def plotDgGnPh(self, higherFrqAg = 0.5, lowerFrqAg = -0.5): """' plot Gain/Phase diagram of discrete system using matplotlib The angular at the right side is pi Drawing Gain/Phase plot by H(z) ==> H(epx(j ω)) Default angular width is 3 decades Frequencey Range: [lowerFrqAg , higherFrqAg] '""" import pylab as py N = 128 lstThetaAt = [sc.exp( 2*sc.pi*1j*(lowerFrqAg + (higherFrqAg-lowerFrqAg) *float(k)/N) ) for k in range(N)] t = [lowerFrqAg+ (higherFrqAg-lowerFrqAg) *float(k)/N for k in range(N)] py.subplot(211) py.plot( t, abs(self(lstThetaAt)) ) py.ylabel('gain') py.grid(True) py.subplot(212) py.plot( t, [sc.arctan2(zz.imag, zz.real) for zz in self(lstThetaAt)]) py.ylabel('phase') py.grid(True) py.gca().xaxis.grid(True, which='minor') # minor grid on too
def plot_stress(self, block_ids=None, fignum=0): block_ids = self.check_block_ids_list(block_ids) # plt.figure(fignum) ax1=plt.gca() plt.clf() plt.figure(fignum) plt.clf() ax0=plt.gca() # for block_id in block_ids: rws = numpy.core.records.fromarrays(zip(*filter(lambda x: x['block_id']==block_id, self.shear_stress_sequences)), dtype=self.shear_stress_sequences.dtype) stress_seq = [] for rw in rws: stress_seq += [[rw['sweep_number'], rw['shear_init']]] stress_seq += [[rw['sweep_number'], rw['shear_final']]] X,Y = zip(*stress_seq) # ax0.plot(X,Y, '.-', label='block_id: %d' % block_id) # plt.figure(fignum+1) plt.plot(rws['sweep_number'], rws['shear_init'], '.-', label='block_id: %d' % block_id) plt.plot(rws['sweep_number'], rws['shear_final'], '.-', label='block_id: %d' % block_id) plt.figure(fignum) ax0.plot([min(self.shear_stress_sequences['sweep_number']), max(self.shear_stress_sequences['sweep_number'])], [0., 0.], 'k-') ax0.legend(loc=0, numpoints=1) plt.figure(fignum) plt.title('Block shear_stress sequences') plt.xlabel('sweep number') plt.ylabel('shear stress')
def plotB3reg(): w=loadStanFit('') printCI(w,'mmu') printCI(w,'mr') for b in range(2): subplot(1,2,b+1) plt.title('') px=np.array(np.linspace(-0.5,0.5,101),ndmin=2) a0=np.array(w['mmu'][:,b],ndmin=2).T a1=np.array(w['mr'][:,b],ndmin=2).T y=np.concatenate([sap(a0+a1*px,97.5,axis=0),sap(a0+a1*px[:,::-1],2.5,axis=0)]) x=np.squeeze(np.concatenate([px,px[:,::-1]],axis=1)) plt.plot(px[0,:],np.median(a0)+np.median(a1)*px[0,:],'red') #plt.plot([-1,1],[0.5,0.5],'grey') ax=plt.gca() ax.set_aspect(1) ax.add_patch(plt.Polygon(np.array([x,y]).T,alpha=0.2,fill=True,fc='red',ec='w')) y=np.concatenate([sap(a0+a1*px,75,axis=0),sap(a0+a1*px[:,::-1],25,axis=0)]) ax.add_patch(plt.Polygon(np.array([x,y]).T,alpha=0.2,fill=True,fc='red',ec='w')) man=np.array([-0.4,-0.2,0,0.2,0.4]) mus=[] for m in range(len(man)): mus.append(loadStanFit(''%m)['mmu'][:,b]) mus=np.array(mus).T errorbar(mus,x=man) ax.set_xticks(man) plt.xlim([-0.5,0.5]) plt.ylim([-0.4,0.8]) #plt.xlabel('Manipulated Displacement') if b==0: plt.ylabel('Perceived Displacemet') plt.gca().set_yticklabels([]) subplot_annotate() plt.text(-1.1,-0.6,'Pivot Displacement',fontsize=8);
def plotBode(f*g, lowerFreq, higherFreq = None): """' plot Bode diagram using matplotlib Default frequency width is 3 decades '""" import pylab as py #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if ( higherFreq == None): rangeAt = 1000.0 # 3 decade else: assert higherFreq > lowerFreq rangeAt = float(higherFreq)/lowerFreq N = 128 lstScannAngFreqAt = [2*sc.pi*1j*lowerFreq*sc.exp( sc.log(rangeAt)*float(k)/N) for k in range(N)] t = [ lowerFreq*sc.exp(sc.log(rangeAt)*float(k)/N) for k in range(N)] py.subplot(211) py.loglog( t, [(abs(f*g(x))) for x in lstScannAngFreqAt] ) py.ylabel('gain') py.grid(True) py.subplot(212) py.semilogx( t, [sc.arctan2(f*g(zz).imag, f*g(zz).real) for zz in lstScannAngFreqAt]) py.ylabel('phase') py.grid(True) py.gca().xaxis.grid(True, which='minor') # minor grid on too
def trace(data, name, format='png', datarange=(None, None), suffix='', path='./', rows=1, columns=1, num=1, last=True, fontmap = None, verbose=1): """ Generates trace plot from an array of data. :Arguments: data: array or list Usually a trace from an MCMC sample. name: string The name of the trace. datarange: tuple or list Preferred y-range of trace (defaults to (None,None)). format (optional): string Graphic output format (defaults to png). suffix (optional): string Filename suffix. path (optional): string Specifies location for saving plots (defaults to local directory). fontmap (optional): dict Font map for plot. """ if fontmap is None: fontmap = {1:10, 2:8, 3:6, 4:5, 5:4} # Stand-alone plot or subplot? standalone = rows==1 and columns==1 and num==1 if standalone: if verbose>0: print_('Plotting', name) figure() subplot(rows, columns, num) pyplot(data.tolist()) ylim(datarange) # Plot options title('\n\n %s trace'%name, x=0., y=1., ha='left', va='top', fontsize='small') # Smaller tick labels tlabels = gca().get_xticklabels() setp(tlabels, 'fontsize', fontmap[rows/2]) tlabels = gca().get_yticklabels() setp(tlabels, 'fontsize', fontmap[rows/2]) if standalone: if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) if not path.endswith('/'): path += '/' # Save to file savefig("%s%s%s.%s" % (path, name, suffix, format))
def test_set_plot_limits_no_args(self): """set_limits() properly does nothing when nothing specified """ args = MagicMock(savefig="", xlim=[], ylim=[]) plot_lib.set_limits(args) self.assertEqual(pl.gca().get_xlim(), (0.0, 9.0)) self.assertEqual(pl.gca().get_ylim(), (0.0, 9.0))
def test_set_plot_limits(self): """set_limits() properly sets limits """ args = MagicMock(savefig="", xlim=[-2, 2], ylim=[-3, 3]) plot_lib.set_limits(args) self.assertEqual(pl.gca().get_xlim(), (-2.0, 2.0)) self.assertEqual(pl.gca().get_ylim(), (-3.0, 3.0))
def plot(self): if not pylabInstalled: raise SpaceFuncsException('to plot you should have matplotlib installed') cir = pylab.Circle(, radius=self.radius, alpha = 1.0 - self.transparency, lw = self.linewidth, fc='w', fill=self.fill, \ ec = self.edgecolor, color = self.color, linestyle = self.linestyle) pylab.gca().add_patch(cir) if self.plotCenter:
def show_image(*imgs): for idx, img in enumerate(imgs): subplot = 101 + len(imgs)*10 +idx pl.subplot(subplot) pl.imshow(img, pl.gca().set_axis_off() pl.subplots_adjust(0.02, 0, 0.98, 1, 0.02, 0)
def plot_commerror(name1,logfile1,name2,logfile2): file1 = open(str(logfile1),'r').readlines() data1 = [float(line.split()[1]) for line in file1] iso1 = data1[0::3] aniso1 = data1[1::3] ml1 = data1[2::3] file2 = open(str(logfile2),'r').readlines() data2 = [float(line.split()[1]) for line in file2] iso2 = data2[0::3] aniso2 = data2[1::3] ml2 = data2[2::3] # x axis x=[8,16,32,64,128] xlabels=['A','B','C','D','E'] orderone = [1,.5,.25,.125,.0625] ordertwo = [i**2 for i in orderone] plot1 = pylab.figure(figsize = (6, 6.5)) size = 15 ax = pylab.subplot(111) ax.plot(x,iso1, linestyle='solid',color='red',lw=2) ax.plot(x,aniso1, linestyle='dashed',color='red',lw=2) ax.plot(x,ml1, linestyle='dashdot',color='red',lw=2) ax.plot(x,iso2, linestyle='solid',color='blue',lw=2) ax.plot(x,aniso2, linestyle='dashed',color='blue',lw=2) ax.plot(x,ml2, linestyle='dashdot',color='blue',lw=2) #ax.plot(x,orderone, linestyle='solid',color='black',lw=2) #ax.plot(x,ordertwo, linestyle='dashed',color='black') #pylab.legend((str(name1)+'_iso',str(name1)+'_aniso',str(name2)+'_iso',str(name2)+'_aniso','order 1'),loc="best") pylab.legend((str(name1)+'_iso',str(name1)+'_aniso',str(name1)+'_ml',str(name2)+'_iso',str(name2)+'_aniso',str(name2)+'_ml'),loc="best") leg = pylab.gca().get_legend() ltext = leg.get_texts() pylab.setp(ltext, fontsize = size, color = 'black') frame=leg.get_frame() frame.set_fill(False) frame.set_visible(False) #ax.grid("True") for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontsize(size) for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontsize(size) # set axes to logarithmic pylab.gca().set_xscale('log',basex=2) pylab.gca().set_yscale('log',basex=2) pylab.axis([8,128,1.e-4,2]) ax.set_xticks(x) ax.set_xticklabels(xlabels) #pylab.axis([1,5,1.e-6,1.]) ax.set_xlabel('Mesh resolution', ha="center",fontsize=size) ax.set_ylabel('commutation error',fontsize=size) pylab.savefig('commerrorplot.eps') pylab.savefig('commerrorplot.pdf') return
def plot_file_color(base, thin=True, start=0, size=14, save=False): conf, track, pegs = load(base) fig = pl.figure(figsize=(size,size*conf['top']/conf['wall'])) track = track[start:] x = track[:,0]; y = track[:,1] t = np.linspace(0,1,x.shape[0]) points = np.array([x,y]).transpose().reshape(-1,1,2) segs = np.concatenate([points[:-1],points[1:]],axis=1) lc = LineCollection(segs, linewidths=0.25, lc.set_array(t) pl.gca().add_collection(lc) #pl.scatter(x, y, c=np.arange(len(x)),linestyle='-', #pl.plot(track[-1000000:,0], track[-1000000:,1], '-', linewidth=0.0125, alpha=0.8) for peg in pegs: pl.gca().add_artist(pl.Circle(peg, conf['radius'], color='k', alpha=0.3)) pl.xlim(0, conf['wall']) pl.ylim(0, conf['top']) pl.xticks([]) pl.yticks([]) pl.tight_layout() if save: pl.savefig(base+".png", dpi=200)
def plot_features(im, features, num_to_plot=100, colors=["blue"]): plt.imshow(im) for i in range(min(features.shape[0], num_to_plot)): x = features[i,0] y = features[i,1] scale = features[i,2] rot = features[i,3] color = colors[i % len(colors)] box = patches.Rectangle((-scale/2,-scale/2), scale, scale, edgecolor=color, facecolor="none", lw=1) arrow = patches.Arrow(0, -scale/2, 0, scale, width=10, edgecolor=color, facecolor="none") t_start = plt.gca().transData transform = mpl.transforms.Affine2D().rotate(rot).translate(x,y) + t_start box.set_transform(transform) arrow.set_transform(transform) plt.gca().add_artist(box) plt.gca().add_artist(arrow) plt.axis('off') plt.set_cmap('gray')
def auto_shift(offset): """ Return a y-offset coordinate transform for the current axes. Each call to auto_shift increases the y-offset for the next line by the given number of points (with 72 points per inch). Example:: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from bumps.plotutil import auto_shift trans = auto_shift(plt.gca()) plot(x, y, hold=True, trans=trans) """ from matplotlib.transforms import ScaledTranslation import pylab ax = pylab.gca() if ax.lines and hasattr(ax, '_auto_shift'): ax._auto_shift += offset else: ax._auto_shift = 0 trans = pylab.gca().transData if ax._auto_shift: trans += ScaledTranslation(0, ax._auto_shift/72., pylab.gcf().dpi_scale_trans) return trans
def plot_surface(self, debug=debug, nu=150, phi=0, hold=True, linecolor='gray', marker=',',**plkwargs): (r,z)=self.make_curve(nu=nu, phi=phi) plkwargs.update({'color':linecolor, 'linewidth':0.3}) if (linecolor != None) and (linecolor != ''): pl.plot(r,z, hold=hold, **plkwargs) pl.gca().set_aspect('equal') if marker != '': pl.plot(r,z,marker, hold=1)
def _plotResults(naDist1, naDist2, lfOneKnn, lf5Knn): plt.clf() plt.subplot(311) plt.scatter(naDist1[:, 0], naDist1[:, 1]) plt.scatter(naDist2[:, 0], naDist2[:, 1], color="r") # plt.ylabel( 'Feature 2' ) # plt.xlabel( 'Feature 1' ) # gca().annotate( '', xy=( .8, 0 ), xytext=( -.3 , 0 ), arrowprops=dict(facecolor='red', shrink=0.05) ) gca().annotate("", xy=(0.7, 0), xytext=(1.5, 0), arrowprops=dict(facecolor="black", shrink=0.05)) plt.title("Data Distribution") plt.subplot(312) plt.plot(range(len(lfOneKnn)), lfOneKnn) plt.ylabel("1-KNN Value") # plt.xlabel( 'Distribution Merge' ) plt.title("1-KNN Performance") plt.subplot(313) plt.plot(range(len(lf5Knn)), lf5Knn) plt.ylabel("% Correct Classification") # plt.xlabel( 'Distribution Merge' ) plt.title("5-KNN Performance") plt.subplots_adjust()
def plot_mass_magnitude(self, mag, savefile=None): """ Make a standard mass-luminosity relation plot for this isochrone. Parameters ---------- mag : string The name of the magnitude column to be plotted. savefile : string (default None) If a savefile is specified, then the plot will be saved to that file. """ plt.clf() plt.semilogx(self.points['mass'], self.points[mag], 'k.') plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.xlabel(r'Mass (M$_\odot$)') plt.ylabel(mag + ' (mag)') fmt_title = 'logAge={0:.2f}, d={1:.2f} kpc, AKs={2:.2f}' plt.title(fmt_title.format(self.points.meta['LOGAGE'], self.points.meta['DISTANCE']/1e3, self.points.meta['AKS'])) if savefile != None: plt.savefig(savefile) return
def plot_descur(RBC, RBS, ZBC, ZBS, max_m, max_n, phi_plane=0., nu=150, debug=1, **plkwargs): """ Companion plotting routine to read_descur_data """ theta_arr = linspace(0,2*pi,nu,endpoint=True) r_c = 0*theta_arr z_c = 0*theta_arr r_c2 = 0*theta_arr z_c2 = 0*theta_arr for (i,theta) in enumerate(theta_arr): for ixm in range(0, max_m): if ixm==0: start_n=0 else: start_n = -max_n for ixn in range(start_n, 1+max_n): arg = ixn*phi_plane + ixm*theta sinarg = sin(arg) cosarg = cos(arg) r_c[i] += (RBC[ixn,ixm]*cosarg) + (RBS[ixn,ixm]*sinarg) z_c[i] += (ZBC[ixn,ixm]*cosarg) + (ZBS[ixn,ixm]*sinarg) r_c2[i] += (RBC[ixn,ixm]*cosarg) #Shaun modification to show the stellarator symetric version z_c2[i] += (ZBS[ixn,ixm]*sinarg) #Shaun modification to show the stellarator symetric version pl.plot(r_c, z_c, **plkwargs) pl.plot(r_c2, z_c2, **plkwargs) pl.gca().set_aspect('equal') if debug>3: import pdb; pdb.set_trace() 'debugging, c to continue'
def visualize_log(): logs = [] predicts = [] observes = [] with open(workdir + '/learn-log.txt','r') as fp: for l in iter(fp.readline, ''): ws = l.split() t = datetime.datetime.strptime(ws[0],"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M") p = float(ws[1]) o = float(ws[2]) predicts.append(p) observes.append(o) pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (6.4,6.4) pylab.gca().set_xscale('log') pylab.gca().set_yscale('log') pylab.scatter(predicts,observes, color=(1,0,0), zorder = 100,marker='.',s=1) pylab.scatter(predicts[-100:],observes[-100:], color=(1,0,0), zorder = 200,marker='o',s=5) pylab.scatter(predicts[-10:],observes[-10:], color=(1,0,0), zorder = 300,marker='o',s=10) pylab.gca().set_xlabel('prediction') pylab.gca().set_ylabel('observation') pylab.gca().grid() pylab.savefig(workdir+'/log.png') pylab.close('all')
def plot_CMD(self, mag1, mag2, savefile=None): """ Make a CMD with mag1 vs. mag1 - mag2 Parameters ---------- mag1 : string The name of the first magnitude column to be plotted. mag2 : string The name of the second magnitude column to be plotted. savefile : string (default None) If a savefile is specified, then the plot will be saved to that file. """ plt.clf() plt.plot(self.points[mag1] - self.points[mag2], self.points[mag1], color='black', linestyle='solid', marker='+') plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.xlabel(mag1 + ' - ' + mag2 + ' (mag)') plt.ylabel(mag1 + ' (mag)') fmt_title = 'logAge={0:.2f}, d={1:.2f} kpc, AKs={2:.2f}' plt.title(fmt_title.format(self.points.meta['LOGAGE'], self.points.meta['DISTANCE']/1e3, self.points.meta['AKS'])) if savefile != None: plt.savefig(savefile) return
