Ejemplo n.º 1
    def setUp(self):
        """Test setUp. Load the test model."""
        # Load models
        self.model = JMUModel("CSTRLib_Components_Two_CSTRs_stat_init.jmu")
        self.problem = JMUAlgebraic(self.model)
        self.solver = KINSOL(self.problem)
        self.model_test_start = JMUModel(self.invalidStart)
        self.problem_test_start = JMUAlgebraic(self.model_test_start)

        self.model_test_minmax = JMUModel("TestMinMax_TestGuess.jmu")
        self.problem_test_minmax = JMUAlgebraic(self.model_test_minmax)

        # Set inputs for Stationary point A
        u1_0_A = 1
        u2_0_A = 1
        self.model.set('u1', u1_0_A)
        self.model.set('u2', u2_0_A)

        self.dx0 = N.zeros(6)
        self.x0 = N.array([
            200., 3.57359316e-02, 446.471014, 100., 1.79867213e-03, 453.258466
        self.w0 = N.array([100., 100., -48.1909])
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_scaling(self):
        This tests a simulation when scaling is ON and OFF.
        jmu_name = compile_jmu("Englezos652", os.path.join(get_files_path()

        # Load a model instance into Python
        model = JMUModel(jmu_name)

        # Get and set the options
        opts = model.simulate_options()
        opts['IDA_options']['atol'] = 1.0e-9
        opts['IDA_options']['rtol'] = 1.0e-9
        opts['IDA_options']['sensitivity'] = True
        opts['ncp'] = 400
        res_no_scale = model.simulate(final_time=1697000, options=opts)
        jmu_name = compile_jmu("Englezos652", os.path.join(get_files_path()

        # Load a model instance into Python
        model = JMUModel(jmu_name)
        res_with_scale = model.simulate(final_time=1697000, options=opts)
                                       res_no_scale['x1'][-1], 4)
                                       res_no_scale['dx1/dk1'][-1], 1)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.curr_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        mofile = os.path.join(get_files_path(), 'Modelica',

        m = compile_jmu("BlockingInitPack.M_init", mofile)
        cls.model = JMUModel(m)

        m = compile_jmu("BlockingInitPack.M_Opt", mofile)
        cls.opt_model = JMUModel(m)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_alias_variables(self):
        This tests a simulation when there are alias in the sensitivity parameters.
        #DAE with sens
        file_name = os.path.join(get_files_path(), 'Modelica',
        model_name = 'SensitivityTests.SensTest1'

        jmu_name = compile_jmu(model_name, file_name)

        model = JMUModel(jmu_name)

        opts = model.simulate_options()

        opts['IDA_options']['sensitivity'] = True

        res = model.simulate(options=opts)

        x1 = res['dx1/da']
        #x2 = res['dx2/da']
        x3 = res['dx3/da']
        x4 = res['dx4/da']
        x5 = res['dx5/da']

        #nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(x2[-1], 0.000000, 4)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(x3[-1], 1.000000, 4)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(x4[-1], -1.000000, 4)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(x1[-1], x5[-1], 4)

        #The same test using continuous writing

        jmu_name = 'SensitivityTests_SensTest1.jmu'

        model = JMUModel(jmu_name)

        opts = model.simulate_options()

        opts['IDA_options']['sensitivity'] = True
        opts['report_continuously'] = True

        res = model.simulate(options=opts)

        x1 = res['dx1/da']
        #x2 = res['dx2/da']
        x3 = res['dx3/da']
        x4 = res['dx4/da']
        x5 = res['dx5/da']

        #nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(x2[-1], 0.000000, 4)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(x3[-1], 1.000000, 4)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(x4[-1], -1.000000, 4)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(x1[-1], x5[-1], 4)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def setUp(self):
        """Load the test model."""
        package_DAE = 'Pendulum_pack_Pendulum.jmu'
        package_DISC = 'IfExpExamples_IfExpExample2.jmu'
        package_INPUT = 'DoubleInput_Nominal.jmu'

        # Load the dynamic library and XML data
        self.m_DAE = JMUModel(package_DAE)
        self.m_DISC = JMUModel(package_DISC)
        self.m_INPUT = JMUModel(package_INPUT)

        # Creates the solvers
        self.DAE = JMIDAE(self.m_DAE)
        self.DISC = JMIDAE(self.m_DISC)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_scaling_test_2(self):
        This tests a simulation when scaling is ON and there are input variables
        that are not used.
        jmu_name = compile_jmu(
            os.path.join(get_files_path(), "Modelica", "Englezos652.mop"),
            compiler_options={"enable_variable_scaling": False})

