Ejemplo n.º 1
def drot(x, y, c, s):
    """This function applies a Givens rotation \M{(x', y') = (c x + s y, -s x + c y)}
    to the vectors x, y.
    xn = array_typed_copy(x, Float)
    yn = array_typed_copy(y, Float)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_drot(xn, yn, c, s)
    return (xn, yn)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def drot(x, y, c, s):
    This function applies a Givens rotation \M{(x', y') = (c x + s y, -s x + c y)}
    to the vectors x, y.
    xn = array_typed_copy(x, Float)
    yn = array_typed_copy(y, Float)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_drot(xn, yn, c, s)
    return (xn, yn)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def zaxpy(alpha, x, y):
    This function computes the sum \M{y = S{alpha} x + y} for the vectors x and y.
    yn = array_typed_copy(y, Complex)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_zaxpy(alpha, x, yn)
    return yn
Ejemplo n.º 4
def zaxpy(alpha, x, y):
    This function computes the sum \M{y = S{alpha} x + y} for the vectors x and y.
    yn = array_typed_copy(y, Complex)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_zaxpy(alpha, x, yn)
    return yn
Ejemplo n.º 5
def zgemv(alpha, a, x, beta, y, TransA=CblasNoTrans):
    """This function computes the matrix-vector product and
    sum \M{y = S{alpha} op(A) x + S{beta} y}, where \M{op(A) = A, A^T, A^H} for
    TransA = CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, CblasConjTrans.
    yn = array_typed_copy(y, Complex)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_zgemv(TransA, alpha, a, x, beta, yn)
    return yn
Ejemplo n.º 6
def zgemv(alpha, a, x, beta, y, TransA=CblasNoTrans):
    This function computes the matrix-vector product and
    sum \M{y = S{alpha} op(A) x + S{beta} y}, where \M{op(A) = A, A^T, A^H} for
    TransA = CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, CblasConjTrans.
    yn = array_typed_copy(y, Complex)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_zgemv(TransA, alpha, a, x, beta, yn)
    return yn
Ejemplo n.º 7
def zgerc(alpha, X, Y, A):
    returns A'

    This function computes the conjugate rank-1 update
    \M{A = S{alpha} x y^H + A} of the matrix A.
    an = array_typed_copy(A)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_zgerc(alpha, X, Y, an)
    return an
Ejemplo n.º 8
def dger(alpha, X, Y, A):
    returns A'

    This function computes the rank-1 update \M{A' = S{alpha} x y^T + A} of
    the matrix A. 
    an = array_typed_copy(A)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_dger(alpha, X, Y, an)
    return an
Ejemplo n.º 9
def dger(alpha, X, Y, A):
    returns A'

    This function computes the rank-1 update \M{A' = S{alpha} x y^T + A} of
    the matrix A. 
    an = array_typed_copy(A)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_dger(alpha, X, Y, an)
    return an
Ejemplo n.º 10
def zgerc(alpha, X, Y, A):
    returns A'

    This function computes the conjugate rank-1 update
    \M{A = S{alpha} x y^H + A} of the matrix A.
    an = array_typed_copy(A)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_zgerc(alpha, X, Y, an)
    return an
Ejemplo n.º 11
def zgemm(alpha, A, B, beta, C, TransA=CblasNoTrans, TransB=CblasNoTrans):
    returns C'
    This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum
    \M{C' = S{alpha} op(A) op(B) + S{beta} C} where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for
    TransA = CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, CblasConjTrans and similarly
    for the parameter TransB.
    cn = array_typed_copy(C)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_zgemm(TransA, TransB, alpha, A, B, beta, cn)
    return cn
Ejemplo n.º 12
def dsyr2(alpha, X, Y, A, Uplo=CblasLower):
    returns A'

    This function computes the symmetric rank-2 update
    \M{A' = S{alpha} x y^T + S{alpha} y x^T + A} of the symmetric matrix A.
    Since the matrix A is symmetric only its upper half or lower half
    need to be stored. When Uplo is CblasUpper then the upper triangle
    and diagonal of A are used, and when Uplo is CblasLower then the
    lower triangle and diagonal of A are used. 
    an = array_typed_copy(A)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_dsyr2(Uplo, alpha, X, Y, an)
    return an
Ejemplo n.º 13
def zsymm(alpha, A, B, beta, C, Side=CblasLeft, Uplo=CblasLower):
    returns C'
    This function computes the matrix-matrix product and
    sum \M{C' = S{alpha} A B + S{beta} C} for Side is CblasLeft and
    \M{C' = S{alpha} B A + S{beta} C} for Side is CblasRight, where the matrix A
    is symmetric. When Uplo is CblasUpper then the upper triangle and
    diagonal of A are used, and when Uplo is CblasLower then the lower
    triangle and diagonal of A are used.
    cn = array_typed_copy(C)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_zsymm(Side, Uplo, alpha, A, B, beta, cn)
    return cn
Ejemplo n.º 14
def dsymv(alpha, A, X, beta, Y, Uplo=CblasLower):
    returns y'