def plotLL(fname='out4.npy'): plt.figure() h= np.linspace(0,1,21) g= np.linspace(0,1,21) m=np.linspace(0,2,21) d=np.linspace(0,2,21) out=np.load(fname) print np.nanmax(out),np.nanmin(out) rang=np.nanmax(out)-np.nanmin(out) maxloc= np.squeeze(np.array((np.nanmax(out)==out).nonzero())) H,G=np.meshgrid(h,g) print maxloc for mm in range(m.size/2): for dd in range(d.size/2): plt.subplot(10,10,(9-mm)*10+dd+1) plt.pcolormesh(h,g,out[:,:,mm*2,dd*2].T, vmax=np.nanmax(out),vmin=np.nanmax(out)-rang/4.) plt.gca().set_xticks([]) plt.gca().set_yticks([]) if mm==maxloc[2]/2 and dd==maxloc[3]/2: plt.plot(h[maxloc[0]],g[maxloc[1]],'ow',ms=8) if dd==0: print mm,dd plt.ylabel('%.1f'%m[mm*2]) if mm==0: plt.xlabel('%.1f'%d[dd*2]) plt.title(fname[:6])
def plotLDDecaySpaceTime2d(ld0=1): T=np.arange(0,1500+1,500) L=1e6+1 pos=500000 r=2*1e-8 s=0.01;x0=0.005 # s=0.05;x0=1e-3 positions=np.arange(0,L,1000) dist=abs(positions - pos) def getColor(n): color=['k','red','blue','g','m','c','coral'] return color[:n] plt.figure(figsize=(25,12)) for t,color in zip(T,getColor(len(T))): LD(t,ld0,s,x0,r,dist,positions).plot(ax=plt.gca(),linewidth=2, color=color,label='t={}'.format(t)) for t,color in zip(T,getColor(len(T))): if not t :continue pd.Series(ld0*np.exp(-r*t*(dist)),index=positions).plot(ax=plt.gca(),style='--',color=color,linewidth=2) plt.legend(map(lambda x: 't={}'.format(x),T),loc='best'); plt.axvline(500000,color='k',linewidth=2) plt.gca().axvspan(475000, 525000, alpha=0.25, color='black') plt.grid();plt.ylim([-0.05,1.1]);plt.xlabel('Position');plt.ylabel('LD to Position 500K');plt.title('Space-Time Decay of LD under Neutral Evolution'); # plt.savefig(Simulation.paperFiguresPath+'LDDecay2d')
def plot_fixed_x(self, x_values, x_derivative=0, steps=1000, smooth=0, simple='auto', ymin="auto", ymax="auto", format=True, clear=1): """ plots the data at fixed x-value, so z vs x """ if simple=='auto': simple=self.simple # get the min and max if ymin=="auto": ymin = self.ymin if ymax=="auto": ymax = self.ymax if clear: _pylab.gca().clear() if not type(x_values) in [type([]), type(_pylab.array([]))]: x_values = [x_values] for x in x_values: # define a new simple function to plot, then plot it def f(y): return self.evaluate(x, y, x_derivative, smooth, simple) _pylab_help.plot_function(f, ymin, ymax, steps, 0, False) # label it a = _pylab.gca() a.set_xlabel(self.ylabel) if x_derivative: a.set_ylabel(str(x_derivative)+" "+str(self.xlabel)+" derivative of "+self.zlabel) else: a.set_ylabel(self.zlabel) a.set_title(self._path+"\nSpline array plot at fixed x = "+self.xlabel) a.get_lines()[-1].set_label("x ("+self.xlabel+") = "+str(x)) if format: _s.format_figure() return a
def plotNumVariants(depth): plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5), dpi=300) depth.apply(lambda x: x.dropna().size / 1000.0).unstack("POP") plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(bottom=0.30) plt.ylabel(r"Num of variants ($\times$1000)") renameLegend(ax=plt.gca()) plt.savefig(pathPlots + "numVariants.pdf")
def _show_rates(rate, wo, wt, attenuator, tau_NP, tau_P): import pylab #pylab.figure() pylab.errorbar(rate, wt[0], yerr=wt[1], fmt='g.', label='attenuated') pylab.errorbar(rate, wo[0], yerr=wo[1], fmt='b.', label='unattenuated') pylab.xscale('log') pylab.yscale('log') pylab.xlabel('incident rate (counts/second)') pylab.ylabel('observed rate (counts/second)') pylab.legend(loc='best') pylab.grid(True) pylab.plot(rate, rate/attenuator, 'g-', label='target') pylab.plot(rate, rate, 'b-', label='target') Ipeak, Rpeak = peak_rate(tau_NP=tau_NP, tau_P=tau_P) if rate[0] <= Ipeak <= rate[-1]: pylab.axvline(x=Ipeak, ls='--', c='b') pylab.text(x=Ipeak, y=0.05, s=' %g'%Ipeak, ha='left', va='bottom', transform=pylab.gca().get_xaxis_transform()) if False: pylab.axhline(y=Rpeak, ls='--', c='b') pylab.text(y=Rpeak, x=0.05, s=' %g\n'%Rpeak, ha='left', va='bottom', transform=pylab.gca().get_yaxis_transform())
def learning_curve_plot( predictors, valid_X, valid_Y, valid_W=None, train_X=None, train_Y=None, train_W=None, log_scale=False ): if hasattr(valid_W, "values"): valid_W = valid_W.values if train_W != None and hasattr(train_W, "values"): train_W = weights.values with_train = True if (train_X != None and valid_X != None) else False try: predictors = predictors.items() except: predictors = {"": predictors}.items() for name, predictor in predictors: iterations = np.arange(1, predictor.n_estimators + 1) p, = plt.plot( iterations, _step_wise_performance(predictor, valid_X, valid_Y, valid_W), "-", label=name + " (test)" ) if with_train: plt.plot( iterations, _step_wise_performance(predictor, train_X, train_Y, train_W), "--", color=p.get_color(), label=name + " (train)", ) plt.legend(loc="best") if log_scale: plt.gca().set_xscale("log")
def plot_INT_footprint(center_ra,center_dec): #using full detector sizes for now because detector_dra = 4100.*0.33/3600. # 2154 pixels * 0.33"/pix, /3600 to get deg detector_ddec = 2048.*0.33/3600. # 2154 pixels * 0.33"/pix, /3600 to get deg # draw footprint of chip 4 rect= plt.Rectangle((center_ra-detector_dra/2.,center_dec-detector_ddec/2.), detector_dra, detector_ddec,fill=False, color='k') plt.gca().add_artist(rect) # draw footprint of chip 3 # assuming chip 3 is NORTH and a smidge WEST of chip 4 offset_dec = detector_ddec+17./3600. # 17 arcsec gap in RA between offset_ra = -9.5/3600. # 9.5 arcsec offset toward N rect= plt.Rectangle((center_ra+offset_ra-detector_dra/2.,center_dec+offset_dec-detector_ddec/2.), detector_dra, detector_ddec,fill=False, color='k') plt.gca().add_artist(rect) # draw footprint of chip 1 # assuming chip 1 is SOUTH and a smidge EAST of chip 4 offset_dec = -1*detector_ddec-22.7/3600. # 17 arcsec gap in RA between offset_ra = +3.18/3600. # 9.5 arcsec offset toward N rect= plt.Rectangle((center_ra+offset_ra-detector_dra/2.,center_dec+offset_dec-detector_ddec/2.), detector_dra, detector_ddec,fill=False, color='k') plt.gca().add_artist(rect) # draw footprint of chip 2 # assuming chip 2 is WEST of chip 4 offset_dec = detector_ddec/2.-detector_dra-19.2/3600. # hard to explain offset_ra = -.5*detector_dra-23.8/3600.# hard to explain # this chip is rotated 90 deg, so detecter_dra and detector_ddec are interchanged rect= plt.Rectangle((center_ra+offset_ra,center_dec+offset_dec), -1.*detector_ddec, detector_dra,fill=False, color='k') plt.gca().add_artist(rect) # adding guide camera offset_dec = -2*detector_ddec-(22.7+98.1)/3600. # hard to explain offset_ra = detector_dra/2-(3.18+649.9)/3600.# hard to explain # this chip is rotated 90 deg, so detecter_dra and detector_ddec are interchanged rect= plt.Rectangle((center_ra+offset_ra,center_dec+offset_dec), -7./60., 7./60,fill=False, color='k') plt.gca().add_artist(rect)
def plot(D,title): im=plt.imshow(D,interpolation='nearest',cmap='Reds') plt.gca().xaxis.tick_top() x=np.arange(D.index.shape[0]) plt.colorbar(im) plt.gca().tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=10) plt.title(title,y=1.03)
def plot(filename): """ Read and print all command line arguments """ import pylab canvas = pylab.gcf().canvas d = data(filename) if len(d.v.shape) > 2: pylab.gca().pcolormesh(d.v[0, :, :]) pylab.xlabel(d.xlabel) pylab.ylabel(d.ylabel) elif len(d.v.shape) > 1: if filename.lower().endswith('bt4'): offset = 1 else: offset = 0 pylab.gca().pcolorfast(d.v[:, offset:]) pylab.xlabel(d.xlabel) pylab.ylabel(d.ylabel) else: pylab.plot(d.x, d.v) pylab.xlabel(d.xlabel) pylab.ylabel(d.vlabel)
def validate_vs_jwpsf_nircam(): models = [ ('NIRCam','F200W', 'f200w_perfect_offset', '/Users/mperrin/software/jwpsf_v3.0/data/NIRCam/OPD/perfect_opd.fits', 0.034,True), ('NIRCam','F200W', 'f200w_perfect', '/Users/mperrin/software/jwpsf_v3.0/data/NIRCam/OPD/perfect_opd.fits', 0.034,False), ('NIRCam','F200W', 'f200w', '/Users/mperrin/software/jwpsf_v3.0/data/NIRCam/OPD/nircam_obs_w_rsrv1.fits', 0.034,True), ('MIRI','F1000W', 'f1000w', '/Users/mperrin/software/jwpsf_v3.0/data/MIRI/OPD/MIRI_OPDisim1.fits', 0.11,True)] fig = P.figure(1, figsize=(13,8.5), dpi=80) oversamp=4 for params in models: nc = webbpsf_core.Instrument(params[0]) nc.filter = params[1] nc.pupilopd = params[3] #'/Users/mperrin/software/jwpsf_v3.0/data/NIRCam/OPD/nircam_obs_w_rsrv1.fits' nc.pixelscale = params[4] #0.034 # this is wrong, but compute this way to match JWPSF exactly if params[5]: # offset by half a pixel to match the JWPSF convention nc.options['source_offset_r'] = params[4]/2 * N.sqrt(2)/oversamp # offset half a pixel each in X and Y nc.options['source_offset_theta'] = -45 jw_fn = 'jwpsf_%s_%s.fits' % (params[0].lower(), params[2].lower()) my_fn = 'test_vs_' + jw_fn if not os.path.exists( my_fn): my_psf = nc.calcPSF(my_fn, oversample=oversamp, fov_pixels=512./oversamp) else: my_psf = jw_psf = jw_psf[0].header.update('PIXELSCL', jw_psf[0].header['CDELT1']*3600) P.clf() #P.subplots_adjust(top=0.95, bottom=0.05, left=0.01, right=0.99) P.subplot(231) titlestr = "%s %s, \n"% (params[0], params[2]) poppy.display_PSF(my_psf, title=titlestr+"computed with WebbPSF" , colorbar=False) P.subplot(232) poppy.display_PSF(jw_psf, title=titlestr+"computed with JWPSF" , colorbar=False) P.subplot(233) poppy.display_PSF_difference(my_psf,jw_psf, title=titlestr+'Difference Image', colorbar=False) imagecrop = 30*params[4] P.subplot(234) poppy.display_PSF(my_psf, title=titlestr+"computed with WebbPSF", colorbar=False, imagecrop=imagecrop) centroid = poppy.measure_centroid(my_psf) P.gca().set_xlabel("centroid = (%.3f,%.3f)" % centroid) P.subplot(235) poppy.display_PSF(jw_psf, title=titlestr+"computed with JWPSF", colorbar=False, imagecrop=imagecrop) centroid = poppy.measure_centroid(jw_psf) P.gca().set_xlabel("centroid = (%.3f,%.3f)" % centroid) P.subplot(236) poppy.display_PSF_difference(my_psf,jw_psf, title='Difference Image', colorbar=False, imagecrop=imagecrop) P.savefig("results_vs_jwpsf_%s_%s.pdf" % (params[0], params[2]))
def plot_fixed_y(self, y_values, x_derivative=0, steps=1000, smooth=0, simple='auto', xmin="auto", xmax="auto", format=True, clear=1): """ plots the data at a fixed y-value, so z vs y """ if simple=='auto': simple=self.simple # get the min and max if xmin=="auto": xmin = self.xmin if xmax=="auto": xmax = self.xmax if clear: _pylab.gca().clear() if not type(y_values) in [type([]), type(_pylab.array([]))]: y_values = [y_values] for y in y_values: # define a new simple function to plot, then plot it def f(x): return self.evaluate(x, y, x_derivative, smooth, simple) _pylab_help.plot_function(f, xmin, xmax, steps, 0, True) # label it a = _pylab.gca() th = "th" if x_derivative == 1: th = "st" if x_derivative == 2: th = "nd" if x_derivative == 3: th = "rd" if x_derivative: a.set_ylabel(str(x_derivative)+th+" "+self.xlabel+" derivative of "+self.zlabel+" spline") else: a.set_ylabel(self.zlabel) a.set_xlabel(self.xlabel) a.set_title(self._path+"\nSpline array plot at fixed y "+self.ylabel) a.get_lines()[-1].set_label("y ("+self.ylabel+") = "+str(y)) if format: _s.format_figure() return a
def plot_contours(A, Cn, thr=None, thr_method='max', maxthr=0.2, nrgthr=0.9, display_numbers=True, max_number=None, cmap=None, swap_dim=False, colors='w', vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs): """Plots contour of spatial components against a background image and returns their coordinates Parameters: ----------- A: np.ndarray or sparse matrix Matrix of Spatial components (d x K) Cn: np.ndarray (2D) Background image (e.g. mean, correlation) thr_method: [optional] string Method of thresholding: 'max' sets to zero pixels that have value less than a fraction of the max value 'nrg' keeps the pixels that contribute up to a specified fraction of the energy maxthr: [optional] scalar Threshold of max value nrgthr: [optional] scalar Threshold of energy thr: scalar between 0 and 1 Energy threshold for computing contours (default 0.9) Kept for backwards compatibility. If not None then thr_method = 'nrg', and nrgthr = thr display_number: Boolean Display number of ROIs if checked (default True) max_number: int Display the number for only the first max_number components (default None, display all numbers) cmap: string User specifies the colormap (default None, default colormap) Returns: -------- Coor: list of coordinates with center of mass, contour plot coordinates and bounding box for each component """ if issparse(A): A = np.array(A.todense()) else: A = np.array(A) if swap_dim: Cn = Cn.T print('Swapping dim') d1, d2 = np.shape(Cn) d, nr = np.shape(A) if max_number is None: max_number = nr if thr is not None: thr_method = 'nrg' nrgthr = thr warn( "The way to call utilities.plot_contours has changed. Look at the definition for more details." ) x, y = np.mgrid[0:d1:1, 0:d2:1] ax = pl.gca() if vmax is None and vmin is None: pl.imshow(Cn, interpolation=None, cmap=cmap, vmin=np.percentile(Cn[~np.isnan(Cn)], 1), vmax=np.percentile(Cn[~np.isnan(Cn)], 99)) else: pl.imshow(Cn, interpolation=None, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) coordinates = [] cm = com(A, d1, d2) for i in range(np.minimum(nr, max_number)): pars = dict(kwargs) if thr_method == 'nrg': indx = np.argsort(A[:, i], axis=None)[::-1] cumEn = np.cumsum(A[:, i].flatten()[indx]**2) cumEn /= cumEn[-1] Bvec = np.zeros(d) Bvec[indx] = cumEn thr = nrgthr else: # thr_method = 'max' if thr_method != 'max': warn("Unknown threshold method. Choosing max") Bvec = A[:, i].flatten() Bvec /= np.max(Bvec) thr = maxthr if swap_dim: Bmat = np.reshape(Bvec, np.shape(Cn), order='C') else: Bmat = np.reshape(Bvec, np.shape(Cn), order='F') cs = pl.contour(y, x, Bmat, [thr], colors=colors) # this fix is necessary for having disjoint figures and borders plotted correctly p = cs.collections[0].get_paths() v = np.atleast_2d([np.nan, np.nan]) for pths in p: vtx = pths.vertices num_close_coords = np.sum(np.isclose(vtx[0, :], vtx[-1, :])) if num_close_coords < 2: if num_close_coords == 0: # case angle newpt = np.round(old_div(vtx[-1, :], [d2, d1])) * [d2, d1] #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() vtx = np.concatenate((vtx, newpt[np.newaxis, :]), axis=0) else: # case one is border vtx = np.concatenate((vtx, vtx[0, np.newaxis]), axis=0) #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() v = np.concatenate((v, vtx, np.atleast_2d([np.nan, np.nan])), axis=0) pars['CoM'] = np.squeeze(cm[i, :]) pars['coordinates'] = v pars['bbox'] = [ np.floor(np.min(v[:, 1])), np.ceil(np.max(v[:, 1])), np.floor(np.min(v[:, 0])), np.ceil(np.max(v[:, 0])) ] pars['neuron_id'] = i + 1 coordinates.append(pars) if display_numbers: for i in range(np.minimum(nr, max_number)): if swap_dim: ax.text(cm[i, 0], cm[i, 1], str(i + 1), color=colors) else: ax.text(cm[i, 1], cm[i, 0], str(i + 1), color=colors) return coordinates
