Ejemplo n.º 1
def guess_lexer_for_filename(_fn, _text, **options):
    Lookup all lexers that handle those filenames primary (``filenames``)
    or secondary (``alias_filenames``). Then run a text analysis for those
    lexers and choose the best result.


        >>> from pygments.lexers import guess_lexer_for_filename
        >>> guess_lexer_for_filename('hello.html', '<%= @foo %>')
        <pygments.lexers.templates.RhtmlLexer object at 0xb7d2f32c>
        >>> guess_lexer_for_filename('hello.html', '<h1>{{ title|e }}</h1>')
        <pygments.lexers.templates.HtmlDjangoLexer object at 0xb7d2f2ac>
        >>> guess_lexer_for_filename('style.css', 'a { color: <?= $link ?> }')
        <pygments.lexers.templates.CssPhpLexer object at 0xb7ba518c>
    fn = basename(_fn)
    primary = {}
    matching_lexers = set()
    for lexer in _iter_lexerclasses():
        for filename in lexer.filenames:
            if _fn_matches(fn, filename):
                primary[lexer] = True
        for filename in lexer.alias_filenames:
            if _fn_matches(fn, filename):
                primary[lexer] = False
    if not matching_lexers:
        raise ClassNotFound('no lexer for filename %r found' % fn)
    if len(matching_lexers) == 1:
        return matching_lexers.pop()(**options)
    result = []
    for lexer in matching_lexers:
        rv = lexer.analyse_text(_text)
        if rv == 1.0:
            return lexer(**options)
        result.append((rv, lexer))

    def type_sort(t):
        # sort by:
        # - analyse score
        # - is primary filename pattern?
        # - priority
        # - last resort: class name
        return (t[0], primary[t[1]], t[1].priority, t[1].__name__)


    return result[-1][1](**options)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def guess_lexer(_text, **options):
    Guess a lexer by strong distinctions in the text (eg, shebang).
    best_lexer = [0.0, None]
    for lexer in _iter_lexerclasses():
        rv = lexer.analyse_text(_text)
        if rv == 1.0:
            return lexer(**options)
        if rv > best_lexer[0]:
            best_lexer[:] = (rv, lexer)
    if not best_lexer[0] or best_lexer[1] is None:
        raise ClassNotFound('no lexer matching the text found')
    return best_lexer[1](**options)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_lexer_for_mimetype(_mime, **options):
    """Get a lexer for a mimetype.

    Raises ClassNotFound if not found.
    for modname, name, _, _, mimetypes in LEXERS.values():
        if _mime in mimetypes:
            if name not in _lexer_cache:
            return _lexer_cache[name](**options)
    for cls in find_plugin_lexers():
        if _mime in cls.mimetypes:
            return cls(**options)
    raise ClassNotFound('no lexer for mimetype %r found' % _mime)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_style_by_name(name):
    if name in STYLE_MAP:
        mod, cls = STYLE_MAP[name].split('::')
        builtin = "yes"
        for found_name, style in find_plugin_styles():
            if name == found_name:
                return style
        # perhaps it got dropped into our styles package
        builtin = ""
        mod = name
        cls = name.title() + "Style"

        mod = __import__('pygments.styles.' + mod, None, None, [cls])
    except ImportError:
        raise ClassNotFound("Could not find style module %r" % mod +
                            (builtin and ", though it should be builtin") +
        return getattr(mod, cls)
    except AttributeError:
        raise ClassNotFound("Could not find style class %r in style module." %
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_lexer_by_name(_alias, **options):
    Get a lexer by an alias.
    # lookup builtin lexers
    for module_name, name, aliases, _, _ in LEXERS.values():
        if _alias in aliases:
            if name not in _lexer_cache:
            return _lexer_cache[name](**options)
    # continue with lexers from setuptools entrypoints
    for cls in find_plugin_lexers():
        if _alias in cls.aliases:
            return cls(**options)
    raise ClassNotFound('no lexer for alias %r found' % _alias)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def guess_lexer_for_filename(_fn, _text, **options):
    Lookup all lexers that handle those filenames primary (``filenames``)
    or secondary (``alias_filenames``). Then run a text analysis for those
    lexers and choose the best result.


