Ejemplo n.º 1
def raise_cannot_open(path):
    pieces = path.split('/')
    for i in xrange(1, len(pieces) + 1):
        so_far = '/'.join(pieces[0:i])
        if not os.path.exists(so_far):
            if i == 1:
                if so_far == '':
                raise IOError('Cannot open ' + path + ' (' + so_far +
                              ' does not exist)')
            parent = '/'.join(pieces[0:i - 1])
            bad = pieces[i - 1]

            if not os.path.isdir(parent):
                raise IOError("Cannot open " + path + " because " + parent +
                              " is not a directory.")

            candidates = os.listdir(parent)

            if len(candidates) == 0:
                raise IOError("Cannot open " + path + " because " + parent +
                              " is empty.")

            if len(candidates) > 100:
                # Don't attempt to guess the right name if the directory is huge
                raise IOError("Cannot open " + path + " but can open " +
                              parent + ".")

            raise IOError("Cannot open " + path + " but can open " + parent +
                          ". Did you mean " + match(bad, candidates) +
                          " instead of " + bad + "?")
        # end if
    # end for
    assert False
Ejemplo n.º 2
def raise_cannot_open(path):
    Raise an exception saying we can't open `path`.

    path : str
        The path we cannot open
    pieces = path.split('/')
    for i in xrange(1, len(pieces) + 1):
        so_far = '/'.join(pieces[0:i])
        if not os.path.exists(so_far):
            if i == 1:
                if so_far == '':
                    IOError('Cannot open ' + path + ' (' + so_far +
                            ' does not exist)'))
            parent = '/'.join(pieces[0:i - 1])
            bad = pieces[i - 1]

            if not os.path.isdir(parent):
                    IOError("Cannot open " + path + " because " + parent +
                            " is not a directory."))

            candidates = os.listdir(parent)

            if len(candidates) == 0:
                    IOError("Cannot open " + path + " because " + parent +
                            " is empty."))

            if len(candidates) > 100:
                # Don't attempt to guess the right name if the directory is
                # huge
                    IOError("Cannot open " + path + " but can open " + parent +

            if os.path.islink(path):
                    IOError(path + " appears to be a symlink to a "
                            "non-existent file"))
                IOError("Cannot open " + path + " but can open " + parent +
                        ". Did you mean " + match(bad, candidates) +
                        " instead of " + bad + "?"))
        # end if
    # end for
    assert False
Ejemplo n.º 3
def raise_cannot_open(path):
    Raise an exception saying we can't open `path`.

    path : str
        The path we cannot open
    pieces = path.split('/')
    for i in xrange(1, len(pieces) + 1):
        so_far = '/'.join(pieces[0:i])
        if not os.path.exists(so_far):
            if i == 1:
                if so_far == '':
                reraise_as(IOError('Cannot open ' + path + ' (' + so_far +
                           ' does not exist)'))
            parent = '/'.join(pieces[0:i - 1])
            bad = pieces[i - 1]

            if not os.path.isdir(parent):
                reraise_as(IOError("Cannot open " + path + " because " +
                           parent + " is not a directory."))

            candidates = os.listdir(parent)

            if len(candidates) == 0:
                reraise_as(IOError("Cannot open " + path + " because " +
                           parent + " is empty."))

            if len(candidates) > 100:
                # Don't attempt to guess the right name if the directory is
                # huge
                reraise_as(IOError("Cannot open " + path + " but can open " +
                                   parent + "."))

            if os.path.islink(path):
                reraise_as(IOError(path + " appears to be a symlink to a "
                                   "non-existent file"))
            reraise_as(IOError("Cannot open " + path + " but can open " +
                       parent + ". Did you mean " + match(bad, candidates) +
                       " instead of " + bad + "?"))
        # end if
    # end for
    assert False
Ejemplo n.º 4
def raise_cannot_open(path):
    .. todo::

    pieces = path.split("/")
    for i in xrange(1, len(pieces) + 1):
        so_far = "/".join(pieces[0:i])
        if not os.path.exists(so_far):
            if i == 1:
                if so_far == "":
                raise IOError("Cannot open " + path + " (" + so_far + " does not exist)")
            parent = "/".join(pieces[0 : i - 1])
            bad = pieces[i - 1]

            if not os.path.isdir(parent):
                raise IOError("Cannot open " + path + " because " + parent + " is not a directory.")

            candidates = os.listdir(parent)

            if len(candidates) == 0:
                raise IOError("Cannot open " + path + " because " + parent + " is empty.")

            if len(candidates) > 100:
                # Don't attempt to guess the right name if the directory is huge
                raise IOError("Cannot open " + path + " but can open " + parent + ".")

