def matrixMontage(spcomps,*args, **kwargs): numcomps, width, height=spcomps.shape rowcols=int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(numcomps))); for k,comp in enumerate(spcomps): plt.subplot(rowcols,rowcols,k+1) plt.imshow(comp,*args, **kwargs) plt.axis('off')
def imshow_vy(self): v_dense = self.v_dense.cpu # vmin,vmax=v_dense.min(),v_dense.max() vmax = np.max(np.abs(v_dense)) vmin = -vmax vy = v_dense[:, 1].reshape(self.nRows, self.nCols) plt.imshow(vy.copy(), vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, interpolation="Nearest")
def visual_results(Image_data, preds, Labels=None, Top=0): from pylab import plt pred_age_value = preds['age'] pred_gender_value = preds['gender'] pred_smile_value = preds['smile'] pred_glass_value = preds['glass'] Num = Image_data.shape[0] if Top == 0 else Top for k in xrange(Num): print k, Num plt.figure(1) plt.imshow(de_preprocess_image(Image_data[k])) title_str = 'Prediction: Age %0.1f, %s, %s, %s.' % ( pred_age_value[k], gender_list[pred_gender_value[k]], glass_list[pred_glass_value[k]], smile_list[pred_smile_value[k]]) x_label_str = 'GT: ' try: x_label_str = x_label_str + 'Age %0.1f' % Labels['age'][k] except: pass try: x_label_str = x_label_str + '%s, %s, %s' % (gender_list[int( Labels['gender'][k])], glass_list[int( Labels['glass'][k])], smile_list[int(Labels['smile'][k])]) except: pass plt.title(title_str) plt.xlabel(x_label_str)
def imshow_vy(self): v_dense = self.v_dense.cpu # vmin,vmax=v_dense.min(),v_dense.max() vmax = np.max(np.abs(v_dense)) vmin = -vmax vy=v_dense[:,1].reshape(self.nRows,self.nCols) plt.imshow(vy.copy(),vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax,interpolation="Nearest")
def matrixMontage(spcomps, *args, **kwargs): numcomps, width, height = spcomps.shape rowcols = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(numcomps))) for k, comp in enumerate(spcomps): plt.subplot(rowcols, rowcols, k + 1) plt.imshow(comp, *args, **kwargs) plt.axis('off')
def save_images(images, path): fig = plt.figure() for i, image in enumerate(images): fig.add_subplot(1, len(images), i + 1) plt.imshow(image) plt.axis('off') plt.savefig(path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
def imshow(self, name): ''' 显示灰度图 ''' img = self.buffer2img(name) plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray') plt.axis('off')
def imshow_vx(self): v_dense = self.v_dense.cpu if v_dense is None: raise ValueError # vmin,vmax=v_dense.min(),v_dense.max() vmax = np.max(np.abs(v_dense)) vmin = -vmax vx = v_dense[:, 0].reshape(self.nRows, self.nCols) plt.imshow(vx.copy(), vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, interpolation="Nearest")
def imshow_vx(self): v_dense = self.v_dense.cpu if v_dense is None: raise ValueError # vmin,vmax=v_dense.min(),v_dense.max() vmax = np.max(np.abs(v_dense)) vmin = -vmax vx=v_dense[:,0].reshape(self.nRows,self.nCols) plt.imshow(vx.copy(),vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax,interpolation="Nearest")
def plot_data(self): for i,dat in enumerate( plt.imshow(dat, cmap=cm.jet, interpolation=None, extent=[11,22,-3,2]) txt='plot '.format(self.n[i]) txt+='\nmin {0:.2f} und max {1:.2f}'.format(self.min[i],self.max[i]) txt+='\navg. min {0:.2f} und avg. max {1:.2f}'.format(mean(self.min),mean(self.max)) plt.suptitle(txt,x=0.5,y=0.98,ha='center',va='top',fontsize=10) plt.savefig(join(self.plotpath,'pic_oo_'+str(self.n[i])+'.png')) plt.close() # wichtig, sonst wird in den selben Plot immer mehr reingepackt
def detect(self, img): bboxes = None # pnet if not self.pnet: return None bboxes = self.detect_pnet(img) if bboxes is None: return None ## 可视化PNET的结果 if SHOW_FIGURE: plt.figure() tmp = img.copy() for i in bboxes: x0 = int(i[0]) y0 = int(i[1]) x1 = x0 + int(i[2]) y1 = y0 + int(i[3]) cv2.rectangle(tmp, (x0, y0), (x1, y1), (0, 0, 255), 2) plt.imshow(tmp[:, :, ::-1]) plt.title("pnet result") # rnet if not self.rnet: return bboxes bboxes = bboxes[:, 0:4].astype(np.int32) bboxes = self.detect_ronet(img, bboxes, 24) if bboxes is None: return None ## 可视化RNET的结果 if SHOW_FIGURE: plt.figure() tmp = img.copy() for i in bboxes: x0 = int(i[0]) y0 = int(i[1]) x1 = x0 + int(i[2]) y1 = y0 + int(i[3]) cv2.rectangle(tmp, (x0, y0), (x1, y1), (0, 0, 255), 2) plt.imshow(tmp[:, :, ::-1]) plt.title("rnet result") #onet if not self.onet: return bboxes bboxes = bboxes[:, 0:4].astype(np.int32) bboxes = self.detect_ronet(img, bboxes, 48) return bboxes
def plot_scenarios(scenarios): nrows = len(scenarios) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(24, nrows)) n_plot = nrows plt.axis('off') # plot fake samples for iplot in range(nrows): for jplot in range(24): ax = plt.subplot(n_plot, 24, iplot * 24 + jplot + 1) if iplot == 0: ax.annotate(f'{jplot:02d}' ':00', xy=(0.5, 1), xytext=(0, 5), xycoords='axes fraction', textcoords='offset points', size='large', ha='center', va='baseline') im = plt.imshow(scenarios[iplot, jplot - 1, :, :],, norm=LogNorm(vmin=0.01, vmax=50)) plt.axis('off') fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.93) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.93, 0.15, 0.007, 0.7]) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax) cbar.set_label('fraction of daily precipitation', fontsize=16) return fig
def show_data(list_dat, num=4): from pylab import plt for dat in np.random.choice(list_dat, num): print dat im=cv2.imread(dat['filepath'])[:,:,::-1] plt.figure(1) plt.imshow(im) for bbox in dat['bboxes']: plt.gca().add_patch(plt.Rectangle((bbox['x1'], bbox['y1']), bbox['x2'] - bbox['x1'], bbox['y2'] - bbox['y1'], fill=False, edgecolor='red', linewidth=1) ) for idx, bbox in enumerate(dat['bboxes']): ann = np.array(['ann_path'])) if len(ann.shape)==3: ann = ann[:,:,0] # Make sure ann is a two dimensional np array. plt.figure(11+idx) plt.imshow(ann)
def dynamic_img_show(img,title_str='',fig_size=[14,8],hide_axes=True): '''Show image <img>. If called repeatedly within a cycle will dynamically redraw image. #DEMO import time for i in range(10): img = np.zeros([50,50]) img[:i*5]=1 dynamic_img_show(img,'iter=%s'%i) time.sleep(0.1) ''' plt.clf() plt.title(title_str) plt.imshow(img) plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([]); plt.gcf().set_size_inches(fig_size) display.display(plt.gcf()) display.clear_output(wait=True)
def show_prediction_result(image, label_image, clf): size = (8, 8) plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10)) plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray_r') candidates = [] predictions = [] for region in regionprops(label_image): # skip small images # if region.area < 100: # continue # draw rectangle around segmented coins minr, minc, maxr, maxc = region.bbox # make regions square maxwidth = np.max([maxr - minr, maxc - minc]) minr, maxr = int(0.5 * ((maxr + minr) - maxwidth)) - 3, int(0.5 * ((maxr + minr) + maxwidth)) + 3 minc, maxc = int(0.5 * ((maxc + minc) - maxwidth)) - 3, int(0.5 * ((maxc + minc) + maxwidth)) + 3 rect = mpatches.Rectangle((minc, minr), maxc - minc, maxr - minr, fill=False, edgecolor='red', linewidth=2, alpha=0.2) plt.gca().add_patch(rect) # predict digit candidate = image[minr:maxr, minc:maxc] candidate = np.array(imresize(candidate, size), dtype=float) # invert # candidate = np.max(candidate) - candidate # print im # rescale to 16 in integer candidate = (candidate - np.min(candidate)) if np.max(candidate) == 0: continue candidate /= np.max(candidate) candidate[candidate < 0.2] = 0.0 candidate *= 16 candidate = np.array(candidate, dtype=int) prediction = clf.predict(candidate.reshape(-1)) candidates.append(candidate) predictions.append(prediction) plt.text(minc - 10, minr - 10, "{}".format(prediction), fontsize=50) plt.xticks([], []) plt.yticks([], []) plt.tight_layout() return candidates, predictions