    This function computes the matrix-vector product and
    sum \M{y' = S{alpha} A x + S{beta} y} for the symmetric matrix A. Since the
    matrix A is symmetric only its upper half or lower half need to be
    stored. When Uplo is CblasUpper then the upper triangle and diagonal
    of A are used, and when Uplo is CblasLower then the lower triangle
    and diagonal of A are used. 
    yn = array_typed_copy(Y, Float)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_dsymv(Uplo, alpha, A, X, beta, yn)
    return yn
Ejemplo n.º 15
def dsyr2(alpha, X, Y, A, Uplo=CblasLower):
    returns A'

    This function computes the symmetric rank-2 update
    \M{A' = S{alpha} x y^T + S{alpha} y x^T + A} of the symmetric matrix A.
    Since the matrix A is symmetric only its upper half or lower half
    need to be stored. When Uplo is CblasUpper then the upper triangle
    and diagonal of A are used, and when Uplo is CblasLower then the
    lower triangle and diagonal of A are used. 
    an = array_typed_copy(A)        
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_dsyr2(Uplo, alpha, X, Y, an)
    return an
Ejemplo n.º 16
def dsymv(alpha, A, X, beta, Y, Uplo=CblasLower):
    returns y'

    This function computes the matrix-vector product and
    sum \M{y' = S{alpha} A x + S{beta} y} for the symmetric matrix A. Since the
    matrix A is symmetric only its upper half or lower half need to be
    stored. When Uplo is CblasUpper then the upper triangle and diagonal
    of A are used, and when Uplo is CblasLower then the lower triangle
    and diagonal of A are used. 
    yn = array_typed_copy(Y, Float)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_dsymv(Uplo, alpha, A, X, beta, yn)
    return yn
Ejemplo n.º 17
def zher2(alpha, X, Y, A, Uplo=CblasLower):
    returns A'

    This function computes the hermitian rank-2 update
    \M{A' = S{alpha} x y^H + S{alpha}^* y x^H A} of the hermitian matrix A.
    Since the matrix A is hermitian only its upper half or lower half
    need to be stored. When Uplo is CblasUpper then the upper triangle
    and diagonal of A are used, and when Uplo is CblasLower then the
    lower triangle and diagonal of A are used. The imaginary elements
    of the diagonal are automatically set to zero. 
    an = array_typed_copy(A)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_zher2(Uplo, alpha, X, Y, an)
    return an
Ejemplo n.º 18
def zhemm(alpha, A, B, beta, C, Side=CblasLeft, Uplo=CblasLower):
    returns C'
    This function computes the matrix-matrix product and
    sum \M{C' = S{alpha} A B + S{beta} C} for Side is CblasLeft and
    \M{C' = S{alpha} B A + S{beta} C} for Side is CblasRight, where the matrix A
    is hermitian. When Uplo is CblasUpper then the upper triangle and
    diagonal of A are used, and when Uplo is CblasLower then the lower
    triangle and diagonal of A are used. The imaginary elements of the
    diagonal are automatically set to zero.
    cn = array_typed_copy(C)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_zhemm(Side, Uplo, alpha, A, B, beta, cn)
    return cn
Ejemplo n.º 19
def zher2(alpha, X, Y, A, Uplo=CblasLower):
    returns A'