pl.ylabel ("number of bins in intrinsic and observable parameters:\n" + r"$N_\mathcal{B} \times N_{\mathcal{A}_{j,q}}$", multialignment='center') pl.savefig(filename) plotImage (Ls, bins, N_objs, "L_vs_N.eps") plotImage (Ls_std, bins, N_objs, "L_vs_N_std.eps") if args.plot_N_objs: print (Ls[N_objs == args.plot_N_objs]).shape print Ls[N_objs == args.plot_N_objs] Ls_plot = Ls[N_objs == args.plot_N_objs][0].reshape((len(bins_obs), len(bins_int))) pl.clf() pl.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) pl.imshow(Ls_plot.transpose(), interpolation = "nearest", vmin = 0.1, vmax = 0.35) pl.gca().invert_yaxis() pl.colorbar() pl.xticks (np.arange(len(bins_obs)), bins_obs, rotation = "60") pl.yticks (np.arange(len(bins_int)), 2**bins_int) pl.xlabel ("number of bins in observables") pl.ylabel ("number of bins in intrinsic", multialignment='center') pl.savefig("L_vs_bins_2D_" + str(args.plot_N_objs) + "_Niter" + str (N_iter) + ".eps") if not args.plot_N_bins_int is None: print args.plot_N_bins_int crit = np.zeros(bins.shape[0], dtype = bool) sel_bins = np.array(args.plot_N_bins_int, dtype = int) for i in range (len(crit)): for j in range (sel_bins.shape[0]): if np.all(bins[i] == sel_bins[j]):
%matplotlib inline import time import numpy as np import pylab as plt from IPython.display import display, clear_output fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlim((-2,2)) ax.set_ylim((-2,2)) th = np.pi/90. A = 0.999*np.mat([[np.cos(th),np.sin(th)],[-np.sin(th),np.cos(th)]]) X = np.mat([[1,-1],[1,-1]]) ln = plt.Line2D(xdata=(X[0,0], X[0,1]), ydata=(X[1,0], X[1,1]), marker='o',linewidth=1) ax.add_line(ln) ax.set_axis_off() plt.close(fig) for i in range(500): X = A*X ln.set_xdata((X[0,0], X[0,1])) ln.set_ydata((X[1,0], X[1,1])) display(fig) #display(plt.gcf()) time.sleep(0.05) clear_output(wait=True)
print( "Decay function with parameters {0:.2f} and {1:.2f} results in daily reduction of {2:.2f} points with zero precipitation." .format(a, b, decay_func(0, a, b) * 24)) x = np.arange(0, 20.0, 0.1) res = decay_func(x, a, b) plt.scatter(new_snow_1h_decay_cat, new_snow_1h_decay_score) plt.plot(x, res) plt.xlabel('Hourly new snow amount (mm w.e.)') plt.ylabel('Decay') plt.xlim(0, 20) plt.ylim(0, 10) plt.gca().add_patch( Rectangle((0, 0), 40, 100, edgecolor="lightgrey", facecolor="lightgrey")) # ### Main control factors # In[3]: # New snow amount last 24 h 0-60 cm [10 cm intervals] new_snow_24h_cat = np.array([0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120]) new_snow_24h_score = np.array([0.5, 8.0, 15.0, 19., 21.0, 27.0, 33.3]) # Wind speed 0-100 km/h [0,10,20,30,40,50,60,80,100] wind_speed_cat = np.array([-1.5, 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40]) # m/s wind_speed_score = np.array( [-1.0, 0.8, 2.0, 2.9, 3.2, 3.0, 1.1, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, 0.0])
c=es[cut].astype(np.float), marker='^', cmap=cmap, norm=norm) plt.text(1.35, 23.1, EW + r'$\AA$') pl.xlim(np.unique(TRUEZS)[0], np.unique(TRUEZS)[-1]) pl.ylim( np.unique(TRUEMAGS[np.isfinite(TRUEMAGS)])[0], np.unique(TRUEMAGS[np.isfinite(TRUEMAGS)])[-1]) pl.xlabel(r'$z$') pl.ylabel(r'$g_{AB}$') ax = pl.gca() divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) cb = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(cax, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, spacing='proportional', ticks=bounds+0.5,\ boundaries=bounds, format='%.2lf') cb.set_ticklabels(bounds, update_ticks=True) cb.set_label('Exposure time [1500 s]', rotation=270, labelpad=20) plt.tight_layout() pl.savefig(os.environ['BEAST'] + '/redrock/plots/%s/%s/expgrid_%s.pdf' % (survey, target, str(EW).replace('.', 'p')), bbox_inches='tight')
def test_radius_indexes_2d_graphical(self): raise SkipTest #uc = UnitCell(np.array([ # [2.0, 1.0, 0.0], # [0.0, 0.2, 0.0], # [0.0, 0.0, 10.0], #])) #radius = 0.8 uc = UnitCell( np.array([ [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 10.0], ])) radius = 5.3 #uc = UnitCell(np.array([ # [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], # [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], # [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], #])) #radius = 0.9 fracs = np.arange(-0.5, 0.55, 0.1) import pylab from matplotlib.patches import Circle, Polygon from matplotlib.lines import Line2D pylab.clf() for i0 in fracs: for i1 in fracs: center = uc.to_cartesian([i0, i1, 0.0]) pylab.gca().add_artist( Circle((center[0], center[1]), radius, fill=True, fc='#7777AA', ec='none')) pylab.gca().add_artist( Circle((0, 0), radius, fill=True, fc='#0000AA', ec='none')) ranges = uc.get_radius_ranges(radius) indexes = uc.get_radius_indexes(radius) for i in range(-ranges[0] - 1, ranges[0] + 1): start = uc.to_cartesian([i + 0.5, -ranges[1] - 0.5, 0]) end = uc.to_cartesian([i + 0.5, ranges[1] + 0.5, 0]) pylab.gca().add_artist( Line2D([start[0], end[0]], [start[1], end[1]], color="k", linewidth=1)) for i in range(-ranges[1] - 1, ranges[1] + 1): start = uc.to_cartesian([-ranges[0] - 0.5, i + 0.5, 0]) end = uc.to_cartesian([ranges[0] + 0.5, i + 0.5, 0]) pylab.gca().add_artist( Line2D([start[0], end[0]], [start[1], end[1]], color="k", linewidth=1)) for i in range(-ranges[0], ranges[0] + 1): start = uc.to_cartesian([i, -ranges[1] - 0.5, 0]) end = uc.to_cartesian([i, ranges[1] + 0.5, 0]) pylab.gca().add_artist( Line2D([start[0], end[0]], [start[1], end[1]], color="k", linewidth=0.5, linestyle="--")) for i in range(-ranges[1], ranges[1] + 1): start = uc.to_cartesian([-ranges[0] - 0.5, i, 0]) end = uc.to_cartesian([ranges[0] + 0.5, i, 0]) pylab.gca().add_artist( Line2D([start[0], end[0]], [start[1], end[1]], color="k", linewidth=0.5, linestyle="--")) for i0, i1, i2 in indexes: if i2 != 0: continue corners = uc.to_cartesian( np.array([ [i0 - 0.5, i1 - 0.5, 0.0], [i0 - 0.5, i1 + 0.5, 0.0], [i0 + 0.5, i1 + 0.5, 0.0], [i0 + 0.5, i1 - 0.5, 0.0], ])) pylab.gca().add_artist( Polygon(corners[:, :2], fill=True, ec='none', fc='r', alpha=0.5)) corners = uc.to_cartesian( np.array([ [-ranges[0] - 0.5, -ranges[1] - 0.5, 0.0], [-ranges[0] - 0.5, +ranges[1] + 0.5, 0.0], [+ranges[0] + 0.5, +ranges[1] + 0.5, 0.0], [+ranges[0] + 0.5, -ranges[1] - 0.5, 0.0], ])) pylab.xlim(1.1 * corners[:, :2].min(), 1.1 * corners[:, :2].max()) pylab.ylim(1.1 * corners[:, :2].min(), 1.1 * corners[:, :2].max())
(cf_comp_turb, k_comp_t, k_reyn_t) = compressible_turbulent_flat_plate(Re, 0.0, 216.0) ii = ii + 1 cf_comp_empirical = np.array([[.0073, .0045, .0031, .0022, .0016], [.0074, .0044, .0029, .0020, .0015], [.0073, .0041, .0026, .0018, .0014], [.0070, .0038, .0024, .0017, .0013], [.0067, .0036, .0021, .0015, .0011], [.0064, .0033, .0020, .0013, .0009], [.0060, .0029, .0017, .0011, .0007], [.0052, .0022, .0011, .0006, .0004], [.0041, .0013, .0004, .0001, .00005]]) plt.figure("Skin Friction Coefficient v. Reynolds Number") axes = plt.gca() for i in range(len(cf_comp[:, 0])): axes.semilogx(Re, cf_comp_empirical[i, :], 'ro-') axes.semilogx(Re, cf_comp[i, :], 'bo-') axes.semilogx(Re, cf_comp_turb, 'go-') axes.set_xlabel('Reynolds Number') axes.set_ylabel('Cf') axes.grid(True) else: Re = 10**7 Ma = 2.0 Tc = 216.0 xt = 0.6
sigma = 0.4 # sigma and s_map are needed for the graphical output s_map = [(1.0, 1.0), (2.0, 1.0), (3.0, 1.0), (1.0, 2.0), (2.0, 2.0), (3.0, 2.0), (1.0, 3.0), (2.0, 3.0), (3.0, 3.0)] neighbor = [[1, 3, 0, 0], [2, 4, 0, 1], [2, 5, 1, 2], [4, 6, 3, 0], [5, 7, 3, 1], [5, 8, 4, 2], [7, 6, 6, 3], [8, 7, 6, 4], [8, 8, 7, 5]] site = 8 N_runs = 10 for run in range(N_runs): if run < 10: number_string = '0'+str(run) else: number_string = str(run) # Begin of graphical output cir = pylab.Circle(s_map[site], radius=sigma, fc='r') pylab.gca().add_patch(cir) pylab.plot([0.5, 3.5], [1.5, 1.5], 'b') pylab.plot([0.5, 3.5], [2.5, 2.5], 'b') pylab.plot([1.5, 1.5], [0.5, 3.5], 'b') pylab.plot([2.5, 2.5], [0.5, 3.5], 'b') pylab.title('t = '+ number_string) pylab.axis('scaled') pylab.axis([0.5, 3.5, 0.5, 3.5]) pylab.xticks([]) pylab.yticks([]) # pylab.savefig('pebble_basic_movie_'+number_string+'.png', transparent=False) pylab.clf() # End of graphical output site = neighbor[site][ random.randint(0, 3)]
# Figure out where the redshift bins are for f(z) # A, bHI, f(z), sigma_NL, aperp(z), apar(z); zfns = [5, 4, 2] sigma_f = sigmas[2:2 + zc.size] ff = f(zc) # Plot errors P.plot(zc, sigma_f / ff, lw=1.5, label=str(bHI[j]), marker='.') P.xlabel("$z$", fontdict={'fontsize': '20'}) P.ylabel("Fractional error", fontdict={'fontsize': '20'}) P.ylim((0., 0.064)) P.xlim((0.9 * np.min(zc), 1.005 * np.max(zc))) # Legend P.legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size': 'x-large'}, ncol=2) # Shaded regions in different redshift regimes #P.axvspan(np.max(zclist[0]), 3., ec='none', fc='#f2f2f2') #P.axvspan(0., np.min([np.min(_zc) for _zc in zclist]), ec='none', fc='#cdcdcd') #P.axvspan(np.min([np.min(_zc) for _zc in zclist]), np.min(zc), ec='none', fc='#f2f2f2') # Display options fontsize = 18. for tick in P.gca().yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontsize(fontsize) for tick in P.gca().xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontsize(fontsize) P.tight_layout()
theta = p2.copy() x = (radius + 5.)*np.cos(theta) y = (radius + 5.)*np.sin(theta) x_bg = 5*np.cos(theta) y_bg = 5*np.sin(theta) print ('p2 : ', p2.shape) #pl.plot(p2, f_at_desired_q) pl.plot(x, y, color='r', linestyle = '-', lw=3) pl.plot(x_bg, y_bg, color='k', alpha=0.5, lw=3) #pl.contourf(p1_meshgrid, p2_meshgrid, f_at_desired_q, 100, cmap='bwr') #np.savetxt('data/f_vs_theta_%d_%d.txt'%(index_1, index_2), f_at_desired_q) #f = np.loadtxt('data/f_vs_theta_%d_%d.txt'%(index_1, index_2)) #pl.contourf(p_x, p_y, f_at_desired_q, 100, cmap='bwr') #pl.title(r'Time = ' + "%.2f"%(time_array[file_number]) + " ps") pl.xlabel('$p_x$') pl.ylabel('$p_y$') pl.xlim([-6.5, 6.5]) pl.ylim([-6.5, 6.5]) pl.gca().set_aspect('equal') pl.savefig('images/dist_func_at_a_point_%d_%d.png'%(index_1, index_2)) pl.clf()
def xy_data(xdata, ydata, eydata=None, exdata=None, label=None, xlabel='', ylabel='', \ title='', shell_history=1, xshift=0, yshift=0, xshift_every=1, yshift_every=1, \ coarsen=0, style=None, clear=True, axes=None, xscale='linear', yscale='linear', grid=False, \ legend='best', legend_max=20, autoformat=True, tall=False, draw=True, **kwargs): """ Plots specified data. xdata, ydata Arrays (or arrays of arrays) of data to plot eydata, exdata Arrays of x and y errorbar values label string or array of strings for the line labels xlabel='' label for the x-axis ylabel='' label for the y-axis title='' title for the axes; set to None to have nothing. shell_history=1 how many commands from the pyshell history to include with the title xshift=0, yshift=0 progressive shifts on the data, to make waterfall plots xshift_every=1 perform the progressive shift every 1 or n'th line. yshift_every=1 perform the progressive shift every 1 or n'th line. style style cycle object. clear=True if no axes are specified, clear the figure, otherwise clear just the axes. axes=None which axes to use, or "gca" for the current axes xscale,yscale 'linear' by default. Set either to 'log' for log axes grid=False Should we draw a grid on the axes? legend='best' where to place the legend (see pylab.legend()) Set this to None to ignore the legend. legend_max=20 number of legend entries before it's truncated with '...' autoformat=True Should we format the figure for printing? False Should the format be tall? draw=True whether or not to draw the plot after plotting **kwargs are sent to pylab.errorbar() """ _pylab.ioff() # make sure everything is at least iterable. if not _fun.is_iterable(xdata): xdata = [xdata] if not _fun.is_iterable(exdata): exdata = [exdata] if not _fun.is_iterable(ydata): ydata = [ydata] if not _fun.is_iterable(eydata): eydata = [eydata] # make sure at least xdata and ydata are 2-D if _fun.is_a_number(xdata[0]): xdata = [xdata] if _fun.is_a_number(ydata[0]): ydata = [ydata] # make sure the number of data sets agrees N = max(len(xdata), len(ydata)) for n in range(N - len(xdata)): xdata.append(xdata[0]) for n in range(N - len(ydata)): ydata.append(ydata[0]) for n in range(N - len(exdata)): exdata.append(exdata[0]) for n in range(N - len(eydata)): eydata.append(eydata[0]) # loop over each x and y data set, making sure None's are all converted # to counting arrays for n in range(N): # clean up the [None]'s if _fun.is_iterable(xdata[n]) and xdata[n][0] is None: xdata[n] = None if _fun.is_iterable(ydata[n]) and ydata[n][0] is None: ydata[n] = None if xdata[n] is None and ydata[n] is None: print "ERROR: " + str(n) + "'th data set is (None, None)." return if xdata[n] is None: xdata[n] = _n.arange(len(ydata[n])) if ydata[n] is None: ydata[n] = _n.arange(len(xdata[n])) # check that the labels is a list of strings of the same length if not _fun.is_iterable(label): label = [label] * N while len(label) < len(ydata): label.append(label[0]) # concatenate if necessary if len(label) > legend_max: label[legend_max - 2] = '...' for n in range(legend_max - 1, len(label) - 1): label[n] = "_nolegend_" # clear the figure? if clear and not axes: _pylab.gcf().clear() # axes cleared later # setup axes if axes == "gca" or axes is None: axes = _pylab.gca() # if we're clearing the axes if clear: axes.clear() # set the current axes _pylab.axes(axes) # now loop over the list of data in xdata and ydata for n in range(0, len(xdata)): # get the label if label: l = str(label[n]) else: l = str(n) # calculate the x an y progressive shifts dx = xshift * (n / xshift_every) dy = yshift * (n / yshift_every) # if we're supposed to coarsen the data, do so. x = _fun.coarsen_array(xdata[n], coarsen) y = _fun.coarsen_array(ydata[n], coarsen) ey = _fun.coarsen_array(eydata[n], coarsen, 'quadrature') ex = _fun.coarsen_array(exdata[n], coarsen, 'quadrature') # update the style if not style is None: kwargs.update( axes.errorbar(x + dx, y + dy, label=l, yerr=ey, xerr=ex, **kwargs) _pylab.xscale(xscale) _pylab.yscale(yscale) if legend: axes.legend(loc=legend) axes.set_xlabel(xlabel) axes.set_ylabel(ylabel) # for some arguments there should be no title. if title in [None, False, 0]: axes.set_title('') # add the commands to the title else: title = str(title) history = _fun.get_shell_history() for n in range(0, min(shell_history, len(history))): title = title + "\n" + history[n].split('\n')[0].strip() title = title + '\nPlot created ' + _time.asctime() axes.set_title(title) if grid: _pylab.grid(True) if autoformat: _pt.format_figure(draw=False) _pt.auto_zoom(axes=axes, draw=False) # update the canvas if draw: _pylab.ion() _pylab.draw() return axes
