Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_spr_image_has_correct_pixels(data_files, spr, index, img):
    spr = open_spr(data_files[spr])
    image = spr[index]
    pixels = [pixel.to_rgba32() for pixel in image.pixels]
    with open(data_files[img], 'rb') as img_file:
        expected = struct.iter_unpack('<I', img_file.read())
        expected = [p[0] for p in expected]
    assert pixels == expected
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_spr_fail_no_palette(data_files):
    # v 1.0 does not have an embedded palette, so getting images should fail
    spr = open_spr(data_files['100.spr'])
    with pytest.raises(FileParseError):
        spr[0] # attempt to get the first image
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_spr_image_has_correct_dimensions(data_files, filename, index, w, h):
    spr = open_spr(data_files[filename])
    img = spr[index]
    assert img.width == w
    assert img.height == h
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_spr_fail_with_bad_index(data_files, index):
    spr = open_spr(data_files['201.spr'])
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_spr_allows_negative_index(data_files):
    spr = open_spr(data_files['201.spr'])
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_spr_has_correct_image_count(data_files, filename, count):
    spr = open_spr(data_files[filename])
    assert len(spr) == count
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_spr_has_correct_version(data_files, filename, version):
    spr = open_spr(data_files[filename])
    assert spr.version == version
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_open_spr_fails_invalid_files(data_files, filename):
    with pytest.raises(FileParseError):
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def render_char(self, body_path, head_path, out_file_path):
        body_spr_path = body_path[:body_path.rfind(".")] + ".spr"
        body_act_path = body_path[:body_path.rfind(".")] + ".act"
        head_spr_path = head_path[:head_path.rfind(".")] + ".spr"
        head_act_path = head_path[:head_path.rfind(".")] + ".act"

        if not os.path.isfile(body_spr_path):
            raise FileNotFoundError(
                "Body sprite file {} is not found".format(body_spr_path))
        if not os.path.isfile(body_spr_path):
            raise FileNotFoundError(
                "Body act file {} is not found".format(body_act_path))
        if not os.path.isfile(head_spr_path):
            raise FileNotFoundError(
                "Head sprite file {} is not found".format(head_spr_path))
        if not os.path.isfile(head_act_path):
            raise FileNotFoundError(
                "Head act file {} is not found".format(head_act_path))

        # body_spr = pygrf.open_spr(body_spr_path)
        # body_image = body_spr[0]
        # body_pil_image = body_image.to_pil_image()
        # body_pil_image.putalpha(128)

        # head_spr = pygrf.open_spr(head_spr_path)
        # head_image = head_spr[0]
        # head_pil_image = head_image.to_pil_image()
        # head_pil_image.putalpha(128)

        # head_act = pygrf.open_act(head_act_path)

        # char_image = PIL.Image.new("RGBA", (body_image.width, body_image.height + head_image.height), (0, 0, 0, 0))

        # body_offset_x = 0
        # body_offset_y = 23
        # char_image.paste(body_pil_image, (body_offset_x, body_offset_y))

        # # head_offset_x = int((body_image.width - head_image.width) / 2.0) + head_act.animations[0].frames[0].layers[0].offset.x
        # head_offset_x = int((body_image.width - head_image.width) / 2.0)
        # head_offset_y = 0
        # char_image.paste(head_pil_image, (head_offset_x, head_offset_y))

        # char_image.save("char.bmp")

        body_spr = pygrf.open_spr(body_spr_path)
        body_image = body_spr[0]
        head_spr = pygrf.open_spr(head_spr_path)
        head_image = head_spr[0]
        head_act = pygrf.open_act(head_act_path)

        char_image_width = body_image.width
        char_image_height = head_image.height + body_image.height
        body_offset_x = 0
        body_offset_y = head_image.height - 6
        head_offset_x = int(
            (body_image.width - head_image.width) /
            2.0) - head_act.animations[0].frames[0].layers[0].offset.x
        head_offset_y = 0

        char_pixels = []
        for y in range(0, char_image_height):
            for x in range(0, char_image_width):
                char_pixel_color = pygrf.graphics.Color(0, 0, 0, 0)

                # is_this_head = False
                if x >= head_offset_x and x < head_offset_x + head_image.width and y >= head_offset_y and y < head_offset_y + head_image.height:
                    head_x = x - head_offset_x
                    head_y = y - head_offset_y
                    head_pixel_index = head_y * head_image.width + head_x
                    if head_image.data[
                            head_pixel_index] != 0:  # Hack zero palette
                    # head_pixel_color = head_image.pixels[head_pixel_index]
                    # char_pixel_color = char_pixel_color.alpha_blend(head_pixel_color)

                if x >= body_offset_x and x < body_offset_x + body_image.width and y >= body_offset_y and y < body_offset_y + body_image.height:
                    body_x = x
                    body_y = y - body_offset_y
                    body_pixel_index = body_y * body_image.width + body_x
                    # body_pixel_color = body_image.pixels[body_pixel_index]
                    # char_pixel_color = char_pixel_color.alpha_blend(body_pixel_color)
                    if body_image.data[
                            body_pixel_index] != 0:  # Hack zero palette

                # char_pixels.append(char_pixel_color)
                char_pixels.append(pygrf.graphics.Color(255, 255, 255, 0))

        char_image = pygrf.graphics.Image(char_image_width, char_image_height,
                                          char_pixels, None, None)
        char_image.to_pil_image().save(out_file_path, )
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_read_spr_file(self):
        spr = pygrf.open_spr("bin/frus.spr")
        assert len(spr) == 42

        pil_image = spr[0].to_pil_image()