference_variable = reference_data.gscol(reference_variable) - 1
            if isinstance(reference_weight, str):
                reference_weight = reference_data.gscol(reference_weight) - 1
                reference_weight = reference_data.data.values[:, reference_weight]
            elif isinstance(reference_weight, bool):
                if reference_weight:
                    if isinstance(reference_data.weights, str):
                        reference_weight = reference_data[reference_data.weights]
                        raise ValueError('reference_weight=True is only valid if reference_data.weights is a string!')
            reference_data = reference_data.data.values[:, reference_variable]
    elif isinstance(reference_data, gs.DataFile):
        if isinstance(reference_weight, str):
            reference_weight = reference_data[reference_weight].values
        elif isinstance(reference_weight, bool):
            if reference_weight:
                if isinstance(reference_data.weights, str):
                    reference_weight = reference_data[reference_data.weights].values
                    raise ValueError('reference_weight=True is only valid if reference_data.weights is a string!')
        if isinstance(reference_variable, str):
            reference_data = reference_data[reference_variable].values
        elif isinstance(reference_data.variables, str):
            reference_data = reference_data[reference_data.variables].values
        elif len(list(reference_data.columns)) == 1:
            reference_data = reference_data.data.values
            raise ValueError('could not coerce reference_data into a 1D array!')

    # Plot the reference histogram
    if reference_color is None:
        reference_color = Parameters['plotting.histogram_plot_simulation.refclr']
    if not isinstance(reference_data, bool) and (reference_data is not None):
        gs.histogram_plot(reference_data, weights=reference_weight, ax=ax, icdf=True, stat_blk=False, color=reference_color,
                   lw=lw, plot_style=False, **kwargs)
    # Calculate reference dist statistics if required
    if stat_blk:
        if not isinstance(reference_data, bool) and (reference_data is not None):
            refavg = gs.weighted_mean(reference_data, reference_weight)
            refstd = np.sqrt(gs.weighted_variance(reference_data, reference_weight))
            ndat = len(reference_data)
            refavg = np.nan
            refstd = np.nan
            ndat = np.nan
    # Configure plot
    if xlabel is None:
        xlabel = gs.get_label(reference_data)
        if xlabel is None:
            xlabel = gs.get_label(simulated_data)
    # axis_xy and grid are applied by format_plot based on the current Parameters setting
    # no kwarg in this function for now since it's already loaded
    ax = format_plot(ax, xlabel, 'Cumulative Frequency', title, xlim=xlim)
    # Ensure that we have top spline, in case it was removed above
    # Plot statistics block
    if stat_blk:
        statlist = {'nreal': (r'$n_{real} = %0.0f$' % nreal),
                    'realavg': (r'$m_{real} = %0.3f$' % realavg),
                    'realavgstd': (r'$\sigma_{m_{real}} = %0.3f$' % realavgstd),
                    'realstd': (r'$\sigma_{real} = %0.3f$' % realstd),
                    'realstdstd': (r'$\sigma_{\sigma_{real}} = %0.3f$' % realstdstd),
                    'ndat': ('$n_{ref} = %0.0f$' % ndat),
                    'refavg': (r'$m_{ref} = %0.3f$' % refavg),
                    'refstd': (r'$\sigma_{ref} = %0.3f$' % refstd)}
        statsets = {'all': ['nreal', 'realavg', 'realavgstd', 'realstd', 'realstdstd', 'ndat',
                            'refavg', 'refstd'],
                    'minimal': ['nreal']}
        if subsamp:
            statlist['n_subsample'] = '$n_{subsample} = %0.0f$' % n_subsample
        txtstats, stat_xy, ha, va = gs.get_statblk(stat_blk, statsets, statlist, stat_xy)
        stat_fontsize = _set_stat_fontsize(None)
        ax.text(stat_xy[0], stat_xy[1], txtstats, va=va, ha=ha, fontsize=stat_fontsize,
    # Export figure
    if output_file or ('pdfpages' in out_kws):
        gs.export_image(output_file, **out_kws)

    return ax