Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _computeSignal(self, signal):
        obj = {}
        parsCount = 0

        HZ = len(signal) / 120
        HZstep = 1000 / HZ

        stats = time_domain(signal).stats

        peaks = getPeaks(signal)
        peaks_diff = tools.nni_diff(peaks)
        peaks_diff_ms = peaks_diff * HZstep

        M = np.mean(peaks_diff_ms)

        sdnn_ms = np.std(peaks_diff_ms)
        cv = (sdnn_ms / M) * 100

        n, bins, _ = plt.hist(peaks_diff_ms)
        M0 = bins[np.argmax(n)]
        AM0 = (sum(n) / 100) * max(n)
        vr = np.var(bins)
        IN = AM0 / (2 * M0 * vr)

        parsCount += abs(self._firstParam(M))
        parsCount += abs(self._secoundParam(sdnn_ms, vr / M, cv))
        parsCount += abs(self._thirdParam(vr, AM0, IN))
        parsCount += abs(self._fourthParam(cv))
        parsCount += abs(
            self._fifthParam(stats['VLF'], stats['LF'], stats['HF']))
        return parsCount
Ejemplo n.º 2
def nnXX(nni=None, rpeaks=None, threshold=None):
    """Find number of NN interval differences greater than a specified threshold and ratio between number of intervals
	> threshold and total number of NN interval differences.

	References:	[Electrophysiology1996], [Ewing1984]
	Docs:		https://pyhrv.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_pages/api/time.html#nnxx-nnxx

	nni : array
		NN intervals in [ms] or [s].
	rpeaks : array
		R-peak times in [ms] or [s].
	threshold : int
		Threshold for nnXX values in [ms].

	Returns (biosppy.utils.ReturnTuple Object)
	[key : format]
	nnXX: int
		Number of NN interval differences greater than the specified threshold [-].
	pnnXX : float
		Ratio between nnXX and total number of NN interval differences [-].

	..	Only one type of input data is required
	.. 	If both 'nni' and 'rpeaks' are provided, 'nni' will be chosen over the 'rpeaks'
	..	NN and R-peak series provided in [s] format will be converted to [ms] format
	..	The ``XX`` in the ``nnXX`` and the ``pnnXX`` keys are substituted by the specified threshold (``threshold``).

		For instance, ``nnXX(nni, threshold=30)`` returns the custom ``nn30`` and ``pnn30`` parameters. Using a
		``threshold=30`` as ``nnXX(nni, threshold=35`` returns the custom ``nn35`` and ``pnn35`` parameters.

    # Check input
    nn = tools.check_input(nni, rpeaks)

    # Check threshold
    if threshold is None:
        raise TypeError(
            "No threshold specified. Please specify a [ms] threshold.")
    if threshold <= 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "Invalid value for 'threshold'. Value must not be <= 0.")

    # Count NN20
    nnd = tools.nni_diff(nn)
    nnxx = sum(i > threshold for i in nnd)
    pnnxx = nnxx / len(nnd) * 100

    # Output
    args = (nnxx, pnnxx)
    names = ('nn%i' % threshold, 'pnn%i' % threshold)
    return utils.ReturnTuple(args, names)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def nni_differences_parameters(nni=None, rpeaks=None):
    """Computes basic statistical parameters from a series of successive NN interval differences (mean, min, max, standard deviation).

	nni : array
		NN intervals in [ms] or [s].
	rpeaks : array
		R-peak times in [ms] or [s].

	Returns (biosppy.utils.ReturnTuple Object)
	[key : format]
	nni_diff_mean: float
		Mean NN interval difference [ms].
	nni_diff_min : float
		Minimum NN interval difference [ms].
	nni_diff_max : float
		Maximum NN interval difference [ms].

	..	Only one type of input data is required.
	.. 	If both 'nni' and 'rpeaks' are provided, 'nni' will be chosen over the 'rpeaks'
	..	NN and R-peak series provided in [s] format will be converted to [ms] format.

    # Check input
    nn = tools.check_input(nni, rpeaks)

    # Get NN interval differences
    nnd = tools.nni_diff(nn)

    # output
    args = (
    names = (
    return utils.ReturnTuple(args, names)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def sdsd(nni=None, rpeaks=None):
    """Computation of the standard deviation of differences of successive NN intervals.

	References: [Electrophysiology1996]
	Docs:		https://pyhrv.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_pages/api/time.html#sdsd-sdsd

	nni : array
		NN intervals in [ms] or [s].
	rpeaks : array
		R-peak times in [ms] or [s].