        # Load a model instance into Python
        model = JMUModel(jmu_name)

        # Get and set the options
        opts = model.simulate_options()
        opts['IDA_options']['atol'] = 1.0e-6
        opts['IDA_options']['rtol'] = 1.0e-6
        opts['IDA_options']['sensitivity'] = True
        opts['ncp'] = 400

        res = model.simulate(0, 1697000 / 3, options=opts)

        x1 = res["x1"][-1]
        r1 = res["r1"][-1]
        u1 = res["u1"][-1]

        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(x1, 0.45537058, 3)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(r1, 5.3287e-8, 2)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(u1, 0.00000, 3)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_scaled_input_continuous(self):
        Tests that simulation of scaled input works for writing continuous.
        # Load the dynamic library and XML data
        self.m_INPUT = JMUModel('DoubleInput_Nominal.jmu')

        t = N.linspace(0., 10., 100)
        u1 = N.cos(t)
        u2 = N.sin(t)
        u_traj = N.transpose(N.vstack((t, u1, u2)))

        opts = self.m_INPUT.simulate_options()
        opts['IDA_options']['atol'] = 1.0e-6
        opts['IDA_options']['rtol'] = 1.0e-6
        opts['IDA_options']['sensitivity'] = True
        #opts['IDA_options']['write_cont'] = True
        opts['ncp'] = 0

        res = self.m_INPUT.simulate(final_time=10,
                                    input=(['u1', 'u2'], u_traj),

        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res.initial('u1'), 1.000000000, 3)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res.initial('u2'), 0.000000000, 3)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res.final('u1'), -0.839071529, 3)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res.final('u2'), -0.544021110, 3)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_get_column(self):
        Test the get_column and get_data_matrix.
        model_file = os.path.join(get_files_path(), 'Modelica',
        compile_jmu('RLC_Circuit', model_file)
        model = JMUModel('RLC_Circuit.jmu')
        res = model.simulate()

        assert res.is_negated('resistor1.n.i')
        assert res.is_negated('capacitor.n.i')
        assert not res.is_variable('sine.freqHz')

        dataMatrix = res.data_matrix

        col = res.get_column('capacitor.v')

        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(dataMatrix[0, col],
                                       res.initial('capacitor.v'), 5)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(dataMatrix[-1, col],
                                       res.final('capacitor.v'), 5)

        nose.tools.assert_raises(VariableNotTimeVarying, res.get_column,
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def setUp(self):
     Setup test cases.
     # Load the dynamic library and XML data
     self.fname = "CSTR_CSTR_Init_Optimization.jmu"
     self.mod = JMUModel(self.fname)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def setUp(self):
     Setup test cases.
     # Load the dynamic library and XML data
     self.fname = "VDP_pack_VDP_Opt_Min_Time.jmu"
     self.vdp = JMUModel(self.fname)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def setUpClass(cls):
     curr_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__));
     mofile = os.path.join(get_files_path(), 'Modelica', 'StaticOptimizationTest.mop')
     compile_jmu("StaticOptimizationTest.StaticOptimizationTest2", mofile)
     cls.model = JMUModel("StaticOptimizationTest_StaticOptimizationTest2.jmu")
     cls.nlp = NLPInitialization(cls.model,stat=1)
     cls.ipopt_nlp = InitializationOptimizer(cls.nlp)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_order_input(self):
        This tests that the inputs are sorted in an correct value reference order
        when being written to file.
        fpath = os.path.join(get_files_path(), 'Modelica', 'OrderInputs.mop')
        cpath = 'OptimInputs'

        unames = ['u1', 'u_e2', 'u_h3', 'u_c4', 'u_p5']
        n = len(unames)

        uvalues = [1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]

        data = N.array([[0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.], [1., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.],
                        [2., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]])
        inputtuple = (unames, data)
        jmu_name = compile_jmu(cpath, fpath)

        model = JMUModel(jmu_name)
        res = model.simulate(0, 2, input=inputtuple)

        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res["u1"][-1], 1.000000000, 3)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res["u_e2"][-1], 2.00000, 3)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res["u_h3"][-1], 3.00000, 3)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res["u_c4"][-1], 4.000000, 3)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res["u_p5"][-1], 5.000000, 3)

