Ejemplo n.º 1
class Solution(FrozenClass):
    """Define a solution related to a Mesh object."""

    VERSION = 1

    # cf Methods.Mesh.Solution.get_field
    if isinstance(get_field, ImportError):
        get_field = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Solution method get_field: " + str(get_field
        get_field = get_field
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(self, init_dict=None):
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            check_init_dict(init_dict, [])
        # The class is frozen, for now it's impossible to add new properties
        self.parent = None

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        Solution_str = ""
        if self.parent is None:
            Solution_str += "parent = None " + linesep
            Solution_str += "parent = " + str(type(
                self.parent)) + " object" + linesep
        return Solution_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        Solution_dict = dict()
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        Solution_dict["__class__"] = "Solution"
        return Solution_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Frame(FrozenClass):
    """machine frame"""

    VERSION = 1

    # Check ImportError to remove unnecessary dependencies in unused method
    # cf Methods.Machine.Frame.build_geometry
    if isinstance(build_geometry, ImportError):
        build_geometry = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Frame method build_geometry: " + str(
        build_geometry = build_geometry
    # cf Methods.Machine.Frame.comp_height_eq
    if isinstance(comp_height_eq, ImportError):
        comp_height_eq = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Frame method comp_height_eq: " + str(
        comp_height_eq = comp_height_eq
    # cf Methods.Machine.Frame.comp_mass
    if isinstance(comp_mass, ImportError):
        comp_mass = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Frame method comp_mass: " + str(comp_mass)))
        comp_mass = comp_mass
    # cf Methods.Machine.Frame.comp_surface
    if isinstance(comp_surface, ImportError):
        comp_surface = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Frame method comp_surface: " + str(
        comp_surface = comp_surface
    # cf Methods.Machine.Frame.comp_volume
    if isinstance(comp_volume, ImportError):
        comp_volume = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Frame method comp_volume: " + str(
        comp_volume = comp_volume
    # cf Methods.Machine.Frame.get_length
    if isinstance(get_length, ImportError):
        get_length = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Frame method get_length: " + str(get_length)
        get_length = get_length
    # cf Methods.Machine.Frame.plot
    if isinstance(plot, ImportError):
        plot = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Frame method plot: " + str(plot))))
        plot = plot
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(self,
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if mat_type == -1:
            mat_type = Material()
        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            check_init_dict(init_dict, ["Lfra", "Rint", "Rext", "mat_type"])
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "Lfra" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Lfra = init_dict["Lfra"]
            if "Rint" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Rint = init_dict["Rint"]
            if "Rext" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Rext = init_dict["Rext"]
            if "mat_type" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                mat_type = init_dict["mat_type"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        self.parent = None
        self.Lfra = Lfra
        self.Rint = Rint
        self.Rext = Rext
        # mat_type can be None, a Material object or a dict
        if isinstance(mat_type, dict):
            self.mat_type = Material(init_dict=mat_type)
            self.mat_type = mat_type

        # The class is frozen, for now it's impossible to add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        Frame_str = ""
        if self.parent is None:
            Frame_str += "parent = None " + linesep
            Frame_str += "parent = " + str(type(
                self.parent)) + " object" + linesep
        Frame_str += "Lfra = " + str(self.Lfra) + linesep
        Frame_str += "Rint = " + str(self.Rint) + linesep
        Frame_str += "Rext = " + str(self.Rext) + linesep
        if self.mat_type is not None:
            Frame_str += ("mat_type = " + str(self.mat_type.as_dict()) +
                          linesep + linesep)
            Frame_str += "mat_type = None"
        return Frame_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False
        if other.Lfra != self.Lfra:
            return False
        if other.Rint != self.Rint:
            return False
        if other.Rext != self.Rext:
            return False
        if other.mat_type != self.mat_type:
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        Frame_dict = dict()
        Frame_dict["Lfra"] = self.Lfra
        Frame_dict["Rint"] = self.Rint
        Frame_dict["Rext"] = self.Rext
        if self.mat_type is None:
            Frame_dict["mat_type"] = None
            Frame_dict["mat_type"] = self.mat_type.as_dict()
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        Frame_dict["__class__"] = "Frame"
        return Frame_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        self.Lfra = None
        self.Rint = None
        self.Rext = None
        if self.mat_type is not None:

    def _get_Lfra(self):
        """getter of Lfra"""
        return self._Lfra

    def _set_Lfra(self, value):
        """setter of Lfra"""
        check_var("Lfra", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._Lfra = value

    # frame length [m]
    # Type : float, min = 0
    Lfra = property(fget=_get_Lfra,
                    doc=u"""frame length [m]""")

    def _get_Rint(self):
        """getter of Rint"""
        return self._Rint

    def _set_Rint(self, value):
        """setter of Rint"""
        check_var("Rint", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._Rint = value

    # frame internal radius
    # Type : float, min = 0
    Rint = property(fget=_get_Rint,
                    doc=u"""frame internal radius""")

    def _get_Rext(self):
        """getter of Rext"""
        return self._Rext

    def _set_Rext(self, value):
        """setter of Rext"""
        check_var("Rext", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._Rext = value

    # Frame external radius
    # Type : float, min = 0
    Rext = property(fget=_get_Rext,
                    doc=u"""Frame external radius""")

    def _get_mat_type(self):
        """getter of mat_type"""
        return self._mat_type

    def _set_mat_type(self, value):
        """setter of mat_type"""
        check_var("mat_type", value, "Material")
        self._mat_type = value

        if self._mat_type is not None:
            self._mat_type.parent = self

    # Frame material
    # Type : Material
    mat_type = property(fget=_get_mat_type,
                        doc=u"""Frame material""")
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Notch(FrozenClass):
    """Abstract class for notches"""

    VERSION = 1

    # Check ImportError to remove unnecessary dependencies in unused method
    # cf Methods.Machine.Notch.get_Rbo
    if isinstance(get_Rbo, ImportError):
        get_Rbo = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                ImportError("Can't use Notch method get_Rbo: " + str(get_Rbo))
        get_Rbo = get_Rbo
    # cf Methods.Machine.Notch.is_outwards
    if isinstance(is_outwards, ImportError):
        is_outwards = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                ImportError("Can't use Notch method is_outwards: " + str(is_outwards))
        is_outwards = is_outwards
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(self, notch_shape=list(), init_dict=None):
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            check_init_dict(init_dict, ["notch_shape"])
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "notch_shape" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                notch_shape = init_dict["notch_shape"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        self.parent = None
        # notch_shape can be None or a list of Slot object
        self.notch_shape = list()
        if type(notch_shape) is list:
            for obj in notch_shape:
                if obj is None:  # Default value
                elif isinstance(obj, dict):
                    # Check that the type is correct (including daughter)
                    class_name = obj.get("__class__")
                    if class_name not in [
                        raise InitUnKnowClassError(
                            "Unknow class name "
                            + class_name
                            + " in init_dict for notch_shape"
                    # Dynamic import to call the correct constructor
                    module = __import__(
                        "pyleecan.Classes." + class_name, fromlist=[class_name]
                    class_obj = getattr(module, class_name)
        elif notch_shape is None:
            self.notch_shape = list()
            self.notch_shape = notch_shape

        # The class is frozen, for now it's impossible to add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        Notch_str = ""
        if self.parent is None:
            Notch_str += "parent = None " + linesep
            Notch_str += "parent = " + str(type(self.parent)) + " object" + linesep
        if len(self.notch_shape) == 0:
            Notch_str += "notch_shape = []"
        for ii in range(len(self.notch_shape)):
            Notch_str += (
                + str(ii)
                + "] = "
                + str(self.notch_shape[ii].as_dict())
                + "\n"
        return Notch_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False
        if other.notch_shape != self.notch_shape:
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        Notch_dict = dict()
        Notch_dict["notch_shape"] = list()
        for obj in self.notch_shape:
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        Notch_dict["__class__"] = "Notch"
        return Notch_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        for obj in self.notch_shape:

    def _get_notch_shape(self):
        """getter of notch_shape"""
        for obj in self._notch_shape:
            if obj is not None:
                obj.parent = self
        return self._notch_shape

    def _set_notch_shape(self, value):
        """setter of notch_shape"""
        check_var("notch_shape", value, "[Slot]")
        self._notch_shape = value

        for obj in self._notch_shape:
            if obj is not None:
                obj.parent = self

    # Shape of Notch
    # Type : [Slot]
    notch_shape = property(
        fget=_get_notch_shape, fset=_set_notch_shape, doc=u"""Shape of Notch"""
Ejemplo n.º 4
class SlotW25(SlotWind):

    VERSION = 1

    # Check ImportError to remove unnecessary dependencies in unused method
    # cf Methods.Slot.SlotW25._comp_point_coordinate
    if isinstance(_comp_point_coordinate, ImportError):
        _comp_point_coordinate = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use SlotW25 method _comp_point_coordinate: " +
        _comp_point_coordinate = _comp_point_coordinate
    # cf Methods.Slot.SlotW25.build_geometry
    if isinstance(build_geometry, ImportError):
        build_geometry = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use SlotW25 method build_geometry: " + str(
        build_geometry = build_geometry
    # cf Methods.Slot.SlotW25.build_geometry_wind
    if isinstance(build_geometry_wind, ImportError):
        build_geometry_wind = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use SlotW25 method build_geometry_wind: " + str(
        build_geometry_wind = build_geometry_wind
    # cf Methods.Slot.SlotW25.check
    if isinstance(check, ImportError):
        check = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use SlotW25 method check: " + str(check))))
        check = check
    # cf Methods.Slot.SlotW25.comp_angle_opening
    if isinstance(comp_angle_opening, ImportError):
        comp_angle_opening = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use SlotW25 method comp_angle_opening: " + str(
        comp_angle_opening = comp_angle_opening
    # cf Methods.Slot.SlotW25.comp_height
    if isinstance(comp_height, ImportError):
        comp_height = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use SlotW25 method comp_height: " + str(
        comp_height = comp_height
    # cf Methods.Slot.SlotW25.comp_height_wind
    if isinstance(comp_height_wind, ImportError):
        comp_height_wind = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use SlotW25 method comp_height_wind: " + str(
        comp_height_wind = comp_height_wind
    # cf Methods.Slot.SlotW25.comp_surface
    if isinstance(comp_surface, ImportError):
        comp_surface = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use SlotW25 method comp_surface: " + str(
        comp_surface = comp_surface
    # cf Methods.Slot.SlotW25.comp_surface_wind
    if isinstance(comp_surface_wind, ImportError):
        comp_surface_wind = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use SlotW25 method comp_surface_wind: " + str(
        comp_surface_wind = comp_surface_wind
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(self,
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            check_init_dict(init_dict, ["W3", "H2", "W4", "H1", "Zs"])
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "W3" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                W3 = init_dict["W3"]
            if "H2" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                H2 = init_dict["H2"]
            if "W4" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                W4 = init_dict["W4"]
            if "H1" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                H1 = init_dict["H1"]
            if "Zs" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Zs = init_dict["Zs"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        self.W3 = W3
        self.H2 = H2
        self.W4 = W4
        self.H1 = H1
        # Call SlotWind init
        super(SlotW25, self).__init__(Zs=Zs)
        # The class is frozen (in SlotWind init), for now it's impossible to
        # add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        SlotW25_str = ""
        # Get the properties inherited from SlotWind
        SlotW25_str += super(SlotW25, self).__str__() + linesep
        SlotW25_str += "W3 = " + str(self.W3) + linesep
        SlotW25_str += "H2 = " + str(self.H2) + linesep
        SlotW25_str += "W4 = " + str(self.W4) + linesep
        SlotW25_str += "H1 = " + str(self.H1)
        return SlotW25_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False

