Ejemplo n.º 1
#running this with local mean sub resulted in it getting about 70.98% test acc
#added local division by variance. irange was .05 before but this resulted in
#   optimization not going anywhere for local division by variance.
#   bumped it up to .17 (weight norm about 1 on average) to make things initially clear the threshold
#   this resulted in it hovering around 71.8 test acc

from pylearn2.datasets.cifar10 import CIFAR10
import time
import warnings
from theano.printing import Print
import numpy as np
from pylearn2.utils import serial
from theano.gof.op import get_debug_values
from theano.printing import min_informative_str

dataset = CIFAR10(which_set='train', one_hot=True, gcn=55.)

rng = np.random.RandomState([2012, 07, 24])
irange = 1.
nvis = 784
nclass = 10
nhid = 500
mf_iter = 10
batch_size = 10
lr = .01
momentum = 1. / 20.

from pylearn2.utils import sharedX
import theano.tensor as T

X = dataset.X
Ejemplo n.º 2
layer = int(layer_str)

model = serial.load(model_path)

# Get access to the intermediate layers of the augmented DBM
if hasattr(model, 'super_dbm'):
    model = model.super_dbm


if hasattr(model, 'dataset_yaml_src'):
    dataset = yaml_parse.load(model.dataset_yaml_src)
    from pylearn2.datasets.cifar10 import CIFAR10
    dataset = CIFAR10(which_set='test', gcn=55.)

X = sharedX(dataset.get_batch_topo(m))

H_hat = model.mf(X)

H_hat = H_hat[layer]


p, h = model.hidden_layers[layer].state_to_b01c(H_hat)

f = function([], [p, h])

while True:
    p, h = f()
    LR_start = 0.001
    print("LR_start = "+str(LR_start))
    LR_fin = 0.0000003
    print("LR_fin = "+str(LR_fin))
    LR_decay = (LR_fin/LR_start)**(1./num_epochs)
    print("LR_decay = "+str(LR_decay))
    # BTW, LR decay might good for the BN moving average...

    train_set_size = 45000
    print("train_set_size = "+str(train_set_size))
    shuffle_parts = 1
    print("shuffle_parts = "+str(shuffle_parts))

    print('Loading CIFAR-10 dataset...')

    train_set = CIFAR10(which_set="train", start=0, stop=train_set_size)
    valid_set = CIFAR10(which_set="train", start=train_set_size, stop=50000)
    test_set = CIFAR10(which_set="test")

    # bc01 format
    # Inputs in the range [-1,+1]
    # print("Inputs in the range [-1,+1]")
    train_set.X = np.reshape(
        np.subtract(np.multiply(2./255., train_set.X), 1.), (-1, 3, 32, 32))
    valid_set.X = np.reshape(
        np.subtract(np.multiply(2./255., valid_set.X), 1.), (-1, 3, 32, 32))
    test_set.X = np.reshape(
        np.subtract(np.multiply(2./255., test_set.X), 1.), (-1, 3, 32, 32))

    # flatten targets
    train_set.y = np.hstack(train_set.y)
def main():
    data_name, model, pretrain, test, filter_channel, \
    filter_size, activation, sparse_coeff, is_tied_weights, \
    is_linear, do_zca, do_scale, do_maxpoool, n_epochs, batch_size = ProcessCommandLine()
    print '... Loading data and parameters'
    print 'dataset: ', data_name
    print 'filter_channel=', filter_channel
    print 'filter_size=', filter_size
    print 'activation=', activation
    print 'sparsity coefficient=', sparse_coeff
    print 'Max pooling=', do_maxpoool
    print 'tied weight=', is_tied_weights
    print 'linear CAE=', is_linear
    print 'ZCA whitening=', do_zca
    print 'Scale image=', do_scale
    print 'Batch size=', batch_size
    print 'number of epoch=', n_epochs
    # batch_size = 100                      # number of images in each batch
    n_epochs = 100  # number of experiment epochs
    learning_rate = 0.1  # learning rate of SGD
    # filter_channel = 16                           # number of feature maps in ConvAE
    # dataset = 'data/mnist.pkl.gz'         # address of data
    # rng = np.random.RandomState(23455)  # random generator
    # filter_size = 11
    # n_images = 20
    # sparse_coeff = 1
    if sparse_coeff == 0:
        model_type = 'cae'
        model_type = 'spcae'

    model_save_name = model_type+'_'+data_name+'_'+ \
                      '[fn=%d,fs=%d,sp=%.3f,maxpool=%s,tied=%s,act=%s,linear=%s,ZCA=%s,scale=%s]' \
                      % (filter_channel, filter_size, sparse_coeff, do_maxpoool, is_tied_weights,
                         activation, is_linear, do_zca, do_scale)
    results_dir = model_save_name + '/'
    # results_dir = data_name+'_'+model_name+'/'
    if not os.path.isdir(results_dir):