        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res["T.u1"][-1], 1.000000000, 3)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res["T.u_e2"][-1], 2.00000, 3)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res["T.u_h3"][-1], 3.00000, 3)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res["T.u_c4"][-1], 4.000000, 3)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res["T.u_p5"][-1], 5.000000, 3)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_no_events(self):
     Tests that models containing events cannot be simulated with JMIDAESens.
     self.m_DISC = JMUModel('IfExpExamples_IfExpExample2.jmu')
     opts = self.m_DISC.simulate_options()
     opts["IDA_options"]["sensitivity"] = True
     nose.tools.assert_raises(JMIModel_Exception,self.m_DISC.simulate, 0, 1,None,"AssimuloAlg", opts)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_parameter_alias(self):
     """ Test simulate and write to file when model has parameter alias.
         (Test so that write to file does not crash.)
     model_file = os.path.join(get_files_path(), 'Modelica', 'ParameterAlias.mo')
     compile_jmu('ParameterAlias', model_file)
     model = JMUModel('ParameterAlias.jmu')
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_optimize(self):
     """ Test the pyjmi.JMUModel.optimize function using all default parameters. """
     fpath_pend = os.path.join(get_files_path(), 'Modelica', 'Pendulum_pack.mop')
     cpath_pend = "Pendulum_pack.Pendulum_Opt"
     jmu_pend = compile_jmu(cpath_pend, fpath_pend,compiler_options={'state_start_values_fixed':True})
     pend = JMUModel(jmu_pend)
     res = pend.optimize()
     assert N.abs(res.final('cost') - 1.2921683e-01) < 1e-3
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def test_simulate_initialize_arg(self):
     """ Test pyjmi.JMUModel.simulate alg_arg 'initialize'. """
     # This test is built on that simulation without initialization fails.
     # Since simulation without initialization fails far down in Sundials
     # no "proper" exception is thrown which means that I can only test that
     # the general Exception is returned which means that the test is pretty
     # unspecific (the test will pass for every type of error thrown). Therefore,
     # I first test that running the simulation with default settings succeeds, so
     # at least one knows that the error has with initialization to do.
     name = compile_jmu(self.cpath_minit, self.fpath_minit)
     model = JMUModel(name)
     model = JMUModel(name)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def test_dependent_parameters(self):
     """ Test evaluation of dependent parameters. """
     path = os.path.join(get_files_path(), 'Modelica', 'DepPar.mo')
     jmu_name = compile_jmu('DepPar.DepPar1', path, 
     model = JMUModel(jmu_name)
     assert (model.get('p1') == 1.0)
     assert (model.get('p2') == 2.0)
     assert (model.get('p3') == 6.0)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def test_double_input(self):
        This tests double input.
        fpath = os.path.join(get_files_path(), 'Modelica', 'DoubleInput.mo')
        cpath = 'DoubleInput'

        # compile VDP
        fname = compile_jmu(
            cpath, fpath, compiler_options={'state_start_values_fixed': True})

        # Load the dynamic library and XML data
        dInput = JMUModel(fname)

        t = N.linspace(0., 10., 100)
        u1 = N.cos(t)
        u2 = N.sin(t)
        u_traj = N.transpose(N.vstack((t, u1, u2)))

        res = dInput.simulate(final_time=10, input=(['u1', 'u2'], u_traj))

        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res.initial('u1'), 1.000000000, 3)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res.initial('u2'), 0.000000000, 3)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res.final('u1'), -0.839071529, 3)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res.final('u2'), -0.544021110, 3)


        # Load the dynamic library and XML data
        dInput = JMUModel(fname)

        t = N.linspace(0., 10., 100)
        u1 = N.cos(t)
        u2 = N.sin(t)
        u_traj = N.transpose(N.vstack((t, u2, u1)))

        res = dInput.simulate(final_time=10, input=(['u2', 'u1'], u_traj))

        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res.initial('u1'), 1.000000000, 3)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res.initial('u2'), 0.000000000, 3)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res.final('u1'), -0.839071529, 3)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res.final('u2'), -0.544021110, 3)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def setUp(self):
     Sets up the test case.
     self.cpath_vdp = "VDP_pack.VDP_Opt"
     self.fpath_vdp = os.path.join(get_files_path(),'Modelica','VDP.mop')
     self.cpath_minit = "must_initialize"
     self.fpath_minit = os.path.join(get_files_path(), 'Modelica', 'must_initialize.mo')
     self.fpath_rlc = os.path.join(get_files_path(),'Modelica','RLC_Circuit.mo')
     self.cpath_rlc = "RLC_Circuit"
     self.model_rlc = JMUModel(Test_init_assimulo.jmu_name)
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def setUp(self):
        """Test setUp. Load the test model."""