            if os.path.islink(path):
                raise IOError(path + " appears to be a symlink to a non-existent file")
            raise IOError(
                "Cannot open "
                + path
                + " but can open "
                + parent
                + ". Did you mean "
                + match(bad, candidates)
                + " instead of "
                + bad
                + "?"
        # end if
    # end for
    assert False
Ejemplo n.º 5
def raise_cannot_open(path):
    pieces = path.split('/')
    for i in xrange(1,len(pieces)+1):
        so_far = '/'.join(pieces[0:i])
        if not os.path.exists(so_far):
            if i == 1:
                if so_far == '':
                raise IOError('Cannot open '+path+' ('+so_far+' does not exist)')
            parent = '/'.join(pieces[0:i-1])
            bad = pieces[i-1]

            if not os.path.isdir(parent):
                raise IOError("Cannot open "+path+" because "+parent+" is not a directory.")

            candidates = os.listdir(parent)

            if len(candidates) == 0:
                raise IOError("Cannot open "+path+" because "+parent+" is empty.")

            if len(candidates) > 100:
                # Don't attempt to guess the right name if the directory is huge
                raise IOError("Cannot open "+path+" but can open "+parent+".")

            raise IOError("Cannot open "+path+" but can open "+parent+". Did you mean "+match(bad,candidates)+" instead of "+bad+"?")
        # end if
    # end for
    assert False
Ejemplo n.º 6
                j += 1
        obj = eval(tag_suffix)
    except AttributeError, e:
            # Try to figure out what the wrong field name was
            # If we fail to do it, just fall back to giving the usual
            # attribute error
            pieces = tag_suffix.split('.')
            module = '.'.join(pieces[:-1])
            field = pieces[-1]
            candidates = dir(eval(module))

            msg = ('Could not evaluate %s. ' % tag_suffix + 'Did you mean ' +
                   match(field, candidates) + '? ' + 'Original error was ' +

            warnings.warn("Attempt to decipher AttributeError failed")
            raise AttributeError('Could not evaluate %s. ' % tag_suffix +
                                 'Original error was ' + str(e))
        raise AttributeError(msg)
    return obj

def initialize():
    Initialize the configuration system by installing YAML handlers.
    Automatically done on first call to load() specified in this file.
Ejemplo n.º 7
                                           + str(e)))
                j += 1
        obj = eval(tag_suffix)
    except AttributeError, e:
            # Try to figure out what the wrong field name was
            # If we fail to do it, just fall back to giving the usual
            # attribute error
            pieces = tag_suffix.split('.')
            module = '.'.join(pieces[:-1])
            field = pieces[-1]
            candidates = dir(eval(module))

            msg = ('Could not evaluate %s. ' % tag_suffix +
                   'Did you mean ' + match(field, candidates) + '? ' +
                   'Original error was ' + str(e))

        except Exception:
            warnings.warn("Attempt to decipher AttributeError failed")
            reraise_as(AttributeError('Could not evaluate %s. ' % tag_suffix +
                                      'Original error was ' + str(e)))
    return obj

def initialize():
    Initialize the configuration system by installing YAML handlers.
    Automatically done on first call to load() specified in this file.
Ejemplo n.º 8
                                      + str(e))
                j += 1
        obj = eval(tag_suffix)
    except AttributeError, e:
            # Try to figure out what the wrong field name was
            # If we fail to do it, just fall back to giving the usual
            # attribute error
            pieces = tag_suffix.split('.')
            module = '.'.join(pieces[:-1])
            field = pieces[-1]
            candidates = dir(eval(module))

            msg = ('Could not evaluate %s. ' % tag_suffix +
                   'Did you mean ' + match(field, candidates) + '? ' +
                   'Original error was ' + str(e))

            warnings.warn("Attempt to decipher AttributeError failed")
            raise AttributeError('Could not evaluate %s. ' % tag_suffix +
                                 'Original error was ' + str(e))
        raise AttributeError(msg)
    return obj

def initialize():
    Initialize the configuration system by installing YAML handlers.
    Automatically done on first call to load() specified in this file.
Ejemplo n.º 9
def try_to_import(tag_suffix):
    .. todo::

    components = tag_suffix.split('.')
    modulename = '.'.join(components[:-1])
        exec('import %s' % modulename)
    except ImportError as e:
        # We know it's an ImportError, but is it an ImportError related to
        # this path,
        # or did the module we're importing have an unrelated ImportError?
        # and yes, this test can still have false positives, feel free to
        # improve it
        pieces = modulename.split('.')
        str_e = str(e)
        found = True in [piece.find(str(e)) != -1 for piece in pieces]