    if data_name == 'smallNORB':
        ### load smallNORB train set ###
        # norb = SmallNORB('train', True)
        # data_x = norb.adjust_for_viewer(norb.X)
        # data_y = norb.y
        # pickle.dump((data_x, data_y),open('smallNORB.pkl','wb'), -1)
        # results_dir = 'smallNORB_scae/'
        # results_dir = 'smallNORB_'+model_name+'/'
        # if not os.path.isdir(results_dir):
        #     os.mkdir(results_dir)
        # f = open('smallNORB.pkl', 'r')
        # data, data_y = pickle.load(f)
        # _, feat = data.shape
        # f.close()
        # train = NORB(which_norb='small', which_set='train')
        # ipdb.set_trace()
        # window = preprocessing.CentralWindow(window_shape=(64,64))
        # train.apply_preprocessor(preprocessor=window)
        # train.X = train.X.astype('float32')
        # zca = preprocessing.ZCA()
        # train.apply_preprocessor(preprocessor=zca, can_fit=True)
        # _, feat = train.X.shape
        # data_x = train.X[:, :feat/2]
        norb = sio.loadmat('smallNORB_matlab/smallNORB_train_32x32.mat')
        train_x = norb['trainData'].transpose(1, 0)
        if do_zca:
            zca = zca_whitening.ZCA()
            train_x = zca.transform(train_x)
        if do_scale:
            min_max_scaler = MinMaxScaler()
            train_x_T = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(train_x.T)
            train_x = train_x_T.T
        data_x = train_x
        idx = random.shuffle(range(data_x.shape[0]))
        data_x = data_x[idx, :][0, :, :]
        # ipdb.set_trace()
        im_channel = 1
        im_height = 32
        im_width = 32

    elif data_name == 'cifar':
        ### load cifar10 ###
        # results_dir = 'cifar'+model_name+'/'
        # data_x = pickle.load(open('cifar10.pkl', 'r'))
        train = CIFAR10('train', gcn=55.)
        im_channel = 3
        im_height = 32
        im_width = 32
        # min_max_scaler = MinMaxScaler()
        # data_x = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(data_x)
        # data_x = cifar10.X

    # elif data_name == 'cifarw':
    #     ### load cifar10 ###
    #     # results_dir = 'cifar'+model_name+'/'
    #     # data_x = pickle.load(open('cifar10_whitened.pkl', 'r'))
    #     train = CIFAR10('train', gcn=55.)
    #     # zca = preprocessing.ZCA()
    #     # cifar10.apply_preprocessor(preprocessor=zca, can_fit=True)
    #     im_channel = 3
    #     im_height = 32
    #     im_width = 32
    # min_max_scaler = MinMaxScaler()
    # data_x = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(cifar10.X)
    # data_x = cifar10.X
    # ipdb.set_trace()

    elif data_name == 'svhn':
        f = open('svhn.pkl', 'r')
        svhn = pickle.load(f)
        im_channel = 3
        im_height = 32
        im_width = 32
        train_x, train_y = svhn[0]
        test_x, test_y = svhn[1]
        extra_x, extra_y = svhn[2]
        train_x = train_x.transpose([3, 2, 0, 1])
        test_x = test_x.transpose([3, 2, 0, 1])
        extra_x = extra_x.transpose([3, 2, 0, 1])
        # Scale to [0,1]
        channel_scale_factor = train_x.max(axis=(2, 3)).astype('float32')
        train_x_scaled = train_x / channel_scale_factor.reshape(
            channel_scale_factor.shape[0], im_channel, 1, 1)
        data_x = train_x_scaled.reshape(train_x.shape[0],
                                        im_channel * im_height * im_width)

    elif data_name == 'mnist':
        # f = open('mnist.pkl', 'r')
        # mnist = pickle.load(f)
        # f.close()
        # train_x, train_y = mnist[0]
        # valid_x, valid_y = mnist[1]
        # test_x, test_y = mnist[2]
        # data_x = train_x
        train = MNIST('train')
        # zca = preprocessing.ZCA()
        # train.apply_preprocessor(preprocessor=zca, can_fit=True)
        # ipdb.set_trace()
        # min_max_scaler = MinMaxScaler()
        # data_x = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(train.X)
        # data_x = train.X
        # data_y = train.y
        im_channel = 1
        im_height = 28
        im_width = 28

