Ejemplo n.º 1
# operations for the model and the default values for the hydrology parameters


# build the input wdm file


# tell HSPF to keep track of the outflow volume from the reach, which
# has a Fortran name "ROVOL" and a PyHSPF name "reach_outvolume"

targets = ['reach_outvolume']

# create the UCI for the simulation period to provide the targets

hspfmodel.build_uci(targets, start, end, hydrology = True)

# run it

hspfmodel.run(verbose = True)

# pull up the results; this output wdmfile is created automatically
# and has the same name as the "filename" plus "_out.wdm"

wdmoutfile = 'example02_out.wdm'

wdm.open(wdmoutfile, 'r')

# get the dataset numbers

dsns = wdm.get_datasets(wdmoutfile)
Ejemplo n.º 2
# tell HSPF to run hydrology and assign default parameters


# build the wdm input file using the timeseries


# external targets

targets = ['reach_outvolume', 'evaporation', 'reach_volume', 'runoff']

# build the input files and run

hspfmodel.build_uci(targets, start, end, hydrology=True, verbose=False)

# retrieve results using WDMUtil

wdm = WDMUtil()

# open the file for read access

wdm.open(wdmoutfile, 'r')

# pull up the flow at the outlet and plot it along with the precipitation
# and evapotranspiration

dsns = wdm.get_datasets(wdmoutfile)
idconss = [wdm.get_attribute(wdmoutfile, n, 'IDCONS') for n in dsns]
Ejemplo n.º 3
# the targets above each correspond to a particular Fortran variable; the idea
# is to make them more descriptive and easier to add. the targets above 
# correspond to:
# reach_outvolume = ROVOL
# evaporation     = TAET for PERLNDs, and IMPEV for IMPLNDs
# reach_volume    = RO
# runoff          = SURO, IFWO, and AGWO for PERLNDs, SURO for IMPLNDs

# now the "build_uci" function can be used to build the UCI input file.
# it also builds the output WDM file since it works together with the UCI 
# file. this example just does hydrology but flags exist to add air temperature,
# snow, sediment, etc to the simulation assuming the required information has
# been provided.

hspfmodel.build_uci(targets, start, end, hydrology = True, verbose = False)

# now the input files are ready, so run it

hspfmodel.run(verbose = True)

# now "pickle" the hspfmodel for later. "pickling" means writing a python
# object to a file so that it can be accessed later. the concept is to save
# the PyHSPF HSPFModel instance, and forget about the UCI. The UCI file is 
# always there if you want to see it, but changing the parameters is much 
# easier in Python, and can even be scripted. The "with" statement just closes 
# the file where the HSPFModel is stored.

import pickle

with open('hspfmodel', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(hspfmodel, f)
Ejemplo n.º 4
targets = [

# build the UCI and output WDM files


# run it


# use the Postprocessor to analyze and save the results to the folder

dates = start + datetime.timedelta(days=warmup), end

postprocessor = Postprocessor(simplified, dates, comid=comid)

Ejemplo n.º 5
# operations for the model and the default values for the hydrology parameters


# build the input wdm file


# tell HSPF to keep track of the outflow volume from the reach, which
# has a Fortran name "ROVOL" and a PyHSPF name "reach_outvolume"

targets = ['reach_outvolume']

# create the UCI for the simulation period to provide the targets

hspfmodel.build_uci(targets, start, end, hydrology=True)

# run it


# pull up the results; this output wdmfile is created automatically
# and has the same name as the "filename" plus "_out.wdm"

wdmoutfile = 'example02_out.wdm'

wdm.open(wdmoutfile, 'r')

# get the dataset numbers

dsns = wdm.get_datasets(wdmoutfile)
Ejemplo n.º 6
# output variables

targets = ['water_state', 

# build the UCI and output WDM files

simplified.build_uci(targets, start, end, atemp = True, snow = True,
                     hydrology = True)

# run it

simplified.run(verbose = True)

# use the Postprocessor to analyze and save the results to the folder

dates = start + datetime.timedelta(days = warmup), end

postprocessor = Postprocessor(simplified, dates, comid = comid)

postprocessor.get_hspexp_parameters(verbose = False)
postprocessor.plot_hydrograph(tstep = 'monthly', show = False,
                              output = '{}/hydrography'.format(output))
postprocessor.plot_calibration(output = '{}/statistics'.format(output),