def plot_time_course(self, data, mode='boolean', fontsize=16): # TODO sort columnsi alphabetically # FIXME: twiny labels are slightly shifted # TODO flip if mode == 'boolean': cm = pylab.get_cmap('gray') pylab.clf() data = pd.DataFrame(data).fillna(0.5) pylab.pcolor(data, cmap=cm, vmin=0, vmax=1, shading='faceted') pylab.colorbar() ax1 = pylab.gca() ax1.set_xticks([]) Ndata = len(data.columns) ax1.set_xlim(0, Ndata) ax = pylab.twiny() ax.set_xticks(pylab.linspace(0.5, Ndata+0.5, Ndata )) ax.set_xticklabels(data.columns, fontsize=fontsize, rotation=90) times = list(data.index) Ntimes = len(times) ax1.set_yticks([x+0.5 for x in times]) ax1.set_yticklabels(times[::-1], fontsize=fontsize) else: print('not implemented')
def plotsim(self, experiments=None, fontsize=16, vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='gray'): """ :param experiments: if None, shows the steady state for each experiment and species if provided, must be a valid experiment name (see midas.experiments attribute) in which case, for that particular experiment, the steady state and all previous states are shown for each species. A simulation must be performed using :meth:`simulate` :: # those 2 calls are identical s.plotsim(experiments=8) s.plotsim(experiments=8) # This plot the steady states for all experiments s.plotsim() """ # This is for all experiments is experiments is None cm = pylab.get_cmap(cmap) pylab.clf() if experiments is None: # takes the latest (steady state) of each experiments data = pd.DataFrame(self.debug_values[-1]).fillna(0.5) else: exp_name = self.midas.experiments.ix[experiments].name index_exp = list(self.midas.experiments.index).index(exp_name) data = [(k, [self.debug_values[i][k][index_exp] for i in range(0, len(self.debug_values))]) for k in self.debug_values[0].keys()] data = dict(data) data = pd.DataFrame(data).fillna(0.5) data = data.ix[data.index[::-1]] self.dummy = data pylab.pcolor(data, cmap=cm, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, shading='faceted', edgecolors='gray') pylab.colorbar() ax1 = pylab.gca() ax1.set_xticks([]) Ndata = len(data.columns) ax1.set_xlim(0, Ndata) ax1.set_ylim(0, len(data)) ax = pylab.twiny() # FIXME seems shifted. could not fix it xticklabels seems to reset the position of the ticks xr = pylab.linspace(0.5, Ndata-1.5, Ndata) ax.set_xticks(xr) ax.set_xticklabels(data.columns, fontsize=fontsize, rotation=90) times = list(data.index) Ntimes = len(times) ax1.set_yticks([x+0.5 for x in times]) ax1.set_yticklabels(times[::-1], fontsize=fontsize) #pylab.title("Steady state for all experiments(x-axis)\n\n\n\n") pylab.tight_layout()
def xaxissfrlog(ax1, dy=0): x1, x2 = ax1.get_xlim() ax2 = pl.twiny() #xa=getsfrfromlir(10.**x1) #xb=getsfrfromlir(10.**x2) #print x1, x2 #print xa, xb ax2.set_xlim(getsfrfromlir(10.**x1), getsfrfromlir(10.**x2)) ax2.set_xscale('log')
s ="AR_many_runs_shelf",flag='r') data.append(s[m].__dict__['sigv50k_estimates']) s.close() plt.boxplot(data) plt.axvline(2.5,color="grey") plt.axvline(4.5,color="grey") plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.12, bottom=0.2) plt.ylabel(r"$\hat{\sigma}_{v,50k}$",rotation=90,fontsize=24) plt.xticks([1,2,3,4], [r"$500$",r"$5k$",r"$0.6$",r"$0.9$"],fontsize=20,rotation=90) plt.xlabel("tuning parameter value", fontsize=20) plt.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', length=0) plt.twiny() plt.xlim(0,5) plt.xticks([1,3,4.5], ["BEM","OEM","IOEM"], fontsize=20) plt.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', length=0) plt.savefig("sigv_50k.png") plt.close() #sigw plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 20}) plt.rcParams['xtick.major.pad']='12' plt.axis([0,5,0,5]) plt.axhline(1) data = []
def candplot1(self, plotcands={}, save=0): """ Uses results of bispectrum results (calculated in do_search and find_candidates) to produce summary plot per candidate. This is a "tier 1" plot, since it only uses info available to bispectrum search algorithm. Requires do_search and find_candidates to be run first to build "master" objects. Candidate should be dictionary with keys of beam location and value of a list of 3-element lists (dtind, int, dmbin). save defines whether plots are also saved. """ print 'Building Tier 1 candidate plot.' if n.array([len(plotcands[beam]) for beam in plotcands.keys()]).sum() == 0: print 'No candidates available...' return figi = 1 for beam in plotcands.keys(): if len(plotcands[beam]) == 0: continue if (n.ndim(plotcands[beam]) != 2) | (n.shape(plotcands[beam])[1] != 3): print 'Candidate does not seem to be in proper format. Skipping.' continue for cand in plotcands[beam]: # find island containing candidate for island in self.islands[beam]: if n.any([n.all(member == cand) for member in island]): # if any member of island that has all three coords the same as plotcand, break break # next find snr for all candidates in island islandind = [] for i in range(len(island)): ww = n.where( (n.array(self.masterloc[beam])[:,0]==island[i,0]) & (n.array(self.masterloc[beam])[:,1]==island[i,1]) & (n.array(self.masterloc[beam])[:,2]==island[i,2]) ) islandind.append(ww[0][0]) loc = n.array(self.masterloc[beam])[islandind] snr = n.array(self.masterprop[beam])[islandind, 0] # then plot snr as function of dmind and dtind for island fixed_dt = n.where(loc[:,0] == cand[0]) fixed_dm = n.where(loc[:,2] == cand[2]) dmdist = n.squeeze(n.array(self.dmarr)[loc[fixed_dt, 2]]) # seems to have superfluous axis...? dmsnr = snr[fixed_dt] dtdist = n.squeeze(n.array(self.timescales)[loc[fixed_dm][:, 0]]) # seems to have superfluous axis...? dtsnr = snr[fixed_dm] # find master index of candidate ww = n.where([n.all(mastercand == cand) for mastercand in self.masterloc[beam]])[0][0] # plot candidate info p.figure(figi) p.clf() p.subplot(221, axisbg='white') p.title('Candidate @ Tier 1') p.xticks([]) p.yticks([]) p.text(0.1, 0.8, self.datafile, fontname='sans-serif') beamra = n.round(beam, 3)[0] beamdec = n.round(beam, 3)[1] p.text(0.1, 0.6, 'Beam: ' + str(beamra) + ', ' + str(beamdec) + ', dt: ' + str(self.timescales[cand[0]]), fontname='sans-serif') p.text(0.1, 0.4, 'Integration: ' + str(cand[1]) + ', DM: ' + str(self.dmarr[cand[2]]), fontname='sans-serif') p.text(0.1, 0.2, 'SNR: ' + str(n.round(self.masterprop[beam][ww][0], 1)), fontname='sans-serif') p.subplot(222) p.plot(dmdist, dmsnr, 'b.', clip_on=False, label='DM at peak dt') p.xlabel('DM (pc/cm3)') p.ylabel('SNR') p.twiny() p.plot(dtdist, dtsnr, 'r+', clip_on=False, label='dt at peak DM') p.xlabel('dt (ints)') p.subplot(223) p.plot(self.masterdata[beam][ww][0], 'b.', label='Mean B') p.xlabel('Integration') p.ylabel('Mean, Std of Bispectra') p.twinx() p.plot(self.masterdata[beam][ww][1], 'r.', label='Std B') p.subplot(224) dataph = n.rot90(self.masterdata[beam][ww][2]) sh = dataph.shape im = p.imshow(dataph, aspect='auto', origin='upper', interpolation='nearest', extent=(0, sh[1], 0, sh[0])) p.colorbar() p.plot(self.obs.dmtrack0[cand[2]][0], self.obs.dmtrack0[cand[2]][1],'k.') # reference dispersed track p.xlabel('Integration') p.ylabel('Channel') if self.datatype == 'mir': # casapy doesn't get along with recent matplotlib stuff p.tight_layout() if save: p.savefig(self.fileroot + '_sc' + str(self.scan) + 'sp' + str(self.spw[0]) + 'i' + str(self.startints[0]) + '_tier1_' + str(figi) + '.png') figi += 1
maxrange = max(mid - yl, yh - mid) yl = mid - maxrange yh = mid + maxrange*0.8 # targettime = slope**(target_depth + diff) print('Exposure time to hit nominal depth:', targettime) plt.axvline(targettime, color='k', alpha=0.1) plt.text(targettime, (yl+mid)/2, '%.1f s' % targettime, color='k', ha='left', va='center') plt.xscale('log') xt = [10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500] plt.xticks(xt, ['%i'%t for t in xt]) plt.axis([xl,xh,yl,yh]) plt.twiny() bins = np.arange(20., 25., 0.05) n,b,p = plt.hist(extdepth[notbad], bins=bins, orientation='horizontal', histtype='step', color='b') #plt.xlim(0, np.max(n)*4) plt.xlim(np.max(n)*4, 0) plt.ylim(yl,yh) plt.xticks([]) plt.legend([p2[0]], ['+- 0.05 mag'], loc='lower right') plt.title(tt) ps.savefig() plt.clf()
def plotPhotometry(imgsources, refsources, matches, prefix, band=None, zp=None, delta=False, referrs=None, refstargal=None, title=None, saveplot=True, format='png'): print('%i ref sources' % len(refsources)) print('%i image sources' % len(imgsources)) print('%i matches' % len(matches)) # In the "matches" list: # m.first is catalog # m.second is image # In this function, the "m" prefix stands for "matched", # "u" stands for "unmatched". # *sigh*, turn these into Python lists, so we have the "index" function. refsources = [s for s in refsources] imgsources = [s for s in imgsources] # Now we build numpy int arrays for indexing into the "refsources" and # "imgsources" arrays. MR = [] MI = [] for m in matches: try: i = refsources.index(m.first) except ValueError: print('Match list reference source ID', m.first.getSourceId(), 'was not in the list of reference stars') continue try: j = imgsources.index(m.second) except ValueError: print('Match list source ID', m.second.getSourceId(), 'was not in the list of image sources') continue MR.append(i) MI.append(j) MR = np.array(MR) MI = np.array(MI) # Build numpy boolean arrays for indexing the unmatched stars. UR = np.ones(len(refsources), bool) UR[MR] = False UI = np.ones(len(imgsources), bool) UI[MI] = False def flux2mag(f): return -2.5 * np.log10(f) refmag = np.array([flux2mag(s.getPsfInstFlux()) for s in refsources]) imgflux = np.array([s.getPsfInstFlux() for s in imgsources]) imgfluxerr = np.array([s.getPsfInstFluxErr() for s in imgsources]) # Cut to fluxes that aren't silly and get mags of matched sources. okflux = (imgflux[MI] > 1) MI = MI[okflux] MR = MR[okflux] mimgflux = imgflux[MI] mimgmag = flux2mag(mimgflux) mimgmagerr = abs(2.5 / np.log(10.) * imgfluxerr[MI] / mimgflux) mrefmag = refmag[MR] # Get mags of unmatched sources. uimgflux = imgflux[UI] okflux = (uimgflux > 1) uimgmag = flux2mag(uimgflux[okflux]) urefmag = refmag[UR] # Legend entries: pp = [] pl = [] plt.clf() imag = np.append(mimgmag, uimgmag) mrefmagerr = None if referrs is not None: referrs = np.array(referrs) mrefmagerr = referrs[MR] if refstargal: assert (len(refstargal) == len(refsources)) refstargal = np.array(refstargal).astype(bool) ptsets = [(np.logical_not(refstargal[MR]), 'g', 'Matched galaxies', 10), (refstargal[MR], 'b', 'Matched stars', 12)] else: ptsets = [(np.ones_like(mrefmag).astype(bool), 'b', 'Matched sources', 10)] for I, c, leg, zo in ptsets: if delta: dm = mimgmag[I] - mrefmag[I] + zp xi = mrefmag[I] yi = dm dx = mrefmagerr dy = mimgmagerr else: xi = mimgmag[I] yi = mrefmag[I] dx = mimgmagerr dy = mrefmagerr p1 = plt.plot(xi, yi, '.', color=c, mfc=c, mec=c, alpha=0.5, zorder=zo) if dx is None or dy is None: # errorbars xerr, yerr = None, None if dx is not None: xerr = dx[I] if dy is not None: yerr = dy[I] plt.errorbar(xi, yi, xerr=xerr, yerr=yerr, ecolor=c, fmt=None, zorder=zo) else: # get the current axis ca = plt.gca() # add error ellipses for j, i in enumerate(np.flatnonzero(I)): a = Ellipse(xy=np.array([xi[j], yi[j]]), width=dx[i] / 2., height=dy[i] / 2., alpha=0.5, fill=True, ec=c, fc=c, zorder=zo) ca.add_artist(a) pp.append(p1) pl.append(leg) if delta: m = max(abs(dm)) plt.axis([np.floor(min(refmag)) - 0.5, np.ceil(max(refmag)), -m, m]) else: plt.axis([ np.floor(min(imag)) - 0.5, np.ceil(max(imag)), np.floor(min(refmag)) - 0.5, np.ceil(max(refmag)) ]) ax = plt.axis() if not delta: # Red tick marks show unmatched img sources dy = (ax[3] - ax[2]) * 0.05 y1 = np.ones_like(uimgmag) * ax[3] p2 = plt.plot(np.vstack((uimgmag, uimgmag)), np.vstack((y1, y1 - dy)), 'r-', alpha=0.5) p2 = p2[0] # Blue tick marks show matched img sources y1 = np.ones_like(mimgmag) * ax[3] p3 = plt.plot(np.vstack((mimgmag, mimgmag)), np.vstack((y1 - (0.25 * dy), y1 - (1.25 * dy))), 'b-', alpha=0.5) p3 = p3[0] # Red ticks for unmatched ref sources dx = (ax[1] - ax[0]) * 0.05 x1 = np.ones_like(urefmag) * ax[1] p4 = plt.plot(np.vstack((x1, x1 - dx)), np.vstack((urefmag, urefmag)), 'r-', alpha=0.5) p4 = p4[0] # Blue ticks for matched ref sources x1 = np.ones_like(mrefmag) * ax[1] p5 = plt.plot(np.vstack((x1 - (0.25 * dx), x1 - (1.25 * dx))), np.vstack((mrefmag, mrefmag)), 'b-', alpha=0.5) p5 = p5[0] if zp is not None: if delta: pzp = plt.axhline(0, linestyle='--', color='b') else: X = np.array([ax[0], ax[1]]) pzp = plt.plot(X, X + zp, 'b--') pp.append(pzp) pl.append('Zeropoint') # reverse axis directions. if delta: plt.axis([ax[1], ax[0], ax[2], ax[3]]) else: plt.axis([ax[1], ax[0], ax[3], ax[2]]) if band is not None: reflabel = 'Reference catalog: %s band (mag)' % band else: reflabel = 'Reference catalog mag' if delta: plt.xlabel(reflabel) plt.ylabel('Instrumental - Reference (mag)') fn = prefix + '-dphotom.' + format if zp is not None: # Make the plot area smaller to fit the twin axis pos = plt.gca().get_position() ll = pos.min sz = pos.size plt.gca().set_position(pos=[ll[0], ll[1], sz[0], sz[1] - 0.05]) # Put the title up top (otherwise it follows the axis) if title is not None: plt.figtext(0.5, 0.96, title, ha='center', va='top', fontsize='large') title = None plt.twiny() # Red tick marks show unmatched img sources if zp is not None: dy = (ax[3] - ax[2]) * 0.05 y1 = np.ones_like(uimgmag) * ax[3] p2 = plt.plot(np.vstack((uimgmag, uimgmag)) + zp, np.vstack((y1, y1 - dy)), 'r-', alpha=0.5) p2 = p2[0] # Blue tick marks show matched img sources y1 = np.ones_like(mimgmag) * ax[3] p3 = plt.plot(np.vstack((mimgmag, mimgmag)) + zp, np.vstack((y1 - (0.25 * dy), y1 - (1.25 * dy))), 'b-', alpha=0.5) p3 = p3[0] # Red ticks for unmatched ref sources y1 = np.ones_like(urefmag) * ax[2] p4 = plt.plot(np.vstack((urefmag, urefmag)), np.vstack((y1, y1 + dy)), 'r-', alpha=0.5) p4 = p4[0] # Blue ticks for matched ref sources y1 = np.ones_like(mrefmag) * ax[2] p5 = plt.plot(np.vstack((mrefmag, mrefmag)), np.vstack((y1 + (0.25 * dy), y1 + (1.25 * dy))), 'b-', alpha=0.5) p5 = p5[0] plt.xlim(ax[1] - zp, ax[0] - zp) plt.xlabel('Instrumental mag') legloc = 'lower right' else: plt.ylabel(reflabel) plt.xlabel('Image instrumental mag') fn = prefix + '-photom.' + format legloc = 'center right' if title is not None: plt.title(title) pp += [p3, p2] pl += ['Matched sources', 'Unmatched sources'] plt.figlegend(pp, pl, legloc, numpoints=1, prop=FontProperties(size='small')) P1 = _output(fn, format, saveplot) if delta: plt.ylim(-0.5, 0.5) fn = prefix + '-dphotom2.' + format P2 = _output(fn, format, saveplot) if not saveplot: P1.update(P2) return P1