        if found:
            # The yaml file is probably to blame.
            # Report the problem with the full module path from the YAML
            # file
            reraise_as(ImportError("Could not import %s; ImportError was %s" %
                                   (modulename, str_e)))

            pcomponents = components[:-1]
            assert len(pcomponents) >= 1
            j = 1
            while j <= len(pcomponents):
                modulename = '.'.join(pcomponents[:j])
                    exec('import %s' % modulename)
                except Exception:
                    base_msg = 'Could not import %s' % modulename
                    if j > 1:
                        modulename = '.'.join(pcomponents[:j - 1])
                        base_msg += ' but could import %s' % modulename
                    reraise_as(ImportError(base_msg + '. Original exception: '
                                           + str(e)))
                j += 1
        obj = eval(tag_suffix)
    except AttributeError as e:
            # Try to figure out what the wrong field name was
            # If we fail to do it, just fall back to giving the usual
            # attribute error
            pieces = tag_suffix.split('.')
            module = '.'.join(pieces[:-1])
            field = pieces[-1]
            candidates = dir(eval(module))

            msg = ('Could not evaluate %s. ' % tag_suffix +
                   'Did you mean ' + match(field, candidates) + '? ' +
                   'Original error was ' + str(e))

        except Exception:
            warnings.warn("Attempt to decipher AttributeError failed")
            reraise_as(AttributeError('Could not evaluate %s. ' % tag_suffix +
                                      'Original error was ' + str(e)))
    return obj
Ejemplo n.º 10
def check_call_arguments(to_call, kwargs):
    Check the call signature against a dictionary of proposed arguments,
    raising an informative exception in the case of mismatch.

    to_call : class or callable
        Function or class to examine (in the case of classes, the
        constructor call signature is analyzed)
    kwargs : dict
        Dictionary mapping parameter names (including positional
        arguments) to proposed values.
    if 'self' in kwargs.keys():
        raise TypeError("Your dictionary includes an entry for 'self', "
                        "which is just asking for trouble")

    orig_to_call = getattr(to_call, '__name__', str(to_call))
    if not isinstance(to_call, types.FunctionType):
        if hasattr(to_call, '__init__'):
            to_call = to_call.__init__
        elif hasattr(to_call, '__call__'):
            to_call = to_call.__call__

    args, varargs, keywords, defaults = inspect.getargspec(to_call)

    if any(not isinstance(arg, str) for arg in args):
        raise TypeError('%s uses argument unpacking, which is deprecated and '
                        'unsupported by this pylearn2' % orig_to_call)

    if varargs is not None:
        raise TypeError('%s has a variable length argument list, but '
                        'this is not supported by config resolution' %

    if keywords is None:
        bad_keywords = [arg_name for arg_name in kwargs.keys()
                        if arg_name not in args]

        if len(bad_keywords) > 0:
            bad = ', '.join(bad_keywords)
            args = [ arg for arg in args if arg != 'self' ]
            if len(args) == 0:
                matched_str = '(It does not support any keywords, actually)'
                matched = [ match(keyword, args) for keyword in bad_keywords ]
                matched_str = 'Did you mean %s?' % (', '.join(matched))
            raise TypeError('%s does not support the following '
                            'keywords: %s. %s' %
                            (orig_to_call, bad, matched_str))

    if defaults is None:
        num_defaults = 0
        num_defaults = len(defaults)

    required = args[:len(args) - num_defaults]
    missing = [arg for arg in required if arg not in kwargs]

    if len(missing) > 0:
        #iff the im_self (or __self__) field is present, this is a
        # bound method, which has 'self' listed as an argument, but
        # which should not be supplied by kwargs
        is_bound = hasattr(to_call, 'im_self') or hasattr(to_call, '__self__')
        if len(missing) > 1 or missing[0] != 'self' or not is_bound:
            if 'self' in missing:
            missing = ', '.join([str(m) for m in missing])
            raise TypeError('%s did not get these expected '
                            'arguments: %s' % (orig_to_call, missing))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def try_to_import(tag_suffix):
    .. todo::

    components = tag_suffix.split('.')
    modulename = '.'.join(components[:-1])
        exec('import %s' % modulename)
    except ImportError as e:
        # We know it's an ImportError, but is it an ImportError related to
        # this path,
        # or did the module we're importing have an unrelated ImportError?
        # and yes, this test can still have false positives, feel free to
        # improve it
        pieces = modulename.split('.')
        str_e = str(e)
        found = True in [piece.find(str(e)) != -1 for piece in pieces]

