def plot(D,title): im=plt.imshow(D,interpolation='nearest',cmap='Reds') plt.gca().xaxis.tick_top() x=np.arange(D.index.shape[0]) plt.colorbar(im) plt.gca().tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=10) plt.title(title,y=1.03)
def benchmark(clf_class, params, name): print("parameters:", params) t0 = time() clf = clf_class(**params).fit(X_train, y_train) print("done in %fs" % (time() - t0)) if hasattr(clf, 'coef_'): print("Percentage of non zeros coef: %f" % (np.mean(clf.coef_ != 0) * 100)) print("Predicting the outcomes of the testing set") t0 = time() pred = clf.predict(X_test) print("done in %fs" % (time() - t0)) print("Classification report on test set for classifier:") print(clf) print() print(classification_report(y_test, pred, target_names=news_test.target_names)) cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, pred) print("Confusion matrix:") print(cm) # Show confusion matrix pl.matshow(cm) pl.title('Confusion matrix of the %s classifier' % name) pl.colorbar()
def display_image_from_array(nparray,colory='binary',roi=None): """ Produce a display of the nparray 2D matrix @param nparray : image to display @type nparray : numpy 2darray @param colory : color mapping of the image (see @type colory : string """ #Set the region of interest to display : # (0,0) is set at lower left corner of the image if roi == None: roi = ((0,0),nparray.shape) nparraydsp = nparray print roi elif type(roi[0])==tuple and type(roi[1])==tuple: # Case of 2 points definition of the domain : roi = integers index of points ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) print roi nparraydsp = nparray[roi[0][0]:roi[1][0],roi[0][1]:roi[1][1]] elif type(roi[0])==int and type(roi[1])==int: # Case of image centered domain : roi = integers (width,high) nparraydsp = nparray[int(nparray.shape[0]/2)-int(roi[0])/2:int(nparray.shape[0]/2)+int(roi[0])/2,int(nparray.shape[1]/2)-int(roi[1])/2:int(nparray.shape[1]/2)+int(roi[1])/2] fig = pylab.figure() #Display array with grayscale intensity and no pixel smoothing interpolation pylab.imshow(nparraydsp,cmap=colory,interpolation='nearest')#,origin='lower') pylab.colorbar() pylab.axis('off')
def connection_field_plot_continuous(self,index,afferent=True,density=30): weights = self.proj.getWeights(format='array') x = [] y = [] w = [] if afferent: weights = weights[:,index].ravel() p = self.proj.pre else: weights = weights[index,:].ravel() p = for (ww,i) in zip(weights,numpy.arange(0,len(weights),1)): x.append(p.positions[0][i]) y.append(p.positions[1][i]) w.append(ww) bx = min([min(p.positions[0]),min(p.positions[0])]) by = max([max(p.positions[1]),max(p.positions[1])]) xi = numpy.linspace(min(p.positions[0]),max(p.positions[0]),100) yi = numpy.linspace(min(p.positions[1]),max(p.positions[1]),100) zi = griddata(x,y,w,xi,yi) pylab.figure() pylab.imshow(zi) pylab.title('Connection field from %s to %s of neuron %d' % (,,index)) pylab.colorbar()
def getOptCandGamma(cv_train, cv_label): print "Finding optimal C and gamma for SVM with RBF Kernel" C_range = 10.0 ** np.arange(-2, 9) gamma_range = 10.0 ** np.arange(-5, 4) param_grid = dict(gamma=gamma_range, C=C_range) cv = StratifiedKFold(y=cv_label, n_folds=40) # Use the svm.SVC() as the cost function to evaluate parameter choices # NOTE: Perhaps we should run computations in parallel if needed. Does it # do that already within the class? grid = GridSearchCV(svm.SVC(), param_grid=param_grid, cv=cv), cv_label) score_dict = grid.grid_scores_ scores = [x[1] for x in score_dict] scores = np.array(scores).reshape(len(C_range), len(gamma_range)) pl.figure(figsize=(8,6)) pl.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, bottom=0.15, top=0.95) pl.imshow(scores, interpolation='nearest', pl.xlabel('gamma') pl.ylabel('C') pl.colorbar() pl.xticks(np.arange(len(gamma_range)), gamma_range, rotation=45) pl.yticks(np.arange(len(C_range)), C_range) print "The best classifier is: ", grid.best_estimator_
def makeContourPlot(scores, average, HEIGHT, WIDTH, outputId, maskId, plt_title, outputdir, barcodeId=-1, vmaxVal=100): pylab.bone() #majorFormatter = FormatStrFormatter('%.f %%') #ax = pylab.gca() #ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(majorFormatter) pylab.figure() ax = pylab.gca() ax.set_xlabel(str(WIDTH) + ' wells') ax.set_ylabel(str(HEIGHT) + ' wells') ax.autoscale_view() pylab.jet() pylab.imshow(scores,vmin=0, vmax=vmaxVal, origin='lower') pylab.vmin = 0.0 pylab.vmax = 100.0 ticksVal = getTicksForMaxVal(vmaxVal) pylab.colorbar(format='%.0f %%',ticks=ticksVal) print "'%s'" % average if(barcodeId!=-1): if(barcodeId==0): maskId = "No Barcode Match," else: maskId = "Barcode Id %d," % barcodeId if plt_title != '': maskId = '%s\n%s' % (plt_title,maskId) print "Checkpoint A" pylab.title('%s Loading Density (Avg ~ %0.f%%)' % (maskId, average)) pylab.axis('scaled') print "Checkpoint B" pngFn = outputdir+'/'+outputId+'_density_contour.png' print "Try save to", pngFn; pylab.savefig(pngFn, bbox_inches='tight') print "Plot saved to", pngFn;
def displayResults(self,res,, title='Specify a title'): if self.display: self.count=self.count+1 pylab.figure(self.count) pylab.imshow(res, cm, interpolation='nearest') pylab.colorbar() pylab.title(title)
def correlation_matrix(data, size=8.0): """ Calculates and shows the correlation matrix of the pandas data frame 'data' as a heat map. Only the correlations between numerical variables are calculated! """ # calculate the correlation matrix corr = data.corr() #print corr lc = len(corr.columns) # set some settings for plottin' pl.pcolor(corr, vmin = -1, vmax = 1, edgecolor = "black") pl.colorbar() pl.xlim([-5,lc]) pl.ylim([0,lc+5]) pl.axis('off') # anotate the rows and columns with their corresponding variables ax = pl.gca() for i in range(0,lc): ax.annotate(corr.columns[i], (-0.5, i+0.5), \ size='large', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center') ax.annotate(corr.columns[i], (i+0.5, lc+0.5),\ size='large', rotation='vertical',\ horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='right') # change the size of the image fig = pl.figure(num=1) fig.set_size_inches(size+(size/4), size)
def window_fn_matrix(Q,N,num_remov=None,save_tag=None,lms=None): Q = n.matrix(Q); N = n.matrix(N) Ninv = uf.pseudo_inverse(N,num_remov=None) # XXX want to remove dynamically #print Ninv info =,,Q)) M = uf.pseudo_inverse(info,num_remov=num_remov) W =,info) if save_tag!=None: foo = W[0,:] foo = n.real(n.array(foo)) foo.shape = (foo.shape[1]), print foo.shape p.scatter(lms[:,0],foo,c=lms[:,1],,s=50) p.xlabel('l (color is m)') p.ylabel('W_0,lm') p.title('First Row of Window Function Matrix') p.colorbar() p.savefig('{0}/{1}_W.pdf'.format(fig_loc,save_tag)) p.clf() print 'W ',W.shape p.imshow(n.real(W)) p.title('Window Function Matrix') p.colorbar() p.savefig('{0}/{1}_W_im.pdf'.format(fig_loc,save_tag)) p.clf() return W
def __call__(self, n): if len(self.f.shape) == 3: # f = f[x,v,t], 2 dim in phase space ft = self.f[n,:,:] pylab.pcolormesh(self.X, self.V, ft.T, cmap = 'jet') pylab.colorbar() pylab.clim(0,0.38) # for Landau test case pylab.grid() pylab.axis([self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax]) pylab.xlabel('$x$', fontsize = 18) pylab.ylabel('$v$', fontsize = 18) pylab.title('$N_x$ = %d, $N_v$ = %d, $t$ = %2.1f' % (self.x.N, self.v.N,*self.t.width)) pylab.savefig(self.path + self.filename) pylab.clf() return None if len(self.f.shape) == 2: # f = f[x], 1 dim in phase space ft = self.f[n,:] pylab.plot(self.x.gridvalues,ft,'ob') pylab.grid() pylab.axis([self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax]) pylab.xlabel('$x$', fontsize = 18) pylab.ylabel('$f(x)$', fontsize = 18) pylab.savefig(self.path + self.filename) return None
def psfplots(): tpsf = wise.get_psf_model(1, pixpsf=True) psfp = tpsf.getPointSourcePatch(0, 0) psf = psfp.patch psf /= psf.sum() plt.clf() plt.imshow(np.log10(np.maximum(1e-5, psf)), interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plt.colorbar() ps.savefig() h,w = psf.shape cx,cy = w/2, h/2 X,Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(w), np.arange(h)) R = np.sqrt((X - cx)**2 + (Y - cy)**2) plt.clf() plt.semilogy(R.ravel(), psf.ravel(), 'b.') plt.xlabel('Radius (pixels)') plt.ylabel('PSF value') plt.ylim(1e-8, 1.) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.loglog(R.ravel(), psf.ravel(), 'b.') plt.xlabel('Radius (pixels)') plt.ylabel('PSF value') plt.ylim(1e-8, 1.) ps.savefig() print('PSF norm:', np.sqrt(np.sum(np.maximum(0, psf)**2))) print('PSF max:', psf.max())
def savepng(pre, img, title=None, **kwargs): fn = '%s-%s.png' % (pre, idstr) print 'Saving', fn plt.clf() plt.imshow(img, **kwargs) ax = plt.axis() if debug: print len(xplotx),len(allobjx) for i,(objx,objy,objc) in enumerate(zip(allobjx,allobjy,allobjc)): plt.plot(objx,objy,'-',c=objc) tempx = [] tempx.append(xplotx[i]) tempx.append(objx[0]) tempy = [] tempy.append(xploty[i]) tempy.append(objy[0]) plt.plot(tempx,tempy,'-',c='purple') plt.plot(pointx,pointy,'y.') plt.plot(xplotx,xploty,'xg') plt.axis(ax) if title is not None: plt.title(title) plt.colorbar() plt.gray() plt.savefig(fn)
def plot_ch(): for job in jobs_orig: print "plane of", job.path pylab.clf() x_center = int((job.position(0)[0] + job.position(1)[0])/2) x_final = 50 + x_center #plane = np.concatenate((job.plane(y=50)[:, x_final:], # job.plane(y=50)[:, :x_final]), axis=1) plane = job.plane(y=50) myplane = plane[plane < 0.0] p0 = myplane.min() p12 = np.median(myplane) p14 = np.median(myplane[myplane<p12]) p34 = np.median(myplane[myplane>p12]) p1 = myplane.max() contour_values = (p0, p14, p12, p34, p1) pylab.title(r'$u_x=%.4f,\ D_{-}=%.4f,\ D_{+}=%.4f,\ ch=%i$ ' % (job.u_x, job.D_minus, job.D_plus, job.ch_objects)) car = pylab.imshow(plane, vmin=-0.001, vmax=0.0, interpolation='nearest') pylab.contour(plane, contour_values, linestyles='dashed', colors='white') pylab.grid(True) pylab.colorbar(car) #imgfilename = 'plane_r20-y50-u_x%.4fD%.4fch%03i.png' % \ # (job.u_x, job.D_minus, job.ch_objects) imgfilename = 'plane_%s.png' % job.job_id pylab.savefig(imgfilename)
