def __init__(self,**kwargs): """ Constructor Parameters ---------- fs : sampling frequency fc : center frequency beta : scale factor :math:`$\beta$` Tns : time integration in nanoseconds BGHz : Bandwidth in GHz pfa : false alarm probability wt : filter B ripple R : Resistance for Tension/Power conversion NF : Noise factor in dB (default 0dB) gpass: gain in the pass band gstop : gain in the stop band Notes ----- An energy detector is determined by 2 filter a bandpass elliptic filter :math:`H_B(f)` and a lowpass filter which corresponds to the time integration over duration :math:`T` :math:`H_T(f)` """ defaults = {'fsGHz':50, 'fcGHz':4, 'BGHz':3, 'Tns':10, 'pfa':0.01, 'beta':1, 'wt':0.01, 'gpass':0.5, 'gstop':30, 'NF':0, 'R':50} for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k]=defaults[k] self.fsGHz = kwargs['fsGHz'] self.fcGHz = kwargs['fcGHz'] self.R = kwargs['R'] BGHz = kwargs['BGHz'] Tns = kwargs['Tns'] wt = kwargs['wt'] # # Filter B : Input Band Pass Filter # ts = 1./self.fsGHz fN = self.fsGHz/2. w1 = (self.fcGHz-BGHz/2.)/fN w2 = (self.fcGHz+BGHz/2.)/fN wp = [w1,w2] ws = [w1-wt,w2+wt] self.filterB = DF() self.filterB.ellip_bp(wp,ws,kwargs['gpass'],kwargs['gstop']) #self.filterB.butter(order=6,w=wp,typ='bandpass') # # Filter T : Time Averaging Filter (Integrator) (Tns => N samples) # N = np.ceil(Tns/ts) b = (Tns*1e-9/N)*ones(N) self.NfilterT = len(b) a = array([1]) self.filterT = DF(b,a) # # # self.BGHz = BGHz self.Tns = Tns self.beta = kwargs['beta'] self.pfa = kwargs['pfa'] self.NF = kwargs['NF'] # # calculates ED moments, order and scale # # self.moment(typ='struc') # kB = 1,3806488 × 10-23 kB = 1.3806488e-23 # TB : Noise temperature TB = 290*10**(self.NF/10.) N0 = kB*TB self.order = 2*self.BGHz*self.Tns self.muy = self.order*N0 self.vary = 4*self.BGHz*self.Tns*N0**2 self.scale = np.sqrt(self.vary/(2*self.order))
IP = ip.psd(Tpns=500) IP.plotdB(mask=True) IP = ip.psd flt=DF() fc = 4 fs = fsGHz fN = 50 B = 0.5 w1 = (fc-B/2)/fN w2 = (fc+B/2)/fN flt.butter(w=[w1,w2],typ='bandpass') flt.freqz() ### Creating a simple channel #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,3))
class ED(PyLayers): """ Energy Detector Class This class implements an energy detector receiver """ def __init__(self,**kwargs): """ Constructor Parameters ---------- fs : sampling frequency fc : center frequency beta : scale factor :math:`$\beta$` Tns : time integration in nanoseconds BGHz : Bandwidth in GHz pfa : false alarm probability wt : filter B ripple R : Resistance for Tension/Power conversion NF : Noise factor in dB (default 0dB) gpass: gain in the pass band gstop : gain in the stop band Notes ----- An energy detector is determined by 2 filter a bandpass elliptic filter :math:`H_B(f)` and a lowpass filter which corresponds to the time integration over duration :math:`T` :math:`H_T(f)` """ defaults = {'fsGHz':50, 'fcGHz':4, 'BGHz':3, 'Tns':10, 'pfa':0.01, 'beta':1, 'wt':0.01, 'gpass':0.5, 'gstop':30, 'NF':0, 'R':50} for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k]=defaults[k] self.fsGHz = kwargs['fsGHz'] self.fcGHz = kwargs['fcGHz'] self.R = kwargs['R'] BGHz = kwargs['BGHz'] Tns = kwargs['Tns'] wt = kwargs['wt'] # # Filter B : Input Band Pass Filter # ts = 1./self.fsGHz fN = self.fsGHz/2. w1 = (self.fcGHz-BGHz/2.)