        # Check the properties inherited from SlotWind
        if not super(SlotW25, self).__eq__(other):
            return False
        if other.W3 != self.W3:
            return False
        if other.H2 != self.H2:
            return False
        if other.W4 != self.W4:
            return False
        if other.H1 != self.H1:
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        # Get the properties inherited from SlotWind
        SlotW25_dict = super(SlotW25, self).as_dict()
        SlotW25_dict["W3"] = self.W3
        SlotW25_dict["H2"] = self.H2
        SlotW25_dict["W4"] = self.W4
        SlotW25_dict["H1"] = self.H1
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        # Overwrite the mother class name
        SlotW25_dict["__class__"] = "SlotW25"
        return SlotW25_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        self.W3 = None
        self.H2 = None
        self.W4 = None
        self.H1 = None
        # Set to None the properties inherited from SlotWind
        super(SlotW25, self)._set_None()

    def _get_W3(self):
        """getter of W3"""
        return self._W3

    def _set_W3(self, value):
        """setter of W3"""
        check_var("W3", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._W3 = value

    # Teeth bottom width
    # Type : float, min = 0
    W3 = property(fget=_get_W3, fset=_set_W3, doc=u"""Teeth bottom width""")

    def _get_H2(self):
        """getter of H2"""
        return self._H2

    def _set_H2(self, value):
        """setter of H2"""
        check_var("H2", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._H2 = value

    # Slot bottom height
    # Type : float, min = 0
    H2 = property(fget=_get_H2, fset=_set_H2, doc=u"""Slot bottom height""")

    def _get_W4(self):
        """getter of W4"""
        return self._W4

    def _set_W4(self, value):
        """setter of W4"""
        check_var("W4", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._W4 = value

    # Teeth top width
    # Type : float, min = 0
    W4 = property(fget=_get_W4, fset=_set_W4, doc=u"""Teeth top width""")

    def _get_H1(self):
        """getter of H1"""
        return self._H1

    def _set_H1(self, value):
        """setter of H1"""
        check_var("H1", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._H1 = value

    # Slot top height
    # Type : float, min = 0
    H1 = property(fget=_get_H1, fset=_set_H1, doc=u"""Slot top height""")
Ejemplo n.º 5
class LamSlotWind(LamSlot):
    """Lamination with Slot filled with winding"""

    VERSION = 1

    # Check ImportError to remove unnecessary dependencies in unused method
    # cf Methods.Machine.LamSlotWind.build_geometry
    if isinstance(build_geometry, ImportError):
        build_geometry = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use LamSlotWind method build_geometry: " + str(
        build_geometry = build_geometry
    # cf Methods.Machine.LamSlotWind.check
    if isinstance(check, ImportError):
        check = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use LamSlotWind method check: " + str(check))))
        check = check
    # cf Methods.Machine.LamSlotWind.comp_masses
    if isinstance(comp_masses, ImportError):
        comp_masses = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use LamSlotWind method comp_masses: " + str(
        comp_masses = comp_masses
    # cf Methods.Machine.LamSlotWind.comp_surfaces
    if isinstance(comp_surfaces, ImportError):
        comp_surfaces = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use LamSlotWind method comp_surfaces: " + str(
        comp_surfaces = comp_surfaces
    # cf Methods.Machine.LamSlotWind.comp_volumes
    if isinstance(comp_volumes, ImportError):
        comp_volumes = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use LamSlotWind method comp_volumes: " + str(
        comp_volumes = comp_volumes
    # cf Methods.Machine.LamSlotWind.get_pole_pair_number
    if isinstance(get_pole_pair_number, ImportError):
        get_pole_pair_number = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use LamSlotWind method get_pole_pair_number: " +
        get_pole_pair_number = get_pole_pair_number
    # cf Methods.Machine.LamSlotWind.get_name_phase
    if isinstance(get_name_phase, ImportError):
        get_name_phase = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use LamSlotWind method get_name_phase: " + str(
        get_name_phase = get_name_phase
    # cf Methods.Machine.LamSlotWind.plot
    if isinstance(plot, ImportError):
        plot = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use LamSlotWind method plot: " + str(plot))))
        plot = plot
    # cf Methods.Machine.LamSlotWind.plot_winding
    if isinstance(plot_winding, ImportError):
        plot_winding = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use LamSlotWind method plot_winding: " + str(
        plot_winding = plot_winding
    # cf Methods.Machine.LamSlotWind.comp_fill_factor
    if isinstance(comp_fill_factor, ImportError):
        comp_fill_factor = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use LamSlotWind method comp_fill_factor: " +
        comp_fill_factor = comp_fill_factor
    # cf Methods.Machine.LamSlotWind.comp_output_geo
    if isinstance(comp_output_geo, ImportError):
        comp_output_geo = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use LamSlotWind method comp_output_geo: " + str(
        comp_output_geo = comp_output_geo
    # cf Methods.Machine.LamSlotWind.get_polar_eq
    if isinstance(get_polar_eq, ImportError):
        get_polar_eq = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use LamSlotWind method get_polar_eq: " + str(
        get_polar_eq = get_polar_eq
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if winding == -1:
            winding = Winding()
        if slot == -1:
            slot = Slot()
        if mat_type == -1:
            mat_type = Material()
        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "Ksfill" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Ksfill = init_dict["Ksfill"]
            if "winding" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                winding = init_dict["winding"]
            if "slot" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                slot = init_dict["slot"]
            if "L1" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                L1 = init_dict["L1"]
            if "mat_type" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                mat_type = init_dict["mat_type"]
            if "Nrvd" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Nrvd = init_dict["Nrvd"]
            if "Wrvd" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Wrvd = init_dict["Wrvd"]
            if "Kf1" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Kf1 = init_dict["Kf1"]
            if "is_internal" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                is_internal = init_dict["is_internal"]
            if "Rint" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Rint = init_dict["Rint"]
            if "Rext" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Rext = init_dict["Rext"]
            if "is_stator" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                is_stator = init_dict["is_stator"]
            if "axial_vent" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                axial_vent = init_dict["axial_vent"]
            if "notch" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                notch = init_dict["notch"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        self.Ksfill = Ksfill
        # winding can be None, a Winding object or a dict
        if isinstance(winding, dict):
            # Check that the type is correct (including daughter)
            class_name = winding.get("__class__")
            if class_name not in [
                raise InitUnKnowClassError("Unknow class name " + class_name +
                                           " in init_dict for winding")
            # Dynamic import to call the correct constructor
            module = __import__("pyleecan.Classes." + class_name,
            class_obj = getattr(module, class_name)
            self.winding = class_obj(init_dict=winding)
            self.winding = winding
        # Call LamSlot init
        super(LamSlotWind, self).__init__(
        # The class is frozen (in LamSlot init), for now it's impossible to
        # add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        LamSlotWind_str = ""
        # Get the properties inherited from LamSlot
        LamSlotWind_str += super(LamSlotWind, self).__str__() + linesep
        LamSlotWind_str += "Ksfill = " + str(self.Ksfill) + linesep
        if self.winding is not None:
            LamSlotWind_str += ("winding = " + str(self.winding.as_dict()) +
                                linesep + linesep)
            LamSlotWind_str += "winding = None"
        return LamSlotWind_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False

        # Check the properties inherited from LamSlot
        if not super(LamSlotWind, self).__eq__(other):
            return False
        if other.Ksfill != self.Ksfill:
            return False
        if other.winding != self.winding:
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        # Get the properties inherited from LamSlot
        LamSlotWind_dict = super(LamSlotWind, self).as_dict()
        LamSlotWind_dict["Ksfill"] = self.Ksfill
        if self.winding is None:
            LamSlotWind_dict["winding"] = None
            LamSlotWind_dict["winding"] = self.winding.as_dict()
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        # Overwrite the mother class name
        LamSlotWind_dict["__class__"] = "LamSlotWind"
        return LamSlotWind_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        self.Ksfill = None
        if self.winding is not None:
        # Set to None the properties inherited from LamSlot
        super(LamSlotWind, self)._set_None()

    def _get_Ksfill(self):
        """getter of Ksfill"""
        return self._Ksfill

    def _set_Ksfill(self, value):
        """setter of Ksfill"""
        check_var("Ksfill", value, "float", Vmin=0, Vmax=1)
        self._Ksfill = value

    # Imposed Slot Fill factor (if None, will be computed according to the winding and the slot)
    # Type : float, min = 0, max = 1
    Ksfill = property(
        u"""Imposed Slot Fill factor (if None, will be computed according to the winding and the slot)""",

    def _get_winding(self):
        """getter of winding"""
        return self._winding

    def _set_winding(self, value):
        """setter of winding"""
        check_var("winding", value, "Winding")
        self._winding = value

        if self._winding is not None:
            self._winding.parent = self

    # Lamination's Winding
    # Type : Winding
    winding = property(fget=_get_winding,
                       doc=u"""Lamination's Winding""")
Ejemplo n.º 6
class SlotW26(SlotWind):

    VERSION = 1

    # Check ImportError to remove unnecessary dependencies in unused method
    # cf Methods.Slot.SlotW26._comp_point_coordinate
    if isinstance(_comp_point_coordinate, ImportError):
        _comp_point_coordinate = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use SlotW26 method _comp_point_coordinate: " +
        _comp_point_coordinate = _comp_point_coordinate
    # cf Methods.Slot.SlotW26.build_geometry
    if isinstance(build_geometry, ImportError):
        build_geometry = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use SlotW26 method build_geometry: " + str(
        build_geometry = build_geometry
    # cf Methods.Slot.SlotW26.build_geometry_wind
    if isinstance(build_geometry_wind, ImportError):
        build_geometry_wind = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use SlotW26 method build_geometry_wind: " + str(
        build_geometry_wind = build_geometry_wind
    # cf Methods.Slot.SlotW26.check
    if isinstance(check, ImportError):
        check = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use SlotW26 method check: " + str(check))))
        check = check
    # cf Methods.Slot.SlotW26.comp_angle_opening
    if isinstance(comp_angle_opening, ImportError):
        comp_angle_opening = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use SlotW26 method comp_angle_opening: " + str(
        comp_angle_opening = comp_angle_opening
    # cf Methods.Slot.SlotW26.comp_height
    if isinstance(comp_height, ImportError):
        comp_height = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use SlotW26 method comp_height: " + str(
        comp_height = comp_height
    # cf Methods.Slot.SlotW26.comp_height_wind
    if isinstance(comp_height_wind, ImportError):
        comp_height_wind = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use SlotW26 method comp_height_wind: " + str(
        comp_height_wind = comp_height_wind
    # cf Methods.Slot.SlotW26.comp_surface
    if isinstance(comp_surface, ImportError):
        comp_surface = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use SlotW26 method comp_surface: " + str(
        comp_surface = comp_surface
    # cf Methods.Slot.SlotW26.comp_surface_wind
    if isinstance(comp_surface_wind, ImportError):
        comp_surface_wind = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use SlotW26 method comp_surface_wind: " + str(
        comp_surface_wind = comp_surface_wind
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(self,
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            check_init_dict(init_dict, ["W0", "H0", "H1", "R1", "Zs"])
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "W0" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                W0 = init_dict["W0"]
            if "H0" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                H0 = init_dict["H0"]
            if "H1" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                H1 = init_dict["H1"]
            if "R1" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                R1 = init_dict["R1"]
            if "Zs" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Zs = init_dict["Zs"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        self.W0 = W0
        self.H0 = H0
        self.H1 = H1
        self.R1 = R1
        # Call SlotWind init
        super(SlotW26, self).__init__(Zs=Zs)
        # The class is frozen (in SlotWind init), for now it's impossible to
        # add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        SlotW26_str = ""
        # Get the properties inherited from SlotWind
        SlotW26_str += super(SlotW26, self).__str__() + linesep
        SlotW26_str += "W0 = " + str(self.W0) + linesep
        SlotW26_str += "H0 = " + str(self.H0) + linesep
        SlotW26_str += "H1 = " + str(self.H1) + linesep
        SlotW26_str += "R1 = " + str(self.R1)
        return SlotW26_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False

