Ejemplo n.º 1
def test():
    from pygmin.systems import LJCluster
    natoms = 13
    system = LJCluster(natoms)

    db = system.create_database()

    # get some minima
    bh = system.get_basinhopping(database=db, outstream=None)

    manager = ConnectManager(db, clust_min=2)

    for i in range(4):
        min1, min2 = manager.get_connect_job(strategy="random")
        print "connecting", min1._id, min2._id
        connect = system.get_double_ended_connect(min1, min2, db, verbosity=0)

    print "\n\ntesting untrap"
    for i in range(10):
        min1, min2 = manager.get_connect_job(strategy="untrap")
        print min1._id, min2._id

    print "\n\ntesting combine"
    for i in range(5):
        min1, min2 = manager.get_connect_job(strategy="combine")
        print min1._id, min2._id

    print "\n\ntesting gmin"
    for i in range(5):
        min1, min2 = manager.get_connect_job(strategy="gmin")
        print min1._id, min2._id
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test():
    from pygmin.systems import LJCluster
    natoms = 13
    system = LJCluster(natoms)
    db = system.create_database()
    # get some minima
    bh = system.get_basinhopping(database=db, outstream=None)
    manager = ConnectManager(db, clust_min=2)
    for i in range(4):
        min1, min2 = manager.get_connect_job(strategy="random")
        print "connecting", min1._id, min2._id
        connect = system.get_double_ended_connect(min1, min2, db, verbosity=0)
    print "\n\ntesting untrap"
    for i in range(10):
        min1, min2 = manager.get_connect_job(strategy="untrap")
        print min1._id, min2._id
    print "\n\ntesting combine"
    for i in range(5):
        min1, min2 = manager.get_connect_job(strategy="combine")
        print min1._id, min2._id
    print "\n\ntesting gmin"
    for i in range(5):
        min1, min2 = manager.get_connect_job(strategy="gmin")
        print min1._id, min2._id
Ejemplo n.º 3
class TestBasinhopping(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        natoms = 6
        self.system = LJCluster(natoms)
        self.e1 = -12.7120622568
        self.e2 = -12.302927529580728
    def assertEnergy(self, e):
        self.assertTrue( abs(e-self.e1) < 1e-4 or abs(e-self.e2) < 1e-4)
    def test_create_basinhopping(self):
        bh = self.system.get_basinhopping(outstream=None)

    def test_takestep(self):
        takestep = self.system.get_takestep(stepsize=1.)
        bh = self.system.get_basinhopping(outstream=None, takestep=takestep)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_database(natoms=13, nconn=5):
    """create a database for a lennard jones system
    fill it with minima from a basinhopping run, then connect
    some of those minima using DoubleEndedConnect
    ljsys = LJCluster(natoms)
    db = ljsys.create_database()
    bh = ljsys.get_basinhopping(database=db, outstream=None)
    while (len(db.minima()) < nconn + 1):

    minima = list(db.minima())
    m1 = minima[0]
    for m2 in minima[1:nconn + 1]:
        connect = ljsys.get_double_ended_connect(m1, m2, db)

    return db
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_database(natoms=13, nconn=5):
    """create a database for a lennard jones system
    fill it with minima from a basinhopping run, then connect
    some of those minima using DoubleEndedConnect
    ljsys = LJCluster(natoms)
    db = ljsys.create_database()
    bh = ljsys.get_basinhopping(database=db, outstream=None)
    while len(db.minima()) < nconn + 1:

    minima = list(db.minima())
    m1 = minima[0]
    for m2 in minima[1 : nconn + 1]:
        connect = ljsys.get_double_ended_connect(m1, m2, db)

    return db
Ejemplo n.º 6
Example 2: reading coords from file
import numpy as np

from pygmin.systems import LJCluster

natoms = 12
niter = 100
system = LJCluster(natoms)

coords = np.loadtxt('coords')
coords = coords.reshape(-1)

db = system.create_database()
bh = system.get_basinhopping(database=db)
print "the lowest energy found after", niter, " basinhopping steps is", db.minima()[0].energy
print ""
Ejemplo n.º 7
from pygmin.systems import LJCluster
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
import scikits.sparse.cholmod as cholmod
import time
import pygmin.transition_states as ts
from pygmin.utils.hessian import get_sorted_eig

natoms = 1000
system = LJCluster(natoms)
#system.params.structural_quench_params.debug = True
#system.params.structural_quench_params.iprint = 100
db = system.create_database()
bh = system.get_basinhopping(db)

m = db.minima()[0]
coords = m.coords

potential = system.get_potential()
energy, gradient, hessian = potential.getEnergyGradientHessian(coords)

dummy_vec = ts.gramm_schmidt(ts.zeroEV_cluster(coords))

shifted_hess = hessian.copy()

for i in range(6):
    shifted_hess += np.outer(dummy_vec[i], dummy_vec[i])

shifted_eval, shifted_evec = get_sorted_eig(shifted_hess)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def takeStep(self, coords, **kwargs):
        #make a new monte carlo class
        mc = MonteCarlo(coords,
        coords[:] = mc.coords[:]

    def updateStep(self, acc, **kwargs):

natoms = 12
niter = 100
system = LJCluster(natoms)

db = system.create_database()

