Ejemplo n.º 1
    def create_dbCompF( self, connection, diffFunc, compFuncName, window, classAcolumns = None, classBcolumns = None ):
        Creates a function in the given connection to a database that allows
        the given diffFunc to be performed on classA and classB on the fly.
        To ensure data is populated correctly, self.neededColumnsA and 
        self.neededColumnsB are set to whatever the order of columns is
        in the database. This can be overwritten using  classAcolumns and
        @connection: a connection to SQLite database
        @diffFunc: the function to use to do comparisons; must be one of the
         functions defined in this class
        @compFuncName: what to call the call function in the database; this
         must be unique
        @window: the size of the window to use when determining whether or not
         classA and classB are the same
        @classAcolumns: set what columns will be used in the function, and the
         order they will be passed. Use this if not all of the columns in
         classA's table will be used.
        @classBcolumns: set what columns will be used in the function, and the
         order they will be passed. Use this if not all of the columns in
         classB's table will used.
        self.set_diffFunc( diffFunc )
        self.set_window( window )
        classAcolumns = sqlutils.get_column_names_from_table( connection, self.classA.tableName)
        classBcolumns = sqlutils.get_column_names_from_table( connection, self.classB.tableName)
        if self.diffFunc == self.eThincaSim or self.diffFunc == self.eThincaSngl:
            # figure out what columns are needed
            if self.matchCriteriaA == 'startTime':
                neededColumnsA = [col for col in classAcolumns if re.search('ifo|start_time', col) is not None]
            elif self.matchCriteriaA == 'endTime':
                neededColumnsA = [col for col in classAcolumns if re.search('ifo|end_time', col) is not None]
                neededColumnsA = [col for col in classAcolumns if re.search(self.matchCriteriaA, col) is not None]

            if self.matchCriteriaB == 'startTime':
                neededColumnsB = [col for col in classBcolumns if re.search('ifo|start_time', col) is not None]
            elif self.matchCriteriaB == 'endTime':
                neededColumnsB = [col for col in classBcolumns if re.search('ifo|end_time', col) is not None]
                neededColumnsB = [col for col in classBcolumns if re.search(self.matchCriteriaB, col) is not None]

        connection.create_function(compFuncName, len(self.neededColumnsA)+len(self.neededColumnsB), self.dbWrapper)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, connection, tableName, baseClass=None):
     self.connection = connection
     self.columns = sqlutils.get_column_names_from_table(
         self.connection, tableName)
     self.rowClass = createDataRowClass(self.tableName, baseClass,
     self._function = None
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, connection, tableName, baseClass = None ):
     self.connection = connection
     self.columns = sqlutils.get_column_names_from_table( self.connection, tableName )
     self.rowClass = createDataRowClass( self.tableName, baseClass, self.columns )
     self._function = None
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_sngl_info(connection, summary_table, sngl_table, daily_ihope_pages_location = 'https://ldas-jobs.ligo.caltech.edu/~cbc/ihope_daily', verbose = False):

    from pylal import ligolw_sqlutils as sqlutils

    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stderr, "Getting Sngl table info..."

    # index the summary table
    lcindex = dict([ [row.coinc_event_id, row] for row in summary_table ])

    # get sngl table columns
    sngl_table_cols = sqlutils.get_column_names_from_table( connection, sngl_table )

    # create an object to store the info
    import copy
    class MergedTable(table.Table):
        tableName = summary_table.tableName
        validcolumns = copy.deepcopy(summary_table.validcolumns)
        for sngl_col in sngl_table_cols:
            validcolumns['sngl_'+sngl_col] = sqlutils.get_col_type(sngl_table, sngl_col)
        validcolumns['sngl_event_time_utc__Px_click_for_daily_ihope_xP_'] = 'lstring'
        validcolumns['sngl_ifo__Px_click_for_elog_xP_'] = 'lstring'

    class Merged(object):
        __slots__ = MergedTable.validcolumns.keys()
        _effective_snr = None
        _new_snr = None

        def get_sngl_gps_time(self):
            if 'sngl_start_time' in self.__slots__:
                return self.sngl_start_time
            elif 'sngl_end_time' in self.__slots__:
                return self.sngl_end_time
                raise AttributeError, "could not find a sngl_start_time or sngl_end_time"

        def new_snr(self):
            if not self._new_snr:
                self._new_snr = lsctables.SnglInspiral.get_new_snr(self)
            return self._new_snr
        def new_snr(self):
            err_msg = "The new_snr property cannot be set directly."
            raise ValueError(err_msg)

        def effective_snr(self):
            if not self._effective_snr:
                self._effective_snr = \
            return self._new_snr

        def effective_snr(self):
            err_msg = "The effective_snr property cannot be set directly." 
            raise ValueError(err_msg)  

        def get_pyvalue(self):
            return printutils.generic_get_pyvalue()

    # connect the row to the table
    MergedTable.RowType = Merged

    # create a document
    mtable = lsctables.New(MergedTable)

    sqlquery = "CREATE TEMP TABLE select_ceids (coinc_event_id)"
    sqlquery = "INSERT INTO select_ceids (coinc_event_id) VALUES (?)"
    connection.cursor().executemany(sqlquery, [(row.coinc_event_id,) for row in summary_table])

