Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_FoveatedNORB():
    This function tests the FoveatedNORB class. In addition to the shape and
    datatype of X and y member of the returned object, it also checks the
    scale of data while passing different parameters to the constructor.
    data = FoveatedNORB('train')
    datamin = data.X.min()
    datamax = data.X.max()
    assert data.X.shape == (24300, 8976)
    assert data.X.dtype == 'float32'
    assert data.y.shape == (24300, )
    assert data.y_labels == 5
    assert data.get_topological_view().shape == (24300, 96, 96, 2)

    data = FoveatedNORB('train', center=True)
    assert data.X.min() == datamin - 127.5
    assert data.X.max() == datamax - 127.5

    data = FoveatedNORB('train', center=True, scale=True)
    assert numpy.all(data.X <= 1.)
    assert numpy.all(data.X >= -1.)

    data = FoveatedNORB('train', scale=True)
    assert numpy.all(data.X <= 1.)
    assert numpy.all(data.X >= 0.)

    data = FoveatedNORB('test')
    assert data.X.shape == (24300, 8976)
    assert data.X.dtype == 'float32'
    assert data.y.shape == (24300, )
    assert data.y_labels == 5
    assert data.get_topological_view().shape == (24300, 96, 96, 2)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def russ_features(which_set, restrict_instances):

    raw = FoveatedNORB(which_set=which_set,

    X = np.load("/data/lisa/data/norb_small/ruslan_binarized/%s_X.npy" %
    assert raw.X.shape[0] == X.shape[0], (raw.X.shape[0], X.shape[0])
    raw.X = X

    y = np.load("/data/lisa/data/norb_small/ruslan_binarized/%s_Y.npy" %
    print y[0:5, :]
    print raw.y[0:5, :]
    assert np.allclose(y, raw.y)

    if restrict_instances is not None:

    rval = BinarizerDataset(raw)

    rval.X = raw.X

    return rval
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_foveated_norb(self):

        # Test that the FoveatedNORB class can be instantiated
        norb_train = FoveatedNORB(which_set="train",
                                  restrict_instances=[4, 6, 7, 8],
A script for sequentially stepping through FoveatedNORB, viewing each image
and its label.
import numpy as np

from six.moves import input

from pylearn2.datasets.norb_small import FoveatedNORB
from pylearn2.gui.patch_viewer import PatchViewer
from pylearn2.utils import get_choice

print('Use test set?')
choices = {'y': 'test', 'n': 'train'}
which_set = choices[get_choice(choices)]

dataset = FoveatedNORB(which_set=which_set, center=True)

topo = dataset.get_topological_view()

b, r, c, ch = topo.shape

assert ch == 2

pv = PatchViewer((1, 2), (r, c), is_color=False)

i = 0
while True:
    patch = topo[i, :, :, :]
    patch = patch / np.abs(patch).max()

    pv.add_patch(patch[:, :, 1], rescale=False)
Ejemplo n.º 5
from pylearn2.datasets.norb_small import FoveatedNORB

dataset = FoveatedNORB(which_set='train')

from pylearn2.datasets.preprocessing import Standardize

standardize = Standardize(global_mean=True, global_std=True)

standardize.apply(dataset, can_fit=True)

from pylearn2.utils import serial
serial.save("norb_prepro_global.pkl", standardize)