def plot_mission(results, line_style='bo-'): # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Throttle # ------------------------------------------------------------------ plt.figure("Throttle History") axes = plt.gca() for i in range(len(results.segments)): time = results.segments[ i].conditions.frames.inertial.time[:, 0] / Units.min eta = results.segments[i].conditions.propulsion.throttle[:, 0] axes.plot(time, eta, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (mins)') axes.set_ylabel('Throttle') axes.grid(True) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Angle of Attack # ------------------------------------------------------------------ plt.figure("Angle of Attack History") axes = plt.gca() for i in range(len(results.segments)): time = results.segments[ i].conditions.frames.inertial.time[:, 0] / Units.min aoa = results.segments[ i].conditions.aerodynamics.angle_of_attack[:, 0] / Units.deg axes.plot(time, aoa, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (mins)') axes.set_ylabel('Angle of Attack (deg)') axes.grid(True) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Fuel Burn Rate # ------------------------------------------------------------------ plt.figure("Fuel Burn Rate") axes = plt.gca() for i in range(len(results.segments)): time = results.segments[ i].conditions.frames.inertial.time[:, 0] / Units.min mdot = results.segments[i].conditions.weights.vehicle_mass_rate[:, 0] axes.plot(time, mdot, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (mins)') axes.set_ylabel('Fuel Burn Rate (kg/s)') axes.grid(True) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Altitude # ------------------------------------------------------------------ plt.figure("Altitude") axes = plt.gca() for i in range(len(results.segments)): time = results.segments[ i].conditions.frames.inertial.time[:, 0] / Units.min altitude = results.segments[ i].conditions.freestream.altitude[:, 0] / axes.plot(time, altitude, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (mins)') axes.set_ylabel('Altitude (km)') axes.grid(True) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Vehicle Mass # ------------------------------------------------------------------ plt.figure("Vehicle Mass") axes = plt.gca() for i in range(len(results.segments)): time = results.segments[ i].conditions.frames.inertial.time[:, 0] / Units.min mass = results.segments[i].conditions.weights.total_mass[:, 0] axes.plot(time, mass, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (mins)') axes.set_ylabel('Vehicle Mass (kg)') axes.grid(True) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Aerodynamics # ------------------------------------------------------------------ fig = plt.figure("Aerodynamic Forces") for segment in results.segments.values(): time = segment.conditions.frames.inertial.time[:, 0] / Units.min Lift = -segment.conditions.frames.wind.lift_force_vector[:, 2] Drag = -segment.conditions.frames.wind.drag_force_vector[:, 0] Thrust = segment.conditions.frames.body.thrust_force_vector[:, 0] axes = fig.add_subplot(4, 1, 1) axes.plot(time, Lift, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (min)') axes.set_ylabel('Lift (N)') axes.grid(True) axes = fig.add_subplot(4, 1, 2) axes.plot(time, Drag, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (min)') axes.set_ylabel('Drag (N)') axes.grid(True) axes = fig.add_subplot(4, 1, 3) axes.plot(time, Thrust, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (min)') axes.set_ylabel('Thrust (N)') axes.grid(True) LD = Lift / Drag axes = fig.add_subplot(4, 1, 4) axes.plot(time, LD, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (min)') axes.set_ylabel('L/D') axes.grid(True) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Aerodynamics 2 # ------------------------------------------------------------------ fig = plt.figure("Aerodynamic Coefficients") for segment in results.segments.values(): time = segment.conditions.frames.inertial.time[:, 0] / Units.min CLift = segment.conditions.aerodynamics.lift_coefficient[:, 0] CDrag = segment.conditions.aerodynamics.drag_coefficient[:, 0] Drag = -segment.conditions.frames.wind.drag_force_vector[:, 0] Thrust = segment.conditions.frames.body.thrust_force_vector[:, 0] axes = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 1) axes.plot(time, CLift, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (min)') axes.set_ylabel('CL') axes.grid(True) axes = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 2) axes.plot(time, CDrag, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (min)') axes.set_ylabel('CD') axes.grid(True) axes = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 3) axes.plot(time, Drag, line_style) if line_style == 'bo-': axes.plot(time, Thrust, 'ro-') else: axes.plot(time, Thrust, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (min)') axes.set_ylabel('Drag and Thrust (N)') axes.grid(True) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Aerodynamics 2 # ------------------------------------------------------------------ fig = plt.figure("Drag Components") axes = plt.gca() for i, segment in enumerate(results.segments.values()): time = segment.conditions.frames.inertial.time[:, 0] / Units.min drag_breakdown = segment.conditions.aerodynamics.drag_breakdown cdp =[:, 0] cdi =[:, 0] cdc =[:, 0] cdm =[:, 0] cd =[:, 0] if line_style == 'bo-': axes.plot(time, cdp, 'ko-', label='CD_P') axes.plot(time, cdi, 'bo-', label='CD_I') axes.plot(time, cdc, 'go-', label='CD_C') axes.plot(time, cdm, 'yo-', label='CD_M') axes.plot(time, cd, 'ro-', label='CD') if i == 0: axes.legend(loc='upper center') else: axes.plot(time, cdp, line_style) axes.plot(time, cdi, line_style) axes.plot(time, cdc, line_style) axes.plot(time, cdm, line_style) axes.plot(time, cd, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (min)') axes.set_ylabel('CD') axes.grid(True) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Concorde Debug # ------------------------------------------------------------------ fig = plt.figure("Velocity and Density") dist_base = 0.0 for segment in results.segments.values(): time = segment.conditions.frames.inertial.time[:, 0] / Units.min velocity = segment.conditions.freestream.velocity[:, 0] density = segment.conditions.freestream.density[:, 0] mach_number = segment.conditions.freestream.mach_number[:, 0] axes = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 1) axes.plot(time, velocity, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (min)') axes.set_ylabel('Velocity (m/s)') axes.grid(True) axes = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 2) axes.plot(time, mach_number, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (min)') axes.set_ylabel('Mach') axes.grid(True) distance = np.array([dist_base] * len(time)) distance[1:] = integrate.cumtrapz(velocity * 1.94, time / 60.0) + dist_base dist_base = distance[-1] axes = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 3) axes.plot(time, distance, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (min)') axes.set_ylabel('Distance (nmi)') # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # SUAVE Paper Chart # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # This is chart provided in paper presented at Aviation 2015 fig = plt.figure("SUAVE Paper Chart") fig.set_figheight(10) fig.set_figwidth(6.5) axes = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 1) for segment in results.segments.values(): time = segment.conditions.frames.inertial.time[:, 0] / Units.min altitude = segment.conditions.freestream.altitude[:, 0] / axes.plot(time, altitude, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (mins)') axes.set_ylabel('Altitude (km)') axes.grid(True) axes = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 2) for segment in results.segments.values(): time = segment.conditions.frames.inertial.time[:, 0] / Units.min mach_number = segment.conditions.freestream.mach_number[:, 0] axes.plot(time, mach_number, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (min)') axes.set_ylabel('Mach') axes.grid(True) axes = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 3) for segment in results.segments.values(): time = segment.conditions.frames.inertial.time[:, 0] / Units.min Lift = -segment.conditions.frames.wind.lift_force_vector[:, 2] Drag = -segment.conditions.frames.wind.drag_force_vector[:, 0] LD = Lift / Drag axes.plot(time, LD, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (min)') axes.set_ylabel('L/D') axes.grid(True) #plt.savefig('Concorde_data.pdf') return
def waveAccPlot(wave_obs, pix_obs, wave_zmx, pix_zmx, disp_coef, obsid=None, acc=None, order=None, wheelpos=200, figureno=1, legloc=[1, 2]): '''Plots of the accuracy of the wavelength solution from zemax compared to the observed wavelengths. Parameters ---------- wave_obs, pix_obs : ndarray observed wavelengths points (green circles) wave_zmx ,pix_zmx : ndarray calculated zemax points (or the interpolated solution (red crosses) disp_coef : ndarray dispersion coefficients disp_coef : list coefficients in reverse order: if p is of length N, this the polynomial is as follows for coeff named p: y(x) = p[0]*(x**N-1) + p[1]*(x**N-2) + ... + p[N-2]*x + p[N-1] kwargs : dict - **acc** : accuracy in wavelength - **order** : order of polynomial disp_coef (default len(coef) ) - **obsid** : if given, append to title Notes ----- **Figure description** x-axis : pix - pixel number referenced to [260nm in first order] *Top panel only* y-axis: lambda - lambda_linear *linear term in the dispersion* a linear term is fit to the wavelengths $\lambda_{lin}$ = coef[0]+coef[1]*pix *Bottom panel only* y-axis: residuals wave_obs, pix_obs - wave(pix_obs) (green circles) wave_zmx, pix_zmx - wave(pix_zmx) (red crosses) ''' if wheelpos < 500: ref_wave = 2600. titl = 'Wavelength accuracy UV grism - ' textstart = 1600 else: ref_wave = 4200. titl = 'Wavelength accuracy V grism - ' textstart = 2700 # zero of pix_obs forced to ref_wave (2600.or 4200.) for initial plot if order == None: order = len(disp_coef) dcoef = polyfit(wave_obs, pix_obs, order) doff = polyval(dcoef, ref_wave) pix_obs = pix_obs - doff print("fit through observations pixel position of anchor = ", doff) n1, n2 = len(pix_obs), len(pix_zmx) pix1 = N.zeros((n1 + n2)) pix1[0:n1, ] = pix_obs pix1[n1:(n1 + n2), ] = pix_zmx pix2 = pix1.min() pix3 = pix1.max() pix = N.arange(pix2, pix3) wav = polyval(disp_coef, pix) # wavlin = disp_coef[-1]+disp_coef[-2]*xxx_pix # linear term in dispersion: w_obs = wave_obs - (disp_coef[-1] + disp_coef[-2] * pix_obs) w_zmx = wave_zmx - (disp_coef[-1] + disp_coef[-2] * pix_zmx) wavlin = wav - (disp_coef[-1] + disp_coef[-2] * pix) zero_offset = (wave_obs - polyval(disp_coef, pix_obs + doff)).mean() zo = zero_offset if acc == None: wave_off = (wave_obs - polyval(disp_coef, pix_obs + doff)) acc = wave_off.std() print(' initial acc (all points) = ', acc) # remove outlyers q_in = N.where(abs(wave_off - zo) < 3. * acc) acc = (wave_off[q_in]).std() print(' after removing outliers: acc = ', acc) print('accuracy of the fit = ', acc, ' angstrom') stracc = str(old_div(((10 * acc + 0.5).__int__()), 10.)) + '$\AA$' zero_offset = old_div(((10 * zero_offset + 0.5).__int__()), 10.) txt = '<$\Delta\lambda$> = ' + str( zero_offset) + '$\AA\ \ \ \sigma_{observed-model}$ = ' + stracc figure(num=figureno) subplot(211) plot(pix, wavlin, '-') plot(pix_obs, w_obs, 'ob') plot(pix_zmx, w_zmx, '+r') ylabel('$\lambda$ - $\lambda_{linear}$ ($\AA$)') xlabel('pixels') if order == 4: sord = 'fourth ' elif order == 3: sord = 'third ' elif order == 2: sord = 'second ' elif order == 1: sord = 'first ' else: sord = 'unknown ' legend((sord + 'order fit', 'observed data', 'model'), loc=legloc[1]) if obsid == None: obsid = '' title(titl + obsid) # a = getp( gca ) # setp(a, xlim=(pix1,pix2), xticks=[]) subplot(212) w1 = wave_obs - polyval(disp_coef, pix_obs + doff) w2 = wave_zmx - polyval(disp_coef, pix_zmx) plot(wave_obs, w1, 'ob', label='_nolegend_') plot(wave_zmx, w2, '+r', label='_nolegend_') p0 = pix * 0. p1 = p0 - acc + zo p2 = p0 + acc + zo plot(wav, p0, '-r', label='_nolegend_') plot(wav, p1, '--b', label='1-$\sigma$ limits') plot(wav, p2, '--b', label='_nolegend_') ylabel('$\Delta\lambda$ ($\AA$)') xlabel('$\lambda$ ($\AA$)') a = gca() ylim = a.get_ylim() #if (ylim[0] > -16.0): ylim=(-16.0,ylim[1]) ylim = (zo - 2.1 * acc, zo + 2.1 * acc) a.set_ylim(ylim) legend(loc=legloc[0]) text(textstart, ylim[0] * 0.9, txt) #a = getp( gca ) #lim1, lim2 = 1.1*max(w1), 1.1*min(w1) #setp(a, xlim=(lim1,lim2)) #, xticks=[]) savefig('accuracy.png') return acc, zero_offset
def image_data(Z, X=[0, 1.0], Y=[0, 1.0], aspect=1.0, zmin=None, zmax=None, clear=1, clabel='z', autoformat=True, colormap="Last Used", shell_history=1, **kwargs): """ Generates an image or 3d plot X 1-d array of x-values Y 1-d array of y-values Z 2-d array of z-values X and Y can be something like [0,2] or an array of X-values kwargs are sent to pylab.imshow() """ global _colormap _pylab.ioff() fig = _pylab.gcf() if clear: fig.clear() _pylab.axes() # generate the 3d axes X = _n.array(X) Y = _n.array(Y) Z = _n.array(Z) # assume X and Y are the bin centers and figure out the bin widths x_width = abs(float(X[-1] - X[0]) / (len(Z[0]) - 1)) y_width = abs(float(Y[-1] - Y[0]) / (len(Z) - 1)) # reverse the Z's Z = Z[-1::-1] # get rid of the label and title kwargs xlabel = '' ylabel = '' title = '' if kwargs.has_key('xlabel'): xlabel = kwargs.pop('xlabel') if kwargs.has_key('ylabel'): ylabel = kwargs.pop('ylabel') if kwargs.has_key('title'): title = kwargs.pop('title') _pylab.imshow(Z, extent=[ X[0] - x_width / 2.0, X[-1] + x_width / 2.0, Y[0] - y_width / 2.0, Y[-1] + y_width / 2.0 ], **kwargs) cb = _pylab.colorbar() _pt.image_set_clim(zmin, zmax) _pt.image_set_aspect(aspect) cb.set_label(clabel) a = _pylab.gca() a.set_xlabel(xlabel) a.set_ylabel(ylabel) #_pt.close_sliders() #_pt.image_sliders() # title history = _fun.get_shell_history() for n in range(0, min(shell_history, len(history))): title = title + "\n" + history[n].split('\n')[0].strip() title = title + '\nPlot created ' + _time.asctime() a.set_title(title.strip()) if autoformat: _pt.image_format_figure(fig) _pylab.ion() #_pt.raise_figure_window() #_pt.raise_pyshell() _pylab.draw() # add the color sliders if colormap: if _colormap: _colormap.close() _colormap = _pt.image_colormap(colormap, image=a.images[0])