        if found:
            # The yaml file is probably to blame.
            # Report the problem with the full module path from the YAML
            # file
                ImportError("Could not import %s; ImportError was %s" %
                            (modulename, str_e)))

            pcomponents = components[:-1]
            assert len(pcomponents) >= 1
            j = 1
            while j <= len(pcomponents):
                modulename = '.'.join(pcomponents[:j])
                    exec('import %s' % modulename)
                except Exception:
                    base_msg = 'Could not import %s' % modulename
                    if j > 1:
                        modulename = '.'.join(pcomponents[:j - 1])
                        base_msg += ' but could import %s' % modulename
                        ImportError(base_msg + '. Original exception: ' +
                j += 1
        obj = eval(tag_suffix)
    except AttributeError as e:
            # Try to figure out what the wrong field name was
            # If we fail to do it, just fall back to giving the usual
            # attribute error
            pieces = tag_suffix.split('.')
            module = '.'.join(pieces[:-1])
            field = pieces[-1]
            candidates = dir(eval(module))

            msg = ('Could not evaluate %s. ' % tag_suffix + 'Did you mean ' +
                   match(field, candidates) + '? ' + 'Original error was ' +

        except Exception:
            warnings.warn("Attempt to decipher AttributeError failed")
                AttributeError('Could not evaluate %s. ' % tag_suffix +
                               'Original error was ' + str(e)))
    return obj
Ejemplo n.º 12
        obj = eval(tag_suffix)
    except AttributeError, e:
            # Try to figure out what the wrong field name was
            # If we fail to do it, just fall back to giving the usual
            # attribute error
            pieces = tag_suffix.split(".")
            module = ".".join(pieces[:-1])
            field = pieces[-1]
            candidates = dir(eval(module))

            msg = (
                "Could not evaluate %s. " % tag_suffix
                + "Did you mean "
                + match(field, candidates)
                + "? "
                + "Original error was "
                + str(e)

            warnings.warn("Attempt to decipher AttributeError failed")
            raise AttributeError("Could not evaluate %s. " % tag_suffix + "Original error was " + str(e))
        raise AttributeError(msg)
    return obj

def initialize():
    Initialize the configuration system by installing YAML handlers.
Ejemplo n.º 13
def check_call_arguments(to_call, kwargs):
    Check the call signature against a dictionary of proposed arguments,
    raising an informative exception in the case of mismatch.

    to_call : class or callable
        Function or class to examine (in the case of classes, the constructor
        call signature is analyzed).
    kwargs : dict
        Dictionary mapping parameter names (including positional arguments)
        to proposed values.
    if 'self' in kwargs.keys():
        raise TypeError("Your dictionary includes an entry for 'self', "
                        "which is just asking for trouble")

    orig_to_call = getattr(to_call, '__name__', str(to_call))
    if not isinstance(to_call, types.FunctionType):
        if hasattr(to_call, '__init__'):
            to_call = to_call.__init__
        elif hasattr(to_call, '__call__'):
            to_call = to_call.__call__

    args, varargs, keywords, defaults = inspect.getargspec(to_call)

    if any(not isinstance(arg, str) for arg in args):
        raise TypeError('%s uses argument unpacking, which is deprecated and '
                        'unsupported by this pylearn2' % orig_to_call)

    if varargs is not None:
        raise TypeError('%s has a variable length argument list, but '
                        'this is not supported by config resolution' %

    if keywords is None:
        bad_keywords = [
            arg_name for arg_name in kwargs.keys() if arg_name not in args

        if len(bad_keywords) > 0:
            bad = ', '.join(bad_keywords)
            args = [arg for arg in args if arg != 'self']
            if len(args) == 0:
                matched_str = '(It does not support any keywords, actually)'
                matched = [match(keyword, args) for keyword in bad_keywords]
                matched_str = 'Did you mean %s?' % (', '.join(matched))
            raise TypeError('%s does not support the following '
                            'keywords: %s. %s' %
                            (orig_to_call, bad, matched_str))

    if defaults is None:
        num_defaults = 0
        num_defaults = len(defaults)

    required = args[:len(args) - num_defaults]
    missing = [arg for arg in required if arg not in kwargs]

    if len(missing) > 0:
        #iff the im_self (or __self__) field is present, this is a
        # bound method, which has 'self' listed as an argument, but
        # which should not be supplied by kwargs
        is_bound = hasattr(to_call, 'im_self') or hasattr(to_call, '__self__')
        if len(missing) > 1 or missing[0] != 'self' or not is_bound:
            if 'self' in missing:
            missing = ', '.join([str(m) for m in missing])
            raise TypeError('%s did not get these expected '
                            'arguments: %s' % (orig_to_call, missing))