        # Check the properties inherited from SlotWind
        if not super(SlotW26, self).__eq__(other):
            return False
        if other.W0 != self.W0:
            return False
        if other.H0 != self.H0:
            return False
        if other.H1 != self.H1:
            return False
        if other.R1 != self.R1:
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        # Get the properties inherited from SlotWind
        SlotW26_dict = super(SlotW26, self).as_dict()
        SlotW26_dict["W0"] = self.W0
        SlotW26_dict["H0"] = self.H0
        SlotW26_dict["H1"] = self.H1
        SlotW26_dict["R1"] = self.R1
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        # Overwrite the mother class name
        SlotW26_dict["__class__"] = "SlotW26"
        return SlotW26_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        self.W0 = None
        self.H0 = None
        self.H1 = None
        self.R1 = None
        # Set to None the properties inherited from SlotWind
        super(SlotW26, self)._set_None()

    def _get_W0(self):
        """getter of W0"""
        return self._W0

    def _set_W0(self, value):
        """setter of W0"""
        check_var("W0", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._W0 = value

    # Slot isthmus width.
    # Type : float, min = 0
    W0 = property(fget=_get_W0, fset=_set_W0, doc=u"""Slot isthmus width.""")

    def _get_H0(self):
        """getter of H0"""
        return self._H0

    def _set_H0(self, value):
        """setter of H0"""
        check_var("H0", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._H0 = value

    # Slot isthmus height.
    # Type : float, min = 0
    H0 = property(fget=_get_H0, fset=_set_H0, doc=u"""Slot isthmus height.""")

    def _get_H1(self):
        """getter of H1"""
        return self._H1

    def _set_H1(self, value):
        """setter of H1"""
        check_var("H1", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._H1 = value

    # Slot depth
    # Type : float, min = 0
    H1 = property(fget=_get_H1, fset=_set_H1, doc=u"""Slot depth """)

    def _get_R1(self):
        """getter of R1"""
        return self._R1

    def _set_R1(self, value):
        """setter of R1"""
        check_var("R1", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._R1 = value

    # Slot edge radius
    # Type : float, min = 0
    R1 = property(fget=_get_R1, fset=_set_R1, doc=u"""Slot edge radius""")
Ejemplo n.º 7
class Slot19(Slot):
    """trapezoidal slot with rounded bottom"""

    VERSION = 1

    # Check ImportError to remove unnecessary dependencies in unused method
    # cf Methods.Slot.Slot19._comp_point_coordinate
    if isinstance(_comp_point_coordinate, ImportError):
        _comp_point_coordinate = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                    "Can't use Slot19 method _comp_point_coordinate: "
                    + str(_comp_point_coordinate)
        _comp_point_coordinate = _comp_point_coordinate
    # cf Methods.Slot.Slot19.build_geometry
    if isinstance(build_geometry, ImportError):
        build_geometry = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                    "Can't use Slot19 method build_geometry: " + str(build_geometry)
        build_geometry = build_geometry
    # cf Methods.Slot.Slot19.check
    if isinstance(check, ImportError):
        check = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                ImportError("Can't use Slot19 method check: " + str(check))
        check = check
    # cf Methods.Slot.Slot19.comp_angle_opening
    if isinstance(comp_angle_opening, ImportError):
        comp_angle_opening = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                    "Can't use Slot19 method comp_angle_opening: "
                    + str(comp_angle_opening)
        comp_angle_opening = comp_angle_opening
    # cf Methods.Slot.Slot19.comp_angle_bottom
    if isinstance(comp_angle_bottom, ImportError):
        comp_angle_bottom = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                    "Can't use Slot19 method comp_angle_bottom: "
                    + str(comp_angle_bottom)
        comp_angle_bottom = comp_angle_bottom
    # cf Methods.Slot.Slot19.comp_height
    if isinstance(comp_height, ImportError):
        comp_height = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                ImportError("Can't use Slot19 method comp_height: " + str(comp_height))
        comp_height = comp_height
    # cf Methods.Slot.Slot19.comp_surface
    if isinstance(comp_surface, ImportError):
        comp_surface = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                    "Can't use Slot19 method comp_surface: " + str(comp_surface)
        comp_surface = comp_surface
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(
        self, W0=0.013, H0=0.02, W1=0.01, Wx_is_rad=False, Zs=36, init_dict=None
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            check_init_dict(init_dict, ["W0", "H0", "W1", "Wx_is_rad", "Zs"])
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "W0" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                W0 = init_dict["W0"]
            if "H0" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                H0 = init_dict["H0"]
            if "W1" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                W1 = init_dict["W1"]
            if "Wx_is_rad" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Wx_is_rad = init_dict["Wx_is_rad"]
            if "Zs" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Zs = init_dict["Zs"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        self.W0 = W0
        self.H0 = H0
        self.W1 = W1
        self.Wx_is_rad = Wx_is_rad
        # Call Slot init
        super(Slot19, self).__init__(Zs=Zs)
        # The class is frozen (in Slot init), for now it's impossible to
        # add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        Slot19_str = ""
        # Get the properties inherited from Slot
        Slot19_str += super(Slot19, self).__str__() + linesep
        Slot19_str += "W0 = " + str(self.W0) + linesep
        Slot19_str += "H0 = " + str(self.H0) + linesep
        Slot19_str += "W1 = " + str(self.W1) + linesep
        Slot19_str += "Wx_is_rad = " + str(self.Wx_is_rad)
        return Slot19_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False

        # Check the properties inherited from Slot
        if not super(Slot19, self).__eq__(other):
            return False
        if other.W0 != self.W0:
            return False
        if other.H0 != self.H0:
            return False
        if other.W1 != self.W1:
            return False
        if other.Wx_is_rad != self.Wx_is_rad:
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        # Get the properties inherited from Slot
        Slot19_dict = super(Slot19, self).as_dict()
        Slot19_dict["W0"] = self.W0
        Slot19_dict["H0"] = self.H0
        Slot19_dict["W1"] = self.W1
        Slot19_dict["Wx_is_rad"] = self.Wx_is_rad
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        # Overwrite the mother class name
        Slot19_dict["__class__"] = "Slot19"
        return Slot19_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        self.W0 = None
        self.H0 = None
        self.W1 = None
        self.Wx_is_rad = None
        # Set to None the properties inherited from Slot
        super(Slot19, self)._set_None()

    def _get_W0(self):
        """getter of W0"""
        return self._W0

    def _set_W0(self, value):
        """setter of W0"""
        check_var("W0", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._W0 = value

    # Slot top width
    # Type : float, min = 0
    W0 = property(fget=_get_W0, fset=_set_W0, doc=u"""Slot top width""")

    def _get_H0(self):
        """getter of H0"""
        return self._H0

    def _set_H0(self, value):
        """setter of H0"""
        check_var("H0", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._H0 = value

    # Slot height
    # Type : float, min = 0
    H0 = property(fget=_get_H0, fset=_set_H0, doc=u"""Slot height""")

    def _get_W1(self):
        """getter of W1"""
        return self._W1

    def _set_W1(self, value):
        """setter of W1"""
        check_var("W1", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._W1 = value

    # Slot bottom width.
    # Type : float, min = 0
    W1 = property(fget=_get_W1, fset=_set_W1, doc=u"""Slot bottom width.""")

    def _get_Wx_is_rad(self):
        """getter of Wx_is_rad"""
        return self._Wx_is_rad

    def _set_Wx_is_rad(self, value):
        """setter of Wx_is_rad"""
        check_var("Wx_is_rad", value, "bool")
        self._Wx_is_rad = value

    # Wx unit, 0 for m, 1 for rad
    # Type : bool
    Wx_is_rad = property(
        fget=_get_Wx_is_rad, fset=_set_Wx_is_rad, doc=u"""Wx unit, 0 for m, 1 for rad"""
Ejemplo n.º 8
class MatLamination(MatMagnetics):
    """lamination properties"""

    VERSION = 1

    # cf Methods.Material.MatLamination.get_BH
    if isinstance(get_BH, ImportError):
        get_BH = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                ImportError("Can't use MatLamination method get_BH: " + str(get_BH))
        get_BH = get_BH
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(self, Wlam=0.0005, BH_curve=-1, mur_lin=1, init_dict=None):
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if BH_curve == -1:
            BH_curve = ImportMatrix()
        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            check_init_dict(init_dict, ["Wlam", "BH_curve", "mur_lin"])
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "Wlam" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Wlam = init_dict["Wlam"]
            if "BH_curve" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                BH_curve = init_dict["BH_curve"]
            if "mur_lin" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                mur_lin = init_dict["mur_lin"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        self.Wlam = Wlam
        # BH_curve can be None, a ImportMatrix object or a dict
        if isinstance(BH_curve, dict):
            # Check that the type is correct (including daughter)
            class_name = BH_curve.get("__class__")
            if class_name not in [
                raise InitUnKnowClassError(
                    "Unknow class name " + class_name + " in init_dict for BH_curve"
            # Dynamic import to call the correct constructor
            module = __import__("pyleecan.Classes." + class_name, fromlist=[class_name])
            class_obj = getattr(module, class_name)
            self.BH_curve = class_obj(init_dict=BH_curve)
            self.BH_curve = BH_curve
        # Call MatMagnetics init
        super(MatLamination, self).__init__(mur_lin=mur_lin)
        # The class is frozen (in MatMagnetics init), for now it's impossible to
        # add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        MatLamination_str = ""
        # Get the properties inherited from MatMagnetics
        MatLamination_str += super(MatLamination, self).__str__() + linesep
        MatLamination_str += "Wlam = " + str(self.Wlam) + linesep
        if self.BH_curve is not None:
            MatLamination_str += (
                "BH_curve = " + str(self.BH_curve.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
            MatLamination_str += "BH_curve = None"
        return MatLamination_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False

        # Check the properties inherited from MatMagnetics
        if not super(MatLamination, self).__eq__(other):
            return False
        if other.Wlam != self.Wlam:
            return False
        if other.BH_curve != self.BH_curve:
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        # Get the properties inherited from MatMagnetics
        MatLamination_dict = super(MatLamination, self).as_dict()
        MatLamination_dict["Wlam"] = self.Wlam
        if self.BH_curve is None:
            MatLamination_dict["BH_curve"] = None
            MatLamination_dict["BH_curve"] = self.BH_curve.as_dict()
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        # Overwrite the mother class name
        MatLamination_dict["__class__"] = "MatLamination"
        return MatLamination_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        self.Wlam = None
        if self.BH_curve is not None:
        # Set to None the properties inherited from MatMagnetics
        super(MatLamination, self)._set_None()

    def _get_Wlam(self):
        """getter of Wlam"""
        return self._Wlam

    def _set_Wlam(self, value):
        """setter of Wlam"""
        check_var("Wlam", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._Wlam = value