def show_data(list_dat, num=4): from pylab import plt for dat in np.random.choice(list_dat, num): print dat im = cv2.imread(dat['filepath'])[:, :, ::-1] plt.figure(1) plt.imshow(im) for bbox in dat['bboxes']: plt.gca().add_patch( plt.Rectangle((bbox['x1'], bbox['y1']), bbox['x2'] - bbox['x1'], bbox['y2'] - bbox['y1'], fill=False, edgecolor='red', linewidth=1)) for idx, bbox in enumerate(dat['bboxes']): ann = cv2.imread(bbox['ann_path'], cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) plt.figure(11 + idx) plt.imshow(ann)
def generate_word_cloud(text, no, name=None, show=True): ''' Generates a word cloud bitmap given a text document (string). It uses the Term Frequency (TF) and Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) vectorization approach to derive the importance of a word -- represented by the size of the word in the word cloud. Parameters ========== text: str text as the basis no: int number of words to be included name: str path to save the image show: bool whether to show the generated image or not ''' tokens = tokenize(text) vec = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=2, analyzer='word', ngram_range=(1, 2), stop_words='english') vec.fit_transform(tokens) wc = pd.DataFrame({'words': vec.get_feature_names(), 'tfidf': vec.idf_}) words = ' '.join(wc.sort_values('tfidf', ascending=True)['words'].head(no)) wordcloud = WordCloud(max_font_size=110, background_color='white', width=1024, height=768, margin=10, max_words=150).generate(words) if show: plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear') plt.axis('off') if name is not None: wordcloud.to_file(name)
def pro_adjust_data(path_list, num_class, save_path): # temp_path = path_list[0] + '/' + 'frame000.jpg' # with open(temp_path, 'rb') as t: # mask_shape = np.array( # trans_mask = np.zerps(mask_shape.shape) if os.path.exists(path_list[0][0]): for image in os.listdir(path_list[0][0]): # temp_path = path_list[0][0] + '/' + image # mask_shape = np.array( trans_mask = np.zeros(shape=[1080, 1920]) # temp0 = path_list[0][0] + '/' + image # temp1 = path_list[1][0] + '/' + image # temp2 = path_list[2][0] + '/' + image # temp3 = path_list[3][0] + '/' + image # mask0 = np.array( # mask1 = np.array( # mask2 = np.array( # mask3 = np.array( for i in range(num_class): temp = path_list[i][0] + '/' + image mask = np.array( trans_mask[mask == 255] = color_dict[i] plt.imshow(trans_mask) f, e = os.path.splitext(image) save_dir = save_path + '/' + f + '.jpg' try: # plt.imshow(trans_mask) cv2.imwrite(save_dir, trans_mask) except IOError: print("Fail to save the mask image to file") else: print("Input path is not exist.")
def load_mnist(path, filename='mnist.pkl.gz', plot=True): """ Loads the MNIST dataset. Downloads the data if it doesn't already exist. This code is adapted from the tutorial on classifying MNIST data with Logistic Regression: :param path: (str) Path to where data lives or should be downloaded too :param filename: (str) name of mnist file to download or load :return: train_set, valid_set, test_set """ dataset = '{}/{}'.format(path, filename) data_dir, data_file = os.path.split(dataset) if data_dir == "" and not os.path.isfile(dataset): new_path = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "..", "data", dataset) if os.path.isfile(new_path) or data_file == 'mnist.pkl.gz': dataset = new_path if (not os.path.isfile(dataset)) and data_file == 'mnist.pkl.gz': import urllib origin = ('') print 'Downloading data from {}'.format(origin) urllib.urlretrieve(origin, dataset) print '... loading data' f =, 'rb') train_set, valid_set, test_set = cPickle.load(f) f.close() X_train = train_set[0] y_train = train_set[1] if plot: for k in range(25): plt.subplot(5,5,k) plt.imshow(np.reshape(X_train[k,:], (28,28))) plt.axis('off') plt.title(y_train[k]) return train_set, valid_set, test_set
def affichage(matrice): """permet d'afficher le terrain uniquement""" img = [] for j in matrice: temp = [] for k in j: i = 0 for e in k: if e > i: i = e if i == 0: temp.append((51, 153, 0)) #vert elif i == 1: temp.append((255, 255, 0)) #jaune elif i == 2: temp.append((204, 153, 51)) #marron elif i == 3: temp.append((128, 0, 128)) #violet elif i == 4: temp.append((192, 192, 192)) #gris img.append(temp) plt.imshow(img) return
def show_paf(img,paf,stride = 5,thres=0.1): """ @param img: ndarry, HxWx3 @param paf: ndarry, HxWxN """ paf = transform.rescale(paf,img.shape[0]/paf.shape[0]) h,w,n = paf.shape mask = (paf**2).reshape(h,w,n/2,2).sum(axis=3).sum(axis=2)<thres paf[mask] = 0 # img_size = img.shape[:2] X,Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0,w),np.arange(0,h)) plt.imshow(img, alpha=0.5) res = plt.quiver( X[::stride,::stride], Y[::stride,::stride], -paf[::stride,::stride,::2].sum(axis=2), paf[::stride,::stride,1::2].sum(axis=2), scale=20, units='width', headaxislength=0.01, alpha=.8, width=0.001, color='r') return res
# we batch all n_fake_per_real together cond_batch = np.repeat(cond[np.newaxis], repeats=n_fake_per_real, axis=0) generated = gen.predict([latent, cond_batch]) # make a matrix of mapplots. # first column: condition (daily mean), the same for every row # first row: real fractions per hour # rest of the rows: generated fractions per hour, 1 row per realization fig = plt.figure(figsize=(25, 12)) n_plot = n_fake_per_real + 1 ax = plt.subplot(n_plot, 25, 1) # compute unnormalized daily sum. squeeze away empty channel dimension (for plotting) dsum = cond.squeeze() * norm_scale plt.imshow(dsum, cmap=cmap, norm=plotnorm) plt.axis('off') ax.annotate('real', xy=(0, 0.5), xytext=(-5, 0), xycoords='axes fraction', textcoords='offset points', size='large', ha='right', va='center', rotation='vertical') ax.annotate(f'daily sum', xy=(0.5, 1), xytext=(0, 5), xycoords='axes fraction', textcoords='offset points',
# Discriminator determines validity valid = critic([img, label]) # Defines generator model generator_model = tf.keras.Model([z_gen, label], valid) generator_model.compile(loss=wasserstein_loss, optimizer=optimizer) print('finished building networks') # plot some real samples # plot a couple of samples plt.figure(figsize=(25, 25)) n_plot = 30 [X_real, cond_real] = next(generate_real_samples(n_plot)) for i in range(n_plot): plt.subplot(n_plot, 25, i * 25 + 1) plt.imshow(cond_real[i, :, :].squeeze(),, norm=LogNorm(vmin=0.01, vmax=1)) plt.axis('off') for j in range(1, 24): plt.subplot(n_plot, 25, i * 25 + j + 1) plt.imshow(X_real[i, j, :, :].squeeze(), vmin=0, vmax=1, plt.axis('off') plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(f'{plotdir}/real_samples.{plot_format}') hist = {'d_loss': [], 'g_loss': []} print(f'start training on {n_samples} samples')
if SHOW_FIGURE: if bboxes is not None: plt.figure() tmp = img.copy() for i in bboxes: print(i) x0 = int(i[0]) y0 = int(i[1]) x1 = x0 + int(i[2]) y1 = y0 + int(i[3]) cv2.rectangle(tmp, (x0, y0), (x1, y1), (0, 0, 255), 2) for ii in range(5): x = int(i[5+ii*2]) y = int(i[5+ii*2+1]),(x ,y), 3, (0,0,255),-1) plt.imshow(tmp[:, :, ::-1]) plt.title("result") cv2.imwrite("../img/res_tiny_face_lmk.jpg",tmp) ''' fp = "~/dataset/GC_FACE_VAL" fp = os.path.expanduser(fp) txt = "file_list.txt" lines = [] with open(os.path.join(fp, txt)) as f: lines = f.readlines() f = open("res.txt", "w") for i in lines: j = i.strip()