    This function computes the hermitian rank-2 update
    \M{A' = S{alpha} x y^H + S{alpha}^* y x^H A} of the hermitian matrix A.
    Since the matrix A is hermitian only its upper half or lower half
    need to be stored. When Uplo is CblasUpper then the upper triangle
    and diagonal of A are used, and when Uplo is CblasLower then the
    lower triangle and diagonal of A are used. The imaginary elements
    of the diagonal are automatically set to zero. 
    an = array_typed_copy(A)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_zher2(Uplo, alpha, X, Y, an)
    return an
Ejemplo n.º 20
def zhemv(alpha, A, X, beta, Y, Uplo=CblasLower):
    returns y'
    This function computes the matrix-vector product and
    sum \M{y' = S{alpha} A x + S{beta} y} for the hermitian matrix A. Since the
    matrix A is hermitian only its upper half or lower half need to be
    stored. When Uplo is CblasUpper then the upper triangle and diagonal
    of A are used, and when Uplo is CblasLower then the lower triangle
    and diagonal of A are used. The imaginary elements of the diagonal
    are automatically assumed to be zero and are not referenced. 
    yn = array_typed_copy(Y, get_typecode(A))
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_zhemv(Uplo, alpha, A, X, beta, yn)
    return yn
Ejemplo n.º 21
def zsyr2k(alpha, A, B, beta, C, Uplo=CblasLower, Trans=CblasNoTrans):
    returns C'
    This function computes a rank-2k update of the symmetric
    matrix C, \M{C' = S{alpha} A B^T + S{alpha} B A^T + S{beta} C} when Trans
    is CblasNoTrans and \M{C' = S{alpha} A^T B + S{alpha} B^T A + S{beta} C} when
    Trans is CblasTrans. Since the matrix C is symmetric only its upper
    half or lower half need to be stored. When Uplo is CblasUpper then
    the upper triangle and diagonal of C are used, and when Uplo is
    CblasLower then the lower triangle and diagonal of C are used.
    cn = array_typed_copy(C)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_zsyr2k(Uplo, Trans, alpha, A, B, beta, cn)
    return cn
Ejemplo n.º 22
def zhemv(alpha, A, X, beta, Y, Uplo=CblasLower):
    returns y'
    This function computes the matrix-vector product and
    sum \M{y' = S{alpha} A x + S{beta} y} for the hermitian matrix A. Since the
    matrix A is hermitian only its upper half or lower half need to be
    stored. When Uplo is CblasUpper then the upper triangle and diagonal
    of A are used, and when Uplo is CblasLower then the lower triangle
    and diagonal of A are used. The imaginary elements of the diagonal
    are automatically assumed to be zero and are not referenced. 
    yn = array_typed_copy(Y, get_typecode(A))
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_zhemv(Uplo, alpha, A, X, beta, yn)
    return yn
Ejemplo n.º 23
def ztrsv(A, x, Uplo=CblasLower, TransA=CblasNoTrans, Diag=CblasNonUnit):
    returns x'

    This function computes inv(op(A)) x for x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H
    for TransA = CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, CblasConjTrans. When Uplo is
    CblasUpper then the upper triangle of A is used, and when Uplo is
    CblasLower then the lower triangle of A is used. If Diag is
    CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if Diag
    is CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix A are taken
    as unity and are not referenced. 
    xn = array_typed_copy(x)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_ztrsv(Uplo, TransA, Diag, A, xn)
    return xn
Ejemplo n.º 24
def zsymm(alpha, A, B, beta, C,
    returns C'
    This function computes the matrix-matrix product and
    sum \M{C' = S{alpha} A B + S{beta} C} for Side is CblasLeft and
    \M{C' = S{alpha} B A + S{beta} C} for Side is CblasRight, where the matrix A
    is symmetric. When Uplo is CblasUpper then the upper triangle and
    diagonal of A are used, and when Uplo is CblasLower then the lower
    triangle and diagonal of A are used.
    cn = array_typed_copy(C)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_zsymm(Side, Uplo, alpha, A, B, beta, cn)
    return cn
Ejemplo n.º 25
def zherk(alpha, A, beta, C, Uplo=CblasLower, Trans=CblasNoTrans):
    returns C'
    This function computes a rank-k update of the hermitian matrix C,
    \M{C' = S{alpha} A A^H + S{beta} C} when Trans is CblasNoTrans and
    \M{C' = S{alpha} A^H A + S{beta} C} when Trans is CblasTrans. Since
    the matrix C is hermitian only its upper half or lower half need to
    be stored. When Uplo is CblasUpper then the upper triangle and diagonal
    of C are used, and when Uplo is CblasLower then the lower triangle and
    diagonal of C are used. The imaginary elements of the diagonal are
    automatically set to zero.
    cn = array_typed_copy(C)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_zherk(Uplo, Trans, alpha, A, beta, cn)
    return cn
Ejemplo n.º 26
def zgemm(alpha,
          A, B,
          beta, C,
    returns C'
    This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum
    \M{C' = S{alpha} op(A) op(B) + S{beta} C} where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for
    TransA = CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, CblasConjTrans and similarly
    for the parameter TransB.
    cn = array_typed_copy(C)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_zgemm(TransA, TransB, alpha, A, B, beta, cn)
    return cn
Ejemplo n.º 27
def dtrmv(A, x, Uplo=CblasLower, TransA=CblasNoTrans, Diag=CblasNonUnit):
    """This function computes the matrix-vector product
    returns x'
    This function computes the matrix-vector product and
    x' = op(A) x for the triangular
    matrix A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for TransA = CblasNoTrans,
    CblasTrans, CblasConjTrans. When Uplo is CblasUpper then the upper
    triangle of A is used, and when Uplo is CblasLower then the lower
    triangle of A is used. If Diag is CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of
    the matrix is used, but if Diag is CblasUnit then the diagonal
    elements of the matrix A are taken as unity and are not referenced. 
    xn = array_typed_copy(x, Float)