    elif data_name == 'bmnist':
        train = BinarizedMNIST(which_set='train')
        # zca = preprocessing.ZCA()
        # train.apply_preprocessor(preprocessor=zca, can_fit=True)
        # ipdb.set_trace()
        # min_max_scaler = MinMaxScaler()
        # data_x = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(train.X)
        # data_x = train.X
        # data_y = train.y
        im_channel = 1
        im_height = 28
        im_width = 28

    if do_zca and data_name not in ['smallNORB', 'svhn']:
        zca = preprocessing.ZCA()
        train.apply_preprocessor(preprocessor=zca, can_fit=True)
        data_x = train.X
    if do_scale and data_name not in ['smallNORB', 'svhn']:
        min_max_scaler = MinMaxScaler()
        data_x_T = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(train.X.T)
        data_x = data_x_T.T
    if not do_zca and not do_scale and data_name not in ['smallNORB', 'svhn']:
        data_x = train.X
    # if data_name not in ['smallNORB']:
    #     data_x = train.X

    n_samples, n_feat = data_x.shape
    data_x = data_x.reshape((n_samples, im_channel, im_height, im_width))
    if data_name == 'mnist':
        data_x = data_x.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2)
    train_set_x = theano.shared(np.asarray(data_x, dtype=np.float32),

    # image_shp = (batch_size, im_channel, data_x.shape[2], data_x.shape[3])
    image_shp = (batch_size, im_channel, im_height, im_width)
    filter_shp = (filter_channel, im_channel, filter_size, filter_size)

    print 'building model'
    cae1 = CAE(image_shape=image_shp,
               poolsize=(2, 2),
    print 'model built'

    if model:

    if pretrain:
    elif test:
        do_visualize(data_name=data_name, model=cae1, result_dir=results_dir)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    top_dir = os.environ['CRAFT_BNN_ROOT']
    params_dir = top_dir + '/params'

    # BinaryOut
    activation = hardware_net.SignTheano
    print("activation = sign(x)")

    no_bias = True
    print("no_bias = " + str(no_bias))

    # BinaryConnect
    H = 1.
    print('Loading CIFAR-10 dataset...')

    test_set = CIFAR10(which_set="test")
    print("Test set size = " + str(len(test_set.X)))
    test_instances = 1
    print("Using instances 0 .. " + str(test_instances))

    # bc01 format
    # Inputs in the range [-1,+1]
    test_set.X = np.reshape(
        np.subtract(np.multiply(2. / 255., test_set.X), 1.), (-1, 3, 32, 32))
    # flatten targets
    test_set.y = np.hstack(test_set.y)
    # Onehot the targets
    test_set.y = np.float32(np.eye(10)[test_set.y])
    # for hinge loss
    test_set.y = 2 * test_set.y - 1.
Ejemplo n.º 6
from pylearn2.utils import serial
from pylearn2.datasets.cifar10 import CIFAR10
from numpy.linalg import lstsq
import numpy as np
import sys

print 'Loading labels'
y = CIFAR10(which_set='train', one_hot=True).y

ignore, features_path = sys.argv

print 'Loading features'
X = serial.load(features_path)

def train(X, y):
    print 'Solving'
    return lstsq(X, y)[0]

X_train = X[0:40000, :]
y_train = y[0:40000, :]

W = train(X_train, y_train)

def acc(W, X, y):
    Z = np.dot(X, W)
    y_hat = np.argmax(Z, axis=1)
    y = np.argmax(y, axis=1)
    acc = (y_hat == y).mean()
Ejemplo n.º 7
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
import lasagne
import binary_net

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Testing Script')
    parser.add_argument('--dataset', '-d', default="cifar10", help='dataset to use cifar10, cifar100, mnist')
    parser.add_argument('--model', '-m', default="cnv", help='model to use resnet, lenet, inception, cnv')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    batch_size = 10000
    if args.dataset == 'cifar10':
        print('Loading CIFAR-10 dataset...')
        from pylearn2.datasets.cifar10 import CIFAR10
        test_set = CIFAR10(which_set="test", start=0, stop = batch_size)
        classes = 10
        test_set.X = np.reshape(np.subtract(np.multiply(2./255,test_set.X),1.),(-1,3,32,32))

    elif args.dataset == 'cifar100':
        print('Loading CIFAR-100 dataset...')
        from pylearn2.datasets.cifar100 import CIFAR100
        test_set = CIFAR100(which_set="test", start=0, stop = batch_size)
        classes = 100
        test_set.X = np.reshape(np.subtract(np.multiply(2./255,test_set.X),1.),(-1,3,32,32))

    elif args.dataset == 'mnist':
    	print('Loading MNIST dataset...')
    	from pylearn2.datasets.mnist import MNIST
    	test_set = MNIST(which_set="test", start=0, stop = batch_size)
    	classes = 10