def pressx(ifile, varkey, options, before = '', after = ''): import pylab as pl from matplotlib.colors import Normalize, LogNorm outpath = getattr(options, 'outpath', '.') vert = getpresbnds(ifile) var = ifile.variables[varkey] dims = [(k, l) for l, k in zip(var[:].shape, var.dimensions) if l > 1] if len(dims) > 2: raise ValueError('Press-x can have 2 non-unity dimensions; got %d - %s' % (len(dims), str(dims))) if options.logscale: norm = LogNorm() else: norm = Normalize() exec(before) ax = pl.gca() print(varkey, end = '') vals = var[:].squeeze() x = np.arange(vals.shape[1]) patches = ax.pcolor(x, vert, vals, norm = norm) #ax.set_xlabel(X.units.strip()) #ax.set_ylabel(Y.units.strip()) pl.colorbar(patches) ax.set_ylim(vert.max(), vert.min()) ax.set_xlim(x.min(), x.max()) fmt = 'png' figpath = os.path.join(outpath + '_PRESX_' + varkey + '.' + fmt) exec(after) pl.savefig(figpath) print('Saved fig', figpath) return figpath
def plot_worker(jobq,mask,pid,lineshape,range): ''' args[0] = array file name args[1] = output figure name if mask, where masked==0 is masked ''' if lineshape: lines = shapefile.load_shape_list(lineshape) else: lines = None while True: #--get some args from the queue args = jobq.get() #--check if this is a sentenial if args == None: break #--load if args[2]: arr = np.fromfile(args[0],dtype=np.float32) arr.resize(bro.nrow,bro.ncol) else: arr = np.loadtxt(args[0]) if mask != None: arr =,arr) #print args[0],arr.min(),arr.max(),arr.mean() #--generic plotting fig = pylab.figure() ax = pylab.subplot(1,1,1,aspect='equal') if range: vmax = range[1] vmin = range[0] else: vmax = arr.max() vmin = arr.min() #p = ax.imshow(arr,interpolation='none') p = ax.pcolor(bro.X,bro.Y,np.flipud(arr),vmax=vmax,vmin=vmin) pylab.colorbar(p) if lines: for line in lines: ax.plot(line[0,:],line[1,:],'k-',lw=1.0) #break ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_xlim(bro.plt_x) ax.set_ylim(bro.plt_y) ax.set_title(args[0]) fmt = args[1].split('.')[-1] pylab.savefig(args[1],dpi=300,format=fmt) pylab.close(fig) #--mark this task as done jobq.task_done() print 'plot worker',pid,' finished',args[0] #--mark the sentenial as done jobq.task_done() return
def plot_gc_distribution(pp, data): names = data.keys() # Plot the 2D histogram of coverage vs gc for name in names: x = [ i * 100 for i in data[name][GC_DISTRIBUTION_NAME]['gc_samples'] ] y = data[name][GC_DISTRIBUTION_NAME]['cov_samples'] # Use the median to determine the range to show and round # to nearest 100 to avoid aliasing artefacts m = np.median(y) y_limit = math.ceil( 2*m / 100) * 100 hist,xedges,yedges = np.histogram2d(x,y, bins=[20, 50], range=[ [0, 100.0], [0, y_limit] ]) # draw the plot extent = [xedges[0], xedges[-1], yedges[0], yedges[-1] ] pl.imshow(hist.T,extent=extent,interpolation='nearest',origin='lower', aspect='auto') pl.colorbar() pl.title(name + ' GC Bias') pl.xlabel("GC %") pl.ylabel("k-mer coverage") pl.savefig(pp, format='pdf') pl.close()
def plot_plasma(self): P.tricontourf(self.rzt[:, 0], self.rzt[:, 1], self.tris, self.beta, 1001, zorder=0) cticks = P.linspace(0.0, 0.2, 5) P.colorbar(ticks=cticks, format='%.2f') P.jet()
def dovis(self): """ Do runtime visualization. """ pylab.clf() phi = self.cc_data.get_var("phi") myg = self.cc_data.grid pylab.imshow(numpy.transpose(phi[myg.ilo:myg.ihi+1, myg.jlo:myg.jhi+1]), interpolation="nearest", origin="lower", extent=[myg.xmin, myg.xmax, myg.ymin, myg.ymax]) pylab.xlabel("x") pylab.ylabel("y") pylab.title("phi") pylab.colorbar() pylab.figtext(0.05,0.0125, "t = %10.5f" % self.cc_data.t) pylab.draw()
def field_map_ndar(ndar_field,t,ar_coorx,ar_coory,X,image_out,variable): ar_field=ndar_field[t,:] max_val=int(np.max(ndar_field)) if variable==4: max_val=100. xmin=min(ar_coorx);xmax=max(ar_coorx) ymin=min(ar_coory);ymax=max(ar_coory) step=X nx=(xmax-xmin)/step+1 ny=(ymax-ymin)/step+1 ar_indx=np.array((ar_coorx-xmin)/step,int) ar_indy=np.array((ar_coory-ymin)/step,int) ar_map=np.ones((ny,nx))*-99.9 ar_map[ar_indy,ar_indx]=ar_field ar_map2 = M.masked_where(ar_map <0, ar_map) ut.check_file_exist(image_out) pl.clf() pl.axes(axisbg='gray') pl.imshow(ar_map2,, interpolation='Nearest', origin='lower', vmax=max_val, vmin=0) pl.title('time step= '+ut.string(t,len(str(t)))) pl.colorbar() pl.savefig(image_out)
def VisualizeAlm(alm,figno=1,max_l=None): """ Visualize a healpy a_lm vector """ lmax = hp.Alm.getlmax(f_lm.size) l,m = hp.Alm.getlm(lmax) mag = np.zeros([lmax+1,lmax+1]) phs = np.zeros([lmax+1,lmax+1]) mag[m,l] = np.abs(alm) phs[m,l] = np.angle(alm) cl = hp.alm2cl(alm) # Decide the range of l to plot if max_l != None: max_l = (max_l if (max_l <= lmax) else lmax) else: max_l = lmax print max_l plt.figure(figno) plt.clf() plt.subplot(211) plt.imshow(mag[0:max_l,0:max_l],interpolation='nearest',origin='lower') plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(212) plt.imshow(phs[0:max_l,0:max_l],interpolation='nearest',origin='lower') plt.colorbar() # plt.subplot(313) #plt.semilogy(cl[0:max_l]) return {'mag':mag,'phs':phs,'cl':cl}
def plotphicont(X,Y,Z): from pylab import subplot, show, contourf, contour, colorbar, title spl = subplot(111) cpl = contour(X,Y,Z,100) colorbar(cpl) spl.set_aspect('equal','box') title(r'Field potential $\varphi$')
def plot_box_data(field,redshift): nf1 = get_box_data(field,redshift) chosenIndex=200 nf1 = nf1.reshape((400,400,400))[chosenIndex,:,:] plt.imshow(nf1) plt.colorbar()
def draw_heat_graph(getgraph, opts): # from pyevolve_graph script stage_points = getgraph() fg = pl.figure() ax = fg.add_subplot(111) pl.imshow( stage_points, aspect="auto", interpolation="gaussian",["jet"]) pl.title("Population scores along the generations") def labelfmt(x, pos=0): # there is surely a better way to do that return (float(x) == int(x)) and '%d' % (x) or '' ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(pl.FuncFormatter(labelfmt)) pl.xlabel('Generations -->') pl.ylabel('Sorted Population Results') pl.grid(True) pl.colorbar() if opts.outfile: fg.savefig(opts.outfile) if
def plothistory(self): a=self.a b=self.b plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) I=np.concatenate([a.T,np.array(np.nansum(a[:,:3],1),ndmin=2), np.array(np.nansum(a[:,3:6],1),ndmin=2),np.array(np.nansum(a[:,6:],1),ndmin=2)],axis=0) plt.plot(range(b.size),b,'rx',ms=8,mew=2) plt.plot([10.5,10.5],[-1,I.shape[1]],'r',lw=2) plt.imshow(I,interpolation='nearest',cmap='winter') plt.colorbar() ax=plt.gca() ax.set_yticks(range(I.shape[0])) ax.set_yticklabels(['']*a.shape[0]+['color','rel len','abs len']) c1=plt.Circle((-1.5,0),radius=0.4,color='blue',clip_on=False) c2=plt.Circle((-1.5,1),radius=0.4,color='white',clip_on=False) c3=plt.Circle((-1.5,2),radius=0.4,color='yellow',clip_on=False) ax.add_patch(c1);ax.add_patch(c2);ax.add_patch(c3); c1=plt.Rectangle((-2,3),1,0.2,color='white',clip_on=False) c2=plt.Rectangle((-2.5,4),1.5,0.2,color='white',clip_on=False) c3=plt.Rectangle((-3,5),2,0.2,color='white',clip_on=False) ax.add_patch(c1);ax.add_patch(c2);ax.add_patch(c3); c1=plt.Rectangle((-2,6),1,0.2,color='gray',clip_on=False) c2=plt.Rectangle((-2.5,7),1.5,0.2,color='gray',clip_on=False) c3=plt.Rectangle((-3,8),2,0.2,color='gray',clip_on=False) c4=plt.Rectangle((-3.5,9),2.5,0.2,color='gray',clip_on=False) ax.add_patch(c1);ax.add_patch(c2);ax.add_patch(c3);ax.add_patch(c4); print I[-3,-1]
def plot_samples_distance(dataset, sortbyattr=None): """Plot the euclidean distances between all samples of a dataset. Parameters ---------- dataset : Dataset Providing the samples. sortbyattr : None or str If None, the samples distances will be in the same order as their appearance in the dataset. Alternatively, the name of a samples attribute can be given, which wil then be used to sort/group the samples, e.g. to investigate the similarity samples by label or by chunks. """ if sortbyattr is not None: slicer = [] for attr in[sortbyattr].unique: slicer += \ get_samples_by_attr(dataset, sortbyattr, attr).tolist() samples = dataset.samples[slicer] else: samples = dataset.samples ed = np.sqrt(squared_euclidean_distance(samples)) pl.imshow(ed, interpolation='nearest') pl.colorbar()
def plot_dendrogram_and_matrix(linkage, matrix, color_threshold=None): # Compute and plot dendrogram. fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(20,20)) axdendro = fig.add_axes([0.09,0.1,0.2,0.8]) dendrogram = sch.dendrogram(linkage, color_threshold=color_threshold, orientation='right') axdendro.set_xticks([]) axdendro.set_yticks([]) # Plot distance matrix. axmatrix = fig.add_axes([0.3,0.1,0.6,0.8]) index = dendrogram['leaves'] D = matrix[:] D = D[index,:] D = D[:,index] im = axmatrix.matshow(D, aspect='auto', origin='lower') axmatrix.set_xticks([]) axmatrix.set_yticks([]) # Plot colorbar. axcolor = fig.add_axes([0.91,0.1,0.02,0.8]) pylab.colorbar(im, cax=axcolor) # Display and save figure. raw_input() return dendrogram
def plot_mtx(mtx=None, title=None, newfig=False, cbar=True, **kwargs): """ :: static method for plotting a matrix as a time-frequency distribution (audio features) """ if mtx is None or type(mtx) != np.ndarray: raise ValueError('First argument, mtx, must be a array') if newfig: P.figure() dbscale = kwargs.pop('dbscale', False) bels = kwargs.pop('bels',False) norm = kwargs.pop('norm',False) normalize = kwargs.pop('normalize',False) origin=kwargs.pop('origin','lower') aspect=kwargs.pop('aspect','auto') interpolation=kwargs.pop('interpolation','nearest') cmap=kwargs.pop('cmap', clip=-100. X = scale_mtx(mtx, normalize=normalize, dbscale=dbscale, norm=norm, bels=bels) i_min, i_max = np.where(X.mean(1))[0][[0,-1]] X = X[i_min:i_max+1].copy() if dbscale or bels: if bels: clip/=10. P.imshow(P.clip(X,clip,0),origin=origin, aspect=aspect, interpolation=interpolation, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) else: P.imshow(X,origin=origin, aspect=aspect, interpolation=interpolation, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) if title: P.title(title,fontsize=16) if cbar: P.colorbar() P.yticks(np.arange(0,i_max+1-i_min,3),pc_labels[i_min:i_max+1:3],fontsize=14) P.xlabel('Tactus', fontsize=14) P.ylabel('MIDI Pitch', fontsize=14) P.grid()