return scale_dict if __name__ == "__main__": d = np.linspace(1e4, 1e5, 100) data = np.sin(np.outer(d, d)) * 16384 noise = np.random.random((100,100)) / 1000 data = data + noise scale_dict = quinoa_scale(data, q=0.001) data_unscaled = quinoa_unscale(scale_dict) print scale_dict print data_unscaled plt.figure() plt.subplot(2,2,1) plt.imshow(data) plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(2,2,2) plt.imshow(scale_dict["data"]) plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(2,2,3) plt.imshow(data_unscaled) plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(2,2,4) plt.imshow(np.abs(data - data_unscaled) / np.max(data) * 100) plt.colorbar()
def imshow_matplotlib(self,*args,**kwargs): plt.imshow( self,*args,interpolation = 'nearest',**kwargs )
xx = xx.astype(np.float) yy = yy.astype(np.float) dimx = float(dimx) dimy=float(dimy) nTimesInX = np.floor(xx / M).max() + 1 seg_cpu = np.floor(yy / M) * nTimesInX + np.floor(xx / M) seg_cpu = seg_cpu.astype(np.int32) return seg_cpu def random_permute_seg(seg): p=np.random.permutation(seg.max()+1) seg2 = np.zeros_like(seg) for c in range(seg.max()+1): seg2[seg==c]=p[c] return seg2.astype(np.int32) if __name__ == "__main__": tic = time.clock() seg= get_init_seg(500, 500,17,True) # seg= get_init_seg(512, 512,50,False) toc = time.clock() print toc-tic print 'k = ', seg.max()+1 plt.figure(1) plt.clf() plt.imshow(seg,interpolation="Nearest") plt.axis('scaled')
def runAnalysis( caseDirs , resultsDir , noReweight = False): # Do a reference for each one for refDir in caseDirs: # ID of reference case refID = refDir.split("/")[-1] # User info print "Doing PCA analysis with "+refDir+" as reference" # Get the PCA limits of component 1-2 plot limit = 10 with open(refDir+"/analysis/data/pca_limits_1", "r") as fi: limit = int(float( limit += 0.01 # Go through the case dirs to plot for caseDir in caseDirs: print "Using "+caseDir+" as case" # ID of case caseID = caseDir.split("/")[-1] ## PCA PLOTTING ON REF DIR PCA COMPONENTS ######################################### # Create & run cpptraj for plotting all cases on the axes of the first eigenvector # Good URLs for PCA in CPPTRAJ: # # PCA plotter pcaHandler = pcaFuncs.PCA( resultsDir+"/plots/pcaComparison/PCA_"+caseID+"_on_"+refID+".pdf" ) # Create new submission file TEMPLATE = open( caseDir+"/ccptraj_analysis_pca.ptraj", 'r') TEMP ="[PCAREFERENCE]", refDir ) TEMPLATE.close() # Write the submission file FILE = open(caseDir+"/ccptraj_analysis_pca.ptraj","w"); FILE.write( TEMP ); FILE.close(); # Run the cpptraj utility os.system( "$AMBERHOME/bin/cpptraj -p "+caseDir+"/md-files/peptide_nowat.prmtop -i "+caseDir+"/ccptraj_analysis_pca.ptraj" ) # Do the plots of energy landscapes & distributions pcaHandler.plotPCA( "Case: "+caseID+". Ref case: "+refID, # Plot Title caseDir+"/analysis/data/" , # Data Dir "global_pca", # Eigenvector file eigenVectorCount = 2, # Only plot two plotDistibution = False, # Do not plot the distribution limits = limit ) # Save the plot pcaHandler.savePlot() ## REWEIGHTING OF PCA PLOTS ON RED DIR PCA COMPONENTS ##################################################### # Check if we should do a reweighted version if noReweight == False: if os.path.isfile( caseDir+"/md-logs/weights.dat" ): # User info print "aMD weights found. Now attempting 2D reweighting" # Prepare input file numLines = 0 with open(caseDir+"/analysis/data/global_pca", "r") as fi: with open(caseDir+"/analysis/data/global_pca_singleColumn", "w") as fo: next(fi) for line in fi: numLines += 1 fo.write( line.split()[1]+"\t"+line.split()[2]+"\n" ) # Set the discretization reqBins = 100 discretization = (2*limit) / reqBins # Get the max value of normal plot maxValue = math.ceil(pcaHandler.getLatestMax()) # Run the reweighting procedure command = "python $PLMDHOME/src/PyReweighting/ \ -input "+caseDir+"/analysis/data/global_pca_singleColumn \ -name "+caseDir+"/analysis/data/global_pca_singleColumn_reweighted \ -Xdim -"+str(limit)+" "+str(limit)+" \ -Ydim -"+str(limit)+" "+str(limit)+" \ -discX "+str(discretization)+" \ -discY "+str(discretization)+" \ -cutoff 10 \ -Emax "+str(maxValue)+" \ -job amdweight_CE \ -weight "+refDir+"/md-logs/weights.dat | tee -a reweight_variable.log" print "Running command:", command os.system( command ) # Create long file for PCA module with open(caseDir+"/analysis/data/global_pca_reweightedDone", "w") as fo: with open(caseDir+"/analysis/data/global_pca_singleColumn_reweighted-pmf-c2.dat", "r") as fi: frame = 0 for line in fi: temp = line.split() entries = int(float(temp[2])*10) for i in range(0,entries): fo.write( str(frame) + "\t" + temp[0] + "\t" + temp[1] +"\n" ) frame += 1 # Print block analysis 'family' : 'Arial', fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8), nrows=1, ncols=1 ) font = {'weight' : 'normal','size' : 10} plt.rc('font', **font) # Now plot the 2d histogram hist = np.load(caseDir+"/analysis/data/global_pca_singleColumn_reweighted_c2EnergyHist.npy") xedges = np.load(caseDir+"/analysis/data/global_pca_singleColumn_reweighted_c2edgesX.npy") yedges = np.load(caseDir+"/analysis/data/global_pca_singleColumn_reweighted_c2edgesY.npy") # Remove points above limit for jy in range(len(hist[0,:])): for jx in range(len(hist[:,0])): if hist[jx,jy] >= maxValue: hist[jx,jy] = float("inf") # Do plot img = plt.imshow(hist.transpose(), interpolation='nearest', origin='lower',extent=[yedges[0], yedges[-1],xedges[0], xedges[-1]] , rasterized=True ) # create an axes on the right side of ax. The width of cax will be 5% # of ax and the padding between cax and ax will be fixed at 0.05 inch. divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) # Create colorbar colorbar = plt.colorbar(img, ax=ax, cax = cax) colorbar.set_label("Kcal / mol") # Set title, labels etc plt.legend() ax.set_xlabel("PC1", fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel("PC2", fontsize=12) ax.set_title( "PCA. Case: "+caseID+" Reweighted. Ref case: "+refID ) plt.rc('font', **font) # Save figure fig.savefig(resultsDir+"/plots/pcaComparison/PCA_"+caseID+"_on_"+refID+"_reweighted.pdf") ## CLUSTER PLOTS ON PCA COMPONENTS ################################## # Do both hier and dbscan for clusterType in ["dbscan","hier"]: # Instantiate the class if os.path.isfile(caseDir+"/analysis/data/cluster_"+clusterType+"_out"): print "Doing the "+clusterType+" cluster equivalent of the PCA plot" # Start the cluster handler. Load the file