def save_spectrogram(notes, filename): window_size = 512 overlap = 512/2 num_buffers = int(len(notes)/window_size)*2 window = scipy.signal.blackman(window_size) data = [] for i in xrange(num_buffers): start = i * overlap end = start + window_size note_data = notes[start:end] if len(note_data) < window_size: break db = db_spectrum(note_data, window) data.append(db) data = np.transpose(np.array(data)) pl.imshow(data, origin='lower', aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest') pl.suptitle(filename) pl.ylabel('Frequency (log)') pl.xlabel('Time (bins)') pl.savefig(filename)
def plotmodel(tractor, sig1, tt): mod = tractor.getModelImage(0) data = tractor.getImage(0).getImage() noise = np.random.normal(size=data.shape) * sig1 imchi = dict(interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='RdBu', vmin=-3, vmax=3) plt.clf() plt.subplot(2,2,1) plt.imshow(data, **ima) plt.title('Image') plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([]) plt.subplot(2,2,2) plt.imshow(mod, **ima) plt.title('Model') plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([]) plt.subplot(2,2,3) plt.imshow(mod+noise, **ima) plt.title('Model + noise') plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([]) plt.subplot(2,2,4) # show mod - img to match "red-to-blue" colormap. plt.imshow(-(data - mod)/sig1, **imchi) plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([]) plt.title('Chi') plt.suptitle(tt) ps.savefig()
def sim_results(obs, modes, stars, model, data): synth = model.generate_data(modes) synth_stats = model.summary_stats(synth) obs_stats = model.summary_stats(obs) f = plt.figure(figsize=(15,3)) plt.suptitle('Obs Cand.:{}; Sim Cand.:{}'.format(obs.size, synth.size)) plt.rc('legend', fontsize='xx-small', frameon=False) plt.subplot(121) bins = opt_bin(obs_stats[0],synth_stats[0]) plt.hist(obs_stats[0], bins=bins, histtype='step', label='Data', lw=2) plt.hist(synth_stats[0], bins=bins, histtype='step', label='Simulation', lw=2) plt.xlabel(r'$\xi$') plt.legend() plt.subplot(122) bins = opt_bin(obs_stats[1],synth_stats[1]) plt.hist(obs_stats[1], bins=np.arange(bins.min()-0.5, bins.max()+1.5, 1), histtype='step', label='Data', log=True, lw=2) plt.hist(synth_stats[1], bins=np.arange(bins.min()-0.5, bins.max()+1.5, 1), histtype='step', label='Simulation', log=True, lw=2) plt.xlabel(r'$N_p$') plt.legend()
def transmission(path,g,src,dest): global disp_count global bar_colors global edge_colors global node_colors k=0 j=0 list_of_edges = g.edges() for node in path : k=path.index(node) disp_count = disp_count + 1 if k != (len(path)-1): k=path[k+1] j=list_of_edges.index((node,k)) initialize_edge_colors(j) #ec[disp_count].remove(-3000) pylab.subplot(121) nx.draw_networkx(g,pos = nx.circular_layout(g),node_color= node_colors,edge_color = edge_colors) pylab.annotate("Source",node_positions[src]) pylab.annotate("Destination",node_positions[dest]) pylab.title("Transmission") he=initializeEnergies(disp_count) print he pylab.subplot(122)[1,2,3,4,5],height=[300,300,300,300,300],width=0.5,color = ['w','w','w','w','w'],linewidth=0)[1,2,3,4,5],height=initializeEnergies(disp_count),width=0.5,color = 'b') pylab.title("Node energies") #pylab.legend(["already passed throgh","passing" , "yet to pass"]) pylab.xlabel('Node number') pylab.ylabel('Energy') pylab.suptitle('Leach Protocol', fontsize=12) pylab.pause(2) else : return
def log_posterior(self,theta): model_g1 , model_g2, limit_mask , _ , _ = self.draw_model(theta) likelihood = self.log_likelihood(model_g1,model_g2,limit_mask) prior = self.log_prior(theta) if not np.isfinite(prior): posterior = -np.inf else: # use no info from prior for now posterior = likelihood if logger.level == logging.DEBUG: n_progress = 10 elif logger.level == logging.INFO: n_progress = 1000 if self.n_model_evals % n_progress == 0:'%7d post=% 2.8e like=% 2.8e prior=% 2.4e M200=% 6.3e ' % (self.n_model_evals,posterior,likelihood,prior,theta[0])) if np.isnan(posterior): import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if self.save_all_models: self.plot_residual_g1g2(model_g1,model_g2,limit_mask) pl.suptitle('model post=% 10.8e M200=%5.2e' % (posterior,theta[0]) ) filename_fig = 'models/res2.%04d.png' % self.n_model_evals pl.savefig(filename_fig) logger.debug('saved %s' % filename_fig) pl.close() return posterior
def main(): base_path = "/caps2/tsupinie/1kmf-control/" temp = goshen_1km_temporal(start=14400, end=14400) grid = goshen_1km_grid() n_ens_members = 40 np.seterr(all='ignore') ens = loadEnsemble(base_path, [ 11 ], temp.getTimes(), ([ 'pt', 'p' ], computeDensity)) ens = ens[0, 0] zs = decompressVariable(nio.open_file("%s/ena001.hdfgrdbas" % base_path, mode='r', format='hdf').variables['zp']) xs, ys = grid.getXY() xs = xs[np.newaxis, ...].repeat(zs.shape[0], axis=0) ys = ys[np.newaxis, ...].repeat(zs.shape[0], axis=0) eff_buoy = effectiveBuoyancy(ens, (zs, ys, xs), plane={'z':10}) print eff_buoy pylab.figure() pylab.contourf(xs[0], ys[0], eff_buoy[0],'RdBu_r')) pylab.colorbar() grid.drawPolitical() pylab.suptitle("Effective Buoyancy") pylab.savefig("eff_buoy.png") pylab.close() return
def group_plots(ylist, ncols, x = None, titles = None, suptitle = None, ylabels = None, figsize = None, sameyscale = True, order='C', imkw={}): import pylab as pl nrows = np.ceil(len(ylist)/float(ncols)) figsize = ifnot(figsize, (2*ncols,2*nrows)) fh, axs = pl.subplots(int(nrows), int(ncols), sharex=True, sharey=bool(sameyscale), figsize=figsize) ymin,ymax = data_range(ylist) axlist = axs.ravel(order=order) for i,f in enumerate(ylist): x1 = ifnot(x, range(len(f))) _im = axlist[i].plot(x1,f,**imkw) if titles is not None: pl.setp(axlist[i], title = titles[i]) if ylabels is not None: pl.setp(axlist[i], ylabel=ylabels[i]) if suptitle: pl.suptitle(suptitle) return
def animation_compare(filename1, filename2, prefix, tend): num = 0 for t in timestep(0,tend): t1,s1 = FieldInitializer.LoadState(filename1, t) t2,s2 = FieldInitializer.LoadState(filename2, t) rot1 = s1.CalculateRotationRodrigues()['z'] rot2 = s2.CalculateRotationRodrigues()['z'] pylab.figure(figsize=(5.12*2,6.12)) rho = s2.CalculateRhoFourier().modulus() rot = s2.CalculateRotationRodrigues()['z'] pylab.subplot(121) #pylab.imshow(rho*(rho>0.5), alpha=1, pylab.imshow(rot1) pylab.xticks([]) pylab.yticks([]) pylab.xlabel(r'$d_0$', fontsize=25) pylab.subplot(122) pylab.imshow(rot2) pylab.xticks([]) pylab.yticks([]) pylab.subplots_adjust(0.,0.,1.,1.,0.01,0.05) pylab.xlabel(r'$d_0/2$', fontsize=25) pylab.suptitle("Nabarro-Herring", fontsize=25) pylab.savefig("%s%04i.png" %(prefix, num)) pylab.close('all') num = num + 1
def plot_bases(self, autoscale=True, stampsize=None): import pylab as plt N = len(self.psfbases) cols = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(N))) rows = int(np.ceil(N / float(cols))) plt.clf() plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, wspace=0) cut = 0 if stampsize is not None: H, W = self.shape assert H == W cut = max(0, (H - stampsize) / 2) ima = dict(interpolation="nearest", origin="lower") if autoscale: mx = self.psfbases.max() ima.update(vmin=-mx, vmax=mx) nil, xpows, ypows = self.polynomials(0.0, 0.0, powers=True) for i, (xp, yp, b) in enumerate(zip(xpows, ypows, self.psfbases)): plt.subplot(rows, cols, i + 1) if cut > 0: b = b[cut:-cut, cut:-cut] if autoscale: plt.imshow(b, **ima) else: mx = np.abs(b).max() plt.imshow(b, vmin=-mx, vmax=mx, **ima) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.title("x^%i y^%i" % (xp, yp)) plt.suptitle("PsfEx eigen-bases")
def visualize_reduced_results(methods, combine_output, title="", plot_fn=None): """ set up plots: T1-error, ROC, PRC """ t0 = time.time() fig = pylab.figure() fig.set_size_inches(26,7) for mi, method in enumerate(methods): o = combine_output[mi] pylab.subplot(131) gw.draw_t1err_curve(o["t1err"][0], o["t1err"][1], method, o["num_trials"]) pylab.subplot(132) draw_roc_curve(o["roc"][0], o["roc"][1], o["roc"][2], method) pylab.subplot(133) gw.draw_prc_curve(o["prc"][0], o["prc"][1], o["prc"][2], method) pylab.suptitle(title) print "time taken to draw figure", time.time()-t0 if plot_fn is None: print "showing figure!" else: print "saving figure!" pylab.savefig(plot_fn, dpi=100)
def plot_weights(init_som, final_som, title=['SOM init', 'SOM final'], dim_lab=None): ''' Function to plot neural weights before and after the training for each dimension. ''' assert init_som.shape == final_som.shape n, d = init_som.shape width = if dim_lab is None: dim_lab = ['w' + str(i) for i in xrange(d)] fig = plt.figure() for lab, i in zip(dim_lab, xrange(d)): # plot weights before training plt.suptitle(title[0], fontsize = 14) ax = fig.add_subplot(2, d, i+1) img = init_som[:, i].reshape(width, width) ax.imshow(img, interpolation='nearest') plt.title(lab) # same weights after training ax = fig.add_subplot(2, d, (i+1) + d) if i==int(d/2.): plt.title(title[1]) img_f = final_som[:, i].reshape(width, width) ax.imshow(img_f, interpolation='nearest')
def plotGeometry(self,SNP,PCAD,title): fig=plt.figure(figsize=self.figsize, dpi=self.dpi);plt.ioff() SNP.loc['Reference0']=np.zeros(SNP.shape[1],dtype=int) plt.subplot(1,2,1) D=pd.DataFrame(None,index=SNP.index,columns=SNP.index) for i in SNP.index: for j in SNP.index: D.loc[i,j]= sum(np.logical_xor(SNP.loc[i],SNP.loc[j])) D=D.astype(float) im=plt.imshow(D,interpolation='nearest',cmap='Reds') plt.gca().xaxis.tick_top() x=np.arange(D.index.shape[0]) plt.yticks(x,map(lambda x: x.replace('mdio','') ,D.index.values)) plt.xticks(x,map(lambda x: x.replace('mdio','') ,D.columns)) plt.colorbar(im) plt.gca().tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=10) plt.title('Pairwise Hamming Distance',y=1.03) plt.subplot(1,2,0) D=PCAD.astype(float) im=plt.imshow(D,interpolation='nearest',cmap='Reds') plt.gca().xaxis.tick_top() x=np.arange(D.index.shape[0]) plt.yticks(x,map(lambda x: x.replace('mdio','') ,D.index.values)) plt.xticks(x,map(lambda x: x.replace('mdio','') ,D.columns)) plt.colorbar(im) plt.gca().tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=10) plt.title('Euclidean Distance in PC3',y=1.03) plt.suptitle('Figure {}. {}'.format(self.fignumber, title),fontsize=self.titleSizeSup); self.pdf.savefig(fig);self.fignumber+=1
def _show_plots(target, fitted, wt, wo, corrected): tau_NP, tau_P, attenuator, rate = target tau_NP_f, tau_P_f, attenuation_f, rate_f = fitted # Plot the results sim_pars = (r'Sim $\tau_{NP}=%g\,{\rm %s}$, $\tau_{P}=%g\,{\rm %s}$, ${\rm attenuator}=%g$' )%(tau_NP, DEADTIME_UNITS, tau_P, DEADTIME_UNITS, attenuator) fit_pars = (r'Fit $\tau_{NP}=%s$, $\tau_P=%s$, ${\rm attenuator}=%.2f$' )%( ("%.2f"%tau_NP_f[0] if np.inf > tau_NP_f[1] > 0 else "-"), ("%.2f"%tau_P_f[0] if np.inf > tau_P_f[1] > 0 else "-"), 1./attenuation_f[0], ) title = '\n'.join((sim_pars, fit_pars)) import pylab pylab.subplot(211) #pylab.errorbar(rate, rate_f[0], yerr=rate_f[1], fmt='c.', label='fitted rate') #mincident = np.linspace(rate[0], rate[-1], 400) #munattenuated = expected_rate(mincident, tau_NP_f[0], tau_P_f[0]) #mattenuated = expected_rate(mincident/attenuator, tau_NP_f[0], tau_P_f[0]) #minc = np.hstack((mincident, 0., mincident)) #mobs = np.hstack((munattenuated, np.NaN, mattenuated)) #pylab.plot(minc, mobs, 'c-', label='expected rate') pylab.errorbar(rate, uval(corrected), yerr=udev(corrected), fmt='r.', label='corrected rate') _show_rates(rate, wo, wt, attenuator, tau_NP_f[0], tau_P_f[0]) pylab.subplot(212) _show_droop(rate, wo, wt, attenuator) pylab.suptitle(title) #pylab.figure(); _show_inversion(wo, tau_P_f, tau_NP_f)
def simulationDelayedTreatment(): """ Runs simulations and make histograms for problem 5. Runs multiple simulations to show the relationship between delayed treatment and patient outcome. Histograms of final total virus populations are displayed for delays of 300, 150, 75, 0 timesteps (followed by an additional 150 timesteps of simulation). """ histBins = [i*50 for i in range(11)] delays = [0, 75, 150, 300] subplot = 1 for d in delays: results = [] for t in xrange(NUM_TRIALS): results.append(runSimulation(d)) pylab.subplot(2, 2, subplot) subplot += 1 pylab.hist(results, bins=histBins, label='delayed ' + str(d)) pylab.xlim(0, 500) pylab.ylim(0, NUM_TRIALS) pylab.ylabel('number of patients') pylab.xlabel('total virus population') pylab.title(str(d) + ' time step delay') popStd = numpy.std(results) popMean = numpy.mean(results) ## print str(d)+' step delay standard deviation: '+str(popStd) ## print str(d)+' step mean: '+str(popMean) ## print str(d)+' step CV: '+str(popStd / popMean) ## print str(d) + ' step delay: ' + str(results) pylab.suptitle('Patient virus populations after 150 time steps when ' +\ 'prescription\n' +\ 'is applied after delays of 0, 75, 150, 300 time steps')
def get_cav(c_mat,nchan,scaling=False): #Compute Cav by taking diags, averaging and reforming the matrix diags =[c_mat.diagonal(count) for count in xrange(nchan-1, -nchan,-1)] cav=n.zeros_like(c_mat) for count,count_chan in enumerate(range(nchan-1,-nchan,-1)): cav += n.diagflat( n.mean(diags[count]).repeat(len(diags[count])), count_chan) if scaling: temp=cav.copy() for count in xrange(nchan): cav[count,:] *= n.sqrt(c_mat[count,count]/temp[count,count]) cav[:,count] *= n.sqrt(c_mat[count,count]/temp[count,count]) if not n.allclose(cav.T.conj(),cav): print 'Cav is not Hermitian' print 'bl' if PLOT and False: p.subplot(131); capo.arp.waterfall(c_mat,mode='real',mx=3,drng=6); p.title('C') p.subplot(132); capo.arp.waterfall(cav,mode='real',mx=3,drng=6); p.colorbar() p.title('Cav') p.subplot(133); capo.arp.waterfall(diff,mode='real',mx=500,drng=500); p.colorbar() p.title('Abs Difference') p.suptitle('%d_%d'%a.miriad.bl2ij(bl)) return cav
def fuzzy_arcs_equal(arcs0, arcs1, allowed_error_multiplier): # Compare two sets of arcs that should be roughly the same shape up to noise introduced by quantization and inexact constructions # allowed_error_multiplier should be in units of round trip error for quantization->offset->unquantization # Actual errors appear to be substantially higher than expected in many cases and I'm not sure why! combined = Nested.concatenate(arcs0, arcs1) quantization_scale = circle_arc_quantization_unit(combined) error_per_opp = quantization_scale*(circle_arc_max_quantization_error_guess()+circle_arc_max_offset_error_guess()) # xor arcs to get difference delta = split_arcs_by_parity(combined) # We might have thin features around edges, but a small negative offset should erase everything max_error = (allowed_error_multiplier+1)*error_per_opp squeezed_delta = offset_arcs(delta,-max_error) # Add additional margin for error during offsetting similar = (len(squeezed_delta) == 0) area_error = abs(circle_arc_area(arcs0) - circle_arc_area(arcs1)) # Sanity check that similar arcs have similar area # In theory area_error tolerance should grow proportional to max_error*arcs_perimeter_length, but a constant works for current usage if similar and not area_error < 3e-5: if 0: import pylab pylab.suptitle("area_error: %s" % area_error) subplot_arcs(combined, 121, "Combined", full=False) subplot_arcs(delta, 122, "delta", full=False) assert False return similar
