def set_image_color_percentiles(image, plo, phi): # hackery... I = image.copy().ravel() I.sort() N = len(I) mn = I[max(0, int(round(plo * N / 100.)))] mx = I[min(N-1, int(round(phi * N / 100.)))] gci().set_clim(mn, mx) return (mn,mx)
def draw_inset_colorbar(self, format=None, label=None, ticks=None, fontsize=11, **kwargs): defaults = dict(width="25%", height="5%", loc=7, bbox_to_anchor=(0., -0.04, 1, 1)) setdefaults(kwargs, defaults) ax = plt.gca() im = plt.gci() cax = inset_axes(ax, bbox_transform=ax.transAxes, **kwargs) cmin, cmax = im.get_clim() if (ticks is None) and (cmin is not None) and (cmax is not None): cmed = (cmax + cmin) / 2. delta = (cmax - cmin) / 10. ticks = np.array([cmin + delta, cmed, cmax - delta]) tmin = np.min(np.abs(ticks[0])) tmax = np.max(np.abs(ticks[1])) if format is None: if (tmin < 1e-2) or (tmax > 1e3): format = '$%.1e$' elif (tmin > 0.1) and (tmax < 100): format = '$%.1f$' elif (tmax > 100): format = '$%i$' else: format = '$%.2g$' #format = '%.2f' kwargs = dict(format=format, ticks=ticks, orientation='horizontal') if format == 'custom': ticks = np.array([cmin, 0.85 * cmax]) kwargs.update(format='$%.0e$', ticks=ticks) cbar = plt.colorbar(cax=cax, **kwargs) cax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') cax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=fontsize) if format == 'custom': ticklabels = cax.get_xticklabels() for i, l in enumerate(ticklabels): val, exp = ticklabels[i].get_text().split('e') ticklabels[i].set_text(r'$%s \times 10^{%i}$' % (val, int(exp))) cax.set_xticklabels(ticklabels) if label is not None: cbar.set_label(label, size=fontsize) cax.xaxis.set_label_position('top') return cbar, cax
def draw_inset_colorbar(self, format=None): ax = plt.gca() im = plt.gci() cax = inset_axes(ax, width="25%", height="5%", loc=7) cmin, cmax = im.get_clim() cmed = (cmax + cmin) / 2. delta = (cmax - cmin) / 10. ticks = np.array([cmin + delta, cmed, cmax - delta]) tmin = np.min(np.abs(ticks[0])) tmax = np.max(np.abs(ticks[1])) if format is None: if (tmin < 1e-2) or (tmax > 1e3): format = '%.1e' elif (tmin > 0.1) and (tmax < 100): format = '%.1f' elif (tmax > 100): format = '%i' else: format = '%.2g' cbar = plt.colorbar(cax=cax, orientation='horizontal', ticks=ticks, format=format) cax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') cax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=10) return cbar
def usecolormap(filename, name=None): if name is None: import os name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] pass mymap = makecolormap(filename, name) import pylab #pylab.rc( 'image', cmap = name ) gci = pylab.gci() gci.set_cmap(mymap) return
def usecolormap( filename, name = None ): if name is None: import os name = os.path.splitext( filename )[0] pass mymap = makecolormap( filename, name ) import pylab #pylab.rc( 'image', cmap = name ) gci = pylab.gci() gci.set_cmap( mymap ) return
def X_axis_label_format(format): """ Define the X-axis label format """ this_axes = py.gca() this_figure = py.gcf() this_image = py.gci() # Set a tick on every integer that is multiple of base in the view interval # which is 1 in this case majorLocator = py.MultipleLocator(1) majorFormatter = py.FormatStrFormatter(format) this_axes.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) this_axes.xaxis.set_major_formatter(majorFormatter)
def __init__(self, im=None): """if figure.image is not passed as parameter, use current image""" from pylab import colorbar, gci if im == None: im = gci() ax = im.axes cb = colorbar(im, ax=ax) self.colorbar_instance = cb canvas = ax.figure.canvas if not hasattr(canvas, '_colorbars'): canvas._colorbars = {} canvas._colorbars[] = cb canvas.mpl_connect('scroll_event', self.onWheel) return
def __init__(self, im=None): """if figure.image is not passed as parameter, use current image""" from pylab import colorbar, gci if im == None: im = gci() ax = im.axes cb = colorbar(im, ax=ax) self.colorbar_instance = cb canvas = ax.figure.canvas if not hasattr(canvas,'_colorbars'): canvas._colorbars = {} canvas._colorbars[] = cb canvas.mpl_connect('scroll_event', self.onWheel) return
def new_ROI(im=None, shape='polygon'): """Set up an ROI picker and return it. This is the only way that the ROI class should be involked. Requires an input image (the thing returned by imshow), or can try the latest image in the current axes.""" plt.ion() im = plt.gci() if im is None else im if im == None: raise ValueError('No image to pick on') ax = im.axes fig = ax.figure if shape=='polygon' or shape=='p': cursor = ROI(im, ax, fig) elif shape=='circle' or shape=='c': cursor = ROIcircle(im, ax, fig) elif shape=='ellipse' or shape=='e': cursor = ROIellipse(im, ax, fig) elif shape=='rectangle' or shape=='r': raise NotImplementedError("Rectangle ROI not yet created") else: raise ValueError("ROI shape must not understood") return cursor
def data2roms(data,grd,sparams,**kargs): ''' Interpolates data to roms 3D grid. The dict data must contain the prognostic variables temp, salt, u, v (3d) and ssh (zeta, 2d), as well as lon, lat (2d), depth (1d) and time/date info: date (data date), date0 (reference date) and time (difference between date and date0). The input data can be provided by load_data. Parameters ---------- data : dict with prognostic variables grd : ROMS netcdf grid file sparams : s-coordinates parameters, theta_s,theta_b, hc and NLevels **kargs: ij : axis for vertical interpolations (*i,j) ij_ind : list of i or j index for vertical interpolation, all by default (ij_ind=False) horizAux : if True, the original data horizontally interpolated is returned and can be used for next data2roms call with this same karg quiet : output messages flag (false by default) ''' ij='j' ij_ind=False horizAux=False quiet=False if 'ij' in kargs.keys(): ij = kargs['ij'] if 'ij_ind' in kargs.keys(): ij_ind = kargs['ij_ind'] if 'horizAux' in kargs.keys(): horizAux = kargs['horizAux'] if 'quiet' in kargs.keys(): quiet = kargs['quiet'] if not quiet: print 'using grid %s' % grd g=roms.Grid(grd) xr,yr,hr,mr=g.vars('r') xu,yu,hu,mu=g.vars('u') xv,yv,hv,mv=g.vars('v') ny,nx=hr.shape nz=sparams[3] NX=data['NX'] NY=data['NY'] NZ=data['NZ'] if not quiet: print 'calc s levels...' sshr=calc.griddata(data['lon'],data['lat'],data['ssh'],xr,yr,extrap=True) Zr = g.s_levels(sparams,sshr,hr,'r') Zu = g.s_levels(sparams,sshr,hr,'u') Zv = g.s_levels(sparams,sshr,hr,'v') # interp horiz: retHorizAux=horizAux is True if horizAux in (True,False): TEMP =,ny,nx),data['temp'].dtype) SALT =,ny,nx),data['salt'].dtype) U =,ny,nx),data['u'].dtype) V =,ny,nx),data['v'].dtype) if not