declaring cluster for each frame clusterHandler = cluster.clusterBase( caseDir+"/analysis/data/cluster_"+clusterType+"_out" ) # Separate the dataset. # global_pca is the projection file for this case on the ref modes numPCAdataSets = clusterHandler.separateDataSet( caseDir+"/analysis/data/global_pca", # Input file caseDir+"/analysis/data/cluster_"+clusterType+"_pca_", # Output files xColumn = 1 ) # Create lists of labels and files for plotting clusterLabels = [] clusterFiles = [] offset = 1 if clusterType == "hier" else 0 for i in range( 0+offset, numPCAdataSets+offset): clusterLabels.append( "Cluster "+str(i) ) clusterFiles.append( caseDir+"/analysis/data/cluster_"+clusterType+"_pca_d2_c"+str(i) ) # First one is noise if offset == 0: clusterLabels[0] = "Noise" myPlot.plotData( resultsDir+"/plots/pcaComparison/" , clusterType+"_"+caseID+"_on_"+refID, clusterLabels, clusterFiles , "PC2", xUnit = "PC1", scatter = True, legendLoc = 4, figWidth = 8, figHeight = 8, tightXlimits = False, legendFrame = 1, legendAlpha = 1, xLimits = [-limit,limit], yLimits = [-limit,limit] )
def example(tess='I',base=[2,2,2],nLevels=1, zero_v_across_bdry=[True]*3, vol_preserve=False, nRows=100, nCols=100,nSlices=100, use_mayavi=False, eval_v=False, eval_cell_idx=False): tw = TransformWrapper(nRows=nRows, nCols=nCols, nSlices=nSlices, nLevels=nLevels, base=base, zero_v_across_bdry=zero_v_across_bdry, tess=tess, valid_outside=False, only_local=False, vol_preserve=vol_preserve) print_iterable( print tw # create some fake 3D image. img = np.zeros((nCols,nRows,nSlices),dtype=np.float64) # img[:]=np.random.random_integers(0,255,img.shape) # Fill the image with the x coordinates as fake values img[:]=tw.pts_src_dense.cpu[:,0].reshape(img.shape) img0 = CpuGpuArray(img.copy().astype(np.float64)) img_wrapped_fwd= CpuGpuArray.zeros_like(img0) img_wrapped_inv= CpuGpuArray.zeros_like(img0) seed=0 np.random.seed(seed) ms_Avees=tw.get_zeros_PA_all_levels() ms_theta=tw.get_zeros_theta_all_levels() if tess == 'II' : for level in range( cpa_space =[level] Avees = ms_Avees[level] # 1/0 if level==0: tw.sample_gaussian(level,ms_Avees[level],ms_theta[level],mu=None)# zero mean # ms_theta[level].fill(0) # ms_theta[level][-4]=10 cpa_space.theta2Avees(theta=ms_theta[level],Avees=Avees) else: tw.sample_from_the_ms_prior_coarse2fine_one_level(ms_Avees,ms_theta, level_fine=level) else: # For tess='I' in 3D, I have yet to implement the coarse-to-fine sampling. for level in range( cpa_space =[level] velTess = cpa_space.zeros_velTess() ms_Avees[level].fill(0) Avees = ms_Avees[level] tw.sample_gaussian_velTess(level,Avees,velTess,mu=None) print 'img shape:',img0.shape # You don't have use these. You can use any 2d array # that has 3 columns (regardless of the number of rows). pts_src = tw.pts_src_dense pts_src=CpuGpuArray(pts_src.cpu[::1].copy()) # Create a buffer for the output pts_fwd = CpuGpuArray.zeros_like(pts_src) pts_inv = CpuGpuArray.zeros_like(pts_src) for level in range( tw.update_pat_from_Avees(ms_Avees[level],level) if eval_v: # Evaluating the velocity field. # You don't have to do it in unless you want to visualize v. # (when evaluting the treansformation, v will be internally # evaluated anyway -- but its result won't be stored) tw.calc_v(level=level) print 'level',level print print 'number of points:',len(pts_src) print 'number of cells:',[level].nC # optional, if you want to time it timer_gpu_T_fwd = GpuTimer() # Simply calling # tic = time.clock() # and then # tic = time.clock() # won't work. # In fact, most likely you will get that toc-tic is zero. # You need to use the GpuTimer object. When you do that, # one side effect is that suddenly the toc-tic from above will # give you a more realistic result. tic = time.clock() timer_gpu_T_fwd.tic() tw.calc_T_fwd(pts_src,pts_fwd,level=level) timer_gpu_T_fwd.toc() toc = time.clock() print 'Time, in sec, for computing T_fwd:' print timer_gpu_T_fwd.secs print toc-tic # likely to be 0, unless you also used the GpuTimer. # You can also time the inv of course. Results will be similar. tw.calc_T_inv(pts_src,pts_inv,level=level) if eval_cell_idx: # cell_idx is computed here just for display. cell_idx = CpuGpuArray.zeros(len(pts_src),dtype=np.int32) tw.calc_cell_idx(pts_src,cell_idx,level) tw.remap_fwd(pts_inv,img0,img_wrapped_fwd) tw.remap_inv(pts_fwd,img0,img_wrapped_inv) # For display purposes, do gpu2cpu transfer print "For display purposes, do gpu2cpu transfer" if eval_cell_idx: cell_idx.gpu2cpu() if eval_v: tw.v_dense.gpu2cpu() pts_fwd.gpu2cpu() pts_inv.gpu2cpu() img_wrapped_fwd.gpu2cpu() img_wrapped_inv.gpu2cpu() if use_mayavi: ds=1 # downsampling factor i= 17 pts_src_grid = pts_src.cpu.reshape(tw.nRows,tw.nCols,-1,3) pts_src_ds=pts_src_grid[::ds,::ds,i].reshape(-1,3) pts_fwd_grid = pts_fwd.cpu.reshape(tw.nRows,tw.nCols,-1,3) pts_fwd_ds=pts_fwd_grid[::ds,::ds,i].reshape(-1,3) pts_inv_grid = pts_inv.cpu.reshape(tw.nRows,tw.nCols,-1,3) pts_inv_ds=pts_inv_grid[::ds,::ds,i].reshape(-1,3) from of.my_mayavi import * mayavi_mlab_close_all() mayavi_mlab_figure_bgwhite('src') x,y,z=pts_src_ds.T mayavi_mlab_plot3d(x,y,z) mayavi_mlab_figure_bgwhite('fwd') x,y,z=pts_fwd_ds.T mayavi_mlab_plot3d(x,y,z) figsize = (12,12) plt.figure(figsize=figsize) i= 17 # some slice plt.subplot(131) plt.imshow(img0.cpu[:,:,i].astype(np.uint8),interpolation="Nearest") plt.title('slice from img') plt.subplot(132) plt.imshow(img_wrapped_fwd.cpu[:,:,i].astype(np.uint8),interpolation="Nearest") plt.axis('off') plt.title('slice from fwd(img)') plt.subplot(133) plt.imshow(img_wrapped_inv.cpu[:,:,i].astype(np.uint8),interpolation="Nearest") plt.axis('off') plt.title('slice from inv(img)') if 0: # debug[level] if eval_v: vx=tw.v_dense.cpu[:,0].reshape(cpa_space.x_dense_grid_img.shape[1:]) vy=tw.v_dense.cpu[:,1].reshape(cpa_space.x_dense_grid_img.shape[1:]) vz=tw.v_dense.cpu[:,2].reshape(cpa_space.x_dense_grid_img.shape[1:]) plt.figure() plt.imshow(vz[:,:,17],interpolation="Nearest");plt.colorbar() plt.title('vz in some slice') return tw
stdx = 9 stdy = 3 sint = positionToIntensityUncertainty(img, stdx, stdy) # CASE2: variable position uncertainty: # x,y 0...15 stdx2 = np.fromfunction(lambda x, y: x * y, img.shape) stdx2 /= stdx2[-1, -1] / 9 stdy2 = np.fromfunction(lambda x, y: x * y, img.shape) stdy2 /= stdy2[-1, -1] / 9 stdy2 = stdy2[::-1, ::-1] # flip content twice sint2 = positionToIntensityUncertainty(img, stdx2, stdy2, 21) if 'no_window' not in sys.argv: plt.figure('input') plt.imshow(img) plt.colorbar() plt.figure('output for const. position uncertainty (x%s,y%s)' % (stdx, stdy)) plt.imshow(sint) plt.colorbar() plt.figure('output for var. position uncertainty 0...15') plt.imshow(sint2) plt.colorbar()
mayavi_mlab_figure_bgwhite('src') mayavi_mlab_set_parallel_projection(True) mayavi_mlab_figure_bgwhite('transformed') mayavi_mlab_clf() mayavi_mlab_set_parallel_projection(True) x0,y0,z0=pts.cpu.T mayavi_mlab_figure('src') points3d(x0,y0,z0,scale_factor=5,color=red) x1,y1,z1=pts_transformed.cpu.T mayavi_mlab_figure('transformed') points3d(x1,y1,z1,scale_factor=5,color=blue) # if 0: plt.close('all') for c in range(3): plt.figure(c+1) for i in range( min(21,pts_grid[0].shape[2])): plt.subplot(3,7,i+1) plt.imshow(v[:,c].reshape(pts_grid[0].shape)[:,:,i], interpolation='Nearest',vmin=v.min(),vmax=v.max()); #plt.colorbar() print cpa_space._calcs_gpu.kernel_filename if computer.has_good_gpu_card: raw_input("raw_input:")