def plot_C_gamma_grid_search(grid, C_range, gamma_range, score): ''' Plots the scores computed on a grid. Arguments: grid - the grid search object created using GridSearchCV() C_range - the C parameter range gamma_range - the gamma parameter range score - the scoring function ''' # grid_scores_ contains parameter settings and scores # We extract just the scores scores = [x[1] for x in grid.grid_scores_] scores = np.array(scores).reshape(len(C_range), len(gamma_range)) # draw heatmap of accuracy as a function of gamma and C pl.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) pl.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, bottom=0.15, top=0.95) pl.imshow(scores, interpolation='nearest', pl.title("Grid search on C and gamma for best %s" % score) pl.xlabel('gamma') pl.ylabel('C') pl.colorbar() pl.xticks(np.arange(len(gamma_range)), gamma_range, rotation=45) pl.yticks(np.arange(len(C_range)), C_range)
def plot_vel_vs_h3(maps, out_suffix=''): xaxis = (np.arange(len(maps.velocity[0])) - ppxf_m31.bhpos_pix[0]) * 0.05 yaxis = (np.arange(len(maps.velocity)) - ppxf_m31.bhpos_pix[1]) * 0.05 yy, xx = np.meshgrid(xaxis, yaxis) radius = np.hypot(xx, yy) good = np.where((np.abs(yy) < 0.5) & (np.abs(xx) < 1.0)) plt.scatter(maps.velocity[good], maps.h3[good], c=maps.sigma[good], s=5, marker='o', vmin=0, vmax=450) plt.xlim(-700, 0) plt.ylim(-0.5, 0.5) plt.colorbar(label='Sigma (km/s)') plt.axhline(linestyle='--', color='grey') plt.xlabel('Velocity (km/s)') plt.ylabel('h3') plt.savefig(plot_dir + 'vel_vs_h3' + out_suffix + '.png') plt.clf() plt.scatter(maps.sigma[good], maps.h3[good], c=maps.velocity[good], s=5, marker='o', vmin=-700, vmax=0) plt.xlim(0, 450) plt.ylim(-0.5, 0.5) plt.colorbar(label='Velocity (km/s)') plt.axhline(linestyle='--', color='grey') plt.xlabel('Sigma (km/s)') plt.ylabel('h3') plt.savefig(plot_dir + 'sig_vs_h3' + out_suffix + '.png') return
def main(): base_path = "/caps2/tsupinie/1kmf-control/" temp = goshen_1km_temporal(start=14400, end=14400) grid = goshen_1km_grid() n_ens_members = 40 np.seterr(all='ignore') ens = loadEnsemble(base_path, [ 11 ], temp.getTimes(), ([ 'pt', 'p' ], computeDensity)) ens = ens[0, 0] zs = decompressVariable(nio.open_file("%s/ena001.hdfgrdbas" % base_path, mode='r', format='hdf').variables['zp']) xs, ys = grid.getXY() xs = xs[np.newaxis, ...].repeat(zs.shape[0], axis=0) ys = ys[np.newaxis, ...].repeat(zs.shape[0], axis=0) eff_buoy = effectiveBuoyancy(ens, (zs, ys, xs), plane={'z':10}) print eff_buoy pylab.figure() pylab.contourf(xs[0], ys[0], eff_buoy[0],'RdBu_r')) pylab.colorbar() grid.drawPolitical() pylab.suptitle("Effective Buoyancy") pylab.savefig("eff_buoy.png") pylab.close() return
def plot_coef_corr_seismic(offsets, trace_synt_ar_int, seismicData, T, tmp_time_max, data_KK, int_time1, int_time2, data_short, sgyname): """ Draws coef. correlation betweem real and synthetic seismic data Parameters ---------- Input: offsets - array of offsets (m) trace_synt_ar_int - synthetic data interpolate on seismic grid seismicData - seismic data class T - time axs for seismic tmp_time_max - picking of max amplitude near explored horizon data_KK - array with correlation coefficients int_time1 - upper time near explored horizon int_time2 - lower time near explored horizon data_short - interval real data sgy_name - name of current segy Output: subplot figure with synthetic and real data, color shows the correlation coefficient between them """ #допилить граничные значения #T_plot = np.arange(int_time1, int_time2, seismicData.dt) fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(35, 12))[0]) for ii in range(trace_synt_ar_int.shape[0]): plt.plot( trace_synt_ar_int[ii, :] / np.max(trace_synt_ar_int[ii, :]).T + ii + 1, T, 'k', alpha=1, zorder=1, lw=1) x = trace_synt_ar_int[ii, :] / np.max( trace_synt_ar_int[ii, :]).T + ii + 1 T_tmp_plot = np.arange(int_time1, int_time2, seismicData.dt / 4) y = T_tmp_plot x2 = np.interp(T_tmp_plot, T, x) plt.fill_betweenx(y, ii + 1, x2, where=(x2 > ii + 1), color='k') #plt.plot(ii+1,pick[ii],'c.',alpha=1,zorder=1,lw=1,markersize = 10) x1 = np.arange(1, ii + 1) plt.xticks( x1, (np.round(offsets / 1000, decimals=1)), fontsize=10, ) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.xlabel('Offset,km') plt.ylabel('T, ms') plt.title('Synthetic') plt.plot(tmp_time_max, '.r', markersize=25) plt.imshow( np.zeros_like(data_KK[:, :len(offsets)]), alpha=1, extent=[1, len(offsets) + 1, int_time2, int_time1], aspect='auto', cmap='Pastel1_r', vmin=0, vmax=0, )[1]) for ii in range(data_short.shape[0]): plt.plot(data_short[ii, :] / np.max(data_short[ii, :]).T + ii + 1, T, 'k', alpha=1, zorder=1, lw=1) x = data_short[ii, :] / np.max(data_short[ii, :]).T + ii + 1 T_tmp_plot = np.arange(int_time1, int_time2, seismicData.dt / 4) y = T_tmp_plot x2 = np.interp(T_tmp_plot, T, x) plt.fill_betweenx(y, ii + 1, x2, where=(x2 > ii + 1), color='k') #plt.plot(ii+1,pick[ii],'c.',alpha=1,zorder=1,lw=1,markersize = 10) x1 = np.arange(1, ii + 1) plt.xticks( x1, (np.round(offsets[:-2] / 1000, decimals=1)), fontsize=10, ) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.xlabel('Offset,km') plt.ylabel('T, ms') plt.title(sgyname) im = plt.imshow( data_KK[:, :len(offsets) + 1], alpha=1, extent=[1, len(offsets) + 1, int_time2, int_time1], aspect='auto', cmap='rainbow', vmin=0, vmax=1, ) divider = make_axes_locatable(axs[1]) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) cbar = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax) cbar.set_label('Coef. correlation', rotation=270) return
def run(self): """ 2007-03-29 2007-04-03 2007-05-01 --db_connect() --FilterStrainSNPMatrix_instance.read_data() if self.comparison_only: --FilterStrainSNPMatrix_instance.read_data() else: --get_SNPpos2index() --create_SNP_matrix_2010() --get_align_length_from_fname() --get_positions_to_be_checked_ls() --get_align_matrix_from_fname() --get_positions_to_be_checked_ls() --get_mapping_info_regarding_strain_acc() --shuffle_data_matrix_according_to_strain_acc_ls() --FilterStrainSNPMatrix_instance.write_data_matrix() --extract_sub_data_matrix() if self.sub_justin_output_fname: --FilterStrainSNPMatrix_instance.write_data_matrix() --compare_two_SNP_matrix() --outputDiffType() """ from FilterStrainSNPMatrix import FilterStrainSNPMatrix FilterStrainSNPMatrix_instance = FilterStrainSNPMatrix() header, src_strain_acc_list, category_list, data_matrix = FilterStrainSNPMatrix_instance.read_data( self.input_fname) if self.comparison_only: header, strain_acc_ls, abbr_name_ls_sorted, SNP_matrix_2010_sorted = FilterStrainSNPMatrix_instance.read_data( self.output_fname) SNP_matrix_2010_sorted = Numeric.array(SNP_matrix_2010_sorted) else: (conn, curs) = db_connect(self.hostname, self.dbname, self.schema) #extract data from alignment snp_acc_ls = header[2:] SNPpos2index = self.get_SNPpos2index(curs, snp_acc_ls, self.snp_locus_table) abbr_name_ls, SNP_matrix_2010 = self.create_SNP_matrix_2010( SNPpos2index, self.data_dir_2010) strain_acc_ls, strain_acc2abbr_name, strain_acc2index = self.get_mapping_info_regarding_strain_acc( curs, self.strain_info_table, self.strain_info_2010_table, abbr_name_ls) SNP_matrix_2010_sorted = self.shuffle_data_matrix_according_to_strain_acc_ls( SNP_matrix_2010, strain_acc_ls, strain_acc2index) abbr_name_ls_sorted = [] for strain_acc in strain_acc_ls: abbr_name_ls_sorted.append(strain_acc2abbr_name[strain_acc]) FilterStrainSNPMatrix_instance.write_data_matrix( SNP_matrix_2010_sorted, self.output_fname, header, strain_acc_ls, abbr_name_ls_sorted) #comparison data_matrix = Numeric.array(data_matrix) sub_data_matrix = self.extract_sub_data_matrix(src_strain_acc_list, data_matrix, strain_acc_ls) if self.sub_justin_output_fname: FilterStrainSNPMatrix_instance.write_data_matrix( sub_data_matrix, self.sub_justin_output_fname, header, strain_acc_ls, abbr_name_ls_sorted) diff_matrix, diff_tag_dict, diff_tag2counter = self.compare_two_SNP_matrix( SNP_matrix_2010_sorted, sub_data_matrix) if self.diff_output_fname: self.outputDiffType(diff_matrix, SNP_matrix_2010_sorted, sub_data_matrix, diff_tag_dict, self.diff_type_to_be_outputted, abbr_name_ls_sorted, header[2:], self.diff_output_fname) summary_result_ls = [] for tag, counter in diff_tag2counter.iteritems(): summary_result_ls.append('%s(%s):%s' % (tag, diff_tag_dict[tag], counter)) print '\t%s(%s)\t%s' % (tag, diff_tag_dict[tag], counter) import pylab pylab.clf() diff_matrix_reverse = list(diff_matrix) diff_matrix_reverse.reverse() diff_matrix_reverse = Numeric.array(diff_matrix_reverse) pylab.imshow(diff_matrix_reverse, interpolation='nearest') pylab.title(' '.join(summary_result_ls)) pylab.colorbar() #2007-11-01 do something as from CmpAccession2Ecotype import CmpAccession2Ecotype CmpAccession2Ecotype_ins = CmpAccession2Ecotype() nt_number2diff_matrix_index = CmpAccession2Ecotype_ins.get_nt_number2diff_matrix_index( nt2number) dc_placeholder = dict( zip(range(sub_data_matrix.shape[0]), range(sub_data_matrix.shape[1]))) diff_matrix_ls = CmpAccession2Ecotype_ins.cmp_two_matricies( SNP_matrix_2010_sorted, sub_data_matrix, nt_number2diff_matrix_index, dc_placeholder, dc_placeholder, dc_placeholder) print diff_matrix_ls
for ch in xrange(eor1.shape[0]): eor1[ch] = n.convolve(eor1[ch], fringe_filter, mode='same') else: # this one is the exact one ij = a.miriad.bl2ij(bls_master[0]) #beam_w_fr = capo.frf_conv.get_beam_w_fr(aa, bl) #t, firs, frbins,frspace = capo.frf_conv.get_fringe_rate_kernels(beam_w_fr, inttime, FRF_WIDTH) frp, bins = fringe.aa_to_fr_profile(aa, ij, 100) timebins, firs = fringe.frp_to_firs(frp, bins, aa.get_freqs(), fq0=aa.get_freqs()[100]) for cnt,ch in enumerate(chans): eor1[cnt] = n.convolve(eor1[cnt], firs[ch], mode='same') #eor2 = eor.values()[0] * INJECT_SIG eor = eor1 * INJECT_SIG for k in days: for bl in x[k]: x[k][bl] += eor if False and PLOT: p.subplot(211); capo.arp.waterfall(eor1, mode='real'); p.colorbar() p.subplot(212); capo.arp.waterfall(eor2, mode='real'); p.colorbar(); #Q = {} # Create the Q's that extract power spectrum modes #for i in xrange(nchan): # Q[i] = get_Q(i, nchan) Q = [get_Q(i,nchan) for i in xrange(nchan)] # Compute baseline auto-covariances and apply inverse to data I,_I,_Ix = {},{},{} C,_C,_Cx = {},{},{} for k in days: I[k],_I[k],_Ix[k] = {},{},{} C[k],_C[k],_Cx[k] = {},{},{} for bl in x[k]: C[k][bl] = cov(x[k][bl])