def plot_smith(z, smith_r=1, chart_type='z', x_label='Real', y_label='Imaginary', title='Complex Plane', show_legend=True, axis='equal', ax=None, force_chart=False, *args, **kwargs): ''' plot complex data on smith chart Parameters ------------ z : array-like, of complex data data to plot smith_r : number radius of smith chart chart_type : ['z','y'] Contour type for chart. * *'z'* : lines of constant impedance * *'y'* : lines of constant admittance x_label : string x-axis label y_label : string y-axis label title : string plot title show_legend : Boolean controls the drawing of the legend axis_equal: Boolean sets axis to be equal increments (calls axis('equal')) force_chart : Boolean forces the re-drawing of smith chart ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot` object axes to draw on *args,**kwargs : passed to pylab.plot See Also ---------- plot_rectangular : plots rectangular data plot_complex_rectangular : plot complex data on complex plane plot_polar : plot polar data plot_complex_polar : plot complex data on polar plane plot_smith : plot complex data on smith chart ''' if ax is None: ax = plb.gca() # test if smith chart is already drawn if not force_chart: if len(ax.patches) == 0: smith(ax=ax, smithR=smith_r, chart_type=chart_type) plot_complex_rectangular(z, x_label=x_label, y_label=y_label, title=title, show_legend=show_legend, axis=axis, ax=ax, *args, **kwargs) ax.axis(smith_r * npy.array([-1.1, 1.1, -1.1, 1.1])) if plb.isinteractive(): plb.draw()
def plot_mission(results, line_style='bo-'): # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Throttle # ------------------------------------------------------------------ plt.figure("Throttle History") axes = plt.gca() for i in range(len(results.segments)): time = results.segments[ i].conditions.frames.inertial.time[:, 0] / Units.min eta = results.segments[i].conditions.propulsion.throttle[:, 0] axes.plot(time, eta, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (mins)') axes.set_ylabel('Throttle') axes.grid(True) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Angle of Attack # ------------------------------------------------------------------ plt.figure("Angle of Attack History") axes = plt.gca() for i in range(len(results.segments)): time = results.segments[ i].conditions.frames.inertial.time[:, 0] / Units.min aoa = results.segments[ i].conditions.aerodynamics.angle_of_attack[:, 0] / Units.deg axes.plot(time, aoa, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (mins)') axes.set_ylabel('Angle of Attack (deg)') axes.grid(True) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Fuel Burn Rate # ------------------------------------------------------------------ plt.figure("Fuel Burn Rate") axes = plt.gca() for i in range(len(results.segments)): time = results.segments[ i].conditions.frames.inertial.time[:, 0] / Units.min mdot = results.segments[i].conditions.weights.vehicle_mass_rate[:, 0] axes.plot(time, mdot, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (mins)') axes.set_ylabel('Fuel Burn Rate (kg/s)') axes.grid(True) ## # ------------------------------------------------------------------ ## # Engine SFC ## # ------------------------------------------------------------------ ## plt.figure("Engine SFC") ## axes = plt.gca() ## for i in range(len(results.segments)): ## time = results.segments[i].conditions.frames.inertial.time[:,0] / Units.min ## mdot = results.segments[i].conditions.weights.vehicle_mass_rate[:,0] * 360. ## Thrust = results.segments[i].conditions.frames.body.thrust_force_vector[:,0] / 9.81 ## sfc = np.divide(mdot,Thrust) ## axes.plot(time, sfc, line_style) ## axes.set_xlabel('Time (mins)') ## axes.set_ylabel('Engine SFC (kg/kg)') ## axes.grid(True) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Altitude # ------------------------------------------------------------------ plt.figure("Altitude") axes = plt.gca() for i in range(len(results.segments)): time = results.segments[ i].conditions.frames.inertial.time[:, 0] / Units.min altitude = results.segments[ i].conditions.freestream.altitude[:, 0] / axes.plot(time, altitude, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (mins)') axes.set_ylabel('Altitude (km)') axes.grid(True) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Vehicle Mass # ------------------------------------------------------------------ plt.figure("Vehicle Mass") axes = plt.gca() for i in range(len(results.segments)): time = results.segments[ i].conditions.frames.inertial.time[:, 0] / Units.min mass = results.segments[i].conditions.weights.total_mass[:, 0] axes.plot(time, mass, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (mins)') axes.set_ylabel('Vehicle Mass (kg)') axes.grid(True) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Aerodynamics # ------------------------------------------------------------------ fig = plt.figure("Aerodynamic Forces") for segment in list(results.segments.values()): time = segment.conditions.frames.inertial.time[:, 0] / Units.min Lift = -segment.conditions.frames.wind.lift_force_vector[:, 2] Drag = -segment.conditions.frames.wind.drag_force_vector[:, 0] Thrust = segment.conditions.frames.body.thrust_force_vector[:, 0] axes = fig.add_subplot(4, 1, 1) axes.plot(time, Lift, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (min)') axes.set_ylabel('Lift (N)') axes.grid(True) axes = fig.add_subplot(4, 1, 2) axes.plot(time, Drag, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (min)') axes.set_ylabel('Drag (N)') axes.grid(True) axes = fig.add_subplot(4, 1, 3) axes.plot(time, Thrust, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (min)') axes.set_ylabel('Thrust (N)') axes.grid(True) try: Pitching_moment = segment.conditions.stability.static.cm_alpha[:, 0] axes = fig.add_subplot(4, 1, 4) axes.plot(time, Pitching_moment, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (min)') axes.set_ylabel('Pitching_moment (~)') axes.grid(True) except: pass # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Aerodynamics 2 # ------------------------------------------------------------------ fig = plt.figure("Aerodynamic Coefficients") for segment in list(results.segments.values()): time = segment.conditions.frames.inertial.time[:, 0] / Units.min CLift = segment.conditions.aerodynamics.lift_coefficient[:, 0] CDrag = segment.conditions.aerodynamics.drag_coefficient[:, 0] Drag = -segment.conditions.frames.wind.drag_force_vector[:, 0] Thrust = segment.conditions.frames.body.thrust_force_vector[:, 0] axes = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 1) axes.plot(time, CLift, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (min)') axes.set_ylabel('CL') axes.grid(True) axes = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 2) axes.plot(time, CDrag, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (min)') axes.set_ylabel('CD') axes.grid(True) axes = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 3) axes.plot(time, Drag, line_style) axes.plot(time, Thrust, 'ro-') axes.set_xlabel('Time (min)') axes.set_ylabel('Drag and Thrust (N)') axes.grid(True) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Aerodynamics 2 # ------------------------------------------------------------------ fig = plt.figure("Drag Components") axes = plt.gca() for i, segment in enumerate(results.segments.values()): time = segment.conditions.frames.inertial.time[:, 0] / Units.min drag_breakdown = segment.conditions.aerodynamics.drag_breakdown cdp =[:, 0] cdi =[:, 0] cdc =[:, 0] cdm =[:, 0] cd =[:, 0] if line_style == 'bo-': axes.plot(time, cdp, 'ko-', label='CD_P') axes.plot(time, cdi, 'bo-', label='CD_I') axes.plot(time, cdc, 'go-', label='CD_C') axes.plot(time, cdm, 'yo-', label='CD_M') axes.plot(time, cd, 'ro-', label='CD') if i == 0: axes.legend(loc='upper center') else: axes.plot(time, cdp, line_style) axes.plot(time, cdi, line_style) axes.plot(time, cdc, line_style) axes.plot(time, cdm, line_style) axes.plot(time, cd, line_style) axes.set_xlabel('Time (min)') axes.set_ylabel('CD') axes.grid(True) return
# plot all requested depths for depth in range(mindepth, maxdepth + 1): # select data for this depth idx = data["depth"] == depth # create a bar plot bar = [(line["start"], line["end"] - line["start"]) for line in data[idx]] colors = ["C{0}".format(i % 10) for i in range(len(data[idx]))] pl.broken_barh(bar, (depth - 0.4, 0.8), facecolors=colors, edgecolor="none") # add labels labels = [line["label"] for line in data[idx]] for i in range(len(labels)): pl.text( bar[i][0] + 0.5 * bar[i][1], depth - 0.2 + 0.4 * (i % 2), labels[i], ha="center", bbox=dict(facecolor="white", alpha=0.9), ) # disable vertical ticks pl.gca().set_yticks([]) # set the x axis label pl.xlabel("run time (s)") # save the plot pl.tight_layout() pl.savefig(args.output, dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
def smith(smithR=1, chart_type='z', draw_labels=False, border=False, ax=None): ''' plots the smith chart of a given radius Parameters ----------- smithR : number radius of smith chart chart_type : ['z','y'] Contour type. Possible values are * *'z'* : lines of constant impedance * *'y'* : lines of constant admittance draw_labels : Boolean annotate real and imaginary parts of impedance on the chart (only if smithR=1) border : Boolean draw a rectangular border with axis ticks, around the perimeter of the figure. Not used if draw_labels = True ax : matplotlib.axes object existing axes to draw smith chart on ''' ##TODO: fix this function so it doesnt suck if ax == None: ax1 = plb.gca() else: ax1 = ax # contour holds matplotlib instances of: pathes.Circle, and lines.Line2D, which # are the contours on the smith chart contour = [] # these are hard-coded on purpose,as they should always be present rHeavyList = [0, 1] xHeavyList = [1, -1] #TODO: fix this # these could be dynamically coded in the future, but work good'nuff for now if not draw_labels: rLightList = plb.logspace(3, -5, 9, base=.5) xLightList = plb.hstack([ plb.logspace(2, -5, 8, base=.5), -1 * plb.logspace(2, -5, 8, base=.5) ]) else: rLightList = plb.array([0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0]) xLightList = plb.array( [0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, -0.2, -0.5, -1.0, -2.0, -5.0]) # cheap way to make a ok-looking smith chart at larger than 1 radii if smithR > 1: rMax = (1. + smithR) / (1. - smithR) rLightList = plb.hstack([plb.linspace(0, rMax, 11), rLightList]) if chart_type is 'y': y_flip_sign = -1 else: y_flip_sign = 1 # loops through Light and Heavy lists and draws circles using patches # for analysis of this see R.M. Weikles Microwave II notes (from uva) for r in rLightList: center = (r / (1. + r) * y_flip_sign, 0) radius = 1. / (1 + r) contour.append(Circle(center, radius, ec='grey', fc='none')) for x in xLightList: center = (1 * y_flip_sign, 1. / x) radius = 1. / x contour.append(Circle(center, radius, ec='grey', fc='none')) for r in rHeavyList: center = (r / (1. + r) * y_flip_sign, 0) radius = 1. / (1 + r) contour.append(Circle(center, radius, ec='black', fc='none')) for x in xHeavyList: center = (1 * y_flip_sign, 1. / x) radius = 1. / x contour.append(Circle(center, radius, ec='black', fc='none')) # clipping circle clipc = Circle([0, 0], smithR, ec='k', fc='None', visible=True) ax1.add_patch(clipc) #draw x and y axis ax1.axhline(0, color='k', lw=.1, clip_path=clipc) ax1.axvline(1 * y_flip_sign, color='k', clip_path=clipc) ax1.grid(0) #set axis limits ax1.axis('equal') ax1.axis(smithR * npy.array([-1.1, 1.1, -1.1, 1.1])) if not border: ax1.yaxis.set_ticks([]) ax1.xaxis.set_ticks([]) for loc, spine in ax1.spines.iteritems(): spine.set_color('none') if draw_labels: #Clear axis ax1.yaxis.set_ticks([]) ax1.xaxis.set_ticks([]) for loc, spine in ax1.spines.iteritems(): spine.set_color('none') #Will make annotations only if the radius is 1 and it is the impedance smith chart if smithR is 1 and y_flip_sign is 1: #Make room for annotation ax1.axis(smithR * npy.array([-1., 1., -1.2, 1.2])) #Annotate real part for value in rLightList: rho = (value - 1) / (value + 1) ax1.annotate(str(value), xy=((rho-0.12)*smithR, 0.01*smithR), \ xytext=((rho-0.12)*smithR, 0.01*smithR)) #Annotate imaginary part deltax = plb.array( [-0.17, -0.14, -0.06, 0., 0.02, -0.2, -0.2, -0.08, 0., 0.03]) deltay = plb.array( [0., 0.03, 0.01, 0.02, 0., -0.02, -0.06, -0.09, -0.08, -0.05]) for value, dx, dy in zip(xLightList, deltax, deltay): #Transforms from complex to cartesian and adds a delta to x and y values rhox = (-value**2 + 1) / (-value**2 - 1) * smithR * y_flip_sign + dx rhoy = (-2 * value) / (-value**2 - 1) * smithR + dy #Annotate value ax1.annotate(str(value) + 'j', xy=(rhox, rhoy), xytext=(rhox, rhoy)) #Annotate 0 and inf ax1.annotate('0.0', xy=(-1.15, -0.02), xytext=(-1.15, -0.02)) ax1.annotate('$\infty$', xy=(1.02, -0.02), xytext=(1.02, -0.02)) # loop though contours and draw them on the given axes for currentContour in contour: cc = ax1.add_patch(currentContour) cc.set_clip_path(clipc)