def check_negative_offsets(test_arcs): d = 0.4 # Offset inward then outward would normally erode sharp features, but we can use a positive offset to generate a shape with no sharp features outer = offset_arcs(test_arcs, d*1.5) # Ensure features big enough to not disappear if we inset/offset again inset = offset_arcs(outer, -d) reset = offset_arcs(inset, d) outer_area = circle_arc_area(outer) inset_area = circle_arc_area(inset) reset_area = circle_arc_area(reset) assert inset_area < outer_area # Offset by negative amount should reduce area if not fuzzy_arcs_equal(outer, reset, 2): if 0: import pylab area_error = abs(outer_area - reset_area) pylab.suptitle("Offset: %s, Area error:%s" % (sub_d, area_error)) print "outer_area:",outer_area print "inset_area:",inset_area print "reset_area:",reset_area subplot_arcs(outer, 131, "outer", full=False) subplot_arcs(inset, 132, "inset", full=False) subplot_arcs(reset, 133, "reset", full=False) assert False # Check that a large negative offset leaves nothing empty_arcs = offset_arcs(test_arcs, -100.) assert len(empty_arcs) == 0
def histogram(self): # a method of the class to draw the histogram for the given year plt.figure() self.income_df.hist(column = 'Income', by = 'Region', figsize = (11.5, 8.5), bins = 20, xrot = 25, sharex = True, sharey = True) pl.suptitle('Distriution of income in ' + str(self.year)) plt.savefig('Historgram in '+ str(self.year) +'.pdf') plt.clf()
def check_offset_error(arcs): quantization_unit = circle_arc_quantization_unit(arcs) # Offset should introduce errors bounded by a small constant number of quantization unit plus some floating point rounding errors # I think the guaranteed error bound is probably higher than this, but I haven't found a test case where this fails error_per_offset = 5.*quantization_unit def thickness_ok(arcs, expected, max_error): thickness_lo = expected - max_error thickness_hi = expected + max_error return len(offset_arcs(arcs, -thickness_lo)) > 0 \ and len(offset_arcs(arcs, -thickness_hi)) == 0 # Find starting thickness starting_thickness = find_thickness(arcs,quantization_unit) # Offset inward by a random delta = -starting_thickness*random.uniform(0.1,0.9) new_arcs = offset_arcs(arcs,delta) expected_new_thickness = starting_thickness + delta if not thickness_ok(new_arcs, expected_new_thickness, error_per_offset): new_thickness = find_thickness(new_arcs, quantization_unit) error = abs(new_thickness - expected_new_thickness) print "Starting thickness:",starting_thickness print "New thickness:",new_thickness print "Expected new thickness:",expected_new_thickness error_msg = "For delta of %s, resulting error = %s (%s quantization units)" % (delta, error, error/quantization_unit) if 0: import pylab pylab.suptitle(error_msg) subplot_arcs(arcs, 121, "Initial", full=False) subplot_arcs(new_arcs, 122, "Offset", full=False) assert False
def createBasisGraph(self, data): plt.figure(self.nFig) plt.suptitle('Basis') nBase = data.shape[1] # The cols number of subplot is nSubCols = nBase / 10 if nSubCols > 0: if nBase % 2 == 0: nSubRows = nBase / nSubCols else: nSubRows = nBase / nSubCols + 1 else: nSubRows = nBase nSubCols = 1 # freqList = np.fft.fftfreq(513, d = 1.0 / 44100) for i in range(nBase): nowFig = self.nFig + (i / nSubRows) + 1 # Because Index of graph is start by 1, The Graph index start from i + 1. plt.subplot(nSubRows, nSubCols, i + 1) plt.tick_params(labelleft='off', labelbottom='off') # FIXME #plt.ylabel(self.st5[i%12] + str(i/12 + 1)) plt.ylabel(str(i)) plt.plot(data[:,i]) # Beacuse I want to add lable in bottom, xlabel is declaration after loop. plt.tick_params(labelleft='off', labelbottom='on') plt.xlabel('frequency [Hz]') #self.nFig += nowFig self.nFig += 1
def plotSurface(pt, td, winds, map, stride, title, file_name): pylab.figure() pylab.axes((0.05, 0.025, 0.9, 0.9)) u, v = winds nx, ny = pt.shape gs_x, gs_y = goshen_3km_gs xs, ys = np.meshgrid(gs_x * np.arange(nx), gs_y * np.arange(ny)) data_thin = tuple([ slice(None, None, stride) ] * 2) td_cmap ='Greens') td_cmap.set_under('#ffffff') pylab.contourf(xs, ys, td, levels=np.arange(40, 80, 5), cmap=td_cmap) pylab.colorbar() CS = pylab.contour(xs, ys, pt, colors='r', linestyles='-', linewidths=1.5, levels=np.arange(288, 324, 4)) pylab.clabel(CS, inline_spacing=0, fmt="%d K", fontsize='x-small') pylab.quiver(xs[data_thin], ys[data_thin], u[data_thin], v[data_thin]) drawPolitical(map, scale_len=75) pylab.suptitle(title) pylab.savefig(file_name) pylab.close() return
def _barplot_engine(self, suptitle, numIter=None, saveas=None, show=True): ''' code to support a barchart visualization of the results, with one bar chart per iteration. ''' res = self.annotation_dat if numIter is None else self.annotation_dat[0:numIter] pl.figure(num=1) #AS is complete Annotation Set, max_count is the maximum number # of genes that appears in any single annotation entry (AS, max_count) = self._common_Y() for (i, dat, genelist) in res: if len(dat) < 1: continue pl.subplot(2, math.ceil( len(res)/2.0), i+1) title = "Iteration %d (%d Genes)"%((i+1), len(genelist)) flag1=False if i in [0,5] else True self._plot_GO_bar_chart(i, title, annotation_set=AS, xlim=[0,max_count], suppress_ylab=flag1, suppress_desc=False, desc_filter=True, color="yellow", show=False) pl.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.95, top=0.90, bottom=0.05, wspace=0.1, hspace=0.2) if not suptitle is None: pl.suptitle("Ontology Annotations per Iteration: %s"%suptitle) if not saveas is None: pl.savefig(saveas) if show:
def compare_expvaluecollections(coll1, coll2, show=True, **kwargs): """ Plot all subsystems of two ExpectationValueCollections. *Arguments* * *coll1* First :class:`pycppqed.expvalues.ExpectationValue.Collection`. * *coll2* Second :class:`pycppqed.expvalues.ExpectationValue.Collection`. * *show* (optional): If True is called finally. This means a plotting window will pop up automatically. (Default is True) * Any other arguments that the pylab plotting command can use. This function allows a fast comparison between two sets of expectation values that were obtained by different calculations. """ import pylab s1 = coll1.subsystems s2 = coll2.subsystems assert len(s1) == len(s2) for i in range(len(s1)): pylab.figure() _compare_expvaluesubsystems(s1.values()[i], s2.values()[i], show=False, **kwargs) title = "%s vs. %s" % (s1.keys()[i], s2.keys()[i]) if hasattr(pylab, "suptitle"): # For old versions not available. pylab.suptitle(title) pylab.gcf().canvas.set_window_title(title) if show:
def ks_gof(mcmc, samples, format="png"): """Runs ks_2samp test and plots Observed/Expected vs. Simulated/Expected""" size = len(samples) #Check for bedrock data for sample in samples: if isinstance(sample, BedrockSample): size = len(samples)-1 #Set size and create grid if size == 1: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 10)) grid = ag.axes_grid.Grid(fig, 111, nrows_ncols = (size, 1), axes_pad = 1, share_x=False, share_y=False, label_mode = "all" ) j = 0 for sample in samples: if isinstance(sample, DetritalSample): #obs = mcmc.get_node("ObsAge_" + sim = mcmc.get_node("SimAge_" + exp = mcmc.get_node("ExpAge_" + d_simExp=[] d_obsExp=[] #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() for i in range(len(exp.trace()[:,-1])): D, P = sp.stats.ks_2samp(mcmc.trace(exp)[i,-1], mcmc.trace(sim)[i,-1]) d_simExp.append(D) D, P = sp.stats.ks_2samp(mcmc.trace(exp)[i,-1], sample.ages) d_obsExp.append(D) #The test statistics generated from ks_2samp plot as a grid. The following adds #random uniform noise for a better visual representation on the plot. noise=(0.5/len(sample.ages)) for i in range(len(d_simExp)): d_simExp[i] = d_simExp[i] + np.random.uniform(-noise, noise, 1) d_obsExp[i] = d_obsExp[i] + np.random.uniform(-noise, noise, 1) #Calculate p-value (The proportion of test statistics above the y=x line) count=0 for i in range(len(d_simExp)): if (d_simExp[i]>d_obsExp[i]): count=count+1 count=float(count) p_value=(count/len(d_simExp)) #Plot grid[j].scatter(d_obsExp, d_simExp, color='gray', edgecolors='black') grid[j].set_xlabel('Observed/Expected', fontsize='small') grid[j].set_ylabel('Simulated/Expected', fontsize='small') label = + ", " + "p-value="+"%f"%p_value grid[j].set_title(label, fontsize='medium') #Add a y=x line to plot if (max(d_simExp)>=max(d_obsExp)): grid[j].plot([0,max(d_simExp)],[0,max(d_simExp)], color='black') else: grid[j].plot([0,max(d_obsExp)],[0,max(d_obsExp)], color='black') j+=1 plt.suptitle('Kolmogorov-Smirnov Statistics', fontsize='large') fig.savefig("KS_test."+format)
def expvaluecollection(evc, show=True, **kwargs): """ Visualize a :class:`pycppqed.expvalues.ExpectationValueCollection`. *Usage* >>> import numpy as np >>> T = np.linspace(0,10) >>> d = (np.sin(T), np.cos(T)) >>> titles = ("<x>", "<y>") >>> evc = pycppqed.expvalues.ExpectationValueCollection(d, T, titles) >>> evc.plot() *Arguments* * *evc* A :class:`pycppqed.expvalues.ExpectationValueCollection`. * *show* (optional): If True is called finally. This means a plotting window will pop up automatically. (Default is True) * Any other arguments that the pylab plotting command can use. """ if evc.subsystems: import pylab for sysname, data in evc.subsystems.iteritems(): pylab.figure() _expvalues(data.evtrajectories, show=False, **kwargs) if hasattr(pylab, "suptitle"): # For old versions not available. pylab.suptitle(sysname) pylab.gcf().canvas.set_window_title(sysname) if show: else: titles = ["(%s) %s" % (i, title) for i, title in enumerate(evc.titles)] _expvalues(evc.evtrajectories, titles, show=show, **kwargs)
def createCoefGraph(data, nFig, lim, ymin): plt.figure(nFig) plt.suptitle('Coef') nBase = data.shape[0] nSubCols = nBase / 10 if nSubCols > 0: nSubRows = nBase / nSubCols else: nSubRows = nBase nSubCols = 1 # print data.shape # サンプリング周波数とシフト幅によって式を変える必要あり timeLine = [i * 1024 / 8000.0 for i in range(data.shape[1])] # print len(timeLine) for i in range(nBase): plt.subplot(nSubRows, nSubCols, i + 1) plt.tick_params(labelleft='off', labelbottom='off') # FIXME: Arguments of X # plt.plot(timeLine, data[i,:]) if lim: plt.ylim(ymin=ymin) plt.plot(timeLine, data[i,:]) # Beacuse I want to add lable in bottom, xlabel is declaration after loop. plt.tick_params(labelleft='off', labelbottom="on") plt.xlabel('time [ms]')
def NeutralLinguagram(self, M, savename, start=1): fakeX = [] for i in range(len(M)): xs = [] for j in range(1,33): xs.append(j) fakeX.append(xs) x1 = array(fakeX) y1 = array(M) Z = [] for i in range(start, (len(M)+start)): zs = [] for j in range(32): zs.append(i) Z.append(zs) z1 = array(Z) fig = p.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) ax.plot_surface(z1, -x1, y1, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.jet) ax.view_init(90,-90) p.suptitle(savename[:-4]) p.savefig(savename, format = 'png')
def plot_prototypes(self): """ plots each of the components as a prototype (sum of fitted b-splines) and returns a dictionary of figures """ figs = {} for h in np.unique( fig = pl.figure() splines = if 'rate' in h: pl.plot(np.sum([] * self.beta[],1)) pl.title(h) elif len(splines.shape) == 1 or (splines.shape[0] == 1): pl.plot(np.sum( * self.beta[],1),'o') pl.title(h) elif len(splines.shape) == 2: pl.plot(np.sum( * self.beta[],1)) pl.title(h) elif len(splines.shape) == 3: slices = np.zeros(splines.shape) for (i, ind) in zip(range(splines.shape[0]), slices[i,:,:] = splines[i,:,:] * self.beta[ind] pl.imshow(slices.sum(axis=0),cmap='jet') figs[h + '_sum'] = fig fig = pl.figure() for i in range(len(slices)): pl.subplot(np.ceil(np.sqrt(slices.shape[0])),np.ceil(np.sqrt(slices.shape[0])),i+1) pl.imshow(slices[i],vmin=np.percentile(slices,1),vmax=np.percentile(slices,99),cmap='jet') pl.suptitle(h) figs[h] = fig else: pl.plot(np.sum( * self.beta[],1)) pl.title(h) figs[h] = fig return figs
def plot_multiplot_histogram(data): xcol=4 ycol=6 for index,attrib in enumerate(attribList): byAttrib=get_byAttrib(data,attrib) P.suptitle('Attribute Histograms') ax = P.subplot(xcol,ycol,index+1) plot_histogram(byAttrib,attrib=attribDict[attrib],bool_labels=False) for item in ax.get_xticklabels(): item.set_fontsize(0) for item in ax.get_yticklabels(): item.set_fontsize(0) if index % ycol == 0: P.ylabel('Probability') for item in ax.get_yticklabels(): item.set_fontsize(8) if index > (xcol-1)*ycol-1: P.xlabel('Rank') for item in ax.get_xticklabels(): item.set_fontsize(8) P.xlim([1,24]) P.ylim([0,0.25]) ax.yaxis.label.set_size(10) ax.xaxis.label.set_size(10) if np.sum(byAttrib[0:7,1])>2*np.sum(byAttrib[16:23,1]): P.text(20,0.20,'+') elif np.sum(byAttrib[16:23,1])>2*np.sum(byAttrib[0:7,1]): P.text(20,0.20,'-') P.subplots_adjust(hspace=.50) P.subplots_adjust(wspace=.50) P.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1)
def run_demo(with_plots=True): """ Demonstrates how to use PyFMI for simulation of Co-Simulation FMUs (version 1.0). """ fmu_name = O.path.join(path_to_fmus,'bouncingBall.fmu') model = load_fmu(fmu_name) res = model.simulate(final_time=2.) # Retrieve the result for the variables h_res = res['h'] v_res = res['v'] t = res['time'] assert N.abs('h') - (0.0424044)) < 1e-2 # Plot the solution if with_plots: # Plot the height fig = P.figure() P.clf() P.subplot(2,1,1) P.plot(t, h_res) P.ylabel('Height (m)') P.xlabel('Time (s)') # Plot the velocity P.subplot(2,1,2) P.plot(t, v_res) P.ylabel('Velocity (m/s)') P.xlabel('Time (s)') P.suptitle('FMI Bouncing Ball')
