Ejemplo n.º 1
def compute_bs():
  from numpy import array
  from pylada.escan import read_input, exec_input, ReducedBPoints
  from pylada.vff import Vff

  # reads input file.
  input = read_input("input.py")

  # creating unrelaxed structure.
  structure = input.vff.lattice.to_structure()
  structure.atoms[0].type = "Si"
  structure.atoms[1].type = "Ge"
  structure.scale = 5.65

  # some kpoints + associated name
  X = array( [1,0,0], dtype="float64" )
  G = array( [0,0,0], dtype="float64" )
  L = array( [0.5,0.5,0.5], dtype="float64" )
  W = array( [0, 0.5,1], dtype="float64" )

  # Each job is performed for a given kpoint (first argument), at a given
  # reference energy (third argument). Results are stored in a specific directory
  # (second arguement). The expected eigenvalues are given in the fourth argument.
  input = read_input('input.py')
  kescan = exec_input(repr(input.escan).replace('Escan', 'KEscan')).functional

  kescan.fft_mesh = 14, 14, 14
  kescan.kpoints = ReducedBPoints(density=20) + (X, G) + (G, L)
  result = kescan( structure, outdir='results/projections', 
                   nbstates = len(structure.atoms) * 4 + 4,
                   eref = None )
Ejemplo n.º 2
def create_sl(path, direction, nmin, nmax, nstep, x=0.5, density=10e0, input='input.py'):
  """ Creates dictionary of superlattices.
        path : str 
          Path to output dictionary.
        direction : callable(int)->(3x3, 3x1)
          A callable taking the number of layers on input and returning a tuple
          consisting of a supercell with the correct number of layers and the
          direction of growth of the superlattice. The supercell must be
          have the correct periodicity: two vectors should be parallel to the
          substrate such that layers can actually be defined. Otherwise, there
          is not one-to-one correspondance between atoms and layers: the same
          atom could belong to different layers. A number of examples are given
          in this module: `direction001`, `direction011`, `direction111`.
        nmin : int
          Minimum number of layers.
        nmax : int 
          Maximum number of layers (excluded).
        nstep : int
          Step between layers: [``nmin``, ``nmin``+``nstep``,
          ``nmin``+2*``nstep``, ..., ``nmax``[
        x : float
          Concentration in Si of the superlattice. Should be between 0 and 1.
        density : float
          Kpoint density for escan calculations,
        input : str
          Path to input file containing escan functional.
  from IPython.ipapi import get as get_ipy
  from numpy.linalg import norm, inv
  from pylada.jobs import JobFolder
  from pylada.escan import read_input, exec_input, ReducedKDensity
  from pylada.crystal.binary import zinc_blende
  from pylada.crystal import layer_iterator

  ip = get_ipy()

  input = read_input(input)
  kescan = exec_input(repr(input.escan).replace('Escan', 'KEscan')).functional

  lattice = zinc_blende()
  lattice.sites[0].type = 'Si', 'Ge'
  lattice.sites[1].type = 'Si', 'Ge'
  lattice.scale = 5.45

  density = 10e0 * max([1e0/norm(u) for u in inv(lattice.cell)])

  rootjobs = ip.user_ns.get('current_jobfolder', JobFolder())
  for n0 in range(nmin, nmax, nstep):
    # create structure
    cell, dir = direction(n0)
    structure = lattice.to_structure(cell) # reduction not necessary if cell function done right.
    N0 = int(len([0 for layer in layer_iterator(structure, dir)]) * x+1e-8)
    for i, layer in enumerate(layer_iterator(structure, dir)):
      for atom in layer: atom.type = 'Si' if i < N0 else 'Ge'
    xp = float(len([0 for atom in structure.atoms if atom.type == 'Si']))
    xp /= float(len(structure.atoms))
    assert abs(xp - x) < 1e-12
    # name and scale.
    structure.name = "{0[0]}{0[1]}{0[2]}/x_{1:0<4.3}/n_{2}".format(dir, x, n0)
    structure.scale = scale(structure)
    # creates job-folder.
    jobfolder = rootjobs / structure.name
    jobfolder.jobparams['structure'] = structure.copy()
    jobfolder.functional = kescan.copy()
    jobfolder.functional.kpoints = ReducedKDensity(density, (0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
    jobfolder.functional.reference = None
    jobfolder.functional.fft_mesh = fftmesh(structure.cell)
    jobfolder.functional.nbstates = int(len(structure.atoms) * 4 * 1.5+0.5)

  if 'current_jobfolder' not in ip.user_ns: ip.user_ns["current_jobfolder"] = rootjobs
  ip.magic("savejobs " + path)
Ejemplo n.º 3
#  your option) any later version.
#  PyLaDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
#  the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General
#  Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PyLaDa.  If not, see
#  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

from numpy import array
from pylada.escan import read_input, exec_input, ReducedBPoints
from pylada.crystal.binary import zinc_blende