figdir1 = rootdir+'/fig/' if not(os.path.isdir(figdir1)): os.mkdir(figdir1) figdir=figdir1+'/'+config+'/' if not(os.path.isdir(figdir)): os.mkdir(figdir) if DISPLAYX: figx1 = pl.figure(2) #norm = colors.LogNorm(vmin=1, vmax=Ampx.max()) norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=Ampx.min(),vmax=Ampx.max()) pl.scatter(x0,y0,c=Ampx,cmap='jet',s=10,norm=norm) #pl.title('Amplitude Ex [$\mu$V/m]') pl.xlabel(xlbl) pl.ylabel(ylbl) cbar = pl.colorbar() cbar.set_label('Amplitude Vx [$\mu$V]') #pl.gca().set_aspect(aspect=4) #'equal' #pl.axis('equal') if lowcut==0 and highcut==0: figname = figdir+'/'+showerID+'_ampl_Vx_lin.png' else: figname = figdir+'/'+showerID+'_ampl_Vx_'+str(lowcut)+"-"+str(highcut)+"MHz_lin.png" pl.savefig(figname,dpi=500) #raw_input() #pl.close(figx) try: figx2 = pl.figure(3) norm = colors.LogNorm(vmin=1, vmax=Ampx.max())
def RunAnimation(arg): import os, sys, time import subprocess import psutil import pylab as pl from IPython import display import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec import seaborn as sns import pandas as pd import numpy as np print("RunAnimation") sys.stdout.flush() deviceCount = arg # Need this only for animation of GPU usage to be consistent with #from py3nvml.py3nvml import * import py3nvml maxNGPUS = int(subprocess.check_output("nvidia-smi -L | wc -l", shell=True)) print("\nNumber of GPUS:", maxNGPUS) py3nvml.py3nvml.nvmlInit() total_deviceCount = py3nvml.py3nvml.nvmlDeviceGetCount() if deviceCount == -1: deviceCount = total_deviceCount #for i in range(deviceCount): # handle = nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(i) # print("Device {}: {}".format(i, nvmlDeviceGetName(handle))) #print ("Driver Version:", nvmlSystemGetDriverVersion()) print("Animation deviceCount=%d" % (deviceCount)) file = os.getcwd() + "/error.txt" print("opening %s" % (file)) fig = pl.figure(figsize=(9, 9)) pl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 14 pl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 14 gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 2, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.4) ax1 = pl.subplot(gs[0, -2]) ax2 = pl.subplot(gs[0, 1]) ax3 = pl.subplot(gs[1:, :]) fig.suptitle(' Machine Learning $-$ Generalized Linear Modeling', size=18) pl.gcf().subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) #cb = False from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap cm = ListedColormap(sns.color_palette("RdYlGn", 10).as_hex()) cc = ax3.scatter([0.001, 0.001], [0, 0], c=[0, 1], cmap=cm) cb = pl.colorbar(cc, ax=ax3) os.system("mkdir -p images") i = 0 while (True): #try: #print("In try i=%d" % i) #sys.stdout.flush() #cpu snapshot = psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True) cpu_labels = range(1, len(snapshot) + 1) plot_cpu_perf(ax1, cpu_labels, snapshot) #gpu gpu_snapshot = [] gpu_labels = list(range(1, deviceCount + 1)) import py3nvml for j in range(deviceCount): handle = py3nvml.py3nvml.nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(j) util = py3nvml.py3nvml.nvmlDeviceGetUtilizationRates(handle) gpu_snapshot.append(util.gpu) gpu_snapshot = gpu_snapshot plot_gpu_perf(ax2, gpu_labels, gpu_snapshot) res = pd.read_csv(file, sep="\s+", header=None, names=[ 'time', 'pass', 'fold', 'a', 'i', 'alpha', 'lambda', 'trainrmse', 'ivalidrmse', 'validrmse' ]) res['rel_acc'] = ((42665 - res['validrmse']) / (42665 - 31000)) res['alpha_prime'] = res['alpha'] + res['fold'].apply( lambda x: new_alpha(x)) best = res.loc[res['rel_acc'] == np.max(res['rel_acc']), :] plot_glm_results(ax3, res, best.tail(1), cb) # flag for colorbar to avoid redrawing #cb = True # Add footnotes footnote_text = "*U.S. Census dataset (predict Income): 45k rows, 10k cols\nParameters: 5-fold cross-validation, " + r'$\alpha = \{\frac{i}{7},i=0\ldots7\}$' + ", "\ 'full $\lambda$-' + "search" #pl.figtext(.05, -.04, footnote_text, fontsize = 14,) pl.annotate(footnote_text, (0, 0), (-30, -50), fontsize=12, xycoords='axes fraction', textcoords='offset points', va='top') #update the graphics display.display(pl.gcf()) display.clear_output(wait=True) time.sleep(0.01) #save the images saveimage = 0 if saveimage: file_name = './images/glm_run_%04d.png' % (i, ) pl.savefig(file_name, dpi=200) i = i + 1
grid_x = np.arange(n_grid[0] + 1) * grid_size + pos_min[0] grid_y = np.arange(n_grid[1] + 1) * grid_size + pos_min[1] #f = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5)) f = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5)) plt.scatter(x[w], y[w], c=catalog['vel'][w], cmap='seismic', s=2, vmin=-1000, vmax=1000) f.axes[0].set_aspect('equal') plt.xlabel(r'x [$h^{-1}$ Mpc]') plt.ylabel(r'y [$h^{-1}$ Mpc]') cbar = plt.colorbar() cbar.set_label('Velocity [km/s]', rotation=270) if add_grid: for g in grid_x: plt.axvline(g, color='k', ls='--', lw=1, alpha=0.5) for g in grid_y: if g >= -grid_size: plt.axhline(g, color='k', ls='--', lw=1, alpha=0.5) wg = (yg > -grid_size / 2) & (zg > -grid_size / 2) & (zg < grid_size / 2) plt.autoscale(False) plt.scatter(xg[wg], yg[wg], c=vg[wg], s=1400,
# Training the SOM from minisom import MiniSom # STEP 2 CREATE A GRID COMPOSED OF NODES EACH ONE HAVING A WEIGHT VECTOR OF N_FEATURE ELEMENTS som = MiniSom(x=10, y=10, input_len=15, sigma=1.0, learning_rate=0.5) # STEP 3 RANDOMLY INITIALIZE THE VALUES OF THE WEIGHT VECTORS TO SMALL NUMBERS CLOSER TO 0 (BUT NOT 0) som.random_weights_init(X) som.train_random(data=X, num_iteration=100) # Visualizing the results from pylab import bone, pcolor, colorbar, plot, show bone() pcolor(som.distance_map().T) colorbar() markers = ['o', 's'] colors = ['r', 'g'] for i, x in enumerate(X): w = som.winner(x) plot(w[0] + 0.5, w[1] + 0.5, markers[y[i]], markeredgecolor=colors[y[i]], markerfacecolor='None', markersize=10, markeredgewidth=2) show() # Finding the frauds mappings = som.win_map(X)
print Ts.shape for i in xrange(Ts.shape[0]): if n.random.uniform() > .5: Ts[i] *= -1 Ns[i] *= -1 print Ts.shape print Ns.shape #print times[300], times[500] #print ' '.join(['%d_%d' % a.miriad.bl2ij(bl) for bl in bls]) #sys.stdout.flush() if PLOT: #capo.arp.waterfall(cov(Ts), mode='log', drng=2); p.subplot(141) capo.arp.waterfall(Ts, mode='log', mx=1, drng=2) p.colorbar(shrink=.5) p.title('Vis in K. bls X ints.', fontsize=8) p.subplot(142) capo.arp.waterfall(Ns, mode='log') #, mx=1, drng=2); p.colorbar(shrink=.5) p.title('FRF eor_model.', fontsize=8) p.subplot(143) capo.arp.waterfall(Ws) p.colorbar(shrink=0.5) p.title('Weights in samples bls x ints', fontsize=8) p.subplot(144) capo.arp.waterfall(cov(Ts), mode='log', drng=3) p.colorbar(shrink=.5) print cov(Ts).shape p.title('cov(Ts)', fontsize=8) p.subplot(121)
def search(tile): if os.path.exists('rogue-%s-02.png' % tile) and not os.path.exists('rogue-%s-03.png' % tile): print 'Skipping', tile return fn = os.path.join(tile[:3], tile, 'unwise-%s-w2-%%s-m.fits' % tile) try: II = ['e%i' % e, fn % 'img')) for e in [1, 2]] PP = ['e%i' % e, fn % 'std')) for e in [1, 2]] wcs = Tan(os.path.join('e%i' % 1, fn % 'img')) except: import traceback print print 'Failed to read data for tile', tile traceback.print_exc() print return H, W = II[0].shape ps = PlotSequence('rogue-%s' % tile) aa = dict(interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') ima = dict(interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-100, vmax=500) plt.clf() plt.imshow(II[0], **ima) plt.title('Epoch 1') ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.imshow(II[1], **ima) plt.title('Epoch 2') ps.savefig() # X = gaussian_filter(np.abs((II[0] - II[1]) / np.hypot(PP[0], PP[1])), 1.0) # plt.clf() # plt.imshow(X, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') # plt.title('Blurred abs difference / per-pixel-std') # ps.savefig() # Y = (II[0] - II[1]) / reduce(np.hypot, [PP[0], PP[1], np.hypot(100,II[0]), np.hypot(100,II[1]) ]) Y = (II[0] - II[1]) / reduce(np.hypot, [PP[0], PP[1]]) X = gaussian_filter(np.abs(Y), 1.0) xthresh = 3. print 'Value at rogue:', X[1452, 1596] print 'pp at rogue:', [pp[1452, 1596] for pp in PP] plt.clf() plt.imshow(X, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plt.title('X') ps.savefig() # plt.clf() # plt.hist(np.minimum(100, PP[0].ravel()), 100, range=(0,100), # histtype='step', color='r') # plt.hist(np.minimum(100, PP[1].ravel()), 100, range=(0,100), # histtype='step', color='b') # plt.title('Per-pixel std') # ps.savefig() #Y = ((II[0] - II[1]) / np.hypot(PP[0], PP[1])) #Y = gaussian_filter( # (II[0] - II[1]) / np.hypot(100, np.hypot(II[0], II[1])) # , 1.0) #I = np.argsort(-X.ravel()) #yy,xx = np.unravel_index(I[:25], X.shape) #print 'xx', xx #print 'yy', yy hot = (X > xthresh) peak = find_peaks(hot, X) dilate = 2 hot = binary_dilation(hot, structure=np.ones((3, 3)), iterations=dilate) blobs, nblobs = label(hot, np.ones((3, 3), int)) blobslices = find_objects(blobs) # Find maximum pixel within each blob. BX, BY = [], [] BV = [] for b, slc in enumerate(blobslices): sy, sx = slc y0, y1 = sy.start, sy.stop x0, x1 = sx.start, sx.stop bl = blobs[slc] i = np.argmax((bl == (b + 1)) * X[slc]) iy, ix = np.unravel_index(i, dims=bl.shape) by = iy + y0 bx = ix + x0 BX.append(bx) BY.append(by) BV.append(X[by, bx]) BX = np.array(BX) BY = np.array(BY) BV = np.array(BV) I = np.argsort(-BV) xx, yy = BX[I], BY[I] keep = [] S = 15 for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(xx, yy)): #print x,y if x < S or y < S or x + S >= W or y + S >= H: continue slc = slice(y - S, y + S + 1), slice(x - S, x + S + 1) slc2 = slice(y - 3, y + 3 + 1), slice(x - 3, x + 3 + 1) mx = np.max((II[0][slc] + II[1][slc]) / 2.) #print 