quiet: print 'horizontal interpolation:' for i in range(NZ): if not quiet and i%10==0: print ' lev %d of %d' % (i,NZ) #import pylab #pylab.figure() #pylab.pcolormesh(data['lon'],data['lat'],data['temp'][i,...]) try: TEMP[i,...] = calc.griddata(data['lon'],data['lat'],data['temp'][i,...],xr,yr,extrap=True) except: pass try: SALT[i,...] = calc.griddata(data['lon'],data['lat'],data['salt'][i,...],xr,yr,extrap=True) except: pass try: U[i,...] = calc.griddata(data['lon'],data['lat'],data['u'][i,...],xr,yr,extrap=True) except: pass try: V[i,...] = calc.griddata(data['lon'],data['lat'],data['v'][i,...],xr,yr,extrap=True) except: pass # rotate U,V: if not quiet: print 'rotating U,V to grid angle' angle=g.use('angle') # rad U,V=calc.rot2d(U,V,angle) U=rt.rho2uvp3d(U,'u') V=rt.rho2uvp3d(V,'v') horizAux={} horizAux['TEMP'] = TEMP horizAux['SALT'] = SALT horizAux['U'] = U horizAux['V'] = V else: TEMP = horizAux['TEMP'] SALT = horizAux['SALT'] U = horizAux['U'] V = horizAux['V'] # interp vert: nxu=nx-1 nyv=ny-1 #> ----------------------------------------------------------------- useInd=not ij_ind is False if ij_ind is False: if ij=='j': ij_ind=range(ny) elif ij=='i': ij_ind=range(nx) else: try: iter(ij_ind) except: ij_ind=[ij_ind] if ij=='j': ny=nyv=len(ij_ind) elif ij=='i': nx=nxu=len(ij_ind) # -----------------------------------------------------------------< Temp = np.zeros((nz,ny ,nx ),data['temp'].dtype) Salt = np.zeros((nz,ny ,nx ),data['salt'].dtype) Uvel = np.zeros((nz,ny ,nxu),data['u'].dtype) Vvel = np.zeros((nz,nyv,nx ),data['v'].dtype) jslice=lambda x,ind: x[:,ind,:] islice=lambda x,ind: x[:,:,ind] ZZr = np.tile(data['depth'],(nx,ny,1)).T ZZu = np.tile(data['depth'],(nxu,ny,1)).T ZZv = np.tile(data['depth'],(nx,nyv,1)).T if not useInd is False: #>------------------------------------------ if ij=='j': slice=jslice sshr=sshr[ij_ind,:] hr =hr[ij_ind,:] elif ij=='i': slice=islice sshr=sshr[:,ij_ind] hr =hr[:,ij_ind] Zr,Zu,Zv,TEMP,SALT,U,V=[slice(k,ij_ind) for k in [Zr,Zu,Zv,TEMP,SALT,U,V]] # -----------------------------------------------------------------< if useInd: # then store distances for a possible bry file dtype=Temp.dtype distr=np.zeros((nz,ny, nx ),dtype) distu=np.zeros((nz,ny, nxu),dtype) distv=np.zeros((nz,nyv,nx ),dtype) if not quiet: print 'vertical interpolation:' if ij=='j': for j in range(ny): if not quiet and (ny<10 or (ny>=10 and j%10==0)): print ' j=%3d of %3d' % (j,ny) ind=ij_ind[j] dr=np.tile(calc.distance(xr[ind,:],yr[ind,:]),(nz,1)) du=np.tile(calc.distance(xu[ind,:],yu[ind,:]),(nz,1)) Dr=np.tile(calc.distance(xr[ind,:],yr[ind,:]),(NZ,1)) Du=np.tile(calc.distance(xu[ind,:],yu[ind,:]),(NZ,1)) if useInd: distr[:,j,:]=dr; distu[:,j,:]=du; Temp[:,j,:] = calc.griddata(Dr,ZZr[:,j,:],TEMP[:,j,:],dr,Zr[:,j,:],extrap=True) Salt[:,j,:] = calc.griddata(Dr,ZZr[:,j,:],SALT[:,j,:],dr,Zr[:,j,:],extrap=True) if 0 and j%10==0: print Dr.shape, ZZr[:,j,:].shape import pylab as pl pl.figure(1) pl.clf() pl.pcolormesh(Dr,ZZr[:,j,:],SALT[:,j,:]) pl.colorbar() clim=pl.gci().get_clim() pl.figure(2) pl.clf() pl.pcolormesh(dr,Zr[:,j,:],Salt[:,j,:]) pl.clim(clim) pl.colorbar() raw_input() Uvel[:,j,:] = calc.griddata(Du,ZZu[:,j,:],U[:,j,:], du,Zu[:,j,:],extrap=True) if j<Vvel.shape[1]: dv=np.tile(calc.distance(xv[ind,:],yv[ind,:]),(nz,1)) Dv=np.tile(calc.distance(xv[ind,:],yv[ind,:]),(NZ,1)) Vvel[:,j,:] = calc.griddata(Dv,ZZv[:,j,:],V[:,j,:], dv,Zv[:,j,:],extrap=True) if useInd: distv[:,j,:]=dv if np.any(np.isnan(Temp[:,j,:])): print 'found nan in temp',j if np.any(np.isnan(Salt[:,j,:])): print 'found nan in salt',j if np.any(np.isnan(Uvel[:,j,:])): print 'found nan in u',j if j<Vvel.shape[1] and np.any(np.isnan(Vvel[:,j,:])): print 'found nan in v',j elif ij=='i': for i in range(nx): if not quiet and (nx<10 or (nx>=10 and i%10==0)): print ' i=%3d of %3d' % (i,nx) ind=ij_ind[i] dr=np.tile(calc.distance(xr[:,ind],yr[:,ind]),(nz,1)) dv=np.tile(calc.distance(xv[:,ind],yv[:,ind]),(nz,1)) Dr=np.tile(calc.distance(xr[:,ind],yr[:,ind]),(NZ,1)) Dv=np.tile(calc.distance(xv[:,ind],yv[:,ind]),(NZ,1)) if useInd: distr[:,:,i]=dr; distv[:,:,i]=dv; Temp[:,:,i] = calc.griddata(Dr,ZZr[:,:,i],TEMP[:,:,i],dr,Zr[:,:,i],extrap=True) Salt[:,:,i] = calc.griddata(Dr,ZZr[:,:,i],SALT[:,:,i],dr,Zr[:,:,i],extrap=True) Vvel[:,:,i] = calc.griddata(Dv,ZZv[:,:,i],V[:,:,i], dv,Zv[:,:,i],extrap=True) if i<Uvel.shape[2]: du=np.tile(calc.distance(xu[:,ind],yu[:,ind]),(nz,1)) Du=np.tile(calc.distance(xu[:,ind],yu[:,ind]),(NZ,1)) Uvel[:,:,i] = calc.griddata(Du,ZZu[:,:,i],U[:,:,i], du,Zu[:,:,i],extrap=True) if useInd: distu[:,:,i]=du # uv bar: if not quiet: print 'calc uvbar' if useInd is False: ubar,vbar=rt.uvbar(Uvel,Vvel,sshr,hr,sparams) else: #>------------------------------------------------------------ sshu=calc.griddata(data['lon'],data['lat'],data['ssh'],xu,yu,extrap=True) sshv=calc.griddata(data['lon'],data['lat'],data['ssh'],xv,yv,extrap=True) if ij=='j': sshu=sshu[ij_ind,:] sshv=sshv[ij_ind,:] hu =hu[ij_ind,:] hv =hv[ij_ind,:] elif ij=='i': sshu=sshu[:,ij_ind] sshv=sshv[:,ij_ind] hu =hu[:,ij_ind] hv =hv[:,ij_ind] ubar=rt.barotropic(Uvel,sshu,hu,sparams) vbar=rt.barotropic(Vvel,sshv,hv,sparams) # -----------------------------------------------------------------< Vars=cb.odict() Vars['temp'] = Temp Vars['salt'] = Salt Vars['u'] = Uvel Vars['v'] = Vvel Vars['zeta'] = sshr Vars['ubar'] = ubar Vars['vbar'] = vbar Vars['date'] = data['date'] if not useInd is False: #>------------------------------------------ Vars['depth'] = Zr Vars['depthu'] = Zu Vars['depthv'] = Zv Vars['dist'] = distr Vars['distu'] = distu Vars['distv'] = distv # -----------------------------------------------------------------< if retHorizAux: return Vars, horizAux else: return Vars