# v_at_trajs_full = np.zeros_like(trajs_full) # for _pts,_v in zip(trajs_full,v_at_trajs_full): # cpa_space.calc_v(pat=pat, pts=_pts, out=_v) pts_grid=cpa_space.x_dense_grid_img # pts_grid = np.asarray([xx,yy]).copy() grid_shape = pts_grid[0].shape fig = plt.figure() plt.subplot(234) # plt.imshow(cell_idx.reshape(Ny,Nx)) plt.imshow(cell_idx.cpu.reshape(grid_shape)) plt.subplot(231) scale=[2*30,1.5*4][vol_preserve] cpa_space.quiver(pts_grid,v_dense,scale, ds=16/2) config_plt() plt.subplot(232) plt.imshow(v_dense.cpu[:,0].reshape(grid_shape),interpolation='Nearest', vmin=v_dense.cpu[:,:].min(),vmax=v_dense.cpu[:,:].max());plt.colorbar()
def showGrid(grid_): if not showPlots: return plt.imshow(grid_[..., 0], interpolation='nearest')
generated = np.array([ downscale_spatiotemporal(dsum, alpha, beta, 24) for _ in range(n_fake_per_real) ]) # now the same, but showing absolute precipitation fields # compute absolute precipitation from fraction of daily sum. # this can be done with numpy broadcasting. # we also have to multiply with norm_scale (because cond is normalized) generated_scaled = generated real_scaled = real fig = plt.figure(figsize=(25, 12)) # plot real one ax = plt.subplot(n_plot, 25, 1) im = plt.imshow(dsum, cmap=cmap, norm=plotnorm) plt.axis('off') ax.annotate('real', xy=(0, 0.5), xytext=(-5, 0), xycoords='axes fraction', textcoords='offset points', size='large', ha='right', va='center', rotation='vertical') ax.annotate(f'daily sum', xy=(0.5, 1), xytext=(0, 5), xycoords='axes fraction', textcoords='offset points',
def train(n_epochs, _batch_size, start_epoch=0): """ train with fixed batch_size for given epochs make some example plots and save model after each epoch """ global batch_size batch_size = _batch_size # create a dataqueue with the keras facilities. this allows # to prepare the data in parallel to the training sample_dataqueue = GeneratorEnqueuer(generate_real_samples(batch_size), use_multiprocessing=True) sample_dataqueue.start(workers=2, max_queue_size=10) sample_gen = sample_dataqueue.get() # targets for loss function gan_sample_dataqueue = GeneratorEnqueuer( generate_latent_points_as_generator(batch_size), use_multiprocessing=True) gan_sample_dataqueue.start(workers=2, max_queue_size=10) gan_sample_gen = gan_sample_dataqueue.get() # targets for loss function valid = -np.ones((batch_size, 1)) fake = np.ones((batch_size, 1)) dummy = np.zeros((batch_size, 1)) # Dummy gt for gradient penalty bat_per_epo = int(n_samples / batch_size) # we need to call the discriminator once in order # to initialize the input shapes [X_real, cond_real] = next(sample_gen) latent = np.random.normal(size=(batch_size, latent_dim)) critic_model.predict([X_real, cond_real, latent]) for i in trange(n_epochs): epoch = 1 + i + start_epoch # enumerate batches over the training set for j in trange(bat_per_epo): for _ in range(n_disc): # fetch a batch from the queue [X_real, cond_real] = next(sample_gen) latent = np.random.normal(size=(batch_size, latent_dim)) d_loss = critic_model.train_on_batch( [X_real, cond_real, latent], [valid, fake, dummy]) # we get for losses back here. average, valid, fake, and gradient_penalty # we want the average of valid and fake d_loss = np.mean([d_loss[1], d_loss[2]]) # train generator # prepare points in latent space as input for the generator [latent, cond] = next(gan_sample_gen) # update the generator via the discriminator's error g_loss = generator_model.train_on_batch([latent, cond], valid) # summarize loss on this batch print(f'{epoch}, {j + 1}/{bat_per_epo}, d_loss {d_loss}' + \ f' g:{g_loss} ') # , d_fake:{d_loss_fake} d_real:{d_loss_real}') if np.isnan(g_loss) or np.isnan(d_loss): raise ValueError('encountered nan in g_loss and/or d_loss') hist['d_loss'].append(d_loss) hist['g_loss'].append(g_loss) # plot generated examples plt.figure(figsize=(25, 25)) n_plot = 30 X_fake, cond_fake = generate_fake_samples(n_plot) for iplot in range(n_plot): plt.subplot(n_plot, 25, iplot * 25 + 1) plt.imshow(cond_fake[iplot, :, :].squeeze(),, norm=LogNorm(vmin=0.01, vmax=1)) plt.axis('off') for jplot in range(1, 24): plt.subplot(n_plot, 25, iplot * 25 + jplot + 1) plt.imshow(X_fake[iplot, jplot, :, :].squeeze(), vmin=0, vmax=1, plt.axis('off') plt.colorbar() plt.suptitle(f'epoch {epoch:04d}') plt.savefig( f'{plotdir}/fake_samples_{params}_{epoch:04d}_{j:06d}.{plot_format}' ) # plot loss plt.figure() plt.plot(hist['d_loss'], label='d_loss') plt.plot(hist['g_loss'], label='g_loss') plt.ylabel('batch') plt.legend() plt.savefig(f'{plotdir}/training_loss_{params}.{plot_format}') pd.DataFrame(hist).to_csv('hist.csv') plt.close('all')'{outdir}/gen_{params}_{epoch:04d}.h5')'{outdir}/disc_{params}_{epoch:04d}.h5')
dpi = notedpi # figdefaultdpi = plt.rcParams.get('figure.dpi') figwinchs = round(colwidthmax * (dpi / figdefaultdpi) / figdefaultdpi / 10, 3) fighinchs = round( rowwidth * len(dflines) * (dpi / figdefaultdpi) / figdefaultdpi / 10, 3) print(f"输出图片的画布宽高(英寸):\t{(figwinchs, fighinchs)}") plt.figure(figsize=(figwinchs, fighinchs), dpi=dpi) plt.axis('off') # font = ImageFont.truetype("../msyh.ttf", 12) if title: plt.title(title) plt.imshow(im) imgtmppath = dirmainpath / 'img' / 'dbimgtmp.png' plt.axis('off') plt.savefig(imgtmppath) if not showincell: plt.close() return imgtmppath # %% [markdown] # ### def descdb(df) # %% # 显示DataFrame或Series的轮廓信息
def example(img=None,tess='I',eval_cell_idx=True,eval_v=True,show_downsampled_pts=True, valid_outside=True,base=[1,1], scale_spatial=.1, scale_value=100, permute_cell_idx_for_display=True, nLevels=3, vol_preserve=False, zero_v_across_bdry=[0,0], use_lims_when_plotting=True): show_downsampled_pts = bool(show_downsampled_pts) eval_cell_idx = bool(eval_cell_idx) eval_v = bool(eval_cell_idx) valid_outside = bool(valid_outside) permute_cell_idx_for_display = bool(permute_cell_idx_for_display) vol_preserve = bool(vol_preserve) if img is None: img = Img(get_std_test_img()) else: img=Img(img) img = img[:,:,::-1] # bgr2rgb tw = TransformWrapper(nRows=img.shape[0], nCols=img.shape[1], nLevels=nLevels, base=base, scale_spatial=scale_spatial, # controls the prior's smoothness scale_value=scale_value, # controls the prior's variance tess=tess, vol_preserve=vol_preserve, zero_v_across_bdry=zero_v_across_bdry, valid_outside=valid_outside) print tw # You probably want to do that: padding image border with zeros border_width=1 img[:border_width]=0 img[-border_width:]=0 img[:,:border_width]=0 img[:,-border_width:]=0 # The tw.calc_T_fwd (or tw.calc_T_inv) is always done in gpu. # After using it to compute new pts, # you may want to use remap (to warp an image accordingly). # If you will use tw.remap_fwd (or tw.remap_inv), which is done in gpu, # then the image type can be either float32 or float64. # But if you plan to use (or tw.remap_inv_opencv), # which is done in cpu (hence slightly lower) but supports better # interpolation