	Returns (biosppy.utils.ReturnTuple Object)
	[key : format]
	sdsd : float
		Standard deviation of successive differences of NN intervals [ms]

	..	Only one type of input data is required
	.. 	If both 'nni' and 'rpeaks' are provided, 'nni' will be chosen over the 'rpeaks'
	..	NN and R-peak series provided in [s] format will be converted to [ms] format

    # Check input
    nn = tools.check_input(nni, rpeaks)

    # Compute NN differences
    nnd = tools.nni_diff(nn)

    # Computation of SDNN
    sdsd_ = tools.std(nnd)

    # Output
    args = [sdsd_]
    names = ['sdsd']
    return utils.ReturnTuple(args, names)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def rmssd(nni=None, rpeaks=None):
    """Computes root mean of squared differences of successive NN Intervals.

	References: [Electrophysiology1996], [Lohninger2017]
	Docs:		https://pyhrv.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_pages/api/time.html#rmssd-rmssd

	nni : array
		NN intervals in [ms] or [s].
	rpeaks : array
		R-peak times in [ms] or [s].

	Returns (biosppy.utils.ReturnTuple Object)
	[key : format]
	rmssd : float
		RMSSD value in [ms].

	..	Only one type of input data is required
	.. 	If both 'nni' and 'rpeaks' are provided, 'nni' will be chosen over the 'rpeaks'
	..	NN and R-peak series provided in [s] format will be converted to [ms] format

    # Check input
    nn = tools.check_input(nni, rpeaks)

    # Compute RMSSD
    nnd = tools.nni_diff(nn)
    rmssd_ = np.sum(x**2 for x in nnd)
    rmssd_ = np.sqrt(1. / nnd.size * rmssd_)

    # Output
    args = (rmssd_, )
    names = ('rmssd', )
    return utils.ReturnTuple(args, names)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _computeSignal(self, signal):
        obj = {}

        # Best min_dist & thres for sphygmogram signal
        peaks = peak.indexes(signal, min_dist=56, thres=0.16)

        # Ignore un normal signls (with no peaks)
        if (len(peaks) == 0): return obj

        nn = tools.nn_intervals(peaks)

        # Ignore un normal signls (with no NN)
        if (len(nn) == 0): return

        # Standard
        obj = dict(td.nni_parameters(nn, peaks), **obj)
        obj = dict(td.nni_differences_parameters(nn, peaks), **obj)
        obj = dict(td.sdnn(nn, peaks), **obj)
        obj = dict(td.sdnn_index(nn, peaks), **obj)
        obj = dict(td.sdann(nn, peaks), **obj)
        obj = dict(td.rmssd(nn, peaks), **obj)
        obj = dict(td.sdsd(nn, peaks), **obj)
        obj = dict(td.nn50(nn, peaks), **obj)
        obj = dict(td.nn20(nn, peaks), **obj)
        obj = dict(td.geometrical_parameters(nn, peaks, plot=False), **obj)
        del obj['nni_histogram']

        # Additional
        obj = dict({'cv': self._cv(obj['sdnn'], obj['nni_mean'])}, **obj)

        peaks_diff = tools.nni_diff(peaks)
        obj = dict({'MxDMn': max(peaks_diff) - min(peaks_diff)}, **obj)
        obj = dict({'MxRMn': max(peaks_diff) / min(peaks_diff)}, **obj)
        obj = dict({'Mo': stats.mode(peaks_diff)[0][0]}, **obj)

        counter = Counter(peaks_diff)
        idx = list(counter.keys()).index(obj["Mo"])
        obj = dict({'AMo': list(counter.values())[idx]}, **obj)
        obj = dict({'SI': obj['AMo'] / (2 * obj['Mo'] * obj['MxDMn'])}, **obj)

        # Autocorrelation function

        # Frequency stats
        welch = frequency_domain(signal).stats['welch']['params']
        bands = list(welch['fft_bands'].keys())

        obj = dict({'TP': welch['fft_total']}, **obj)

        obj = dict({'HF': welch['fft_rel'][bands.index('hf')]}, **obj)
        obj = dict({'LF': welch['fft_rel'][bands.index('lf')]}, **obj)
        obj = dict({'VLF': welch['fft_rel'][bands.index('vlf')]}, **obj)
        obj = dict({'ULF': welch['fft_rel'][bands.index('ulf')]}, **obj)

        obj = dict({'HFav': welch['fft_abs'][bands.index('hf')]}, **obj)
        obj = dict({'LFav': welch['fft_abs'][bands.index('lf')]}, **obj)
        obj = dict({'VLFav': welch['fft_abs'][bands.index('vlf')]}, **obj)
        obj = dict({'ULFav': welch['fft_abs'][bands.index('ulf')]}, **obj)

        obj = dict({'(LF/HF)av': obj['LFav'] / obj['HFav']}, **obj)
        obj = dict({'IC': obj['LF'] / obj['VLF']}, **obj)

        for k in obj:
            if (math.isnan(obj[k])):
                obj[k] = 0

        return obj