l0 = ax.axvline(x=0.1, color='k', linestyle=':', linewidth=1.5) ax.set_xlim(0., 0.635) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') # setup colorbar axes instance. l,b,w,h = ax.get_position().bounds cax = fig.add_axes([l+w+0.025, b-0.06, 1.0*w, 0.03]) cb = colorbar(pc, cax=cax, orientation='horizontal') # draw colorbar cb.set_label('Spectral Density (m2/Hz/deg)')'top') #[0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9]) #[-0.4, -0.2, 0, 0.2, 0.4]) # top scale wave period ax2 = twiny(ax) ax2.set_xlim(0., 0.635) ax2.xaxis.tick_top() # convert (bottom) Hertz to (top scale) seconds (1/Hz) Hertz = ax.get_xticks() Hertz = [val for val in Hertz if val!=0 ] ax2.set_xticks(Hertz) s = [round(1./val,2) for val in Hertz] ax2.set_xticklabels(s) ax2.set_xlabel('Wave Period (sec)') ####################################### # print ' ... all, swell, and wind labels' ax = fig.add_axes((.1,.875,.4,.10)) axs.append(ax)
for i in xrange(40,600,chunk): print i, n.average(lsts[i:i+chunk]) lst_hr = int(n.around(n.average(lsts[i:i+chunk]))) Tsys_avg = n.sqrt(n.average(Tsys[i:i+chunk]**2, axis=0)) valid = n.where(Tsys_avg > 213, 1, 0) #p.plot(1e3*fqs.compress(valid), Tsys_avg.compress(valid), label='LST = %02dh00'%lst_hr) p.plot(chans.compress(valid), Tsys_avg.compress(valid), label='LST = %02dh00'%lst_hr) if VLINE: nums=opts.chan.split('_') vlines=[float(v) for v in nums] p.vlines(vlines,200,2000,linestyles='dashed') p.legend(loc='best', fontsize='medium') p.xlabel(r'${\rm Channel}$', fontsize=16) if FREQ_AXIS: ax=p.twiny() ax.plot(freqs,n.ones(len(freqs*1e3))) ax.cla() ax.set_xlabel(r'${\rm Frequency\ [MHz]}$', fontsize=16) #p.xlim(125,175) p.ylim(200,2000) p.grid() p.ylabel(r'${\rm T}_{\rm sys}$', fontsize=16) p.subplots_adjust(0.12, 0.15, .95, .85) fig_file='Tsys_chan_'+opts.chan if not opts.output == '': fig_file= opts.output + '/' + fig_file p.savefig(fig_file)
def plotPhotometry(imgsources, refsources, matches, prefix, band=None, zp=None, delta=False, referrs=None, refstargal=None, title=None, saveplot=True, format='png'): print '%i ref sources' % len(refsources) print '%i image sources' % len(imgsources) print '%i matches' % len(matches) # In the "matches" list: # m.first is catalog # m.second is image # In this function, the "m" prefix stands for "matched", # "u" stands for "unmatched". # *sigh*, turn these into Python lists, so we have the "index" function. refsources = [s for s in refsources] imgsources = [s for s in imgsources] # Now we build numpy int arrays for indexing into the "refsources" and # "imgsources" arrays. MR = [] MI = [] for m in matches: try: i = refsources.index(m.first) except ValueError: print 'Match list reference source ID', m.first.getSourceId(), 'was not in the list of reference stars' continue try: j = imgsources.index(m.second) except ValueError: print 'Match list source ID', m.second.getSourceId(), 'was not in the list of image sources' continue MR.append(i) MI.append(j) MR = np.array(MR) MI = np.array(MI) # Build numpy boolean arrays for indexing the unmatched stars. UR = np.ones(len(refsources), bool) UR[MR] = False UI = np.ones(len(imgsources), bool) UI[MI] = False def flux2mag(f): return -2.5*np.log10(f) refmag = np.array([flux2mag(s.getPsfFlux()) for s in refsources]) imgflux = np.array([s.getPsfFlux() for s in imgsources]) imgfluxerr = np.array([s.getPsfFluxErr() for s in imgsources]) # Cut to fluxes that aren't silly and get mags of matched sources. okflux = (imgflux[MI] > 1) MI = MI[okflux] MR = MR[okflux] mimgflux = imgflux[MI] mimgmag = flux2mag(mimgflux) mimgmagerr = abs(2.5 / np.log(10.) * imgfluxerr[MI] / mimgflux) mrefmag = refmag[MR] # Get mags of unmatched sources. uimgflux = imgflux[UI] okflux = (uimgflux > 1) uimgmag = flux2mag(uimgflux[okflux]) urefmag = refmag[UR] if False: unmatched = [imgsources[i] for i in np.flatnonzero(uimg)] uflux = np.array([s.getPsfFlux() for s in unmatched]) I = np.argsort(-uflux) print 'Unmatched image sources, by psf flux:' print '# FLUX, X, Y, RA, DEC' for i in I: u = unmatched[i] print u.getPsfFlux(), u.getXAstrom(), u.getYAstrom(), u.getRa(), u.getDec() print 'Matched image sources, by psf flux:' print '# FLUX, X, Y, RA, DEC' for i in mimgi: m = imgsources[i] print m.getPsfFlux(), m.getXAstrom(), m.getYAstrom(), m.getRa(), m.getDec() # Legend entries: pp = [] pl = [] plt.clf() imag = np.append(mimgmag, uimgmag) mrefmagerr = None if referrs is not None: referrs = np.array(referrs) mrefmagerr = referrs[MR] if refstargal: assert(len(refstargal) == len(refsources)) refstargal = np.array(refstargal).astype(bool) ptsets = [ (np.logical_not(refstargal[MR]), 'g', 'Matched galaxies', 10), (refstargal[MR], 'b', 'Matched stars', 12) ] else: ptsets = [ (np.ones_like(mrefmag).astype(bool), 'b', 'Matched sources', 10) ] for I,c,leg,zo in ptsets: if delta: dm = mimgmag[I] - mrefmag[I] + zp xi = mrefmag[I] yi = dm dx = mrefmagerr dy = mimgmagerr else: xi = mimgmag[I] yi = mrefmag[I] dx = mimgmagerr dy = mrefmagerr p1 = plt.plot(xi, yi, '.', color=c, mfc=c, mec=c, alpha=0.5, zorder=zo) if dx is None or dy is None: # errorbars xerr,yerr = None,None if dx is not None: xerr = dx[I] if dy is not None: yerr = dy[I] plt.errorbar(xi, yi, xerr=xerr, yerr=yerr, ecolor=c, fmt=None, zorder=zo) else: # get the current axis ca = plt.gca() # add error ellipses for j,i in enumerate(np.flatnonzero(I)): a = Ellipse(xy=np.array([xi[j], yi[j]]), width=dx[i]/2., height=dy[i]/2., alpha=0.5, fill=True, ec=c, fc=c, zorder=zo) ca.add_artist(a) pp.append(p1) pl.append(leg) if delta: m = max(abs(dm)) plt.axis([np.floor(min(refmag))-0.5, np.ceil(max(refmag)), -m, m]) else: plt.axis([np.floor(min(imag))-0.5, np.ceil(max(imag)), np.floor(min(refmag))-0.5, np.ceil(max(refmag))]) ax = plt.axis() if not delta: # Red tick marks show unmatched img sources dy = (ax[3]-ax[2]) * 0.05 y1 = np.ones_like(uimgmag) * ax[3] p2 = plt.plot(np.vstack((uimgmag, uimgmag)), np.vstack((y1, y1-dy)), 'r-', alpha=0.5) p2 = p2[0] # Blue tick marks show matched img sources y1 = np.ones_like(mimgmag) * ax[3] p3 = plt.plot(np.vstack((mimgmag, mimgmag)), np.vstack((y1-(0.25*dy), y1-(1.25*dy))), 'b-', alpha=0.5) p3 = p3[0] # Red ticks for unmatched ref sources dx = (ax[1]-ax[0]) * 0.05 x1 = np.ones_like(urefmag) * ax[1] p4 = plt.plot(np.vstack((x1, x1-dx)), np.vstack((urefmag, urefmag)), 'r-', alpha=0.5) p4 = p4[0] # Blue ticks for matched ref sources x1 = np.ones_like(mrefmag) * ax[1] p5 = plt.plot(np.vstack((x1-(0.25*dx), x1-(1.25*dx))), np.vstack((mrefmag, mrefmag)), 'b-', alpha=0.5) p5 = p5[0] if zp is not None: if delta: pzp = plt.axhline(0, linestyle='--', color='b') else: X = np.array([ax[0], ax[1]]) pzp = plt.plot(X, X+zp, 'b--') pp.append(pzp) pl.append('Zeropoint') # reverse axis directions. if delta: plt.axis([ax[1],ax[0], ax[2], ax[3]]) else: plt.axis([ax[1],ax[0], ax[3], ax[2]]) if band is not None: reflabel = 'Reference catalog: %s band (mag)' % band else: reflabel = 'Reference catalog mag' if delta: plt.xlabel(reflabel) plt.ylabel('Instrumental - Reference (mag)') fn = prefix + '-dphotom.' + format if zp is not None: # Make the plot area smaller to fit the twin axis pos = plt.gca().get_position() ll = pos.min sz = pos.size plt.gca().set_position(pos=[ll[0], ll[1], sz[0], sz[1]-0.05]) # Put the title up top (otherwise it follows the axis) if title is not None: plt.figtext(0.5, 0.96, title, ha='center', va='top', fontsize='large') title = None ax2 = plt.twiny() # Red tick marks show unmatched img sources if zp is not None: dy = (ax[3]-ax[2]) * 0.05 y1 = np.ones_like(uimgmag) * ax[3] p2 = plt.plot(np.vstack((uimgmag, uimgmag)) + zp, np.vstack((y1, y1-dy)), 'r-', alpha=0.5) p2 = p2[0] # Blue tick marks show matched img sources y1 = np.ones_like(mimgmag) * ax[3] p3 = plt.plot(np.vstack((mimgmag, mimgmag)) + zp, np.vstack((y1-(0.25*dy), y1-(1.25*dy))), 'b-', alpha=0.5) p3 = p3[0] # Red ticks for unmatched ref sources y1 = np.ones_like(urefmag) * ax[2] p4 = plt.plot(np.vstack((urefmag, urefmag)), np.vstack((y1, y1+dy)), 'r-', alpha=0.5) p4 = p4[0] # Blue ticks for matched ref sources y1 = np.ones_like(mrefmag) * ax[2] p5 = plt.plot(np.vstack((mrefmag, mrefmag)), np.vstack((y1+(0.25*dy), y1+(1.25*dy))), 'b-', alpha=0.5) p5 = p5[0] plt.xlim(ax[1]-zp, ax[0]-zp) plt.xlabel('Instrumental mag') legloc = 'lower right' else: plt.ylabel(reflabel) plt.xlabel('Image instrumental mag') fn = prefix + '-photom.' + format legloc = 'center right' if title is not None: plt.title(title) pp += [p3, p2] pl += ['Matched sources', 'Unmatched sources'] plt.figlegend(pp, pl, legloc, numpoints=1, prop=FontProperties(size='small')) P1 = _output(fn, format, saveplot) if delta: plt.ylim(-0.5, 0.5) fn = prefix + '-dphotom2.' + format P2 = _output(fn, format, saveplot) if not saveplot: P1.update(P2) return P1
def intensityRatio(self, wvlRange=None, wvlRanges=None, top=10): """ Plot the ratio of 2 lines or sums of lines. Shown as a function of density and/or temperature. For a single wavelength range, set wvlRange = [wMin, wMax] For multiple wavelength ranges, set wvlRanges = [[wMin1,wMax1],[wMin2,wMax2], ...] A plot of relative emissivities is shown and then a dialog appears for the user to choose a set of lines. """ # # self.Emiss={"temperature":temperature,"density":density,"wvl":wvl,"emiss":em, # "plotLabels":plotLabels} # # if not hasattr(self, 'Intensity'): try: self.intensity() except: print( ' intensities not calculated and emiss() is unable to calculate them' ) print(' perhaps the temperature and/or eDensity are not set') return # # everything in self.Intensity should be a numpy array # # intens = copy.copy(self.Intensity) # intensity = intens['intensity'] # # fontsize = 14 # # temperature = self.Temperature eDensity = self.EDensity temperature = self.Temperature # intensity = intens['intensity'] # # temp=np.asarray(temperature,'Float32') ntemp = temperature.size if ntemp > 0: if temperature[0] == temperature[-1]: ntemp = 1 # ndens = eDensity.size if ndens > 0: if eDensity[0] == eDensity[-1]: ndens = 1 # print(' ndens = %5i ntemp = %5i' % (ndens, ntemp)) ionS = self.Intensity['ionS'] # see if we are dealing with more than a single ion ionSet = set(ionS) ionNum = len(ionSet) wvl = self.Intensity["wvl"] # plotLabels = intens["plotLabels"] # xLabel = plotLabels["xLabel"] # yLabel = plotLabels["yLabel"] # # find which lines are in the wavelength range if it is set # # if wvlRange: igvl = util.between(wvl, wvlRange) if len(igvl) == 0: print('no lines in wavelength range %12.2f - %12.2f' % (wvlRange[0], wvlRange[1])) return elif wvlRanges: igvl = [] for awvlRange in wvlRanges: igvl.extend(util.between(wvl, awvlRange)) if len(igvl) == 0: print('no lines in wavelength ranges specified ') return else: igvl = range(len(wvl)) # nlines = len(igvl) # # print ' nlines = ',nlines # print ' iglv = ',igvl igvl = np.take(igvl, wvl[igvl].argsort()) # find the top most intense lines # if top > nlines: top = nlines # intensity = self.Intensity['intensity'] maxIntens = np.zeros(nlines, 'Float64') for iline in range(nlines): maxIntens[iline] = intensity[:, igvl[iline]].max() for iline in range(nlines): if maxIntens[iline] == maxIntens.max(): maxAll = intensity[:, igvl[iline]] # line=range(nlines) igvlsort = np.take(igvl, np.argsort(maxIntens)) # print 'igvlsort = ', igvlsort topLines = igvlsort[-top:] # print ' topLines = ', topLines maxWvl = '%5.3f' % wvl[topLines[-1]] # maxline=topLines[-1] # topLines = topLines[wvl[topLines].argsort()] # # # need to make sure there are no negative values before plotting good = intensity > 0. intensMin = intensity[good].min() bad = intensity <= 0. intensity[bad] = intensMin # # # ntemp=self.Temperature.size # # ndens=self.EDensity.size # ylabel = 'Intensity relative to ' + maxWvl if ionNum == 1: title = self.Spectroscopic else: title = '' # # if ndens == 1 and ntemp == 1: print(' only a single temperature and eDensity') return elif ndens == 1: xlabel = 'Temperature (K)' xvalues = self.Temperature outTemperature = self.Temperature # outDensity=np.zeros(ntemp,'Float64') # outDensity.fill(self.EDensity[0]) outDensity = self.EDensity desc_str = ' Density = %10.2e (cm)$^{-3}$' % self.EDensity[0] elif ntemp == 1: xvalues = self.EDensity # outTemperature=np.zeros(ndens,'Float64') # outTemperature.fill(self.Temperature[0]) outTemperature = self.Temperature outDensity = self.EDensity xlabel = r'$\rm{Electron Density (cm)^{-3}}$' desc_str = ' Temp = %10.2e (K)' % self.Temperature[0] else: outTemperature = self.Temperature outDensity = self.EDensity xlabel = 'Temperature (K)' xvalues = self.Temperature desc_str = ' Variable Density' # # put all actual plotting here # pl.ion() # if chInteractive: # pl.ion() # else: # pl.ioff() # # maxAll is an array ymax = np.max(intensity[:, topLines[0]] / maxAll) ymin = ymax pl.figure() ax = pl.subplot(111) nxvalues = len(xvalues) for iline in range(top): tline = topLines[iline] pl.loglog(xvalues, intensity[:, tline] / maxAll) if np.min(intensity[:, tline] / maxAll) < ymin: ymin = np.min(intensity[:, tline] / maxAll) if np.max(intensity[:, tline] / maxAll) > ymax: ymax = np.max(intensity[:, tline] / maxAll) skip = 2 start = divmod(iline, nxvalues)[1] for ixvalue in range(start, nxvalues, nxvalues // skip): if ionNum == 1: text = '%10.4f' % (wvl[tline]) else: text = '%s %10.4f' % (ionS[tline], wvl[tline]) pl.text(xvalues[ixvalue], intensity[ixvalue, tline] / maxAll[ixvalue], text) pl.xlim(xvalues.min(), xvalues.max()) # pl.ylim(ymin, ymax) pl.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=fontsize) pl.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=fontsize) if ndens == ntemp and ntemp > 1: pl.text(0.07, 0.5, title, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=fontsize, transform=ax.transAxes) # ax2 = pl.twiny() xlabelDen = r'Electron Density (cm$^{-3}$)' pl.xlabel(xlabelDen, fontsize=fontsize) pl.loglog(eDensity, intensity[:, topLines[top - 1]] / maxAll, visible=False) ax2.xaxis.tick_top() pl.ylim(ymin / 1.2, 1.2 * ymax) else: pl.ylim(ymin / 1.2, 1.2 * ymax) pl.title(title + desc_str, fontsize=fontsize) pl.draw() # need time to let matplotlib finish plotting time.sleep(0.5) # # get line selection # selectTags = [] for itop in topLines: if ionNum == 1: selectTags.append(str(wvl[itop])) else: selectTags.append(ionS[itop] + ' ' + str(wvl[itop])) # # numden = chGui.gui.choice2Dialog(wvl[topLines]) numden = chGui.gui.choice2Dialog(selectTags) # # num_idx and den_idx are tuples # num_idx = numden.numIndex if len(num_idx) == 0: print(' no numerator lines were selected') return # den_idx = numden.denIndex if len(den_idx) == 0: print(' no denominator lines were selected') return # numIntens = np.zeros(len(xvalues), 'Float64') for aline in num_idx: numIntens += intensity[:, topLines[aline]] # denIntens = np.zeros(len(xvalues), 'Float64') for aline in den_idx: denIntens += intensity[:, topLines[aline]] # # plot the desired ratio # maxAll is an array pl.figure() ax = pl.subplot(111) pl.loglog(xvalues, numIntens / denIntens) pl.xlim(xvalues.min(), xvalues.max()) pl.