def data2roms(data,grd,sparams,**kargs): ''' Interpolates data to roms 3D grid. The dict data must contain the prognostic variables temp, salt, u, v (3d) and ssh (zeta, 2d), as well as lon, lat (2d), depth (1d) and time/date info: date (data date), date0 (reference date) and time (difference between date and date0). The input data can be provided by load_data. Parameters ---------- data : dict with prognostic variables grd : ROMS netcdf grid file sparams : s-coordinates parameters, theta_s,theta_b, hc and NLevels **kargs: ij : axis for vertical interpolations (*i,j) ij_ind : list of i or j index for vertical interpolation, all by default (ij_ind=False) horizAux : if True, the original data horizontally interpolated is returned and can be used for next data2roms call with this same karg quiet : output messages flag (false by default) proj : projection - False, *auto* (use default grid projection) or basemap proj if False, horizontal interpolations will use lonxlat instead of distances interp_opts: options for griddata rep_surf: repeat surface level (new upper level) - If surface variables are present rep_surf must be True and for each variable (ex temp) will be used the surface variable (if present, ex ss_temp) instead of the upper layer. ''' ij = kargs.get('ij','j') ij_ind = kargs.get('ij_ind',False) horizAux = kargs.get('horizAux',False) quiet = kargs.get('quiet',False) proj = kargs.get('proj','auto') # lonxlat to distance before # horizontal interpolation interp_opts = kargs.get('interp_opts',{}) rep_surf = kargs.get('rep_surf',True) # create a surface upper level # before interpolation if not quiet: print('using grid %s' % grd) g=roms.Grid(grd) xr,yr,hr,mr=g.vars('r') xu,yu,hu,mu=g.vars('u') xv,yv,hv,mv=g.vars('v') ny,nx=hr.shape ny0,nx0=hr.shape nz=sparams[3] if proj=='auto': proj=g.get_projection() if proj: print('projecting coordinates...') xr,yr=proj(xr,yr) xu,yu=proj(xu,yu) xv,yv=proj(xv,yv) dlon,dlat=proj(data['lon'],data['lat']) Rdz=1/100. # distance to depth ratio (300km vs 3000m) distance=lambda x,y: np.append(0.,np.sqrt(np.diff(x)**2+np.diff(y)**2).cumsum()) else: dlon,dlat=data['lon'],data['lat'] Rdz=1. distance=calc.distance # needed for s_levels and for rep_surf! sshr=calc.griddata(dlon,dlat,data['ssh'],xr,yr,extrap=True,**interp_opts) # repeat surface: any_ssvar=False if rep_surf: # copy data cos dont want to change the original dataset: import copy data=copy.deepcopy(data) for vname in ['temp','salt','u','v','depth']: if data[vname].ndim==1: # depth ! if[vname]): else: vstack=np.hstack else: if[vname]): else: vstack=np.vstack ss_vname='ss_'+vname if ss_vname in data and not quiet: any_ssvar=True print('- using surface variable %s'%ss_vname) if data['depth'][0]>data['depth'][1]: # surf at ind 0 if ss_vname in data: data[vname]=vstack((data[ss_vname][np.newaxis],data[vname])) else: data[vname]=vstack((data[vname][0][np.newaxis],data[vname])) if vname=='depth': data[vname][0]=sshr.max() surf_ind=0 else: if ss_vname in data: data[vname]=vstack((data[vname],data[ss_vname][np.newaxis])) else: data[vname]=vstack((data[vname],data[vname][-1][np.newaxis])) if vname=='depth': data[vname][-1]=sshr.max() surf_ind=-1 data['NZ']=data['NZ']+1 NX=data['NX'] NY=data['NY'] NZ=data['NZ'] if not quiet: print('calc s levels...') Zr = g.s_levels(sparams,sshr,hr,'rr') Zu = g.s_levels(sparams,sshr,hr,'ur') Zv = g.s_levels(sparams,sshr,hr,'vr') # interp horiz: retHorizAux=horizAux is True if horizAux in (True,False): TEMP =,ny,nx),data['temp'].dtype) SALT =,ny,nx),data['salt'].dtype) U =,ny,nx),data['u'].dtype) V =,ny,nx),data['v'].dtype) if not quiet: print('horizontal interpolation:') for i in range(NZ): if not quiet and i%10==0: print(' lev %d of %d' % (i,NZ)) #import pylab #pylab.figure() #pylab.pcolormesh(data['lon'],data['lat'],data['temp'][i,...]) try: TEMP[i,...] = calc.griddata(dlon,dlat,data['temp'][i,...],xr,yr,extrap=True,**interp_opts) except: pass try: SALT[i,...] = calc.griddata(dlon,dlat,data['salt'][i,...],xr,yr,extrap=True,**interp_opts) except: pass try: U[i,...] = calc.griddata(dlon,dlat,data['u'][i,...],xr,yr,extrap=True,**interp_opts) except: pass try: V[i,...] = calc.griddata(dlon,dlat,data['v'][i,...],xr,yr,extrap=True,**interp_opts) except: pass # rotate U,V: if not quiet: print('rotating U,V to grid angle') U,V=calc.rot2d(U,V,g.angle) # g.angle in rad U=rt.rho2uvp3d(U,'u') V=rt.rho2uvp3d(V,'v') horizAux={} horizAux['TEMP'] = TEMP horizAux['SALT'] = SALT horizAux['U'] = U horizAux['V'] = V else: TEMP = horizAux['TEMP'] SALT = horizAux['SALT'] U = horizAux['U'] V = horizAux['V'] # interp vert: nxu=nx-1 nyv=ny-1 #> ----------------------------------------------------------------- useInd=not ij_ind is False if ij_ind is False: if ij=='j': ij_ind=range(ny) elif ij=='i': ij_ind=range(nx) else: try: iter(ij_ind) except: ij_ind=[ij_ind] if ij=='j': ny=nyv=len(ij_ind) elif ij=='i': nx=nxu=len(ij_ind) # -----------------------------------------------------------------< Temp = np.zeros((nz,ny ,nx ),data['temp'].dtype) Salt = np.zeros((nz,ny ,nx ),data['salt'].dtype) Uvel = np.zeros((nz,ny ,nxu),data['u'].dtype) Vvel = np.zeros((nz,nyv,nx ),data['v'].dtype) jslice=lambda x,ind: x[:,ind,:] islice=lambda x,ind: x[:,:,ind] if any_ssvar: ZZr = np.tile(data['depth'],(nx0,ny0,1)).T ZZu = np.tile(data['depth'],(nx0-1,ny0,1)).T ZZv = np.tile(data['depth'],(nx0,ny0-1,1)).T # replace 1st level by sea surface height! # instead of sshr.max(). This is at least slightly more correct, # and should be no problem for variables without surface counterpart. ZZr[surf_ind]=sshr ZZu[surf_ind]=(sshr[:,1:]+sshr[:,:-1])/2. ZZv[surf_ind]=(sshr[1:]+sshr[:-1])/2. else: ZZr = np.tile(data['depth'],(nx,ny,1)).T ZZu = np.tile(data['depth'],(nxu,ny,1)).T ZZv = np.tile(data['depth'],(nx,nyv,1)).T if not useInd is False: #>------------------------------------------ if ij=='j': slice=jslice sshr=sshr[ij_ind,:] hr =hr[ij_ind,:] elif ij=='i': slice=islice sshr=sshr[:,ij_ind] hr =hr[:,ij_ind] Zr,Zu,Zv,TEMP,SALT,U,V=[slice(k,ij_ind) for k in [Zr,Zu,Zv,TEMP,SALT,U,V]] if any_ssvar: ZZr,ZZu,ZZv=[slice(k,ij_ind) for k in [ZZr,ZZu,ZZv]] # -----------------------------------------------------------------< if useInd: # then store distances for a possible bry file dtype=Temp.dtype distr=np.zeros((nz,ny, nx ),dtype) distu=np.zeros((nz,ny, nxu),dtype) distv=np.zeros((nz,nyv,nx ),dtype) if not quiet: print('vertical interpolation:') if ij=='j': for j in range(ny): if not quiet and (ny<20 or (ny>=20 and j%20==0)): print(' j=%3d of %3d' % (j,ny)) ind=ij_ind[j] dr=np.tile(distance(xr[ind,:],yr[ind,:]),(nz,1)) du=np.tile(distance(xu[ind,:],yu[ind,:]),(nz,1)) Dr=np.tile(distance(xr[ind,:],yr[ind,:]),(NZ,1)) Du=np.tile(distance(xu[ind,:],yu[ind,:]),(NZ,1)) if useInd: distr[:,j,:]=dr; distu[:,j,:]=du; Temp[:,j,:] = calc.griddata(Rdz*Dr,ZZr[:,j,:],TEMP[:,j,:],Rdz*dr,Zr[:,j,:],extrap=True,**interp_opts) Salt[:,j,:] = calc.griddata(Rdz*Dr,ZZr[:,j,:],SALT[:,j,:],Rdz*dr,Zr[:,j,:],extrap=True,**interp_opts) if 0 and j%10==0: print(Dr.shape, ZZr[:,j,:].shape) import pylab as pl pl.figure(1) pl.clf() pl.pcolormesh(Dr,ZZr[:,j,:],TEMP[:,j,:]) pl.colorbar() clim=pl.gci().get_clim() pl.figure(2) pl.clf() pl.pcolormesh(dr,Zr[:,j,:],Temp[:,j,:]) pl.clim(clim) pl.colorbar() try: raw_input() except: input() # python 3 Uvel[:,j,:] = calc.griddata(Rdz*Du,ZZu[:,j,:],U[:,j,:], Rdz*du,Zu[:,j,:],extrap=True,**interp_opts) if j<Vvel.shape[1]: dv=np.tile(distance(xv[ind,:],yv[ind,:]),(nz,1)) Dv=np.tile(distance(xv[ind,:],yv[ind,:]),(NZ,1)) Vvel[:,j,:] = calc.griddata(Rdz*Dv,ZZv[:,j,:],V[:,j,:], Rdz*dv,Zv[:,j,:],extrap=True,**interp_opts) if useInd: distv[:,j,:]=dv if np.any(np.isnan(Temp[:,j,:])): print('found nan in temp',j) if np.any(np.isnan(Salt[:,j,:])): print('found nan in salt',j) if np.any(np.isnan(Uvel[:,j,:])): print('found nan in u',j) if j<Vvel.shape[1] and np.any(np.isnan(Vvel[:,j,:])): print('found nan in v',j) elif ij=='i': for i in range(nx): if not quiet and (nx<20 or (nx>=20 and i%20==0)): print(' i=%3d of %3d' % (i,nx)) ind=ij_ind[i] dr=np.tile(distance(xr[:,ind],yr[:,ind]),(nz,1)) dv=np.tile(distance(xv[:,ind],yv[:,ind]),(nz,1)) Dr=np.tile(distance(xr[:,ind],yr[:,ind]),(NZ,1)) Dv=np.tile(distance(xv[:,ind],yv[:,ind]),(NZ,1)) if useInd: distr[:,:,i]=dr; distv[:,:,i]=dv; Temp[:,:,i] = calc.griddata(Rdz*Dr,ZZr[:,:,i],TEMP[:,:,i],Rdz*dr,Zr[:,:,i],extrap=True,**interp_opts) Salt[:,:,i] = calc.griddata(Rdz*Dr,ZZr[:,:,i],SALT[:,:,i],Rdz*dr,Zr[:,:,i],extrap=True,**interp_opts) Vvel[:,:,i] = calc.griddata(Rdz*Dv,ZZv[:,:,i],V[:,:,i], Rdz*dv,Zv[:,:,i],extrap=True,**interp_opts) if i<Uvel.shape[2]: du=np.tile(distance(xu[:,ind],yu[:,ind]),(nz,1)) Du=np.tile(distance(xu[:,ind],yu[:,ind]),(NZ,1)) Uvel[:,:,i] = calc.griddata(Rdz*Du,ZZu[:,:,i],U[:,:,i], Rdz*du,Zu[:,:,i],extrap=True,**interp_opts) if useInd: distu[:,:,i]=du # uv bar: if not quiet: print('calc uvbar') if useInd is False: ubar,vbar=rt.uvbar(Uvel,Vvel,sshr,hr,sparams) else: #>------------------------------------------------------------ sshu=calc.griddata(dlon,dlat,data['ssh'],xu,yu,extrap=True,**interp_opts) sshv=calc.griddata(dlon,dlat,data['ssh'],xv,yv,extrap=True,**interp_opts) if ij=='j': sshu=sshu[ij_ind,:] sshv=sshv[ij_ind,:] hu =hu[ij_ind,:] hv =hv[ij_ind,:] elif ij=='i': sshu=sshu[:,ij_ind] sshv=sshv[:,ij_ind] hu =hu[:,ij_ind] hv =hv[:,ij_ind] ubar=rt.barotropic(Uvel,sshu,hu,sparams) vbar=rt.barotropic(Vvel,sshv,hv,sparams) # -----------------------------------------------------------------< #Vars=cb.odict() Vars=OrderedDict() Vars['temp'] = Temp Vars['salt'] = Salt Vars['u'] = Uvel Vars['v'] = Vvel Vars['zeta'] = sshr Vars['ubar'] = ubar Vars['vbar'] = vbar Vars['date'] = data['date'] if not useInd is False: #>------------------------------------------ Vars['depth'] = Zr Vars['depthu'] = Zu Vars['depthv'] = Zv Vars['dist'] = distr Vars['distu'] = distu Vars['distv'] = distv # -----------------------------------------------------------------< if retHorizAux: return Vars, horizAux else: return Vars
def data2roms(data, grd, sparams, **kargs): ''' Interpolates data to roms 3D grid. The dict data must contain the prognostic variables temp, salt, u, v (3d) and ssh (zeta, 2d), as well as lon, lat (2d), depth (1d) and time/date info: date (data date), date0 (reference date) and time (difference between date and date0). The input data can be provided by load_data. Parameters ---------- data : dict with prognostic variables grd : ROMS netcdf grid file sparams : s-coordinates parameters, theta_s,theta_b, hc and NLevels **kargs: ij : axis for vertical interpolations (*i,j) ij_ind : list of i or j index for vertical interpolation, all by default (ij_ind=False) horizAux : if True, the original data horizontally interpolated is returned and can be used for next data2roms call with this same karg quiet : output messages flag (false by default) proj : projection - False, name or basemap proj - lcc by default if False, horizontal interpolations will use lonxlat instead of distances interp_opts: options for griddata rep_surf: repeat surface level (new upper level) ''' ij = kargs.get('ij', 'j') ij_ind = kargs.get('ij_ind', False) horizAux = kargs.get('horizAux', False) quiet = kargs.get('quiet', False) proj = kargs.get('proj', 'lcc') # lonxlat to distance before # horizontal interpolation interp_opts = kargs.get('interp_opts', {}) rep_surf = kargs.get('rep_surf', True) # create a surface upper level # before interpolation if not quiet: print 'using grid %s' % grd g = roms.Grid(grd) xr, yr, hr, mr = g.vars('r') xu, yu, hu, mu = g.vars('u') xv, yv, hv, mv = g.vars('v') ny, nx = hr.shape nz = sparams[3] if proj: print 'projecting coordinates...' if isinstance(proj, basestring): lonc = (xr.max() + xr.min()) / 2. latc = (yr.max() + yr.min()) / 2. from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap proj = Basemap(projection=proj, width=1, height=1, resolution=None, lon_0=lonc, lat_0=latc, lat_1=latc) xr, yr = proj(xr, yr) xu, yu = proj(xu, yu) xv, yv = proj(xv, yv) dlon, dlat = proj(data['lon'], data['lat']) Rdz = 1 / 100. # distance to depth ratio (300km vs 3000m) distance = lambda x, y: np.append( 0., np.sqrt(np.diff(x)**2 + np.diff(y)**2).cumsum()) else: dlon, dlat = data['lon'], data['lat'] distance = calc.distance # needed for s_levels and for rep_surf! sshr = calc.griddata(dlon, dlat, data['ssh'], xr, yr, extrap=True, **interp_opts) # repeat surface: if rep_surf: # copy data cos dont want to change the original dataset: import copy data = copy.deepcopy(data) for vname in ['temp', 'salt', 'u', 'v', 'depth']: if data[vname].ndim == 1: # depth ! if[vname]): vstack = else: vstack = np.hstack else: if[vname]): vstack = else: vstack = np.vstack if data['depth'][0] > data['depth'][1]: # surf at ind 0 data[vname] = vstack((data[vname][0][np.newaxis], data[vname])) if vname == 'depth': data[vname][0] = sshr.max() else: data[vname] = vstack( (data[vname], data[vname][-1][np.newaxis])) if vname == 'depth': data[vname][-1] = sshr.max() data['NZ'] = data['NZ'] + 1 NX = data['NX'] NY = data['NY'] NZ = data['NZ'] if not quiet: print 'calc s levels...' Zr = g.s_levels(sparams, sshr, hr, 'r') Zu = g.s_levels(sparams, sshr, hr, 'u') Zv = g.s_levels(sparams, sshr, hr, 'v') # interp horiz: retHorizAux = horizAux is True if horizAux in (True, False): TEMP =, ny, nx), data['temp'].dtype) SALT =, ny, nx), data['salt'].dtype) U =, ny, nx), data['u'].dtype) V =, ny, nx), data['v'].dtype) if not quiet: print 'horizontal interpolation:' for i in range(NZ): if not quiet and i % 10 == 0: print ' lev %d of %d' % (i, NZ) #import pylab #pylab.figure() #pylab.pcolormesh(data['lon'],data['lat'],data['temp'][i,...]) try: TEMP[i, ...] = calc.griddata(dlon, dlat, data['temp'][i, ...], xr, yr, extrap=True, **interp_opts) except: pass try: SALT[i, ...] = calc.griddata(dlon, dlat, data['salt'][i, ...], xr, yr, extrap=True, **interp_opts) except: pass try: U[i, ...] = calc.griddata(dlon, dlat, data['u'][i, ...], xr, yr, extrap=True, **interp_opts) except: pass try: V[i, ...] = calc.griddata(dlon, dlat, data['v'][i, ...], xr, yr, extrap=True, **interp_opts) except: pass # rotate U,V: if not quiet: print 'rotating U,V to grid angle' angle = g.use('angle') # rad U, V = calc.rot2d(U, V, angle) U = rt.rho2uvp3d(U, 'u') V = rt.rho2uvp3d(V, 'v') horizAux = {} horizAux['TEMP'] = TEMP horizAux['SALT'] = SALT horizAux['U'] = U horizAux['V'] = V else: TEMP = horizAux['TEMP'] SALT = horizAux['SALT'] U = horizAux['U'] V = horizAux['V'] # interp vert: nxu = nx - 1 nyv = ny - 1 #> ----------------------------------------------------------------- useInd = not ij_ind is False if ij_ind is False: if ij == 'j': ij_ind = range(ny) elif ij == 'i': ij_ind = range(nx) else: try: iter(ij_ind) except: ij_ind = [ij_ind] if ij == 'j': ny = nyv = len(ij_ind) elif ij == 'i': nx = nxu = len(ij_ind) # -----------------------------------------------------------------< Temp = np.zeros((nz, ny, nx), data['temp'].dtype) Salt = np.zeros((nz, ny, nx), data['salt'].dtype) Uvel = np.zeros((nz, ny, nxu), data['u'].dtype) Vvel = np.zeros((nz, nyv, nx), data['v'].dtype) jslice = lambda x, ind: x[:, ind, :] islice = lambda x, ind: x[:, :, ind] ZZr = np.tile(data['depth'], (nx, ny, 1)).T ZZu = np.tile(data['depth'], (nxu, ny, 1)).T ZZv = np.tile(data['depth'], (nx, nyv, 1)).T if not useInd is False: #>------------------------------------------ if ij == 'j': slice = jslice sshr = sshr[ij_ind, :] hr = hr[ij_ind, :] elif ij == 'i': slice = islice sshr = sshr[:, ij_ind] hr = hr[:, ij_ind] Zr, Zu, Zv, TEMP, SALT, U, V = [ slice(k, ij_ind) for k in [Zr, Zu, Zv, TEMP, SALT, U, V] ] # -----------------------------------------------------------------< if useInd: # then store distances for a possible bry file dtype = Temp.dtype distr = np.zeros((nz, ny, nx), dtype) distu = np.zeros((nz, ny, nxu), dtype) distv = np.zeros((nz, nyv, nx), dtype) if not quiet: print 'vertical interpolation:' if ij == 'j': for j in range(ny): if not quiet and (ny < 10 or (ny >= 10 and j % 10 == 0)): print ' j=%3d of %3d' % (j, ny) ind = ij_ind[j] dr = np.tile(distance(xr[ind, :], yr[ind, :]), (nz, 1)) du = np.tile(distance(xu[ind, :], yu[ind, :]), (nz, 1)) Dr = np.tile(distance(xr[ind, :], yr[ind, :]), (NZ, 1)) Du = np.tile(distance(xu[ind, :], yu[ind, :]), (NZ, 1)) if useInd: distr[:, j, :] = dr distu[:, j, :] = du Temp[:, j, :] = calc.griddata(Rdz * Dr, ZZr[:, j, :], TEMP[:, j, :], Rdz * dr, Zr[:, j, :], extrap=True, **interp_opts) Salt[:, j, :] = calc.griddata(Rdz * Dr, ZZr[:, j, :], SALT[:, j, :], Rdz * dr, Zr[:, j, :], extrap=True, **interp_opts) if 0 and j % 10 == 0: print Dr.shape, ZZr[:, j, :].shape import pylab as pl pl.figure(1) pl.clf() pl.pcolormesh(Dr, ZZr[:, j, :], SALT[:, j, :]) pl.colorbar() clim = pl.gci().get_clim() pl.figure(2) pl.clf() pl.pcolormesh(dr, Zr[:, j, :], Salt[:, j, :]) pl.clim(clim) pl.colorbar() raw_input() Uvel[:, j, :] = calc.griddata(Rdz * Du, ZZu[:, j, :], U[:, j, :], Rdz * du, Zu[:, j, :], extrap=True, **interp_opts) if j < Vvel.shape[1]: dv = np.tile(distance(xv[ind, :], yv[ind, :]), (nz, 1)) Dv = np.tile(distance(xv[ind, :], yv[ind, :]), (NZ, 1)) Vvel[:, j, :] = calc.griddata(Rdz * Dv, ZZv[:, j, :], V[:, j, :], Rdz * dv, Zv[:, j, :], extrap=True, **interp_opts) if useInd: distv[:, j, :] = dv if np.any(np.isnan(Temp[:, j, :])): print 'found nan in temp', j if np.any(np.isnan(Salt[:, j, :])): print 'found nan in salt', j if np.any(np.isnan(Uvel[:, j, :])): print 'found nan in u', j if j < Vvel.shape[1] and np.any(np.isnan(Vvel[:, j, :])): print 'found nan in v', j elif ij == 'i': for i in range(nx): if not quiet and (nx < 10 or (nx >= 10 and i % 10 == 0)): print ' i=%3d of %3d' % (i, nx) ind = ij_ind[i] dr = np.tile(distance(xr[:, ind], yr[:, ind]), (nz, 1)) dv = np.tile(distance(xv[:, ind], yv[:, ind]), (nz, 1)) Dr = np.tile(distance(xr[:, ind], yr[:, ind]), (NZ, 1)) Dv = np.tile(distance(xv[:, ind], yv[:, ind]), (NZ, 1)) if useInd: distr[:, :, i] = dr distv[:, :, i] = dv Temp[:, :, i] = calc.griddata(Rdz * Dr, ZZr[:, :, i], TEMP[:, :, i], Rdz * dr, Zr[:, :, i], extrap=True, **interp_opts) Salt[:, :, i] = calc.griddata(Rdz * Dr, ZZr[:, :, i], SALT[:, :, i], Rdz * dr, Zr[:, :, i], extrap=True, **interp_opts) Vvel[:, :, i] = calc.griddata(Rdz * Dv, ZZv[:, :, i], V[:, :, i], Rdz * dv, Zv[:, :, i], extrap=True, **interp_opts) if i < Uvel.shape[2]: du = np.tile(distance(xu[:, ind], yu[:, ind]), (nz, 1)) Du = np.tile(distance(xu[:, ind], yu[:, ind]), (NZ, 1)) Uvel[:, :, i] = calc.griddata(Rdz * Du, ZZu[:, :, i], U[:, :, i], Rdz * du, Zu[:, :, i], extrap=True, **interp_opts) if useInd: distu[:, :, i] = du # uv bar: if not quiet: print 'calc uvbar' if useInd is False: ubar, vbar = rt.uvbar(Uvel, Vvel, sshr, hr, sparams) else: #>------------------------------------------------------------ sshu = calc.griddata(dlon, dlat, data['ssh'], xu, yu, extrap=True, **interp_opts) sshv = calc.griddata(dlon, dlat, data['ssh'], xv, yv, extrap=True, **interp_opts) if ij == 'j': sshu = sshu[ij_ind, :] sshv = sshv[ij_ind, :] hu = hu[ij_ind, :] hv = hv[ij_ind, :] elif ij == 'i': sshu = sshu[:, ij_ind] sshv = sshv[:, ij_ind] hu = hu[:, ij_ind] hv = hv[:, ij_ind] ubar = rt.barotropic(Uvel, sshu, hu, sparams) vbar = rt.barotropic(Vvel, sshv, hv, sparams) # -----------------------------------------------------------------< Vars = cb.odict() Vars['temp'] = Temp Vars['salt'] = Salt Vars['u'] = Uvel Vars['v'] = Vvel Vars['zeta'] = sshr Vars['ubar'] = ubar Vars['vbar'] = vbar Vars['date'] = data['date'] if not useInd is False: #>------------------------------------------ Vars['depth'] = Zr Vars['depthu'] = Zu Vars['depthv'] = Zv Vars['dist'] = distr Vars['distu'] = distu Vars['distv'] = distv # -----------------------------------------------------------------< if retHorizAux: return Vars, horizAux else: return Vars
