Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_image_rgb(systematic, log, sparse):

    n = 26
    d_v = 1
    d_c = 2
    seed = 0
    rnd = np.random.RandomState(seed)
    H, G = make_ldpc(n,
    assert not binaryproduct(H, G).any()

    n, k = G.shape
    snr = 100

    img = rnd.randint(0, 255, size=(3, 3, 3))
    img_bin = rgb2bin(img)
    coded, noisy = ldpc_images.encode_img(G, img_bin, snr, seed)

    x = ldpc_images.decode_img(G, H, coded, snr, maxiter=100, log=log)

    assert ldpc_images.ber_img(img_bin, rgb2bin(x)) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_image_gray(systematic, sparse):
    n = 100
    d_v = 3
    d_c = 4
    seed = 0
    rnd = np.random.RandomState(seed)
    H, G = make_ldpc(n,
    assert not binaryproduct(H, G).any()

    n, k = G.shape
    snr = 10

    img = rnd.randint(0, 255, size=(3, 3))
    img_bin = gray2bin(img)
    img_shape = img_bin.shape

    coded, noisy = ldpc_images.encode_img(G, img_bin, snr, seed)

    x = ldpc_images.decode_img(G, H, coded, snr, img_shape=img_shape)

    assert ldpc_images.ber_img(img_bin, gray2bin(x)) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
d_c = 4
seed = 42

# First we create a small LDPC code i.e a pair of decoding and coding matrices
# H and G. H is a regular parity-check matrix with d_v ones per row
# and d_c ones per column

H, G = make_ldpc(n, d_v, d_c, seed=seed, systematic=True, sparse=True)

# Now we simulate the transmission with Gaussian white noise
# and recover the original image via belief-propagation.

snr = 8
eye_coded, eye_noisy = ldpc_images.encode_img(G, eye_bin, snr, seed=seed)

print("Coded eye shape", eye_coded.shape)

t = time()
eye_decoded = ldpc_images.decode_img(G, H, eye_coded, snr, eye_bin.shape)
t = time() - t
print("Eye | Decoding time: ", t)
error_decoded_eye = abs(eye - eye_decoded).mean()
error_noisy_eye = abs(eye_noisy - eye).mean()

# With RGB images, we proceed similarly
tiger = np.asarray(Image.open("data/tiger.jpg"))
d_c = 4
seed = 42

# First we create a small LDPC code i.e a pair of decoding and coding matrices
# H and G. H is a regular parity-check matrix with d_v ones per row
# and d_c ones per column

H, G = make_ldpc(n, d_v, d_c, seed=seed, systematic=True, sparse=True)

# Now we simulate the transmission with Gaussian white noise
# and recover the original image via belief-propagation.

snr = 8
tree_coded, tree_noisy = ldpc_images.encode_img(G, tree_bin, snr, seed=seed)

print("Coded tree shape", tree_coded.shape)

t = time()
tree_decoded = ldpc_images.decode_img(G, H, tree_coded, snr, tree_bin.shape)
t = time() - t
print("tree | Decoding time: ", t)
error_decoded_tree = abs(tree - tree_decoded).mean()
error_noisy_tree = abs(tree_noisy - tree).mean()

plt.imshow(tree, 'gray')
plt.imshow(tree_noisy, 'gray')
plt.imshow(tree_decoded, 'gray')