        self.cstr = JMUModel("CSTR_CSTR_Opt.jmu")
        # Initialize the mesh
        n_e = 150 # Number of elements 
        hs = N.ones(n_e)*1./n_e # Equidistant points
        n_cp = 3; # Number of collocation points in each element
        # Create an NLP object
        self.nlp = ipopt.NLPCollocationLagrangePolynomials(
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def test_p0(self):
        This test that the correct number of parameters are found.
        self.m_SENS = JMUModel('QuadTankSens.jmu')
        self.SENS = JMIDAESens(self.m_SENS)

        assert self.SENS._p_nbr == 4
        assert self.SENS._parameter_names[0] == 'a1'
        assert self.SENS._parameter_names[1] == 'a2'
        assert self.SENS._parameter_names[2] == 'a3'
        assert self.SENS._parameter_names[3] == 'a4'
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def test_input_simulation(self):
        This tests that input simulation works.
        self.m_SENS = JMUModel('QuadTankSens.jmu')
        self.SENS = JMIDAESens(self.m_SENS)
        path_result = os.path.join(get_files_path(), 'Results', 
        data = loadmat(path_result,appendmat=False)

        # Extract data series  
        t_meas = data['t'][6000::100,0]-60  
        u1 = data['u1_d'][6000::100,0]
        u2 = data['u2_d'][6000::100,0]
        # Build input trajectory matrix for use in simulation
        u_data = N.transpose(N.vstack((t_meas,u1,u2)))

        u_traj = TrajectoryLinearInterpolation(u_data[:,0], 

        input_object = (['u1','u2'], u_traj)
        qt_mod = JMIDAESens(self.m_SENS, input_object)

        qt_sim = IDA(qt_mod)

        #Store data continuous during the simulation, important when solving a 
        #problem with sensitivites.
        qt_sim.report_continuously = True 
        #Value used when IDA estimates the tolerances on the parameters
        qt_sim.pbar = qt_mod.p0 
        #Let Sundials find consistent initial conditions by use of 'IDA_YA_YDP_INIT'
        qt_sim.simulate(60) #Simulate 4 seconds with 400 communication points


        res = ResultDymolaTextual('QuadTankSens_result.txt')
        dx1da1 = res.get_variable_data('dx1/da1')
        dx1da2 = res.get_variable_data('dx1/da2')
        dx4da1 = res.get_variable_data('dx4/da1')
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(dx1da2.x[0], 0.000000, 4)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(dx1da2.x[-1], 0.00000, 4)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def test_ordinary_dae(self):
        This tests a simulation using JMIDAESens without any parameters.
        self.m_DAE = JMUModel('Pendulum_pack_Pendulum.jmu')
        self.DAE = JMIDAESens(self.m_DAE)

        sim = IDA(self.DAE)


        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(sim.y_sol[-1][0], 0.15420124, 4)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(sim.y_sol[-1][1], 0.11721253, 4)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def test_init(self):

        m = JMUModel(self.jn)

        # Create a new collocation object
        n_e = 30
        coll = NLPCollocationLagrangePolynomials(m, n_e, N.ones(n_e) / n_e, 3)

        # Initialize with optimization result
        coll.set_initial_from_dymola(self.res.result_data, N.array([]), 0, 1)

        # Write initial point to file

        # Load result
        res_init = ResultDymolaTextual('Init_res.txt')

        # Load test fixture
        res_init_fix = ResultDymolaTextual(
            self.curr_dir + '/../files/Results/MinTimeInit_init_fix.txt')

        # Extract trajectories
        dx = res_init.get_variable_data('der(x)')
        dv = res_init.get_variable_data('der(v)')
        x = res_init.get_variable_data('x')
        v = res_init.get_variable_data('v')
        u = res_init.get_variable_data('u')

        dx_fix = res_init_fix.get_variable_data('der(x)')
        dv_fix = res_init_fix.get_variable_data('der(v)')
        x_fix = res_init_fix.get_variable_data('x')
        v_fix = res_init_fix.get_variable_data('v')
        u_fix = res_init_fix.get_variable_data('u')