    sqlquery = ''.join(["""
            """, sngl_table, """.*
            """, sngl_table, '''
            select_ceids, coinc_event_map
            select_ceids.coinc_event_id == coinc_event_map.coinc_event_id AND
            coinc_event_map.table_name == "''', sngl_table, """" AND
            coinc_event_map.event_id == """, sngl_table, """.event_id
    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stderr, "SQLite Query Used is:"
        print >> sys.stderr, sqlquery
    for data in connection.cursor().execute(sqlquery).fetchall():
        mrow = Merged()
        data = list(data)
        mrow.coinc_event_id = data.pop(0)
        # set sngl info
        for sngl_col, value in zip(sngl_table_cols, data):
            setattr(mrow, 'sngl_'+sngl_col, value)
        # set coinc info
        [setattr(mrow, col, getattr(lcindex[mrow.coinc_event_id], col))
            for col in lcindex[mrow.coinc_event_id].__slots__ if col != 'coinc_event_id']
        # set sngl end time utc
        gps_time_utc = format_end_time_in_utc( mrow.get_sngl_gps_time() )
        daily_ihope_address = get_daily_ihope_page(mrow.get_sngl_gps_time(), pages_location = daily_ihope_pages_location)
        mrow.sngl_event_time_utc__Px_click_for_daily_ihope_xP_ = create_hyperlink( daily_ihope_address, gps_time_utc )
        # set elog page
        mrow.sngl_ifo__Px_click_for_elog_xP_ = create_hyperlink( get_elog_page(mrow.sngl_ifo, mrow.get_sngl_gps_time()), mrow.sngl_ifo )
        # add the row

    # delete the select_ceids table
    connection.cursor().execute('DROP TABLE select_ceids')

    return mtable
Ejemplo n.º 5
def printmissed(connection, simulation_table, recovery_table, map_label, livetime_program,
    param_name = None, param_ranges = None, exclude_coincs = None, include_only_coincs = None, sim_tag = 'ALLINJ',
    limit = None, daily_ihope_pages_location = 'https://ldas-jobs.ligo.caltech.edu/~cbc/ihope_daily', verbose = False):
    from pylal import ligolw_sqlutils as sqlutils
    from pylal import ligolw_cbc_compute_durations as compute_dur
    from glue import segments
    from glue.ligolw import dbtables

    # Get simulation/recovery tables
    simulation_table = sqlutils.validate_option(simulation_table)
    recovery_table = sqlutils.validate_option(recovery_table)
    # create the get_sim_tag function
    sim_map = sqlutils.sim_tag_proc_id_mapper( connection )
    connection.create_function( 'get_sim_tag', 1, sim_map.get_sim_tag )

    #   Create and prepare the CloseMissedTable to store summary information
    # Get simulation table column names from database
    simulation_table_columns = sqlutils.get_column_names_from_table( connection, simulation_table )
    column_names = simulation_table_columns + \
        ['rank', 'decisive_distance', 'gps_time', 'gps_time_ns', 'injection_time_utc__Px_click_for_daily_ihope_xP_', 'elogs', 'instruments_on', 'veto_def_name', 'mini_followup','omega_scan', 'sim_tag']
    # define needed tables
    class CloseMissedTable(table.Table):
        tableName = "close_missed_injections:table"
        validcolumns = {}
        for col_name in column_names:
            if 'rank' in col_name:
                validcolumns[col_name] = "int_4u"
            elif 'instruments_on' == col_name:
                validcolumns[col_name] = lsctables.ExperimentTable.validcolumns['instruments']
            elif 'veto_def_name' == col_name:
                validcolumns[col_name] = lsctables.ExperimentSummaryTable.validcolumns['veto_def_name']
            elif 'decisive_distance' == col_name:
                validcolumns[col_name] = sqlutils.get_col_type(simulation_table, 'eff_dist_h')
            elif 'gps_time' == col_name or 'gps_time_ns' == col_name:
                validcolumns[col_name] = "int_4s"
            elif 'sim_tag' == col_name:
                validcolumns[col_name] = "lstring"
                validcolumns[col_name] = sqlutils.get_col_type(simulation_table, col_name, default = 'lstring')
    class CloseMissed(object):
        __slots__ = CloseMissedTable.validcolumns.keys()
        def get_pyvalue(self):
            return generic_get_pyvalue(self)
    # connect the rows to the tables
    CloseMissedTable.RowType = CloseMissed
    # create the table
    cmtable = lsctables.New(CloseMissedTable)

    # set up sim_rec_map table
    sqlutils.create_sim_rec_map_table(connection, simulation_table, recovery_table, map_label, None)
    #   Set table filters
    # we force the include/exclude filters to None; will check for excluded/included ifo time
    # when cycling through the ifo times
    filter = """
            simulation_id NOT IN (
                    sim_rec_map )"""
    af = create_filter( connection, simulation_table, param_name = param_name, param_ranges = param_ranges,
            exclude_coincs = None, include_only_coincs = None, sim_tag = sim_tag, verbose = verbose)
    af = re.sub(r'experiment_summary[.]sim_proc_id', 'process_id', af)
    if af != '':
        filter = '\n'.join([ filter, """
            AND""", af])
    # get desired instrument times
    if include_only_coincs is not None:
        include_times = [on_instruments for on_instruments, type in
            sqlutils.parse_coinc_options( include_only_coincs, verbose = verbose ).get_coinc_types().items()
            if 'ALL' in type]
    if exclude_coincs is not None:
        exclude_times = [on_instruments for on_instruments, type in
            sqlutils.parse_coinc_options( exclude_coincs, verbose = verbose ).get_coinc_types().items()
            if 'ALL' in type]

    # get the usertags of inspiral jobs in this database
    sqlquery = """
        SELECT value
        FROM process_params
        WHERE param == "-userTag"
        GROUP BY value
    usertags = set(usertag[0] for usertag in connection.cursor().execute(sqlquery) )
    # Get the single-ifo science segments after CAT-1 vetoes
        if "FULL_DATA" in usertags:
            tag = "FULL_DATA"
            tag = list(usertags)[0]
    except IndexError:
        # This is hacky anyway, so let's just take a guess
        tag = "FULL_DATA"
    ifo_segments = compute_dur.get_single_ifo_segments(connection, program_name = livetime_program, usertag = tag)
    if ifo_segments == {}:
        raise ValueError, "Cannot find any analysis segments using %s as a livetime program; cannot get missed injections." % livetime_program
    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stderr, "Getting all veto category names from the experiment_summary table..."