        >>> from pygments.lexers import guess_lexer_for_filename
        >>> guess_lexer_for_filename('hello.html', '<%= @foo %>')
        <pygments.lexers.templates.RhtmlLexer object at 0xb7d2f32c>
        >>> guess_lexer_for_filename('hello.html', '<h1>{{ title|e }}</h1>')
        <pygments.lexers.templates.HtmlDjangoLexer object at 0xb7d2f2ac>
        >>> guess_lexer_for_filename('style.css', 'a { color: <?= $link ?> }')
        <pygments.lexers.templates.CssPhpLexer object at 0xb7ba518c>
    fn = basename(_fn)
    primary = None
    matching_lexers = set()
    for lexer in _iter_lexerclasses():
        for filename in lexer.filenames:
            if _fn_matches(fn, filename):
                primary = lexer
        for filename in lexer.alias_filenames:
            if _fn_matches(fn, filename):
    if not matching_lexers:
        raise ClassNotFound('no lexer for filename %r found' % fn)
    if len(matching_lexers) == 1:
        return matching_lexers.pop()(**options)
    result = []
    for lexer in matching_lexers:
        rv = lexer.analyse_text(_text)
        if rv == 1.0:
            return lexer(**options)
        result.append((rv, lexer))

    # since py3 can no longer sort by class name by default, here is the
    # sorting function that works in both
    def type_sort(type_):
        return (type_[0], type_[1].__name__)


    if not result[-1][0] and primary is not None:
        return primary(**options)
    return result[-1][1](**options)
def get_lexer_for_filename(_fn, **options):
    Get a lexer for a filename.
    fn = basename(_fn)
    for modname, name, _, filenames, _ in LEXERS.itervalues():
        for filename in filenames:
            if fnmatch.fnmatch(fn, filename):
                if name not in _lexer_cache:
                return _lexer_cache[name](**options)
    for cls in find_plugin_lexers():
        for filename in cls.filenames:
            if fnmatch.fnmatch(fn, filename):
                return cls(**options)
    raise ClassNotFound('no lexer for filename %r found' % _fn)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_formatter_for_filename(fn, **options):
    """Lookup and instantiate a formatter by filename pattern.

    Raises ClassNotFound if not found.
    fn = basename(fn)
    for modname, name, _, filenames, _ in itervalues(FORMATTERS):
        for filename in filenames:
            if _fn_matches(fn, filename):
                if name not in _formatter_cache:
                return _formatter_cache[name](**options)
    for cls in find_plugin_formatters():
        for filename in cls.filenames:
            if _fn_matches(fn, filename):
                return cls(**options)
    raise ClassNotFound("no formatter found for file name %r" % fn)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_lexer_bynames(names, default=None):
    """ Given a list of possible lexer names, return the first one that
        If a `default` name is given, it's lexer is returned when no name
        When `default` is None, and no name matches,
        pygments.util.ClassNotFound is raised.
    errs = []
    for name in names:
            lexer = lexers.get_lexer_by_name(name)
            return lexer
        except ClassNotFound as ex:
    if default is not None:
        return lexers.get_lexer_by_name(default)
    # Just raise the last error.
    raise ClassNotFound(*errs[-1].args) from errs[-1]
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_lexer_for_filename(_fn, code=None, **options):
    Get a lexer for a filename.  If multiple lexers match the filename
    pattern, use ``analyze_text()`` to figure out which one is more
    matches = []
    fn = basename(_fn)
    for modname, name, _, filenames, _ in LEXERS.values():
        for filename in filenames:
            if fnmatch.fnmatch(fn, filename):
                if name not in _lexer_cache:
                matches.append((_lexer_cache[name], filename))
    for cls in find_plugin_lexers():
        for filename in cls.filenames:
            if fnmatch.fnmatch(fn, filename):
                matches.append((cls, filename))

    if sys.version_info > (3, ) and isinstance(code, bytes):
        # decode it, since all analyse_text functions expect unicode
        code = code.decode('latin1')

    def get_rating(info):
        cls, filename = info
        # explicit patterns get a bonus
        bonus = '*' not in filename and 0.5 or 0
        # The class _always_ defines analyse_text because it's included in
        # the Lexer class.  The default implementation returns None which
        # gets turned into 0.0.  Run scripts/detect_missing_analyse_text.py
        # to find lexers which need it overridden.
        if code:
            return cls.analyse_text(code) + bonus
        return cls.priority + bonus

    if matches:
        #print "Possible lexers, after sort:", matches
        return matches[-1][0](**options)
    raise ClassNotFound('no lexer for filename %r found' % _fn)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def guess_lexer_for_filename(_fn, _text, **options):
    Lookup all lexers that handle those filenames primary (``filenames``)
    or secondary (``alias_filenames``). Then run a text analysis for those
    lexers and choose the best result.
    fn = basename(_fn)
    primary = {}
    matching_lexers = set()
    for lexer in _iter_lexerclasses():
        for filename in lexer.filenames:
            if _fn_matches(fn, filename):
                primary[lexer] = True
        for filename in lexer.alias_filenames:
            if _fn_matches(fn, filename):
                primary[lexer] = False
    if not matching_lexers:
        raise ClassNotFound('no lexer for filename %r found' % fn)
    if len(matching_lexers) == 1:
        return matching_lexers.pop()(**options)
    result = []
    for lexer in matching_lexers:
        rv = lexer.analyse_text(_text)
        if rv == 1.0:
            return lexer(**options)
        result.append((rv, lexer))