# create takestep routine manually
potential = system.get_potential()
step = TakeStepMonteCarlo(potential)

bh = system.get_basinhopping(database=db, takestep=step)
print "the lowest energy found after", niter, " basinhopping steps is", db.minima(
print ""
Ejemplo n.º 9
# create a database to store the minimum in
db = system.create_database()
# note: this creates a database in memory, if you want to save the results
# you would use
# db = system.create_database("lj.sqlite")
minimum1 = db.addMinimum(newenergy, newcoords)

# get a second random minimized configuration and add it to the database
ret = system.get_random_minimized_configuration()
print "a second minimum has energy", ret[1]
e2, coords2 = ret[1], ret[0]
minimum2 = db.addMinimum(e2, coords2)

# do a basinhopping run to find the global minimum and build up the database of minima
bh = system.get_basinhopping(database=db, outstream=None)
niter = 20
print "the lowest energy found after", niter, " basinhopping steps is", db.minima(

# print the energies of all the minima found
print "the minima in the database have energies"
for minimum in db.minima():
    print "  ", minimum.energy

# find the minimum distance (a.k.a. mindist) between the two lowest minima
m1, m2 = db.minima()[:2]
mindist = system.get_mindist()
dist, coords1, coords2 = mindist(m1.coords, m2.coords)
print "the minimum distance between the two lowest minima is", dist
Ejemplo n.º 10
from pygmin.systems import LJCluster
from pygmin.utils.disconnectivity_graph import DisconnectivityGraph, database2graph

natoms = 13
system = LJCluster(natoms)

use_existing_database = False
if use_existing_database:
    db = system.create_database("lj13.sqlite", createdb=False)
    # build a small database using basinhopping
    print "building a small database using basinhopping" ""
    db = system.create_database()
    bh = system.get_basinhopping(database=db, outstream=None)

print "starting with a database of", len(db.minima()), "minima"

# turn of status printing for the connect run
# first use the logging module to turn off the status messages
logger = logging.getLogger("pygmin.connect")

# connect all minima to the lowest minimum
print "now connecting all the minima to the lowest energy minimum"
m1 = db.minima()[0]
for m2 in db.minima()[1:]:
    print "    connecting minima with id's", m1._id, m2._id
Ejemplo n.º 11
            faccept = float(ndiff_accept) / ndiff
        if faccept > self.target_new_min_accept_prob:
            driver.acceptTest.temperature *= self.Tfactor
            driver.acceptTest.temperature /= self.Tfactor
        if self.verbose:
            print "    temperature is now %.4g ratio %.4g target %.4g" % (driver.acceptTest.temperature,
                                                         faccept, self.target_new_min_accept_prob)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import numpy as np
    from pygmin.takestep import displace
    from pygmin.systems import LJCluster
    #from pygmin.takestep import adaptive
    natoms = 38
    sys = LJCluster(natoms=38)
    # random initial coordinates
    coords = sys.get_random_configuration()
    takeStep = displace.RandomDisplacement( stepsize=0.4 )
    tsAdaptive = AdaptiveStepsizeTemperature(takeStep, interval=300, verbose=True)
    db = sys.create_database()
    opt = sys.get_basinhopping(database=db, takestep=tsAdaptive, coords=coords)
    opt.printfrq = 50
Ejemplo n.º 12
Example 4: modify the parameters of the adaptive stepsize
note that the system class uses adaptive stepsize by default, 
so the previous examples also use adaptive stepsize
from pygmin.systems import LJCluster
from pygmin.takestep import RandomDisplacement, AdaptiveStepsizeTemperature

natoms = 12
niter = 100
system = LJCluster(natoms)

db = system.create_database()