    xmldoc = dbtables.get_xml(connection)
    # get veto_segments
    veto_segments = compute_dur.get_veto_segments(xmldoc, verbose)

    # make a dictionary of zerolag "shifts" needed for the get_coinc_segments function
    zerolag_dict = {}
    for ifo in ifo_segments:
        zerolag_dict[ifo] = 0.0

    # Cycle over available veto categories
    for veto_def_name, veto_seg_dict in veto_segments.items():
        post_vetoes_ifosegs = ifo_segments - veto_seg_dict
        # make a dictionary of coincident segments by exclusive on-ifos
        coinc_segs = compute_dur.get_coinc_segments(post_vetoes_ifosegs, zerolag_dict)
        #   Get all the on_instrument times and cycle over them
        sqlquery = """
            SELECT DISTINCT experiment.instruments
            FROM experiment
                JOIN experiment_summary ON (
                    experiment.experiment_id == experiment_summary.experiment_id )
            WHERE experiment_summary.veto_def_name == :1
        for on_instruments in connection.cursor().execute(sqlquery, (veto_def_name,)).fetchall():
            on_instruments = lsctables.instrument_set_from_ifos(on_instruments[0])
            # check if this on_instruments is desired; if not, skip
            if include_only_coincs is not None and frozenset(on_instruments) not in include_times:
            if exclude_coincs is not None and frozenset(on_instruments) in exclude_times:
            on_times = coinc_segs[','.join(sorted(on_instruments))]
            def is_in_on_time(gps_time, gps_time_ns):
                return gps_time + (1e-9 * gps_time_ns) in on_times
            connection.create_function('is_in_on_time', 2, is_in_on_time)
            # add the check for on time to the filter
            in_this_filter = filter
            # figure out if simulation_table has end_times or start_times
            end_or_start = any('end_time' in c for c in simulation_table_columns) and '_end_time' or '_start_time'
            for instrument in on_instruments:
                inst_time = instrument.lower()[0] + end_or_start
                inst_time_ns = inst_time + '_ns' 
                in_this_filter = ''.join([ in_this_filter,
                    '\n\tAND is_in_on_time(', inst_time, ',', inst_time_ns, ')' ])
            #   Set up decisive distance argument
            def get_decisive_distance( *args ):
               return sorted(args)[1]
            connection.create_function('get_decisive_distance', len(on_instruments), get_decisive_distance)
            decisive_distance = ''.join(['get_decisive_distance(', ','.join(['eff_dist_'+inst.lower()[0] for inst in on_instruments]), ')' ])
            #   Initialize ranking. Statistics for ranking are based on decisive distance
            if verbose:
                print >> sys.stderr, "Getting statistics for ranking..."
            ranker = sqlutils.rank_stats(simulation_table, decisive_distance, 'ASC')
            # add requirement that stats not be found in the sim_rec_table to in_this_filter
            ranker.populate_stats_list(connection, limit = limit, filter = in_this_filter)
            connection.create_function( 'rank', 1, ranker.get_rank )
            #   Get the Data
            sqlquery = ''.join(["""
                    """, decisive_distance, """,
                    rank(""", decisive_distance, """)
                    """, simulation_table, """
                """, in_this_filter, """
                    %s""" % (limit is not None and ''.join(['AND rank(', decisive_distance, ') <= ', str(limit)]) or ''), """
                ORDER BY
                    rank(""", decisive_distance, """) ASC
            if verbose:
                print >> sys.stderr, "Getting injections..."
                print >> sys.stderr, "SQLite query used is:"
                print >> sys.stderr, sqlquery
            for values in connection.cursor().execute( sqlquery ).fetchall():
                cmrow = CloseMissed()
                [ setattr(cmrow, column, values[ii]) for ii, column in enumerate(simulation_table_columns) ]
                cmrow.decisive_distance = values[-2]
                cmrow.rank = values[-1]
                cmrow.instruments_on = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set(on_instruments)
                cmrow.veto_def_name = veto_def_name
                cmrow.sim_tag = values[-3]
                cmrow.mini_followup = None
                cmrow.omega_scan = None
                cmrow.gps_time = getattr(cmrow, sorted(on_instruments)[0][0].lower() + end_or_start)
                cmrow.gps_time_ns = getattr(cmrow, sorted(on_instruments)[0][0].lower() + end_or_start + '_ns')
                # set  elog page
                elog_pages = [(ifo, get_elog_page(ifo, cmrow.gps_time)) for ifo in on_instruments]
                cmrow.elogs = ','.join([ create_hyperlink(elog[1], elog[0]) for elog in sorted(elog_pages) ])
                # set daily_ihope page
                injection_time_utc = format_end_time_in_utc( cmrow.gps_time ) 
                daily_ihope_address = get_daily_ihope_page(cmrow.gps_time, pages_location = daily_ihope_pages_location)
                cmrow.injection_time_utc__Px_click_for_daily_ihope_xP_ = create_hyperlink( daily_ihope_address, injection_time_utc ) 
                # add the row