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=fontsize) pl.ylabel('Ratio (' + self.Defaults['flux'] + ')', fontsize=fontsize) if ionNum == 1: desc = ionS[0] else: desc = '' for aline in num_idx: if ionNum == 1: desc += ' ' + str(wvl[topLines[aline]]) else: desc += ' ' + ionS[topLines[aline]] + ' ' + str( wvl[topLines[aline]]) desc += ' / ' for aline in den_idx: if ionNum == 1: desc += ' ' + str(wvl[topLines[aline]]) else: desc += ' ' + ionS[topLines[aline]] + ' ' + str( wvl[topLines[aline]]) if ndens == ntemp and ntemp > 1: pl.text(0.07, 0.5, desc, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=fontsize, transform=ax.transAxes) # ax2 = pl.twiny() xlabelDen = r'Electron Density (cm$^{-3}$)' pl.xlabel(xlabelDen, fontsize=fontsize) pl.loglog(eDensity, numIntens / denIntens, visible=False) ax2.xaxis.tick_top() else: # pl.ylim(ymin, ymax) pl.title(desc, fontsize=fontsize) # desc=title+' '+str(wvl[num_line])+' / '+str(wvl[den_line])+' '+desc_str # pl.title(desc, fontsize=fontsize) # pl.title(title+' '+str(wvl[num_line])+' / '+str(wvl[den_line])+' '+desc_str,fontsize=fontsize) # pl.draw() # pl.ioff() # # # intensityRatioFileName=self.IonStr # for aline in num_idx: # intensityRatioFileName+= '_%3i'%(wvl[topLines[aline]]) # intensityRatioFileName+='_2' # for aline in den_idx: # intensityRatioFileName+= '_%3i'%(wvl[topLines[aline]]) cnt = desc.count(' ') intensityRatioFileName = desc.replace(' ', '_', cnt) + '.rat' intensityRatioFileName = intensityRatioFileName.lstrip('_').replace( '_/_', '-') self.IntensityRatio = { 'ratio': numIntens / denIntens, 'desc': desc, 'temperature': outTemperature, 'eDensity': outDensity, 'filename': intensityRatioFileName, 'numIdx': num_idx, 'denIdx': den_idx }
def intensityRatio(self,wvlRange=None, wvlRanges=None,top=10): """ Plot the ratio of 2 lines or sums of lines. Shown as a function of density and/or temperature. For a single wavelength range, set wvlRange = [wMin, wMax] For multiple wavelength ranges, set wvlRanges = [[wMin1,wMax1],[wMin2,wMax2], ...] A plot of relative emissivities is shown and then a dialog appears for the user to choose a set of lines. """ # # self.Emiss={"temperature":temperature,"density":density,"wvl":wvl,"emiss":em, # "plotLabels":plotLabels} # # if not hasattr(self, 'Intensity'): try: self.intensity() except: print(' intensities not calculated and emiss() is unable to calculate them') print(' perhaps the temperature and/or eDensity are not set') return # # everything in self.Intensity should be a numpy array # # intens = copy.copy(self.Intensity) # intensity = intens['intensity'] # # fontsize=14 # # temperature = self.Temperature eDensity = self.EDensity temperature = self.Temperature # intensity = intens['intensity'] # # temp=np.asarray(temperature,'Float32') ntemp = temperature.size if ntemp > 0: if temperature[0] == temperature[-1]: ntemp = 1 # ndens = eDensity.size if ndens > 0: if eDensity[0] == eDensity[-1]: ndens = 1 # print(' ndens = %5i ntemp = %5i'%(ndens, ntemp)) ionS = self.Intensity['ionS'] # see if we are dealing with more than a single ion ionSet = set(ionS) ionNum = len(ionSet) wvl = self.Intensity["wvl"] # plotLabels = intens["plotLabels"] # xLabel = plotLabels["xLabel"] # yLabel = plotLabels["yLabel"] # # find which lines are in the wavelength range if it is set # # if wvlRange: igvl=util.between(wvl,wvlRange) if len(igvl) == 0: print('no lines in wavelength range %12.2f - %12.2f'%(wvlRange[0], wvlRange[1])) return elif wvlRanges: igvl = [] for awvlRange in wvlRanges: igvl.extend(util.between(wvl,awvlRange)) if len(igvl) == 0: print('no lines in wavelength ranges specified ') return else: igvl=range(len(wvl)) # nlines=len(igvl) # # print ' nlines = ',nlines # print ' iglv = ',igvl igvl=np.take(igvl,wvl[igvl].argsort()) # find the top most intense lines # if top > nlines: top=nlines # intensity = self.Intensity['intensity'] maxIntens = np.zeros(nlines,'Float64') for iline in range(nlines): maxIntens[iline] = intensity[:, igvl[iline]].max() for iline in range(nlines): if maxIntens[iline]==maxIntens.max(): maxAll=intensity[:, igvl[iline]] # line=range(nlines) igvlsort=np.take(igvl,np.argsort(maxIntens)) # print 'igvlsort = ', igvlsort topLines=igvlsort[-top:] # print ' topLines = ', topLines maxWvl='%5.3f' % wvl[topLines[-1]] # maxline=topLines[-1] # topLines=topLines[wvl[topLines].argsort()] # # # need to make sure there are no negative values before plotting good = intensity > 0. intensMin = intensity[good].min() bad = intensity <= 0. intensity[bad] = intensMin # # # ntemp=self.Temperature.size # # ndens=self.EDensity.size # ylabel='Intensity relative to '+maxWvl if ionNum == 1: title=self.Spectroscopic else: title = '' # # if ndens==1 and ntemp==1: print(' only a single temperature and eDensity') return elif ndens == 1: xlabel='Temperature (K)' xvalues=self.Temperature outTemperature=self.Temperature # outDensity=np.zeros(ntemp,'Float64') # outDensity.fill(self.EDensity[0]) outDensity = self.EDensity desc_str=' Density = %10.2e (cm)$^{-3}$' % self.EDensity[0] elif ntemp == 1: xvalues=self.EDensity # outTemperature=np.zeros(ndens,'Float64') # outTemperature.fill(self.Temperature[0]) outTemperature = self.Temperature outDensity=self.EDensity xlabel=r'$\rm{Electron Density (cm)^{-3}}$' desc_str=' Temp = %10.2e (K)' % self.Temperature[0] else: outTemperature=self.Temperature outDensity=self.EDensity xlabel='Temperature (K)' xvalues=self.Temperature desc_str=' Variable Density' # # put all actual plotting here # pl.ion() # if chInteractive: # pl.ion() # else: # pl.ioff() # # maxAll is an array ymax = np.max(intensity[:, topLines[0]]/maxAll) ymin = ymax pl.figure() ax = pl.subplot(111) nxvalues=len(xvalues) for iline in range(top): tline=topLines[iline] pl.loglog(xvalues,intensity[:, tline]/maxAll) if np.min(intensity[:, tline]/maxAll) < ymin: ymin = np.min(intensity[:, tline]/maxAll) if np.max(intensity[:, tline]/maxAll) > ymax: ymax = np.max(intensity[:, tline]/maxAll) skip=2 start=divmod(iline,nxvalues)[1] for ixvalue in range(start,nxvalues,nxvalues//skip): if ionNum == 1: text = '%10.4f'%(wvl[tline]) else: text = '%s %10.4f'%(ionS[tline], wvl[tline]) pl.text(xvalues[ixvalue], intensity[ixvalue, tline]/maxAll[ixvalue], text) pl.xlim(xvalues.min(),xvalues.max()) # pl.ylim(ymin, ymax) pl.xlabel(xlabel,fontsize=fontsize) pl.ylabel(ylabel,fontsize=fontsize) if ndens == ntemp and ntemp > 1: pl.text(0.07, 0.5,title, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=fontsize, transform = ax.transAxes) # ax2 = pl.twiny() xlabelDen=r'Electron Density (cm$^{-3}$)' pl.xlabel(xlabelDen, fontsize=fontsize) pl.loglog(eDensity,intensity[:, topLines[top-1]]/maxAll, visible=False) ax2.xaxis.tick_top() pl.ylim(ymin/1.2, 1.2*ymax) else: pl.ylim(ymin/1.2, 1.2*ymax) pl.title(title+desc_str,fontsize=fontsize) pl.draw() # need time to let matplotlib finish plotting time.sleep(0.5) # # get line selection # selectTags = [] for itop in topLines: if ionNum == 1: selectTags.append(str(wvl[itop])) else: selectTags.append(ionS[itop]+ ' '+ str(wvl[itop])) # # numden = chGui.gui.choice2Dialog(wvl[topLines]) numden = chGui.gui.choice2Dialog(selectTags) # # num_idx and den_idx are tuples # num_idx=numden.numIndex if len(num_idx) == 0: print(' no numerator lines were selected') return # den_idx=numden.denIndex if len(den_idx) == 0: print(' no denominator lines were selected') return # numIntens=np.zeros(len(xvalues),'Float64') for aline in num_idx: numIntens += intensity[:, topLines[aline]] # denIntens = np.zeros(len(xvalues),'Float64') for aline in den_idx: denIntens += intensity[:, topLines[aline]] # # plot the desired ratio # maxAll is an array pl.figure() ax = pl.subplot(111) pl.loglog(xvalues,numIntens/denIntens) pl.xlim(xvalues.min(),xvalues.max()) pl.xlabel(xlabel,fontsize=fontsize) pl.ylabel('Ratio ('+self.Defaults['flux']+')',fontsize=fontsize) if ionNum == 1: desc = ionS[0] else: desc = '' for aline in num_idx: if ionNum == 1: desc += ' ' + str(wvl[topLines[aline]]) else: desc += ' ' + ionS[topLines[aline]] + ' ' + str(wvl[topLines[aline]]) desc += ' / ' for aline in den_idx: if ionNum == 1: desc += ' ' + str(wvl[topLines[aline]]) else: desc += ' ' + ionS[topLines[aline]] + ' ' + str(wvl[topLines[aline]]) if ndens == ntemp and ntemp > 1: pl.text(0.07, 0.5,desc, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=fontsize, transform = ax.transAxes) # ax2 = pl.twiny() xlabelDen=r'Electron Density (cm$^{-3}$)' pl.xlabel(xlabelDen, fontsize=fontsize) pl.loglog(eDensity,numIntens/denIntens, visible=False) ax2.xaxis.tick_top() else: # pl.ylim(ymin, ymax) pl.title(desc,fontsize=fontsize) # desc=title+' '+str(wvl[num_line])+' / '+str(wvl[den_line])+' '+desc_str # pl.title(desc, fontsize=fontsize) # pl.title(title+' '+str(wvl[num_line])+' / '+str(wvl[den_line])+' '+desc_str,fontsize=fontsize) # pl.draw() # pl.ioff() # # # intensityRatioFileName=self.IonStr # for aline in num_idx: # intensityRatioFileName+= '_%3i'%(wvl[topLines[aline]]) # intensityRatioFileName+='_2' # for aline in den_idx: # intensityRatioFileName+= '_%3i'%(wvl[topLines[aline]]) cnt = desc.count(' ') intensityRatioFileName = desc.replace(' ', '_', cnt) + '.rat' intensityRatioFileName = intensityRatioFileName.lstrip('_').replace('_/_','-') self.IntensityRatio={'ratio':numIntens/denIntens,'desc':desc, 'temperature':outTemperature,'eDensity':outDensity,'filename':intensityRatioFileName, 'numIdx':num_idx, 'denIdx':den_idx}
lst_hr = int(n.around(n.average(lsts[i:i + chunk]))) Tsys_avg = n.sqrt(n.average(Tsys[i:i + chunk]**2, axis=0)) valid = n.where(Tsys_avg > 213, 1, 0) #p.plot(1e3*fqs.compress(valid), Tsys_avg.compress(valid), label='LST = %02dh00'%lst_hr) p.plot(chans.compress(valid), Tsys_avg.compress(valid), label='LST = %02dh00' % lst_hr) if VLINE: nums = opts.chan.split('_') vlines = [float(v) for v in nums] p.vlines(vlines, 200, 2000, linestyles='dashed') p.legend(loc='best', fontsize='medium') p.xlabel(r'${\rm Channel}$', fontsize=16) if FREQ_AXIS: ax = p.twiny() ax.plot(freqs, n.ones(len(freqs * 1e3))) ax.cla() ax.set_xlabel(r'${\rm Frequency\ [MHz]}$', fontsize=16) #p.xlim(125,175) p.ylim(200, 2000) p.grid() p.ylabel(r'${\rm T}_{\rm sys}$', fontsize=16) p.subplots_adjust(0.12, 0.15, .95, .85) fig_file = 'Tsys_chan_' + opts.chan if not opts.output == '': fig_file = opts.output + '/' + fig_file p.savefig(fig_file)