/fN w2 = (self.fcGHz+BGHz/2.)/fN wp = [w1,w2] ws = [w1-wt,w2+wt] self.filterB = DF() self.filterB.ellip_bp(wp,ws,kwargs['gpass'],kwargs['gstop']) #self.filterB.butter(order=6,w=wp,typ='bandpass') # # Filter T : Time Averaging Filter (Integrator) (Tns => N samples) # N = np.ceil(Tns/ts) b = (Tns*1e-9/N)*ones(N) self.NfilterT = len(b) a = array([1]) self.filterT = DF(b,a) # # # self.BGHz = BGHz self.Tns = Tns self.beta = kwargs['beta'] self.pfa = kwargs['pfa'] self.NF = kwargs['NF'] # # calculates ED moments, order and scale # # self.moment(typ='struc') # kB = 1,3806488 × 10-23 kB = 1.3806488e-23 # TB : Noise temperature TB = 290*10**(self.NF/10.) N0 = kB*TB self.order = 2*self.BGHz*self.Tns self.muy = self.order*N0 self.vary = 4*self.BGHz*self.Tns*N0**2 self.scale = np.sqrt(self.vary/(2*self.order)) def __repr__(self): st = 'Energy Detector'+'\n' st = st+'---------------'+'\n\n' st = st+'Center frequency : '+str(self.fcGHz)+' GHz\n' st = st+'Bandwidth : '+str(self.BGHz)+' GHz \n' st = st+'Integration Time : '+str(self.Tns)+' ns \n' st = st+'Resistance : '+str(self.R)+' Ohms\n' st = st+'Mean (y) : '+str(self.muy/1e-9)+' nJ \n' st = st+'Std(y) : '+str(np.sqrt(self.vary)/1e-9)+' nJ \n' st = st+'Order (df) : '+str(self.order)+' \n' st = st+'Scale : '+str(self.scale)+' \n' st = st+'2BT : '+str(2*self.BGHz*self.Tns)+' \n' return(st) def apply(self,x,typ='ideal'): r""" Parameters ---------- x : input signal Returns ------- y : :math:`F_2\{\beta^2 F_1\{x\}^2\}` :math:`F{x}` means a filtering of x with filter :math:`F` """ if typ=='real': # B filtering self.xf1 = self.filterB.filter(x.y) # quadrator and scaling self.xq = ((self.beta)**2)*(self.xf1*self.xf1)/self.R # T filtering self.y = bs.TUsignal(x.x,self.filterT.filter(self.xq)) if typ=='ideal': # B filtering --> FH signal X = x.fft() self.gate = np.zeros(len(x.x)) u1 = np.where((x.x>(self.fcGHz-self.BGHz/2.)) & (x.x<(self.fcGHz+self.BGHz/2)))[0] u2 = np.where((x.x>(self.fsGHz-self.fcGHz-self.BGHz/2.)) & (x.x<(self.fsGHz-self.fcGHz+self.BGHz/2)))[0] self.gate[u1] = 1 self.gate[u2] = 1 X.y = X.y*self.gate self.y = X.ifft() #self.xq = ((self.beta)**2)*(self.xf1*self.xf1)/self.R #self.y = bs.TUsignal(x.x,self.filterT.filter(self.xq)) return(self.y) def moment(self,typ='struc'): r""" evaluate mean and variance of output signal y Parameters ---------- typ : string 'struc' structural evaluation of moments 'emp' empirical evaluation of moments Notes ----- :math:`R_y(\tau)=2R_x^2(\tau)+R_x^2(0)` This function updates the order and scale or the Energy Detector """ # filterB bandpass filter self.filterB.freqz(display=False) # filterT time integration (=low pass filter) self.filterT.freqz(display=False) w = bs.Noise(fsGHz=self.fsGHz) if typ=='struc': # ACF of filter B self.RB = self.filterB.wnxcorr(var=w.var) # Coulom T&T signal eq 8.148 # ACF of xq self.Rx = self.RB*self.RB*2 # Power of xq RB0= self.RB.y[0] # self.Rx.y = self.Rx.y+RB0**2 Phix = np.real(fft.fft(self.Rx.y)) HH = self.filterT.H.symH(0) HH.y = HH.y/(self.Tns*1e-9) Phiy = Phix * np.real(HH.y * np.conj(HH.y)) self.muy = self.RB.max()[0]*self.beta*self.beta self.vary = mean(Phiy) if typ=='emp': self.muy = self.y.y[self.NfilterT:].mean() self.vary = self.y.y[self.NfilterT:].var() self.order = (2*(self.muy)**2)/self.vary self.scale = np.sqrt(self.vary/(2*self.order)) def pdf(self,E,Ei=0): """ calculates decision problem densities under H0 and H1 Parameters ---------- E : float Legitimate Signal Energy Ei : float Interferer Signal Energy See Also -------- scipy.stats.chi2 scipy.stats.ncx2 """ self.E = E self.Ei = Ei # H0 : Noise only (no interferer) # central chi square if Ei==0: self.pH0 = st.chi2(self.order, scale=self.scale) else: # H0 : Noise + interference # non central chi square self.pH0 = st.ncx2(self.order, scale=self.scale, nc=Ei/(self.scale)) # H1 : Signal + interference + Noise # non central chi square self.pH1 = st.ncx2(self.order, scale=self.scale, nc=(E+Ei)/(self.scale)) def errprob(self,E,Ei=0,thresh=0,typ='thresh'): """ calculates error probability Parameters ---------- E : float Legitimate Signal Energy Ei : float Interferer Signal Energy thresh : float typ : string 'thresh' 'scale': for IEEE.802.11.6 standard 'both' : both kind of decision Returns ------- errp : error probability Notes ----- See Also -------- scipy.stats.ncf ED.pdf """ self.pdf(E,Ei=Ei) if typ=='thresh': self.p10 = self.pH0.sf(thresh) self.p01 = 1-self.pH1.sf(thresh) errp = 0.5*(self.p10+self.p01) if typ=='scale': ncf = st.ncf(dfn = self.order, dfd = self.order, scale = 1, nc = self.E/self.scale) errp = 1 - ncf.sf(1) if typ=='both': self.p10 = self.pH0.sf(thresh) self.p01 = 1-self.pH1.sf(thresh) pe1 = 0.5*(self.p10+self.p01) ncf = st.ncf(dfn=self.order, dfd=self.order, scale=1, nc=self.E/self.scale) pe2= 1 - ncf.sf(1) errp =(pe1,pe2) return(errp) def plot(self,E): """ plot decision problem densities Parameters ---------- E : float value of energy """ self.pdf(E) e = np.linspace(0,max(self.muy*5,2*self.E),200) p0 = self.pH0.pdf(e) p1 = self.pH1.pdf(e) #plt.plot(10*np.log10(E),p0,'b',linewidth=4) #plt.plot(10*np.log10(E),p1,'r',linewidth=4) plt.plot(e,p0,'b',linewidth=4) plt.plot(e,p1,'r',linewidth=4) def roc(self,E,typ='thresh'): """ determine receiver operating curve Parameters ---------- E : float Energy typ : string 'thresh' | 'both' | 'scale' Returns ------- terr : error probability tpfa : false alarm probability tpd : detection probability Notes ----- Iterate on energy from 0 to 10*E """ thresh = np.linspace(10*E,0,300) terr = [] tpfa = [] tpd =[] for t in thresh: perr = self.errprob(E,thresh=t,typ=typ) terr.append(perr) tpfa.append(self.p10) tpd.append(1-self.p01) terr = np.array(terr) tpfa = np.array(tpfa) tpd = np.array(tpd) return(terr,tpfa,tpd)
t = linspace(0,1,Npoints) wn = sqrt(Var_w)*randn(Npoints) # # Filter 1 : Input Band Pass Filter # w1 = 0.05 w2 = 0.1 wt = 0.01 wp = [w1,w2] ws = [w1-wt,w2+wt] gpass = 0.5 gstop = 30 type = 'ellip' filter1 = DF() filter1.ellip_bp(wp,ws,gpass,gstop) # # Filter 2 : averaging filter # N = 40 b = (1./N)*ones(N) a = array([1]) filter2 = DF(b,a) # # # beta = 1 pfa = 0.001