    def type_sort(t):
        # sort by:
        # - analyse score
        # - is primary filename pattern?
        # - priority
        # - last resort: class name
        return (t[0], primary[t[1]], t[1].priority, t[1].__name__)


    return result[-1][1](**options)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def guess_lexer_for_filename(_fn, _text, **options):
    Ripped from the tip of pygments
    It is a version of this that supports python 2 and 3.
    The 1.6 version has a python3 bug this resolves
    # todo - When pygments releases a new version this should be removed.
    fn = basename(_fn)
    primary = None
    matching_lexers = set()
    for lexer in _iter_lexerclasses():
        for filename in lexer.filenames:
            if fnmatch.fnmatch(fn, filename):
                primary = lexer
        for filename in lexer.alias_filenames:
            if fnmatch.fnmatch(fn, filename):
    if not matching_lexers:
        raise ClassNotFound('no lexer for filename %r found' % fn)
    if len(matching_lexers) == 1:
        return matching_lexers.pop()(**options)
    result = []
    for lexer in matching_lexers:
        rv = lexer.analyse_text(_text)
        if rv == 1.0:
            return lexer(**options)
        result.append((rv, lexer))

    # since py3 can no longer sort by class name by default, here is the
    # sorting function that works in both
    def type_sort(type_):
        return (type_[0], type_[1].__name__)


    if not result[-1][0] and primary is not None:
        return primary(**options)
    return result[-1][1](**options)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def guess_lexer(_text, **options):
    """Guess a lexer by strong distinctions in the text (eg, shebang)."""

    # try to get a vim modeline first
    ft = get_filetype_from_buffer(_text)

    if ft is not None:
            return get_lexer_by_name(ft, **options)
        except ClassNotFound:

    best_lexer = [0.0, None]
    for lexer in _iter_lexerclasses():
        rv = lexer.analyse_text(_text)
        if rv == 1.0:
            return lexer(**options)
        if rv > best_lexer[0]:
            best_lexer[:] = (rv, lexer)
    if not best_lexer[0] or best_lexer[1] is None:
        raise ClassNotFound('no lexer matching the text found')
    return best_lexer[1](**options)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def get_style_by_name(name: str):
    if name == "onehalf":
        return OneHalfLightStyle
    raise ClassNotFound(f"No style matching name '{name}'")
Ejemplo n.º 15
def get_formatter_by_name(name, **options):
    cls = _formatter_alias_cache.get(name, None)
    if not cls:
        raise ClassNotFound("No formatter found for name %r" % name)
    return cls(**options)
Ejemplo n.º 16
        custom_namespace = {}
        with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
            exec(f.read(), custom_namespace)
        # Retrieve the class `formattername` from that namespace
        if formattername not in custom_namespace:
            raise ClassNotFound('no valid %s class found in %s' %
                                (formattername, filename))
        formatter_class = custom_namespace[formattername]
        # And finally instantiate it with the options
        return formatter_class(**options)
    except IOError, err:
        raise ClassNotFound('cannot read %s: %s' % (filename, err))
    except ClassNotFound:
    except Exception, err:
        raise ClassNotFound('error when loading custom formatter: %s' % err)

def get_formatter_for_filename(fn, **options):
    """Lookup and instantiate a formatter by filename pattern.

    Raises ClassNotFound if not found.
    fn = basename(fn)
    for modname, name, _, filenames, _ in itervalues(FORMATTERS):
        for filename in filenames:
            if _fn_matches(fn, filename):
                if name not in _formatter_cache:
                return _formatter_cache[name](**options)
    for cls in find_plugin_formatters():
Ejemplo n.º 17
        custom_namespace = {}
        with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
            exec(f.read(), custom_namespace)
        # Retrieve the class `lexername` from that namespace
        if lexername not in custom_namespace:
            raise ClassNotFound('no valid %s class found in %s' %
                                (lexername, filename))
        lexer_class = custom_namespace[lexername]
        # And finally instantiate it with the options
        return lexer_class(**options)
    except IOError, err:
        raise ClassNotFound('cannot read %s: %s' % (filename, err))
    except ClassNotFound:
    except Exception, err:
        raise ClassNotFound('error when loading custom lexer: %s' % err)

def find_lexer_class_for_filename(_fn, code=None):
    """Get a lexer for a filename.

    If multiple lexers match the filename pattern, use ``analyse_text()`` to
    figure out which one is more appropriate.

    Returns None if not found.
    matches = []
    fn = basename(_fn)
    for modname, name, _, filenames, _ in itervalues(LEXERS):
        for filename in filenames:
            if _fn_matches(fn, filename):