# create takestep routine manually
step = RandomDisplacement(stepsize=0.3)
# wrap it in the class which will adaptively improve the stepsize
wrapped_step = AdaptiveStepsizeTemperature(step, interval=30)

bh = system.get_basinhopping(database=db, takestep=wrapped_step)
print "the lowest energy found after", niter, " basinhopping steps is", db.minima(
print ""
Ejemplo n.º 13
from pygmin.systems import LJCluster
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
import scikits.sparse.cholmod as cholmod
import time
import pygmin.transition_states as ts
from pygmin.utils.hessian import get_sorted_eig

natoms = 1000
system = LJCluster(natoms)
#system.params.structural_quench_params.debug = True
#system.params.structural_quench_params.iprint = 100
db = system.create_database()
bh = system.get_basinhopping(db)

m = db.minima()[0]
coords = m.coords

potential = system.get_potential()
energy, gradient, hessian = potential.getEnergyGradientHessian(coords)

dummy_vec = ts.gramm_schmidt(ts.zeroEV_cluster(coords))

shifted_hess = hessian.copy()

for i in range(6):
    shifted_hess += np.outer(dummy_vec[i], dummy_vec[i])

shifted_eval, shifted_evec = get_sorted_eig(shifted_hess)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    from OpenGL.GLUT import glutInit
    import sys
    import pylab as pl

    app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
    from pygmin.systems import LJCluster
    natoms = 13
    system = LJCluster(natoms)
    system.params.double_ended_connect.local_connect_params.NEBparams.iter_density = 5.
    dbname = "lj%dtest.db" % (natoms,)
    db = system.create_database(dbname)
    #get some minima
    if False:
        bh = system.get_basinhopping(database=db)
        minima = db.minima()
        x1, e1 = system.get_random_minimized_configuration()[:2]
        x2, e2 = system.get_random_minimized_configuration()[:2]
        min1 = db.addMinimum(e1, x1)
        min2 = db.addMinimum(e2, x2)
        minima = [min1, min2]

    # connect some of the minima
    nmax = min(3, len(minima))
    m1 = minima[0]
    for m2 in minima[1:nmax]:
        connect = system.get_double_ended_connect(m1, m2, db)
Ejemplo n.º 15
            faccept = float(ndiff_accept) / ndiff
        if faccept > self.target_new_min_accept_prob:
            driver.acceptTest.temperature *= self.Tfactor
            driver.acceptTest.temperature /= self.Tfactor
        if self.verbose:
            print "    temperature is now %.4g ratio %.4g target %.4g" % (driver.acceptTest.temperature,
                                                         faccept, self.target_new_min_accept_prob)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import numpy as np
    from pygmin.takestep import displace
    from pygmin.systems import LJCluster
    #from pygmin.takestep import adaptive
    natoms = 38
    sys = LJCluster(natoms=38)
    # random initial coordinates
    coords = sys.get_random_configuration()
    takeStep = displace.RandomDisplacement( stepsize=0.4 )
    tsAdaptive = AdaptiveStepsizeTemperature(takeStep, interval=300, verbose=True)
    db = sys.create_database()
    opt = sys.get_basinhopping(database=db, takestep=tsAdaptive, coords=coords)
    opt.printfrq = 50
Ejemplo n.º 16
        self.nsteps = nsteps
        self.mcstep = RandomDisplacement(stepsize=stepsize)
    def takeStep(self, coords, **kwargs):
        #make a new monte carlo class
        mc = MonteCarlo(coords, self.potential, self.mcstep, 
                        temperature = self.T, outstream=None)
        mc.run( self.nsteps )
        coords[:] = mc.coords[:]
    def updateStep(self, acc, **kwargs):

natoms = 12
niter = 100
system = LJCluster(natoms)

db = system.create_database()

# create takestep routine manually
potential = system.get_potential()
step = TakeStepMonteCarlo(potential)

bh = system.get_basinhopping(database=db, takestep=step)
print "the lowest energy found after", niter, " basinhopping steps is", db.minima()[0].energy
print ""
Ejemplo n.º 17
Example 4: modify the parameters of the adaptive stepsize
note that the system class uses adaptive stepsize by default, 
so the previous examples also use adaptive stepsize
from pygmin.systems import LJCluster
from pygmin.takestep import RandomDisplacement, AdaptiveStepsizeTemperature

natoms = 12
niter = 100
system = LJCluster(natoms)

db = system.create_database()

# create takestep routine manually
step = RandomDisplacement(stepsize=0.3)
# wrap it in the class which will adaptively improve the stepsize
wrapped_step = AdaptiveStepsizeTemperature(step, interval=30)

bh = system.get_basinhopping(database=db, takestep=wrapped_step)
print "the lowest energy found after", niter, " basinhopping steps is", db.minima()[0].energy
print ""