    # lamination sheet width without insulation [m] (for magnetic loss model)
    # Type : float, min = 0
    Wlam = property(
        doc=u"""lamination sheet width without insulation [m] (for magnetic loss model)""",

    def _get_BH_curve(self):
        """getter of BH_curve"""
        return self._BH_curve

    def _set_BH_curve(self, value):
        """setter of BH_curve"""
        check_var("BH_curve", value, "ImportMatrix")
        self._BH_curve = value

        if self._BH_curve is not None:
            self._BH_curve.parent = self

    # B(H) curve (two columns matrix, H and B(H))
    # Type : ImportMatrix
    BH_curve = property(
        doc=u"""B(H) curve (two columns matrix, H and B(H))""",
Ejemplo n.º 9
class CondType21(Conductor):
    """single rectangular conductor \nhas to be used for LamSquirrelCages's conductor"""

    VERSION = 1

    # Check ImportError to remove unnecessary dependencies in unused method
    # cf Methods.Machine.CondType21.comp_surface_active
    if isinstance(comp_surface_active, ImportError):
        comp_surface_active = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                    "Can't use CondType21 method comp_surface_active: "
                    + str(comp_surface_active)
        comp_surface_active = comp_surface_active
    # cf Methods.Machine.CondType21.comp_height
    if isinstance(comp_height, ImportError):
        comp_height = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                    "Can't use CondType21 method comp_height: " + str(comp_height)
        comp_height = comp_height
    # cf Methods.Machine.CondType21.comp_surface
    if isinstance(comp_surface, ImportError):
        comp_surface = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                    "Can't use CondType21 method comp_surface: " + str(comp_surface)
        comp_surface = comp_surface
    # cf Methods.Machine.CondType21.comp_width
    if isinstance(comp_width, ImportError):
        comp_width = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                    "Can't use CondType21 method comp_width: " + str(comp_width)
        comp_width = comp_width
    # cf Methods.Machine.CondType21.plot
    if isinstance(plot, ImportError):
        plot = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                ImportError("Can't use CondType21 method plot: " + str(plot))
        plot = plot
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(
        self, Hbar=0.01, Wbar=0.01, Wins=0, cond_mat=-1, ins_mat=-1, init_dict=None
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if cond_mat == -1:
            cond_mat = Material()
        if ins_mat == -1:
            ins_mat = Material()
        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            check_init_dict(init_dict, ["Hbar", "Wbar", "Wins", "cond_mat", "ins_mat"])
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "Hbar" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Hbar = init_dict["Hbar"]
            if "Wbar" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Wbar = init_dict["Wbar"]
            if "Wins" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Wins = init_dict["Wins"]
            if "cond_mat" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                cond_mat = init_dict["cond_mat"]
            if "ins_mat" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                ins_mat = init_dict["ins_mat"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        self.Hbar = Hbar
        self.Wbar = Wbar
        self.Wins = Wins
        # Call Conductor init
        super(CondType21, self).__init__(cond_mat=cond_mat, ins_mat=ins_mat)
        # The class is frozen (in Conductor init), for now it's impossible to
        # add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        CondType21_str = ""
        # Get the properties inherited from Conductor
        CondType21_str += super(CondType21, self).__str__() + linesep
        CondType21_str += "Hbar = " + str(self.Hbar) + linesep
        CondType21_str += "Wbar = " + str(self.Wbar) + linesep
        CondType21_str += "Wins = " + str(self.Wins)
        return CondType21_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False

        # Check the properties inherited from Conductor
        if not super(CondType21, self).__eq__(other):
            return False
        if other.Hbar != self.Hbar:
            return False
        if other.Wbar != self.Wbar:
            return False
        if other.Wins != self.Wins:
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        # Get the properties inherited from Conductor
        CondType21_dict = super(CondType21, self).as_dict()
        CondType21_dict["Hbar"] = self.Hbar
        CondType21_dict["Wbar"] = self.Wbar
        CondType21_dict["Wins"] = self.Wins
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        # Overwrite the mother class name
        CondType21_dict["__class__"] = "CondType21"
        return CondType21_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        self.Hbar = None
        self.Wbar = None
        self.Wins = None
        # Set to None the properties inherited from Conductor
        super(CondType21, self)._set_None()

    def _get_Hbar(self):
        """getter of Hbar"""
        return self._Hbar

    def _set_Hbar(self, value):
        """setter of Hbar"""
        check_var("Hbar", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._Hbar = value

    # Bar height
    # Type : float, min = 0
    Hbar = property(fget=_get_Hbar, fset=_set_Hbar, doc=u"""Bar height""")

    def _get_Wbar(self):
        """getter of Wbar"""
        return self._Wbar

    def _set_Wbar(self, value):
        """setter of Wbar"""
        check_var("Wbar", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._Wbar = value

    # Bar width
    # Type : float, min = 0
    Wbar = property(fget=_get_Wbar, fset=_set_Wbar, doc=u"""Bar width""")

    def _get_Wins(self):
        """getter of Wins"""
        return self._Wins

    def _set_Wins(self, value):
        """setter of Wins"""
        check_var("Wins", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._Wins = value

    # Width of insulation
    # Type : float, min = 0
    Wins = property(fget=_get_Wins, fset=_set_Wins, doc=u"""Width of insulation""")
Ejemplo n.º 10
class ElementMat(Element):
    """Define the connectivity under matricial format containing one type of element (example: only triangles with 3 nodes). """

    VERSION = 1

    # Check ImportError to remove unnecessary dependencies in unused method
    # cf Methods.Mesh.ElementMat.get_group
    if isinstance(get_group, ImportError):
        get_group = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use ElementMat method get_group: " + str(
        get_group = get_group
    # cf Methods.Mesh.ElementMat.get_node_tags
    if isinstance(get_node_tags, ImportError):
        get_node_tags = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use ElementMat method get_node_tags: " + str(
        get_node_tags = get_node_tags
    # cf Methods.Mesh.ElementMat.get_node2element
    if isinstance(get_node2element, ImportError):
        get_node2element = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use ElementMat method get_node2element: " + str(
        get_node2element = get_node2element
    # cf Methods.Mesh.ElementMat.convert_element
    if isinstance(convert_element, ImportError):
        convert_element = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use ElementMat method convert_element: " + str(
        convert_element = convert_element
    # cf Methods.Mesh.ElementMat.add_element
    if isinstance(add_element, ImportError):
        add_element = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use ElementMat method add_element: " + str(
        add_element = add_element
    # cf Methods.Mesh.ElementMat.get_connectivity
    if isinstance(get_connectivity, ImportError):
        get_connectivity = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use ElementMat method get_connectivity: " + str(
        get_connectivity = get_connectivity
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
                ["connectivity", "nb_elem", "nb_node_per_element", "group"])
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "connectivity" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                connectivity = init_dict["connectivity"]
            if "nb_elem" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                nb_elem = init_dict["nb_elem"]
            if "nb_node_per_element" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                nb_node_per_element = init_dict["nb_node_per_element"]
            if "group" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                group = init_dict["group"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        # connectivity can be None, a ndarray or a list
        set_array(self, "connectivity", connectivity)
        self.nb_elem = nb_elem
        self.nb_node_per_element = nb_node_per_element
        # group can be None, a ndarray or a list
        set_array(self, "group", group)
        # Call Element init
        super(ElementMat, self).__init__()
        # The class is frozen (in Element init), for now it's impossible to
        # add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        ElementMat_str = ""
        # Get the properties inherited from Element
        ElementMat_str += super(ElementMat, self).__str__() + linesep
        ElementMat_str += ("connectivity = " + linesep +
                           str(self.connectivity) + linesep + linesep)
        ElementMat_str += "nb_elem = " + str(self.nb_elem) + linesep
        ElementMat_str += ("nb_node_per_element = " +
                           str(self.nb_node_per_element) + linesep)
        ElementMat_str += "group = " + linesep + str(self.group)
        return ElementMat_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False

        # Check the properties inherited from Element
        if not super(ElementMat, self).__eq__(other):
            return False
        if not array_equal(other.connectivity, self.connectivity):
            return False
        if other.nb_elem != self.nb_elem:
            return False
        if other.nb_node_per_element != self.nb_node_per_element:
            return False
        if not array_equal(other.group, self.group):
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        # Get the properties inherited from Element
        ElementMat_dict = super(ElementMat, self).as_dict()
        if self.connectivity is None:
            ElementMat_dict["connectivity"] = None
            ElementMat_dict["connectivity"] = self.connectivity.tolist()
        ElementMat_dict["nb_elem"] = self.nb_elem
        ElementMat_dict["nb_node_per_element"] = self.nb_node_per_element
        if self.group is None:
            ElementMat_dict["group"] = None
            ElementMat_dict["group"] = self.group.tolist()
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        # Overwrite the mother class name
        ElementMat_dict["__class__"] = "ElementMat"
        return ElementMat_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        self.connectivity = None
        self.nb_elem = None
        self.nb_node_per_element = None
        self.group = None
        # Set to None the properties inherited from Element
        super(ElementMat, self)._set_None()

    def _get_connectivity(self):
        """getter of connectivity"""
        return self._connectivity

    def _set_connectivity(self, value):
        """setter of connectivity"""
        if type(value) is list:
                value = array(value)
        check_var("connectivity", value, "ndarray")
        self._connectivity = value

    # Matrix of connectivity for one element type
    # Type : ndarray
    connectivity = property(
        doc=u"""Matrix of connectivity for one element type""",

    def _get_nb_elem(self):
        """getter of nb_elem"""
        return self._nb_elem

    def _set_nb_elem(self, value):
        """setter of nb_elem"""
        check_var("nb_elem", value, "int")
        self._nb_elem = value

    # Total number of elements
    # Type : int
    nb_elem = property(fget=_get_nb_elem,
                       doc=u"""Total number of elements""")

    def _get_nb_node_per_element(self):
        """getter of nb_node_per_element"""
        return self._nb_node_per_element

    def _set_nb_node_per_element(self, value):
        """setter of nb_node_per_element"""
        check_var("nb_node_per_element", value, "int")
        self._nb_node_per_element = value

    # Define the number of node per element
    # Type : int
    nb_node_per_element = property(
        doc=u"""Define the number of node per element""",

    def _get_group(self):
        """getter of group"""
        return self._group

    def _set_group(self, value):
        """setter of group"""
        if type(value) is list:
                value = array(value)
        check_var("group", value, "ndarray")
        self._group = value

    # Attribute a group number (int) to each element . This group number should correspond to a subpart of the machine.
    # Type : ndarray
    group = property(
        u"""Attribute a group number (int) to each element . This group number should correspond to a subpart of the machine.""",
Ejemplo n.º 11
class CondType12(Conductor):
    """parallel stranded conductor consisting of at least a single round wire"""