def forced_phot(): # Forced phot ps = PlotSequence('kick') plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.95, bottom=0.1, left=0.1, right=0.95) ff = [ ('decam-348227-S15-g-forced.fits', 348227, 'S15', 'g'), ('decam-348248-S16-g-forced.fits', 348248, 'S16', 'g'), ('decam-348271-S14-g-forced.fits', 348271, 'S14', 'g'), ('decam-348660-S15-r-forced.fits', 348660, 'S15', 'r'), ('decam-348684-S16-r-forced.fits', 348684, 'S16', 'r'), ('decam-348712-S14-r-forced.fits', 348712, 'S14', 'r'), ('decam-349154-S15-z-forced.fits', 349154, 'S15', 'z'), ('decam-349183-S14-z-forced.fits', 349183, 'S14', 'z'), ('decam-346630-S16-z-forced.fits', 346630, 'S16', 'z'), ] FF = [] for fn, expnum, extname, band in ff: F = fits_table(fn) print len(F), 'from', fn F.expnum = np.array([expnum] * len(F)) F.extname = np.array([extname] * len(F)) FF.append(F) F = merge_tables(FF) bricks = np.unique(F.brickname) print 'Bricks:', bricks T = merge_tables([ fits_table(os.path.join('dr1', 'tractor', b[:3], 'tractor-%s.fits' % b)) for b in bricks ]) print 'Total of', len(T), 'sources' T.cut(T.brick_primary == 1) print 'Cut to', len(T), 'brick_primary' Tall = T.copy() cutouts = [] I, J, d = match_radec(Tall.ra, Tall.dec, Tall.ra, Tall.dec, 5. / 3600., notself=True) K = np.flatnonzero(I < J) I = I[K] J = J[K] # randomize K = np.random.randint(2, size=len(I)) I, J = I * K + J * (1 - K), I * (1 - K) + J * K plt.clf() plothist( 3600. * (Tall.ra[I] - Tall.ra[J]) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(Tall.dec[I])), 3600. * (Tall.dec[I] - Tall.dec[J]), 200) #, range=((-2,2),(-2,2))) plt.xlabel('dRA (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('dDec (arcsec)') plt.title('%i sources, %i matches' % (len(Tall), len(I))) ps.savefig() dist = 3600. * np.hypot( (Tall.ra[I] - Tall.ra[J]) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(Tall.dec[I])), Tall.dec[I] - Tall.dec[J]) cutouts.append((Tall, I[dist < 0.5], 'Close pairs', None)) plt.clf() plt.hist(dist, 50, histtype='step', color='b') plt.xlabel('Match distance (arcsec)') plt.title('%i sources, %i matches' % (len(Tall), len(I))) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plothist(Tall.bx0[I] - Tall.bx0[J], Tall.by0[I] - Tall.by0[J], 200, range=((-20, 20), (-20, 20))) plt.xlabel('d(x0)') plt.ylabel('d(y0)') plt.title('%i sources, %i matches' % (len(Tall), len(I))) ps.savefig() # plt.clf() # plt.plot(np.vstack((Tall.bx0[I], Tall.bx0[J])), # np.vstack((Tall.by0[I], Tall.by0[J])), 'b-') # ps.savefig() T.srcid = (T.brickid.astype(np.int64) << 32 | T.objid) F.srcid = (F.brickid.astype(np.int64) << 32 | F.objid) print 'Total of', len(F), 'forced' print len(np.unique(F.srcid)), 'unique source in forced' tmap = dict([(s, i) for i, s in enumerate(T.srcid)]) T.forced_g = [[] for i in range(len(T))] T.forced_r = [[] for i in range(len(T))] T.forced_z = [[] for i in range(len(T))] for f in F: i = tmap[f.srcid] forced = T.get('forced_%s' % f.filter)[i] forced.append(f.flux) allbands = 'ugrizY' # pack into arrays bands = 'grz' for band in bands: flist = T.get('forced_%s' % band) nmax = max([len(f) for f in flist]) arr = np.zeros((len(T), nmax), np.float32) for i, f in enumerate(flist): arr[i, :len(f)] = f T.set('forced_%s' % band, arr) ib = allbands.index(band) flux = T.decam_flux[:, ib] arr = np.zeros(len(T), np.float32) for i, f in enumerate(flist): arr[i] = np.mean([(fi - flux[i])**2 for fi in f]) arr = np.sqrt(arr) T.set('forced_rms_%s' % band, arr) T.set('forced_n_%s' % band, np.array([len(f) for f in flist])) # Cut to sources with forced phot T.cut( np.flatnonzero( reduce(np.logical_or, [ np.any(T.get('forced_%s' % band) > 0, axis=1) for band in bands ]))) print 'Cut to', len(T), 'sources with forced phot' flux = T.decam_flux[:, 1] forced = T.forced_g rms = T.forced_rms_g N = T.forced_n_g I = np.flatnonzero((N > 1) * (flux > 1e3)) print len(I), 'with flux > 10^3' #print 'flux', flux[I] #print 'forced' for f, ff, r, n in zip(flux[I], forced[I, :], rms[I], N[I]): print 'flux', f, 'n', n, 'forced RMS', r, 'forced', ff # Compute some summary stats # allbands = 'ugrizY' # for b in bands: # ib = allbands.index(b) # forced = T.get('forced_%s' % b) # flux = T.decam_flux[:,ib] # T.set('forced_rms_%s' % b, np.sqrt([np.mean([(fi - fl)**2 for fi in flist if fi != 0]) # for flist,fl in zip(forced, flux)])) imgs = {} allbands = 'ugrizY' for b in bands: ib = allbands.index(b) plt.clf() f = T.get('forced_%s' % b) n, nf = f.shape flux = T.decam_flux[:, ib] lo, hi = 1e-2, 1e5 plt.plot([lo, hi], [lo, hi], 'r-') plt.errorbar(flux, flux, fmt='none', yerr=1. / np.sqrt(T.decam_flux_ivar[:, ib]), ecolor='r') for i in range(nf): plt.plot(T.decam_flux[:, ib], f[:, i], 'b.', alpha=0.25) plt.axis([lo, hi, lo, hi]) plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.xlabel('Combined flux') plt.ylabel('Forced-photometry flux') plt.title('Forced phot: %s band' % b) ps.savefig() for b in bands: ib = allbands.index(b) plt.clf() f = T.get('forced_%s' % b) n, nf = f.shape flux = T.decam_flux[:, ib] lo, hi = -0.5, 4 plt.axhline(1., color='r') plt.axhline(0., color='k', alpha=0.25) for i in range(nf): plt.plot(flux, np.clip(f[:, i] / flux, lo, hi), 'b.', alpha=0.25) plt.ylim(lo - 0.1, hi + 0.1) plt.xlim(1e-2, 1e5) plt.xscale('log') #plt.yscale('log') plt.xlabel('Combined flux') plt.ylabel('Relative forced-photometry flux') plt.title('Forced phot: %s band' % b) ps.savefig() # Large relative flux I = np.flatnonzero((flux > 0.) * ((f[:, i] / flux) > 4.)) #print 'Relative fluxes:', (f[:,i]/flux)[I] #print 'Fluxes:', flux[I] I = I[np.argsort(-flux[I])] #print 'Sorted fluxes:', flux[I] labels = [] for t in T[I]: fluxes = t.get('forced_%s' % b) ib = allbands.index(b) flux = t.decam_flux[ib] txt = ('%.1f / %.1f / %.1f | %.1f' % (fluxes[0], fluxes[1], fluxes[2], flux)) labels.append(txt) cutouts.append((T, I, 'Large relative flux: %s band' % b, labels)) for b in bands: ib = allbands.index(b) plt.clf() rms = T.get('forced_rms_%s' % b) N = T.get('forced_n_%s' % b) flux = T.decam_flux[:, ib] lo, hi = -0.5, 4 #plt.axhline(1., color='r') #plt.axhline(0., color='k', alpha=0.25) I = np.flatnonzero(N > 1) print len(I), 'of', len(rms), 'have >1 exposure' plt.plot(flux[I], rms[I], 'b.', alpha=0.25) #plt.ylim(lo-0.1, hi+0.1) plt.xlim(1e-2, 1e5) plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.xlabel('Combined flux') plt.ylabel('Forced-photometry flux RMS') plt.title('Forced phot: %s band' % b) ps.savefig() # Large relative RMS I = np.flatnonzero((flux > 10.) * (N > 1) * ((rms / flux) > 0.1)) I = I[np.argsort(-flux[I])] cutouts.append((T, I, 'Large relative RMS: %s band' % b, None)) T[I].writeto('large-rms-%s.fits' % b) # Create a fake "brick" WCS bounding the forced-phot objects # rlo = T.ra.min() # rhi = T.ra.max() # dlo = T.dec.min() # dhi = T.dec.max() rlo = Tall.ra.min() rhi = Tall.ra.max() dlo = Tall.dec.min() dhi = Tall.dec.max() if rhi - rlo > 180: print 'No RA wrap-around support' sys.exit(0) dec = (dlo + dhi) / 2. ra = (rlo + rhi) / 2. pixscale = 0.262 ddec = (dhi - dlo) H = ddec * 3600. / pixscale dra = (rhi - rlo) W = dra * np.cos(np.deg2rad(dec)) * 3600. / pixscale H = int(np.ceil(H)) W = int(np.ceil(W)) print 'Target image shape', (H, W) targetwcs = Tan(ra, dec, W / 2. + 0.5, H / 2. + 0.5, -pixscale / 3600., 0., 0., pixscale / 3600., float(W), float(H)) img = np.zeros((H, W, 3), np.uint8) print 'img', img.shape decals = Decals() for brickname in bricks: brick = decals.get_brick_by_name(brickname) brickwcs = wcs_for_brick(brick) try: Yo, Xo, Yi, Xi, nil = resample_with_wcs(targetwcs, brickwcs, [], 3) except: continue brickimg = plt.imread( os.path.join('dr1', 'coadd', brickname[:3], brickname, 'decals-%s-image.jpg' % brickname)) print 'brick image', brickimg.shape, brickimg.dtype brickimg = brickimg[::-1, :, :] img[Yo, Xo, :] = brickimg[Yi, Xi, :] # Now fake the "bx,by" coords to refer to 'targetwcs' / 'img' ok, x, y = targetwcs.radec2pixelxy(T.ra, T.dec) T.bx = x - 1 = y - 1 ok, x, y = targetwcs.radec2pixelxy(Tall.ra, Tall.dec) Tall.bx = x - 1 = y - 1 print 'Tall:', len(Tall), 'sources' # plt.clf() # dimshow(img) # ps.savefig() # # ax = plt.axis() # plt.plot(Tall.bx,, 'r.') # plt.axis(ax) # ps.savefig() for TT, I, desc, labels in cutouts: plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, bottom=0.05, top=0.95, hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05) kwa = dict(rows=6, cols=9) plt.clf() plot_objects(TT[I], None, img, targetwcs, **kwa) plt.suptitle(desc) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plot_objects(TT[I], Tall, img, targetwcs, labels=labels, **kwa) plt.suptitle(desc) ps.savefig()
import pylab as pl from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from matplotlib.ticker import NullFormatter from sklearn import manifold, datasets # Next line to silence pyflakes. This import is needed. Axes3D n_points = 1000 X, color = datasets.samples_generator.make_s_curve(n_points, random_state=0) n_neighbors = 10 n_components = 2 fig = pl.figure(figsize=(15, 8)) pl.suptitle("Manifold Learning with %i points, %i neighbors" % (1000, n_neighbors), fontsize=14) try: # compatibility matplotlib < 1.0 ax = fig.add_subplot(241, projection='3d') ax.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], X[:, 2], c=color, ax.view_init(4, -72) except: ax = fig.add_subplot(241, projection='3d') pl.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 2], c=color, methods = ['standard', 'ltsa', 'hessian', 'modified'] labels = ['LLE', 'LTSA', 'Hessian LLE', 'Modified LLE'] for i, method in enumerate(methods): t0 = time()
def _peak_plot_1(vetomap, x, y, px, py, keep, i, xomit, yomit, sedsn, allblobs, level, dilate, saturated_pix, satur, ps, rgbimg, cut): from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_dilation, binary_fill_holes from scipy.ndimage.measurements import label import pylab as plt plt.clf() plt.suptitle('Peak at %i,%i (%s)' % (x, y, ('cut' if cut else 'kept'))) newsym = '+' if cut: newsym = 'x' plt.subplot(2, 3, 1) plt.imshow(vetomap, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=1) ax = plt.axis() prevx = px[:i][keep[:i]] prevy = py[:i][keep[:i]] plt.plot(prevx, prevy, 'o', mec='r', mfc='none') plt.plot(xomit, yomit, 'm.') plt.plot(x, y, newsym, mec='r', mfc='r') plt.axis(ax) plt.title('veto map') ablob = allblobs[y, x] saddlemap = (sedsn > level) saddlemap = binary_dilation(saddlemap, iterations=dilate) if saturated_pix is not None: saddlemap |= satur saddlemap *= (allblobs == ablob) # plt.subplot(2,3,2) # plt.imshow(saddlemap, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', # vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='gray') # ax = plt.axis() # plt.plot(x, y, newsym, mec='r', mfc='r') # plt.plot(prevx, prevy, 'o', mec='r', mfc='none') # plt.plot(xomit, yomit, 'm.') # plt.axis(ax) # plt.title('saddle map (1)') plt.subplot(2, 3, 2) saddlemap = binary_fill_holes(saddlemap) plt.imshow(saddlemap, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='gray') ax = plt.axis() plt.plot(x, y, newsym, mec='r', mfc='r') plt.plot(prevx, prevy, 'o', mec='r', mfc='none') plt.plot(xomit, yomit, 'm.') plt.axis(ax) plt.title('saddle map (fill holes)') blobs, _ = label(saddlemap) thisblob = blobs[y, x] saddlemap *= (blobs == thisblob) plt.subplot(2, 3, 4) plt.imshow(saddlemap, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='gray') ax = plt.axis() plt.plot(x, y, newsym, mec='r', mfc='r') plt.plot(prevx, prevy, 'o', mec='r', mfc='none') plt.plot(xomit, yomit, 'm.') plt.axis(ax) plt.title('saddle map (this blob)') nzy, nzx = np.nonzero(saddlemap) plt.subplot(2, 3, 5) plt.imshow(saddlemap, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='gray') plt.plot(x, y, newsym, mec='r', mfc='r', label='New source') plt.plot(prevx, prevy, 'o', mec='r', mfc='none', label='Previous sources') plt.plot(xomit, yomit, 'm.', label='Omit sources') plt.axis([min(nzx) - 1, max(nzx) + 1, min(nzy) - 1, max(nzy) + 1]) plt.legend() plt.title('saddle map (this blob)') if rgbimg is not None: for sp in [3, 6]: plt.subplot(2, 3, sp) plt.imshow(rgbimg, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') ax = plt.axis() plt.plot(x, y, newsym, mec='r', mfc='r') plt.plot(prevx, prevy, 'o', mec='r', mfc='none') plt.plot(xomit, yomit, 'm.') if sp == 3: plt.axis(ax) else: plt.axis( [min(nzx) - 1, max(nzx) + 1, min(nzy) - 1, max(nzy) + 1]) ps.savefig()
def sed_matched_detection(sedname, sed, detmaps, detivs, bands, xomit, yomit, romit, blob_dilate=None, nsigma=5., saddle_fraction=0.1, saddle_min=2., saturated_pix=None, veto_map=None, cutonaper=True, ps=None, rgbimg=None): ''' Runs a single SED-matched detection filter. Avoids creating sources close to existing sources. Parameters ---------- sedname : string Name of this SED; only used for plots. sed : list of floats The SED -- a list of floats, one per band, of this SED. detmaps : list of numpy arrays The per-band detection maps. These must all be the same size, the brick image size. detivs : list of numpy arrays The inverse-variance maps associated with `detmaps`. bands : list of strings The band names of the `detmaps` and `detivs` images. xomit, yomit, romit : iterables (lists or numpy arrays) of int Previously known sources that are to be avoided; x,y +- radius nsigma : float, optional Detection threshold. saddle_fraction : float, optional Fraction of the peak heigh for selecting new sources. saddle_min : float, optional Saddle-point depth from existing sources down to new sources. saturated_pix : None or list of numpy arrays, boolean A map of pixels that are always considered "hot" when determining whether a new source touches hot pixels of an existing source. cutonaper : bool, optional Apply a cut that the source's detection strength must be greater than `nsigma` above the 16th percentile of the detection strength in an annulus (from 10 to 20 pixels) around the source. ps : PlotSequence object, optional Create plots? Returns ------- hotblobs : numpy array of bool A map of the blobs yielding sources in this SED. px, py : numpy array of int The new sources found. aper : numpy array of float The detection strength in the annulus around the source, if `cutonaper` is set; else -1. peakval : numpy array of float The detection strength. See also -------- sed_matched_filters : creates the `(sedname, sed)` pairs used here run_sed_matched_filters : calls this method ''' from scipy.ndimage.measurements import label, find_objects from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_dilation, binary_fill_holes H, W = detmaps[0].shape allzero = True for iband in range(len(bands)): if sed[iband] == 0: continue if np.all(detivs[iband] == 0): continue allzero = False break if allzero: info('SED', sedname, 'has all zero weight') return None, None, None, None, None sedmap = np.zeros((H, W), np.float32) sediv = np.zeros((H, W), np.float32) if saturated_pix is not None: satur = np.zeros((H, W), bool) for iband in range(len(bands)): if sed[iband] == 0: continue # We convert the detmap to canonical band via # detmap * w # And the corresponding change to sig1 is # sig1 * w # So the invvar-weighted sum is # (detmap * w) / (sig1**2 * w**2) # = detmap / (sig1**2 * w) sedmap += detmaps[iband] * detivs[iband] / sed[iband] sediv += detivs[iband] / sed[iband]**2 if saturated_pix is not None: satur |= saturated_pix[iband] sedmap /= np.maximum(1e-16, sediv) sedsn = sedmap * np.sqrt(sediv) del sedmap peaks = (sedsn > nsigma) def saddle_level(Y): # Require a saddle that drops by (the larger of) "saddle" # sigma, or 10% of the peak height. # ("saddle" is passed in as an argument to the # sed_matched_detection function) drop = max(saddle_min, Y * saddle_fraction) return Y - drop lowest_saddle = nsigma - saddle_min # zero out the edges -- larger margin here? peaks[0, :] = 0 peaks[:, 0] = 0 peaks[-1, :] = 0 peaks[:, -1] = 0 # Label the N-sigma blobs at this point... we'll use this to build # "sedhot", which in turn is used to define the blobs that we will # optimize simultaneously. This also determines which pixels go # into the fitting! if blob_dilate is None: blob_dilate = 8 hotblobs, nhot = label( binary_fill_holes(binary_dilation(peaks, iterations=blob_dilate))) # find pixels that are larger than their 8 neighbors peaks[1:-1, 1:-1] &= (sedsn[1:-1, 1:-1] >= sedsn[0:-2, 1:-1]) peaks[1:-1, 1:-1] &= (sedsn[1:-1, 1:-1] >= sedsn[2:, 1:-1]) peaks[1:-1, 1:-1] &= (sedsn[1:-1, 1:-1] >= sedsn[1:-1, 0:-2]) peaks[1:-1, 1:-1] &= (sedsn[1:-1, 1:-1] >= sedsn[1:-1, 2:]) peaks[1:-1, 1:-1] &= (sedsn[1:-1, 1:-1] >= sedsn[0:-2, 0:-2]) peaks[1:-1, 1:-1] &= (sedsn[1:-1, 1:-1] >= sedsn[0:-2, 2:]) peaks[1:-1, 1:-1] &= (sedsn[1:-1, 1:-1] >= sedsn[2:, 0:-2]) peaks[1:-1, 1:-1] &= (sedsn[1:-1, 1:-1] >= sedsn[2:, 2:]) if ps is not None: import pylab as plt from astrometry.util.plotutils import dimshow plt.clf() plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) dimshow(sedsn, vmin=-2, vmax=100, cmap='hot', ticks=False) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) dimshow(sedsn, vmin=-2, vmax=10, cmap='hot', ticks=False) above = (sedsn > nsigma) plot_boundary_map(above) ax = plt.axis() y, x = np.nonzero(peaks) plt.plot(xomit, yomit, 'm.') plt.plot(x, y, 'r+') plt.axis(ax) plt.title('SED %s: S/N & peaks' % sedname) ps.savefig() #import fitsio #fitsio.write('sed-sn-%s.fits' % sedname, sedsn) # plt.clf() # plt.imshow(sedsn, vmin=-2, vmax=10, interpolation='nearest', # origin='lower', cmap='hot') # plot_boundary_map(sedsn > lowest_saddle) # plt.title('SED %s: S/N & lowest saddle point bounds' % sedname) # ps.savefig() # For each new source, compute the saddle value, segment at that # level, and drop the source if it is in the same blob as a # previously-detected source. # We dilate the blobs a bit too, to # catch slight differences in centroid positions. dilate = 1 # For efficiency, segment at the minimum saddle level to compute # slices; the operations described above need only happen within # the slice. saddlemap = (sedsn > lowest_saddle) saddlemap = binary_dilation(saddlemap, iterations=dilate) if saturated_pix is not None: saddlemap |= satur allblobs, _ = label(saddlemap) allslices = find_objects(allblobs) ally0 = [sy.start for sy, sx in allslices] allx0 = [sx.start for sy, sx in allslices] # brightest peaks first py, px = np.nonzero(peaks) I = np.argsort(-sedsn[py, px]) py = py[I] px = px[I] keep = np.zeros(len(px), bool) peakval = [] aper = [] apin = 10 apout = 20 # Map of pixels that are vetoed by sources found so far. The veto # area is based on saddle height. We go from brightest to # faintest pixels. Thus the saddle level decreases, and the # saddlemap areas become larger; the saddlemap when a source is # found is a lower bound on the pixels that it will veto based on # the saddle heights of fainter sources. Thus the vetomap isn't # the final word, it is just a quick veto of pixels we know for # sure will be vetoed. if veto_map is None: this_veto_map = np.zeros(sedsn.shape, bool) else: this_veto_map = veto_map.copy() for x, y, r in zip(xomit, yomit, romit): xlo = int(np.clip(np.floor(x - r), 0, W - 1)) xhi = int(np.clip(np.ceil(x + r), 0, W - 1)) ylo = int(np.clip(np.floor(y - r), 0, H - 1)) yhi = int(np.clip(np.ceil(y + r), 0, H - 1)) this_veto_map[ylo:yhi + 1, xlo:xhi + 1] |= (np.hypot( (x - np.arange(xlo, xhi + 1))[np.newaxis, :], (y - np.arange(ylo, yhi + 1))[:, np.newaxis]) < r) if ps is not None: plt.clf() plt.imshow(this_veto_map, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='hot') plt.title('Veto map') ps.savefig() info('Peaks in initial veto map:', np.sum(this_veto_map[py, px]), 'of', len(px)) plt.clf() plt.imshow(saddlemap, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='hot') ax = plt.axis() for slc in allslices: sy, sx = slc by0, by1 = sy.start, sy.stop bx0, bx1 = sx.start, sx.stop plt.plot([bx0, bx0, bx1, bx1, bx0], [by0, by1, by1, by0, by0], 'r-') plt.axis(ax) plt.title('Saddle map (lowest level): %i blobs' % len(allslices)) ps.savefig() # For each peak, determine whether it is isolated enough -- # separated by a low enough saddle from other sources. Need only # search within its "allblob", which is defined by the lowest # saddle. info('Found', len(px), 'potential peaks') nveto = 0 nsaddle = 0 naper = 0 for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(px, py)): if this_veto_map[y, x]: nveto += 1 continue level = saddle_level(sedsn[y, x]) ablob = allblobs[y, x] index = int(ablob - 1) slc = allslices[index] saddlemap = (sedsn[slc] > level) saddlemap = binary_dilation(saddlemap, iterations=dilate) if saturated_pix is not None: saddlemap |= satur[slc] saddlemap *= (allblobs[slc] == ablob) saddlemap = binary_fill_holes(saddlemap) blobs, _ = label(saddlemap) x0, y0 = allx0[index], ally0[index] thisblob = blobs[y - y0, x - x0] saddlemap *= (blobs == thisblob) # previously found sources: ox = np.append(xomit, px[:i][keep[:i]]) - x0 oy = np.append(yomit, py[:i][keep[:i]]) - y0 h, w = blobs.shape cut = False if len(ox): ox = ox.astype(int) oy = oy.astype(int) cut = any((ox >= 0) * (ox < w) * (oy >= 0) * (oy < h) * (blobs[np.clip(oy, 0, h - 1), np.clip(ox, 0, w - 1)] == thisblob)) # one plot per peak is a little excessive! if ps is not None and i < 10: _peak_plot_1(this_veto_map, x, y, px, py, keep, i, xomit, yomit, sedsn, allblobs, level, dilate, saturated_pix, satur, ps, rgbimg, cut) if False and cut and ps is not None: _peak_plot_2(ox, oy, w, h, blobs, thisblob, sedsn, x0, y0, x, y, level, ps) if False and (not cut) and ps is not None: _peak_plot_3(sedsn, nsigma, x, y, x0, y0, slc, saddlemap, xomit, yomit, px, py, keep, i, cut, ps) if cut: # in same blob as previously found source. # update vetomap this_veto_map[slc] |= saddlemap nsaddle += 1 continue # Measure in aperture... ap = sedsn[max(0, y - apout):min(H, y + apout + 1), max(0, x - apout):min(W, x + apout + 1)] apiv = (sediv[max(0, y - apout):min(H, y + apout + 1), max(0, x - apout):min(W, x + apout + 1)] > 0) aph, apw = ap.shape apx0, apy0 = max(0, x - apout), max(0, y - apout) R2 = ((np.arange(aph) + apy0 - y)[:, np.newaxis]**2 + (np.arange(apw) + apx0 - x)[np.newaxis, :]**2) ap = ap[apiv * (R2 >= apin**2) * (R2 <= apout**2)] if len(ap): # 16th percentile ~ -1 sigma point. m = np.percentile(ap, 16.) else: # fake m = -1. if cutonaper: if sedsn[y, x] - m < nsigma: naper += 1 continue aper.append(m) peakval.append(sedsn[y, x]) keep[i] = True this_veto_map[slc] |= saddlemap if False and ps is not None: plt.clf() plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) dimshow(ap, vmin=-2, vmax=10, cmap='hot', extent=[apx0, apx0 + apw, apy0, apy0 + aph]) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) dimshow(ap * ((R2 >= apin**2) * (R2 <= apout**2)), vmin=-2, vmax=10, cmap='hot', extent=[apx0, apx0 + apw, apy0, apy0 + aph]) plt.suptitle('peak %.1f vs ap %.1f' % (sedsn[y, x], m)) ps.savefig() info('Of', len(px), 'potential peaks:', nveto, 'in veto map,', nsaddle, 'cut by saddle test,', naper, 'cut by aper test,', np.sum(keep), 'kept') if ps is not None: pxdrop = px[np.logical_not(keep)] pydrop = py[np.logical_not(keep)] py = py[keep] px = px[keep] # Which of the hotblobs yielded sources? Those are the ones to keep. hbmap = np.zeros(nhot + 1, bool) hbmap[hotblobs[py, px]] = True if len(xomit): h, w = hotblobs.shape hbmap[hotblobs[np.clip(yomit, 0, h - 1), np.clip(xomit, 0, w - 1)]] = True # in case a source is (somehow) not in a hotblob? hbmap[0] = False hotblobs = hbmap[hotblobs] if ps is not None: plt.clf() dimshow(this_veto_map, vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='hot') plt.title('SED %s: veto map' % sedname) ps.savefig() plt.clf() dimshow(hotblobs, vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='hot') ax = plt.axis() p2 = plt.plot(pxdrop, pydrop, 'm+', ms=8, mew=2) p1 = plt.plot(px, py, 'g+', ms=8, mew=2) p3 = plt.plot(xomit, yomit, 'r+', ms=8, mew=2) plt.axis(ax) plt.title('SED %s: hot blobs' % sedname) plt.figlegend((p3[0], p1[0], p2[0]), ('Existing', 'Keep', 'Drop'), 'upper left') ps.savefig() return hotblobs, px, py, aper, peakval
def multilabels(self, xtext, ytext, title=None): plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) plt.figtext(0.5, 0.07, xtext, ha='center') plt.figtext(0.05, 0.5, ytext, rotation='vertical', va='center') if title is not None: plt.suptitle(title)
splot.set_xticks(()) splot.set_yticks(()) def plot_lda_cov(lda, splot): plot_ellipse(splot, lda.means_[0], lda.covariance_, 'red') plot_ellipse(splot, lda.means_[1], lda.covariance_, 'blue') def plot_qda_cov(qda, splot): plot_ellipse(splot, qda.means_[0], qda.covariances_[0], 'red') plot_ellipse(splot, qda.means_[1], qda.covariances_[1], 'blue') ############################################################################### for i, (X, y) in enumerate([dataset_fixed_cov(), dataset_cov()]): # LDA lda = LDA() y_pred =, y, store_covariance=True).predict(X) splot = plot_data(lda, X, y, y_pred, fig_index=2 * i + 1) plot_lda_cov(lda, splot) pl.axis('tight') # QDA qda = QDA() y_pred =, y, store_covariances=True).predict(X) splot = plot_data(qda, X, y, y_pred, fig_index=2 * i + 2) plot_qda_cov(qda, splot) pl.axis('tight') pl.suptitle('LDA vs QDA')
def galaxies(): ps = PlotSequence('kick') plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.95, bottom=0.1, left=0.1, right=0.95) brick = '3166p025' decals = Decals() b = decals.get_brick_by_name(brick) brickwcs = wcs_for_brick(b) # A catalog of sources overlapping one DECaLS CCD, arbitrarily: # python projects/desi/ decam/CP20140810_g_v2/c4d_140816_032035_ooi_g_v2.fits.fz 1 DR1 f.fits #T = fits_table('cat.fits') T = fits_table( os.path.join('dr1', 'tractor', brick[:3], 'tractor-%s.fits' % brick)) print len(T), 'catalog sources' print np.unique(T.brick_primary) T.cut(T.brick_primary) print len(T), 'primary' print 'Out of bounds:', np.unique(T.out_of_bounds) print 'Left blob:', np.unique(T.left_blob) img = plt.imread( os.path.join('dr1', 'coadd', brick[:3], brick, 'decals-%s-image.jpg' % brick)) img = img[::-1, :, :] print 'Image:', img.shape if False: resid = plt.imread( os.path.join('dr1', 'coadd', brick[:3], brick, 'decals-%s-resid.jpg' % brick)) resid = resid[::-1, :, :] T.shapeexp_e1_err = 1. / np.sqrt(T.shapeexp_e1_ivar) T.shapeexp_e2_err = 1. / np.sqrt(T.shapeexp_e2_ivar) T.shapeexp_r_err = 1. / np.sqrt(T.shapeexp_r_ivar) T.shapedev_e1_err = 1. / np.sqrt(T.shapedev_e1_ivar) T.shapedev_e2_err = 1. / np.sqrt(T.shapedev_e2_ivar) T.shapedev_r_err = 1. / np.sqrt(T.shapedev_r_ivar) T.gflux = T.decam_flux[:, 1] T.rflux = T.decam_flux[:, 2] T.zflux = T.decam_flux[:, 4] I = np.flatnonzero(T.type == 'EXP ') J = np.flatnonzero(T.type == 'DEV ') E = T[I] D = T[J] cutobjs = [] cut = np.logical_or(E.shapeexp_e1_err > 1., E.shapeexp_e2_err > 1.) I = np.flatnonzero(cut) print len(I), 'EXP with large ellipticity error' cutobjs.append((E[I], 'EXP ellipticity error > 1')) E.cut(np.logical_not(cut)) I = np.flatnonzero( np.logical_or(D.shapedev_e1_err > 1., D.shapedev_e2_err > 1.)) print len(I), 'DEV with large ellipticity error' cutobjs.append((D[I], 'DEV ellipticity error > 1')) I = np.flatnonzero( np.logical_or( np.abs(E.shapeexp_e1) > 0.5, np.abs(E.shapeexp_e2) > 0.5)) cutobjs.append((E[I], 'EXP with ellipticity > 0.5')) I = np.flatnonzero( np.logical_or( np.abs(D.shapedev_e1) > 0.5, np.abs(D.shapedev_e2) > 0.5)) cutobjs.append((E[I], 'DEV with ellipticity > 0.5')) I = np.flatnonzero( np.logical_or(E.shapeexp_e1_err < 3e-3, E.shapeexp_e2_err < 3e-3)) cutobjs.append((E[I], 'EXP with small ellipticity errors (<3e-3)')) I = np.flatnonzero( np.logical_or(D.shapedev_e1_err < 3e-3, D.shapedev_e2_err < 3e-3)) cutobjs.append((D[I], 'DEV with small ellipticity errors (<3e-3)')) I = np.flatnonzero(D.shapedev_r > 10.) cutobjs.append((D[I], 'DEV with large radius (>10")')) I = np.flatnonzero(D.shapedev_r_err < 2e-3) cutobjs.append((D[I], 'DEV with small radius errors (<2e-3)')) I = np.flatnonzero((D.rflux > 100.) * (D.shapedev_r < 5.)) cutobjs.append((D[I], 'DEV, small & bright')) I = np.flatnonzero((E.rflux > 100.) * (E.shapeexp_r < 5.)) cutobjs.append((E[I], 'EXP, small & bright')) # I = np.argsort(-T.decam_flux[:,2]) # cutobjs.append((T[I], 'brightest objects')) I = np.flatnonzero(np.logical_or(D.rflux < -5., D.gflux < -5)) cutobjs.append((D[I], 'DEV with neg g or r flux')) I = np.flatnonzero(np.logical_or(E.rflux < -5., E.gflux < -5)) cutobjs.append((E[I], 'EXP with neg g or r flux')) I = np.flatnonzero(T.decam_rchi2[:, 2] > 5.) cutobjs.append((T[I], 'rchi2 > 5')) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.95, bottom=0.1, top=0.95, hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05) # plt.clf() # p1 = plt.semilogy(T.shapeexp_e1[I], T.shapeexp_e1_ivar[I], 'b.') # p2 = plt.semilogy(T.shapeexp_e2[I], T.shapeexp_e2_ivar[I], 'r.') # plt.xlabel('Ellipticity e') # plt.ylabel('Ellipticity inverse-variance e_ivar') # plt.title('EXP galaxies') # plt.legend([p1[0],p2[0]], ['e1','e2']) # ps.savefig() plt.clf() p1 = plt.semilogy(E.shapeexp_e1, E.shapeexp_e1_err, 'b.') p2 = plt.semilogy(E.shapeexp_e2, E.shapeexp_e2_err, 'r.') plt.xlabel('Ellipticity e') plt.ylabel('Ellipticity error e_err') plt.title('EXP galaxies') plt.legend([p1[0], p2[0]], ['e1', 'e2']) ps.savefig() # plt.clf() # p1 = plt.semilogy(T.shapedev_e1[J], T.shapedev_e1_ivar[J], 'b.') # p2 = plt.semilogy(T.shapedev_e2[J], T.shapedev_e2_ivar[J], 'r.') # plt.xlabel('Ellipticity e') # plt.ylabel('Ellipticity inverse-variance e_ivar') # plt.title('DEV galaxies') # plt.legend([p1[0],p2[0]], ['e1','e2']) # ps.savefig() plt.clf() p1 = plt.semilogy(D.shapedev_e1, D.shapedev_e1_err, 'b.') p2 = plt.semilogy(D.shapedev_e2, D.shapedev_e2_err, 'r.') plt.xlabel('Ellipticity e') plt.ylabel('Ellipticity error e_err') plt.title('DEV galaxies') plt.legend([p1[0], p2[0]], ['e1', 'e2']) ps.savefig() plt.clf() p1 = plt.loglog(D.shapedev_r, D.shapedev_r_err, 'b.') p2 = plt.loglog(E.shapeexp_r, E.shapeexp_r_err, 'r.') plt.xlabel('Radius r') plt.ylabel('Radius error r_err') plt.title('DEV, EXP galaxies') plt.legend([p1[0], p2[0]], ['deV', 