Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_random():
  from numpy import dot, all, abs
  from numpy.random import randint
  from random import choice
  from pylada.ce import Cluster
  from pylada.crystal import binary, supercell

  lattice = binary.zinc_blende()
  lattice[0].type = ['Si', 'Ge']
  lattice[1].type = ['Si', 'Ge', 'C']

  # now try random clusters with cell and their supercells
  for i in xrange(10):
    # random cluster
    a = Cluster(lattice)
    site = choice([0, 1])
    for j in xrange(4): 
      site = choice([0, 1])
      pos = lattice[site].pos + dot(lattice.cell, randint(4, size=(3,))-2)
      try: a.add_spin(pos)
      except ValueError: pass

    # random structure
    structure = supercell(lattice, dot(lattice.cell, get_cell(3)))
    for atom in structure: atom.type = choice(lattice[atom.site].type)

    # random supercell
    for j in xrange(5):
      sp = supercell(structure, dot(structure.cell, get_cell(3)))
      for atom in sp: atom.site = structure[atom.site].site
      assert all(abs(a(sp) - len(sp) / len(structure) * a(structure)) < 1e-8)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_occmap():
  from numpy import cos, sin, pi, abs, all
  from pylada.crystal import binary
  from pylada.ce import Cluster

  lattice = binary.zinc_blende()
  for atom in lattice: atom.type = ['Si', 'Ge']

  a = Cluster(lattice)
  mapping = a.occupation_mapping()
  assert len(mapping) == len(lattice)
  assert len(mapping[0]) == 2
  assert len(mapping[1]) == 2
  assert abs(mapping[0]['Si'] - cos(2e0*pi*0e0/2.0)) < 1e-8
  assert abs(mapping[0]['Ge'] - cos(2e0*pi*1e0/2.0)) < 1e-8
  assert abs(mapping[1]['Si'] - cos(2e0*pi*0e0/2.0)) < 1e-8
  assert abs(mapping[1]['Ge'] - cos(2e0*pi*1e0/2.0)) < 1e-8

  lattice = binary.zinc_blende()
  lattice[1].type = ['Si', 'Ge', 'C']
  a = Cluster(lattice)
  mapping = a.occupation_mapping()
  assert len(mapping) == len(lattice)
  assert mapping[0] is None
  assert len(mapping[1]) == len(lattice[1].type)
  assert all(abs(mapping[1]['C']  - [cos(2e0*pi*0e0/3.0), sin(2e0*pi*2e0/3.0)]))
  assert all(abs(mapping[1]['Si'] - [cos(2e0*pi*1e0/3.0), sin(2e0*pi*1e0/3.0)]))
  assert all(abs(mapping[1]['Ge'] - [cos(2e0*pi*2e0/3.0), sin(2e0*pi*2e0/3.0)]))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_cmp():
  """ Test Cluster._contains function """
  from numpy import all, any
  from pylada.crystal import binary
  from pylada.ce import Cluster
  from pylada.ce.cluster import spin

  lattice = binary.zinc_blende()
  lattice[0].type = ['Si', 'Ge']
  lattice[1].type = ['Si', 'Ge', 'C']

  def cmp(a,b):
    if len(a) != len(b): return False
    return all([any([all(v == s) for s in a]) for v in b])

  a = Cluster(lattice)
  assert cmp(a.spins,     [spin([0, 0, 0], 0)])
  assert not cmp(a.spins, [spin([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], 0)])
  assert not cmp(a.spins, [spin([0, 0, 0], 1)])
  a = Cluster(lattice)
  assert cmp(a.spins,     [spin([0, 0, 0], 1)])
  assert not cmp(a.spins, [spin([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], 1)])
  assert not cmp(a.spins, [spin([0, 0, 0], 0)])
  assert cmp(a.spins,     [spin([0, 0, 0], 1), spin([0, 0, 0])])
  assert cmp(a.spins,     [spin([0, 0, 0]), spin([0, 0, 0], 1)])
  assert not cmp(a.spins, [spin([0, 0, 0], 1), spin([0, 0, 0]), spin([1, 0, 0])])
  assert not cmp(a.spins, [spin([1, 0, 0]), spin([0, 0, 0], 1)])
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_onsite():
  """ Tests J0 PI calculation.

      This uses the same algorithmic pathway as more complex figures, but can
      be easily computed as the sum of particular specie-dependent terms on
      each site.  
  from numpy import dot, abs, all
  from random import choice
  from pylada.crystal import binary, supercell
  from pylada.ce import Cluster

  lattice = binary.zinc_blende()
  for atom in lattice: atom.type = ['Si', 'Ge', 'C']

  structure = binary.zinc_blende()
  for atom in structure: atom.type = 'Si'

  a = Cluster(lattice)

  # Empty cluster first
  assert abs(a(structure) - len(structure)) < 1e-8
  for i in xrange(10):
    superstructure = supercell(lattice, dot(lattice.cell, get_cell()))
    for atom in superstructure: atom.type = choice(atom.type)
    assert abs(a(superstructure) - len(superstructure)) < 1e-8