    VERSION = 1

    # Check ImportError to remove unnecessary dependencies in unused method
    # cf Methods.Machine.CondType12.check
    if isinstance(check, ImportError):
        check = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                ImportError("Can't use CondType12 method check: " + str(check))
        check = check
    # cf Methods.Machine.CondType12.comp_surface_active
    if isinstance(comp_surface_active, ImportError):
        comp_surface_active = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                    "Can't use CondType12 method comp_surface_active: "
                    + str(comp_surface_active)
        comp_surface_active = comp_surface_active
    # cf Methods.Machine.CondType12.comp_height
    if isinstance(comp_height, ImportError):
        comp_height = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                    "Can't use CondType12 method comp_height: " + str(comp_height)
        comp_height = comp_height
    # cf Methods.Machine.CondType12.comp_surface
    if isinstance(comp_surface, ImportError):
        comp_surface = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                    "Can't use CondType12 method comp_surface: " + str(comp_surface)
        comp_surface = comp_surface
    # cf Methods.Machine.CondType12.comp_width
    if isinstance(comp_width, ImportError):
        comp_width = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                    "Can't use CondType12 method comp_width: " + str(comp_width)
        comp_width = comp_width
    # cf Methods.Machine.CondType12.plot
    if isinstance(plot, ImportError):
        plot = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                ImportError("Can't use CondType12 method plot: " + str(plot))
        plot = plot
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if cond_mat == -1:
            cond_mat = Material()
        if ins_mat == -1:
            ins_mat = Material()
        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "Wwire" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Wwire = init_dict["Wwire"]
            if "Wins_cond" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Wins_cond = init_dict["Wins_cond"]
            if "Nwppc" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Nwppc = init_dict["Nwppc"]
            if "Wins_wire" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Wins_wire = init_dict["Wins_wire"]
            if "Kwoh" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Kwoh = init_dict["Kwoh"]
            if "cond_mat" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                cond_mat = init_dict["cond_mat"]
            if "ins_mat" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                ins_mat = init_dict["ins_mat"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        self.Wwire = Wwire
        self.Wins_cond = Wins_cond
        self.Nwppc = Nwppc
        self.Wins_wire = Wins_wire
        self.Kwoh = Kwoh
        # Call Conductor init
        super(CondType12, self).__init__(cond_mat=cond_mat, ins_mat=ins_mat)
        # The class is frozen (in Conductor init), for now it's impossible to
        # add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        CondType12_str = ""
        # Get the properties inherited from Conductor
        CondType12_str += super(CondType12, self).__str__() + linesep
        CondType12_str += "Wwire = " + str(self.Wwire) + linesep
        CondType12_str += "Wins_cond = " + str(self.Wins_cond) + linesep
        CondType12_str += "Nwppc = " + str(self.Nwppc) + linesep
        CondType12_str += "Wins_wire = " + str(self.Wins_wire) + linesep
        CondType12_str += "Kwoh = " + str(self.Kwoh)
        return CondType12_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False

        # Check the properties inherited from Conductor
        if not super(CondType12, self).__eq__(other):
            return False
        if other.Wwire != self.Wwire:
            return False
        if other.Wins_cond != self.Wins_cond:
            return False
        if other.Nwppc != self.Nwppc:
            return False
        if other.Wins_wire != self.Wins_wire:
            return False
        if other.Kwoh != self.Kwoh:
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        # Get the properties inherited from Conductor
        CondType12_dict = super(CondType12, self).as_dict()
        CondType12_dict["Wwire"] = self.Wwire
        CondType12_dict["Wins_cond"] = self.Wins_cond
        CondType12_dict["Nwppc"] = self.Nwppc
        CondType12_dict["Wins_wire"] = self.Wins_wire
        CondType12_dict["Kwoh"] = self.Kwoh
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        # Overwrite the mother class name
        CondType12_dict["__class__"] = "CondType12"
        return CondType12_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        self.Wwire = None
        self.Wins_cond = None
        self.Nwppc = None
        self.Wins_wire = None
        self.Kwoh = None
        # Set to None the properties inherited from Conductor
        super(CondType12, self)._set_None()

    def _get_Wwire(self):
        """getter of Wwire"""
        return self._Wwire

    def _set_Wwire(self, value):
        """setter of Wwire"""
        check_var("Wwire", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._Wwire = value

    # cf schematics, single wire diameter without insulation [m]
    # Type : float, min = 0
    Wwire = property(
        doc=u"""cf schematics, single wire diameter without insulation [m]""",

    def _get_Wins_cond(self):
        """getter of Wins_cond"""
        return self._Wins_cond

    def _set_Wins_cond(self, value):
        """setter of Wins_cond"""
        check_var("Wins_cond", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._Wins_cond = value

    # (advanced) cf schematics, winding coil insulation diameter [m]
    # Type : float, min = 0
    Wins_cond = property(
        doc=u"""(advanced) cf schematics, winding coil insulation diameter [m]""",

    def _get_Nwppc(self):
        """getter of Nwppc"""
        return self._Nwppc

    def _set_Nwppc(self, value):
        """setter of Nwppc"""
        check_var("Nwppc", value, "int", Vmin=1)
        self._Nwppc = value

    # cf schematics, winding number of random wires (strands) in parallel per coil
    # Type : int, min = 1
    Nwppc = property(
        doc=u"""cf schematics, winding number of random wires (strands) in parallel per coil""",

    def _get_Wins_wire(self):
        """getter of Wins_wire"""
        return self._Wins_wire

    def _set_Wins_wire(self, value):
        """setter of Wins_wire"""
        check_var("Wins_wire", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._Wins_wire = value

    # (advanced) cf schematics, winding strand insulation thickness [m]
    # Type : float, min = 0
    Wins_wire = property(
        doc=u"""(advanced) cf schematics, winding strand insulation thickness [m]""",

    def _get_Kwoh(self):
        """getter of Kwoh"""
        return self._Kwoh

    def _set_Kwoh(self, value):
        """setter of Kwoh"""
        check_var("Kwoh", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._Kwoh = value

    # winding overhang factor which describes the fact that random round wire end-windings can be more or less compressed (0.5 for small motors, 0.8 for large motors) - can be used to tune the average turn length (relevant if type_cond==1)
    # Type : float, min = 0
    Kwoh = property(
        doc=u"""winding overhang factor which describes the fact that random round wire end-windings can be more or less compressed (0.5 for small motors, 0.8 for large motors) - can be used to tune the average turn length (relevant if type_cond==1)""",
Ejemplo n.º 12
class Magnet(FrozenClass):
    """abstract class of magnets"""

    VERSION = 1

    # Check ImportError to remove unnecessary dependencies in unused method
    # cf Methods.Machine.Magnet.comp_angle_opening
    if isinstance(comp_angle_opening, ImportError):
        comp_angle_opening = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Magnet method comp_angle_opening: " + str(
        comp_angle_opening = comp_angle_opening
    # cf Methods.Machine.Magnet.comp_height
    if isinstance(comp_height, ImportError):
        comp_height = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Magnet method comp_height: " + str(
        comp_height = comp_height
    # cf Methods.Machine.Magnet.comp_mass
    if isinstance(comp_mass, ImportError):
        comp_mass = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Magnet method comp_mass: " + str(comp_mass))
        comp_mass = comp_mass
    # cf Methods.Machine.Magnet.comp_ratio_opening
    if isinstance(comp_ratio_opening, ImportError):
        comp_ratio_opening = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Magnet method comp_ratio_opening: " + str(
        comp_ratio_opening = comp_ratio_opening
    # cf Methods.Machine.Magnet.comp_surface
    if isinstance(comp_surface, ImportError):
        comp_surface = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Magnet method comp_surface: " + str(
        comp_surface = comp_surface
    # cf Methods.Machine.Magnet.comp_volume
    if isinstance(comp_volume, ImportError):
        comp_volume = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Magnet method comp_volume: " + str(
        comp_volume = comp_volume
    # cf Methods.Machine.Magnet.is_outwards
    if isinstance(is_outwards, ImportError):
        is_outwards = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Magnet method is_outwards: " + str(
        is_outwards = is_outwards
    # cf Methods.Machine.Magnet.plot
    if isinstance(plot, ImportError):
        plot = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Magnet method plot: " + str(plot))))
        plot = plot
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(self,
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if mat_type == -1:
            mat_type = Material()
        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
                            ["mat_type", "type_magnetization", "Lmag"])
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "mat_type" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                mat_type = init_dict["mat_type"]
            if "type_magnetization" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                type_magnetization = init_dict["type_magnetization"]
            if "Lmag" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Lmag = init_dict["Lmag"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        self.parent = None
        # mat_type can be None, a Material object or a dict
        if isinstance(mat_type, dict):
            self.mat_type = Material(init_dict=mat_type)
            self.mat_type = mat_type
        self.type_magnetization = type_magnetization
        self.Lmag = Lmag

        # The class is frozen, for now it's impossible to add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        Magnet_str = ""
        if self.parent is None:
            Magnet_str += "parent = None " + linesep
            Magnet_str += "parent = " + str(type(
                self.parent)) + " object" + linesep
        if self.mat_type is not None:
            Magnet_str += ("mat_type = " + str(self.mat_type.as_dict()) +
                           linesep + linesep)
            Magnet_str += "mat_type = None" + linesep + linesep
        Magnet_str += "type_magnetization = " + str(
            self.type_magnetization) + linesep
        Magnet_str += "Lmag = " + str(self.Lmag)
        return Magnet_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False
        if other.mat_type != self.mat_type:
            return False
        if other.type_magnetization != self.type_magnetization:
            return False
        if other.Lmag != self.Lmag:
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        Magnet_dict = dict()
        if self.mat_type is None:
            Magnet_dict["mat_type"] = None
            Magnet_dict["mat_type"] = self.mat_type.as_dict()
        Magnet_dict["type_magnetization"] = self.type_magnetization
        Magnet_dict["Lmag"] = self.Lmag
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        Magnet_dict["__class__"] = "Magnet"
        return Magnet_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        if self.mat_type is not None:
        self.type_magnetization = None
        self.Lmag = None

    def _get_mat_type(self):
        """getter of mat_type"""
        return self._mat_type

    def _set_mat_type(self, value):
        """setter of mat_type"""
        check_var("mat_type", value, "Material")
        self._mat_type = value

        if self._mat_type is not None:
            self._mat_type.parent = self

    # The Magnet material
    # Type : Material
    mat_type = property(fget=_get_mat_type,
                        doc=u"""The Magnet material""")

    def _get_type_magnetization(self):
        """getter of type_magnetization"""
        return self._type_magnetization

    def _set_type_magnetization(self, value):
        """setter of type_magnetization"""
        check_var("type_magnetization", value, "int", Vmin=0, Vmax=5)
        self._type_magnetization = value

    # Permanent magnet magnetization type: 0 for radial, 1 for parallel, 2 for HallBach []
    # Type : int, min = 0, max = 5
    type_magnetization = property(
        u"""Permanent magnet magnetization type: 0 for radial, 1 for parallel, 2 for HallBach []""",

    def _get_Lmag(self):
        """getter of Lmag"""
        return self._Lmag

    def _set_Lmag(self, value):
        """setter of Lmag"""
        check_var("Lmag", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._Lmag = value

    # Magnet axial length
    # Type : float, min = 0
    Lmag = property(fget=_get_Lmag,
                    doc=u"""Magnet axial length""")
Ejemplo n.º 13
class Machine(FrozenClass):
    """Abstract class for machines"""