methods, then the image type must be np.float32. # img_original = CpuGpuArray(img.copy().astype(np.float32)) img_original = CpuGpuArray(img.copy().astype(np.float64)) img_wrapped_fwd= CpuGpuArray.zeros_like(img_original) img_wrapped_bwd= CpuGpuArray.zeros_like(img_original) seed=0 np.random.seed(seed) ms_Avees=tw.get_zeros_PA_all_levels() ms_theta=tw.get_zeros_theta_all_levels() for level in range( if level==0: tw.sample_gaussian(level,ms_Avees[level],ms_theta[level],mu=None)# zero mean else: tw.sample_from_the_ms_prior_coarse2fine_one_level(ms_Avees,ms_theta, level_fine=level) print('\nimg shape: {}\n'.format(img_original.shape)) # You don't have use these. You can use any 2d array # that has two columns (regardless of the number of rows). pts_src = tw.pts_src_dense # Create buffers for the output pts_fwd = CpuGpuArray.zeros_like(pts_src) pts_inv = CpuGpuArray.zeros_like(pts_src) for level in range( ####################################################################### # instead of the tw.sample_from_the_ms_prior() above, # you may want to use one of the following. # 1) # tw.sample_gaussian(level,ms_Avees[level],ms_theta[level],mu=None)# zero mean # 2) # tw.sample_gaussian(level,ms_Avees[level],ms_theta[level],mu=some_user_specified_mu) # The following should be used only for level>0 : # 3) # tw.sample_normal_in_one_level_using_the_coarser_as_mean(Avees_coarse=ms_Avees[level-1], # Avees_fine=ms_Avees[level], # theta_fine=ms_theta[level], # level_fine=level) # ####################################################################### # You can also change the values this way: # cpa_space =[level] # theta = cpa_space.get_zeros_theta() # theta[:] = some values # Avees = cpa_space.get_zeros_PA() # cpa_space.theta2Avees(theta,Avees) # cpa_space.update_pat(Avees) # This step is important and must be done # before are trying to "use" the new values of # the (vectorized) A's. tw.update_pat_from_Avees(ms_Avees[level],level) if eval_v: # Evaluating the velocity field. # You don't have to do it in unless you want to visualize v. # (when evaluting the treansformation, v will be internally # evaluated anyway -- but its result won't be stored) tw.calc_v(level=level) # optional, if you want to time it timer_gpu_T_fwd = GpuTimer() # Simply calling # tic = time.clock() # and then # tic = time.clock() # won't work. # In fact, most likely you will get that toc-tic is zero. # You need to use the GpuTimer object. When you do that, # one side effect is that suddenly the toc-tic from above will # give you a more realistic result. tic = time.clock() timer_gpu_T_fwd.tic() tw.calc_T_fwd(pts_src,pts_fwd,level=level) timer_gpu_T_fwd.toc() toc = time.clock() print 'Time, in sec, for computing T_fwd:' print timer_gpu_T_fwd.secs print toc-tic # likely to be 0, unless you also used the GpuTimer. # You can also time the inv of course. Results will be similar. tw.calc_T_inv(pts_src,pts_inv,level=level) if eval_cell_idx: # cell_idx is computed here just for display. cell_idx = CpuGpuArray.zeros(len(pts_src),dtype=np.int32) tw.calc_cell_idx(pts_src,cell_idx,level, permute_for_disp=permute_cell_idx_for_display) # If may also want ro to time the remap. # However, the remap is usually very fast (e.g, about 2 milisec). # timer_gpu_remap_fwd = GpuTimer() # tic = time.clock() # timer_gpu_remap_fwd.tic() # tw.remap_fwd(pts_inv=pts_inv,img=img_original,img_wrapped_fwd=img_wrapped_fwd) tw.remap_fwd(pts_inv=pts_inv,img=img_original,img_wrapped_fwd=img_wrapped_fwd) # timer_gpu_remap_fwd.toc() # toc = time.clock() # If the img type is np.float32, you may also use # tw.remap_fwd_opencv instead of tw.remap_fw. The differences between # the two methods are explained above tw.remap_inv(pts_fwd=pts_fwd,img=img_original,img_wrapped_inv=img_wrapped_bwd) # For display purposes, do gpu2cpu transfer print ("For display purposes, do gpu2cpu transfer") if eval_cell_idx: cell_idx.gpu2cpu() if eval_v: tw.v_dense.gpu2cpu() pts_fwd.gpu2cpu() pts_inv.gpu2cpu() img_wrapped_fwd.gpu2cpu() img_wrapped_bwd.gpu2cpu() figsize = (12,12) plt.figure(figsize=figsize) if eval_v: plt.subplot(332) tw.imshow_vx() plt.title('vx') plt.subplot(333) tw.imshow_vy() plt.title('vy') if eval_cell_idx: plt.subplot(331) cell_idx_disp = cell_idx.cpu.reshape(img.shape[0],-1) plt.imshow(cell_idx_disp) plt.title('tess (type {})'.format(tess)) if show_downsampled_pts: ds=20 pts_src_grid = pts_src.cpu.reshape(tw.nRows,-1,2) pts_src_ds=pts_src_grid[::ds,::ds].reshape(-1,2) pts_fwd_grid = pts_fwd.cpu.reshape(tw.nRows,-1,2) pts_fwd_ds=pts_fwd_grid[::ds,::ds].reshape(-1,2) pts_inv_grid = pts_inv.cpu.reshape(tw.nRows,-1,2) pts_inv_ds=pts_inv_grid[::ds,::ds].reshape(-1,2) use_lims=use_lims_when_plotting # return tw plt.subplot(334) plt.plot(pts_src_ds[:,0],pts_src_ds[:,1],'r.') plt.title('pts ds') tw.config_plt() plt.subplot(335) plt.plot(pts_fwd_ds[:,0],pts_fwd_ds[:,1],'g.') plt.title('fwd(pts)') tw.config_plt(axis_on_or_off='on',use_lims=use_lims) plt.subplot(336) plt.plot(pts_inv_ds[:,0],pts_inv_ds[:,1],'b.') plt.title('inv(pts)') tw.config_plt(axis_on_or_off='on',use_lims=use_lims) plt.subplot(337) plt.imshow(img_original.cpu.astype(np.uint8)) plt.title('img') # plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(338) plt.imshow(img_wrapped_fwd.cpu.astype(np.uint8)) # plt.axis('off') plt.title('fwd(img)') plt.subplot(339) plt.imshow(img_wrapped_bwd.cpu.astype(np.uint8)) # plt.axis('off') plt.title('inv(img)') return tw
def detect_signal(file, window, samplerate, df, every, v, xf, f_center): ##### detect # loading in sdr data # loading in the database what frequencies are known db_satname = ["NOAA19", "NOAA15", "NOAA18", "ISS", "ISS APRS"] db_f = [137100000.0, 137620000.0, 137912500.0, 145800000.0, 145825000.0] db_f_band = [24000.0, 24000.0, 24000.0, 6000.0, 6000.0] f = [] f_band = [] for kkk in range(len(db_f)): if db_f[kkk] >= f_center - samplerate and db_f[kkk] <= f_center + samplerate: f.append(db_f[kkk]) f_band.append(db_f_band[kkk]) print(f) start = [] bandrange = [] for kkkk in range(len(f)): start.append(int((f[kkkk] - f_center) / df + len(xf)/2.0)) #print(start[-1], (0), df, len(xf)/2.0) bandrange.append(int(f_band[kkkk]/df)) #print("band", bandrange[-1]) #print("test", start[-1], df, bandrange[-1]) print(time.time(), timeit.default_timer()-time_start, "graphing start") foundknownsignal = [] foundknownsignal1 = [] for j in range(len(f)): w1 = [] w2 = [] for ll in range(len(v)): w1.append(v[ll][start[j] - bandrange[j]: start[j] + bandrange[j]]) w2.append(v[ll][start[j] - (bandrange[j]+int(60000/df)): start[j] + (bandrange[j]+int(60000/df))]) foundknownsignal.append(signal_distance(w1, every)) foundknownsignal1.append(int(np.sum(w1))) filename = file+"_"+str(f[j])+"_sig"+str(foundknownsignal[j])+"_"+str(foundknownsignal1[j])+".png" filename1 = file+"_"+str(f[j])+"x_sig"+str(foundknownsignal[j])+"_"+str(foundknownsignal1[j])+".png" plt.imshow(w1, interpolation='nearest') plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.savefig(filename, format='png') plt.imshow(w2, interpolation='nearest') #plt.imshow(result) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.savefig(filename1, format='png', dpi=100) print(time.time(), timeit.default_timer()-time_start, "graphing end") ''' #signal_strength = signal_strength / np.max(signal_strength) #signal_strength1 = signal_strength1 / np.max(signal_strength1) print(len(signal_strength)) print(signal_strength) #plt.plot(signal_strength) plt.plot(xf, frr) ''' return foundknownsignal, foundknownsignal1