def _plot_param_table(parameters, web=False): storm_dir, storm_spd = parameters['storm_motion'] trans = pylab.gca().transAxes line_space = 0.033 start_x = 1.02 start_y = 1.0 - line_space line_y = start_y kwargs = { 'color': 'k', 'fontsize': 10, 'clip_on': False, 'transform': trans } pylab.text(start_x + 0.175, start_y, "Parameter Table", ha='center', fontweight='bold', **kwargs) spacer = Line2D([start_x, start_x + 0.361], [line_y - line_space * 0.48] * 2, color='k', linestyle='-', transform=trans, clip_on=False) pylab.gca().add_line(spacer) line_y -= line_space * 1.5 pylab.text(start_x + 0.095, line_y - 0.0025, "BWD (kts)", fontweight='bold', **kwargs) if not web: pylab.text(start_x + 0.22, line_y - 0.0025, "SRH (m$^2$s$^{-2}$)", fontweight='bold', **kwargs) else: # Awful, awful hack for matplotlib without a LaTeX distribution pylab.text(start_x + 0.22, line_y - 0.0025, "SRH (m s )", fontweight='bold', **kwargs) pylab.text(start_x + 0.305, line_y + 0.009, "2 -2", fontweight='bold', color='k', fontsize=6, clip_on=False, transform=trans) line_y -= line_space pylab.text(start_x, line_y, "0-1 km", fontweight='bold', **kwargs) val = "--" if np.isnan(parameters['shear_mag_1km']) else "%d" % int( parameters['shear_mag_1km']) pylab.text(start_x + 0.095, line_y, val, **kwargs) val = "--" if np.isnan( parameters['srh_1km']) else "%d" % int(parameters['srh_1km']) pylab.text(start_x + 0.22, line_y, val, **kwargs) line_y -= line_space pylab.text(start_x, line_y, "0-3 km", fontweight='bold', **kwargs) val = "--" if np.isnan(parameters['shear_mag_3km']) else "%d" % int( parameters['shear_mag_3km']) pylab.text(start_x + 0.095, line_y, val, **kwargs) val = "--" if np.isnan( parameters['srh_3km']) else "%d" % int(parameters['srh_3km']) pylab.text(start_x + 0.22, line_y, val, **kwargs) line_y -= line_space pylab.text(start_x, line_y, "0-6 km", fontweight='bold', **kwargs) val = "--" if np.isnan(parameters['shear_mag_6km']) else "%d" % int( parameters['shear_mag_6km']) pylab.text(start_x + 0.095, line_y, val, **kwargs) spacer = Line2D([start_x, start_x + 0.361], [line_y - line_space * 0.48] * 2, color='k', linestyle='-', transform=trans, clip_on=False) pylab.gca().add_line(spacer) line_y -= 1.5 * line_space pylab.text(start_x, line_y, "Storm Motion:", fontweight='bold', **kwargs) val = "--" if np.isnan( parameters['storm_motion']).any() else "%03d/%02d kts" % (storm_dir, storm_spd) pylab.text(start_x + 0.26, line_y + 0.001, val, **kwargs) line_y -= line_space bl_dir, bl_spd = parameters['bunkers_left'] pylab.text(start_x, line_y, "Bunkers Left Mover:", fontweight='bold', **kwargs) val = "--" if np.isnan( parameters['bunkers_left']).any() else "%03d/%02d kts" % (bl_dir, bl_spd) pylab.text(start_x + 0.26, line_y + 0.001, val, **kwargs) line_y -= line_space br_dir, br_spd = parameters['bunkers_right'] if not web: pylab.text(start_x, line_y, "Bunkers Right Mover:", fontweight='bold', **kwargs) else: pylab.text(start_x, line_y - 0.005, "Bunkers Right Mover:", fontweight='bold', **kwargs) val = "--" if np.isnan( parameters['bunkers_right']).any() else "%03d/%02d kts" % (br_dir, br_spd) if not web: pylab.text(start_x + 0.26, line_y + 0.001, val, **kwargs) else: pylab.text(start_x + 0.26, line_y - 0.001, val, **kwargs) line_y -= line_space mn_dir, mn_spd = parameters['mean_wind'] pylab.text(start_x, line_y, "0-6 km Mean Wind:", fontweight='bold', **kwargs) val = "--" if np.isnan( parameters['mean_wind']).any() else "%03d/%02d kts" % (mn_dir, mn_spd) pylab.text(start_x + 0.26, line_y + 0.001, val, **kwargs) spacer = Line2D([start_x, start_x + 0.361], [line_y - line_space * 0.48] * 2, color='k', linestyle='-', transform=trans, clip_on=False) pylab.gca().add_line(spacer) line_y -= 1.5 * line_space if not web: pylab.text(start_x, line_y, "Critical Angle:", fontweight='bold', **kwargs) val = "--" if np.isnan( parameters['critical']) else "%d$^{\circ}$" % int( parameters['critical']) pylab.text(start_x + 0.18, line_y - 0.0025, val, **kwargs) else: pylab.text(start_x, line_y - 0.0075, "Critical Angle:", fontweight='bold', **kwargs) val = "--" if np.isnan( parameters['critical']) else "%d deg" % int(parameters['critical']) pylab.text(start_x + 0.18, line_y - 0.0075, val, **kwargs)
def plot_polar(theta, r, x_label=None, y_label=None, title=None, show_legend=True, axis_equal=False, ax=None, *args, **kwargs): ''' plots polar data on a polar plot and optionally label axes. Parameters ------------ theta : array-like data to plot r : array-like x_label : string x-axis label y_label : string y-axis label title : string plot title show_legend : Boolean controls the drawing of the legend ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot` object axes to draw on *args,**kwargs : passed to pylab.plot See Also ---------- plot_rectangular : plots rectangular data plot_complex_rectangular : plot complex data on complex plane plot_polar : plot polar data plot_complex_polar : plot complex data on polar plane plot_smith : plot complex data on smith chart ''' if ax is None: ax = plb.gca(polar=True) ax.plot(theta, r, *args, **kwargs) if x_label is not None: ax.set_xlabel(x_label) if y_label is not None: ax.set_ylabel(y_label) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) if show_legend: # only show legend if they provide a label if 'label' in kwargs: ax.legend() if axis_equal: ax.axis('equal') if plb.isinteractive(): plb.draw()
def _plot_data(data, parameters): storm_dir, storm_spd = parameters['storm_motion'] bl_dir, bl_spd = parameters['bunkers_left'] br_dir, br_spd = parameters['bunkers_right'] mn_dir, mn_spd = parameters['mean_wind'] u, v = vec2comp(data['wind_dir'], data['wind_spd']) alt = data['altitude'] storm_u, storm_v = vec2comp(storm_dir, storm_spd) bl_u, bl_v = vec2comp(bl_dir, bl_spd) br_u, br_v = vec2comp(br_dir, br_spd) mn_u, mn_v = vec2comp(mn_dir, mn_spd) seg_idxs = np.searchsorted(alt, _seg_hghts) try: seg_u = np.interp(_seg_hghts, alt, u, left=np.nan, right=np.nan) seg_v = np.interp(_seg_hghts, alt, v, left=np.nan, right=np.nan) ca_u = np.interp(0.5, alt, u, left=np.nan, right=np.nan) ca_v = np.interp(0.5, alt, v, left=np.nan, right=np.nan) except ValueError: seg_u = np.nan * np.array(_seg_hghts) seg_v = np.nan * np.array(_seg_hghts) ca_u = np.nan ca_v = np.nan mkr_z = np.arange(16) mkr_u = np.interp(mkr_z, alt, u, left=np.nan, right=np.nan) mkr_v = np.interp(mkr_z, alt, v, left=np.nan, right=np.nan) for idx in range(len(_seg_hghts) - 1): idx_start = seg_idxs[idx] idx_end = seg_idxs[idx + 1] if not np.isnan(seg_u[idx]): pylab.plot([seg_u[idx], u[idx_start]], [seg_v[idx], v[idx_start]], '-', color=_seg_colors[idx], linewidth=1.5) if idx_start < len( data['rms_error']) and data['rms_error'][idx_start] == 0.: # The first segment is to the surface wind, draw it in a dashed line pylab.plot(u[idx_start:(idx_start + 2)], v[idx_start:(idx_start + 2)], '--', color=_seg_colors[idx], linewidth=1.5) pylab.plot(u[(idx_start + 1):idx_end], v[(idx_start + 1):idx_end], '-', color=_seg_colors[idx], linewidth=1.5) else: pylab.plot(u[idx_start:idx_end], v[idx_start:idx_end], '-', color=_seg_colors[idx], linewidth=1.5) if not np.isnan(seg_u[idx + 1]): pylab.plot([u[idx_end - 1], seg_u[idx + 1]], [v[idx_end - 1], seg_v[idx + 1]], '-', color=_seg_colors[idx], linewidth=1.5) for upt, vpt, rms in list(zip(u, v, data['rms_error']))[idx_start:idx_end]: rad = np.sqrt(2) * rms circ = Circle((upt, vpt), rad, color=_seg_colors[idx], alpha=0.05) pylab.gca().add_patch(circ) pylab.plot(mkr_u, mkr_v, 'ko', ms=10) for um, vm, zm in zip(mkr_u, mkr_v, mkr_z): if not np.isnan(um): pylab.text(um, vm - 0.1, str(zm), va='center', ha='center', color='white', size=6.5, fontweight='bold') try: pylab.plot([storm_u, u[0]], [storm_v, v[0]], 'c-', linewidth=0.75) pylab.plot([u[0], ca_u], [v[0], ca_v], 'm-', linewidth=0.75) except IndexError: pass if not (np.isnan(bl_u) or np.isnan(bl_v)): pylab.plot(bl_u, bl_v, 'ko', markersize=5, mfc='none') pylab.text(bl_u + 0.5, bl_v - 0.5, "LM", ha='left', va='top', color='k', fontsize=10) if not (np.isnan(br_u) or np.isnan(br_v)): pylab.plot(br_u, br_v, 'ko', markersize=5, mfc='none') pylab.text(br_u + 0.5, br_v - 0.5, "RM", ha='left', va='top', color='k', fontsize=10) if not (np.isnan(mn_u) or np.isnan(mn_v)): pylab.plot(mn_u, mn_v, 's', color='#a04000', markersize=5, mfc='none') pylab.text(mn_u + 0.6, mn_v - 0.6, "MEAN", ha='left', va='top', color='#a04000', fontsize=10) smv_is_brm = (storm_u == br_u and storm_v == br_v) smv_is_blm = (storm_u == bl_u and storm_v == bl_v) smv_is_mnw = (storm_u == mn_u and storm_v == mn_v) if not (np.isnan(storm_u) or np.isnan(storm_v)) and not ( smv_is_brm or smv_is_blm or smv_is_mnw): pylab.plot(storm_u, storm_v, 'k+', markersize=6) pylab.text(storm_u + 0.5, storm_v - 0.5, "SM", ha='left', va='top', color='k', fontsize=10)
def plot_vwp(data, times, parameters, fname=None, add_hodo=False, fixed=False, web=False, archive=False): img_title = "%s VWP valid ending %s" % ( data[0].rid, times[0].strftime("%d %b %Y %H%M UTC")) if fname is not None: img_file_name = fname else: img_file_name = "%s_vwp.png" % data[0].rid sat_age = 6 * 3600 now = datetime.utcnow() img_age = now - times[0] age_cstop = min(_total_seconds(img_age) / sat_age, 1) * 0.4 age_color ='hot')(age_cstop)[:-1] age_str = "Image created on %s (%s old)" % ( now.strftime("%d %b %Y %H%M UTC"), _fmt_timedelta(img_age)) fig_aspect = 2.5714 fig_wid = 24 fig_hght = fig_wid / fig_aspect pylab.figure(figsize=(fig_wid, fig_hght), dpi=200) axes_left = 0.01 axes_bot = 0.02 axes_hght = 0.94 axes_wid = axes_hght / fig_aspect pylab.axes((axes_left, axes_bot, 0.99, axes_hght)) _plot_vwp_background(times) _plot_vwp_data(data) #_plot_param_table(parameters, web=web) pylab.xlim(0, 1.) pylab.ylim(0, 1.) pylab.xticks([]) pylab.yticks([]) if not archive: pylab.title(img_title, color=age_color) pylab.text(x_start, 1.03, age_str, transform=pylab.gca().transAxes, ha='left', va='top', fontsize=9, color=age_color) else: pylab.title(img_title) if web: web_brand = "" pylab.text(1.0, -0.01, web_brand, transform=pylab.gca().transAxes, ha='right', va='top', fontsize=9) if add_hodo: inset_ax = inset_axes(pylab.gca(), width="30%", height="55%", loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(0.63, 0, 0.85, 1), bbox_transform=pylab.gca().transAxes) u, v = vec2comp(data[0]['wind_dir'], data[0]['wind_spd']) if fixed or len(u) == 0: ctr_u, ctr_v = 20, 20 size = 120 else: ctr_u = u.mean() ctr_v = v.mean() size = max(u.max() - u.min(), v.max() - v.min()) + 20 size = max(120, size) min_u = ctr_u - size / 2 max_u = ctr_u + size / 2 min_v = ctr_v - size / 2 max_v = ctr_v + size / 2 _plot_background(min_u, max_u, min_v, max_v) _plot_data(data[0], parameters) _plot_param_table(parameters, web=web) inset_ax.set_xlim(min_u, max_u) inset_ax.set_ylim(min_v, max_v) inset_ax.set_xticks([]) inset_ax.set_yticks([]) pylab.savefig(img_file_name, dpi=pylab.gcf().dpi) pylab.close() if web: bounds = { 'min_u': min_u, 'max_u': max_u, 'min_v': min_v, 'max_v': max_v } print(json.dumps(bounds))
def auc_plot(x, y, flag, file=None, cutoff=None, show=None, linestyle='rx-.', include_baseline=True, equal_aspect=True): """ Method that generates a plot of the ROC curve Parameters: title: Title of the chart include_baseline: Add the baseline plot line if it's True equal_aspect: Aspects to be equal for all plot """ try: fpr, tpr, thresholds_roc = roc(x, y) if not cutoff: precision, recall, thresholds = precision_recall_curve(x, y) precision[np.where(precision == 0)] = 0.000000001 recall[np.where(recall == 0)] = 0.000000001 F_score = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall) aucvalue, cutoff = round(auc(fpr, tpr), 3), round( thresholds[np.where(F_score == max(F_score))][0], 3) TPR = round( tpr[np.where((thresholds_roc - cutoff) == min(thresholds_roc - cutoff))][0], 5) FPR = round( fpr[np.where((thresholds_roc - cutoff) == min(thresholds_roc - cutoff))][0], 5) import pylab from matplotlib import pyplot pyplot.figure() pylab.clf() pylab.plot([x1 for x1 in np.hstack((0, fpr))], [y1 for y1 in np.hstack((0, tpr))], color='red', linewidth=8.0) # pylab.plot([x1 for x1 in precision], [y1 for y1 in recall],color='blue',linewidth=2.0) if include_baseline: pylab.plot([0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0], 'k--') pylab.ylim((0, 1)) pylab.xlim((0, 1)) pylab.xticks(pylab.arange(0, 1.1, .1), fontsize=16) pylab.yticks(pylab.arange(0, 1.1, .1), fontsize=16) pylab.grid(True, alpha=0.5) if equal_aspect: cax = pylab.gca() cax.set_aspect('equal') #pylab.xlabel('1 - Specificity(red)/Precision(blue)') pylab.xlabel('1 - Specificity', fontsize=16) pylab.ylabel('Sensitivity', fontsize=16) if 'Train' == flag or 'Validation' == flag: pylab.plot(FPR, TPR, 'o', color='black') pylab.figtext( FPR + 0.08, TPR - 0.08, str(cutoff) + "(" + ",".join(map(str, [1 - FPR, TPR])) + ")") pylab.title(flag + ' AUC=' + "%4.3f" % aucvalue + ' N=' + '%1.0f' % len(x)) pyplot.savefig(file + '_' + flag + '_aucplot.pdf', format='pdf') except: print("Failed to generate AUC plots")
def plot_hodograph(data, parameters, fname=None, web=False, fixed=False, archive=False): img_title = "%s VWP valid %s" % ( data.rid, data['time'].strftime("%d %b %Y %H%M UTC")) if fname is not None: img_file_name = fname else: img_file_name = "%s_vad.png" % data.rid u, v = vec2comp(data['wind_dir'], data['wind_spd']) sat_age = 6 * 3600 if fixed or len(u) == 0: ctr_u, ctr_v = 20, 20 size = 120 else: ctr_u = u.mean() ctr_v = v.mean() size = max(u.max() - u.min(), v.max() - v.min()) + 20 size = max(120, size) min_u = ctr_u - size / 2 max_u = ctr_u + size / 2 min_v = ctr_v - size / 2 max_v = ctr_v + size / 2 now = datetime.utcnow() img_age = now - data['time'] age_cstop = min(_total_seconds(img_age) / sat_age, 1) * 0.4 age_color ='hot')(age_cstop)[:-1] age_str = "Image created on %s (%s old)" % ( now.strftime("%d %b %Y %H%M UTC"), _fmt_timedelta(img_age)) pylab.figure(figsize=(10, 7.5), dpi=150) fig_wid, fig_hght = pylab.gcf().get_size_inches() fig_aspect = fig_wid / fig_hght axes_left = 0.05 axes_bot = 0.05 axes_hght = 0.9 axes_wid = axes_hght / fig_aspect pylab.axes((axes_left, axes_bot, axes_wid, axes_hght)) _plot_background(min_u, max_u, min_v, max_v) _plot_data(data, parameters) _plot_param_table(parameters, web=web) pylab.xlim(min_u, max_u) pylab.ylim(min_v, max_v) pylab.xticks([]) pylab.yticks([]) if not archive: pylab.title(img_title, color=age_color) pylab.text(0., -0.01, age_str, transform=pylab.gca().transAxes, ha='left', va='top', fontsize=9, color=age_color) else: pylab.title(img_title) if web: web_brand = "" pylab.text(1.0, -0.01, web_brand, transform=pylab.gca().transAxes, ha='right', va='top', fontsize=9) pylab.savefig(img_file_name, dpi=pylab.gcf().dpi) pylab.close() if web: bounds = { 'min_u': min_u, 'max_u': max_u, 'min_v': min_v, 'max_v': max_v } print(json.dumps(bounds))
def plot_mass_luminosity(): clust_m = pickle.load(open(propdir + 'clust_arches_multi.pickle', 'rb')) clust_s = pickle.load(open(propdir + 'clust_arches_single.pickle', 'rb')) color_m = clust_m.magJ - clust_m.magKp color_s = clust_s.magJ - clust_s.magKp py.figure(3) py.clf() py.plot(color_m, clust_m.magKp, 'k.') py.gca().invert_yaxis() py.ylim(22, 8) py.xlabel('J - Kp (mag)') py.ylabel('Kp (mag)') py.savefig(propdir + 'plots/arches_syn_cmd.png') py.figure(1, figsize=(7, 6)) py.clf() #py.scatter(clust_s.magKp, clust_s.mass, c='black', s=10) py.scatter(clust_m.mass, clust_m.magKp, c=color_m, edgecolor='none', s=10) py.gca().set_xscale('log') py.gca().invert_yaxis() py.ylim(22, 8) py.xlim(0.1, 100) cbar = py.colorbar() cbar.set_label('J - Kp (mag)') py.ylabel('Kp (mag)') py.xlabel('Mass ' + r'(M$_\odot$)') py.savefig(propdir + 'plots/arches_syn_mass_lum.png') # Select out a slice of stars at a luminosity of Kp=19 and see what # range of masses they have. This represents intrisic uncertainty. # Can we resolve this with color? dmag = 0.1 idx_m = np.where((clust_m.magKp > (19-dmag)) & (clust_m.magKp < (19+dmag)))[0] idx_s = np.where((clust_s.magKp > (19-dmag)) & (clust_s.magKp < (19+dmag)))[0] merr1 = 0.04 merr2 = 0.1 cerr1 = np.hypot(merr1, merr1) cerr2 = np.hypot(merr2, merr2) dmag1 = merr1 dmag2 = merr2 idx_1 = np.where((clust_m.magKp > (19-dmag1)) & (clust_m.magKp < (19+dmag1)))[0] idx_2 = np.where((clust_m.magKp > (19-dmag2)) & (clust_m.magKp < (19+dmag2)))[0] py.close(5) py.figure(5, figsize=(10,10)) py.clf() py.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.1) py.subplot(1, 2, 1) py.errorbar(color_m[idx_1], clust_m.mass[idx_1], xerr=cerr1, fmt='ko') py.xlim(5.1, 6.0) py.xlabel('J - Kp (mag)') py.ylabel('Mass ' + r'(M$_\odot$)') py.title(r'$\sigma_{photo}$ = 0.04 mag') py.subplot(1, 2, 2) py.errorbar(color_m[idx_2], clust_m.mass[idx_2], xerr=cerr2, fmt='ko') py.xlim(5.1, 6.0) py.xlabel('J - Kp (mag)') # py.ylabel('Mass ' + r'(M$_\odot$)') py.title(r'$\sigma_{photo}$ = 0.1 mag') py.savefig(propdir + 'plots/arches_syn_mass_color.png') return