def getCorr(order=5,i0=None,Imat=None,i0_wp=1e6,fraclims_dc=[.9,1.1]): """ Getting nonlinear correction factors form a calibration dataset consiting of: i0 array of intensities the calibration has been made for Imat 2D array of the corresponding reference patterns, in each row there is one ravelled array of each intensity bin in i0. i0_wp a working point around which a correction polynomial will be developed for each pixel. order the polynomial order up to which will be deveoped. fraclims_dc relative factor for the i0,Imat data limits which are used to determine the working point location. Returns """ #i0,Imat = getData() msk = tools.filtvec(i0,i0_wp*np.asarray(fraclims_dc)) p0 = tools.polyFit(i0[msk],Imat[msk,:],2) dc = tools.polyVal(p0,i0_wp) comps = tools.polyFit(i0-i0_wp,Imat-dc,order,removeOrders=[0]) compsder = tools.polyDer(comps) c = lambda(i): tools.polyVal(comps,i-np.asarray(tools.iterfy(i0_wp)))+dc c_prime = lambda(i): tools.polyVal(compsder,i-np.asarray(tools.iterfy(i0_wp))) t = lambda(i): (c_prime(i0_wp).T * (i-i0_wp)).T + dc cprimeic = c_prime(i0_wp) dcorr_const = -cprimeic*i0_wp + c(i0_wp) - t(0) def dcorr(i,D): return (i*cprimeic.T + dcorr_const.T + ((D-c(i))*cprimeic/c_prime(i)).T).T #return (i*cprimeic.T + dcorr_const.T ).T return dcorr,comps,t tools.nfigure('testplot') plt.clf() plt.subplot(1,2,1) Imean = (Imat.T/i0).T tools.imagesc(np.asarray([ti / np.mean(Imean[-10:,:],0) for ti in Imean])) tools.clim_std(6) cl = plt.gci().get_clim() plt.colorbar() plt.set_cmap( plt.subplot(1,2,2) cmps = copy.copy(comps) cmps[-2,:] = 0 cc = lambda(i): tools.polyVal(cmps,i-np.asarray(tools.iterfy(i0_wp))) Ir = Imat-c(i0)+t(i0)-t(0) Ir = dcorr(i0,Imat) #Ir = ((Imat-cc(i0)).T/i0).T #tools.imagesc(Ir) Ir = (Ir.T/i0).T tools.imagesc(np.asarray([ti / np.mean(Ir[-10:,:],0) for ti in Ir])) plt.clim(cl) plt.colorbar() plt.set_cmap( plt.draw() tools.nfigure('testplot_components') plt.clf() ah = None for n,comp in enumerate(comps): if ah is None: ah = plt.subplot(len(comps),1,n+1) else: plt.subplot(len(comps),1,n+1,sharex=ah) plt.plot(comp) lims = np.percentile(comp,[1,99]) plt.ylim(lims) return c,c_prime
def plot2D(array, marker='', colour='', vmin=0, vmax=200, cbar=3, fig=1, figsize=None, aspect="equal", name="", fname="Cmax", dir=this_dir, axes=['on', 'off']): """ Plots a surface represented explicitly by a 2D array XY or implicitly by a set of 3D points XYZ """ cmap = "Greys_r" norm = plt.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) if dir != "": fname = '%s/%s' % (dir, fname) ext = ".png" if fig != 0: plt.figure(fig, figsize=figsize) plt.title("%s gamut" % name) plt.xlabel("H") plt.ylabel("L", rotation='horizontal') plt.xlim([0, 360]) plt.ylim([0, 100]) if array.shape[1] == 3: # array is the 3D surface of a 2D function L = array[:, 0] C = array[:, 1] H = array[:, 2] plt.tricontourf(H, L, C, cmap=cmap, norm=norm) if marker != '': ax = plt.gca() if len(colour) > 0: ax.plot(H, L, marker, c=colour) else: #ax.plot(H,L,marker,color=convert.clip3(convert.LCH2RGB(L,C,H)).tolist()) for h, l, c in zip(H, L, array): ax.plot(h, l, marker, color=convert.clip3( convert.LCH2RGB(c[0], c[1], c[2]))) plt.gca().set_aspect(aspect) else: # array is a 2D map plt.imshow(array, origin='lower', extent=[H_min, H_max, L_min, L_max], aspect=aspect, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap, norm=norm) locator = ticker.MultipleLocator(60) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(locator) if cbar > 0: cax = make_axes_locatable(plt.gca()).append_axes("right", size="%.f%%" % cbar, pad=0.10) cb = plt.colorbar(plt.gci(), cax=cax) cb.locator = ticker.MultipleLocator(50) cb.update_ticks() cb.set_label("Cmax") if dir != "" and 'on' in axes: print("writing %s" % (fname + "_axon" + ext)) plt.savefig(fname + "_axon" + ext, dpi=None, bbox_inches='tight') if dir != "" and 'off' in axes and array.shape[1] > 3: print("writing %s" % (fname + "_axoff" + ext)) plt.imsave(arr=array, origin='lower', cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fname=fname + "_axoff" + ext)
def ridge_detection(y, sampling_frequency, framesz, hop,sigma,prct_thr=98, cf_cutoff=5000, prune=True, plot=True): BWallangles = [[0 for x in range(8)] for x1 in range(len(sigma))] nsamples = len(y) T = 1.0*nsamples/sampling_frequency gabor_orig_allsigma = [] for sigma_i in range(len(sigma)): gabor_orig, gabor_orig_dw, gabor_orig_dt, freq = stft(y, sampling_frequency, framesz, hop, sigma=sigma[sigma_i]) gabor_orig_allsigma.append(gabor_orig) if plot: pl.figure() pl.imshow(db(np.square(scipy.absolute(gabor_orig))).T,origin='lower',aspect='auto', extent=[0, T, 0, sampling_frequency], interpolation='nearest') pl.ylim((0,sampling_frequency/2)) pl.xlabel('Time') pl.ylabel('Frequency') vmin, vmax = pl.gci().get_clim() pl.figure() pl.imshow(db(np.square(scipy.absolute(gabor_orig_dw))).T,origin='lower',aspect='auto', extent=[0, T, 0, sampling_frequency], interpolation='nearest') pl.ylim((0,sampling_frequency/2)) pl.xlabel('Time') pl.ylabel('Frequency') lowpass_gabor_orig_dw = gabor_orig_dw[:,freq<=cf_cutoff] # pruning using mixed partial derivative dtdw if prune: lowfreq = freq[freq<=cf_cutoff] freq_orig = np.repeat(lowfreq[:,None], lowpass_gabor_orig_dw.shape[0], axis=1).T freq_shift = np.imag(lowpass_gabor_orig_dw) freq_new = freq_orig - freq_shift [gx,gy] = np.gradient(freq_new) prune_mask = np.abs(gy/freq[1]) < 0.6 else: prune_mask = np.ones(lowpass_gabor_orig_dw.shape).astype(bool) n_angle = 1 if plot: fig = pl.figure() for angle_i in range(n_angle): theta = np.pi/8*angle_i s = (-1)*(np.imag(lowpass_gabor_orig_dw*np.exp(1j*theta))<0)+(np.imag(lowpass_gabor_orig_dw*np.exp(1j*theta))>0) [gx,gy]=np.gradient(s) BW=((-gx*np.cos(theta+np.pi/2)+gy*np.sin(theta+np.pi/2))>.1) BW = BW & prune_mask CC = measure.regionprops(measure.label(BW)) weightv = np.zeros((len(CC),)) powerv = np.zeros((len(CC),)) for i in range(len(CC)): weightv[i] = CC[i].area inds = CC[i].coords powerv[i] = np.mean(np.abs(gabor_orig[inds[:,0], inds[:,1]])) a = np.logical_and(weightv>=np.percentile(weightv, prct_thr),powerv>=np.percentile(powerv, 10)) tempv = np.zeros_like(BW) for index in np.nonzero(a)[0]: ind = CC[index].coords tempv[ind[:,0], ind[:,1]] = 1 BWallangles[sigma_i][angle_i]=tempv.astype(int) if plot: ax = fig.add_subplot(2,4,angle_i+1) ax.imshow(tempv.T,origin='lower',aspect='auto', extent=[0, T, 0, cf_cutoff], cmap='binary',interpolation='nearest') ax.set_xlabel('Time') ax.set_ylabel('Frequency') consensus_allsigma = [] for sigma_i in range(len(sigma)): consensus = np.zeros(BW.shape) if sigma_i == len(sigma)-1: neighboor_sigma = sigma_i-1 else: neighboor_sigma = sigma_i+1 for angle_i in range(n_angle): # if angle_i==0: # cv= BWallangles[sigma_i][0]+BWallangles[sigma_i][1]+BWallangles[sigma_i][7] \ # + BWallangles[neighboor_sigma][0] # consensus=consensus+(cv>1).astype(int) # elif angle_i==7: # cv= BWallangles[sigma_i][0]+BWallangles[sigma_i][6]+BWallangles[sigma_i][7] \ # + BWallangles[neighboor_sigma][7] # consensus=consensus+(cv>1).astype(int) # else: # cv= BWallangles[sigma_i][angle_i] + BWallangles[sigma_i][angle_i-1]+BWallangles[sigma_i][angle_i+1] \ # + BWallangles[neighboor_sigma][angle_i] cv= BWallangles[sigma_i][angle_i] consensus=consensus+(cv>0).astype(int) consensus_allsigma.append(consensus>0) if plot: pl.figure() for i in range(len(sigma)): pl.subplot(2,2,i+1) pl.imshow(consensus_allsigma[i].T,origin='lower',aspect='auto', extent=[0, T, 0, cf_cutoff], cmap='binary',interpolation='nearest') pl.xlabel('Time') pl.ylabel('Frequency') pl.clim((0,1)) return gabor_orig_allsigma, consensus_allsigma