'exp']) ps.savefig() plt.clf() p1 = plt.loglog(D.rflux, D.shapedev_r, 'b.') p2 = plt.loglog(E.rflux, E.shapeexp_r, 'r.') plt.xlabel('r-band flux') plt.ylabel('Radius r') plt.title('DEV, EXP galaxies') plt.legend([p1[0], p2[0]], ['deV', 'exp']) ps.savefig() plt.clf() p1 = plt.loglog(-D.rflux, D.shapedev_r, 'b.') p2 = plt.loglog(-E.rflux, E.shapeexp_r, 'r.') plt.xlabel('Negative r-band flux') plt.ylabel('Radius r') plt.title('DEV, EXP galaxies') plt.legend([p1[0], p2[0]], ['deV', 'exp']) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.loglog(D.rflux, D.decam_rchi2[:, 2], 'b.') plt.loglog(E.rflux, E.decam_rchi2[:, 2], 'r.') plt.xlabel('r-band flux') plt.ylabel('rchi2 in r') plt.title('DEV, EXP galaxies') plt.legend([p1[0], p2[0]], ['deV', 'exp']) ps.savefig() for objs, desc in cutobjs: if len(objs) == 0: print 'No objects in cut', desc continue rows, cols = 4, 6 objs = objs[:rows * cols] if False: plt.clf() dimshow(img) plt.plot(objs.bx,, 'rx') ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, bottom=0.05, top=0.95, hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05) plot_objects(objs, None, img, brickwcs) plt.suptitle(desc) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plot_objects(objs, T, img, brickwcs, fracflux=True) plt.suptitle(desc) ps.savefig() if False: plt.clf() for i, o in enumerate(objs): plt.subplot(rows, cols, i + 1) H, W, three = img.shape dimshow(resid[o.y0:min(H, + S), o.x0:min(W, o.bx + S), :], ticks=False) plt.suptitle(desc) ps.savefig() sys.exit(0) print 'RA', T.ra.min(), T.ra.max() print 'Dec', T.dec.min(), T.dec.max() # Uhh, how does *this* happen?! Fitting gone wild I guess # T.cut((T.ra > 0) * (T.ra < 360) * (T.dec > -90) * (T.dec < 90)) # print 'RA', T.ra.min(), T.ra.max() # print 'Dec', T.dec.min(), T.dec.max() # rlo,rhi = [np.percentile(T.ra, p) for p in [1,99]] # dlo,dhi = [np.percentile(T.dec, p) for p in [1,99]] # print 'RA', rlo,rhi # print 'Dec', dlo,dhi # plt.clf() # plothist(T.ra, T.dec, 100, range=((rlo,rhi),(dlo,dhi))) # plt.xlabel('RA') # plt.ylabel('Dec') # ps.savefig() # decals = Decals() # B = decals.get_bricks() # #B.about() # brick = B[B.brickid == brickid] # assert(len(brick) == 1) # brick = brick[0] # wcs = wcs_for_brick(brick) # ccds = decals.get_ccds() # ccds.cut(ccds_touching_wcs(wcs, ccds)) # print len(ccds), 'CCDs' # #ccds.about() # ccds.cut(ccds.filter == 'r') # print len(ccds), 'CCDs' # S = [] # for ccd in ccds: # im = DecamImage(ccd) # S.append(fits_table(im.sdssfn)) # S = merge_tables(S) # print len(S), 'total SDSS' # #nil,I = np.unique(S.ra, return_index=True) # nil,I = np.unique(['%.5f %.5f' % (r,d) for r,d in zip(S.ra,S.dec)], return_index=True) # S.cut(I) # print len(S), 'unique' # # I,J,d = match_radec(T.ra, T.dec, S.ra, S.dec, 1./3600.) # print len(I), 'matches' # # plt.clf() # plt.loglog(S.r_psfflux[J], T.decam_r_nanomaggies[I], 'r.') # ps.savefig() #plt.clf() #plt.loglog(T.sdss_modelflux[:,2], T.decam_r_nanomaggies, 'r.') #ps.savefig() for bindex, band in [(1, 'g'), (2, 'r'), (4, 'z')]: sflux = T.sdss_modelflux[:, bindex] dflux = T.get('decam_%s_nanomaggies' % band) I = np.flatnonzero(sflux > 10.) med = np.median(dflux[I] / sflux[I]) # plt.clf() # plt.loglog(sflux, dflux / sflux, 'ro', mec='r', ms=4, alpha=0.1) # plt.axhline(med, color='k') # plt.ylim(0.5, 2.) # ps.savefig() corr = dflux / med T.set('decam_%s_nanomaggies_corr' % band, corr) T.set('decam_%s_mag_corr' % band, NanoMaggies.nanomaggiesToMag(corr)) dflux = T.get('decam_%s_nanomaggies_corr' % band) plt.clf() #plt.loglog(sflux, dflux / sflux, 'o', mec='b', ms=4, alpha=0.1) plt.loglog(sflux, dflux / sflux, 'b.', alpha=0.01) plt.xlim(1e-1, 3e3) plt.axhline(1., color='k') plt.ylim(0.5, 2.) plt.xlabel('SDSS flux (nmgy)') plt.ylabel('DECam flux / SDSS flux') plt.title('%s band' % band) ps.savefig() bands = 'grz' # for band in bands: # plt.clf() # sn = T.get('decam_%s_nanomaggies' % band) * np.sqrt(T.get('decam_%s_nanomaggies_invvar' % band)) # mag = T.get('decam_%s_mag_corr' % band) # plt.semilogy(mag, sn, 'b.') # plt.axis([20, 26, 1, 100]) # ps.savefig() ccmap = dict(g='g', r='r', z='m') plt.clf() for band in bands: sn = T.get('decam_%s_nanomaggies' % band) * np.sqrt( T.get('decam_%s_nanomaggies_invvar' % band)) mag = T.get('decam_%s_mag_corr' % band) cc = ccmap[band] #plt.semilogy(mag, sn, '.', color=cc, alpha=0.2) plt.semilogy(mag, sn, '.', color=cc, alpha=0.01, mec='none') plt.xlabel('mag') plt.ylabel('Flux Signal-to-Noise') tt = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50] plt.yticks(tt, ['%i' % t for t in tt]) plt.axhline(5., color='k') plt.axis([21, 26, 1, 20]) plt.title('DECaLS depth') ps.savefig() [gsn, rsn, zsn] = [ T.get('decam_%s_nanomaggies' % band) * np.sqrt(T.get('decam_%s_nanomaggies_invvar' % band)) for band in bands ] TT = T[(gsn > 5.) * (rsn > 5.) * (zsn > 5.)] # plt.clf() # plt.plot(g-r, r-z, 'k.', alpha=0.2) # plt.xlabel('g - r (mag)') # plt.ylabel('r - z (mag)') # plt.xlim(-0.5, 2.5) # plt.ylim(-0.5, 3) # ps.savefig() plt.clf() lp = [] cut = (TT.sdss_objc_type == 6) g, r, z = [ NanoMaggies.nanomaggiesToMag(TT.sdss_psfflux[:, i]) for i in [1, 2, 4] ] p = plt.plot((g - r)[cut], (r - z)[cut], '.', alpha=0.3, color='b') lp.append(p[0]) cut = (TT.sdss_objc_type == 3) g, r, z = [ NanoMaggies.nanomaggiesToMag(TT.sdss_modelflux[:, i]) for i in [1, 2, 4] ] p = plt.plot((g - r)[cut], (r - z)[cut], '.', alpha=0.3, color='r') lp.append(p[0]) plt.xlabel('g - r (mag)') plt.ylabel('r - z (mag)') plt.xlim(-0.5, 2.5) plt.ylim(-0.5, 3) plt.legend(lp, ['stars', 'galaxies']) plt.title('SDSS') ps.savefig() g = TT.decam_g_mag_corr r = TT.decam_r_mag_corr z = TT.decam_z_mag_corr plt.clf() lt, lp = [], [] for cut, cc, tt in [(TT.sdss_objc_type == 6, 'b', 'stars'), (TT.sdss_objc_type == 3, 'r', 'galaxies'), (TT.sdss_objc_type == 0, 'g', 'faint')]: p = plt.plot((g - r)[cut], (r - z)[cut], '.', alpha=0.3, color=cc) lt.append(tt) lp.append(p[0]) plt.xlabel('g - r (mag)') plt.ylabel('r - z (mag)') plt.xlim(-0.5, 2.5) plt.ylim(-0.5, 3) plt.legend(lp, lt) plt.title('DECaLS') ps.savefig() # Stars/galaxies in subplots plt.clf() lp = [] cut = (TT.sdss_objc_type == 6) g, r, z = [ NanoMaggies.nanomaggiesToMag(TT.sdss_psfflux[:, i]) for i in [1, 2, 4] ] plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) p = plt.plot((g - r)[cut], (r - z)[cut], '.', alpha=0.02, color='b') px = plt.plot(100, 100, '.', color='b') lp.append(px[0]) plt.xlabel('g - r (mag)') plt.ylabel('r - z (mag)') plt.xlim(-0.5, 2.5) plt.ylim(-0.5, 3) cut = (TT.sdss_objc_type == 3) g, r, z = [ NanoMaggies.nanomaggiesToMag(TT.sdss_modelflux[:, i]) for i in [1, 2, 4] ] plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) p = plt.plot((g - r)[cut], (r - z)[cut], '.', alpha=0.02, color='r') px = plt.plot(100, 100, '.', color='r') lp.append(px[0]) plt.xlabel('g - r (mag)') plt.ylabel('r - z (mag)') plt.xlim(-0.5, 2.5) plt.ylim(-0.5, 3) plt.figlegend(lp, ['stars', 'galaxies'], 'upper right') plt.suptitle('SDSS') ps.savefig() g = TT.decam_g_mag_corr r = TT.decam_r_mag_corr z = TT.decam_z_mag_corr plt.clf() lt, lp = [], [] for i, (cut, cc, tt) in enumerate([ (TT.sdss_objc_type == 6, 'b', 'stars'), (TT.sdss_objc_type == 3, 'r', 'galaxies'), #(TT.sdss_objc_type == 0, 'g', 'faint'), ]): plt.subplot(1, 2, i + 1) p = plt.plot((g - r)[cut], (r - z)[cut], '.', alpha=0.02, color=cc) lt.append(tt) px = plt.plot(100, 100, '.', color=cc) lp.append(px[0]) plt.xlabel('g - r (mag)') plt.ylabel('r - z (mag)') plt.xlim(-0.5, 2.5) plt.ylim(-0.5, 3) plt.figlegend(lp, lt, 'upper right') plt.suptitle('DECaLS') ps.savefig()
def plot_window_item(self, m, ind, x, r, k, label, U, scores, rgb_window, where_in_image): feature = label.split('[')[0].split('~')[0].split('_')[2] unit = label.split('_')[1] camera = label[5] matplotlib.rc('axes', edgecolor='w') fff = pylab.figure() pylab.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.26) # FIRST SUBPLOT: original AOD data pylab.subplot(2, 2, 1) pylab.plot(self.xvals + 1, r, 'r.-', label='Expected') pylab.plot(self.xvals + 1, x, 'b.-', label='Observations') pylab.xlim([0.87 * self.xvals.min(), 1.13 * self.xvals.max()]) pylab.ylim(0, 255) pylab.tick_params(\ axis='both', # changes apply to the x-axis which='both', # both major and minor ticks are affected # bottom='off', # ticks along the bottom edge are off # left='off', # ticks along the left edge are off right='off', # ticks along the right edge are off top='off') # ticks along the top edge are off # labelbottom='off', # labels along the bottom edge are off # labelleft='off') # labels along the left edge are off? pylab.xlabel('Color Band (Wavelength)') pylab.ylabel('Average Intensity of Band') pylab.legend(prop={'size': 10}) # Voodoo required to get colorbar to be the right height. #from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable #div = make_axes_locatable(pylab.gca()) #cax = div.append_axes('right','5%',pad='3%') #pylab.colorbar(im, cax=cax) # SECOND SUBPLOT: reconstructed data matplotlib.rc('axes', edgecolor='w') pylab.subplot(2, 2, 2) # im = pylab.imshow(255 * np.ones(where_in_image.shape)) if camera == 'L': lbltxt = str(' Band Labels:\n\n' + '1. 440 nm\n' + '2. Bayer Filter Blue [460 nm]\n' + '3. 525 nm\n' + '4. Bayer Filter Green [540 nm]\n' + '5. Bayer Filter Red [620 nm]\n' + '6. 675 nm\n' + '7. 750 nm\n' + '8. 865 nm\n' + '9. 1035 nm\n') elif camera == 'R': lbltxt = str(' Band Labels:\n\n' + '1. 440 nm\n' + '2. Bayer Filter Blue [460 nm]\n' + '3. 525 nm\n' + '4. Bayer Filter Green [540 nm]\n' + '5. Bayer Filter Red [620 nm]\n' + '6. 800 nm\n' + '7. 905 nm\n' + '8. 935 nm\n' + '9. 1035 nm\n') else: print "Bad camera: %s" % camera lbltxt = "Bad camera." pylab.annotate(lbltxt, xy=(.2, .95), xycoords='axes fraction', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', size=10) pylab.tick_params(\ axis='both', # changes apply to the x-axis which='both', # both major and minor ticks are affected bottom='off', # ticks along the bottom edge are off left='off', # ticks along the left edge are off right='off', # ticks along the right edge are off top='off', # ticks along the top edge are off labelbottom='off', # labels along the bottom edge are off labelleft='off') # labels along the left edge are off? pylab.xlabel('') # div = make_axes_locatable(pylab.gca()) # cax = div.append_axes('right','5%',pad='3%') # pylab.colorbar(im, cax=cax) # pylab.colorbar(im) # THIRD SUBPLOT: residual data pylab.subplot(2, 2, 3) pylab.imshow(rgb_window, interpolation='nearest') pylab.tick_params(\ axis='both', # changes apply to the x-axis which='both', # both major and minor ticks are affected bottom='off', # ticks along the bottom edge are off left='off', # ticks along the left edge are off right='off', # ticks along the right edge are off top='off', # ticks along the top edge are off labelbottom='off', # labels along the bottom edge are off labelleft='off') # labels along the left edge are off? pylab.xlabel('Selected window') # Voodoo required to get colorbar to be the right height. # div = make_axes_locatable(pylab.gca()) # cax = div.append_axes('right','5%',pad='3%') # cbar = pylab.colorbar(im, cax=cax) # cbar = pylab.colorbar(im) # tickvals = numpy.arange(-1,1.1,0.5) # cbar.set_ticks(tickvals) # cbar.set_ticklabels(tickvals) # FOURTH SUBPLOT: actual RGB image pylab.subplot(2, 2, 4) pylab.imshow(where_in_image, interpolation='nearest') pylab.tick_params(\ axis='both', # changes apply to the x-axis which='both', # both major and minor ticks are affected bottom='off', # ticks along the bottom edge are off left='off', # ticks along the left edge are off right='off', # ticks along the right edge are off top='off', # ticks along the top edge are off labelbottom='off', # labels along the bottom edge are off labelleft='off') # labels along the left edge are off? pylab.xlabel('Location within original image') # Voodoo required to get colorbar to be the right height. # div = make_axes_locatable(pylab.gca()) # cax = div.append_axes('right','5%',pad='3%') # cbar = pylab.colorbar(im, cax=cax) pylab.suptitle('DEMUD selection %d (%s), item %d, using K=%d' % \ (m, label, ind, k)) outdir = os.path.join('results', if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) figfile = os.path.join(outdir, 'sel-%d-(%s).pdf' % (m, label)) plt.savefig(figfile, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1) print 'Wrote plot to %s' % figfile pylab.close(fff) pylab.close("all")
# init_sequence = np.zeros((4, ntimesteps)) # for i in range(1, myiLQR.prediction_horizon): # init_sequence[:,i] = myiLQR.model_f(init_sequence[:,i-1], myiLQR.input_sequence[:,i-1]) # plt.figure() # plt.plot(init_sequence[0,:], init_sequence[1,:], '--',linewidth=1.5, label = 'init state') # start_time = timeit.default_timer() myiLQR(show_conv=False) elapsed = timeit.default_timer() - start_time print("elapsed time: ", elapsed) pl.figure(figsize=(8 * 1.1, 6 * 1.1)) pl.suptitle('iLQR: 2D, x and y. ') pl.axis('equal') pl.plot(myiLQR.target_state_sequence[0, :], myiLQR.target_state_sequence[1, :], '--r', label='Target', linewidth=2) pl.plot(myiLQR.state_sequence[0, :], myiLQR.state_sequence[1, :], '-+b', label='iLQR', linewidth=1.0) pl.grid('on') pl.xlabel('x (meters)') pl.ylabel('y (meters)') pl.legend(fancybox=True, framealpha=0.2)
g_b[f] = [] for i in t: gb_i = ([(Aa_k*Ab_k*c_k*numpy.sin(w_k*i+phia_k+phib_k)) for Aa_k, Ab_k, c_k, w_k, phia_k, phib_k in zip(Aa_karray, Ab_karray, c_karray, w_karray, phia_karray, phib_karray)]) g_b[f].append(sum(gb_i)) #plotting in a cutie way n_plots = len(f_array) cols = 2 rows = n_plots/cols pylab.figure(1) pylab.suptitle("Integrator output waveforms simulation", fontsize=14) for h, f in zip(range(1, n_plots+1, 1), f_array): pylab.subplot(rows, cols, h) pylab.plot(t*f, g_a[f], label='f = %d Hz' % f) #period set as x-unit pylab.legend(prop={'size':10}) pylab.locator_params(nbins=4) pylab.grid() #not really elegant, but less boring... if (h==3): pylab.ylabel('Simulated Signal [arb.un.]', size='large') if (h==5) or (h==6): pylab.xlabel('Time [T]', size='large') pylab.figure(2)