    VERSION = 1

    # Check ImportError to remove unnecessary dependencies in unused method
    # cf Methods.Machine.Machine.build_geometry
    if isinstance(build_geometry, ImportError):
        build_geometry = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Machine method build_geometry: " + str(
        build_geometry = build_geometry
    # cf Methods.Machine.Machine.check
    if isinstance(check, ImportError):
        check = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Machine method check: " + str(check))))
        check = check
    # cf Methods.Machine.Machine.comp_masses
    if isinstance(comp_masses, ImportError):
        comp_masses = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Machine method comp_masses: " + str(
        comp_masses = comp_masses
    # cf Methods.Machine.Machine.comp_width_airgap_mag
    if isinstance(comp_width_airgap_mag, ImportError):
        comp_width_airgap_mag = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Machine method comp_width_airgap_mag: " +
        comp_width_airgap_mag = comp_width_airgap_mag
    # cf Methods.Machine.Machine.comp_width_airgap_mec
    if isinstance(comp_width_airgap_mec, ImportError):
        comp_width_airgap_mec = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Machine method comp_width_airgap_mec: " +
        comp_width_airgap_mec = comp_width_airgap_mec
    # cf Methods.Machine.Machine.get_lamination
    if isinstance(get_lamination, ImportError):
        get_lamination = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Machine method get_lamination: " + str(
        get_lamination = get_lamination
    # cf Methods.Machine.Machine.comp_Rgap_mec
    if isinstance(comp_Rgap_mec, ImportError):
        comp_Rgap_mec = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Machine method comp_Rgap_mec: " + str(
        comp_Rgap_mec = comp_Rgap_mec
    # cf Methods.Machine.Machine.plot
    if isinstance(plot, ImportError):
        plot = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Machine method plot: " + str(plot))))
        plot = plot
    # cf Methods.Machine.Machine.comp_output_geo
    if isinstance(comp_output_geo, ImportError):
        comp_output_geo = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Machine method comp_output_geo: " + str(
        comp_output_geo = comp_output_geo
    # cf Methods.Machine.Machine.comp_length_airgap_active
    if isinstance(comp_length_airgap_active, ImportError):
        comp_length_airgap_active = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Machine method comp_length_airgap_active: "
                        + str(comp_length_airgap_active))))
        comp_length_airgap_active = comp_length_airgap_active
    # cf Methods.Machine.Machine.get_polar_eq
    if isinstance(get_polar_eq, ImportError):
        get_polar_eq = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Machine method get_polar_eq: " + str(
        get_polar_eq = get_polar_eq
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if rotor == -1:
            rotor = Lamination()
        if stator == -1:
            stator = Lamination()
        if frame == -1:
            frame = Frame()
        if shaft == -1:
            shaft = Shaft()
        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
                ["rotor", "stator", "frame", "shaft", "name", "desc"])
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "rotor" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                rotor = init_dict["rotor"]
            if "stator" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                stator = init_dict["stator"]
            if "frame" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                frame = init_dict["frame"]
            if "shaft" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                shaft = init_dict["shaft"]
            if "name" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                name = init_dict["name"]
            if "desc" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                desc = init_dict["desc"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        self.parent = None
        # rotor can be None, a Lamination object or a dict
        if isinstance(rotor, dict):
            # Check that the type is correct (including daughter)
            class_name = rotor.get("__class__")
            if class_name not in [
                raise InitUnKnowClassError("Unknow class name " + class_name +
                                           " in init_dict for rotor")
            # Dynamic import to call the correct constructor
            module = __import__("pyleecan.Classes." + class_name,
            class_obj = getattr(module, class_name)
            self.rotor = class_obj(init_dict=rotor)
            self.rotor = rotor
        # stator can be None, a Lamination object or a dict
        if isinstance(stator, dict):
            # Check that the type is correct (including daughter)
            class_name = stator.get("__class__")
            if class_name not in [
                raise InitUnKnowClassError("Unknow class name " + class_name +
                                           " in init_dict for stator")
            # Dynamic import to call the correct constructor
            module = __import__("pyleecan.Classes." + class_name,
            class_obj = getattr(module, class_name)
            self.stator = class_obj(init_dict=stator)
            self.stator = stator
        # frame can be None, a Frame object or a dict
        if isinstance(frame, dict):
            self.frame = Frame(init_dict=frame)
            self.frame = frame
        # shaft can be None, a Shaft object or a dict
        if isinstance(shaft, dict):
            self.shaft = Shaft(init_dict=shaft)
            self.shaft = shaft
        self.name = name
        self.desc = desc

        # The class is frozen, for now it's impossible to add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        Machine_str = ""
        if self.parent is None:
            Machine_str += "parent = None " + linesep
            Machine_str += "parent = " + str(type(
                self.parent)) + " object" + linesep
        Machine_str += "rotor = " + str(
            self.rotor.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
        Machine_str += "stator = " + str(
            self.stator.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
        Machine_str += "frame = " + str(
            self.frame.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
        Machine_str += "shaft = " + str(
            self.shaft.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
        Machine_str += 'name = "' + str(self.name) + '"' + linesep
        Machine_str += 'desc = "' + str(self.desc) + '"'
        return Machine_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False
        if other.rotor != self.rotor:
            return False
        if other.stator != self.stator:
            return False
        if other.frame != self.frame:
            return False
        if other.shaft != self.shaft:
            return False
        if other.name != self.name:
            return False
        if other.desc != self.desc:
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        Machine_dict = dict()
        if self.rotor is None:
            Machine_dict["rotor"] = None
            Machine_dict["rotor"] = self.rotor.as_dict()
        if self.stator is None:
            Machine_dict["stator"] = None
            Machine_dict["stator"] = self.stator.as_dict()
        if self.frame is None:
            Machine_dict["frame"] = None
            Machine_dict["frame"] = self.frame.as_dict()
        if self.shaft is None:
            Machine_dict["shaft"] = None
            Machine_dict["shaft"] = self.shaft.as_dict()
        Machine_dict["name"] = self.name
        Machine_dict["desc"] = self.desc
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        Machine_dict["__class__"] = "Machine"
        return Machine_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        if self.rotor is not None:
        if self.stator is not None:
        if self.frame is not None:
        if self.shaft is not None:
        self.name = None
        self.desc = None

    def _get_rotor(self):
        """getter of rotor"""
        return self._rotor

    def _set_rotor(self, value):
        """setter of rotor"""
        check_var("rotor", value, "Lamination")
        self._rotor = value

        if self._rotor is not None:
            self._rotor.parent = self

    # Machine's Rotor
    # Type : Lamination
    rotor = property(fget=_get_rotor,
                     doc=u"""Machine's Rotor""")

    def _get_stator(self):
        """getter of stator"""
        return self._stator

    def _set_stator(self, value):
        """setter of stator"""
        check_var("stator", value, "Lamination")
        self._stator = value

        if self._stator is not None:
            self._stator.parent = self

    # Machine's Stator
    # Type : Lamination
    stator = property(fget=_get_stator,
                      doc=u"""Machine's Stator""")

    def _get_frame(self):
        """getter of frame"""
        return self._frame

    def _set_frame(self, value):
        """setter of frame"""
        check_var("frame", value, "Frame")
        self._frame = value

        if self._frame is not None:
            self._frame.parent = self

    # Machine's Frame
    # Type : Frame
    frame = property(fget=_get_frame,
                     doc=u"""Machine's Frame""")

    def _get_shaft(self):
        """getter of shaft"""
        return self._shaft

    def _set_shaft(self, value):
        """setter of shaft"""
        check_var("shaft", value, "Shaft")
        self._shaft = value

        if self._shaft is not None:
            self._shaft.parent = self

    # Machine's Shaft
    # Type : Shaft
    shaft = property(fget=_get_shaft,
                     doc=u"""Machine's Shaft""")

    def _get_name(self):
        """getter of name"""
        return self._name

    def _set_name(self, value):
        """setter of name"""
        check_var("name", value, "str")
        self._name = value

    # Name of the machine
    # Type : str
    name = property(fget=_get_name,
                    doc=u"""Name of the machine""")

    def _get_desc(self):
        """getter of desc"""
        return self._desc

    def _set_desc(self, value):
        """setter of desc"""
        check_var("desc", value, "str")
        self._desc = value

    # Machine description
    # Type : str
    desc = property(fget=_get_desc,
                    doc=u"""Machine description""")
Ejemplo n.º 14
class NotchEvenDist(Notch):
    """Class for evenly distributed notches"""

    VERSION = 1

    # cf Methods.Machine.NotchEvenDist.build_geometry
    if isinstance(build_geometry, ImportError):
        build_geometry = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use NotchEvenDist method build_geometry: " +
        build_geometry = build_geometry
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(self, alpha=None, notch_shape=list(), init_dict=None):
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            check_init_dict(init_dict, ["alpha", "notch_shape"])
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "alpha" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                alpha = init_dict["alpha"]
            if "notch_shape" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                notch_shape = init_dict["notch_shape"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        # alpha can be None, a ndarray or a list
        set_array(self, "alpha", alpha)
        # Call Notch init
        super(NotchEvenDist, self).__init__(notch_shape=notch_shape)
        # The class is frozen (in Notch init), for now it's impossible to
        # add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        NotchEvenDist_str = ""
        # Get the properties inherited from Notch
        NotchEvenDist_str += super(NotchEvenDist, self).__str__() + linesep
        NotchEvenDist_str += "alpha = " + linesep + str(self.alpha)
        return NotchEvenDist_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False

        # Check the properties inherited from Notch
        if not super(NotchEvenDist, self).__eq__(other):
            return False
        if not array_equal(other.alpha, self.alpha):
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        # Get the properties inherited from Notch
        NotchEvenDist_dict = super(NotchEvenDist, self).as_dict()
        if self.alpha is None:
            NotchEvenDist_dict["alpha"] = None
            NotchEvenDist_dict["alpha"] = self.alpha.tolist()
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        # Overwrite the mother class name
        NotchEvenDist_dict["__class__"] = "NotchEvenDist"
        return NotchEvenDist_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        self.alpha = None
        # Set to None the properties inherited from Notch
        super(NotchEvenDist, self)._set_None()

    def _get_alpha(self):
        """getter of alpha"""
        return self._alpha

    def _set_alpha(self, value):
        """setter of alpha"""
        if type(value) is list:
                value = array(value)
        check_var("alpha", value, "ndarray")
        self._alpha = value

    # angular positon of the first notch
    # Type : ndarray
    alpha = property(fget=_get_alpha,
                     doc=u"""angular positon of the first notch""")
Ejemplo n.º 15
class Arc1(Arc):
    """An arc between two points (defined by a radius)"""