def data2roms(data, grd, sparams, **kargs): ''' Interpolates data to roms 3D grid. The dict data must contain the prognostic variables temp, salt, u, v (3d) and ssh (zeta, 2d), as well as lon, lat (2d), depth (1d) and time/date info: date (data date), date0 (reference date) and time (difference between date and date0). The input data can be provided by load_data. Parameters ---------- data : dict with prognostic variables grd : ROMS netcdf grid file sparams : s-coordinates parameters, theta_s,theta_b, hc and NLevels **kargs: ij : axis for vertical interpolations (*i,j) ij_ind : list of i or j index for vertical interpolation, all by default (ij_ind=False) horizAux : if True, the original data horizontally interpolated is returned and can be used for next data2roms call with this same karg quiet : output messages flag (false by default) ''' ij = 'j' ij_ind = False horizAux = False quiet = False if 'ij' in kargs.keys(): ij = kargs['ij'] if 'ij_ind' in kargs.keys(): ij_ind = kargs['ij_ind'] if 'horizAux' in kargs.keys(): horizAux = kargs['horizAux'] if 'quiet' in kargs.keys(): quiet = kargs['quiet'] if not quiet: print 'using grid %s' % grd g = roms.Grid(grd) xr, yr, hr, mr = g.vars('r') xu, yu, hu, mu = g.vars('u') xv, yv, hv, mv = g.vars('v') ny, nx = hr.shape nz = sparams[3] NX = data['NX'] NY = data['NY'] NZ = data['NZ'] if not quiet: print 'calc s levels...' sshr = calc.griddata(data['lon'], data['lat'], data['ssh'], xr, yr, extrap=True) Zr = g.s_levels(sparams, sshr, hr, 'r') Zu = g.s_levels(sparams, sshr, hr, 'u') Zv = g.s_levels(sparams, sshr, hr, 'v') # interp horiz: retHorizAux = horizAux is True if horizAux in (True, False): TEMP =, ny, nx), data['temp'].dtype) SALT =, ny, nx), data['salt'].dtype) U =, ny, nx), data['u'].dtype) V =, ny, nx), data['v'].dtype) if not quiet: print 'horizontal interpolation:' for i in range(NZ): if not quiet and i % 10 == 0: print ' lev %d of %d' % (i, NZ) #import pylab #pylab.figure() #pylab.pcolormesh(data['lon'],data['lat'],data['temp'][i,...]) try: TEMP[i, ...] = calc.griddata(data['lon'], data['lat'], data['temp'][i, ...], xr, yr, extrap=True) except: pass try: SALT[i, ...] = calc.griddata(data['lon'], data['lat'], data['salt'][i, ...], xr, yr, extrap=True) except: pass try: U[i, ...] = calc.griddata(data['lon'], data['lat'], data['u'][i, ...], xr, yr, extrap=True) except: pass try: V[i, ...] = calc.griddata(data['lon'], data['lat'], data['v'][i, ...], xr, yr, extrap=True) except: pass # rotate U,V: if not quiet: print 'rotating U,V to grid angle' angle = g.use('angle') # rad U, V = calc.rot2d(U, V, angle) U = rt.rho2uvp3d(U, 'u') V = rt.rho2uvp3d(V, 'v') horizAux = {} horizAux['TEMP'] = TEMP horizAux['SALT'] = SALT horizAux['U'] = U horizAux['V'] = V else: TEMP = horizAux['TEMP'] SALT = horizAux['SALT'] U = horizAux['U'] V = horizAux['V'] # interp vert: nxu = nx - 1 nyv = ny - 1 #> ----------------------------------------------------------------- useInd = not ij_ind is False if ij_ind is False: if ij == 'j': ij_ind = range(ny) elif ij == 'i': ij_ind = range(nx) else: try: iter(ij_ind) except: ij_ind = [ij_ind] if ij == 'j': ny = nyv = len(ij_ind) elif ij == 'i': nx = nxu = len(ij_ind) # -----------------------------------------------------------------< Temp = np.zeros((nz, ny, nx), data['temp'].dtype) Salt = np.zeros((nz, ny, nx), data['salt'].dtype) Uvel = np.zeros((nz, ny, nxu), data['u'].dtype) Vvel = np.zeros((nz, nyv, nx), data['v'].dtype) jslice = lambda x, ind: x[:, ind, :] islice = lambda x, ind: x[:, :, ind] ZZr = np.tile(data['depth'], (nx, ny, 1)).T ZZu = np.tile(data['depth'], (nxu, ny, 1)).T ZZv = np.tile(data['depth'], (nx, nyv, 1)).T if not useInd is False: #>------------------------------------------ if ij == 'j': slice = jslice sshr = sshr[ij_ind, :] hr = hr[ij_ind, :] elif ij == 'i': slice = islice sshr = sshr[:, ij_ind] hr = hr[:, ij_ind] Zr, Zu, Zv, TEMP, SALT, U, V = [ slice(k, ij_ind) for k in [Zr, Zu, Zv, TEMP, SALT, U, V] ] # -----------------------------------------------------------------< if useInd: # then store distances for a possible bry file dtype = Temp.dtype distr = np.zeros((nz, ny, nx), dtype) distu = np.zeros((nz, ny, nxu), dtype) distv = np.zeros((nz, nyv, nx), dtype) if not quiet: print 'vertical interpolation:' if ij == 'j': for j in range(ny): if not quiet and (ny < 10 or (ny >= 10 and j % 10 == 0)): print ' j=%3d of %3d' % (j, ny) ind = ij_ind[j] dr = np.tile(calc.distance(xr[ind, :], yr[ind, :]), (nz, 1)) du = np.tile(calc.distance(xu[ind, :], yu[ind, :]), (nz, 1)) Dr = np.tile(calc.distance(xr[ind, :], yr[ind, :]), (NZ, 1)) Du = np.tile(calc.distance(xu[ind, :], yu[ind, :]), (NZ, 1)) if useInd: distr[:, j, :] = dr distu[:, j, :] = du Temp[:, j, :] = calc.griddata(Dr, ZZr[:, j, :], TEMP[:, j, :], dr, Zr[:, j, :], extrap=True) Salt[:, j, :] = calc.griddata(Dr, ZZr[:, j, :], SALT[:, j, :], dr, Zr[:, j, :], extrap=True) if 0 and j % 10 == 0: print Dr.shape, ZZr[:, j, :].shape import pylab as pl pl.figure(1) pl.clf() pl.pcolormesh(Dr, ZZr[:, j, :], SALT[:, j, :]) pl.colorbar() clim = pl.gci().get_clim() pl.figure(2) pl.clf() pl.pcolormesh(dr, Zr[:, j, :], Salt[:, j, :]) pl.clim(clim) pl.colorbar() raw_input() Uvel[:, j, :] = calc.griddata(Du, ZZu[:, j, :], U[:, j, :], du, Zu[:, j, :], extrap=True) if j < Vvel.shape[1]: dv = np.tile(calc.distance(xv[ind, :], yv[ind, :]), (nz, 1)) Dv = np.tile(calc.distance(xv[ind, :], yv[ind, :]), (NZ, 1)) Vvel[:, j, :] = calc.griddata(Dv, ZZv[:, j, :], V[:, j, :], dv, Zv[:, j, :], extrap=True) if useInd: distv[:, j, :] = dv if np.any(np.isnan(Temp[:, j, :])): print 'found nan in temp', j if np.any(np.isnan(Salt[:, j, :])): print 'found nan in salt', j if np.any(np.isnan(Uvel[:, j, :])): print 'found nan in u', j if j < Vvel.shape[1] and np.any(np.isnan(Vvel[:, j, :])): print 'found nan in v', j elif ij == 'i': for i in range(nx): if not quiet and (nx < 10 or (nx >= 10 and i % 10 == 0)): print ' i=%3d of %3d' % (i, nx) ind = ij_ind[i] dr = np.tile(calc.distance(xr[:, ind], yr[:, ind]), (nz, 1)) dv = np.tile(calc.distance(xv[:, ind], yv[:, ind]), (nz, 1)) Dr = np.tile(calc.distance(xr[:, ind], yr[:, ind]), (NZ, 1)) Dv = np.tile(calc.distance(xv[:, ind], yv[:, ind]), (NZ, 1)) if useInd: distr[:, :, i] = dr distv[:, :, i] = dv Temp[:, :, i] = calc.griddata(Dr, ZZr[:, :, i], TEMP[:, :, i], dr, Zr[:, :, i], extrap=True) Salt[:, :, i] = calc.griddata(Dr, ZZr[:, :, i], SALT[:, :, i], dr, Zr[:, :, i], extrap=True) Vvel[:, :, i] = calc.griddata(Dv, ZZv[:, :, i], V[:, :, i], dv, Zv[:, :, i], extrap=True) if