def multiplot(self, jd1=730120.0, djd=60, dt=20): if not hasattr(self, 'disci'): self.generate_regdiscs() self.x = self.disci self.y = self.discj if not hasattr(self, 'lon'): self.ijll() if USE_FIGPREF: figpref.presentation() pl.close(1) pl.figure(1, (10, 10)) conmat = self[jd1 - 730120.0:jd1 - 730120.0 + 60, dt:dt + 10] x, y =, = [] = [] pl.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0, top=0.95) pl.subplot(2, 2, 1) pl.pcolormesh(miv(conmat), pl.clim(0, 250) pl.plot([0, 800], [0, 800], 'g', lw=2) pl.gca().set_aspect(1) pl.setp(pl.gca(), yticklabels=[]) pl.setp(pl.gca(), xticklabels=[]) pl.colorbar(aspect=40, orientation='horizontal', pad=0, shrink=.8, fraction=0.05, ticks=[0, 50, 100, 150, 200]) pl.subplot(2, 2, 2) colorvec = (np.nansum(conmat, axis=1) - np.nansum(conmat, axis=0))[1:], y, 10, 'w', edgecolor='k'), y, 10, colorvec) pl.clim(0, 10000) pl.subplot(2, 2, 3) colorvec = np.nansum(conmat, axis=1)[1:], y, 10, 'w', edgecolor='k'), y, 10, colorvec) pl.clim(0, 10000) pl.subplot(2, 2, 4) colorvec = np.nansum(conmat, axis=0)[1:], y, 10, 'w', edgecolor='k'), y, 10, colorvec) pl.clim(0, 10000) if 'mycolor' in sys.modules: mycolor.freecbar([0.2, .06, 0.6, 0.020], [2000, 4000, 6000, 8000]) pl.suptitle("Trajectories seeded from %s to %s, Duration: %i-%i days" % (pl.num2date(jd1).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), pl.num2date(jd1 + djd).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), dt, dt + 10)) pl.savefig('multplot_%i_%03i.png' % (jd1, dt), transparent=True)
def run_test(args): rho = args.rho num_times = args.num_times min_num_rows = args.min_num_rows max_num_rows = args.max_num_rows n_grid = args.n_grid filename = args.filename discrete = args.discrete num_samples = [] for ns in log_linspace(min_num_rows,max_num_rows,n_grid).tolist(): num_samples.append(int(ns)) variances = [] burn_in = 200 MIs = numpy.zeros( (num_times, len(num_samples)) ) mi_diff = numpy.zeros( (len(num_samples), num_times) ) if not discrete: T, true_mi, external_mi = gen_correlated_data(num_samples[-1], rho) cctypes = ['continuous']*2 else: T, true_mi, external_mi = gen_correlated_data_discrete(num_samples[-1], rho) cctypes = ['multinomial']*2 data_subs = [] n_index = 0 for n in num_samples: T_sub = numpy.copy(T[0:n-1,:]) data = [] data_subs.append(T_sub) print("%i: " % n) for t in range(num_times): M_c = du.gen_M_c_from_T(T_sub,cctypes) state = State.p_State(M_c, T_sub) state.transition(n_steps=burn_in) X_D = state.get_X_D() X_L = state.get_X_L() MI, Linfoot = iu.mutual_information(M_c, [X_L], [X_D], [(0,1)], n_samples=5000) mi_diff[n_index,t] = true_mi-MI[0][0] print("\t%i TRUE: %e, EST: %e " % (t, true_mi, MI[0][0]) ) MIs[t,n_index] = MI[0][0] n_index += 1 if discrete: dtype_str = "discrete" else: dtype_str = "continuous" basefilename = filename + str(int(time.time())) figname = basefilename + ".png" datname = basefilename + "_DATA.png" pl.figure # plot data # pl.subplot(1,2,1) pl.figure(tight_layout=True,figsize=(len(data_subs)*4,4)) i = 0 for T_s in data_subs: pl.subplot(1,len(data_subs),i+1) num_rows = num_samples[i] if discrete: heatmap, xedges, yedges = numpy.histogram2d(T_s[:,0], T_s[:,1], bins=10) extent = [xedges[0], xedges[-1], yedges[0], yedges[-1]] pl.imshow(heatmap, extent=extent, interpolation="nearest") else: pl.scatter(T_s[:,0], T_s[:,1], alpha=.3, s=81) pl.title('#r: '+str(num_rows)) i += 1 pl.suptitle("data for rho: %1.2f (%s)" % (rho, dtype_str) ) pl.savefig(datname) pl.clf() pl.figure(tight_layout=True,figsize=(5,4)) # plot convergence # pl.subplot(1,2,2) # standard deviation stderr = numpy.std(MIs,axis=0)#/(float(num_times)**.5) mean = numpy.mean(MIs,axis=0) pl.errorbar(num_samples,mean,yerr=stderr,c='blue') pl.plot(num_samples, mean, c="blue", alpha=.8, label='mean MI') pl.plot(num_samples, [true_mi]*len(num_samples), color='red', alpha=.8, label='true MI'); pl.plot(num_samples, [external_mi]*len(num_samples), color=(0,.5,.5), alpha=.8, label='external MI'); pl.title('convergence') pl.xlabel('#rows in X (log)') pl.ylabel('CrossCat MI - true MI') pl.legend(loc=0,prop={'size':8}) pl.gca().set_xscale('log') # save output pl.title("convergence rho: %1.2f (%s)" % (rho, dtype_str) ) pl.savefig(figname)
def mixing(flmlname): print "\n********** Calculating the mixing diagnostics\n" # warn user about assumptions print "Background potential energy calculations makes two assumptions: \n i) domain height = 0.1m \n ii) initial temperature difference is 1.0 degC" domainheight = 0.1 rho_zero, T_zero, alpha, g = le_tools.Getconstantsfromflml(flmlname) # get mixing bin bounds and remove lower bound (=-\infty) bounds = le_tools.Getmixingbinboundsfromflml(flmlname)[1:] # find indicies of selected bounds for plotting index_plot = [] for b in [-0.5, -0.25, 0.0, 0.25, 0.5]: index_plot.append( pylab.find(numpy.array([abs(val - b) for val in bounds]) < 1E-6)[0]) time = [] volume_fraction = [] reference_state = [] bpe = [] # get stat files # time_index_end used to ensure don't repeat values stat_files, time_index_end = le_tools.GetstatFiles('./') for i in range(len(stat_files)): stat = stat_parser(stat_files[i]) for j in range(time_index_end[i]): time.append(stat['ElapsedTime']['value'][j]) bins = stat['fluid']['Temperature']['mixing_bins%cv_normalised'][:, j] # rearrange bins so have nobins = nobounds -1 # amounts to including any undershoot or overshoots in lower/upper most bin # for discussion of impacts see H. Hiester, PhD thesis (2011), chapter 4. bins[1] = bins[0] + bins[1] bins[-2] = bins[-2] + bins[-1] bins = bins[1:-1] # sum up bins for plot volume_fraction.append( tuple([ sum(bins[index_plot[k]:index_plot[k + 1]]) for k in range(len(index_plot) - 1) ])) # get reference state using method of Tseng and Ferziger 2001 Abins = sum([ bins[k] * (bounds[k + 1] - bounds[k]) for k in range(len(bins)) ]) pdf = [val / Abins for val in bins] rs = [0] for k in range(len(pdf)): rs.append(rs[-1] + (domainheight * pdf[k] * (bounds[k + 1] - bounds[k]))) reference_state.append(tuple(rs)) # get background potential energy, # noting \rho = \rho_zero(1-\alpha(T-T_zero)) # and reference state is based on temperature # bpe_bckgd = 0.5*(g*rho_zero*(1.0+(alpha*T_zero)))*(domainheight**2) # but don't include this as will look at difference over time bpe.append(-rho_zero * alpha * g * scipy.integrate.trapz( x=reference_state[-1], y=[ bounds[j] * reference_state[-1][j] for j in range(len(reference_state[-1])) ])) volume_fraction = numpy.array(volume_fraction) reference_state = numpy.array(reference_state) bpe_zero = bpe[0] bpe = [val - bpe_zero for val in bpe] # plot fs = 18 pylab.figure(num=2, figsize=(16.5, 11.5)) pylab.suptitle('Mixing', fontsize=fs) # volume fraction pylab.subplot(221) pylab.plot(time, volume_fraction[:, 0], label='$T < -0.25$', color='k') pylab.plot(time, volume_fraction[:, 1], label='$-0.25 < T < 0.0$', color='g') pylab.plot(time, volume_fraction[:, 2], label='$0.0 < T < 0.25$', color='b') pylab.plot(time, volume_fraction[:, 3], label='$0.25 < T$', color='0.5') pylab.axis([0, time[-1], 0, 0.5]) pylab.legend(loc=0) pylab.grid('on') pylab.xlabel('$t$ (s)', fontsize=fs) pylab.ylabel('$V/|\\Omega|$', fontsize=fs) pylab.title('Volume fraction', fontsize=fs) # reference state contours pylab.subplot(222) for i in index_plot: pylab.plot(time, reference_state[:, i], color='k') pylab.text( time[-1] / 100, 1.5E-3, 'From bottom to top contours correspond to values \n $T = -0.5, \, -0.25, \, 0.0, \, 0.25, \, 0.5$ \nwhere the values for $T=-0.5$ and $0.5$ take the values\n$z_* = 0.0$ and $0.1$ respectively', bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='black')) pylab.axis([0, time[-1], 0, domainheight]) pylab.grid('on') pylab.xlabel('$t$ (s)', fontsize=fs) pylab.ylabel('$z_*$ (m)', fontsize=fs) pylab.title('Reference state', fontsize=fs) pylab.subplot(223) pylab.plot(bounds, reference_state[-1], color='k') pylab.grid('on') pylab.axis([-0.5, 0.5, 0, domainheight]) pylab.xlabel('$T$ ($^\\circ$C)', fontsize=fs) pylab.ylabel('$z_*$ (m)', fontsize=fs) pylab.title('Reference state at $t=' + str(time[-1]) + '\\,$s', fontsize=fs) pylab.subplot(224) pylab.plot(time, bpe, color='k') pylab.grid('on') pylab.gca().get_xaxis().get_axes().set_xlim(0.0, time[-1]) pylab.xlabel('$t$ (s)', fontsize=fs) pylab.ylabel('$\\Delta E_b$', fontsize=fs - 2) pylab.gca().get_yaxis().set_major_formatter( pylab.FormatStrFormatter('%1.1e')) pylab.title('Background potential energy', fontsize=fs) pylab.savefig('diagnostics/plots/mixing.png') return
# Train clf = DecisionTreeClassifier().fit(X, y) # Plot the decision boundary pl.subplot(2, 3, pairidx + 1) x_min, x_max = X[:, 0].min() - 1, X[:, 0].max() + 1 y_min, y_max = X[:, 1].min() - 1, X[:, 1].max() + 1 xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, plot_step), np.arange(y_min, y_max, plot_step)) Z = clf.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape) cs = pl.contourf(xx, yy, Z) pl.xlabel(iris.feature_names[pair[0]]) pl.ylabel(iris.feature_names[pair[1]]) pl.axis("tight") # Plot the training points for i, color in zip(xrange(n_classes), plot_colors): idx = np.where(y == i) pl.scatter(X[idx, 0], X[idx, 1], c=color, label=iris.target_names[i]) pl.axis("tight") pl.suptitle("Decision surface of a decision tree using paired features") pl.legend()
def plotObservationsComposite(obs, map, scale_len, title, file_name): pylab.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) pylab.axes((0, 0, 1, 0.95)) colors = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'c', 'm', '#660099', '#ff9900', '#006666'] ob_ids = np.unique1d(obs['id']) ttu_label = False asos_label = False sndg_label = False for ob_id in ob_ids: ob_idxs = np.where(obs['id'] == ob_id)[0] these_obs = obs[ob_idxs] ob_xs, ob_ys = map(these_obs['longitude'], these_obs['latitude']) if ob_id[0] == "P": ob_num = int(ob_id[1]) - 1 pylab.plot(ob_xs, ob_ys, 'o', mfc=colors[ob_num], mec=colors[ob_num], ms=3, label="NSSL MM (%s)" % ob_id) elif ob_id[0] == "K": if not asos_label: label = "ASOS" asos_label = True else: label = None pylab.plot(ob_xs[0], ob_ys[0], 'k*', ms=5, label=label) elif ob_id[0] == "1" or ob_id[0] == "2": if not ttu_label: label = "TTU Sticknet" ttu_label = True else: label = None pylab.plot(ob_xs[0], ob_ys[0], 'o', mfc="#999999", mec="#999999", ms=3, label=label) elif these_obs[0]['obtype'] == "SNDG": if not sndg_label: label = "Sounding" sndg_label = True else: label = None pylab.plot(ob_xs[0], ob_ys[0], 'k^', ms=4, label=label) drawPolitical(map, scale_len=scale_len) line_objects = [ l for l in sorted(pylab.gca().lines, key=lambda x: x.get_label()) if l.get_label()[0] != "_" ] pylab.legend(line_objects, [l.get_label() for l in line_objects], loc=2, numpoints=1, prop={'size': 'medium'}) pylab.suptitle(title) pylab.savefig(file_name) pylab.close() return
def Doplots_diurnal(mypathforResults, PlottingDF, Site_ID): print "Doing diurnal plot for month " #Do Diurnal Plots for all 12 months #create an X axis series for all 24 hours t = np.arange(1, 25, 1) item_list = ['Fre_Con', 'Fc_ustar', 'GPP_Con', 'Fc_Con', 'Fc_Lasslop'] Plottemp = PlottingDF[item_list] #figure(1) pl.figure(1, figsize=(16, 12), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') pl.subplot(321) pl.title('Diurnal partitioning month = 1') try: xdata1a = Plottemp[( PlottingDF.index.month == 1)][item_list[0]].groupby( [lambda x: x.hour]).mean() plotxdata1a = True except: plotxdata1a = False try: xdata1b = Plottemp[( PlottingDF.index.month == 1)][item_list[1]].groupby( [lambda x: x.hour]).mean() plotxdata1b = True except: plotxdata1b = False try: xdata1c = Plottemp[( PlottingDF.index.month == 1)][item_list[2]].groupby( [lambda x: x.hour]).mean() plotxdata1c = True except: plotxdata1c = False try: xdata1d = Plottemp[( PlottingDF.index.month == 1)][item_list[3]].groupby( [lambda x: x.hour]).mean() plotxdata1d = True except: plotxdata1d = False if plotxdata1a == True: pl.plot(t, xdata1a, 'r', label=str(item_list[0])) if plotxdata1b == True: pl.plot(t, xdata1b, 'b', label=str(item_list[1])) if plotxdata1c == True: pl.plot(t, xdata1c, 'k', label=str(item_list[2])) if plotxdata1d == True: pl.plot(t, xdata1d, 'g', label=str(item_list[3])) pl.ylabel('Flux') pl.legend(shadow=True, fancybox=True, loc='best') pl.subplot(322) pl.title('Diurnal partitioning month = 3') try: xdata1a = Plottemp[( PlottingDF.index.month == 3)][item_list[0]].groupby( [lambda x: x.hour]).mean() plotxdata1a = True except: plotxdata1a = False try: xdata1b = Plottemp[( PlottingDF.index.month == 3)][item_list[1]].groupby( [lambda x: x.hour]).mean() plotxdata1b = True except: plotxdata1b = False try: xdata1c = Plottemp[( PlottingDF.index.month == 3)][item_list[2]].groupby( [lambda x: x.hour]).mean() plotxdata1c = True except: plotxdata1c = False try: xdata1d = Plottemp[( PlottingDF.index.month == 3)][item_list[3]].groupby( [lambda x: x.hour]).mean() plotxdata1d = True except: plotxdata1d = False if plotxdata1a == True: pl.plot(t, xdata1a, 'r', label=str(item_list[0])) if plotxdata1b == True: pl.plot(t, xdata1b, 'b', label=str(item_list[1])) if plotxdata1c == True: pl.plot(t, xdata1c, 'k', label=str(item_list[2])) if plotxdata1d == True: pl.plot(t, xdata1d, 'g', label=str(item_list[3])) pl.ylabel('Flux') pl.legend(shadow=True, fancybox=True, loc='best') pl.subplot(323) pl.title('Diurnal partitioning month = 5') try: xdata1a = Plottemp[( PlottingDF.index.month == 5)][item_list[0]].groupby( [lambda x: x.hour]).mean() plotxdata1a = True except: plotxdata1a = False try: xdata1b = Plottemp[( PlottingDF.index.month == 5)][item_list[1]].groupby( [lambda x: x.hour]).mean() plotxdata1b = True except: plotxdata1b = False try: xdata1c = Plottemp[( PlottingDF.index.month == 5)][item_list[2]].groupby( [lambda x: x.hour]).mean() plotxdata1c = True except: plotxdata1c = False try: xdata1d = Plottemp[( PlottingDF.index.month == 5)][item_list[3]].groupby( [lambda x: x.hour]).mean() plotxdata1d = True except: plotxdata1d = False if plotxdata1a == True: pl.plot(t, xdata1a, 'r', label=str(item_list[0])) if plotxdata1b == True: pl.plot(t, xdata1b, 'b', label=str(item_list[1])) if plotxdata1c == True: pl.plot(t, xdata1c, 'k', label=str(item_list[2])) if plotxdata1d == True: pl.plot(t, xdata1d, 'g', label=str(item_list[3])) pl.ylabel('Flux') pl.legend(shadow=True, fancybox=True, loc='best') pl.subplot(324) pl.title('Diurnal partitioning month = 7') try: xdata1a = Plottemp[( PlottingDF.index.month == 7)][item_list[0]].groupby( [lambda x: x.hour]).mean() plotxdata1a = True except: plotxdata1a = False try: xdata1b = Plottemp[( PlottingDF.index.month == 7)][item_list[1]].groupby( [lambda x: x.hour]).mean() plotxdata1b = True except: plotxdata1b = False try: xdata1c = Plottemp[( PlottingDF.index.month == 7)][item_list[2]].groupby( [lambda x: x.hour]).mean() plotxdata1c = True except: plotxdata1c = False try: xdata1d = Plottemp[( PlottingDF.index.month == 7)][item_list[3]].groupby( [lambda x: x.hour]).mean() plotxdata1d = True except: plotxdata1d = False if plotxdata1a == True: pl.plot(t, xdata1a, 'r', label=str(item_list[0])) if plotxdata1b == True: pl.plot(t, xdata1b, 'b', label=str(item_list[1])) if plotxdata1c == True: pl.plot(t, xdata1c, 'k', label=str(item_list[2])) if plotxdata1d == True: pl.plot(t, xdata1d, 'g', label=str(item_list[3])) pl.ylabel('Flux') pl.legend(shadow=True, fancybox=True, loc='best') pl.subplot(325) pl.title('Diurnal partitioning month = 9') try: xdata1a = Plottemp[(PlottingDF.index.month == 9)][item].groupby( [lambda x: x.hour]).mean() plotxdata1a = True except: plotxdata1a = False try: xdata1a = Plottemp[( PlottingDF.index.month == 9)][item_list[0]].groupby( [lambda x: x.hour]).mean() plotxdata1a = True except: plotxdata1a = False try: xdata1b = Plottemp[( PlottingDF.index.month == 9)][item_list[1]].groupby( [lambda x: x.hour]).mean() plotxdata1b = True except: plotxdata1b = False try: xdata1c = Plottemp[( PlottingDF.index.month == 9)][item_list[2]].groupby( [lambda x: x.hour]).mean() plotxdata1c = True except: plotxdata1c = False try: xdata1d = Plottemp[( PlottingDF.index.month == 9)][item_list[3]].groupby( [lambda x: x.hour]).mean() plotxdata1d = True except: plotxdata1d = False if plotxdata1a == True: pl.plot(t, xdata1a, 'r', label=str(item_list[0])) if plotxdata1b == True: pl.plot(t, xdata1b, 'b', label=str(item_list[1])) if plotxdata1c == True: pl.plot(t, xdata1c, 'k', label=str(item_list[2])) if plotxdata1d == True: pl.plot(t, xdata1d, 'g', label=str(item_list[3])) pl.ylabel('Flux') pl.legend(shadow=True, fancybox=True, loc='best') pl.subplot(326) pl.title('Diurnal partitioning month = 11') try: xdata1a = Plottemp[( PlottingDF.index.month == 11)][item_list[0]].groupby( [lambda x: x.hour]).mean() plotxdata1a = True except: plotxdata1a = False try: xdata1b = Plottemp[( PlottingDF.index.month == 11)][item_list[1]].groupby( [lambda x: x.hour]).mean() plotxdata1b = True except: plotxdata1b = False try: xdata1c = Plottemp[( PlottingDF.index.month == 11)][item_list[2]].groupby( [lambda x: x.hour]).mean() plotxdata1c = True except: plotxdata1c = False try: xdata1d = Plottemp[( PlottingDF.index.month == 11)][item_list[3]].groupby( [lambda x: x.hour]).mean() plotxdata1d = True except: plotxdata1d = False if plotxdata1a == True: pl.plot(t, xdata1a, 'r', label=str(item_list[0])) if plotxdata1b == True: pl.plot(t, xdata1b, 'b', label=str(item_list[1])) if plotxdata1c == True: pl.plot(t, xdata1c, 'k', label=str(item_list[2])) if plotxdata1d == True: pl.plot(t, xdata1d, 'g', label=str(item_list[3])) pl.ylabel('Flux') pl.legend(shadow=True, fancybox=True, loc='best') figure(1) pl.suptitle('Carbon partitioning ensemble diurnal average at ' + Site_ID) pl.subplots_adjust(top=0.85) pl.tight_layout() pl.savefig(mypathforResults + '/ANN ensemble diurnal average at ' + Site_ID) pl.close() time.sleep(1)
pl.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) for j, d in enumerate((1, 20)): for i, size in enumerate(sizes): p = np.polyfit(xtrain[:size], ytrain[:size], d) crossval_err[i] = compute_error(xcrossval, ycrossval, p) train_err[i] = compute_error(xtrain[:size], ytrain[:size], p) ax = pl.subplot(121 + j) pl.plot(sizes, crossval_err, lw=2, label='cross-val error') pl.plot(sizes, train_err, lw=2, label='training error') pl.plot([0, Ntrain], [error, error], '--k', label='intrinsic error') pl.xlabel('traning set size') if j == 0: pl.ylabel('rms error') else: ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) pl.legend(loc=4) pl.ylim(0.0, 2.5) pl.xlim(0, 99) pl.text(98, 2.45, 'd = %i' % d, ha='right', va='top', fontsize='large') pl.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.02, left=0.07, right=0.95) pl.suptitle('Learning Curves', fontsize=18)
def Froudenumber(flmlname): print "\n********** Calculating the Froude number\n" # warn user about assumptions print "Froude number calculations makes three assumptions: \n i) domain height = 0.1m \n ii) mid point domain is at x = 0.4 \n iii) initial temperature difference is 1.0 degC" domainheight = 0.1 domainmid = 0.4 rho_zero, T_zero, alpha, g = le_tools.Getconstantsfromflml(flmlname) gprime = rho_zero * alpha * g * 1.0 # this has assumed the initial temperature difference is 1.0 degC # get list of vtus filelist = le_tools.GetFiles('./') logs = [ 'diagnostics/logs/time.log', 'diagnostics/logs/X_ns.log', 'diagnostics/logs/X_fs.log' ] try: # if have extracted information already just use that os.stat('diagnostics/logs/time.log') os.stat('diagnostics/logs/X_ns.log') os.stat('diagnostics/logs/X_fs.log') time = le_tools.ReadLog('diagnostics/logs/time.log') X_ns = [ x - domainmid for x in le_tools.ReadLog('diagnostics/logs/X_ns.log') ] X_fs = [ domainmid - x for x in le_tools.ReadLog('diagnostics/logs/X_fs.log') ] except OSError: # otherwise get X_ns and X_fs and t from vtus time, X_ns, X_fs = le_tools.GetXandt(filelist) f_time = open('./diagnostics/logs/time.log', 'w') for t in time: f_time.write(str(t) + '\n') f_time.close() f_X_ns = open('./diagnostics/logs/X_ns.log', 'w') for X in X_ns: f_X_ns.write(str(X) + '\n') f_X_ns.close() f_X_fs = open('./diagnostics/logs/X_fs.log', 'w') for X in X_fs: f_X_fs.write(str(X) + '\n') f_X_fs.close() # shift so bot X_ns and X_fs are # distance of front from #initial position (mid point of domain) X_ns = [x - domainmid for x in X_ns] X_fs = [domainmid - x for x in X_fs] # Calculate U_ns and U_fs from X_ns, X_fs and t U_ns = le_tools.GetU(time, X_ns) U_fs = le_tools.GetU(time, X_fs) U_average = [[], []] # If possible average # (if fronts have not travelled far enough then will not average) start_val, end_val, average_flag_ns = le_tools.GetAverageRange( X_ns, 0.2, domainheight) if average_flag_ns == True: U_average[0].append(pylab.average(U_ns[start_val:end_val])) start_val, end_val, average_flag_fs = le_tools.GetAverageRange( X_fs, 0.25, domainheight) if average_flag_fs == True: U_average[1].append(pylab.average(U_fs[start_val:end_val])) # plot fs = 18 pylab.figure(num=1, figsize=(16.5, 11.5)) pylab.suptitle('Front speed', fontsize=fs) pylab.subplot(221) pylab.plot(time, X_ns, color='k') pylab.axis([0, 45, 0, 0.4]) pylab.grid('on') pylab.xlabel('$t$ (s)', fontsize=fs) pylab.ylabel('$X$ (m)', fontsize=fs) pylab.title('no-slip', fontsize=fs) pylab.subplot(222) pylab.plot([x / domainheight for x in X_ns], [U / math.sqrt(gprime * domainheight) for U in U_ns], color='k') pylab.axis([0, 4, 0, 0.6]) pylab.grid('on') pylab.axhline(0.406, color='k') pylab.axhline(0.432, color='k') pylab.text(3.95, 0.396, 'Hartel 2000', bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='black'), va='top', ha='right') pylab.text(3.95, 0.442, 'Simpson 1979', bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='black'), ha='right') pylab.xlabel('$X/H$', fontsize=fs) pylab.ylabel('$Fr$', fontsize=fs) pylab.title('no-slip', fontsize=fs) if average_flag_ns == True: pylab.axvline(2.0, color='k') pylab.axvline(3.0, color='k') pylab.text( 0.05, 0.01, 'Average Fr = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format( U_average[0][0] / math.sqrt(gprime * domainheight)) + '\nvertical lines indicate the range \nover which the average is taken', bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='black')) pylab.subplot(223) pylab.plot(time, X_fs, color='k') pylab.axis([0, 45, 0, 0.4]) pylab.grid('on') pylab.xlabel('$t$ (s)', fontsize=fs) pylab.ylabel('$X$ (m)', fontsize=fs) pylab.title('free-slip', fontsize=fs) pylab.subplot(224) pylab.plot([x / domainheight for x in X_fs], [U / math.sqrt(gprime * domainheight) for U in U_fs], color='k') pylab.axis([0, 4, 0, 0.6]) pylab.grid('on') pylab.axhline(0.477, color='k') pylab.text(3.95, 0.467, 'Hartel 2000', va='top', bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='black'), ha='right') pylab.xlabel('$X/H$', fontsize=fs) pylab.ylabel('$Fr$', fontsize=fs) pylab.title('free-slip', fontsize=fs) if average_flag_fs == True: pylab.text( 0.05, 0.01, 'Average Fr = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format( U_average[1][0] / math.sqrt(gprime * domainheight)) + '\nvertical lines indicate the range \nover which the average is taken', bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='black')) pylab.axvline(2.5, color='k') pylab.axvline(3.0, color='k') pylab.savefig('diagnostics/plots/front_speed.png') return
# Encoding the dependent Variable from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder labelencoder_Y = LabelEncoder() y = labelencoder_Y.fit_transform(y) #Rescale data (between 0 and 1) from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1)) rescaledX = scaler.fit_transform(X) import pylab as pl dataset.drop('Damage',axis=1).hist(bins=30, figsize=(20,20)) pl.suptitle("Histogram for each numeric input variable") plt.savefig('Damage_hist') #Apply kernel to transform the data to a higher dimension kernels = ['Polynomial', 'RBF', 'Sigmoid','Linear'] #A function which returns the corresponding SVC model def getClassifier(ktype): if ktype == 0: # Polynomial kernal return SVC(kernel='poly', degree=8, gamma="auto") elif ktype == 1: # Radial Basis Function kernal return SVC(kernel='rbf', gamma="auto") elif ktype == 2: # Sigmoid kernal
def plotSoundingObservationsComposite(obs, map, scale_len, dimensions, title, file_name, radars=None): figure = pylab.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) x_size, y_size = dimensions grid_spec = GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[3, 1], height_ratios=[1, 3]) colors = [ 'r', 'g', 'b', 'c', 'm', '#660099', '#006666', '#99ff00', '#ff9900', '#666666' ] names = [ "Sounding (NSSL)", "Sounding (NCAR)", "Sounding (NCAR)", "Sounding (NCAR)", "Sounding (NSSL)", "Sounding (NSSL)" ] ob_ids = np.unique1d(obs['id']) bottom = 0.075 top = 0.95 stretch_fac = (1 - top + bottom) / 2. - 0.011 pylab.subplots_adjust(left=0.1 + stretch_fac, bottom=bottom, right=0.9 - stretch_fac, top=top, hspace=0.075, wspace=0.075) ax_xy = figure.add_subplot(grid_spec[2]) ax_xz = figure.add_subplot(grid_spec[0], sharex=ax_xy) ax_yz = figure.add_subplot(grid_spec[3], sharey=ax_xy) def labelMe(do_label, label): if do_label: return not do_label, label else: return do_label, None color_num = 0 prof_label = True sfc_label = True asos_label = True ttu_label = True for ob_id in ob_ids: plot_vertical = False ob_idxs = np.where(obs['id'] == ob_id)[0] these_obs = obs[ob_idxs] ob_xs, ob_ys = map(these_obs['longitude'], these_obs['latitude']) if np.any(ob_xs >= 0) and np.any(ob_xs <= x_size) and np.any( ob_ys >= 0) and np.any(ob_ys <= y_size): if these_obs['obtype'][0] == "PROF": prof_label, label = labelMe(prof_label, "Profiler") color = "#ff9900" marker = 'o' ms = 3 plot_vertical = True elif these_obs['obtype'][0] == "SNDG": color = colors[color_num] label = "Sounding" # % ob_id marker = 'o' ms = 3 plot_vertical = True color_num += 1 elif ob_id[0] == "P": color = "#999999" sfc_label, label = labelMe(sfc_label, "Sounding") marker = 'o' ms = 3 elif ob_id[0] == "K": asos_label, label = labelMe(asos_label, "ASOS") color = 'k' marker = '*' ms = 5 elif ob_id[0] == "1" or ob_id[0] == "2": ttu_label, label = labelMe(ttu_label, "TTU Sticknet") color = "#003300" marker = 'o' ms = 3 ax_xy.plot(ob_xs, ob_ys, marker, mfc=color, mec=color, ms=ms, label=label)[0] if plot_vertical: ax_xz.plot(ob_xs, these_obs['elevation'] / 1000., marker, mfc=color, mec=color, ms=ms) ax_yz.plot(these_obs['elevation'] / 1000., ob_ys, marker, mfc=color, mec=color, ms=ms) dummy, zlim = ax_xz.get_ylim() for ob_id in ob_ids: ob_idxs = np.where(obs['id'] == ob_id)[0] these_obs = obs[ob_idxs] ob_xs, ob_ys = map(these_obs['longitude'], these_obs['latitude']) plot_vertical = False if np.any(ob_xs >= 0) and np.any(ob_xs <= x_size) and np.any( ob_ys >= 0) and np.any(ob_ys <= y_size): if these_obs['obtype'][0] == "PROF": color = "#ff9900" plot_vertical = True elif these_obs['obtype'][0] == "SNDG": color = "#999999" plot_vertical = True if plot_vertical: ax_xy.plot(ob_xs[0], ob_ys[0], 'x', color=color, ms=6) ax_xz.plot([ob_xs[0], ob_xs[0]], [0, zlim], '--', color=color, lw=0.5) ax_yz.plot([0, zlim], [ob_ys[0], ob_ys[0]], '--', color=color, lw=0.5) if radars: rad_label = True for radar in radars: rad_label, label = labelMe(rad_label, "Radar") (lat, lon), range = radar radar_x, radar_y = map(lon, lat) ax_xy.plot(radar_x, radar_y, 'b<', ms=4, label=label) ax_xy.add_patch( Circle((radar_x, radar_y), range, fc='none', ec='k')) ax_xz.set_ylim(0, zlim) ax_yz.set_xlim(0, zlim) drawPolitical(map, scale_len=scale_len) ax_xz.set_xlabel("x") ax_xz.set_ylabel("z (km)") ax_yz.set_xlabel("z (km)") ax_yz.set_ylabel("y", rotation=-90) line_objects = [ l for l in sorted(ax_xy.lines, key=lambda x: x.get_label()) if l.get_label()[0] != "_" ] ax_xy.legend(line_objects, [l.get_label() for l in line_objects], loc=1, numpoints=1, ncol=2, prop={'size': 'medium'}, bbox_to_anchor=(1.28, 1.07, 0.33, 0.33), handletextpad=0, columnspacing=0) pylab.suptitle(title) pylab.savefig(file_name) pylab.close() return
def run(self, xrange="log", diff="relative"): r""" Compare accuracy of different methods for computing f. *xrange* is:: log: [10^-3,10^5] logq: [10^-4, 10^1] linear: [1,1000] zoom: [1000,1010] neg: [-100,100] For arbitrary range use "start:stop:steps:scale" where scale is one of log, lin, or linear. *diff* is "relative", "absolute" or "none" *x_bits* is the precision with which the x values are specified. The default 23 should reproduce the equivalent of a single precisio """ linear = not xrange.startswith("log") if xrange == "zoom": start, stop, steps = 1000, 1010, 2000 elif xrange == "neg": start, stop, steps = -100.1, 100.1, 2000 elif xrange == "linear": start, stop, steps = 1, 1000, 2000 start, stop, steps = 0.001, 2, 2000 elif xrange == "log": start, stop, steps = -3, 5, 400 elif xrange == "logq": start, stop, steps = -4, 1, 400 elif ':' in xrange: parts = xrange.split(':') linear = parts[3] != "log" if len(parts) == 4 else True steps = int(parts[2]) if len(parts) > 2 else 400 start = float(parts[0]) stop = float(parts[1]) else: raise ValueError("unknown range " + xrange) with mp.workprec(500): # Note: we make sure that we are comparing apples to apples... # The x points are set using single precision so that we are # examining the accuracy of the transformation from x to f(x) # rather than x to f(nearest(x)) where nearest(x) is the nearest # value to x in the given precision. if linear: start = max(start, self.limits[0]) stop = min(stop, self.limits[1]) qrf = np.linspace(start, stop, steps, dtype='single') #qrf = np.linspace(start, stop, steps, dtype='double') qr = [mp.mpf(float(v)) for v in qrf] #qr = mp.linspace(start, stop, steps) else: start = np.log10(max(10**start, self.limits[0])) stop = np.log10(min(10**stop, self.limits[1])) qrf = np.logspace(start, stop, steps, dtype='single') #qrf = np.logspace(start, stop, steps, dtype='double') qr = [mp.mpf(float(v)) for v in qrf] #qr = [10**v for v in mp.linspace(start, stop, steps)] target = self.call_mpmath(qr, bits=500) pylab.subplot(121), 'single', target, linear, diff) pylab.legend(loc='best') pylab.subplot(122), 'double', target, linear, diff) pylab.legend(loc='best') pylab.suptitle( + " compared to 500-bit mpmath")