yy = yy.astype(np.float) dimx = float(dimx) dimy = float(dimy) nTimesInX = np.floor(xx / M).max() + 1 seg_cpu = np.floor(yy / M) * nTimesInX + np.floor(xx / M) seg_cpu = seg_cpu.astype(np.int32) return seg_cpu def random_permute_seg(seg): p = np.random.permutation(seg.max() + 1) seg2 = np.zeros_like(seg) for c in range(seg.max() + 1): seg2[seg == c] = p[c] return seg2.astype(np.int32) if __name__ == "__main__": tic = time.clock() seg = get_init_seg(500, 500, 17, True) # seg= get_init_seg(512, 512,50,False) toc = time.clock() print(toc - tic) print('k = ', seg.max() + 1) plt.figure(1) plt.clf() plt.imshow(seg, interpolation="Nearest") plt.axis('scaled')
def signal_substraction(file, window, samplerate, df, every, result_of_fft): # we asume, that our satellite signals are not contineously received # so we do a substraction on frequency level. the signal intensity of each frequency for the window kernel # is substracted from the overall, longtime average of this frequency. # this allows to see fluctuations better, because they are adding to the average. # so we can find a superposed signal easier this way. threshold = meaning(result_of_fft) signal_lowered = substract(result_of_fft, threshold) print(time.time(), timeit.default_timer()-time_start, "lowering done") v = np.zeros((len(signal_lowered), window)) #w = np.zeros((len(signal_lowered), window)) bandwidth = int(window / (2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2)) #print("band", bandwidth*df) for j in range(0, window, bandwidth): #print(j) u = [] for kk in range(len(signal_lowered)): u.append(signal_lowered[kk][j:j+bandwidth]) #u = u/np.max(u) #print("test", len(u), len(u[0])) ''' plt.imshow(u, interpolation='nearest') #plt.imshow(result) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() #plt.gca().invert_xaxis() # #plt.gca().set_xticks(xf) ''' edged = signal(edge_detection1(u)) #print(np.max(edged)) #graved = centerofgravity(edged) #signal_strength.append(np.sum(edged)) for k in range(len(edged)): for l in range(len(edged[k])): v[k][j+l] = edged[k][l]# + signaaaal print(time.time(), timeit.default_timer()-time_start, "edging done") w3 = [] filename3 = file+"_all.png" for lll in range(len(v)): w3.append(signal_lowered[lll]) plt.imshow(w3, interpolation='nearest') #plt.imshow(result) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() #plt.figure(figsize=(1200, 800)) plt.savefig(filename3, format='png', dpi=500) #plt.savefig(filename, format='png', dpi=1000) del w3 return v
def find_parkings(img): plt.imshow(img) hor_lines, ver_lines = lineDetection(img) sorted_hor_lines = sorted(sorted(hor_lines, key=lambda x: x.y1), key=special_x_sort) parkings = [] i = 0 is_next_neig = False prev_line = sorted_hor_lines[0] prev_points = [(prev_line.x1, int(prev_line.y1)), (prev_line.x2, int(prev_line.y2))] while i < len(sorted_hor_lines): cur_line = sorted_hor_lines[i] cur_x_start = cur_line.x1 cur_x_end = cur_line.x2 if i < len(sorted_hor_lines) - 1: next_line = sorted_hor_lines[i + 1] is_next_neig = areNeigbours(cur_line, next_line) is_prev_neig = areNeigbours(cur_line, prev_line) if is_prev_neig: # is_prev_neig && is_next_neig => line in the middle of row if is_next_neig: cur_x1 = statistics.median( [prev_points[0][0], cur_x_start, next_line.x1]) cur_x2 = statistics.median( [prev_points[1][0], cur_x_end, next_line.x2]) # is_prev_neig && !is_next_neig => line last of row else: cur_x1 = cur_x_start if np.abs( prev_points[0][0] - cur_x_start) < 5 else prev_points[0][0] cur_x2 = cur_x_end if np.abs( prev_points[1][0] - cur_x_start) < 5 else prev_points[1][0] else: # !is_prev_neig && is_next_neig => line first of row if is_next_neig: cur_x1 = cur_x_start cur_x2 = cur_x_end # !is_prev_neig && !is_next_neig => not a parking! else: cur_line = None cur_x1 = -1000 cur_x2 = -1000 if cur_line: cur_points = [(cur_x1, int(cur_line.y1)), (cur_x2, int(cur_line.y2))] cur_points_orig = [(cur_x_start, int(cur_line.y1)), (cur_x_end, int(cur_line.y2))] else: cur_points = [(cur_x1, -1000), (cur_x2, -1000)] cur_points_orig = [(cur_x_start, -1000), (cur_x_end, -1000)] if is_prev_neig: parkings.append(cur_points + prev_points) prev_line = cur_line prev_points = cur_points_orig i += 1 pickle_out = open("parking_array.pickle", "wb") pickle.dump(parkings, pickle_out) pickle_out.close() return parkings
print(text_6) text_7, image_7 = send_request_byimage(sign, imagefile_3) print(text_7) text_8, image_8 = send_request_byimage(sign, imagefile_4) print(text_8) score_5 = str(json.loads(text_5)["data"]["score"]) score_6 = str(json.loads(text_6)["data"]["score"]) score_7 = str(json.loads(text_7)["data"]["score"]) score_8 = str(json.loads(text_8)["data"]["score"]) # print(res.request.body) # print(res.request.headers) # print(res.text) plt.subplot(241).set_title("无翻拍 : %s 分" % score_1) plt.imshow(image_1) plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(242).set_title("翻拍 : %s 分" % score_2) plt.imshow(image_2) plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(243).set_title("无翻拍 : %s 分" % score_3) plt.imshow(image_3) plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(244).set_title("无翻拍-黑白 : %s 分" % score_4) plt.imshow(image_4) plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(245).set_title("电脑拍摄 : %s 分" % score_5) plt.imshow(image_5) plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(246).set_title("手机拍摄 : %s 分" % score_6)
frameRate=0.0083; #filename='img007.tif' #frameRate=0.033; #%% filename_mc=filename[:-4]+'_mc.npz' filename_analysis=filename[:-4]+'_analysis.npz' filename_traces=filename[:-4]+'_traces.npz' #%% load movie m=XMovie(filename, frameRate=frameRate); #%% example plot a frame plt.imshow([100], #%% example play movie m.playMovie(frate=.03,gain=20.0,magnification=4) #%% example take first channel of two channelId=1; totalChannels=2; m.makeSubMov(range(channelId-1,[0],totalChannels)) #%% prtition into two movies up and down m.crop(crop_top=150,crop_bottom=150,crop_left=150,crop_right=150,crop_begin=0,crop_end=0) #%% concatenate movies (it will add to the original movie)