    VERSION = 1

    # Check ImportError to remove unnecessary dependencies in unused method
    # cf Methods.Geometry.Arc1.check
    if isinstance(check, ImportError):
        check = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Arc1 method check: " + str(check))))
        check = check
    # cf Methods.Geometry.Arc1.comp_length
    if isinstance(comp_length, ImportError):
        comp_length = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Arc1 method comp_length: " + str(comp_length
        comp_length = comp_length
    # cf Methods.Geometry.Arc1.comp_radius
    if isinstance(comp_radius, ImportError):
        comp_radius = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Arc1 method comp_radius: " + str(comp_radius
        comp_radius = comp_radius
    # cf Methods.Geometry.Arc1.discretize
    if isinstance(discretize, ImportError):
        discretize = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Arc1 method discretize: " + str(discretize))
        discretize = discretize
    # cf Methods.Geometry.Arc1.get_angle
    if isinstance(get_angle, ImportError):
        get_angle = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Arc1 method get_angle: " + str(get_angle))))
        get_angle = get_angle
    # cf Methods.Geometry.Arc1.get_begin
    if isinstance(get_begin, ImportError):
        get_begin = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Arc1 method get_begin: " + str(get_begin))))
        get_begin = get_begin
    # cf Methods.Geometry.Arc1.get_center
    if isinstance(get_center, ImportError):
        get_center = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Arc1 method get_center: " + str(get_center))
        get_center = get_center
    # cf Methods.Geometry.Arc1.get_end
    if isinstance(get_end, ImportError):
        get_end = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Arc1 method get_end: " + str(get_end))))
        get_end = get_end
    # cf Methods.Geometry.Arc1.get_middle
    if isinstance(get_middle, ImportError):
        get_middle = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Arc1 method get_middle: " + str(get_middle))
        get_middle = get_middle
    # cf Methods.Geometry.Arc1.reverse
    if isinstance(reverse, ImportError):
        reverse = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Arc1 method reverse: " + str(reverse))))
        reverse = reverse
    # cf Methods.Geometry.Arc1.rotate
    if isinstance(rotate, ImportError):
        rotate = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Arc1 method rotate: " + str(rotate))))
        rotate = rotate
    # cf Methods.Geometry.Arc1.split_half
    if isinstance(split_half, ImportError):
        split_half = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Arc1 method split_half: " + str(split_half))
        split_half = split_half
    # cf Methods.Geometry.Arc1.translate
    if isinstance(translate, ImportError):
        translate = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Arc1 method translate: " + str(translate))))
        translate = translate
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
                ["begin", "end", "radius", "is_trigo_direction", "label"])
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "begin" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                begin = init_dict["begin"]
            if "end" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                end = init_dict["end"]
            if "radius" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                radius = init_dict["radius"]
            if "is_trigo_direction" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                is_trigo_direction = init_dict["is_trigo_direction"]
            if "label" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                label = init_dict["label"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        self.begin = begin
        self.end = end
        self.radius = radius
        self.is_trigo_direction = is_trigo_direction
        # Call Arc init
        super(Arc1, self).__init__(label=label)
        # The class is frozen (in Arc init), for now it's impossible to
        # add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        Arc1_str = ""
        # Get the properties inherited from Arc
        Arc1_str += super(Arc1, self).__str__() + linesep
        Arc1_str += "begin = " + str(self.begin) + linesep
        Arc1_str += "end = " + str(self.end) + linesep
        Arc1_str += "radius = " + str(self.radius) + linesep
        Arc1_str += "is_trigo_direction = " + str(self.is_trigo_direction)
        return Arc1_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False

        # Check the properties inherited from Arc
        if not super(Arc1, self).__eq__(other):
            return False
        if other.begin != self.begin:
            return False
        if other.end != self.end:
            return False
        if other.radius != self.radius:
            return False
        if other.is_trigo_direction != self.is_trigo_direction:
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        # Get the properties inherited from Arc
        Arc1_dict = super(Arc1, self).as_dict()
        Arc1_dict["begin"] = self.begin
        Arc1_dict["end"] = self.end
        Arc1_dict["radius"] = self.radius
        Arc1_dict["is_trigo_direction"] = self.is_trigo_direction
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        # Overwrite the mother class name
        Arc1_dict["__class__"] = "Arc1"
        return Arc1_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        self.begin = None
        self.end = None
        self.radius = None
        self.is_trigo_direction = None
        # Set to None the properties inherited from Arc
        super(Arc1, self)._set_None()

    def _get_begin(self):
        """getter of begin"""
        return self._begin

    def _set_begin(self, value):
        """setter of begin"""
        check_var("begin", value, "complex")
        self._begin = value

    # begin point of the arc
    # Type : complex
    begin = property(fget=_get_begin,
                     doc=u"""begin point of the arc""")

    def _get_end(self):
        """getter of end"""
        return self._end

    def _set_end(self, value):
        """setter of end"""
        check_var("end", value, "complex")
        self._end = value

    # end point of the arc
    # Type : complex
    end = property(fget=_get_end,
                   doc=u"""end point of the arc""")

    def _get_radius(self):
        """getter of radius"""
        return self._radius

    def _set_radius(self, value):
        """setter of radius"""
        check_var("radius", value, "float")
        self._radius = value

    # Radius of the arc (can be + or -)
    # Type : float
    radius = property(fget=_get_radius,
                      doc=u"""Radius of the arc (can be + or -)""")

    def _get_is_trigo_direction(self):
        """getter of is_trigo_direction"""
        return self._is_trigo_direction

    def _set_is_trigo_direction(self, value):
        """setter of is_trigo_direction"""
        check_var("is_trigo_direction", value, "bool")
        self._is_trigo_direction = value

    # Rotation direction of the arc
    # Type : bool
    is_trigo_direction = property(
        doc=u"""Rotation direction of the arc""",
Ejemplo n.º 16
class MachineSRM(MachineSync):
    """Switched Reluctance Machine"""

    VERSION = 1

    # Check ImportError to remove unnecessary dependencies in unused method
    # cf Methods.Machine.MachineSRM.check
    if isinstance(check, ImportError):
        check = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use MachineSRM method check: " + str(check))))
        check = check
    # cf Methods.Machine.MachineSRM.get_machine_type
    if isinstance(get_machine_type, ImportError):
        get_machine_type = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use MachineSRM method get_machine_type: " + str(
        get_machine_type = get_machine_type
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if rotor == -1:
            rotor = Lamination()
        if stator == -1:
            stator = Lamination()
        if frame == -1:
            frame = Frame()
        if shaft == -1:
            shaft = Shaft()
        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
                    "rotor", "stator", "frame", "shaft", "name", "desc",
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "rotor" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                rotor = init_dict["rotor"]
            if "stator" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                stator = init_dict["stator"]
            if "frame" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                frame = init_dict["frame"]
            if "shaft" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                shaft = init_dict["shaft"]
            if "name" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                name = init_dict["name"]
            if "desc" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                desc = init_dict["desc"]
            if "type_machine" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                type_machine = init_dict["type_machine"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        # Call MachineSync init
        super(MachineSRM, self).__init__(
        # The class is frozen (in MachineSync init), for now it's impossible to
        # add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        MachineSRM_str = ""
        # Get the properties inherited from MachineSync
        MachineSRM_str += super(MachineSRM, self).__str__() + linesep
        return MachineSRM_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False

        # Check the properties inherited from MachineSync
        if not super(MachineSRM, self).__eq__(other):
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        # Get the properties inherited from MachineSync
        MachineSRM_dict = super(MachineSRM, self).as_dict()
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        # Overwrite the mother class name
        MachineSRM_dict["__class__"] = "MachineSRM"
        return MachineSRM_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        # Set to None the properties inherited from MachineSync
        super(MachineSRM, self)._set_None()
Ejemplo n.º 17
class InCurrent(Input):
    """Input to skip the electrical module and start with the magnetic one"""

    VERSION = 1

    # cf Methods.Simulation.InCurrent.gen_input
    if isinstance(gen_input, ImportError):
        gen_input = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use InCurrent method gen_input: " + str(
        gen_input = gen_input
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if time == -1:
            time = Import()
        if angle == -1:
            angle = Import()
        if Is == -1:
            Is = Import()
        if Ir == -1:
            Ir = Import()
        if angle_rotor == -1:
            angle_rotor = Import()
        if Nr == -1:
            Nr = Import()
        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "time" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                time = init_dict["time"]
            if "angle" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                angle = init_dict["angle"]
            if "Is" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Is = init_dict["Is"]
            if "Ir" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Ir = init_dict["Ir"]
            if "angle_rotor" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                angle_rotor = init_dict["angle_rotor"]
            if "Nr" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Nr = init_dict["Nr"]
            if "rot_dir" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                rot_dir = init_dict["rot_dir"]
            if "angle_rotor_initial" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                angle_rotor_initial = init_dict["angle_rotor_initial"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        # time can be None, a Import object or a dict
        if isinstance(time, dict):
            # Check that the type is correct (including daughter)
            class_name = time.get("__class__")
            if class_name not in [
                raise InitUnKnowClassError("Unknow class name " + class_name +
                                           " in init_dict for time")
            # Dynamic import to call the correct constructor
            module = __import__("pyleecan.Classes." + class_name,
            class_obj = getattr(module, class_name)
            self.time = class_obj(init_dict=time)
            self.time = time
        # angle can be None, a Import object or a dict
        if isinstance(angle, dict):
            # Check that the type is correct (including daughter)
            class_name = angle.get("__class__")
            if class_name not in [
                raise InitUnKnowClassError("Unknow class name " + class_name +
                                           " in init_dict for angle")
            # Dynamic import to call the correct constructor
            module = __import__("pyleecan.Classes." + class_name,
            class_obj = getattr(module, class_name)
            self.angle = class_obj(init_dict=angle)
            self.angle = angle
        # Is can be None, a Import object or a dict
        if isinstance(Is, dict):
            # Check that the type is correct (including daughter)
            class_name = Is.get("__class__")
            if class_name not in [
                raise InitUnKnowClassError("Unknow class name " + class_name +
                                           " in init_dict for Is")
            # Dynamic import to call the correct constructor
            module = __import__("pyleecan.Classes." + class_name,
            class_obj = getattr(module, class_name)
            self.Is = class_obj(init_dict=Is)
            self.Is = Is
        # Ir can be None, a Import object or a dict
        if isinstance(Ir, dict):
            # Check that the type is correct (including daughter)
            class_name = Ir.get("__class__")
            if class_name not in [
                raise InitUnKnowClassError("Unknow class name " + class_name +
                                           " in init_dict for Ir")
            # Dynamic import to call the correct constructor
            module = __import__("pyleecan.Classes." + class_name,
            class_obj = getattr(module, class_name)
            self.Ir = class_obj(init_dict=Ir)
            self.Ir = Ir
        # angle_rotor can be None, a Import object or a dict
        if isinstance(angle_rotor, dict):
            # Check that the type is correct (including daughter)
            class_name = angle_rotor.get("__class__")
            if class_name not in [
                raise InitUnKnowClassError("Unknow class name " + class_name +
                                           " in init_dict for angle_rotor")
            # Dynamic import to call the correct constructor
            module = __import__("pyleecan.Classes." + class_name,
            class_obj = getattr(module, class_name)
            self.angle_rotor = class_obj(init_dict=angle_rotor)
            self.angle_rotor = angle_rotor
        # Nr can be None, a Import object or a dict
        if isinstance(Nr, dict):
            # Check that the type is correct (including daughter)
            class_name = Nr.get("__class__")
            if class_name not in [
                raise InitUnKnowClassError("Unknow class name " + class_name +
                                           " in init_dict for Nr")
            # Dynamic import to call the correct constructor
            module = __import__("pyleecan.Classes." + class_name,
            class_obj = getattr(module, class_name)
            self.Nr = class_obj(init_dict=Nr)
            self.Nr = Nr
        self.rot_dir = rot_dir
        self.angle_rotor_initial = angle_rotor_initial
        # Call Input init
        super(InCurrent, self).__init__()
        # The class is frozen (in Input init), for now it's impossible to
        # add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        InCurrent_str = ""
        # Get the properties inherited from Input
        InCurrent_str += super(InCurrent, self).__str__() + linesep
        InCurrent_str += "time = " + str(
            self.time.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
        InCurrent_str += "angle = " + str(
            self.angle.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
        InCurrent_str += "Is = " + str(self.Is.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
        InCurrent_str += "Ir = " + str(self.Ir.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
        InCurrent_str += ("angle_rotor = " + str(self.angle_rotor.as_dict()) +
                          linesep + linesep)
        InCurrent_str += "Nr = " + str(self.Nr.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
        InCurrent_str += "rot_dir = " + str(self.rot_dir) + linesep
        InCurrent_str += "angle_rotor_initial = " + str(
        return InCurrent_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False

