Ejemplo n.º 1
def manageRootPanel(panel, id=None):

    if len(rootPanels) < 1:
        panelManager = RootPanelManager()

    rootPanels[id] = panel
    return panel
def manageRootPanel(panel, id=None):

    if len(rootPanels) < 1:
        panelManager = RootPanelManager()

    rootPanels[id] = panel
    return panel
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init_UI(self):
        ## Two-phase to mimic flex_ui class

        self.ws_dh = WSdataHandler(self, self.callback)
        location = Window.getLocation()
        search = location.getSearch()[1:]
        params = '/'.join(search.split('&'))
        full_resource = self.resource + '/' + params
        self.ws = websocketclient.WebSocketClient(full_resource, self.ws_dh,

        self.php_dh = PHPdataHandler(self, self.callback)
        self.php_script = self.resource + '.php'
        if not isinstance(self.fallback, bool):
            self.php_script = self.fallback
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def hookWindowClosing(cls):
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: Timer.py Proyecto: Afey/pyjs
    def __init__(self, delayMillis=0, notify=None):

        '''Called with no arguments, create a timer that will call its
        run() method when it is scheduled and fired.  This usage
        requires subclassing to implement the run() method.  This is
        GWT's interface and behaviour.

        There are two enhancements to pyjamas' implementation when
        specified with special keyword arguments, one of which
        obviates the need for subclassing::

            timer = Timer(delayMillis=ms)

        is identical to::

            timer = Timer()


            timer = Timer(notify=object_or_func)

        is the same as::

            timer = Timer()
            run = getattr(object_or_func, 'onTimer', object_or_func)
            if not callable(run): raise ValueError, msg

        i.e., the value passed to notify is checked to see if it has
        an onTimer attribute; if so, it is used as the callable, if
        not, the object itself is used as the callable.

        NOTE: when notify is specified, the function or method will be
        called with one argument: the instance of the timer.  So, this
        would be proper usage::

            def timer_cb(timer):

            timer = Timer(notify=timer_cb)


            class myclass:

                def __init__(self):
                    self.timer = Timer(notify=self)

                def onTimer(self, timer):

        # initialize a few house keeping vars
        self.__tid = None
        self.__onTimer = lambda: self.run()

        # check notify
        if notify is not None:
            run = getattr(notify, 'onTimer', notify)
            if not callable(run):
                raise ValueError, 'Programming error: notify must be callable'
            self.__onTimer = lambda: run(self)

        # ugly, ugly, ugly, but there's no other way to get
        # implementation-specific initialization (without subclassing,
        # which the override system doesn't do).  The default is a
        # no-op.  We do it here, so the instance can be init'd before
        # the possible scheduling of the timer.

        # schedule?
        if delayMillis != 0:
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, delayMillis=0, notify=None):
        '''Called with no arguments, create a timer that will call its
        run() method when it is scheduled and fired.  This usage
        requires subclassing to implement the run() method.  This is
        GWT's interface and behaviour.

        There are two enhancements to pyjamas' implementation when
        specified with special keyword arguments, one of which
        obviates the need for subclassing::

            timer = Timer(delayMillis=ms)

        is identical to::

            timer = Timer()


            timer = Timer(notify=object_or_func)

        is the same as::

            timer = Timer()
            run = getattr(object_or_func, 'onTimer', object_or_func)
            if not callable(run): raise ValueError, msg

        i.e., the value passed to notify is checked to see if it has
        an onTimer attribute; if so, it is used as the callable, if
        not, the object itself is used as the callable.

        NOTE: when notify is specified, the function or method will be
        called with one argument: the instance of the timer.  So, this
        would be proper usage::

            def timer_cb(timer):

            timer = Timer(notify=timer_cb)


            class myclass:

                def __init__(self):
                    self.timer = Timer(notify=self)

                def onTimer(self, timer):

        # initialize a few house keeping vars
        self.__tid = None
        self.__onTimer = lambda: self.run()

        # check notify
        if notify is not None:
            run = getattr(notify, 'onTimer', notify)
            if not callable(run):
                raise ValueError, 'Programming error: notify must be callable'
            self.__onTimer = lambda: run(self)

        # ugly, ugly, ugly, but there's no other way to get
        # implementation-specific initialization (without subclassing,
        # which the override system doesn't do).  The default is a
        # no-op.  We do it here, so the instance can be init'd before
        # the possible scheduling of the timer.

        # schedule?
        if delayMillis != 0: