def dense_gauss_kernel(sigma, x, y=None): xf = pylab.fft2(x) # x in Fourier domain x_flat = x.flatten() xx =, x_flat) # squared norm of x if y is not None: yf = pylab.fft2(y) y_flat = y.flatten() yy =, y_flat) else: yf = xf yy = xx xyf = pylab.multiply(xf, pylab.conj(yf)) xyf_ifft = pylab.ifft2(xyf) row_shift, col_shift = pylab.floor(pylab.array(x.shape) / 2).astype(int) xy_complex = pylab.roll(xyf_ifft, row_shift, axis=0) xy_complex = pylab.roll(xy_complex, col_shift, axis=1) xy = pylab.real(xy_complex) scaling = -1 / (sigma**2) xx_yy = xx + yy xx_yy_2xy = xx_yy - 2 * xy k = pylab.exp(scaling * pylab.maximum(0, xx_yy_2xy / x.size)) return k
def determineCuts(spec2d, dCutFactor = 4.0, dAddPix = 10, bPlot = True) : vproj = spec2d.sum(1) dvproj = vproj-pylab.roll(vproj,1)#derivitive index = pylab.arange(0,len(vproj),1) index1 = index[dvproj > dvproj.max()/dCutFactor] start = index1[0] end = index1[-1] startWide = start-dAddPix endWide = end+dAddPix if bPlot : pylab.figure(12) pylab.clf() pylab.subplot(2,2,1) pylab.plot(vproj) pylab.subplot(2,2,2) pylab.plot(pylab.absolute(dvproj)) pylab.axhline(dvproj.max()/dCutFactor) pylab.subplot(2,2,3) pylab.plot(vproj) pylab.axvline(start) pylab.axvline(end) pylab.axvline(startWide) pylab.axvline(endWide) return [startWide, endWide]
def fft_based(input_signal, filter_coefficients, boundary=0): """applied fft if the signal is too short to be splitted in windows Params : input_signal : the audio signal filter_coefficients : coefficients of the chirplet bank boundary : manage the bounds of the signal Returns : audio signal with application of fast Fourier transform """ num_coeffs = filter_coefficients.size half_size = num_coeffs//2 if boundary == 0:#ZERO PADDING input_signal = np.lib.pad(input_signal, (half_size, half_size), 'constant', constant_values=0) filter_coefficients = np.lib.pad(filter_coefficients, (0, input_signal.size-num_coeffs), 'constant', constant_values=0) newx = ifft(fft(input_signal)*fft(filter_coefficients)) return newx[num_coeffs-1:-1] elif boundary == 1:#symmetric input_signal = concatenate([flipud(input_signal[:half_size]), input_signal, flipud(input_signal[half_size:])]) filter_coefficients = np.lib.pad(filter_coefficients, (0, input_signal.size-num_coeffs), 'constant', constant_values=0) newx = ifft(fft(input_signal)*fft(filter_coefficients)) return newx[num_coeffs-1:-1] else:#periodic return roll(ifft(fft(input_signal)*fft(filter_coefficients, input_signal.size)), -half_size).real
def SW_run(self): """Runs in own thread - reads data via Swabian box""" self.measure_data = pl.zeros((50, )) try: self.tag = createTimeTagger() self.tag.setTriggerLevel(0, 0.15) self.tag.setTriggerLevel(1, 0.15) self.ctr = Counter(self.tag, [0, 1], int(1e9), int(self.dt)) while self.running: time.sleep(self.dt / 1000.) rates = self.ctr.getData() if self.detID == 0: newCount = pl.mean(rates[0]) * 1000 elif self.detID == 1: newCount = pl.mean(rates[1]) * 1000 else: newCount = (pl.mean(rates[0]) + pl.mean(rates[1])) * 1000 self.measure_data[0] = newCount self.measure_data = pl.roll(self.measure_data, -1) print self.measure_data self.gotdata = True finally: self.ctr.stop() self.tag.reset() self.running = False self.btn.setEnabled(True)
def PH_run(self): """Runs in own thread - reads data via Picoharp counters""" self.measure_data = pl.zeros((50, )) try: = ph.PicoHarp() if self.dt < 0.1: print "Integration time too short! Changed to 0.1s" self.dt = 0.1 self.time.setValue(0.1) while self.running: nbOfIntegrations = self.dt / 100 newCount = 0 for i in range(nbOfIntegrations): time.sleep(0.1) # 100 ms gate time on PicoHarp counters rates = if self.detID == 0: newCount += rates[ 0] * 0.1 # counts on 100 ms integration bin elif self.detID == 1: newCount += rates[ 1] * 0.1 # counts on 100 ms integration bin else: newCount += sum( rates) * 0.1 # counts on 100 ms integration bin self.measure_data[0] = newCount / (float(self.dt) / 1000) self.measure_data = pl.roll(self.measure_data, -1) #print self.measure_data self.gotdata = True finally: self.running = False self.btn.setEnabled(True)
def dense_gauss_kernel(sigma, x, y=None): """ Gaussian Kernel with dense sampling. Evaluates a gaussian kernel with bandwidth SIGMA for all displacements between input images X and Y, which must both be MxN. They must also be periodic (ie., pre-processed with a cosine window). The result is an MxN map of responses. If X and Y are the same, omit the third parameter to re-use some values, which is faster. """ xf = pylab.fft2(x) # x in Fourier domain x_flat = x.flatten() xx =, x_flat) # squared norm of x if y is not None: # general case, x and y are different yf = pylab.fft2(y) y_flat = y.flatten() yy =, y_flat) else: # auto-correlation of x, avoid repeating a few operations yf = xf yy = xx # cross-correlation term in Fourier domain xyf = pylab.multiply(xf, pylab.conj(yf)) # to spatial domain xyf_ifft = pylab.ifft2(xyf) #xy_complex = circshift(xyf_ifft, floor(x.shape/2)) row_shift, col_shift = pylab.floor(pylab.array(x.shape) / 2).astype(int) xy_complex = pylab.roll(xyf_ifft, row_shift, axis=0) xy_complex = pylab.roll(xy_complex, col_shift, axis=1) xy = pylab.real(xy_complex) # calculate gaussian response for all positions scaling = -1 / (sigma**2) xx_yy = xx + yy xx_yy_2xy = xx_yy - 2 * xy k = pylab.exp(scaling * pylab.maximum(0, xx_yy_2xy / x.size)) #print("dense_gauss_kernel x.shape ==", x.shape) #print("dense_gauss_kernel k.shape ==", k.shape) return k
def dense_gauss_kernel(sigma, x, y=None): """ Gaussian Kernel with dense sampling. Evaluates a gaussian kernel with bandwidth SIGMA for all displacements between input images X and Y, which must both be MxN. They must also be periodic (ie., pre-processed with a cosine window). The result is an MxN map of responses. If X and Y are the same, ommit the third parameter to re-use some values, which is faster. """ xf = pylab.fft2(x) # x in Fourier domain x_flat = x.flatten() xx =, x_flat) # squared norm of x if y is not None: # general case, x and y are different yf = pylab.fft2(y) y_flat = y.flatten() yy =, y_flat) else: # auto-correlation of x, avoid repeating a few operations yf = xf yy = xx # cross-correlation term in Fourier domain xyf = pylab.multiply(xf, pylab.conj(yf)) # to spatial domain xyf_ifft = pylab.ifft2(xyf) #xy_complex = circshift(xyf_ifft, floor(x.shape/2)) row_shift, col_shift = pylab.floor(pylab.array(x.shape)/2).astype(int) xy_complex = pylab.roll(xyf_ifft, row_shift, axis=0) xy_complex = pylab.roll(xy_complex, col_shift, axis=1) xy = pylab.real(xy_complex) # calculate gaussian response for all positions scaling = -1 / (sigma**2) xx_yy = xx + yy xx_yy_2xy = xx_yy - 2 * xy k = pylab.exp(scaling * pylab.maximum(0, xx_yy_2xy / x.size)) #print("dense_gauss_kernel x.shape ==", x.shape) #print("dense_gauss_kernel k.shape ==", k.shape) return k
def dense_gauss_kernel(sigma, x, y=None): """ 通过高斯核计算余弦子窗口图像块的响应图 利用带宽是 sigma 的高斯核估计两个图像块 X (MxN) 和 Y (MxN) 的关系。X, Y 是循环的、经余弦窗处理的。输出结果是 响应图矩阵 MxN. 如果 X = Y, 则函数调用时取消 y,则加快计算。 该函数对应原文中的公式 (16),以及算法1中的 function k = dgk(x1, x2, sigma) :param sigma: 高斯核带宽 :param x: 余弦子窗口图像块 :param y: 空或者模板图像块 :return: 响应图 """ # 计算图像块 x 的傅里叶变换 xf = pylab.fft2(x) # x in Fourier domain # 把图像块 x 拉平 x_flat = x.flatten() # 计算 x 的2范数平方 xx =, x_flat) # squared norm of x if y is not None: # 一半情况, x 和 y 是不同的,计算 y 的傅里叶变化和2范数平方 yf = pylab.fft2(y) y_flat = y.flatten() yy =, y_flat) else: # x 的自相关,避免重复计算 yf = xf yy = xx # 傅里叶域的互相关计算,逐元素相乘 xyf = pylab.multiply(xf, pylab.conj(yf)) # 转化为频率域 xyf_ifft = pylab.ifft2(xyf) # 对频率域里的矩阵块进行滚动平移,分别沿 row 和 col 轴 row_shift, col_shift = pylab.floor(pylab.array(x.shape) / 2).astype(int) xy_complex = pylab.roll(xyf_ifft, row_shift, axis=0) xy_complex = pylab.roll(xy_complex, col_shift, axis=1) xy = pylab.real(xy_complex) # 计算高斯核响应图 scaling = -1 / (sigma**2) xx_yy = xx + yy xx_yy_2xy = xx_yy - 2 * xy return pylab.exp(scaling * pylab.maximum(0, xx_yy_2xy / x.size))
def forward_algorithm(match, skip=-5.0): v = skip * arange(len(match[0])) result = [] for i in range(0, len(match)): w = roll(v, 1).copy() w[0] = skip * i v = log_add(log_mul(v, match[i]), log_mul(w, match[i])) result.append(v) return array(result, 'f')
def findspectralLines(data, cutLevel =0.866, bPlot=True) :#0.02 is good up to cad 4000->0.01 # moving average 3, smooth data data = 1/3.0*(data + pylab.roll(data,1) + pylab.roll(data,2)) #normalise ndata = data/data.max() #where values are abover cut assign value to -1 #same basic idea as findcallibration except we define the area of interest as below rather than abover cut value lines=numpy.where(ndata>cutLevel,-1,ndata) coords = [] #find start and end values of each line for index, item in enumerate(lines): if lines[index-1]==-1 and item !=-1: coords.append(index) elif index==764: break elif lines[index+1]==-1 and item !=-1: coords.append(index) coordPairs = pylab.reshape(coords,(len(coords)/2,2)) if bPlot: pylab.figure(10) pylab.clf() pylab.plot(ndata,label='3 point moving average, 1/3.0*(data + pylab.roll(data,1) + pylab.roll(data,2))') pylab.xlabel('Pixels') pylab.ylabel('Normalised "Smoothed" yValues') pylab.axhline(cutLevel,color='r',label='Threshold=%s'%(cutLevel)) pylab.title('Spectral Lines Found') pylab.legend(loc='best',prop={'size':8}) for lineRange in coordPairs : pylab.axvline(lineRange[0],color='r',ls='--') pylab.axvline(lineRange[1],color='r',ls='--') print 'findCalibrationLines> line coordinates :',coords print 'findCalibratoinLines> length of list :',len(coords) print 'findCalibrationLines> pairs of coordinates :\n',coordPairs return[coordPairs]
def calcaV(W,method = "ratio"): """Calculate aV""" if method == "ratio": return pl.log(pl.absolute(W/pl.roll(W,-1,axis=1))) else: aVs = pl.zeros(pl.shape(W)) n = pl.arange(1,pl.size(W,axis=1)+1) f = lambda b,t,W: W - b[0] * pl.exp(-b[1] * t) for i in xrange(pl.size(W,axis=0)): params,result = optimize.leastsq(f,[1.,1.],args=(n,W[i])) aVs[i] = params[1] * pl.ones(pl.shape(W[i])) return aVs
def _extract_onsets(self): """ :: The simplest onset detector in the world: power envelope derivative zero crossings +/- """ fp = self._check_feature_params() if not self._have_power: return None dd = P.diff(P.r_[0, self.POWER]) self.ONSETS = P.where((dd > 0) & (P.roll(dd, -1) < 0))[0] if self.verbosity: print("Extracted ONSETS") self._have_onsets = True return True
def _extract_onsets(self): """ :: The simplest onset detector in the world: power envelope derivative zero crossings +/- """ fp = self._check_feature_params() if not self._have_power: return None dd = P.diff(P.r_[0,self.POWER]) self.ONSETS = P.where((dd>0) & (P.roll(dd,-1)<0))[0] if self.verbosity: print "Extracted ONSETS" self._have_onsets = True return True
def run(self): """Runs in own thread - reads data via input counter task""" self.measure_data = py.zeros((50, )) try: while self.running: = py.zeros((10000, ), dtype=py.uint32) self.ctr.ReadCounterU32(10000, 10.,, 10000, None, None) self.ctr.StopTask() self.measure_data[0] = ([-1]) * 10 self.measure_data[py.isinf(self.measure_data)] = py.nan self.measure_data = py.roll(self.measure_data, -1) print self.measure_data self.gotdata = True finally: self.running = False self.ctr.StopTask() self.ctr.ClearTask() self.trig.ClearTask() self.btn.setEnabled(True)
def 取音訊且顯示頻譜於幕(它, 鍵盤=None): 能量 = 它.音.en 頻率 = 它.音.f0 # 也可用 .fm, .f0 #頻率 *=2 長度 = 能量**0.5 * 0.1 x = 10 # 它.幕寬//2 # int(t*0.1)%它.幕寬 y = 頻率 * 它.幕高 # y = 它.幕高 - y # 色 = 頻率轉顏色(頻率) 方形 = (x, y, 長度, 10) #pg.draw.rect(它.幕, 色, 方形) # # 主要 畫頻譜 的技術 在此! 另有 調色盤 要在 啟動音訊時 先做好。 # 頻譜 = 它.音.specgram # # up_down flip, 頻譜上下對調,讓低頻在下,高頻在上,比較符合直覺。 # 頻譜 = 頻譜[:, -1::-1] # # 這個 頻譜 大小要如何自動調整才能恰當的呈現在螢幕上,還有待研究一下。 # 頻譜 = (pl.log(頻譜) + 10) * 10 # # 錦上添花 # # 加這行讓頻譜會轉,有趣!! # if 鍵盤 == K_e: 頻譜 = pl.roll(頻譜, -int(它.音.frameI % 它.音.frameN), axis=0) # # pygame 的 主要貢獻: 頻譜 ---> 音幕 # pg.surfarray.blit_array(它.音幕, 頻譜.astype('int')) # # pygame 的 次要貢獻: 調整一下 寬高 音幕 ---> aSurf # aSurf = pg.transform.scale(它.音幕, (它.幕寬, 它.幕高)) #//4)) # # 黏上幕 aSurf ---> display # #aSurf= pg.transform.average_surfaces([aSurf, 它.攝影畫面]) 它.幕.blit(aSurf, (0, 0)) pg.draw.rect(它.幕, 色, 方形) #這行是音高 f0, 原本在之前畫,但發現會被頻譜擋住,就移到此處。 # # 把攝影畫面 黏上去,1/4 螢幕就好了,不要太大,以免宣賓奪主。 # #### bSurf= pg.transform.scale(它.攝影畫面, (它.幕寬//4, 它.幕高//4)) #//4)) #### 它.幕.blit(bSurf, (0,0)) # # 江永進的建議,在頻譜前畫一條白線,並把能量、頻率軌跡畫出。 # if 鍵盤 == K_f: x = (它.音.frameI % 它.音.frameN) * 它.幕寬 / 它.音.frameN h = 它.幕高 pg.draw.line(它.幕, pg.Color('white'), (x, h), (x, 0), 2) y = 長度 y = h - y z = 頻率 z = h - z if 它.音.frameI % 它.音.frameN == 0: 它.能量點列表 = [(x, y)] 它.頻率點列表 = [(x, z)] else: if 它.能量點列表[-1] != (x, y): 它.能量點列表 += [(x, y)] if 它.頻率點列表[-1] != (x, z): 它.頻率點列表 += [(x, z)] pass if len(它.能量點列表) > 1: pg.draw.lines(它.幕, pg.Color('black'), False, 它.能量點列表, 1) if len(它.頻率點列表) > 1: pg.draw.lines(它.幕, pg.Color('blue'), False, 它.頻率點列表, 2)
def PolyArea(x, y): # calculate the area of an arbitrary ploygon with given vertices return 0.5 * abs(, pylab.roll(y, 1)) -, pylab.roll(x, 1)))
mean = p.mean(psp_voltage, axis=0) std = p.std(psp_voltage, axis=0) p.figure() p.title("mean and standard deviation, ideal trigger") p.plot(time, mean, 'r-') p.fill_between(time, mean - std, mean + std, alpha=.3) p.xlabel("time / AU") p.ylabel("voltage / AU") insert_params() kernel = p.ones(sliding_average_len) / float(sliding_average_len) mean_max_index = p.argmax(mean) for i in range(len(psp_voltage)): smoothed = p.convolve(psp_voltage[i], kernel, "same") shift = mean_max_index - p.argmax(smoothed) psp_voltage[i] = p.roll(smoothed, shift) p.figure() p.title("mean and standard deviation, max trigger") mean_shifted = p.mean(psp_voltage, axis=0) std = p.std(psp_voltage, axis=0) p.plot(time, mean_shifted, 'r-') p.plot(time, mean, 'k--', alpha=.7) p.ylim(offset - height * .2, None) p.fill_between(time, mean - std, mean + std, alpha=.3) p.xlabel("time / AU") p.ylabel("voltage / AU") insert_params()
def step_lax_wendroff(U,lam): Uip1 = pylab.roll(U, -1) Uim1 = pylab.roll(U, +1) return U - 0.5*A*lam * (Uip1 - Uim1) + 0.5*(A*lam)**2 * (Uip1 - 2*U + Uim1)
def acquisition(self): axisFont = QFont('Lucida') axisFont.setPointSize(30) axisPen = pg.mkPen({'color': "#FFF", 'width': 2}) plotPen = pg.mkPen({'width': 4, 'color': 'y'}) self.plotMaxPen = pg.mkPen({'width': 2, 'color': 'r'}) self.plotMinPen = pg.mkPen({'width': 2, 'color': 'b'}) bottom = self.ui.graphicsView.getPlotItem().getAxis('bottom') left = self.ui.graphicsView.getPlotItem().getAxis('left') bottom.setStyle(tickTextOffset=30, tickLength=10) left.setStyle(tickTextOffset=10, tickLength=10) bottom.setPen(axisPen) left.setPen(axisPen) bottom.tickFont = axisFont left.tickFont = axisFont labelStyle = {'color': '#FFF', 'font-size': '20pt'} bottom.setLabel(text='Time', units='s', **labelStyle) if self.meas_mode == 'current': left.setLabel(text='Current', units='mA', **labelStyle) else: left.setLabel(text='Voltage', units='V', **labelStyle) bottom.setHeight(100) left.setWidth(120) self.ui.graphicsView.setYRange(self.voltMin, self.voltMax) plot = self.ui.graphicsView.plot(pen=plotPen) self.plotMax = self.ui.graphicsView.plot(pen=self.plotMaxPen) self.plotMin = self.ui.graphicsView.plot(pen=self.plotMinPen) self.voltmeter.start() while self.acquire: if self.timeParamsChanged: nbOfSteps = int( abs(py.floor(float(self.timeWindow) / self.timeStep)) + 1) timeArray = py.linspace(-self.timeWindow, 0, nbOfSteps) measurementArray = py.zeros(nbOfSteps) self.timeParamsChanged = False if self.voltmeter.measToRead: self.voltmeter.measToRead = False if self.meas_mode == 'current': measurementArray[ 0] = self.scalingFactor * self.voltmeter.measurementPoint * 1000 else: measurementArray[ 0] = self.scalingFactor * self.voltmeter.measurementPoint measurementArray = py.roll(measurementArray, -1) plot.setData(timeArray, measurementArray) self.ui.nbReading.display('{:.5f}'.format( measurementArray[-1])) if self.maxReadingReset or measurementArray[-1] > self.maxValue: self.maxValue = measurementArray[-1] self.ui.nbMaxReading.display('{:.5f}'.format( self.maxValue)) self.plotMax.setData( py.array([timeArray[0], timeArray[-1]]), py.array([self.maxValue, self.maxValue])) self.maxReadingReset = False if self.minReadingReset or measurementArray[-1] < self.minValue: self.minValue = measurementArray[-1] self.ui.nbMinReading.display('{:.5f}'.format( self.minValue)) self.plotMin.setData( py.array([timeArray[0], timeArray[-1]]), py.array([self.minValue, self.minValue])) self.minReadingReset = False self.voltmeter.stop()
def autoCor(Ps,t): """Calculates autocorrelation function""" meanP = pl.mean(Ps) return pl.mean((Ps - meanP) * (pl.roll(Ps,-t) - meanP))
def 取音訊且顯示頻譜於幕(它, 鍵盤= None): 能量= 它.音.en 頻率= 它.音.f0 # 也可用 .fm, .f0 #頻率 *=2 長度= 能量**0.5 *0.1 x= 10 # 它.幕寬//2 # int(t*0.1)%它.幕寬 y= 頻率 * 它.幕高 # y= 它.幕高 - y # 色= 頻率轉顏色(頻率) 方形= (x, y, 長度, 10) #pg.draw.rect(它.幕, 色, 方形) # # 主要 畫頻譜 的技術 在此! 另有 調色盤 要在 啟動音訊時 先做好。 # 頻譜= 它.音.specgram # # up_down flip, 頻譜上下對調,讓低頻在下,高頻在上,比較符合直覺。 # 頻譜= 頻譜[:,-1::-1] # # 這個 頻譜 大小要如何自動調整才能恰當的呈現在螢幕上,還有待研究一下。 # 頻譜= (pl.log(頻譜)+10)*10 # # 錦上添花 # # 加這行讓頻譜會轉,有趣!! # if 鍵盤 == K_e: 頻譜= pl.roll(頻譜, -int(它.音.frameI % 它.音.frameN), axis=0) # # pygame 的 主要貢獻: 頻譜 ---> 音幕 # pg.surfarray.blit_array(它.音幕, 頻譜.astype('int')) # # pygame 的 次要貢獻: 調整一下 寬高 音幕 ---> aSurf # aSurf= pg.transform.scale(它.音幕, (它.幕寬, 它.幕高)) #//4)) # # 黏上幕 aSurf ---> display # #aSurf= pg.transform.average_surfaces([aSurf, 它.攝影畫面]) 它.幕.blit(aSurf, (0,0)) pg.draw.rect(它.幕, 色, 方形) #這行是音高 f0, 原本在之前畫,但發現會被頻譜擋住,就移到此處。 # # 把攝影畫面 黏上去,1/4 螢幕就好了,不要太大,以免宣賓奪主。 # #### bSurf= pg.transform.scale(它.攝影畫面, (它.幕寬//4, 它.幕高//4)) #//4)) #### 它.幕.blit(bSurf, (0,0)) # # 江永進的建議,在頻譜前畫一條白線,並把能量、頻率軌跡畫出。 # if 鍵盤 == K_f: x= (它.音.frameI % 它.音.frameN) * 它.幕寬 / 它.音.frameN h= 它.幕高 pg.draw.line(它.幕, pg.Color('white'),(x,h),(x,0) , 2) y= 長度 y= h-y z= 頻率 z= h-z if 它.音.frameI % 它.音.frameN == 0: 它.能量點列表 = [(x,y)] 它.頻率點列表 = [(x,z)] else: if 它.能量點列表[-1] != (x,y): 它.能量點列表 += [(x,y)] if 它.頻率點列表[-1] != (x,z): 它.頻率點列表 += [(x,z)] pass if len(它.能量點列表)>1 : pg.draw.lines(它.幕, pg.Color('black'), False, 它.能量點列表, 1) if len(它.頻率點列表)>1: pg.draw.lines(它.幕, pg.Color('blue'), False, 它.頻率點列表, 2)
def advection(f, name): L1_values = list() dx_values = list() n_dx = 6 # exponent of the dx step for i in range(n_dx): #Discretizing Space #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- A = 1. #advection speed a = -1. # min x b = 1. # max x nx = 100 * 2**i # number of x steps h = (b - a) / nx # the step size in x x, dx = pylab.linspace(a, b, nx + 1, retstep=True) dx_values.append(dx) t_f = 2 / A t_i = 0. k = abs(.5 * h / A) n_graphs = 11 # rough number (minus 1)of graphs of U that will be displayed #Intial Values for U #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- U = [f(xi, pylab.pi) for xi in x] U_exact = [f(xi, pylab.pi) for xi in x] #U_un = pylab.array([gaussian(xi,pylab.pi) for xi in x]) if i == n_dx - 1: pylab.figure() pylab.subplot('211') pylab.xlabel("x") pylab.ylabel("U") pylab.title("U vs x at various times for initial condition: %s" % name) #Integration #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- t = t_i iter = 0 while t <= t_f: Uim1 = pylab.roll(U, 1) Uip1 = pylab.roll(U, -1) U = .5 * (Uim1 + Uip1) - .5 * k * (Uip1 - Uim1) / dx #Uim1_un = pylab.roll(U_un,1) #Uip1_un = pylab.roll(U_un,-1) #U_un = U_un - .5*k*(Uip1_un-Uim1_un)/dx t += k iter += 1 if iter % (2 * nx / n_graphs) == 0 and i == n_dx - 1: pylab.plot(x, U) #pylab.plot(x,U_un) L1_norm = dx * sum(abs(U - U_exact)) L1_values.append(L1_norm) pylab.subplot('212') pylab.loglog(dx_values, L1_values, '-o') pylab.xlabel("dx") pylab.ylabel("L1_norm") slope = (pylab.log(L1_values[n_dx - 1]) - pylab.log(L1_values[0])) / ( pylab.log(dx_values[n_dx - 1]) - pylab.log(dx_values[0])) print name print "The slope of convergence is : %f" % slope
def build_fft(input_signal, filter_coefficients, threshold_windows=6, boundary=0): """generate fast transform fourier by windows Params : input_signal : the audio signal filter_coefficients : coefficients of the chirplet bank threshold_windows : calcul the size of the windows boundary : manage the bounds of the signal Returns : fast Fourier transform applied by windows to the audio signal """ num_coeffs = filter_coefficients.size #print(n,boundary,M) half_size = num_coeffs // 2 signal_size = input_signal.size #power of 2 to apply fast fourier transform windows_size = 2**ceil(log2(num_coeffs * (threshold_windows + 1))) number_of_windows = floor(signal_size // windows_size) if number_of_windows == 0: return fft_based(input_signal, filter_coefficients, boundary) windowed_fft = empty_like(input_signal) #pad with 0 to have a size in a power of 2 windows_size = int(windows_size) zeropadding = np.lib.pad(filter_coefficients, (0, windows_size - num_coeffs), 'constant', constant_values=0) h_fft = fft(zeropadding) #to browse the whole signal current_pos = 0 #apply fft to a part of the signal. This part has a size which is a power #of 2 if boundary == 0: #ZERO PADDING #window is half padded with since it's focused on the first half window = input_signal[current_pos:current_pos + windows_size - half_size] zeropaddedwindow = np.lib.pad(window, (len(h_fft) - len(window), 0), 'constant', constant_values=0) x_fft = fft(zeropaddedwindow) elif boundary == 1: #SYMMETRIC window = concatenate([ flipud(input_signal[:half_size]), input_signal[current_pos:current_pos + windows_size - half_size] ]) x_fft = fft(window) else: x_fft = fft(input_signal[:windows_size]) windowed_fft[:windows_size - num_coeffs] = (ifft( x_fft * h_fft)[num_coeffs - 1:-1]).real current_pos += windows_size - num_coeffs - half_size #apply fast fourier transofm to each windows while current_pos + windows_size - half_size <= signal_size: x_fft = fft(input_signal[current_pos - half_size:current_pos + windows_size - half_size]) #Suppress the warning, work on the real/imagina windowed_fft[current_pos:current_pos + windows_size - num_coeffs] = (ifft(x_fft * h_fft)[num_coeffs - 1:-1]).real current_pos += windows_size - num_coeffs # print(countloop) #apply fast fourier transform to the rest of the signal if windows_size - (signal_size - current_pos + half_size) < half_size: window = input_signal[current_pos - half_size:] zeropaddedwindow = np.lib.pad( window, (0, int(windows_size - (signal_size - current_pos + half_size))), 'constant', constant_values=0) x_fft = fft(zeropaddedwindow) windowed_fft[current_pos:] = roll(ifft( x_fft * h_fft), half_size)[half_size:half_size + windowed_fft.size - current_pos].real windowed_fft[-half_size:] = convolve(input_signal[-num_coeffs:], filter_coefficients, 'same')[-half_size:] else: window = input_signal[current_pos - half_size:] zeropaddedwindow = np.lib.pad( window, (0, int(windows_size - (signal_size - current_pos + half_size))), 'constant', constant_values=0) x_fft = fft(zeropaddedwindow) windowed_fft[current_pos:] = ifft( x_fft * h_fft)[num_coeffs - 1:num_coeffs + windowed_fft.size - current_pos - 1].real return windowed_fft
def step_lax_fried(U,lam): Uim1 = pylab.roll(U,1) Uip1 = pylab.roll(U,-1) return .5*(Uim1 + Uip1) - .5*(lam)*(Uip1-Uim1)
def takeAudioAndDisplay(self, keyboard=None): en = frequency = # 也可用 .fm, .f0 #frequency *=2 length = en**0.5 * 0.1 x = 10 # self.screenWidth//2 # int(t*0.1)%self.screenWidth y = frequency * self.screenHeigth # y = self.screenHeigth - y # color = frequency2color(frequency) rect = (x, y, length, 10) #pg.draw.rect(self.screen, color, rect) # # 主要 畫頻譜 的技術 在此! 另有 palette 要在 啟動音訊時 先做好。 # (The main draw of the spectrum techniques in this! Another palette to do when you first start the audio.) # specgram = # # up_down flip, 頻譜上下對調,讓低頻在下,高頻在上,比較符合直覺。 # (Up and down the spectrum swap, so the next low-frequency, high frequency on, more intuitive.) # specgram = specgram[:, -1::-1] # # 這個 specgram 大小要如何自動調整才能恰當的呈現在螢幕上,還有待研究一下。 # (This specgram how to automatically adjust to the size appropriate for presentation on the screen, what remains to be studied.) # specgram = (pl.log(specgram) + 10) * 10 # # 錦上添花 (Icing on the cake) # # 加這行讓頻譜會轉,有趣!! (Add this line so that the spectrum will be transferred, fun! !) # if keyboard == K_e: specgram = pl.roll(specgram, -int( %, axis=0) # # pygame 的 主要貢獻 (The main contribution): specgram ---> audioScreen # pg.surfarray.blit_array(self.audioScreen, specgram.astype('int')) # # pygame 的 次要貢獻 (Minor contribution): 調整一下 (Adjustments) size audioScreen ---> aSurf # aSurf = pg.transform.scale( self.audioScreen, (self.screenWidth, self.screenHeigth)) #//4)) # # 黏上幕 (Stick on screen) aSurf ---> display # #aSurf= pg.transform.average_surfaces([aSurf, self.videoShot]) self.screen.blit(aSurf, (0, 0)) pg.draw.rect(self.screen, color, rect) #這行是音高 f0, 原本在之前畫,但發現會被頻譜擋住,就移到此處。 # # 把攝影畫面 黏上去,1/4 螢幕就好了,不要太大,以免宣賓奪主。 # (The photographic images stick up, 1/4 screen just fine, not too much, lest the Lord declared Bin wins.) # bSurf = pg.transform.scale( self.videoShot, (self.screenWidth // 4, self.screenHeigth // 4)) #//4)) self.screen.blit(bSurf, (0, 0)) # # 江永進的建議,在頻譜前畫一條白線,並把能量、頻率軌跡畫出。 # (Jiang Yong Jin's proposal to draw a white line before the spectrum and the energy and frequency trajectory draw.) # if keyboard == K_f: x = ( % * self.screenWidth / h = self.screenHeigth pg.draw.line(self.screen, pg.Color('white'), (x, h), (x, 0), 2) y = length y = h - y z = frequency z = h - z if % == 0: self.enList = [(x, y)] self.f0List = [(x, z)] else: if self.enList[-1] != (x, y): self.enList += [(x, y)] if self.f0List[-1] != (x, z): self.f0List += [(x, z)] pass if len(self.enList) > 1: pg.draw.lines(self.screen, pg.Color('black'), False, self.enList, 1) if len(self.f0List) > 1: pg.draw.lines(self.screen, pg.Color('blue'), False, self.f0List, 2)
print "Fill %s File %s has a problem (nrow of beam OR pltaggzero OR pltlumizero is 0 in input file)" % ( fill, file) h5in.close() continue print "The file is %s" % (file) table = h5in.root.pltaggzero h5out = t.open_file(output_path_ + file, mode='w') outtable = h5out.create_table('/', outtablename, Lumitable, filters=compr_filter, chunkshape=chunkshape) rownew = outtable.row channel_counter = 0 #bxmask = h5in.root.beam[channel_counter/nchannels]['collidable'] needs it and it has to start from 0 for every file bxmask = h5in.root.beam[0]['collidable'] leading = (py.logical_xor(bxmask, py.roll(bxmask, 1)) & bxmask) train = py.logical_xor(leading, bxmask) maskhigh = 0 masklow = 0 for d in disablech: #Move to function at some point #masklow if (d == 0): masklow += 0x1 #Use hexadecimal numbers elif (d == 1): masklow += 0x2 elif (d == 2): masklow += 0x10 elif (d == 3): masklow += 0x20 elif (d == 4): masklow += 0x100