  # Try on-site cluster.
  # loop over random supercells.
  # PI should be number of proportional to number of each atomic type on each
  # site, or thereabouts
  mapping = a.occupation_mapping()
  for i in xrange(10):
    # create random superstructure
    superstructure = supercell(lattice, dot(lattice.cell, get_cell()))
    for atom in superstructure: atom.type = choice(atom.type)

    # now first and second site clusters
    for i, site in enumerate(lattice):
      # loop over flavors.
      types = [u.type for u in superstructure]
      a.spins = None
      s = mapping[i].itervalues().next().copy()
      s[:] = 0e0
      for t in site.type:
        s += float(types.count(t)) * mapping[i][t]
      assert all(abs(a(superstructure) - s) < 1e-8)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_spins_are_sorted():
  """ Check spin sorting when using add_spins. """
  from numpy import all, dot
  from numpy.random import randint
  from random import choice
  from itertools import permutations
  from pylada.ce.cluster import spin
  from pylada.ce import Cluster
  from pylada.crystal import binary
  lattice = binary.zinc_blende()
  lattice[0].type = ['Si', 'Ge']
  lattice[1].type = ['Si', 'Ge', 'C']

  # Trial with known result.
  a = Cluster(lattice)
  a.add_spin(lattice[0].pos + [0.5, 0, 0.5])
  a.add_spin(lattice[1].pos + [-0.5, 0, 0.5])
  a.add_spin(lattice[0].pos + [-2.5, -1.0, 0.5])
  assert all(a.spins[0] == spin([0, 0, 0], 1))
  assert all(a.spins[1] == spin([0.5, 0, 0.5]))
  assert all(a.spins[2] == spin([-0.5, 0, 0.5], 1))
  assert all(a.spins[3] == spin([-2.5, -1.0, 0.5], 0))
  spins = a.spins.copy()
  for p in permutations(range(len(spins))):
    a = Cluster(lattice)
    for i in p:
      a.add_spin(spins[i]['position'] + lattice[spins[i]['sublattice']].pos)
    assert all(a.spins == spins)

  # Trial with unknown result.
  for i in xrange(20):
    a = Cluster(lattice)
    for j in xrange(5): 
      site = choice([0, 1])
      pos = lattice[site].pos + dot(lattice.cell, randint(4, size=(3,))-2)
      try: a.add_spin(pos)
      except ValueError: pass
    if a.order < 1: continue
    spins = a.spins.copy()
    for p in permutations(range(len(spins))):
      a = Cluster(lattice)
      for i in p:
        a.add_spin(spins[i]['position'] + lattice[spins[i]['sublattice']].pos)
      assert all(a.spins == spins)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_addspins():
  """ Test adding spins to cluster. 
      Check failure modes.
  from numpy import all
  from pylada.crystal import binary
  from pylada.ce import Cluster
  from pylada.ce.cluster import spin
  from pylada.error import ValueError

  lattice = binary.zinc_blende()
  lattice[0].type = ['Si', 'Ge']
  lattice[1].type = ['Si', 'Ge', 'C']

  a = Cluster(lattice)
  # Wrong position
  try: a.add_spin(lattice[0].pos+0.1)
  except ValueError: pass
  else: raise Exception()

  # now add first spin
  assert len(a.spins) == 1
  assert all(a.spins[0] == spin([0, 0, 0], 0))

  # try adding it again
  try: a.add_spin(lattice[0].pos)
  except ValueError: pass
  else: raise Exception()

  # Wrong position
  try: a.add_spin(lattice[1].pos+[1.1, -0.5, -2.5])
  except ValueError: pass
  else: raise Exception()

  # Then add a different spin
  a.add_spin(lattice[1].pos + [1.0, -0.5, -2.5])
  assert len(a.spins) == 2
  assert all(a.spins[0] == spin([0, 0, 0], 0))
  assert all(a.spins[1] == spin([1.0, -0.5, -2.5], 1))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_symmetrized():
  """ Tests that symmetrized clusters are determined correctly. """
  from numpy import all, any
  from pylada.ce import Cluster
  from pylada.crystal import binary, neighbors

  lattice = binary.zinc_blende()
  lattice[0].type = ['Si', 'Ge']
  lattice[1].type = ['Si', 'Ge']

  a = Cluster(lattice)
  a.add_spin(lattice[0].pos + [0.0, -0.5, -0.5])

  assert len(a._symmetrized) == 2 * 12
  for i, (atom, vec, d) in enumerate(neighbors(lattice, 16, lattice[0].pos)):
    if i < 4: continue
    b = Cluster(lattice)
    assert any(all(b.spins == u) for u in a._symmetrized)
  for i, (atom, vec, d) in enumerate(neighbors(lattice, 16, lattice[1].pos)):
    if i < 4: continue
    b = Cluster(lattice)
    assert any(all(b.spins == u) for u in a._symmetrized)

  lattice = binary.zinc_blende()
  lattice[0].type = ['Si', 'Ge']
  lattice[1].type = ['Si', 'Ge', 'C']

  a = Cluster(lattice)
  a.add_spin(lattice[1].pos + [1.0, 0, 0])

  assert len(a._symmetrized) ==  6
  for i, (atom, vec, d) in enumerate(neighbors(lattice, 24, lattice[0].pos)):
    if i < 16: continue
    b = Cluster(lattice)
    assert any(all(b.spins == u) for u in a._symmetrized)