# lvl = logging.DEBUG # logging.basicConfig(level=lvl, format='%(message)s', stream=sys.stdout) # Optimize the model. for step in range(50): print('Tractor params:') tractor.printThawedParams() dlnp,X,alpha = tractor.optimize(damp=1.) print('dlnp', dlnp) print('galaxy:', moggal) #print('Mog', moggal.mog.getParams()) if dlnp == 0: break # Plot the model as we're optimizing... mod = tractor.getModelImage(0) chi = (tim.getImage() - mod) * tim.getInvError() plt.clf() plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.imshow(mod, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plt.title('Model') plt.subplot(1,2,2) mx = np.abs(chi).max() plt.imshow(chi, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-mx, vmax=mx) plt.colorbar() plt.title('Chi residuals') plt.suptitle('MoG model after optimization step %i' % step) plt.savefig('mod-o%02i.png' % step)
def _plot_mods(tims, mods, blobwcs, titles, bands, coimgs, cons, bslc, blobw, blobh, ps, chi_plots=True, rgb_plots=False, main_plot=True, rgb_format='%s'): import numpy as np subims = [[] for m in mods] chis = dict([(b, []) for b in bands]) make_coimgs = (coimgs is None) if make_coimgs: print('_plot_mods: blob shape', (blobh, blobw)) coimgs = [np.zeros((blobh, blobw)) for b in bands] cons = [np.zeros((blobh, blobw)) for b in bands] for iband, band in enumerate(bands): comods = [np.zeros((blobh, blobw)) for m in mods] cochis = [np.zeros((blobh, blobw)) for m in mods] comodn = np.zeros((blobh, blobw)) mn, mx = 0, 0 sig1 = 1. for itim, tim in enumerate(tims): if != band: continue R = tim_get_resamp(tim, blobwcs) if R is None: continue (Yo, Xo, Yi, Xi) = R rechi = np.zeros((blobh, blobw)) chilist = [] comodn[Yo, Xo] += 1 for imod, mod in enumerate(mods): chi = ((tim.getImage()[Yi, Xi] - mod[itim][Yi, Xi]) * tim.getInvError()[Yi, Xi]) rechi[Yo, Xo] = chi chilist.append((rechi.copy(), itim)) cochis[imod][Yo, Xo] += chi comods[imod][Yo, Xo] += mod[itim][Yi, Xi] chis[band].append(chilist) # we'll use 'sig1' of the last tim in the list below... mn, mx = -10. * tim.sig1, 30. * tim.sig1 sig1 = tim.sig1 if make_coimgs: nn = (tim.getInvError()[Yi, Xi] > 0) coimgs[iband][Yo, Xo] += tim.getImage()[Yi, Xi] * nn cons[iband][Yo, Xo] += nn if make_coimgs: coimgs[iband] /= np.maximum(cons[iband], 1) coimg = coimgs[iband] coimgn = cons[iband] else: coimg = coimgs[iband][bslc] coimgn = cons[iband][bslc] for comod in comods: comod /= np.maximum(comodn, 1) ima = dict(vmin=mn, vmax=mx, ticks=False) resida = dict(vmin=-5. * sig1, vmax=5. * sig1, ticks=False) for subim, comod, cochi in zip(subims, comods, cochis): subim.append((coimg, coimgn, comod, ima, cochi, resida)) # Plot per-band image, model, and chi coadds, and RGB images rgba = dict(ticks=False) rgbs = [] rgbnames = [] plt.figure(1) for i, subim in enumerate(subims): plt.clf() rows, cols = 3, 5 for ib, b in enumerate(bands): plt.subplot(rows, cols, ib + 1) plt.title(b) plt.subplot(rows, cols, 4) plt.title('RGB') plt.subplot(rows, cols, 5) plt.title('RGB(stretch)') imgs = [] themods = [] resids = [] for j, (img, imgn, mod, ima, chi, resida) in enumerate(subim): imgs.append(img) themods.append(mod) resid = img - mod resid[imgn == 0] = np.nan resids.append(resid) if main_plot: plt.subplot(rows, cols, 1 + j + 0) dimshow(img, **ima) plt.subplot(rows, cols, 1 + j + cols) dimshow(mod, **ima) plt.subplot(rows, cols, 1 + j + cols * 2) # dimshow(-chi, **imchi) # dimshow(imgn, vmin=0, vmax=3) dimshow(resid, nancolor='r', **resida) rgb = get_rgb(imgs, bands) if i == 0: rgbs.append(rgb) rgbnames.append(rgb_format % 'Image') if main_plot: plt.subplot(rows, cols, 4) dimshow(rgb, **rgba) rgb = get_rgb(themods, bands) rgbs.append(rgb) rgbnames.append(rgb_format % titles[i]) if main_plot: plt.subplot(rows, cols, cols + 4) dimshow(rgb, **rgba) plt.subplot(rows, cols, cols * 2 + 4) dimshow(get_rgb(resids, bands, mnmx=(-10, 10)), **rgba) mnmx = -5, 300 kwa = dict(mnmx=mnmx, arcsinh=1) plt.subplot(rows, cols, 5) dimshow(get_rgb(imgs, bands, **kwa), **rgba) plt.subplot(rows, cols, cols + 5) dimshow(get_rgb(themods, bands, **kwa), **rgba) plt.subplot(rows, cols, cols * 2 + 5) mnmx = -100, 100 kwa = dict(mnmx=mnmx, arcsinh=1) dimshow(get_rgb(resids, bands, **kwa), **rgba) plt.suptitle(titles[i]) ps.savefig() if rgb_plots: # RGB image and model plt.figure(2) for rgb, tt in zip(rgbs, rgbnames): plt.clf() dimshow(rgb, **rgba) plt.title(tt) ps.savefig() if not chi_plots: return imchi = dict(cmap='RdBu', vmin=-5, vmax=5) plt.figure(1) # Plot per-image chis: in a grid with band along the rows and images along the cols cols = max(len(v) for v in chis.values()) rows = len(bands) for imod in range(len(mods)): plt.clf() for row, band in enumerate(bands): sp0 = 1 + cols * row # chis[band] = [ (one for each tim:) [ (one for each mod:) (chi,itim), (chi,itim) ], ...] for col, chilist in enumerate(chis[band]): chi, itim = chilist[imod] plt.subplot(rows, cols, sp0 + col) dimshow(-chi, **imchi) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.title(tims[itim].name) #plt.suptitle(titles[imod]) ps.savefig()
iou_epochs = np.array(iou_epochs) sort_idx = np.argsort(iou_epochs) iou_epochs = iou_epochs[sort_idx] iou_values = iou_values[sort_idx] if os.path.exists(iou2_res_fn): with open(iou2_res_fn, 'r') as f: # Assumes only one line fields ='\t')[1:-1] iou2_values = [float(x)/100 for x in fields] plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.plot(sim_epochs, sim_values, 'b-o') plt.title('Simulation') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.ylabel('Accuracy') plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.plot(iou_epochs, iou_values, 'r-o') plt.plot(range(1, len(iou2_values)+1), iou2_values, 'g-o') plt.legend(['Jacquard', 'Cornell']) plt.title('IOU > 0.4') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.ylabel('Accuracy') plt.suptitle('')
color=cols[inst_ind], mec='black', zorder=1, mew=2, ms=5) fs, pvals, etas = do_anova(meas, n_reps_bundled, thetas, n_rules=2) ax.set_title('%s\nF=[%.2f, %.2f, %.2f]\npval=[%.5f, %.5f, %.5f]\netas=[%.3f, %.3f, %.3f]' %\ (var_names[ind], fs[0], fs[1], fs[2], pvals[0],pvals[1],pvals[2],etas[0],etas[1],etas[2]), fontsize=8) axes[1, 2].remove() axes[1, 1].set_xlabel('Model\'s Theta freq. (Hz)') pl.tight_layout() pl.suptitle( 'Effect of rule difficulty and theta frequency on DDM params, RT and accuracy', fontsize=8) pl.subplots_adjust(left=.09, bottom=.1, right=.97, top=.85, wspace=.28, hspace=.32) ############################################################################ ################## compute "optimal" theta freq ################ ############################################################################ optim_theta_freq = np.argmax(corr_all_inst[:, :, :].squeeze(), axis=0) * freq_step + thetas[0]
if PLOT and True: fig,axes = p.subplots(nrows=3,ncols=1) p.subplot(311); p.plot( noise_array_pre_filter[pad][sep][mychan].real,alpha=.5); #p.colorbar(); p.subplot(311); p.plot( noise_array[pad][sep][mychan].real,'k-'); #p.colorbar(); p.subplot(311); p.plot( noise_array_top_hat[pad][sep][mychan].real,'r-'); #p.colorbar(); p.ylabel('Real') p.subplot(312); p.plot( noise_array_pre_filter[pad][sep][mychan].imag,alpha=.5); #p.colorbar(); p.subplot(312); p.plot( noise_array[pad][sep][mychan].imag,'k-'); #p.colorbar(); p.subplot(312); p.plot( noise_array_top_hat[pad][sep][mychan].imag,'r-'); #p.colorbar(); p.ylabel('Imag') p.subplot(313); p.plot( n.angle(noise_array_pre_filter[pad][sep][mychan]),alpha=.5); #p.colorbar(); p.subplot(313); p.plot( n.angle(noise_array[pad][sep][mychan]),'k-'); #p.colorbar(); p.subplot(313); p.plot( n.angle(noise_array_top_hat[pad][sep][mychan]),'r-'); #p.colorbar(); p.ylabel('Phase') p.suptitle('%d_%d'%a.miriad.bl2ij(bl)) print '[Done]' if opts.output: filename = 'fringe_rate_profile_pad{pad}_int{inttime}_chan{chan:d}_pol{pol}.pkl'.format(pad=pad,inttime=opts.inttime,chan=int(mychan),pol=opts.pol) print("saving to: {filename}".format(filename=filename)) f = open(filename,'w') frps['chan'] = mychan frps['freqs'] = frp_freqs frps['frp'] = frp frps['firs'] = firs frps['timebins'] = timebins pickle.dump(frps,f) f.close() if PLOT: ax_frp.plot(frp_freqs*1e3,frp,label='frp0',color='black') #ax_frp.plot(frp_freqs*1e3,skew([mn,sq,sk],bins),'k--',label='data')
a1.plot(lst_r, lst_all1, marker='o', color='k') a1.plot(lst_r, lst_sf1, marker='o', color='b') a2.plot(lst_r, lst_q2, marker='o', color='r') a2.plot(lst_r, lst_all2, marker='o', color='k') a2.plot(lst_r, lst_sf2, marker='o', color='b') a3.plot(lst_r, lst_q3, marker='o', color='r') a3.plot(lst_r, lst_all3, marker='o', color='k') a3.plot(lst_r, lst_sf3, marker='o', color='b') a4.plot(lst_r, lst_q4, marker='o', color='r', label='Quiescent Centrals') a4.plot(lst_r, lst_all4, marker='o', color='k', label='All Cnetrals') a4.plot(lst_r, lst_sf4, marker='o', color='b', label='Star-Forming Centrals') pylab.suptitle('Quiescent Satellite Percentage per Aperture Radius', fontsize=17) fig.text(0.35, 0.01, "Aperture Radius (kpc)", fontsize=18) fig.text(0.05, 0.9, "Quiescent Satellite Percentage (Q. sat./total sat.)", rotation="vertical", fontsize=15) a1.set_title('0.5 < z < 1.0', fontsize=10) a2.set_title('1.0 < z < 1.5', fontsize=10) a3.set_title('1.5 < z < 2.0', fontsize=10) a4.set_title('2.0 < z < 1.5', fontsize=10) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1) a4.legend(loc=1)
def tim_plots(tims, bands, ps): # Pixel histograms of subimages. for b in bands: sig1 = np.median([tim.sig1 for tim in tims if == b]) plt.clf() for tim in tims: if != b: continue # broaden range to encompass most pixels... only req'd # when sky is bad lo, hi = -5. * sig1, 5. * sig1 pix = tim.getImage()[tim.getInvError() > 0] lo = min(lo, np.percentile(pix, 5)) hi = max(hi, np.percentile(pix, 95)) plt.hist(pix, range=(lo, hi), bins=50, histtype='step', alpha=0.5, plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Pixel values') plt.title('Pixel distributions: %s band' % b) ps.savefig() plt.clf() lo, hi = -5., 5. for tim in tims: if != b: continue ie = tim.getInvError() pix = (tim.getImage() * ie)[ie > 0] plt.hist(pix, range=(lo, hi), bins=50, histtype='step', alpha=0.5, plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Pixel values (sigma)') plt.xlim(lo, hi) plt.title('Pixel distributions: %s band' % b) ps.savefig() # Plot image pixels, invvars, masks for tim in tims: plt.clf() plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) dimshow(tim.getImage(), vmin=-3. * tim.sig1, vmax=10. * tim.sig1) plt.title('image') plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) dimshow(tim.getInvError(), vmin=0, vmax=1.1 / tim.sig1) plt.title('inverr') if tim.dq is not None: # plt.subplot(2,2,3) # dimshow(tim.dq, vmin=0, vmax=tim.dq.max()) # plt.title('DQ') plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) dimshow(((tim.dq & tim.dq_saturation_bits) > 0), vmin=0, vmax=1.5, cmap='hot') plt.title('SATUR') plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) dimshow(tim.getImage() * (tim.getInvError() > 0), vmin=-3. * tim.sig1, vmax=10. * tim.sig1) okpix = tim.getImage()[tim.getInvError() > 0] plt.title('image (masked) range [%.3g, %.3g]' % (np.min(okpix), np.max(okpix))) plt.suptitle( ps.savefig() if True and tim.dq is not None: from legacypipe.bits import DQ_BITS plt.clf() bitmap = dict([(v, k) for k, v in DQ_BITS.items()]) k = 1 for i in range(12): bitval = 1 << i if not bitval in bitmap: continue # only 9 bits are actually used plt.subplot(3, 3, k) k += 1 plt.imshow((tim.dq & bitval) > 0, vmin=0, vmax=1.5, cmap='hot') plt.title(bitmap[bitval]) plt.suptitle( 'Mask planes: %s (%s %s)' % (, tim.imobj.image_filename, tim.imobj.ccdname)) ps.savefig() im = tim.imobj if == 'decam': from legacypipe.decam import decam_has_dq_codes print(, ': plver "%s"' % im.plver, 'has DQ codes:', decam_has_dq_codes(im.plver)) if == 'decam' and decam_has_dq_codes(im.plver): # Integer codes, not bitmask. Re-read and plot. dq = im.read_dq(slice=tim.slice) plt.clf() plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) dimshow(tim.getImage(), vmin=-3. * tim.sig1, vmax=30. * tim.sig1) plt.title('image') plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) dimshow(tim.getInvError(), vmin=0, vmax=1.1 / tim.sig1) plt.title('inverr') plt.subplot(1, 3, 3) plt.imshow(dq, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='tab10', vmin=-0.5, vmax=9.5) plt.colorbar() plt.title('DQ codes') plt.suptitle( '%s (%s %s) PLVER %s' % (, im.image_filename, im.ccdname, im.plver)) ps.savefig()
pl.plot(z_after, (yp[ii+1, :]-yp[0, :]), '.r', label='HT', markersize = 2) pl.plot(z_after, (yp_after-yp_before), '.b', label='PyHT', markersize = 2) ms.sciy() pl.grid('on') pl.ylabel("$\Delta$y'") pl.xlabel('z[m]') pl.legend(prop = {'size':14}) pl.subplot(2,3,6) pl.hist((100*np.abs((yp_after-yp_before)-(yp[ii+1, :]-yp[0, :]))/np.std(yp[ii+1, :]-yp[0, :])), bins=100, range=(0,100)) pl.xlim(0,100) pl.xlabel('Error_y [%]') pl.ylabel('Occurrences') rms_err_y = np.std(100*np.abs((yp_after-yp_before)-(yp[ii+1, :]-yp[0, :]))/np.std(yp[ii+1, :]-yp[0, :])) pl.suptitle('Turn %d rms_err_x = %e rms_err_y = %e'%(ii, rms_err_x, rms_err_y)) pl.savefig(filename.split('_prb.dat')[0]+'_%02d.png'%ii, dpi=150) rms_err_x_list.append(rms_err_x) rms_err_y_list.append(rms_err_y) pl.ion() pl.draw() time.sleep(1.) pl.figure(1000) pl.plot(rms_err_x_list, '.-', markersize = 10, linewidth=2, label='x') pl.plot(rms_err_y_list, '.-', markersize = 10, linewidth=2, label='y') pl.grid('on') pl.ylabel('''Relative r.m.s. error [%]''')
plt.figure() rel_err = moving_average(dg_err - p_err, opts.window) if opts.split_by_time is not None: nplots = int(math.ceil(len(rel_err) / (opts.split_by_time * 60.0 * 60.0))) plen = int(opts.split_by_time * 60.0 * 60.0) offset_time = opts.split_by_time / 2 else: nplots = 1 plen = len(rel_err) offset_time = 0 t_local = int(t_first + (opts.timezone * 60 * 60)) plt.suptitle("Relative error between corrected and uncorrected rovers") ymin = min(0, min(rel_err) * 1.2) ymax = max(rel_err) * 1.2 for i in range(nplots): ax = plt.subplot(nplots, 1, i + 1) tick_pos = range(0, plen, 30*60) tick_label = [format_time(gps_to_time(t_local + i * plen + offset_time + x)) for x in tick_pos] ax.set_xticks(tick_pos) ax.set_xticklabels(tick_label, rotation=45) ax.set_xlim(0, plen) ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) dat = rel_err[i * plen: min(len(rel_err), (i+1)*plen)]