    # drop the sim_rec_map table
    connection.cursor().execute("DROP TABLE sim_rec_map")
    return cmtable
Ejemplo n.º 6
def printsims(connection, simulation_table, recovery_table, map_label, ranking_stat, rank_by, comparison_datatype,
    sort_by = 'rank', param_name = None, param_ranges = None, exclude_coincs = None, include_only_coincs = None,
    sim_tag = 'ALLINJ', rank_range = None, convert_durations = 's',
    daily_ihope_pages_location = 'https://ldas-jobs.ligo.caltech.edu/~cbc/ihope_daily', verbose = False):

    from pylal import ligolw_sqlutils as sqlutils

    # check and format options appropriately
    simulation_table = sqlutils.validate_option(simulation_table)
    recovery_table = sqlutils.validate_option(recovery_table)
    ranking_stat = sqlutils.validate_option(ranking_stat)
    rank_by = sqlutils.validate_option(rank_by, lower = False).upper()
    comparison_datatype = sqlutils.validate_option(comparison_datatype)
    convert_durations = sqlutils.validate_option(convert_durations)
    if rank_by == 'MIN':
        rank_by = 'ASC'
    elif rank_by == 'MAX':
        rank_by = 'DESC'
    elif rank_by != 'ASC' or rank_by != 'DESC':
        raise ValueError, 'rank_by must be MAX (or DESC) or MIN (or ASC)'

    if not ranking_stat.startswith(recovery_table):
        ranking_stat = '.'.join([recovery_table, ranking_stat])

    #   Set up sim_rec_map table
    if 'sim_rec_map' not in sqlutils.get_tables_in_database( connection ):
        sqlutils.create_sim_rec_map_table(connection, simulation_table, recovery_table, map_label, ranking_stat)
    #   Initialize ranking. Statistics for ranking are collected from non-injections
    #   in the recovery table.
    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stderr, "Getting statistics for ranking..."
    ranker = sqlutils.rank_stats(recovery_table, ranking_stat, rank_by)
    # add requirement that stats not be found in the sim_rec_table to in_this_filter
    rank_filter = ''.join([
            recovery_table, '''.coinc_event_id NOT IN (
                experiment_summary.datatype == "''', comparison_datatype, '"'])
    # add to the rank filter any other desired filters; note that sim-tag is forced to ALLINJ if not comparing
    # to simulation datatype
    in_this_filter = create_filter(connection, recovery_table, param_name = param_name, param_ranges = param_ranges,
        exclude_coincs = exclude_coincs, include_only_coincs = include_only_coincs,
        sim_tag = comparison_datatype == 'simulation' and sim_tag or 'ALLINJ',
        verbose = False)
    if in_this_filter != '':
        rank_filter = '\n\tAND '.join([ in_this_filter, rank_filter ])

    rank_filter = '\n\t'.join([ sqlutils.join_experiment_tables_to_coinc_table(recovery_table), 'WHERE', rank_filter ])
    ranker.populate_stats_list(connection, limit = None, filter = rank_filter)
    connection.create_function( 'rank', 1, ranker.get_rank )
    #   Set recovery table filters
    in_this_filter = create_filter(connection, recovery_table, param_name = param_name, param_ranges = param_ranges,
        exclude_coincs = exclude_coincs, include_only_coincs = include_only_coincs, sim_tag = sim_tag,
        verbose = verbose)
    # Now apply the filter to the sim_rec_map table: this will delete all sim/rec maps where the simulation id is
    # mapped to a recovered event that falls outside the filter, even if that particular sim/rec map is in the
    # filter. For example, if the filter is recovery_table.combined_far != 0., and there are two entries in the
    # sim_rec_map table sharing the same sim_id:
    #   sim_id:0 | rec_id:0 | rec_id's combined_far = 0.
    #   sim_id:0 | rec_id:1 | rec_id's combined_far = 1.2
    # both entries will get deleted even though the second entry's combined_far is not 0.
    if in_this_filter != '':
        # join the needed tables to in_this_filter
        in_this_filter = ''.join([ sqlutils.join_experiment_tables_to_coinc_table(recovery_table), "\n    WHERE\n\t", in_this_filter ])
        sqlscript = ''.join([ """
            CREATE TEMP TABLE del_ids AS
                    sim_id AS del_id
                    rec_id NOT IN (
                        """, recovery_table, """.coinc_event_id
                        """, recovery_table, """
                    """, in_this_filter, """
                        AND experiment_summary.datatype == "simulation"
            DELETE FROM
                sim_id IN (
                        del_ids );
            DROP TABLE del_ids;""" ])
    #   Set other needed functions
    # establish what units will be converting duration to
    def convert_duration( duration ):
        return sqlutils.convert_duration( duration, convert_durations )
    connection.create_function( 'convert_duration', 1, convert_duration )
    # create the get_sim_tag function
    sim_map = sqlutils.sim_tag_proc_id_mapper( connection )
    connection.create_function( 'get_sim_tag', 1, sim_map.get_sim_tag )
    # Get range ranks
    if rank_range is not None:
        rank_range_parser = sqlutils.parse_param_ranges( 'rank(sim_rec_map', 'ranking_stat)',
            rank_range, verbose = verbose )
    #   Create and prepare the SelectedFoundTable to store summary information
    # Get recovery table and simulation table column names from database
    simulation_table_columns = sqlutils.get_column_names_from_table( connection, simulation_table )
    recovery_table_columns = sqlutils.get_column_names_from_table( connection, recovery_table )
    # Get list of column name for injected parameters
    injected_cols = []
    for col in simulation_table_columns:
        if col == 'simulation_id':
    injected_cols.extend(['injected_decisive_distance','injected_gps_time', 'injected_gps_time_ns', 'injected_event_time_utc__Px_click_for_daily_ihope_xP_'])
    # Get list of column names from the recovery table
    recovered_cols = []
    for col in recovery_table_columns:
        if col == 'coinc_event_id':
    # generate list of column names for the summary table
    column_names = injected_cols + recovered_cols
    # add instruments on, duration, mini_followups
    rankname = 'rank_in_' + comparison_datatype.strip().lower() + '_using_' + ranking_stat.split('.')[-1]
    durname = ''.join([ 'simulation', u'_duration__Px_', convert_durations, '_xP_' ])
    column_names.extend( [ rankname, 'recovered_match_rank', 'instruments_on', 'elogs', durname, 'mini_followup','omega_scan', 'sim_tag' ] )
    # define needed tables
    class tmpSimTable(table.Table):
        tableName = "tmp_sim_table:table"
        validcolumns = dict([ [col, sqlutils.get_col_type(simulation_table, col)] for col in simulation_table_columns ])
    class tmpSim(object):
        __slots__ = tmpSimTable.validcolumns.keys()
        def get_gps_time(self, site):
            if '%s_start_time' % site in self.__slots__:
                return LIGOTimeGPS(getattr(self, '%s_start_time' % site ), getattr(self, '%s_start_time_ns' % site))
            elif '%s_end_time' % site in self.__slots__:
                return LIGOTimeGPS(getattr(self, '%s_end_time' % site ), getattr(self, '%s_end_time_ns' % site))
                raise AttributeError, "could not find an injected %s_start_time nor an injected %s_end_time" %(site,site)
        def get_pyvalue(self):
            return generic_get_pyvalue(self)
    class tmpRecTable(table.Table):
        tableName = "tmp_rec_table:table"
        validcolumns = dict([ [col, sqlutils.get_col_type(recovery_table, col)] for col in recovery_table_columns ])
    class tmpRec(object):
        __slots__ = tmpRecTable.validcolumns.keys()
        def get_gps_time(self):
            if 'start_time' in self.__slots__:
                return LIGOTimeGPS(self.start_time, self.start_time_ns)
            elif 'end_time' in self.__slots__:
                return LIGOTimeGPS(self.end_time, self.end_time_ns)
                raise AttributeError, "could not find a recovered start_time or recovered end_time"
        def get_pyvalue(self):
            return generic_get_pyvalue(self)
    class SelectedFoundTable(table.Table):
        tableName = "selected_found_injections:table"
        validcolumns = {}
        for col_name in column_names:
            if 'rank_in_' in col_name:
                validcolumns[col_name] = "int_4u"
            elif '_duration_' in col_name:
                validcolumns[col_name] = "real_8"
            elif 'instruments_on' == col_name:
                validcolumns[col_name] = lsctables.ExperimentTable.validcolumns['instruments']
            elif col_name == 'injected_start_time' or col_name == 'injected_start_time_ns':
                validcolumns[col_name] = "int_4s"
            elif col_name == 'injected_gps_time' or col_name == 'injected_gps_time_ns':
                validcolumns[col_name] = "int_4s"
            elif col_name == 'injected_decisive_distance':
                validcolumns[col_name] = "real_8"
            elif 'injected_' in col_name or col_name == 'simulation_id':
                validcolumns[col_name] = sqlutils.get_col_type(simulation_table, re.sub('injected_', '', col_name))
            elif 'recovered_' in col_name or col_name == 'coinc_event_id':
                validcolumns[col_name] = sqlutils.get_col_type(recovery_table, re.sub('recovered_', '', col_name))
            # if custom columns exist in the database, just set them to lstrings
                validcolumns[col_name] = "lstring"
        # add FAP columns
        validcolumns['recovered_fap'] = "real_8"
        validcolumns['recovered_fap_1yr'] = "real_8"
    class SelectedFound(object):
        __slots__ = SelectedFoundTable.validcolumns.keys()
        def set_recovered_gps_time(self, gps_time):
            if 'recovered_start_time' in self.__slots__:
                self.recovered_start_time = gps_time.seconds
                self.recovered_start_time_ns = gps_time.nanoseconds
            elif 'recovered_end_time' in self.__slots__:
                self.recovered_end_time = gps_time.seconds
                self.recovered_end_time_ns = gps_time.nanoseconds
                raise AttributeError, "could not find a recovered_start_time or recovered_end_time"

        def get_recovered_gps_time(self):
            if 'recovered_start_time' in self.__slots__:
                return LIGOTimeGPS(self.recovered_start_time, self.recovered_start_time_ns)
            elif 'recovered_end_time' in self.__slots__:
                return LIGOTimeGPS(self.recovered_end_time, self.recovered_end_time_ns)
                raise AttributeError, "could not find a recovered_start_time or recovered_end_time"

        def set_injected_gps_time(self, site, gps_time):
            if 'injected_%s_start_time' % site in self.__slots__:
                setattr(self, 'injected_%s_start_time' % site, gps_time.seconds)
                setattr(self, 'injected_%s_start_time_ns' % site, gps_time.nanoseconds)
            elif 'injected_%s_end_time' % site in self.__slots__:
                setattr(self, 'injected_%s_end_time' % site, gps_time.seconds)
                setattr(self, 'injected_%s_end_time_ns' % site, gps_time.nanoseconds)
                raise AttributeError, "could not find an injected_%s_start_time nor an injected_%s_end_time" %(site,site)

        def get_injected_gps_time(self, site):
            if 'injected_%s_start_time' % site in self.__slots__:
                return LIGOTimeGPS(getattr(self, 'injected_%s_start_time' % site ), getattr(self, 'injected_%s_start_time_ns' % site))
            elif 'injected_%s_end_time' % site in self.__slots__:
                return LIGOTimeGPS(getattr(self, 'injected_%s_end_time' % site ), getattr(self, 'injected_%s_end_time_ns' % site))
                raise AttributeError, "could not find an injected_%s_start_time nor an injected_%s_end_time" %(site,site)

        def get_pyvalue(self):
            return generic_get_pyvalue(self)
    # connect the rows to the tables
    tmpSimTable.RowType = tmpSim
    tmpRecTable.RowType = tmpRec
    SelectedFoundTable.RowType = SelectedFound
    #   Get the Data
    tmp_sim_table = lsctables.New(tmpSimTable) 
    tmp_rec_table = lsctables.New(tmpRecTable) 
    tmp_sftable = lsctables.New(SelectedFoundTable)
    prior_sim_id = ''
    group_rank = None
    current_match_rank = 1
    sqlquery = ''.join(["""
            """, simulation_table, """.*,
            """, recovery_table, """.*,
            NULL AS match_rank,
            NULL AS mini_followup
            """, ', '.join([simulation_table, recovery_table]), """, experiment, experiment_summary, experiment_map ON (
            sim_rec_map.sim_id == """, simulation_table, """.simulation_id AND
            sim_rec_map.rec_id == """, recovery_table, """.coinc_event_id AND
            sim_rec_map.rec_id == experiment_map.coinc_event_id AND
            experiment_map.experiment_summ_id == experiment_summary.experiment_summ_id AND
            experiment_summary.experiment_id == experiment.experiment_id)
        ORDER BY
            sim_rec_map.sim_id, sim_rec_map.ranking_stat """, rank_by])
    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stderr, "Getting coincs..."
        print >> sys.stderr, "SQLite query used is:"
        print >> sys.stderr, sqlquery
    for values in connection.cursor().execute( sqlquery ).fetchall():
        # sort the data
        tmp_sim_row = tmpSim()
        tmp_rec_row = tmpRec()
        [ setattr(tmp_sim_row, column, values[ii]) for ii, column in enumerate(simulation_table_columns) ]
        [ setattr(tmp_rec_row, column, values[ii+1+jj]) for jj, column in enumerate(recovery_table_columns) ]
        # figure out the rank
        this_inj_rank = values[-5]
        this_sim_id = tmp_sim_row.simulation_id
        this_ranking_stat = getattr(tmp_rec_row, ranking_stat.split('.')[-1])
        if this_sim_id == prior_sim_id and this_ranking_stat != prior_ranking_stat:
            current_match_rank += 1
        elif this_sim_id != prior_sim_id:
            current_match_rank = 1
            group_rank = this_inj_rank
        prior_sim_id = this_sim_id
        prior_ranking_stat = this_ranking_stat 
        # only store data if the group_rank falls in the desired rank ranges
        if rank_range and rank_range_parser.group_by_param_range(group_rank) is None:
        on_instruments = lsctables.instrument_set_from_ifos(values[-3])
        duration = values[-2]
        # now that have all the information from this row, create a row for the selected found table
        sfrow = SelectedFound()
        # set the ranks
        setattr(sfrow, rankname, group_rank)
        sfrow.recovered_match_rank = current_match_rank
        # set the injected parameters
        use_this_site = sorted(on_instruments)[0][0].lower()
        injected_time = tmp_sim_row.get_gps_time( use_this_site )
        sfrow.injected_gps_time = injected_time.seconds
        sfrow.injected_gps_time_ns = injected_time.nanoseconds
        for col in simulation_table_columns:
            if col == "simulation_id":
                sfrow.simulation_id = tmp_sim_row.simulation_id 
                setattr(sfrow, 'injected_'+col, getattr( tmp_sim_row, col) )
        # set the recovered parameters
        for col in recovery_table_columns:
            if col == "coinc_event_id":
                sfrow.coinc_event_id = tmp_rec_row.coinc_event_id
                setattr(sfrow, 'recovered_'+col, getattr( tmp_rec_row, col) )
        # calculate and add faps
        if sfrow.recovered_combined_far is not None:
            t_in_s = float(values[-2]) / sqlutils.convert_duration(1, convert_durations)
            sfrow.recovered_fap = 1 - math.exp(-sqlutils.convert_duration(t_in_s, 'yr') * sfrow.recovered_combined_far)
            sfrow.recovered_fap_1yr = 1 - math.exp(-sfrow.recovered_combined_far)
            sfrow.recovered_fap = None
            sfrow.recovered_fap_1yr = None
        # set elog page
        elog_pages = [(ifo, get_elog_page(ifo, sfrow.injected_gps_time)) for ifo in on_instruments]
        sfrow.elogs = ','.join([ create_hyperlink(elog[1], elog[0]) for elog in sorted(elog_pages) ])
        # set daily_ihope page
        event_time_utc = format_end_time_in_utc( sfrow.injected_gps_time ) 
        daily_ihope_address = get_daily_ihope_page(sfrow.injected_gps_time, pages_location = daily_ihope_pages_location)
        sfrow.injected_event_time_utc__Px_click_for_daily_ihope_xP_ = create_hyperlink( daily_ihope_address, event_time_utc ) 
        # set any other info
        sfrow.instruments_on = ','.join(sorted(on_instruments))
        sfrow.injected_decisive_distance = sorted([getattr(sfrow, 'injected_eff_dist_%s' % ifo[0].lower()) for ifo in on_instruments])[1]
        sfrow.mini_followup = None
        sfrow.omega_scan = None
        sfrow.sim_tag = values[-6]
        setattr(sfrow, durname, duration)
        # add the row
    # Re-sort the sftable by rank, recovered_match_rank
    sftable = lsctables.New(SelectedFoundTable)
    for sfrow in sorted([ row for row in tmp_sftable ], key = lambda row: getattr(row, sort_by == 'rank' and rankname or sort_by) ):
        if sfrow.simulation_id not in [row.simulation_id for row in sftable]:
            sftable.extend(sub_row for sub_row in sorted([row for row in tmp_sftable
                if row.simulation_id == sfrow.simulation_id
                and row.coinc_event_id != sfrow.coinc_event_id],
                key = lambda row: row.recovered_match_rank))
    # drop the sim_rec_map table
    connection.cursor().execute("DROP TABLE sim_rec_map")
    return sftable
Ejemplo n.º 7
def dbinjfind(connection,

    # validate simulation_table and recovery_table
    simulation_table = sqlutils.validate_option(simulation_table)
    recovery_table = sqlutils.validate_option(recovery_table)

    # create DataRow classes to store data for each table
    simColumns = sqlutils.get_column_names_from_table(connection,
    recColumns = sqlutils.get_column_names_from_table(connection,

    SimDataRow = dataUtils.createDataRowClass(simulation_table,
    RecDataRow = dataUtils.createDataRowClass(recovery_table,

    # create a temporary table to store the eligible foreground events that can be matched
    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stdout, "Getting eligible events..."
    make_rec_sngls_table(connection, recovery_table)

    # if using rough match, create an index for it
    rough_match_test = ''
    if rough_match is not None:
        simRough, recRough, winRough = rough_match
        simRough = sqlutils.validate_option(simRough)
        recRough = sqlutils.validate_option(recRough)
        sqlquery = "CREATE INDEX rs_rmtch_idx ON rec_sngls (%s)" % recRough
        rough_match_test = "rec_sngls.%s >= sim.%s - %f AND rec_sngls.%s <= sim.%s + %f AND\n" % (
            recRough, simRough, winRough, recRough, simRough, winRough)

    # Remove triggers that match all_data triggers
    if rejection_criteria != []:
        if verbose:
            print >> sys.stdout, "Applying rejection test to eligible events..."
        # If comparing to all_data for rejection, create a temp table of all data events
        # This rejection test only uses the single-ifo triggers from coincident events
        sqlquery = ''.join([
            CREATE TEMP TABLE all_data_sngls AS
                    ''', recovery_table, '''.*
                ''', recovery_table, '''
            sqlutils.join_experiment_tables_to_sngl_table(recovery_table), '''
                    experiment_summary.datatype == "all_data"'''

        rough_test = ''
        if rough_rejection is not None:
            rejRough, rejRoughWin = rough_rejection
            rejRough = sqlutils.validate_option(rejRough)
            sqlquery = "CREATE INDEX ads_rmtch_idx ON all_data_sngls (%s)" % rejRough
            rough_test = "all_data_sngls.%s >= rec_sngls.%s - %f AND all_data_sngls.%s <= rec_sngls.%s + %f AND\n" % (
                rejRough, rejRough, rejRoughWin, rejRough, rejRough,

        # cycle over the rejection criteria, creating a function in the database for each
        rejection_tests = []
        for n, (thisFunc, window) in enumerate(rejection_criteria):
            compF = dataUtils.CompareDataRows(RecDataRow, RecDataRow)
            funcName = 'matches_all_data%i' % n
            if thisFunc == 'eThinca':
                compF.create_dbCompF(connection, compF.eThincaSngl, funcName,
                                     window, recColumns, recColumns)
                compF.create_dbCompF(connection, compF.diffRowARowB, funcName,
                                     window, recColumns, recColumns)
            simSnglCols = ','.join(
                ['rec_sngls.%s' % (col) for col in compF.neededColumnsA])
            allSnglCols = ','.join(
                ['all_data_sngls.%s' % (col) for col in compF.neededColumnsB])
            rejection_tests.append('%s(%s, %s)' %
                                   (funcName, simSnglCols, allSnglCols))

        # now remove triggers
        sqlquery = ''.join([
            DELETE FROM
            WHERE EXISTS (
                    ''', rough_test, '\nAND '.join(rejection_tests), ')'

    #   Determine Sim-Sngl matches

    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stdout, "Applying match criteria to find sim-sngl maps..."
    # cycle over the match criteria, creating a function in the database for each
    match_tests = []
    for n, (simFunc, snglFunc, window) in enumerate(match_criteria):
        compF = dataUtils.CompareDataRows(SimDataRow, RecDataRow)
        # set the name of the compare function to use in the database
        funcName = 'are_match%i' % n
        # set the functions that get the match criteria from the tables
        # and create the compare function in the database
        if simFunc == 'eThinca':
            compF.create_dbCompF(connection, compF.eThincaSim, funcName,
                                 window, simColumns, recColumns)
            compF.create_dbCompF(connection, compF.diffSimSngl, funcName,
                                 window, simColumns, recColumns)
        simCols = ','.join(['sim.%s' % (col) for col in compF.neededColumnsA])
        snglCols = ','.join(
            ['rec_sngls.%s' % (col) for col in compF.neededColumnsB])
        match_tests.append('%s(%s, %s)' % (funcName, simCols, snglCols))

    # determine matches
    sqlquery = ''.join([
    CREATE TEMP TABLE found_inj AS
        sim.simulation_id AS sim_id,
        rec_sngls.event_id AS event_id
        """, simulation_table, """ AS sim, rec_sngls
        sim.process_id == rec_sngls.sim_proc_id AND
        """, rough_match_test, '\n\t\tAND'.join(match_tests)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def dbinjfind( connection, simulation_table, recovery_table, match_criteria, rough_match = None, rejection_criteria = [], rough_rejection = None, verbose = False ):

    # validate simulation_table and recovery_table
    simulation_table = sqlutils.validate_option( simulation_table )
    recovery_table = sqlutils.validate_option( recovery_table )

    # create DataRow classes to store data for each table
    simColumns = sqlutils.get_column_names_from_table( connection, simulation_table )
    recColumns = sqlutils.get_column_names_from_table( connection, recovery_table )
    SimDataRow = dataUtils.createDataRowClass( simulation_table, columns = simColumns )
    RecDataRow = dataUtils.createDataRowClass( recovery_table, columns = recColumns )

    # create a temporary table to store the eligible foreground events that can be matched
    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stdout, "Getting eligible events..."
    make_rec_sngls_table( connection, recovery_table )

    # if using rough match, create an index for it
    rough_match_test = ''
    if rough_match is not None:
        simRough, recRough, winRough = rough_match
        simRough = sqlutils.validate_option( simRough )
        recRough = sqlutils.validate_option( recRough )
        sqlquery = "CREATE INDEX rs_rmtch_idx ON rec_sngls (%s)" % recRough
        connection.cursor().execute( sqlquery )
        rough_match_test = "rec_sngls.%s >= sim.%s - %f AND rec_sngls.%s <= sim.%s + %f AND\n" %( recRough, simRough, winRough, recRough, simRough, winRough ) 

    # Remove triggers that match all_data triggers
    if rejection_criteria != []:
        if verbose:
            print >> sys.stdout, "Applying rejection test to eligible events..."
        # If comparing to all_data for rejection, create a temp table of all data events
        # This rejection test only uses the single-ifo triggers from coincident events
        sqlquery = ''.join(['''
            CREATE TEMP TABLE all_data_sngls AS
                    ''', recovery_table, '''.*
                ''', recovery_table, '''
                ''', sqlutils.join_experiment_tables_to_sngl_table( recovery_table ), '''
                    experiment_summary.datatype == "all_data"''' ])

        rough_test = ''
        if rough_rejection is not None:
            rejRough, rejRoughWin = rough_rejection
            rejRough = sqlutils.validate_option( rejRough )
            sqlquery = "CREATE INDEX ads_rmtch_idx ON all_data_sngls (%s)" % rejRough
            connection.cursor().execute( sqlquery )
            rough_test = "all_data_sngls.%s >= rec_sngls.%s - %f AND all_data_sngls.%s <= rec_sngls.%s + %f AND\n" % ( rejRough, rejRough, rejRoughWin, rejRough, rejRough, rejRoughWin )

        # cycle over the rejection criteria, creating a function in the database for each
        rejection_tests = []
        for n,(thisFunc, window) in enumerate(rejection_criteria):
            compF = dataUtils.CompareDataRows(RecDataRow, RecDataRow)
            funcName = 'matches_all_data%i' % n
            # Note: setting the match criteria also sets the needed columns
            # need different diff function if using eThinca
            if thisFunc == 'eThinca':
                diffFunc = compF.eThincaSngl
                diffFunc = compF.diffRowARowB
            compF.create_dbCompF(connection, diffFunc, funcName, window)
            simSnglCols = ','.join(['rec_sngls.%s' %(col) for col in compF.neededColumnsA])
            allSnglCols = ','.join(['all_data_sngls.%s' %(col) for col in compF.neededColumnsB])
            rejection_tests.append( '%s(%s, %s)' %(funcName, simSnglCols, allSnglCols) ) 

        # now remove triggers
        sqlquery = ''.join([ '''
            DELETE FROM
            WHERE EXISTS (
                    ''', rough_test, '\nAND '.join( rejection_tests ), ')' ])

    #   Determine Sim-Sngl matches
    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stdout, "Applying match criteria to find sim-sngl maps..."
    # cycle over the match criteria, creating a function in the database for each
    match_tests = []
    for n,(simFunc, snglFunc, window) in enumerate(match_criteria):
        compF = dataUtils.CompareDataRows(SimDataRow, RecDataRow)
        # set the name of the compare function to use in the database
        funcName = 'are_match%i' % n
        # need different diff function if using eThinca
        if simFunc == 'eThinca':
            diffFunc = compF.eThincaSim
            diffFunc = compF.diffSimSngl
        compF.create_dbCompF(connection, diffFunc, funcName, window)
        simCols = ','.join(['sim.%s'%(col) for col in compF.neededColumnsA])
        snglCols = ','.join(['rec_sngls.%s'%(col) for col in compF.neededColumnsB])
        match_tests.append( '%s(%s, %s)' %(funcName, simCols, snglCols) )

    # determine matches
    sqlquery = ''.join(["""
    CREATE TEMP TABLE found_inj AS
        sim.simulation_id AS sim_id,
        rec_sngls.event_id AS event_id
        """, simulation_table, """ AS sim, rec_sngls
        sim.process_id == rec_sngls.sim_proc_id AND
        """, rough_match_test, '\n\t\tAND'.join( match_tests ) ])
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def create_dbCompF(self,
        Creates a function in the given connection to a database that allows
        the given diffFunc to be performed on classA and classB on the fly.
        To ensure data is populated correctly, self.neededColumnsA and 
        self.neededColumnsB are set to whatever the order of columns is
        in the database. This can be overwritten using  classAcolumns and
        @connection: a connection to SQLite database
        @diffFunc: the function to use to do comparisons; must be one of the
         functions defined in this class
        @compFuncName: what to call the call function in the database; this
         must be unique
        @window: the size of the window to use when determining whether or not
         classA and classB are the same
        @classAcolumns: set what columns will be used in the function, and the
         order they will be passed. Use this if not all of the columns in
         classA's table will be used.
        @classBcolumns: set what columns will be used in the function, and the
         order they will be passed. Use this if not all of the columns in
         classB's table will used.
        classAcolumns = sqlutils.get_column_names_from_table(
            connection, self.classA.tableName)
        classBcolumns = sqlutils.get_column_names_from_table(
            connection, self.classB.tableName)
        if self.diffFunc == self.eThincaSim or self.diffFunc == self.eThincaSngl:
            # figure out what columns are needed
            if self.matchCriteriaA == 'startTime':
                neededColumnsA = [
                    col for col in classAcolumns
                    if re.search('ifo|start_time', col) is not None
            elif self.matchCriteriaA == 'endTime':
                neededColumnsA = [
                    col for col in classAcolumns
                    if re.search('ifo|end_time', col) is not None
                neededColumnsA = [
                    col for col in classAcolumns
                    if re.search(self.matchCriteriaA, col) is not None

            if self.matchCriteriaB == 'startTime':
                neededColumnsB = [
                    col for col in classBcolumns
                    if re.search('ifo|start_time', col) is not None
            elif self.matchCriteriaB == 'endTime':
                neededColumnsB = [
                    col for col in classBcolumns
                    if re.search('ifo|end_time', col) is not None
                neededColumnsB = [
                    col for col in classBcolumns
                    if re.search(self.matchCriteriaB, col) is not None

            len(self.neededColumnsA) + len(self.neededColumnsB),