if (plotEvent == True): # Plot Electron hit/miss positions pylab.figure(1) pylab.scatter(electronArrayX, electronArrayY, s=5, facecolor='magenta', alpha=0.15) # s=size, alpha=Transparency pylab.title('Electron Cloud Projection onto Readout Plane') pylab.xlabel('x position (um)') pylab.ylabel('y position (um)') pylab.grid(False) # Draw pixels # NOTE: Rectangle((x,y), width, height, angle=0.0, **kwargs); where (x,y) is lower left corner currentAxis = pylab.gca() for i in range(0, NCOLUMNS): for j in range(0, NROWS): xEdge = -NROWS * PIXELWIDTH / 2 + j * PIXELWIDTH yEdge = -NCOLUMNS * PIXELWIDTH / 2 + i * PIXELWIDTH currentAxis.add_patch( Rectangle((xEdge, yEdge), PIXELWIDTH, PIXELWIDTH, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.10)) currentAxis.annotate( str(int(pixelCountArray[i * NCOLUMNS + j])), (xEdge + PIXELWIDTH / 2, yEdge + PIXELWIDTH / 2), color='black',
def execute(self, parameters, messages): positives_param, negatives_param, models_param, output_param = parameters arcpy.env.workspace = output_param.valueAsText positives_descr = arcpy.Describe(positives_param.valueAsText) positives_x, positives_y = FetchCoordinates(positives_descr.catalogPath).T positives_sref = positives_descr.spatialReference if negatives_param.valueAsText: negatives_descr = arcpy.Describe(negatives_param.valueAsText) negatives_sref = positives_descr.spatialReference if not SpatialReferencesAreEqual(positives_sref, negatives_sref, messages): raise ValueError( "Positives and negatives have different spatial references: '%s' and '%s'." % (, else: negatives_descr = None pylab.figure() handle, = pylab.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], "k--", lw=2) legend_items = ["Random guess"] plot_handles = [handle] # Iterates through each model and calculates and plots ROC curves for them. max_rows = 0 model_names, roc_curves, auc_values, auc_confints = [], [], [], [] tokens = models_param.valueAsText.split(";") for i in range(len(tokens)): raster_descr = arcpy.Describe(tokens[i]) raster_sref = raster_descr.spatialReference if not SpatialReferencesAreEqual(positives_sref, raster_sref, messages): raise ValueError( "Positives and %s have different spatial references: '%s' and '%s'." % (,, color = COLOR_TABLE[i % NUM_COLORS] _roc_curve, _roc_confints, _auc_value, _auc_confints = CalculateROCCurveAndAUCValueForModel( messages, raster_descr, negatives_descr, positives_x, positives_y) if _roc_confints: pylab.fill_between(_roc_confints[0][:, 0], _roc_confints[0][:, 1], _roc_confints[1][:, 1], color=color, alpha=0.1) handle, = pylab.plot(_roc_curve[:, 0], _roc_curve[:, 1], lw=2, color=color) plot_handles.append(handle) legend_items.append("%s (AUC = %.3f)" % (, _auc_value)) messages.addMessage("%s: AUC = %.3f." % (, _auc_value)) if _auc_confints: messages.addMessage( "%s: 95%% confidence interval = %.3f-%.3f." % (, _auc_confints[0], _auc_confints[1])) model_names.append( roc_curves.append(_roc_curve) auc_values.append(_auc_value) auc_confints.append(_auc_confints) max_rows = numpy.max([max_rows, len(_roc_curve)]) # Configures the plot and saves it. png_path = arcpy.CreateUniqueName("results.png") pylab.gca().set_xlim([0, 1]) pylab.gca().set_ylim([0, 1]) pylab.xlabel("False Positive Rate") pylab.ylabel("True Positive Rate") pylab.legend(plot_handles, legend_items, 4) pylab.savefig(png_path) messages.addMessage("Saved ROC curve plot to '%s'." % png_path) # Creates a database table for storing the essential results. table_path = arcpy.CreateUniqueName("results.dbf") dbf_path, dbf_name = os.path.split(table_path) arcpy.CreateTable_management(dbf_path, dbf_name) arcpy.AddField_management(table_path, "MODEL", "TEXT", field_length=10) arcpy.AddField_management(table_path, "AUC", "TEXT", field_length=10) if not negatives_descr: arcpy.AddField_management(table_path, "AUC_LO", "TEXT", field_length=10) arcpy.AddField_management(table_path, "AUC_HI", "TEXT", field_length=10) for i in range(len(model_names)): arcpy.AddField_management(table_path, "FPR_%d" % (i + 1), "DOUBLE", 20, 10, field_length=10) arcpy.AddField_management(table_path, "TPR_%d" % (i + 1), "DOUBLE", 20, 10, field_length=10) arcpy.DeleteField_management(table_path, "Field1") # Deletes a nuisance field!? # Populates the database table. cursor = arcpy.InsertCursor(table_path) for i in range(max_rows): row = cursor.newRow() if i < len(model_names): row.setValue("MODEL", model_names[i]) row.setValue("AUC", "%.3f" % auc_values[i]) if not negatives_descr: row.setValue("AUC_LO", "%.3f" % auc_confints[i][0]) row.setValue("AUC_HI", "%.3f" % auc_confints[i][1]) for j in range(len(model_names)): if len(roc_curves[j]) > i: row.setValue("FPR_%d" % (j + 1), roc_curves[j][i, 0]) row.setValue("TPR_%d" % (j + 1), roc_curves[j][i, 1]) cursor.insertRow(row) del cursor, row messages.addMessage("Saved results database table to '%s'." % table_path)
grid_square = zeros(grid_shape) block_low = int(grid_shape[0] * .4) block_high = int(grid_shape[0] * .5) grid_square[block_low:block_high, block_low:block_high] = 0.005 grid_python = 1 - py.imread( request.urlopen( "" )).mean(2) grid_python = asarray(grid_python, dtype='float64') scratch_python = empty(grid_python.shape) py.subplot(3, 2, 1) py.imshow(grid_square.copy()) py.ylabel("t = 0 seconds") py.gca().get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) py.gca().get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) py.subplot(3, 2, 2) py.imshow(grid_python.copy()) py.gca().get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) py.gca().get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) for i in range(500): evolve(grid_square, 0.1, scratch_square) grid_square, scratch_square = scratch_square, grid_square evolve(grid_python, 0.1, scratch_python) grid_python, scratch_python = scratch_python, grid_python py.subplot(3, 2, 3) py.imshow(grid_square.copy())
def heatmap(self, x=None, y=None, z=None, what="count(*)", vwhat=None, reduce=["colormap"], f=None, normalize="normalize", normalize_axis="what", vmin=None, vmax=None, shape=256, vshape=32, limits=None, grid=None, colormap="afmhot", # colors=["red", "green", "blue"], figsize=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, aspect="auto", tight_layout=True, interpolation="nearest", show=False, colorbar=True, colorbar_label=None, selection=None, selection_labels=None, title=None, background_color="white", pre_blend=False, background_alpha=1., visual=dict(x="x", y="y", layer="z", fade="selection", row="subspace", column="what"), smooth_pre=None, smooth_post=None, wrap=True, wrap_columns=4, return_extra=False, hardcopy=None): """Viz data in a 2d histogram/heatmap. Declarative plotting of statistical plots using matplotlib, supports subplots, selections, layers. Instead of passing x and y, pass a list as x argument for multiple panels. Give what a list of options to have multiple panels. When both are present then will be origanized in a column/row order. This methods creates a 6 dimensional 'grid', where each dimension can map the a visual dimension. The grid dimensions are: * x: shape determined by shape, content by x argument or the first dimension of each space * y: ,, * z: related to the z argument * selection: shape equals length of selection argument * what: shape equals length of what argument * space: shape equals length of x argument if multiple values are given By default, this its shape is (1, 1, 1, 1, shape, shape) (where x is the last dimension) The visual dimensions are * x: x coordinate on a plot / image (default maps to grid's x) * y: y ,, (default maps to grid's y) * layer: each image in this dimension is blended togeher to one image (default maps to z) * fade: each image is shown faded after the next image (default mapt to selection) * row: rows of subplots (default maps to space) * columns: columns of subplot (default maps to what) All these mappings can be changes by the visual argument, some examples: >>> df.plot('x', 'y', what=['mean(x)', 'correlation(vx, vy)']) Will plot each 'what' as a column. >>> df.plot('x', 'y', selection=['FeH < -3', '(FeH >= -3) & (FeH < -2)'], visual=dict(column='selection')) Will plot each selection as a column, instead of a faded on top of each other. :param x: Expression to bin in the x direction (by default maps to x), or list of pairs, like [['x', 'y'], ['x', 'z']], if multiple pairs are given, this dimension maps to rows by default :param y: y (by default maps to y) :param z: Expression to bin in the z direction, followed by a :start,end,shape signature, like 'FeH:-3,1:5' will produce 5 layers between -10 and 10 (by default maps to layer) :param what: What to plot, count(*) will show a N-d histogram, mean('x'), the mean of the x column, sum('x') the sum, std('x') the standard deviation, correlation('vx', 'vy') the correlation coefficient. Can also be a list of values, like ['count(x)', std('vx')], (by default maps to column) :param reduce: :param f: transform values by: 'identity' does nothing 'log' or 'log10' will show the log of the value :param normalize: normalization function, currently only 'normalize' is supported :param normalize_axis: which axes to normalize on, None means normalize by the global maximum. :param vmin: instead of automatic normalization, (using normalize and normalization_axis) scale the data between vmin and vmax to [0, 1] :param vmax: see vmin :param shape: shape/size of the n-D histogram grid :param limits: list of [[xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax]], or a description such as 'minmax', '99%' :param grid: if the binning is done before by yourself, you can pass it :param colormap: matplotlib colormap to use :param figsize: (x, y) tuple passed to pylab.figure for setting the figure size :param xlabel: :param ylabel: :param aspect: :param tight_layout: call pylab.tight_layout or not :param colorbar: plot a colorbar or not :param interpolation: interpolation for imshow, possible options are: 'nearest', 'bilinear', 'bicubic', see matplotlib for more :param return_extra: :return: """ import pylab import matplotlib n = _parse_n(normalize) if type(shape) == int: shape = (shape,) * 2 binby = [] x = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(x) y = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(y) for expression in [y, x]: if expression is not None: binby = [expression] + binby fig = pylab.gcf() if figsize is not None: fig.set_size_inches(*figsize) import re what_units = None whats = _ensure_list(what) selections = _ensure_list(selection) selections = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(selections) if y is None: waslist, [x, ] = vaex.utils.listify(x) else: waslist, [x, y] = vaex.utils.listify(x, y) x = list(zip(x, y)) limits = [limits] # every plot has its own vwhat for now vwhats = _expand_limits(vwhat, len(x)) # TODO: we're abusing this function.. logger.debug("x: %s", x) limits, shape = self.limits(x, limits, shape=shape) shape = shape[0] logger.debug("limits: %r", limits) # mapping of a grid axis to a label labels = {} shape = _expand_shape(shape, 2) vshape = _expand_shape(shape, 2) if z is not None: match = re.match("(.*):(.*),(.*),(.*)", z) if match: groups = match.groups() import ast z_expression = groups[0] logger.debug("found groups: %r", list(groups)) z_limits = [ast.literal_eval(groups[1]), ast.literal_eval(groups[2])] z_shape = ast.literal_eval(groups[3]) # for pair in x: x = [[z_expression] + list(k) for k in x] limits = np.array([[z_limits] + list(k) for k in limits]) shape = (z_shape,) + shape vshape = (z_shape,) + vshape logger.debug("x = %r", x) values = np.linspace(z_limits[0], z_limits[1], num=z_shape + 1) labels["z"] = list(["%s <= %s < %s" % (v1, z_expression, v2) for v1, v2 in zip(values[:-1], values[1:])]) else: raise ValueError("Could not understand 'z' argument %r, expected something in form: 'column:-1,10:5'" % facet) else: z_shape = 1 # z == 1 if z is None: total_grid = np.zeros((len(x), len(whats), len(selections), 1) + shape, dtype=float) total_vgrid = np.zeros((len(x), len(whats), len(selections), 1) + vshape, dtype=float) else: total_grid = np.zeros((len(x), len(whats), len(selections)) + shape, dtype=float) total_vgrid = np.zeros((len(x), len(whats), len(selections)) + vshape, dtype=float) logger.debug("shape of total grid: %r", total_grid.shape) axis = dict(plot=0, what=1, selection=2) xlimits = limits grid_axes = dict(x=-1, y=-2, z=-3, selection=-4, what=-5, subspace=-6) visual_axes = dict(x=-1, y=-2, layer=-3, fade=-4, column=-5, row=-6) # visual_default=dict(x="x", y="y", z="layer", selection="fade", subspace="row", what="column") # visual: mapping of a plot axis, to a grid axis visual_default = dict(x="x", y="y", layer="z", fade="selection", row="subspace", column="what") def invert(x): return dict((v, k) for k, v in x.items()) # visual_default_reverse = invert(visual_default) # visual_ = visual_default # visual = dict(visual) # copy for modification # add entries to avoid mapping multiple times to the same axis free_visual_axes = list(visual_default.keys()) # visual_reverse = invert(visual) logger.debug("1: %r %r", visual, free_visual_axes) for visual_name, grid_name in visual.items(): if visual_name in free_visual_axes: free_visual_axes.remove(visual_name) else: raise ValueError("visual axes %s used multiple times" % visual_name) logger.debug("2: %r %r", visual, free_visual_axes) for visual_name, grid_name in visual_default.items(): if visual_name in free_visual_axes and grid_name not in visual.values(): free_visual_axes.remove(visual_name) visual[visual_name] = grid_name logger.debug("3: %r %r", visual, free_visual_axes) for visual_name, grid_name in visual_default.items(): if visual_name not in free_visual_axes and grid_name not in visual.values(): visual[free_visual_axes.pop(0)] = grid_name logger.debug("4: %r %r", visual, free_visual_axes) visual_reverse = invert(visual) # TODO: the meaning of visual and visual_reverse is changed below this line, super confusing visual, visual_reverse = visual_reverse, visual # so now, visual: mapping of a grid axis to plot axis # visual_reverse: mapping of a grid axis to plot axis move = {} for grid_name, visual_name in visual.items(): if visual_axes[visual_name] in visual.values(): index = visual.values().find(visual_name) key = visual.keys()[index] raise ValueError("trying to map %s to %s while, it is already mapped by %s" % (grid_name, visual_name, key)) move[grid_axes[grid_name]] = visual_axes[visual_name] # normalize_axis = _ensure_list(normalize_axis) fs = _expand(f, total_grid.shape[grid_axes[normalize_axis]]) # assert len(vwhat) # labels["y"] = ylabels what_labels = [] if grid is None: grid_of_grids = [] for i, (binby, limits) in enumerate(zip(x, xlimits)): grid_of_grids.append([]) for j, what in enumerate(whats): if isinstance(what, vaex.stat.Expression): grid = what.calculate(self, binby=binby, shape=shape, limits=limits, selection=selections, delay=True) else: what = what.strip() index = what.index("(") import re groups = re.match("(.