def disp(self,sampler,interp_type_during_visualization): level=sampler.level theta=sampler.theta_current # interval=self.interval # interval_dense=self.interval_dense markersize = 5 fontsize=30 cpa_space =[level] plt.subplot(231) sampler.plot_ll() plt.title('ll',fontsize=fontsize) sampler.plot_wlp() sampler.plot_wlp_plus_ll() if sampler.lp_func: plt.legend(['ll','wlp','ll+wlp']) plt.subplot(232) sampler.plot_ar() plt.title('accept ratio',fontsize=fontsize) # print theta cpa_space.theta2As(theta=theta) tw.update_pat_from_Avees(level=level) tw.calc_v(level=level) tw.v_dense.gpu2cpu() src = self.src # dst = self.dst transformed = self.transformed # src_dense=self.src_dense # transformed_dense=self.transformed_dense # tw.calc_T(src_dense, transformed_dense, mysign=1, level=level, # # transformed_dense.gpu2cpu() tw.calc_T_inv(src, transformed, level=level, int_quality=+1) transformed.gpu2cpu() if interp_type_during_visualization=='gpu_linear': my_dtype = np.float64 else: my_dtype = np.float32 # For opencv img_src = self.signal.src.cpu.reshape(tw.nRows,tw.nCols) img_src = CpuGpuArray(img_src.astype(my_dtype)) img_wrapped = CpuGpuArray.zeros_like(img_src) img_dst = self.signal.dst.cpu.reshape(tw.nRows,tw.nCols) img_dst = CpuGpuArray(img_dst) if interp_type_during_visualization=='gpu_linear': tw.remap_fwd(transformed,img_src,img_wrapped) else: tw.remap_fwd_opencv(transformed,img_src,img_wrapped,interp_type_during_visualization) img_wrapped.gpu2cpu() plt.subplot(233) plt.imshow(img_src.cpu,interpolation="None") plt.gray() cpa_space.plot_cells('r') tw.config_plt(axis_on_or_off='on') plt.title(r'$I_{\mathrm{src}}$') plt.subplot(234) plt.imshow(img_wrapped.cpu,interpolation="None") plt.gray() # cpa_space.plot_cells('w') tw.config_plt(axis_on_or_off='on') plt.title(r'$I_{\mathrm{src}}\circ T^{\theta}$') plt.subplot(235) plt.imshow(img_dst.cpu,interpolation="None") plt.gray() plt.title(r'$I_{\mathrm{dst}}$') # cpa_space.plot_cells('w') tw.config_plt(axis_on_or_off='on') plt.subplot(2,6,11) pylab.jet() tw.config_plt(axis_on_or_off='on') plt.title(r'$v_x$') plt.subplot(2,6,12) pylab.jet() tw.config_plt(axis_on_or_off='on') plt.title(r'$v_y$')
def example(tess='I', base=[2, 2, 2], nLevels=1, zero_v_across_bdry=[True] * 3, vol_preserve=False, nRows=100, nCols=100, nSlices=100, use_mayavi=False, eval_v=False, eval_cell_idx=False): tw = TransformWrapper(nRows=nRows, nCols=nCols, nSlices=nSlices, nLevels=nLevels, base=base, zero_v_across_bdry=zero_v_across_bdry, tess=tess, valid_outside=False, only_local=False, vol_preserve=vol_preserve) print_iterable( print tw # create some fake 3D image. img = np.zeros((nCols, nRows, nSlices), dtype=np.float64) # img[:]=np.random.random_integers(0,255,img.shape) # Fill the image with the x coordinates as fake values img[:] = tw.pts_src_dense.cpu[:, 0].reshape(img.shape) img0 = CpuGpuArray(img.copy().astype(np.float64)) img_wrapped_fwd = CpuGpuArray.zeros_like(img0) img_wrapped_inv = CpuGpuArray.zeros_like(img0) seed = 0 np.random.seed(seed) ms_Avees = tw.get_zeros_PA_all_levels() ms_theta = tw.get_zeros_theta_all_levels() if tess == 'II': for level in range( cpa_space =[level] Avees = ms_Avees[level] # 1/0 if level == 0: tw.sample_gaussian(level, ms_Avees[level], ms_theta[level], mu=None) # zero mean # ms_theta[level].fill(0) # ms_theta[level][-4]=10 cpa_space.theta2Avees(theta=ms_theta[level], Avees=Avees) else: tw.sample_from_the_ms_prior_coarse2fine_one_level( ms_Avees, ms_theta, level_fine=level) else: # For tess='I' in 3D, I have yet to implement the coarse-to-fine sampling. for level in range( cpa_space =[level] velTess = cpa_space.zeros_velTess() ms_Avees[level].fill(0) Avees = ms_Avees[level] tw.sample_gaussian_velTess(level, Avees, velTess, mu=None) print 'img shape:', img0.shape # You don't have use these. You can use any 2d array # that has 3 columns (regardless of the number of rows). pts_src = tw.pts_src_dense pts_src = CpuGpuArray(pts_src.cpu[::1].copy()) # Create a buffer for the output pts_fwd = CpuGpuArray.zeros_like(pts_src) pts_inv = CpuGpuArray.zeros_like(pts_src) for level in range( tw.update_pat_from_Avees(ms_Avees[level], level) if eval_v: # Evaluating the velocity field. # You don't have to do it in unless you want to visualize v. # (when evaluting the treansformation, v will be internally # evaluated anyway -- but its result won't be stored) tw.calc_v(level=level) print 'level', level print print 'number of points:', len(pts_src) print 'number of cells:',[level].nC # optional, if you want to time it timer_gpu_T_fwd = GpuTimer() # Simply calling # tic = time.clock() # and then # tic = time.clock() # won't work. # In fact, most likely you will get that toc-tic is zero. # You need to use the GpuTimer object. When you do that, # one side effect is that suddenly the toc-tic from above will # give you a more realistic result. tic = time.clock() timer_gpu_T_fwd.tic() tw.calc_T_fwd(pts_src, pts_fwd, level=level) timer_gpu_T_fwd.toc() toc = time.clock() print 'Time, in sec, for computing T_fwd:' print timer_gpu_T_fwd.secs print toc - tic # likely to be 0, unless you also used the GpuTimer. # You can also time the inv of course. Results will be similar. tw.calc_T_inv(pts_src, pts_inv, level=level) if eval_cell_idx: # cell_idx is computed here just for display. cell_idx = CpuGpuArray.zeros(len(pts_src), dtype=np.int32) tw.calc_cell_idx(pts_src, cell_idx, level) tw.remap_fwd(pts_inv, img0, img_wrapped_fwd) tw.remap_inv(pts_fwd, img0, img_wrapped_inv) # For display purposes, do gpu2cpu transfer print "For display purposes, do gpu2cpu transfer" if eval_cell_idx: cell_idx.gpu2cpu() if eval_v: tw.v_dense.gpu2cpu() pts_fwd.gpu2cpu() pts_inv.gpu2cpu() img_wrapped_fwd.gpu2cpu() img_wrapped_inv.gpu2cpu() if use_mayavi: ds = 1 # downsampling factor i = 17 pts_src_grid = pts_src.cpu.reshape(tw.nRows, tw.nCols, -1, 3) pts_src_ds = pts_src_grid[::ds, ::ds, i].reshape(-1, 3) pts_fwd_grid = pts_fwd.cpu.reshape(tw.nRows, tw.nCols, -1, 3) pts_fwd_ds = pts_fwd_grid[::ds, ::ds, i].reshape(-1, 3) pts_inv_grid = pts_inv.cpu.reshape(tw.nRows, tw.nCols, -1, 3) pts_inv_ds = pts_inv_grid[::ds, ::ds, i].reshape(-1, 3) from of.my_mayavi import * mayavi_mlab_close_all() mayavi_mlab_figure_bgwhite('src') x, y, z = pts_src_ds.T mayavi_mlab_plot3d(x, y, z) mayavi_mlab_figure_bgwhite('fwd') x, y, z = pts_fwd_ds.T mayavi_mlab_plot3d(x, y, z) figsize = (12, 12) plt.figure(figsize=figsize) i = 17 # some slice plt.subplot(131) plt.imshow(img0.cpu[:, :, i].astype(np.uint8), interpolation="Nearest") plt.title('slice from img') plt.subplot(132) plt.imshow(img_wrapped_fwd.cpu[:, :, i].astype(np.uint8), interpolation="Nearest") plt.axis('off') plt.title('slice from fwd(img)') plt.subplot(133) plt.imshow(img_wrapped_inv.cpu[:, :, i].astype(np.uint8), interpolation="Nearest") plt.axis('off') plt.title('slice from inv(img)') if 0: # debug cpa_space =[level] if eval_v: vx = tw.v_dense.cpu[:, 0].reshape( cpa_space.x_dense_grid_img.shape[1:]) vy = tw.v_dense.cpu[:, 1].reshape( cpa_space.x_dense_grid_img.shape[1:]) vz = tw.v_dense.cpu[:, 2].reshape( cpa_space.x_dense_grid_img.shape[1:]) plt.figure() plt.imshow(vz[:, :, 17], interpolation="Nearest") plt.colorbar() plt.title('vz in some slice') return tw
from pylab import * from pylab import plt import numpy as np import sys sys.path.append('../python2.7/site-packages') import cv2 from skimage.measure import ransac, LineModelND from skimage import feature import utils from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance import slic image ='./sourceData/image.jpg') plt.imshow(image) contrast = ImageEnhance.Sharpness(image) new_img = np.array(contrast.enhance(2)) plt.imshow(new_img) src1 = [85, 137] src2 = [69, 43] src3 = [484, 113] src4 = [374, 33] dst1 = [250, 175] dst2 = [790, 175] dst3 = [250, 490] dst4 = [790, 490] # Use the same homogrphy as for the PCA img = utils.straightenImage(new_img, src1, src2, src3, src4, dst1, dst2, dst3,