Ejemplo n.º 1
def correlateFrames(A, B):
    A = A.squeeze()/A.mean() - 1
    B = B.squeeze()/B.mean() - 1
    X, Y = np.mgrid[0.0:A.shape[0], 0.0:A.shape[1]]
    C = ifftshift(np.abs(ifftn(fftn(A)*ifftn(B))))
    Cm = C.max()    
    Cp = np.maximum(C - 0.5*Cm, 0)
    Cpsum = Cp.sum()
    x0 = (X*Cp).sum()/Cpsum
    y0 = (Y*Cp).sum()/Cpsum
    return x0 - A.shape[0]/2, y0 - A.shape[1]/2, Cm, Cpsum
Ejemplo n.º 2
def correlateFrames(A, B):
    A = A.squeeze() / A.mean() - 1
    B = B.squeeze() / B.mean() - 1

    X, Y = np.mgrid[0.0:A.shape[0], 0.0:A.shape[1]]

    C = ifftshift(np.abs(ifftn(fftn(A) * ifftn(B))))

    Cm = C.max()

    Cp = np.maximum(C - 0.5 * Cm, 0)
    Cpsum = Cp.sum()

    x0 = (X * Cp).sum() / Cpsum
    y0 = (Y * Cp).sum() / Cpsum

    return x0 - A.shape[0] / 2, y0 - A.shape[1] / 2, Cm, Cpsum
Ejemplo n.º 3
def calcCorrShift(im1, im2):
    im1 = im1 - im1.mean()
    im2 = im2 - im2.mean()
    xc = np.abs(ifftshift(ifftn(fftn(im1) * ifftn(im2))))

    xct = (xc - xc.max() / 1.1) * (xc > xc.max() / 1.1)


    #dx, dy =  ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(xct)

    #print np.where(xct==xct.max())

    dx, dy = np.where(xct == xct.max())

    return dx[0] - im1.shape[0] / 2, dy[0] - im1.shape[1] / 2
Ejemplo n.º 4
def correlateAndCompareFrames(A, B):
    A = A.squeeze() / A.mean() - 1
    B = B.squeeze() / B.mean() - 1

    X, Y = np.mgrid[0.0:A.shape[0], 0.0:A.shape[1]]

    C = ifftshift(np.abs(ifftn(fftn(A) * ifftn(B))))

    Cm = C.max()

    Cp = np.maximum(C - 0.5 * Cm, 0)
    Cpsum = Cp.sum()

    x0 = (X * Cp).sum() / Cpsum
    y0 = (Y * Cp).sum() / Cpsum

    dx, dy = x0 - A.shape[0] / 2, y0 - A.shape[1] / 2

    As = ndimage.shift(A, [-dx, -dy])

    #print A.shape, As.shape

    return (As - B).mean(), dx, dy
Ejemplo n.º 5
def correlateAndCompareFrames(A, B):
    A = A.squeeze()/A.mean() - 1
    B = B.squeeze()/B.mean() - 1
    X, Y = np.mgrid[0.0:A.shape[0], 0.0:A.shape[1]]
    C = ifftshift(np.abs(ifftn(fftn(A)*ifftn(B))))
    Cm = C.max()    
    Cp = np.maximum(C - 0.5*Cm, 0)
    Cpsum = Cp.sum()
    x0 = (X*Cp).sum()/Cpsum
    y0 = (Y*Cp).sum()/Cpsum
    dx, dy = x0 - A.shape[0]/2, y0 - A.shape[1]/2
    As = ndimage.shift(A, [-dx, -dy])
    #print A.shape, As.shape
    return (As -B).mean(), dx, dy
Ejemplo n.º 6
def setIllumPattern(pattern, z0):
    global illPattern, illZOffset, illPCache
    sx, sy = pattern.shape
    psx, psy, sz = interpModel.shape
    il = np.zeros([sx,sy,sz], 'f')
    il[:,:,sz/2] = pattern
    ps = np.zeros_like(il)
    if sx > psx:
        ps[(sx/2-psx/2):(sx/2+psx/2), (sy/2-psy/2):(sy/2+psy/2), :] = interpModel
        ps[:,:,:] = interpModel[(psx/2-sx/2):(psx/2+sx/2), (psy/2-sy/2):(psy/2+sy/2), :]
    ps= ps/ps[:,:,sz/2].sum()
    illPattern = abs(ifftshift(ifftn(fftn(il)*fftn(ps)))).astype('f')
    illPCache = None
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def compare(self):
        d = 1.0 * self.scope.pa.dsa.squeeze()
        dm = d / d.mean() - 1

        #find x-y drift
        C = ifftshift(np.abs(ifftn(fftn(dm) * self.FA)))

        Cm = C.max()

        Cp = np.maximum(C - 0.5 * Cm, 0)
        Cpsum = Cp.sum()

        dx = (self.X * Cp).sum() / Cpsum
        dy = (self.Y * Cp).sum() / Cpsum

        ds = ndimage.shift(dm, [-dx, -dy]) * self.mask

        #print A.shape, As.shape

        ds_A = (ds - self.refA)

        return dx, dy, self.deltaZ * np.dot(ds_A.ravel(), self.dz) * self.dzn
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def compare(self):
     d = 1.0*self.scope.pa.dsa.squeeze()
     dm = d/d.mean() - 1
     #find x-y drift
     C = ifftshift(np.abs(ifftn(fftn(dm)*self.FA)))
     Cm = C.max()    
     Cp = np.maximum(C - 0.5*Cm, 0)
     Cpsum = Cp.sum()
     dx = (self.X*Cp).sum()/Cpsum
     dy = (self.Y*Cp).sum()/Cpsum
     ds = ndimage.shift(dm, [-dx, -dy])*self.mask
     #print A.shape, As.shape
     ds_A = (ds - self.refA)
     return dx, dy, self.deltaZ*np.dot(ds_A.ravel(), self.dz)*self.dzn
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def setRefA(self):
     d = 1.0 * self.scope.pa.dsa.squeeze()
     self.refA = d / d.mean() - 1
     self.FA = ifftn(self.refA)
     self.refA *= self.mask
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def compare(self):
        d = 1.0 * self.scope.frameWrangler.currentFrame.squeeze()
        dm = d / d.mean() - 1

        #where is the piezo suppposed to be
        #nomPos = self.piezo.GetPos(0)
        nomPos = self.piezo.GetTargetPos(0)

        #find closest calibration position
        posInd = np.argmin(np.abs(nomPos - self.calPositions))

        #dz = float('inf')
        #count = 0
        #while np.abs(dz) > 0.5*self.deltaZ and count < 1:
        #    count += 1

        #retrieve calibration information at this location
        calPos = self.calPositions[posInd]
        FA = self.calFTs[:, :, posInd]
        refA = self.calImages[:, :, posInd]

        ddz = self.dz[:, posInd]
        dzn = self.dzn[posInd]

        #what is the offset between our target position and the calibration position
        posDelta = nomPos - calPos

        print('%s' % [nomPos, posInd, calPos, posDelta])

        #find x-y drift
        C = ifftshift(np.abs(ifftn(fftn(dm) * FA)))

        Cm = C.max()

        Cp = np.maximum(C - 0.5 * Cm, 0)
        Cpsum = Cp.sum()

        dx = (self.X * Cp).sum() / Cpsum
        dy = (self.Y * Cp).sum() / Cpsum

        ds = ndimage.shift(dm, [-dx, -dy]) * self.mask

        #print A.shape, As.shape

        self.ds_A = (ds - refA)

        #calculate z offset between actual position and calibration position
        dz = self.deltaZ * np.dot(self.ds_A.ravel(), ddz) * dzn

        #posInd += np.round(dz / self.deltaZ)
        #posInd = int(np.clip(posInd, 0, self.NCalibStates))

        #            print count, dz

        #add the offset back to determine how far we are from the target position
        dz = dz - posDelta

        #        if 1000*np.abs((dz + posDelta))>200 and self.WantRecord:
        #dz = np.median(self.buffer)
        #            tif.imsave('C:\\Users\\Lab-test\\Desktop\\peakimage.tif', d)
        # np.savetxt('C:\\Users\\Lab-test\\Desktop\\parameter.txt', self.buffer[-1])
        #np.savetxt('C:\\Users\\Lab-test\\Desktop\\posDelta.txt', posDelta)
        #            self.WantRecord = False

        #return dx, dy, dz + posDelta, Cm, dz, nomPos, posInd, calPos, posDelta
        return dx, dy, dz, Cm, dz, nomPos, posInd, calPos, posDelta
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def setRefN(self, N):
     d = 1.0 * self.scope.frameWrangler.currentFrame.squeeze()
     ref = d / d.mean() - 1
     self.refImages[:, :, N] = ref
     self.calFTs[:, :, N] = ifftn(ref)
     self.calImages[:, :, N] = ref * self.mask
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def propagate(self, F, z):
     return ifftshift(ifftn(F*np.exp(self.propFac*z)))
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def setRefA(self):
     d = 1.0*self.scope.pa.dsa.squeeze()
     self.refA = d/d.mean() - 1        
     self.FA = ifftn(self.refA)
     self.refA *= self.mask