'Max within slice:', mx #if mx > 5e3: if mx > 2e3: continue mx2 = np.max((II[0][slc2] + II[1][slc2]) / 2.) print 'Flux near object:', mx2 if mx2 < 250: continue #miny = np.min(Y[slc2]) #maxy = np.max(Y[slc2]) keep.append(i) keep = np.array(keep) if len(keep) == 0: print 'No objects passed cuts' return xx = xx[keep] yy = yy[keep] plt.clf() plt.imshow(X, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray') plt.title('X') ax = plt.axis() plt.plot(xx, yy, 'r+') plt.plot(1596, 1452, 'o', mec=(0, 1, 0), mfc='none') plt.axis(ax) ps.savefig() ylo, yhi = [], [] for i in range(min(len(xx), 100)): x, y = xx[i], yy[i] slc2 = slice(y - 3, y + 3 + 1), slice(x - 3, x + 3 + 1) ylo.append(np.min(Y[slc2])) yhi.append(np.max(Y[slc2])) plt.clf() plt.plot(ylo, yhi, 'r.') plt.axis('scaled') ps.savefig() for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(xx, yy)[:50]): print x, y rows, cols = 2, 3 ra, dec = wcs.pixelxy2radec(x + 1, y + 1) slc = slice(y - S, y + S + 1), slice(x - S, x + S + 1) slc2 = slice(y - 3, y + 3 + 1), slice(x - 3, x + 3 + 1) mx = max(np.max(II[0][slc]), np.max(II[1][slc])) print 'Max within slice:', mx miny = np.min(Y[slc2]) maxy = np.max(Y[slc2]) plt.clf() plt.subplot(rows, cols, 1) plt.imshow(II[0][slc], **ima) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.colorbar() plt.title('epoch 1') plt.subplot(rows, cols, 2) plt.imshow(II[1][slc], **ima) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.colorbar() plt.title('epoch 2') plt.subplot(rows, cols, 3) plt.imshow(PP[0][slc], **aa) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.colorbar() plt.title('std 1') plt.subplot(rows, cols, 6) plt.imshow(PP[1][slc], **aa) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.colorbar() plt.title('std 2') plt.subplot(rows, cols, 4) plt.imshow(X[slc], **aa) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.colorbar() plt.title('X') plt.subplot(rows, cols, 5) plt.imshow(Y[slc], **aa) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.colorbar() plt.title('Y') #plt.suptitle('Tile %s, Flux: %4.0f, Range: %.2g %.2g' % (tile,mx,miny,maxy)) plt.suptitle('Tile %s, RA,Dec (%.4f, %.4f)' % (tile, ra, dec)) ps.savefig()
#ax.imshow(grid, extent=extent) ax.pcolormesh(np.log10(densities), temperatures, grid) ax.set_title('$%s$ o-H$_2$CO %s GHz' % (label, freq)) ax.set_xlabel('log Density') ax.set_ylabel('Temperature') pl.figure(2) pl.clf() ax = pl.subplot(2, 1, 1) #ax.imshow(grid, extent=extent) cax = ax.pcolormesh(np.log10(densities), temperatures, taugrid_140 / taugrid_150, vmax=1.3, vmin=0.8) pl.colorbar(cax) ax.set_title('$\\tau$ o-H$_2$CO 140/150 GHz') ax.set_xlabel('log Density') ax.set_ylabel('Temperature') ax = pl.subplot(2, 1, 2) #ax.imshow(grid, extent=extent) cax = ax.pcolormesh(np.log10(densities), temperatures, texgrid_140 / texgrid_150, vmax=1.3, vmin=0.8) pl.colorbar(cax) ax.set_title('$T_{ex}$ o-H$_2$CO 140/150 GHz') ax.set_xlabel('log Density') ax.set_ylabel('Temperature')
def plot_composite_matrix(D, labeltext, show_labels=True, show_indices=True, vmax=1.0, vmin=0.0, force=False): """Build a composite plot showing dendrogram + distance matrix/heatmap. Returns a matplotlib figure.""" if D.max() > 1.0 or D.min() < 0.0: error( 'This matrix doesn\'t look like a distance matrix - min value {}, max value {}', D.min(), D.max()) if not force: raise ValueError("not a distance matrix") else: notify('force is set; scaling to [0, 1]') D -= D.min() D /= D.max() if show_labels: show_indices = True fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(11, 8)) ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.09, 0.1, 0.2, 0.6]) # plot dendrogram Y = sch.linkage(D, method='single') # centroid dendrolabels = labeltext if not show_labels: dendrolabels = [str(i) for i in range(len(labeltext))] Z1 = sch.dendrogram(Y, orientation='left', labels=dendrolabels, no_labels=not show_indices) ax1.set_xticks([]) xstart = 0.45 width = 0.45 if not show_labels: xstart = 0.315 scale_xstart = xstart + width + 0.01 # plot matrix axmatrix = fig.add_axes([xstart, 0.1, width, 0.6]) # (this reorders D by the clustering in Z1) idx1 = Z1['leaves'] D = D[idx1, :] D = D[:, idx1] # show matrix im = axmatrix.matshow(D, aspect='auto', origin='lower',, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) axmatrix.set_xticks([]) axmatrix.set_yticks([]) # Plot colorbar. axcolor = fig.add_axes([scale_xstart, 0.1, 0.02, 0.6]) pylab.colorbar(im, cax=axcolor) return fig
def scatterplot(self , xvars , yvars , colorvars , colormap = None ): cm = sc = self.fig.axes[self.axnum].scatter(xvars ,yvars, c=colorvars, cmap = cm ) pl.colorbar(sc)
#test_netcdf: create a netcdf file with bogus data #Paul Kushner #See netCDF4 documentation at import netCDF4 import numpy import pylab pylab.ion() file=netCDF4.Dataset('') xval = file.variables['x'] yval = file.variables['y'] tval = file.variables['t'] data = file.variables['temperature'] print 'shape xval, yval, data',numpy.shape(xval),numpy.shape(yval),numpy.shape(data) pylab.figure(1) pylab.subplot(2,1,1) pylab.plot(xval,data[0,2,:],'r') pylab.plot(xval,data[1,2,:],'b') pylab.legend(('time %3.1f s'%tval[0],'time %3.1f'%tval[1])) pylab.title('temperature for y=%3.1f %s'%(yval[2],yval.units)) pylab.xlabel('x(%s)'%xval.units) pylab.ylabel('t(%s)'%tval.units) pylab.subplot(2,1,2) pylab.contourf(xval,yval,data[2,:,:]) pylab.title('Temperature(%s) at time %3.1f %s'%(data.units,tval[2],tval.units)) pylab.xlabel('x(%s)'%xval.units) pylab.ylabel('y(%s)'%yval.units) pylab.colorbar()
def single_value_visualization(simulation_name,master_results_dir,query,value_names=None,filename=None,resolution=None,treat_nan_as_zero=False,ranges={},cols=4): """ Visualizes all single values (or those whose names match ones in `value_names` argument) present in the datastores of parameter search over a fixed set of parameters. Parameters ---------- simulation_name : str The name of the simulation. master_results_dir : str The directory where the parameter search results are stored. query : ParamFilterQuery ParamFilterQuery filter query instance that will be applied to each datastore before records are retrieved. value_names : list(str) List of value names to visualize. file_name : str The file name into which to save the resulting figure. If None figure is just displayed. resolution : int If not None data will be plotted on a interpolated grid of size (resolution,...,resolution) ranges : dict A dictionary with value names as keys, and tuples of (min,max) ranges as values indicating what range of values should be displayed. cols : int The number of columns in which to show plots, default is 4. """ (parameters,datastores,n) = load_fixed_parameter_set_parameter_search(simulation_name,master_results_dir,filter=ParamFilterQuery(ParameterSet({'ads_unique' : False, 'rec_unique' : False, 'params' : ParameterSet({'identifier' : 'SingleValue'})}))) # print(parameters) # Lets first filter out parameters that do not vary todelete=[]; for i in range(0,len(parameters)): vals = set([v[0][i] for v in datastores]) # print(vals) if len(vals) == 1: todelete.append(i) # print(todelete) for k in range(0,len(datastores)): datastores[k] = ([i for j, i in enumerate(datastores[k][0]) if j not in todelete],datastores[k][1]) parameters = [i for j, i in enumerate(parameters) if j not in todelete] # print(parameters) # Lets first filter out stuff we were asked by user datastores = [(a,query.query(b)) for a,b in datastores] sorted_parameter_indexes = zip(*sorted(enumerate(parameters), key=lambda x: x[1]))[0] # if value_names is None lets set it to set of value_names in the first datastore if value_names == None: value_names = set([]) for d in datastores: value_names.update(set([ads.value_name for ads in param_filter_query(d[1],identifier='SingleValue').get_analysis_result()])) value_names = set(sorted(value_names)) # print("Value names:") # print(value_names) # Lets first make sure that the value_names uniqly identify a SingleValue ADS in each DataStore and # that they exist in each DataStore. for (param_values,datastore) in datastores: for v in value_names: if len(param_filter_query(datastore,identifier='SingleValue',value_name=v).get_analysis_result()) > 1: param_filter_query(datastore,identifier='SingleValue',value_name=v).print_content(full_ADS=True) #assert len(param_filter_query(datastore,identifier='SingleValue',value_name=v).get_analysis_result()) == 1, "Error, %d ADS with value_name %s found for parameter combination: %s" % (len(param_filter_query(datastore,identifier='SingleValue',value_name=v).get_analysis_result()),v, str([str(a) + ':' + str(b) for (a,b) in zip(parameters,param_values)])) rows = math.ceil(1.0*len(value_names)/cols) pylab.figure(figsize=(12*cols, 6*rows), dpi=300, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') # print(rows) # print(cols) # print("Plotting") res = {} for i,value_name in enumerate(value_names): pylab.subplot(rows,cols,i+1) if len(parameters) == 1: x = [] y = [] for (param_values,datastore) in datastores: x.append(param_values[0]) y.append(float(adss[0].value)) pylab.plot(x,y) pylab.plot(x,y,marker='o') pylab.xlabel(parameters[sorted_parameter_indexes[0]]) pylab.ylabel(value_name) elif len(parameters) == 2: # print('*****************************') # print(i) # print(len(datastores)) x = [] y = [] z = [] for (param_values,datastore) in datastores: adss = param_filter_query(datastore,identifier='SingleValue',value_name=value_name).get_analysis_result() if len(adss)>0: x.append(param_values[sorted_parameter_indexes[0]]) y.append(param_values[sorted_parameter_indexes[1]]) z.append(float(adss[0].value)) if treat_nan_as_zero: z = numpy.nan_to_num(z) if value_name in ranges: vmin,vmax = ranges[value_name] else: # print(value_name) # print(z) # print(min(z)) # print(max(z)) vmin = min(z) vmax = max(z) if resolution != None: xi = numpy.linspace(numpy.min(x),numpy.max(x),resolution) yi = numpy.linspace(numpy.min(y),numpy.max(y),resolution) gr = griddata((x,y),z,(xi[None, :], yi[:, None]),method='cubic') pylab.imshow(gr,interpolation='none',vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax,aspect='auto',cmap=cm.gray,origin='lower',extent=[numpy.min(x),numpy.max(x),numpy.min(y),numpy.max(y)]) else: pylab.scatter(x,y,marker='o',s=300,c=z,cmap=cm.jet,vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax) pylab.xlim(min(x)-0.1*(max(x)-min(x)),max(x)+0.1*(max(x)-min(x))) pylab.ylim(min(y)-0.1*(max(y)-min(y)),max(y)+0.1*(max(y)-min(y))) pylab.colorbar() res[value_name]=((parameters[sorted_parameter_indexes[0]],parameters[sorted_parameter_indexes[1]]),x,y,z) f = open(v+'.pickle','w') pickle.dump((value_name,parameters[sorted_parameter_indexes[0]],parameters[sorted_parameter_indexes[1]],x,y,z),f) f.close() pylab.xlabel(parameters[sorted_parameter_indexes[0]]) pylab.ylabel(parameters[sorted_parameter_indexes[1]]) else: raise ValueError("Currently cannot handle more than 2D data") pylab.title(value_name) import scipy f = open('ps_res.pickle','w') pickle.dump(res,f)'ps_res.mat', res) f.close() if filename != None: pylab.savefig(master_results_dir+'/'+filename, bbox_inches='tight')