        # Comparison tests
        N.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(dx_fix.x, dx.x)
        N.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(dv_fix.x, dv.x)
        N.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(x_fix.x, x.x)
        N.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(v_fix.x, v.x)
        N.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(u_fix.x, u.x)

        if False:
            plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
            plt.plot(x.t, x.x, 'r')
            plt.plot(v.t, v.x, 'r')
            plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
            plt.plot(u.t, u.x, 'r')
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def test_double_input_with_function(self):
        This tests double input with function.
        fpath = os.path.join(get_files_path(), 'Modelica', 'DoubleInput.mo')
        cpath = 'DoubleInput'

        # compile VDP
        fname = compile_jmu(
            cpath, fpath, compiler_options={'state_start_values_fixed': True})

        # Load the dynamic library and XML data
        dInput = JMUModel(fname)

        def func(t):
            return N.array([N.cos(t), N.sin(t)])

        res = dInput.simulate(final_time=10, input=(['u1', 'u2'], func))

        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res.initial('u1'), 1.000000000, 3)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res.initial('u2'), 0.000000000, 3)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res.final('u1'), -0.839071529, 3)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res.final('u2'), -0.544021110, 3)


        # Load the dynamic library and XML data
        dInput = JMUModel(fname)

        def func(t):
            return [N.sin(t), N.cos(t)]

        res = dInput.simulate(final_time=10, input=(['u2', 'u1'], func))

        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res.initial('u1'), 1.000000000, 3)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res.initial('u2'), 0.000000000, 3)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res.final('u1'), -0.839071529, 3)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(res.final('u2'), -0.544021110, 3)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def setUp(self):
        """Test setUp. Load the test model."""
        # Load the dynamic library and XML data
        cpath_daeinit = "DAEInitTest"
        fname_daeinit = cpath_daeinit.replace('.', '_', 1)
        self.dae_init_test = JMUModel(fname_daeinit + '.jmu')

        # This is to check that values set in the model prior to
        # creation of the NLPInitialization object are used as an
        # initial guess.
        self.dae_init_test.set('y1', 0.3)

        self.init_nlp = NLPInitialization(self.dae_init_test)
        self.init_nlp_ipopt = InitializationOptimizer(self.init_nlp)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def setUp(self):
     """Test setUp. Load the test model."""   
     cpath_vdp = "VDP_pack.VDP_Opt_Min_Time"
     fname_vdp = cpath_vdp.replace('.','_',1)
     self.fname_vdp = fname_vdp   
     self.vdp = JMUModel(fname_vdp+'.jmu')
     # Initialize the mesh
     n_e = 100 # Number of elements 
     hs = N.ones(n_e)*1./n_e # Equidistant points
     self.hs = hs
     n_cp = 3; # Number of collocation points in each element
     # Create an NLP object
     self.nlp = ipopt.NLPCollocationLagrangePolynomials(
     self.nlp_ipopt = ipopt.CollocationOptimizer(self.nlp)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def test_time_shift(self):
        Test the time shift feature
        model_file = os.path.join(get_files_path(), 'Modelica', 'RLC_Circuit.mo')
        compile_jmu('RLC_Circuit', model_file)
        model = JMUModel('RLC_Circuit.jmu')
        res = model.simulate()

        time_shifted_fix = res['time'] + 11.


        time_shifted = res['time']

        assert max(N.abs(time_shifted_fix - time_shifted)) < 1e-6
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def setup_base(self, rel_tol, abs_tol):
     Set up a new test case. Configures test and creates model.
     Call this with proper args from setUp(). 
       rel_tol -  the relative error tolerance when comparing values
       abs_tol -  the absolute error tolerance when comparing values
     Any other named args are passed to the NLP constructor.
     global _model_name
     self.rel_tol = rel_tol
     self.abs_tol = abs_tol
     self.model_name = _model_name
     parts = _model_name.split('.')
     self.format = parts[len(parts) - 1]
     if self.format == 'jmu':
         self.model = JMUModel(self.model_name)
         self.model = load_fmu(self.model_name)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def test_jac(self):
        This tests the jacobian for simulation of sensitivites.
        # Load the dynamic library and XML data
        self.m_SENS = JMUModel('QuadTankSens.jmu')

        model = self.m_SENS

        opts = model.simulate_options()
        opts['IDA_options']['sensitivity'] = True

        res = model.simulate(final_time=10, options=opts)

        prob = res.solver.problem

        assert res.solver.usejac == True
        assert prob.j == prob.jac