    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_dtrmv(Uplo, TransA, Diag, A, xn)
    return xn
Ejemplo n.º 28
def zhemm(alpha, A, B, beta, C,
    returns C'
    This function computes the matrix-matrix product and
    sum \M{C' = S{alpha} A B + S{beta} C} for Side is CblasLeft and
    \M{C' = S{alpha} B A + S{beta} C} for Side is CblasRight, where the matrix A
    is hermitian. When Uplo is CblasUpper then the upper triangle and
    diagonal of A are used, and when Uplo is CblasLower then the lower
    triangle and diagonal of A are used. The imaginary elements of the
    diagonal are automatically set to zero.
    cn = array_typed_copy(C)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_zhemm(Side, Uplo, alpha, A, B, beta, cn)
    return cn
Ejemplo n.º 29
def zsyr2k(alpha, A, B, beta, C,
    returns C'
    This function computes a rank-2k update of the symmetric
    matrix C, \M{C' = S{alpha} A B^T + S{alpha} B A^T + S{beta} C} when Trans
    is CblasNoTrans and \M{C' = S{alpha} A^T B + S{alpha} B^T A + S{beta} C} when
    Trans is CblasTrans. Since the matrix C is symmetric only its upper
    half or lower half need to be stored. When Uplo is CblasUpper then
    the upper triangle and diagonal of C are used, and when Uplo is
    CblasLower then the lower triangle and diagonal of C are used.
    cn = array_typed_copy(C)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_zsyr2k(Uplo, Trans, alpha, A, B, beta, cn)
    return cn
Ejemplo n.º 30
def dsyr(alpha, X, A, Uplo=CblasLower, overwrite_a = False):
    returns A'

    This function computes the symmetric rank-1 update
    \M{A' = S{alpha} x x^T + A} of the symmetric matrix A. Since the matrix A
    is symmetric only its upper half or lower half need to be stored.
    When Uplo is CblasUpper then the upper triangle and diagonal of A
    are used, and when Uplo is CblasLower then the lower triangle and
    diagonal of A are used.
    if overwrite_a:
        an = A
        an = array_typed_copy(A)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_dsyr(Uplo, alpha, X, an)
    return an
Ejemplo n.º 31
def zher2k(alpha, A, B, beta, C,
    returns C'
    This function computes a rank-2k update of the hermitian matrix C,
    \M{C' = S{alpha} A B^H + S{alpha}^* B A^H + S{beta} C} when Trans is
    CblasNoTrans and \M{C' = S{alpha} A^H B + S{alpha}^* B^H A + S{beta} C} when
    Trans is CblasTrans. Since the matrix C is hermitian only its upper
    half or lower half need to be stored. When Uplo is CblasUpper then
    the upper triangle and diagonal of C are used, and when Uplo is
    CblasLower then the lower triangle and diagonal of C are used.
    The imaginary elements of the diagonal are automatically set to zero. 
    cn = array_typed_copy(C)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_zher2k(Uplo, Trans, alpha, A, B, beta, cn)
    return cn
Ejemplo n.º 32
def ztrsv(A,
    returns x'