a[4][4] = data_sheet.cell_value(i + 1, 14) #norm1 = plt.colors.Normalize(vmin=0,vmax=maximum/4) pylab.figure() cmap = im = pylab.imshow(a, cmap=cmap, interpolation='nearest') pylab.title(str(data_sheet.cell_value(i + 1, 0))) for ind1 in range(5): for ind2 in range(5): pylab.text(ind1, ind2, int(b[ind1][ind2]), va='center', ha='center') pylab.axis('off') pylab.colorbar(im) pylab.savefig("heatmaps_jet/" + str(data_sheet.cell_value(i + 1, 0)) + ".png") pylab.figure() cmap = im = pylab.imshow(a, cmap=cmap, interpolation='nearest') pylab.title(str(data_sheet.cell_value(i + 1, 0))) for ind1 in range(5): for ind2 in range(5): pylab.text(ind1, ind2, int(b[ind1][ind2]), va='center', ha='center')
plotInterval = N / 10 for t in xrange(N): i = np.random.randn(1,cfg.layerTestSizes[layer],cfg.layerTestSizes[layer]) cv = float(np.squeeze(,channel,layer))) # av += cv # r = cv / av ab += i[:] * cv #/ N #ab * (1-r) + i * r cvs.append(float(cv)) if (not t % testInterval): testVals.append(float(np.squeeze([:],channel,layer)))) if t and (not (t % plotInterval)): pl.figure() pl.imshow(ab[0]) pl.title("t = %i" % t) pl.colorbar() pl.savefig('%s/stim_%i.png' % (outDir, t)) pl.close() pl.figure() pl.plot(testVals) pl.savefig('%s/progress_%i.png' % (outDir, t)) pl.close() # pl.imsave('%s/optimal_%i.png' % (outDir, t), ab[0], pl.figure() pl.imshow(ab[0]) pl.title("t = %i" % t) pl.colorbar()
def plot(self,valueRange = None,\ show = True,\ saveFig = None,\ colorMapName = 'jet',\ colBarLabel = None,\ colBarOrient ='vertical',\ colBarShrink = 1.0,\ useImagePlot = False,\ **kwd_args): """ @brief Plots a liteMap using astLib.astPlots.ImagePlot. The axes can be marked in either sexagesimal or decimal celestial coordinates. If RATickSteps or decTickSteps are set to "auto", the appropriate axis scales will be determined automatically from the size of the image array and associated WCS. The tick step sizes can be overidden. If the coordinate axes are in sexagesimal format a dictionary in the format {'deg', 'unit'}. If the coordinate axes are in decimal format, the tick step size is specified simply in RA, dec decimal degrees. @param valueRange A tuple e.g. [-300,300] specifying the limits of the colorscale @param show Show the plot instead of saving @param saveFig save to a file @param colorMapName name of colorMap @param colBarLabel add label to the colorBar @param colBarOrient orientation of the colorbar (can be 'vertical'(default) or 'horizontal' @param colBarShrink shrink the color @param kwd_args all keywords accepted by astLib.astPlots.ImagePlot: @type axesLabels: string @param axesLabels: either "sexagesimal" (for H:M:S, D:M:S), "decimal" (for decimal degrees) or None (for no coordinate axes labels) @type axesFontFamily: string @param axesFontFamily: matplotlib fontfamily, e.g. 'serif', 'sans-serif' etc. @type axesFontSize: float @param axesFontSize: font size of axes labels and titles (in points) @param RATickSteps See docstring above @param decTickSteps See docstring above """ if valueRange != None: vmin = valueRange[0] vmax = valueRange[1] else: vmin = vmax = # Convert name to a instance try: cmap =[colorMapName] except KeyError: cmap = if not (useImagePlot): pylab.imshow(,origin="down",vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax,\ extent=[self.x0,self.x1,self.y0,self.y1],\ aspect=1./(np.cos(0.5*np.pi/180.*(self.y0+self.y1))),\ cmap=cmap) else: astLib.astPlots.ImagePlot(,self.wcs,colorMapName=colorMapName,\ cutLevels=[vmin,vmax],colorBar=False,**kwd_args) cb = pylab.colorbar(orientation=colBarOrient, shrink=colBarShrink) if colBarLabel != None: cb.set_label(colBarLabel) #pylab.xlabel('Ra (degrees)') #pylab.ylabel('Dec (degrees)') #pylab.title(title) if saveFig != None: pylab.savefig(saveFig) if show:
def plot_it(self): d =[:, :, 180] d[d < 0.2] = 0 im = plt.imshow(d, cmap='hot') plt.colorbar(im, orientation='horizontal')
use_bias=False)(zero_pad1) batchnorm1=tkl.BatchNormalization()(conv) leaky_relu=tkl.LeakyReLU()(batchnorm1) zero_pad2=tkl.ZeroPadding2D()(leaky_relu) last=tkl.Conv2D( 1,4,strides=1,kernel_initializer=initializer)(zero_pad2) return tf.keras.Model(inputs=[inp,tar],outputs=last) discriminator=Discriminator() tku.plot_model(discriminator,show_shapes=True,dpi=48) disc_output_img=discriminator( [input_img[tf.newaxis,...],gen_output_img],training=False) pl.imshow(disc_output_img[0,...,-1], vmin=-20,vmax=20,cmap='jet') pl.colorbar(); pl.tight_layout(); def discriminator_loss(disc_real_output,disc_generated_output): real_loss=loss_object( tf.ones_like(disc_real_output),disc_real_output) generated_loss=loss_object( tf.zeros_like(disc_generated_output),disc_generated_output) total_disc_loss=real_loss+generated_loss return total_disc_loss # Commented out IPython magic to ensure Python compatibility. # %ch1 Model Optimizers, Callbacks & Visualizations generator_optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(2e-4,beta_1=.5) discriminator_optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(2e-4,beta_1=.5)
def plot(self, labels=False, show=True): ''' This function plots 2D and 3D models :param labels: :param show: If True, the plots are displayed at the end of this call. If False, should be called outside this function :return: ''' if self.k == 3: import mayavi.mlab as mlab predictFig = mlab.figure(figure='predict') errorFig = mlab.figure(figure='error') if self.testfunction: truthFig = mlab.figure(figure='test') dx = 1 pts = 25j X, Y, Z = np.mgrid[0:dx:pts, 0:dx:pts, 0:dx:pts] scalars = np.zeros(X.shape) errscalars = np.zeros(X.shape) for i in range(X.shape[0]): for j in range(X.shape[1]): for k1 in range(X.shape[2]): errscalars[i][j][k1] = self.predicterr_normalized( [X[i][j][k1], Y[i][j][k1], Z[i][j][k1]]) scalars[i][j][k1] = self.predict_normalized( [X[i][j][k1], Y[i][j][k1], Z[i][j][k1]]) if self.testfunction: tfscalars = np.zeros(X.shape) for i in range(X.shape[0]): for j in range(X.shape[1]): for k1 in range(X.shape[2]): tfplot = tfscalars[i][j][k1] = self.testfunction( [X[i][j][k1], Y[i][j][k1], Z[i][j][k1]]) plot = mlab.contour3d(tfscalars, contours=15, transparent=True, figure=truthFig) plot.compute_normals = False # obj = mlab.contour3d(scalars, contours=10, transparent=True) plot = mlab.contour3d(scalars, contours=15, transparent=True, figure=predictFig) plot.compute_normals = False errplt = mlab.contour3d(errscalars, contours=15, transparent=True, figure=errorFig) errplt.compute_normals = False if show: if self.k == 2: fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) samplePoints = zip(*self.X) # Create a set of data to plot plotgrid = 61 x = np.linspace(self.normRange[0][0], self.normRange[0][1], num=plotgrid) y = np.linspace(self.normRange[1][0], self.normRange[1][1], num=plotgrid) x = np.linspace(0, 1, num=plotgrid) y = np.linspace(0, 1, num=plotgrid) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) # Predict based on the optimized results zs = np.array([ self.predict([x, y]) for x, y in zip(np.ravel(X), np.ravel(Y)) ]) Z = zs.reshape(X.shape) # Z = (Z*(self.ynormRange[1]-self.ynormRange[0]))+self.ynormRange[0] #Calculate errors zse = np.array([ self.predict_var([x, y]) for x, y in zip(np.ravel(X), np.ravel(Y)) ]) Ze = zse.reshape(X.shape) spx = (self.X[:, 0] * (self.normRange[0][1] - self.normRange[0][0]) ) + self.normRange[0][0] spy = (self.X[:, 1] * (self.normRange[1][1] - self.normRange[1][0]) ) + self.normRange[1][0] contour_levels = 25 ax = fig.add_subplot(222) CS = pylab.contourf(X, Y, Ze, contour_levels) pylab.colorbar() pylab.plot(spx, spy, 'ow') ax = fig.add_subplot(221) if self.testfunction: # Setup the truth function zt = self.testfunction(np.array(zip(np.ravel(X), np.ravel(Y)))) ZT = zt.reshape(X.shape) CS = pylab.contour(X, Y, ZT, contour_levels, colors='k', zorder=2) # contour_levels = np.linspace(min(zt), max(zt),50) if self.testfunction: contour_levels = CS.levels delta = np.abs(contour_levels[0] - contour_levels[1]) contour_levels = np.insert(contour_levels, 0, contour_levels[0] - delta) contour_levels = np.append(contour_levels, contour_levels[-1] + delta) CS = plt.contourf(X, Y, Z, contour_levels, zorder=1) pylab.plot(spx, spy, 'ow', zorder=3) pylab.colorbar() ax = fig.add_subplot(212, projection='3d') # fig = plt.gcf() #ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=3, cstride=3, alpha=0.4) if self.testfunction: ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, ZT, rstride=3, cstride=3) if show:
def plotField(field, target_fields=None, completed_fields=None, options_basemap={}, **kwargs): """ Plot a specific target field. Parameters: ----------- field : The specific field of interest. target_fields : The fields that will be observed completed_fields : The fields that have been observed options_basemap : Keyword arguments to the basemap constructor kwargs : Keyword arguments to the matplotlib.scatter function Returns: -------- basemap : The basemap object """ if isinstance(field,np.core.records.record): tmp = FieldArray(1) tmp[0] = field field = tmp band = field[0]['FILTER'] cmap =[band]) defaults = dict(marker='H',s=100,edgecolor='',vmin=-1,vmax=4,cmap=cmap) #defaults = dict(edgecolor='none', s=50, vmin=0, vmax=4, cmap='summer_r') #defaults = dict(edgecolor='none', s=50, vmin=0, vmax=4, cmap='gray_r') setdefaults(kwargs,defaults) msg="%s: id=%10s, "%(datestring(field['DATE'][0],0),field['ID'][0]) msg +="ra=%(RA)-6.2f, dec=%(DEC)-6.2f, secz=%(AIRMASS)-4.2f"%field[0] defaults = dict(date=field['DATE'][0], name='ortho') options_basemap = dict(options_basemap) setdefaults(options_basemap,defaults) fig, basemap = makePlot(**options_basemap) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.03,right=0.97,bottom=0.03,top=0.97) # Plot target fields if target_fields is not None and len(target_fields): sel = target_fields['FILTER']==band x,y = basemap.proj(target_fields['RA'], target_fields['DEC']) kw = dict(kwargs,c='w',edgecolor='0.6',s=0.8*kwargs['s']) basemap.scatter(x[sel], y[sel], **kw) kw = dict(kwargs,c='w',edgecolor='0.8',s=0.8*kwargs['s']) basemap.scatter(x[~sel], y[~sel], **kw) # Plot completed fields if completed_fields is not None and len(completed_fields): sel = completed_fields['FILTER']==band x,y = basemap.proj(completed_fields['RA'],completed_fields['DEC']) kw = dict(kwargs) basemap.scatter(x[~sel], y[~sel], c='0.6', **kw) basemap.scatter(x[sel], y[sel], c=completed_fields['TILING'][sel], **kw) # Try to draw the colorbar try: if len(fig.axes) == 2: # Draw colorbar in existing axis colorbar = plt.colorbar(cax=fig.axes[-1]) else: colorbar = plt.colorbar() colorbar.set_label('Tiling (%s-band)'%band) except TypeError: pass[0]) # Show the selected field x,y = basemap.proj(field['RA'], field['DEC']) kw = dict(kwargs,edgecolor='k') basemap.scatter(x,y,c=COLORS[band],**kw) return basemap
scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0,1)) x = scaler.fit_transform(x) #should we even transform the ID? #10x10 grid output with 15 dim input and sigma of 1 som = MiniSom(x=10,y=10, input_len=15,sigma=1.0, learning_rate=0.2) som.random_weights_init(x) som.train_random(x, num_iteration=200) from pylab import bone, pcolor, colorbar, plot, show bone() #using colors instead of bones to show the map pcolor(som.distance_map().T) #distance_map will return a matrix of mean interneuron distances (transposed) colorbar() #legend, intensity of color. Dark = low mid, light = high mid, frauds #to tell if the customers associated to the light color = approved or not markers = ['o', 's'] #circles and squares. O for non-approval, and s for approval colors = ['r', 'b'] for i,j in enumerate(x): #get the winning node in the customer i winning_node = som.winner(j) plot(winning_node[0]+0.5, winning_node[1]+0.5, markers[y[i]], markeredgecolor=colors[y[i]], markerfacecolor='None', markersize=10, markeredgewidth=2) #plot(winning_node[1]+0.5) #plot(markers[y[i]]) #if the customer was approved or not, based on y vector of our dataset #plot(markeredgecolor = colors[y[i]], markerfacecolor = None, markersize = 10, markeredgewidth = 3) show()
def stage_psfplots(T=None, sedsn=None, coimgs=None, cons=None, detmaps=None, detivs=None, blobsrcs=None, blobflux=None, blobslices=None, blobs=None, tractor=None, cat=None, targetrd=None, pixscale=None, targetwcs=None, W=None, H=None, brickid=None, bands=None, ps=None, tims=None, plots=False, **kwargs): tim = tims[0] tim.psfex.fitSavedData(*tim.psfex.splinedata) spl = tim.psfex.splines[0] print 'Spline:', spl knots = spl.get_knots() print 'knots:', knots tx, ty = knots k = 3 print 'interior knots x:', tx[k + 1:-k - 1] print 'additional knots x:', tx[:k + 1], 'and', tx[-k - 1:] print 'interior knots y:', ty[k + 1:-k - 1] print 'additional knots y:', ty[:k + 1], 'and', ty[-k - 1:] for itim, tim in enumerate(tims): psfex = tim.psfex psfex.fitSavedData(*psfex.splinedata) if plots: print print 'Tim', tim print pp, xx, yy = psfex.splinedata ny, nx, nparams = pp.shape assert (len(xx) == nx) assert (len(yy) == ny) psfnil = psfex.psfclass(*np.zeros(nparams)) names = psfnil.getParamNames() xa = np.linspace(xx[0], xx[-1], 50) ya = np.linspace(yy[0], yy[-1], 100) #xa,ya = np.meshgrid(xa,ya) #xa = xa.ravel() #ya = ya.ravel() print 'xa', xa print 'ya', ya for i in range(nparams): plt.clf() plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) dimshow(pp[:, :, i]) plt.title('grid fit') plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) sp = psfex.splines[i](xa, ya) sp = sp.T print 'spline shape', sp.shape assert (sp.shape == (len(ya), len(xa))) dimshow(sp, extent=[xx[0], xx[-1], yy[0], yy[-1]]) plt.title('spline') plt.colorbar() plt.suptitle('tim %s: PSF param %s' % (, names[i])) ps.savefig()
def main(): """ In this simple tutorial example, the main function does all the work: it sets the parameter values, creates and initializes a grid, sets up the state variables, runs the main loop, and cleans up. """ # INITIALIZE # User-defined parameter values dem_name = 'ExampleDEM/west_bijou_gully.asc' outlet_row = 6 outlet_column = 38 next_to_outlet_row = 7 next_to_outlet_column = 38 n = 0.06 # roughness coefficient (Manning's n) h_init = 0.001 # initial thin layer of water (m) g = 9.8 # gravitational acceleration (m/s2) alpha = 0.2 # time-step factor (ND; from Bates et al., 2010) run_time = 2400 # duration of run, seconds rainfall_mmhr = 100 # rainfall rate, in mm/hr rain_duration = 15*60 # rainfall duration, in seconds # Derived parameters rainfall_rate = (rainfall_mmhr/1000.)/3600. # rainfall in m/s ten_thirds = 10./3. # pre-calculate 10/3 for speed elapsed_time = 0.0 # total time in simulation report_interval = 5. # interval to report progress (seconds) next_report = time.time()+report_interval # next time to report progress DATA_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), dem_name) # Create and initialize a raster model grid by reading a DEM print('Reading data from "'+str(DATA_FILE)+'"') (mg, z) = read_esri_ascii(DATA_FILE) print('DEM has ' + str(mg.number_of_node_rows) + ' rows, ' + str(mg.number_of_node_columns) + ' columns, and cell size ' + str(mg.dx)) + ' m' # Modify the grid DEM to set all nodata nodes to inactive boundaries mg.set_nodata_nodes_to_closed(z, 0) # set nodata nodes to inactive bounds # Set the open boundary (outlet) cell. We want to remember the ID of the # outlet node and the ID of the interior node adjacent to it. We'll make # the outlet node an open boundary. outlet_node = mg.grid_coords_to_node_id(outlet_row, outlet_column) node_next_to_outlet = mg.grid_coords_to_node_id(next_to_outlet_row, next_to_outlet_column) mg.set_fixed_value_boundaries(outlet_node) # Set up state variables h = mg.add_zeros('node', 'Water_depth') + h_init # water depth (m) q = mg.create_active_link_array_zeros() # unit discharge (m2/s) # Get a list of the core nodes core_nodes = mg.core_nodes # To track discharge at the outlet through time, we create initially empty # lists for time and outlet discharge. q_outlet = [] t = [] q_outlet.append(0.) t.append(0.) outlet_link = mg.get_active_link_connecting_node_pair(outlet_node, node_next_to_outlet) # Display a message print( 'Running ...' ) start_time = time.time() # RUN # Main loop while elapsed_time < run_time: # Report progress if time.time()>=next_report: print('Time = '+str(elapsed_time)+' (' +str(100.*elapsed_time/run_time)+'%)') next_report += report_interval # Calculate time-step size for this iteration (Bates et al., eq 14) dtmax = alpha*mg.dx/np.sqrt(g*np.amax(h)) # Calculate the effective flow depth at active links. Bates et al. 2010 # recommend using the difference between the highest water-surface # and the highest bed elevation between each pair of cells. zmax = mg.max_of_link_end_node_values(z) w = h+z # water-surface height wmax = mg.max_of_link_end_node_values(w) hflow = wmax - zmax # Calculate water-surface slopes water_surface_slope = mg.calculate_gradients_at_active_links(w) # Calculate the unit discharges (Bates et al., eq 11) q = (q-g*hflow*dtmax*water_surface_slope)/ \ (1.+g*hflow*dtmax*n*n*abs(q)/(hflow**ten_thirds)) # Calculate water-flux divergence at nodes dqds = mg.calculate_flux_divergence_at_nodes(q) # Update rainfall rate if elapsed_time > rain_duration: rainfall_rate = 0. # Calculate rate of change of water depth dhdt = rainfall_rate-dqds # Second time-step limiter (experimental): make sure you don't allow # water-depth to go negative if np.amin(dhdt) < 0.: shallowing_locations = np.where(dhdt<0.) time_to_drain = -h[shallowing_locations]/dhdt[shallowing_locations] dtmax2 = alpha*np.amin(time_to_drain) dt = np.min([dtmax, dtmax2]) else: dt = dtmax # Update the water-depth field h[core_nodes] = h[core_nodes] + dhdt[core_nodes]*dt h[outlet_node] = h[node_next_to_outlet] # Update current time elapsed_time += dt # Remember discharge and time t.append(elapsed_time) q_outlet.append(abs(q[outlet_link])) # FINALIZE # Set the elevations of the nodata cells to the minimum active cell # elevation (convenient for plotting) z[np.where(z<=0.)] = 9999 # temporarily change their elevs ... zmin = np.amin(z) # ... so we can find the minimum ... z[np.where(z==9999)] = zmin # ... and assign them this value. # Get a 2D array version of the water depths and elevations # Clear previous plots pylab.figure(1) pylab.close() pylab.figure(2) pylab.close() # Plot discharge vs. time pylab.figure(1) pylab.plot(np.array(t), np.array(q_outlet)*mg.dx) pylab.xlabel('Time (s)') pylab.ylabel('Q (m3/s)') pylab.title('Outlet discharge') # Plot topography pylab.figure(2) pylab.subplot(121) imshow_grid(mg, z, allow_colorbar=False) pylab.xlabel(None) pylab.ylabel(None) im = pylab.set_cmap('RdBu') cb = pylab.colorbar(im) cb.set_label('Elevation (m)', fontsize=12) pylab.title('Topography') # Plot water depth pylab.subplot(122) imshow_grid(mg, h, allow_colorbar=False) im2 = pylab.set_cmap('RdBu') pylab.clim(0, 0.25) cb = pylab.colorbar(im2) cb.set_label('Water depth (m)', fontsize=12) pylab.title('Water depth') # ## Display the plots print('Done.') print('Total run time = '+str(time.time()-start_time)+' seconds.')