i < Uvel.shape[2]: du = np.tile(calc.distance(xu[:, ind], yu[:, ind]), (nz, 1)) Du = np.tile(calc.distance(xu[:, ind], yu[:, ind]), (NZ, 1)) Uvel[:, :, i] = calc.griddata(Du, ZZu[:, :, i], U[:, :, i], du, Zu[:, :, i], extrap=True) if useInd: distu[:, :, i] = du # uv bar: if not quiet: print 'calc uvbar' if useInd is False: ubar, vbar = rt.uvbar(Uvel, Vvel, sshr, hr, sparams) else: #>------------------------------------------------------------ sshu = calc.griddata(data['lon'], data['lat'], data['ssh'], xu, yu, extrap=True) sshv = calc.griddata(data['lon'], data['lat'], data['ssh'], xv, yv, extrap=True) if ij == 'j': sshu = sshu[ij_ind, :] sshv = sshv[ij_ind, :] hu = hu[ij_ind, :] hv = hv[ij_ind, :] elif ij == 'i': sshu = sshu[:, ij_ind] sshv = sshv[:, ij_ind] hu = hu[:, ij_ind] hv = hv[:, ij_ind] ubar = rt.barotropic(Uvel, sshu, hu, sparams) vbar = rt.barotropic(Vvel, sshv, hv, sparams) # -----------------------------------------------------------------< Vars = cb.odict() Vars['temp'] = Temp Vars['salt'] = Salt Vars['u'] = Uvel Vars['v'] = Vvel Vars['zeta'] = sshr Vars['ubar'] = ubar Vars['vbar'] = vbar Vars['date'] = data['date'] if not useInd is False: #>------------------------------------------ Vars['depth'] = Zr Vars['depthu'] = Zu Vars['depthv'] = Zv Vars['dist'] = distr Vars['distu'] = distu Vars['distv'] = distv # -----------------------------------------------------------------< if retHorizAux: return Vars, horizAux else: return Vars
def plot(self, z, cmap=meg_cmap, zrange="zero", label=False, showsens=False): """The array z of values to be plotted must be in the same order as the array returned by get_names(). zrange can be 'auto', 'zero' which is auto but symmetric around 0, or a pair of min, max.""" make_spline(self.x, self.y, array(z, "d")) r = range(self.M) for i in r: xx = self.X[i] for j in r: yy = self.Y[j] if not self.mask[j, i]: self.Z[j, i] = interpolate(xx, yy, self.x, self.y) Z = ma.array(self.Z, mask=self.mask) if zrange == "auto" or zrange == "zero": zmin = ma.minimum.reduce(Z) zmax = ma.maximum.reduce(Z) if zrange == "zero": # If it crosses zero make it symmetrical. if (zmin < 0) and (0 < zmax): maxmax = max(-zmin, zmax) zmin = -maxmax zmax = maxmax else: zmin = zrange[0] zmax = zrange[1] # First make nice tics for this range. # Then switch to the new limits given by the tics # so the contour plot will use the whole range. ticks, mticks = scale1(zmin, zmax) zmin, zmax = ticks[0], ticks[-1] nlevels = 100 levels = linspace(zmin, zmax, nlevels) # plot the boundary and maybe the sensors plot(self.boundx, self.boundy, color="black", zorder=1, linewidth=3) if showsens: scatter(self.x, self.y, s=15, c=(0, 1, 0), zorder=2, marker="o", linewidth=0.5) # contourf(self.X, self.Y, Z, levels, cmap = cmap) # contourf(self.X, self.Y, Z, levels, cmap = contourf(self.X, self.Y, Z, levels) im = gci() # save the ContourSet to return contour(self.X, self.Y, Z, 10, colors="black") if label: for name in self.sensors: s = self.topo[name] text(s.x, s.y, name) l = 1.02 x = -0.01 y = -0.04 axis([x, x + l, y, y + l]) axis("off") axis("scaled") return im, ticks
def make_panels(fig,datafiles, width=4, height = 3, prefix='tmprot_',**kwargs): """ Makes png pictures of the given plot, with different angles. Args: ax (3D axis): te ax angles (list): the list of angles (in degree) under which to take the picture. width,height (float): size, in inches, of the output images. prefix (str): prefix for the files created. Returns: the list of files created (for later removal) """ files = [] for i,df in enumerate(datafiles): pl.clf() fig.set_size_inches(width,height) ticks = pub_plots(xmaj = 1000, xmin = 50, xstr = '%d', ymaj = 1000, ymin = 50, ystr = '%d') MatPlotParams = {'xtick.major.size': 4, 'ytick.major.size' : 4, 'xtick.minor.size': 4, 'ytick.minor.size': 4, 'axes.labelsize': 6, 'xtick.labelsize': 10, 'ytick.labelsize': 8} rcParams.update(MatPlotParams) pl.subplots_adjust(wspace = 0.35,hspace = 0.35) pl.figtext(.5,.95, 'Iteration:%d' %i, ha='center') indat = data = indat[1].data model = indat[2].data residual = indat[3].data header = indat[2].header indat.close() zoom_min = data.shape[0]/2 - 100 zoom_max = data.shape[0]/2 + 100 fig.add_subplot(2,2,1) pl.title('data') pl.imshow(-2.5*np.log10(data[zoom_min:zoom_max,zoom_min:zoom_max])+25.256, cmap = cm.jet_r) pl.colorbar() ticks.set_plot(pl.gca()) pl.gca().axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) pl.gca().axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) vmin, vmax = pl.gci().get_clim() fig.add_subplot(2,2,2) pl.title('model') pl.imshow(-2.5*np.log10(model[zoom_min:zoom_max,zoom_min:zoom_max])+25.256, cmap = cm.jet_r, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) ticks.set_plot(pl.gca()) pl.text(0.1, 0.95,'$m_{total}$: %4.2f, $r_e$: %4.1f' %(float(header['1_MAG'].split()[0]),float(header['1_RE'].split()[0])), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=6, color = 'white', transform = pl.gca().transAxes) if i==17: pl.text(0.1, 0.05,'$n$: %3.2f, $\chi^2_{DOF}$: %.2f' %(float(header['1_N'].split()[0]),header['CHI2NU']), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=6, color = 'white', transform = pl.gca().transAxes) else: pl.text(0.1, 0.05,'$n$: %3.2f' %(float(header['1_N'].split()[0])), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=6, color = 'white', transform = pl.gca().transAxes) pl.gca().axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) pl.gca().axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) pl.colorbar() zoom_resid = -2.5*np.log10(data[zoom_min:zoom_max,zoom_min:zoom_max])+2.5*np.log10(model[zoom_min:zoom_max,zoom_min:zoom_max]) fig.add_subplot(2,2,4) pl.title('residual') pl.imshow(zoom_resid, cmap = cm.jet) #pl.text(0.5, 0.9,'$\chi^2_{DOF}$: %.2f' %header['CHI2NU'], # horizontalalignment='center', # verticalalignment='center', # fontsize=10, color = 'black', # transform = pl.gca().transAxes) pl.colorbar() vmin, vmax = pl.gci().get_clim() ticks.set_plot(pl.gca()) pl.gca().axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) pl.gca().axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) fig.add_subplot(2,2,3) pl.title('full frame') pl.imshow(-2.5*np.log10(data)+2.5*np.log10(model), cmap = cm.jet, vmin = vmin, vmax = vmax) cbar = pl.colorbar() ticks.set_plot(pl.gca()) pl.gca().axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) pl.gca().axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) fname = '%s%03d.png'%(prefix,i) pl.savefig(fname) pl.savefig('%s_%d.eps'%('my_epsfiles',i)) files.append(fname) return files