X = array( [1,0,0], dtype="float64" )
G = array( [0,0,0], dtype="float64" )
L = array( [0.5,0.5,0.5], dtype="float64" )
W = array( [0, 0.5,1], dtype="float64" )

input = read_input('input.py')
kescan = exec_input(repr(input.escan).replace('Escan', 'KEscan')).functional

structure = zinc_blende().to_structure(subs={'A':'Si', 'B':'Si'}) 
structure.scale = 5.45

kescan.fft_mesh = 14, 14, 14
kescan.kpoints = ReducedBPoints(density=20) + (X, G) + (G, L)
result = kescan( structure, outdir='results/kescan', 
                 nbstates = len(structure.atoms) * 4 + 4,
                 eref = None )
Ejemplo n.º 4
def create_start(path, nall = 3, nrand = 5, nmax=100, density=10e0, input='input.py'):
  """ Creates dictionary with input structures for Si/Ge. 
        path : str
          Path to output dictionary.
        nall : int
          All structure with ``nall`` (excluded) unit-cells are included in the final dictionary.
        nrand : int
          Structures between ``nall`` (included) and ``nrand`` (excluded) unit-cells are
          also considered for inclusion in the final dictionary. However, only
          ``nmax`` are randomly chosen in the end.
        nmax : int
          Structures between ``nall`` (included) and ``nrand`` (excluded) unit-cells are
          also considered for inclusion in the final dictionary. However, only
          ``nmax`` are randomly chosen in the end.
        density : float
          Kpoint density for escan calculations,
        input : str
          Path to input file containing escan functional.
      Creates a job-dictionary with a number of structures sampled from an
      exhaustive list of structures to evaluate using escan.
  from random import shuffle
  from itertools import chain
  from IPython.ipapi import get as get_ipy
  from numpy.linalg import norm, inv
  from pylada.enumeration import Enum
  from pylada.crystal.binary import zinc_blende
  from pylada.jobs import JobFolder
  from pylada.escan import read_input, exec_input, ReducedKDensity
  from pylada.crystal.gruber import Reduction

  input = read_input(input)
  kescan = exec_input(repr(input.escan).replace('Escan', 'KEscan')).functional

  enum = Enum(zinc_blende())
  enum.sites[0].type = 'Si', 'Ge'
  enum.sites[1].type = 'Si', 'Ge'
  enum.scale = 5.45
  density = density * max([1e0/norm(u) for u in inv(enum.cell * enum.scale).T])

  strs = [u for  n in range(nall, nrand) for u in enum.xn(n)]
  strs = [enum.as_structure(*u) for u in strs[:nmax]]
  alls = [structure for n in range(nall) for structure in enum.structures(n)]

  jobs = JobFolder()
  for i, structure in enumerate(chain(alls, strs)):
    structure.name = str(i)
    nSi = len([a.type for a in structure.atoms if a.type == 'Si'])
    structure.scale = float(nSi) / float(n) * enum.scale + float(n - nSi) / float(n) * 5.69

    jobfolder = jobs / structure.name
    jobfolder.jobparams['structure'] = structure.copy()
    jobfolder.structure.cell = Reduction()(jobfolder.structure.cell)
    jobfolder.functional = kescan.copy()
    jobfolder.functional.kpoints = ReducedKDensity(density, (0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
    jobfolder.functional.reference = None
    jobfolder.functional.fft_mesh = fftmesh(structure.cell)
    jobfolder.functional.nbstates = int(len(structure.atoms) * 4 * 1.5+0.5)

  ip = get_ipy()
  ip.user_ns["current_jobfolder"] = jobfolder.root
  ip.magic("savejobs " + path)