print("%0.3fs" % delta) omp[i_f, i_s] = delta results['time(LARS) / time(OMP)\n (w/ Gram)'] = (lars_gram / omp_gram) results['time(LARS) / time(OMP)\n (w/o Gram)'] = (lars / omp) return results if __name__ == '__main__': samples_range = np.linspace(1000, 5000, 5).astype( features_range = np.linspace(1000, 5000, 5).astype( results = compute_bench(samples_range, features_range) max_time = max(np.max(t) for t in results.values()) import pylab as pl fig = pl.figure('scikit-learn OMP vs. LARS benchmark results') for i, (label, timings) in enumerate(sorted(results.iteritems())): ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, i) vmax = max(1 - timings.min(), -1 + timings.max()) pl.matshow(timings, fignum=False, vmin=1 - vmax, vmax=1 + vmax) ax.set_xticklabels([''] + map(str, samples_range)) ax.set_yticklabels([''] + map(str, features_range)) pl.xlabel('n_samples') pl.ylabel('n_features') pl.title(label) pl.subplots_adjust(0.1, 0.08, 0.96, 0.98, 0.4, 0.63) ax = pl.axes([0.1, 0.08, 0.8, 0.06]) pl.colorbar(cax=ax, orientation='horizontal')
def plot_topo_file(topoplotdata): """ Read in a topo or bathy file and produce a pcolor map. """ import os import pylab from import Data fname = topoplotdata.fname topotype = topoplotdata.topotype if topoplotdata.climits: # deprecated option cmin = topoplotdata.climits[0] cmax = topoplotdata.climits[1] else: cmin = topoplotdata.cmin cmax = topoplotdata.cmax figno = topoplotdata.figno addcolorbar = topoplotdata.addcolorbar addcontour = topoplotdata.addcontour contour_levels = topoplotdata.contour_levels xlimits = topoplotdata.xlimits ylimits = topoplotdata.ylimits coarsen = topoplotdata.coarsen imshow = topoplotdata.imshow gridedges_show = topoplotdata.gridedges_show neg_cmap = topoplotdata.neg_cmap pos_cmap = topoplotdata.pos_cmap print_fname = topoplotdata.print_fname if neg_cmap is None: neg_cmap = colormaps.make_colormap({ cmin: [0.3, 0.2, 0.1], 0: [0.95, 0.9, 0.7] }) if pos_cmap is None: pos_cmap = colormaps.make_colormap({ 0: [.5, .7, 0], cmax: [.2, .5, .2] }) if abs(topotype) == 1: X, Y, topo = topotools.topofile2griddata(fname, topotype) topo = pylab.flipud(topo) Y = pylab.flipud(Y) x = X[0, :] y = Y[:, 0] xllcorner = x[0] yllcorner = y[0] cellsize = x[1] - x[0] elif abs(topotype) == 3: file = open(fname, 'r') lines = file.readlines() ncols = int(lines[0].split()[0]) nrows = int(lines[1].split()[0]) xllcorner = float(lines[2].split()[0]) yllcorner = float(lines[3].split()[0]) cellsize = float(lines[4].split()[0]) NODATA_value = int(lines[5].split()[0]) print "Loading file ", fname print " nrows = %i, ncols = %i" % (nrows, ncols) topo = pylab.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=6, dtype=float) print " Done loading" if 0: topo = [] for i in range(nrows): topo.append(pylab.array(lines[6 + i], )) print '+++ topo = ', topo topo = pylab.array(topo) topo = pylab.flipud(topo) x = pylab.linspace(xllcorner, xllcorner + ncols * cellsize, ncols) y = pylab.linspace(yllcorner, yllcorner + nrows * cellsize, nrows) print "Shape of x, y, topo: ", x.shape, y.shape, topo.shape else: raise Exception("*** Only topotypes 1 and 3 supported so far") if coarsen > 1: topo = topo[slice(0, nrows, coarsen), slice(0, ncols, coarsen)] x = x[slice(0, ncols, coarsen)] y = y[slice(0, nrows, coarsen)] print "Shapes after coarsening: ", x.shape, y.shape, topo.shape if topotype < 0: topo = -topo if figno: pylab.figure(figno) if topoplotdata.imshow: color_norm = Normalize(cmin, cmax, clip=True) xylimits = (x[0], x[-1], y[0], y[-1]) #pylab.imshow(pylab.flipud(topo.T), extent=xylimits, \ pylab.imshow(pylab.flipud(topo), extent=xylimits, \ cmap=cmap, interpolation='nearest', \ norm=color_norm) else: neg_topo = ma.masked_where(topo > 0., topo) all_masked = (ma.count(neg_topo) == 0) if not all_masked: pylab.pcolormesh(x, y, neg_topo, cmap=neg_cmap) pylab.clim([cmin, 0]) if addcolorbar: pylab.colorbar() pos_topo = ma.masked_where(topo < 0., topo) all_masked = (ma.count(pos_topo) == 0) if not all_masked: pylab.pcolormesh(x, y, pos_topo, cmap=pos_cmap) pylab.clim([0, cmax]) if addcolorbar: pylab.colorbar() pylab.axis('scaled') if addcontour: pylab.contour(x, y, topo, levels=contour_levels, colors='k') if gridedges_show: pylab.plot([x[0], x[-1]], [y[0], y[0]], 'k') pylab.plot([x[0], x[-1]], [y[-1], y[-1]], 'k') pylab.plot([x[0], x[0]], [y[0], y[-1]], 'k') pylab.plot([x[-1], x[-1]], [y[0], y[-1]], 'k') if print_fname: fname2 = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] pylab.text(xllcorner + cellsize, yllcorner + cellsize, fname2, color='m') topodata = Data() topodata.x = x topodata.y = y topodata.topo = topo return topodata
import pylab as plt import numpy as np a = np.arange(-4, 4, 0.1) x, y = np.meshgrid(a, a) matrix = np.sin(x**2 + y**2) plt.figure() plt.imshow(matrix, # gray, hot, magma, .. plt.colorbar() plt.title("Heatmap der Funktion $\sin{(x^2 + y^2)}$") plt.savefig("heatmap.png") plt.savefig("heatmap.svg")
mags = [] for cnt, t in enumerate(times): print 'Working on integration %i of %i' % (cnt + 1, obs_duration) for i in xrange(nants): #print i for j in xrange(nants): if i == j: continue #don't bother with autocorrelations #if i > j: continue #don't double count aa.set_jultime(t) lst = aa.sidereal_time() obs_zen.compute(aa) u, v, w = aa.gen_uvw(i, j, src=obs_zen) _beam = beamgridder(sigma=sigma, xcen=u / dish_size_in_lambda, ycen=v / dish_size_in_lambda, size=dim) #print sigma, u/dish_size_in_lambda,v/dish_size_in_lambda, dim uv += _beam #uv[:,:dim/2] = 0 #uv[dim/2:,dim/2] = 0'uvcov.npy', uv) print 'there are %i minutes of integration in the uv plane' % n.sum(uv) p.imshow(uv, interpolation='nearest') p.colorbar()
#本例红色被关联为最高的正相关,可以看出最强相关是: #“花瓣宽度”petal width和“花瓣长度”petal length这两个变量。 from numpy import corrcoef corr = corrcoef(data.T) # .T gives the transpose print(corr) #output:[[ 1. -0.10936925 0.87175416 0.81795363] #output: [-0.10936925 1. -0.4205161 -0.35654409] #output: [ 0.87175416 -0.4205161 1. 0.9627571 ] #output: [ 0.81795363 -0.35654409 0.9627571 1. ]] from pylab import pcolor, colorbar, xticks, yticks from numpy import arange pcolor(corr) #添加相关性矩阵,4个属性所以是4x4 colorbar() #添加彩色注释条 #添加X,Y轴注释,默认一个属性是1,坐标是1,2,3,4,对应四个属性name如下。 xticks(arange(1, 5), ['sepal length', 'sepal width', 'petal length', 'petal width'], rotation=-20) yticks(arange(1, 5), ['sepal length', 'sepal width', 'petal length', 'petal width'], rotation=-45) show() ########################### #(6)成分分析(降维) # 涉及算法之一PCA ########################### from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
bg = nibabel.load(os.path.join('bg.nii.gz')) pl.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax1 = pl.axes([0., 0., 1., 1.]) pl.imshow(bg.get_data()[:, :, 10].T, interpolation="nearest", cmap='gray', origin='lower') pl.imshow([:, :, 10].T, 1e-6), interpolation="nearest", cmap='hot', origin="lower") plot_lines(contour[:, :, 10].T) pl.axis('off') ax2 = pl.axes([.08, .5, .05, .47]) cb = pl.colorbar(cax=ax2, ax=ax1)'left')'white') cb.set_ticks(np.arange(0., .8, .2)) pl.savefig(os.path.join('output', 'encoding_scores_ridge.pdf')) pl.savefig(os.path.join('output', 'encoding_scores_ridge.png')) pl.savefig(os.path.join('output', 'encoding_scores_ridge.eps')) pl.clf() sbrain_lasso = masking.unmask(np.array(scores_lasso).mean(0), dataset.mask) pl.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax1 = pl.axes([0., 0., 1., 1.]) pl.imshow(bg.get_data()[:, :, 10].T, interpolation="nearest",