*)\((.*)\)", what).groups() if groups and len(groups) == 2: function = groups[0] arguments = groups[1].strip() if "," in arguments: arguments = arguments.split(",") functions = ["mean", "sum", "std", "var", "correlation", "covar", "min", "max", "median_approx"] unit_expression = None if function in ["mean", "sum", "std", "min", "max", "median"]: unit_expression = arguments if function in ["var"]: unit_expression = "(%s) * (%s)" % (arguments, arguments) if function in ["covar"]: unit_expression = "(%s) * (%s)" % arguments if unit_expression: unit = self.unit(unit_expression) if unit: what_units = unit.to_string('latex_inline') if function in functions: grid = getattr(self, function)(arguments, binby=binby, limits=limits, shape=shape, selection=selections, delay=True) elif function == "count": grid = self.count(arguments, binby, shape=shape, limits=limits, selection=selections, delay=True) else: raise ValueError("Could not understand method: %s, expected one of %r'" % (function, functions)) else: raise ValueError("Could not understand 'what' argument %r, expected something in form: 'count(*)', 'mean(x)'" % what) if i == 0: # and j == 0: what_label = str(whats[j]) if what_units: what_label += " (%s)" % what_units if fs[j]: what_label = fs[j] + " " + what_label what_labels.append(what_label) grid_of_grids[-1].append(grid) self.execute() for i, (binby, limits) in enumerate(zip(x, xlimits)): for j, what in enumerate(whats): grid = grid_of_grids[i][j].get() total_grid[i, j, :, :] = grid[:, None, ...] labels["what"] = what_labels else: dims_left = 6 - len(grid.shape) total_grid = np.broadcast_to(grid, (1,) * dims_left + grid.shape) # visual=dict(x="x", y="y", selection="fade", subspace="facet1", what="facet2",) def _selection_name(name): if name in [None, False]: return "selection: all" elif name in ["default", True]: return "selection: default" else: return "selection: %s" % name if selection_labels is None: labels["selection"] = list([_selection_name(k) for k in selections]) else: labels["selection"] = selection_labels # visual_grid = np.moveaxis(total_grid, move.keys(), move.values()) # np.moveaxis is in np 1.11 only?, use transpose axes = [None] * len(move) for key, value in move.items(): axes[value] = key visual_grid = np.transpose(total_grid, axes) logger.debug("grid shape: %r", total_grid.shape) logger.debug("visual: %r", visual.items()) logger.debug("move: %r", move) logger.debug("visual grid shape: %r", visual_grid.shape) xexpressions = [] yexpressions = [] for i, (binby, limits) in enumerate(zip(x, xlimits)): xexpressions.append(binby[0]) yexpressions.append(binby[1]) if xlabel is None: xlabels = [] ylabels = [] for i, (binby, limits) in enumerate(zip(x, xlimits)): if z is not None: xlabels.append(self.label(binby[1])) ylabels.append(self.label(binby[2])) else: xlabels.append(self.label(binby[0])) ylabels.append(self.label(binby[1])) else: Nl = visual_grid.shape[visual_axes['row']] xlabels = _expand(xlabel, Nl) ylabels = _expand(ylabel, Nl) #labels[visual["x"]] = (xlabels, ylabels) labels["x"] = xlabels labels["y"] = ylabels # grid = total_grid # print(grid.shape) # grid = self.reduce(grid, ) axes = [] # cax = pylab.subplot(1,1,1) background_color = np.array(matplotlib.colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(background_color)) # if grid.shape[axis["selection"]] > 1:# and not facet: # rgrid = vaex.image.fade(rgrid) # finite_mask = np.any(finite_mask, axis=0) # do we really need this # print(rgrid.shape) # facet_row_axis = axis["what"] import math facet_columns = None facets = visual_grid.shape[visual_axes["row"]] * visual_grid.shape[visual_axes["column"]] if visual_grid.shape[visual_axes["column"]] == 1 and wrap: facet_columns = min(wrap_columns, visual_grid.shape[visual_axes["row"]]) wrapped = True elif visual_grid.shape[visual_axes["row"]] == 1 and wrap: facet_columns = min(wrap_columns, visual_grid.shape[visual_axes["column"]]) wrapped = True else: wrapped = False facet_columns = visual_grid.shape[visual_axes["column"]] facet_rows = int(math.ceil(facets / facet_columns)) logger.debug("facet_rows: %r", facet_rows) logger.debug("facet_columns: %r", facet_columns) # if visual_grid.shape[visual_axes["row"]] > 1: # and not wrap: # #facet_row_axis = axis["what"] # facet_columns = visual_grid.shape[visual_axes["column"]] # else: # facet_columns = min(wrap_columns, facets) # if grid.shape[axis["plot"]] > 1:# and not facet: # this loop could be done using axis arguments everywhere # assert len(normalize_axis) == 1, "currently only 1 normalization axis supported" grid = visual_grid * 1. fgrid = visual_grid * 1. ngrid = visual_grid * 1. # colorgrid = np.zeros(ngrid.shape + (4,), float) # print "norma", normalize_axis, visual_grid.shape[visual_axes[visual[normalize_axis]]] vmins = _expand(vmin, visual_grid.shape[visual_axes[visual[normalize_axis]]], type=list) vmaxs = _expand(vmax, visual_grid.shape[visual_axes[visual[normalize_axis]]], type=list) # for name in normalize_axis: visual_grid if smooth_pre: grid =, smooth_pre) if 1: axis = visual_axes[visual[normalize_axis]] for i in range(visual_grid.shape[axis]): item = [slice(None, None, None), ] * len(visual_grid.shape) item[axis] = i item = tuple(item) f = _parse_f(fs[i]) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): # these are fine, we are ok with nan's in vaex fgrid.__setitem__(item, f(grid.__getitem__(item))) # print vmins[i], vmaxs[i] if vmins[i] is not None and vmaxs[i] is not None: nsubgrid = fgrid.__getitem__(item) * 1 nsubgrid -= vmins[i] nsubgrid /= (vmaxs[i] - vmins[i]) else: nsubgrid, vmin, vmax = n(fgrid.__getitem__(item)) vmins[i] = vmin vmaxs[i] = vmax # print " ", vmins[i], vmaxs[i] ngrid.__setitem__(item, nsubgrid) if 0: # TODO: above should be like the code below, with custom vmin and vmax grid = visual_grid[i] f = _parse_f(fs[i]) fgrid = f(grid) finite_mask = np.isfinite(grid) finite_mask = np.any(finite_mask, axis=0) if vmin is not None and vmax is not None: ngrid = fgrid * 1 ngrid -= vmin ngrid /= (vmax - vmin) ngrid = np.clip(ngrid, 0, 1) else: ngrid, vmin, vmax = n(fgrid) # vmin, vmax = np.nanmin(fgrid), np.nanmax(fgrid) # every 'what', should have its own colorbar, check if what corresponds to # rows or columns in facets, if so, do a colorbar per row or per column rows, columns = int(math.ceil(facets / float(facet_columns))), facet_columns colorbar_location = "individual" if visual["what"] == "row" and visual_grid.shape[1] == facet_columns: colorbar_location = "per_row" if visual["what"] == "column" and visual_grid.shape[0] == facet_rows: colorbar_location = "per_column" # values = np.linspace(facet_limits[0], facet_limits[1], facet_count+1) logger.debug("rows: %r, columns: %r", rows, columns) import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec column_scale = 1 row_scale = 1 row_offset = 0 if facets > 1: if colorbar_location == "per_row": column_scale = 4 gs = gridspec.GridSpec(rows, columns * column_scale + 1) elif colorbar_location == "per_column": row_offset = 1 row_scale = 4 gs = gridspec.GridSpec(rows * row_scale + 1, columns) else: gs = gridspec.GridSpec(rows, columns) facet_index = 0 fs = _expand(f, len(whats)) colormaps = _expand(colormap, len(whats)) # row for i in range(visual_grid.shape[0]): # column for j in range(visual_grid.shape[1]): if colorbar and colorbar_location == "per_column" and i == 0: norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmins[j], vmaxs[j]) sm =, colormaps[j]) sm.set_array(1) # make matplotlib happy (strange behavious) if facets > 1: ax = pylab.subplot(gs[0, j]) colorbar = fig.colorbar(sm, cax=ax, orientation="horizontal") else: colorbar = fig.colorbar(sm) if "what" in labels: label = labels["what"][j] if facets > 1: else: or label) if colorbar and colorbar_location == "per_row" and j == 0: norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmins[i], vmaxs[i]) sm =, colormaps[i]) sm.set_array(1) # make matplotlib happy (strange behavious) if facets > 1: ax = pylab.subplot(gs[i, -1]) colorbar = fig.colorbar(sm, cax=ax) else: colorbar = fig.colorbar(sm) label = labels["what"][i] or label) rgrid = ngrid[i, j] * 1. # print rgrid.shape for k in range(rgrid.shape[0]): for l in range(rgrid.shape[0]): if smooth_post is not None: rgrid[k, l] =, smooth_post) if visual["what"] == "column": what_index = j elif visual["what"] == "row": what_index = i else: what_index = 0 if visual[normalize_axis] == "column": normalize_index = j elif visual[normalize_axis] == "row": normalize_index = i else: normalize_index = 0 for r in reduce: r = _parse_reduction(r, colormaps[what_index], []) rgrid = r(rgrid) row = facet_index // facet_columns column = facet_index % facet_columns if colorbar and colorbar_location == "individual": # visual_grid.shape[visual_axes[visual[normalize_axis]]] norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmins[normalize_index], vmaxs[normalize_index]) sm =, colormaps[what_index]) sm.set_array(1) # make matplotlib happy (strange behavious) if facets > 1: ax = pylab.subplot(gs[row, column]) colorbar = fig.colorbar(sm, ax=ax) else: colorbar = fig.colorbar(sm) label = labels["what"][what_index] or label) if facets > 1: ax = pylab.subplot(gs[row_offset + row * row_scale:row_offset + (row + 1) * row_scale, column * column_scale:(column + 1) * column_scale]) else: ax = pylab.gca() axes.append(ax) logger.debug("rgrid: %r", rgrid.shape) plot_rgrid = rgrid assert plot_rgrid.shape[1] == 1, "no layers supported yet" plot_rgrid = plot_rgrid[:, 0] if plot_rgrid.shape[0] > 1: plot_rgrid = vaex.image.fade(plot_rgrid[::-1]) else: plot_rgrid = plot_rgrid[0] extend = None if visual["subspace"] == "row": subplot_index = i elif visual["subspace"] == "column": subplot_index = j else: subplot_index = 0 extend = np.array(xlimits[subplot_index][-2:]).flatten() # extend = np.array(xlimits[i]).flatten() logger.debug("plot rgrid: %r", plot_rgrid.shape) plot_rgrid = np.transpose(plot_rgrid, (1, 0, 2)) im = ax.imshow(plot_rgrid, extent=extend.tolist(), origin="lower", aspect=aspect, interpolation=interpolation) # v1, v2 = values[i], values[i+1] def label(index, label, expression): if label and _issequence(label): return label[i] else: return self.label(expression) if visual_reverse["x"] =='x': labelsx = labels['x'] pylab.xlabel(labelsx[subplot_index]) if visual_reverse["x"] =='x': labelsy = labels['y'] pylab.ylabel(labelsy[subplot_index]) if visual["z"] in ['row']: labelsz = labels['z'] ax.set_title(labelsz[i]) if visual["z"] in ['column']: labelsz = labels['z'] ax.set_title(labelsz[j]) max_labels = 10 xexpression = xexpressions[subplot_index] if self.iscategory(xexpression): labels = self.category_labels(xexpression) step = max(len(labels) // max_labels, 1) pylab.xticks(np.arange(len(labels))[::step], labels[::step], size='small') yexpression = yexpressions[subplot_index] if self.iscategory(yexpression): labels = self.category_labels(yexpression) step = max(len(labels) // max_labels, 1) pylab.yticks(np.arange(len(labels))[::step], labels[::step], size='small') facet_index += 1 if title: fig.suptitle(title, fontsize="x-large") if tight_layout: if title: pylab.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95]) else: pylab.tight_layout() if hardcopy: pylab.savefig(hardcopy) if show: if return_extra: return im, grid, fgrid, ngrid, rgrid else: return im
def energy(): #=============================================================================== # Magnetic and electric energies data = numpy.loadtxt(".././Zeltron2D/data/Eem.dat") emag = data[:, 0] eelc = data[:, 1] plt.plot(emag, color='blue', lw=2) plt.plot(eelc, color='red', lw=2) plt.xlabel('Time step', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('Energy', fontsize=18) #=============================================================================== # Particle kinetic energies # Electrons ekineb = numpy.loadtxt(".././Zeltron2D/data/Ekin_electrons_bg.dat") ekined = numpy.loadtxt(".././Zeltron2D/data/Ekin_electrons_drift.dat") # Ions ekinpb = numpy.loadtxt(".././Zeltron2D/data/Ekin_ions_bg.dat") ekinpd = numpy.loadtxt(".././Zeltron2D/data/Ekin_ions_drift.dat") plt.plot(ekineb + ekined + ekinpb + ekinpd, ls='--', lw=2, color='green') #=============================================================================== # Radiative energies # Synchrotron # Electrons esyne = numpy.loadtxt(".././Zeltron2D/data/Esyn_electrons.dat") # Ions esynp = numpy.loadtxt(".././Zeltron2D/data/Esyn_electrons.dat") plt.plot(esyne + esynp, ls='--', lw=2, color='magenta') # Inverse Compton # Electrons eicse = numpy.loadtxt(".././Zeltron2D/data/Eics_electrons.dat") # Ions eicsp = numpy.loadtxt(".././Zeltron2D/data/Eics_electrons.dat") plt.plot(eicse + eicsp, ls=':', lw=2, color='magenta') #=============================================================================== # Total energy etot = emag + eelc + ekineb + ekined + ekinpb + ekinpd + esyne + esynp + eicse + eicsp plt.plot(etot, ls='-', lw=3, color='black') error = (etot[len(etot) - 1] - etot[0]) / etot[0] * 100.0 # Relative error print "" print "********************************" print "Total energy relative error:" print error, "%" print "********************************" # Plot legend pylab.legend(('Magnetic', 'Electric', 'Particles', 'Synchrotron', 'Inv. Compton', 'Total'), shadow=False, loc=(0.65, 0.27)) ltext = pylab.gca().get_legend().get_texts() pylab.setp(ltext[0], fontsize=15) pylab.setp(ltext[1], fontsize=15) pylab.setp(ltext[2], fontsize=15) pylab.setp(ltext[3], fontsize=15) pylab.setp(ltext[4], fontsize=15) pylab.setp(ltext[5], fontsize=15) plt.title("Error= %+2.3f " % error + "%", fontsize=20) #===============================================================================