    This function computes inv(op(A)) x for x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H
    for TransA = CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, CblasConjTrans. When Uplo is
    CblasUpper then the upper triangle of A is used, and when Uplo is
    CblasLower then the lower triangle of A is used. If Diag is
    CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if Diag
    is CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix A are taken
    as unity and are not referenced. 
    xn = array_typed_copy(x)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_ztrsv(Uplo, TransA, Diag, A, xn)
    return xn
Ejemplo n.º 33
def dtrmv(A,
    returns x'
    This function computes the matrix-vector product and
    x' = op(A) x for the triangular
    matrix A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for TransA = CblasNoTrans,
    CblasTrans, CblasConjTrans. When Uplo is CblasUpper then the upper
    triangle of A is used, and when Uplo is CblasLower then the lower
    triangle of A is used. If Diag is CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of
    the matrix is used, but if Diag is CblasUnit then the diagonal
    elements of the matrix A are taken as unity and are not referenced. 
    xn = array_typed_copy(x, Float)

    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_dtrmv(Uplo, TransA, Diag, A, xn)
    return xn
Ejemplo n.º 34
def ztrsm(alpha, A, B,
    returns B'
    This function computes the matrix-matrix product
    \M{B' = S{alpha} op(inv(A)) B} for Side is CblasLeft and
   \M{ B' = S{alpha} B op(inv(A))} for Side is CblasRight. The matrix A is
    triangular and op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for TransA = CblasNoTrans,
    CblasTrans, CblasConjTrans When Uplo is CblasUpper then the upper
    triangle of A is used, and when Uplo is CblasLower then the lower
    triangle of A is used. If Diag is CblasNonUnit then the diagonal
    of A is used, but if Diag is CblasUnit then the diagonal elements
    of the matrix A are taken as unity and are not referenced.
    bn = array_typed_copy(B)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_ztrsm(Side, Uplo, TransA, Diag, alpha, A, bn)
    return bn
Ejemplo n.º 35
def dtrsm(alpha, A, B,
    returns B'
    This function computes the matrix-matrix product
    \M{B' = S{alpha} op(inv(A)) B} for Side is CblasLeft and
    \M{B' = S{alpha} B op(inv(A))} for Side is CblasRight. The matrix A is
    triangular and op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for TransA = CblasNoTrans,
    CblasTrans, CblasConjTrans When Uplo is CblasUpper then the upper
    triangle of A is used, and when Uplo is CblasLower then the lower
    triangle of A is used. If Diag is CblasNonUnit then the diagonal
    of A is used, but if Diag is CblasUnit then the diagonal elements
    of the matrix A are taken as unity and are not referenced.
    bn = array_typed_copy(B)
    _gslwrap.gsl_blas_dtrsm(Side, Uplo, TransA, Diag, alpha, A, bn)
    return bn
Ejemplo n.º 36
def triang2herm(A, Uplo=CblasLower, Diag=CblasNonUnit):
    returns A'

    This function creates an hermitian matrix from a triangular matrix.
    When Uplo is CblasUpper then the upper triangle and diagonal of A
    are used, and when Uplo is CblasLower then the lower triangle and
    diagonal of A are used. If Diag is CblasNonUnit then the diagonal
    of A is used, but if Diag is CblasUnit then the diagonal elements
    of the matrix A are taken as unity and are not referenced.
    an = array_typed_copy(A)
    if Uplo == CblasLower:
        for i in range(A.shape[0]):
            an[:i + 1, i] = Numeric.conjugate(A[i, :i + 1])
        for i in range(A.shape[0]):
            an[i:, i] = Numeric.conjugate(A[i, i:])
    if Diag == CblasUnit:
        for i in range(an.shape[0]):
            an[i, i] = 1
    return an
Ejemplo n.º 37
def triang2herm(A,
    returns A'

    This function creates an hermitian matrix from a triangular matrix.
    When Uplo is CblasUpper then the upper triangle and diagonal of A
    are used, and when Uplo is CblasLower then the lower triangle and
    diagonal of A are used. If Diag is CblasNonUnit then the diagonal
    of A is used, but if Diag is CblasUnit then the diagonal elements
    of the matrix A are taken as unity and are not referenced.
    an = array_typed_copy(A)
    if Uplo == CblasLower:
        for i in range(A.shape[0]):
            an[:i+1,i] = Numeric.conjugate(A[i,:i+1])
        for i in range(A.shape[0]):
            an[i:,i] = Numeric.conjugate(A[i,i:])
    if Diag == CblasUnit:
        for i in range(an.shape[0]):
            an[i,i] = 1
    return an