        # Check the properties inherited from Input
        if not super(InCurrent, self).__eq__(other):
            return False
        if other.time != self.time:
            return False
        if other.angle != self.angle:
            return False
        if other.Is != self.Is:
            return False
        if other.Ir != self.Ir:
            return False
        if other.angle_rotor != self.angle_rotor:
            return False
        if other.Nr != self.Nr:
            return False
        if other.rot_dir != self.rot_dir:
            return False
        if other.angle_rotor_initial != self.angle_rotor_initial:
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        # Get the properties inherited from Input
        InCurrent_dict = super(InCurrent, self).as_dict()
        if self.time is None:
            InCurrent_dict["time"] = None
            InCurrent_dict["time"] = self.time.as_dict()
        if self.angle is None:
            InCurrent_dict["angle"] = None
            InCurrent_dict["angle"] = self.angle.as_dict()
        if self.Is is None:
            InCurrent_dict["Is"] = None
            InCurrent_dict["Is"] = self.Is.as_dict()
        if self.Ir is None:
            InCurrent_dict["Ir"] = None
            InCurrent_dict["Ir"] = self.Ir.as_dict()
        if self.angle_rotor is None:
            InCurrent_dict["angle_rotor"] = None
            InCurrent_dict["angle_rotor"] = self.angle_rotor.as_dict()
        if self.Nr is None:
            InCurrent_dict["Nr"] = None
            InCurrent_dict["Nr"] = self.Nr.as_dict()
        InCurrent_dict["rot_dir"] = self.rot_dir
        InCurrent_dict["angle_rotor_initial"] = self.angle_rotor_initial
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        # Overwrite the mother class name
        InCurrent_dict["__class__"] = "InCurrent"
        return InCurrent_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        if self.time is not None:
        if self.angle is not None:
        if self.Is is not None:
        if self.Ir is not None:
        if self.angle_rotor is not None:
        if self.Nr is not None:
        self.rot_dir = None
        self.angle_rotor_initial = None
        # Set to None the properties inherited from Input
        super(InCurrent, self)._set_None()

    def _get_time(self):
        """getter of time"""
        return self._time

    def _set_time(self, value):
        """setter of time"""
        check_var("time", value, "Import")
        self._time = value

        if self._time is not None:
            self._time.parent = self

    # Electrical time vector (no symmetry) to import
    # Type : Import
    time = property(
        doc=u"""Electrical time vector (no symmetry) to import""",

    def _get_angle(self):
        """getter of angle"""
        return self._angle

    def _set_angle(self, value):
        """setter of angle"""
        check_var("angle", value, "Import")
        self._angle = value

        if self._angle is not None:
            self._angle.parent = self

    # Electrical position vector (no symmetry) to import
    # Type : Import
    angle = property(
        doc=u"""Electrical position vector (no symmetry) to import""",

    def _get_Is(self):
        """getter of Is"""
        return self._Is

    def _set_Is(self, value):
        """setter of Is"""
        check_var("Is", value, "Import")
        self._Is = value

        if self._Is is not None:
            self._Is.parent = self

    # Stator currents as a function of time (each column correspond to one phase) to import
    # Type : Import
    Is = property(
        u"""Stator currents as a function of time (each column correspond to one phase) to import""",

    def _get_Ir(self):
        """getter of Ir"""
        return self._Ir

    def _set_Ir(self, value):
        """setter of Ir"""
        check_var("Ir", value, "Import")
        self._Ir = value

        if self._Ir is not None:
            self._Ir.parent = self

    # Rotor currents as a function of time (each column correspond to one phase) to import
    # Type : Import
    Ir = property(
        u"""Rotor currents as a function of time (each column correspond to one phase) to import""",

    def _get_angle_rotor(self):
        """getter of angle_rotor"""
        return self._angle_rotor

    def _set_angle_rotor(self, value):
        """setter of angle_rotor"""
        check_var("angle_rotor", value, "Import")
        self._angle_rotor = value

        if self._angle_rotor is not None:
            self._angle_rotor.parent = self

    # Rotor angular position as a function of time (if None computed according to Nr) to import
    # Type : Import
    angle_rotor = property(
        u"""Rotor angular position as a function of time (if None computed according to Nr) to import""",

    def _get_Nr(self):
        """getter of Nr"""
        return self._Nr

    def _set_Nr(self, value):
        """setter of Nr"""
        check_var("Nr", value, "Import")
        self._Nr = value

        if self._Nr is not None:
            self._Nr.parent = self

    # Rotor speed as a function of time to import
    # Type : Import
    Nr = property(
        doc=u"""Rotor speed as a function of time to import""",

    def _get_rot_dir(self):
        """getter of rot_dir"""
        return self._rot_dir

    def _set_rot_dir(self, value):
        """setter of rot_dir"""
        check_var("rot_dir", value, "float", Vmin=-1, Vmax=1)
        self._rot_dir = value

    # Rotation direction of the rotor 1 trigo, -1 clockwise
    # Type : float, min = -1, max = 1
    rot_dir = property(
        doc=u"""Rotation direction of the rotor 1 trigo, -1 clockwise""",

    def _get_angle_rotor_initial(self):
        """getter of angle_rotor_initial"""
        return self._angle_rotor_initial

    def _set_angle_rotor_initial(self, value):
        """setter of angle_rotor_initial"""
        check_var("angle_rotor_initial", value, "float")
        self._angle_rotor_initial = value

    # Initial angular position of the rotor at t=0
    # Type : float
    angle_rotor_initial = property(
        doc=u"""Initial angular position of the rotor at t=0""",
Ejemplo n.º 18
class SlotWind(Slot):
    """Slot for winding (abstract)"""

    VERSION = 1

    # Check ImportError to remove unnecessary dependencies in unused method
    # cf Methods.Slot.SlotWind.comp_angle_wind_eq
    if isinstance(comp_angle_wind_eq, ImportError):
        comp_angle_wind_eq = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                    "Can't use SlotWind method comp_angle_wind_eq: "
                    + str(comp_angle_wind_eq)
        comp_angle_wind_eq = comp_angle_wind_eq
    # cf Methods.Slot.SlotWind.comp_height_wind
    if isinstance(comp_height_wind, ImportError):
        comp_height_wind = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                    "Can't use SlotWind method comp_height_wind: "
                    + str(comp_height_wind)
        comp_height_wind = comp_height_wind
    # cf Methods.Slot.SlotWind.comp_radius_mid_wind
    if isinstance(comp_radius_mid_wind, ImportError):
        comp_radius_mid_wind = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                    "Can't use SlotWind method comp_radius_mid_wind: "
                    + str(comp_radius_mid_wind)
        comp_radius_mid_wind = comp_radius_mid_wind
    # cf Methods.Slot.SlotWind.comp_surface_wind
    if isinstance(comp_surface_wind, ImportError):
        comp_surface_wind = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                    "Can't use SlotWind method comp_surface_wind: "
                    + str(comp_surface_wind)
        comp_surface_wind = comp_surface_wind
    # cf Methods.Slot.SlotWind.plot_wind
    if isinstance(plot_wind, ImportError):
        plot_wind = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                ImportError("Can't use SlotWind method plot_wind: " + str(plot_wind))
        plot_wind = plot_wind
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(self, Zs=36, init_dict=None):
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            check_init_dict(init_dict, ["Zs"])
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "Zs" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Zs = init_dict["Zs"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        # Call Slot init
        super(SlotWind, self).__init__(Zs=Zs)
        # The class is frozen (in Slot init), for now it's impossible to
        # add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        SlotWind_str = ""
        # Get the properties inherited from Slot
        SlotWind_str += super(SlotWind, self).__str__() + linesep
        return SlotWind_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False

        # Check the properties inherited from Slot
        if not super(SlotWind, self).__eq__(other):
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        # Get the properties inherited from Slot
        SlotWind_dict = super(SlotWind, self).as_dict()
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        # Overwrite the mother class name
        SlotWind_dict["__class__"] = "SlotWind"
        return SlotWind_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        # Set to None the properties inherited from Slot
        super(SlotWind, self)._set_None()
Ejemplo n.º 19
class Trapeze(Surface):
    """Trapeze defined by  the center of symmetry(point_ref), the label, the polar angle, the height and the big and small weight"""

    VERSION = 1

    # Check ImportError to remove unnecessary dependencies in unused method
    # cf Methods.Geometry.Trapeze.check
    if isinstance(check, ImportError):
        check = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Trapeze method check: " + str(check))))
        check = check
    # cf Methods.Geometry.Trapeze.comp_length
    if isinstance(comp_length, ImportError):
        comp_length = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Trapeze method comp_length: " + str(
        comp_length = comp_length
    # cf Methods.Geometry.Trapeze.comp_surface
    if isinstance(comp_surface, ImportError):
        comp_surface = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Trapeze method comp_surface: " + str(
        comp_surface = comp_surface
    # cf Methods.Geometry.Trapeze.discretize
    if isinstance(discretize, ImportError):
        discretize = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Trapeze method discretize: " + str(
        discretize = discretize
    # cf Methods.Geometry.Trapeze.get_lines
    if isinstance(get_lines, ImportError):
        get_lines = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Trapeze method get_lines: " + str(get_lines)
        get_lines = get_lines
    # cf Methods.Geometry.Trapeze.get_patch
    if isinstance(get_patch, ImportError):
        get_patch = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Trapeze method get_patch: " + str(get_patch)
        get_patch = get_patch
    # cf Methods.Geometry.Trapeze.rotate
    if isinstance(rotate, ImportError):
        rotate = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Trapeze method rotate: " + str(rotate))))
        rotate = rotate
    # cf Methods.Geometry.Trapeze.translate
    if isinstance(translate, ImportError):
        translate = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Trapeze method translate: " + str(translate)
        translate = translate
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(self,
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
                            ["height", "W2", "W1", "point_ref", "label"])
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "height" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                height = init_dict["height"]
            if "W2" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                W2 = init_dict["W2"]
            if "W1" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                W1 = init_dict["W1"]
            if "point_ref" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                point_ref = init_dict["point_ref"]
            if "label" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                label = init_dict["label"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        self.height = height
        self.W2 = W2
        self.W1 = W1
        # Call Surface init
        super(Trapeze, self).__init__(point_ref=point_ref, label=label)
        # The class is frozen (in Surface init), for now it's impossible to
        # add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        Trapeze_str = ""
        # Get the properties inherited from Surface
        Trapeze_str += super(Trapeze, self).__str__() + linesep
        Trapeze_str += "height = " + str(self.height) + linesep
        Trapeze_str += "W2 = " + str(self.W2) + linesep
        Trapeze_str += "W1 = " + str(self.W1)
        return Trapeze_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False

        # Check the properties inherited from Surface
        if not super(Trapeze, self).__eq__(other):
            return False
        if other.height != self.height:
            return False
        if other.W2 != self.W2:
            return False
        if other.W1 != self.W1:
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        # Get the properties inherited from Surface
        Trapeze_dict = super(Trapeze, self).as_dict()
        Trapeze_dict["height"] = self.height
        Trapeze_dict["W2"] = self.W2
        Trapeze_dict["W1"] = self.W1
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        # Overwrite the mother class name
        Trapeze_dict["__class__"] = "Trapeze"
        return Trapeze_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        self.height = None
        self.W2 = None
        self.W1 = None
        # Set to None the properties inherited from Surface
        super(Trapeze, self)._set_None()

    def _get_height(self):
        """getter of height"""
        return self._height

    def _set_height(self, value):
        """setter of height"""
        check_var("height", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._height = value

    # the height of the Trapeze
    # Type : float, min = 0
    height = property(fget=_get_height,
                      doc=u"""the height of the Trapeze""")

    def _get_W2(self):
        """getter of W2"""
        return self._W2

    def _set_W2(self, value):
        """setter of W2"""
        check_var("W2", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._W2 = value

    # the big base of Trapeze
    # Type : float, min = 0
    W2 = property(fget=_get_W2,
                  doc=u"""the big base of Trapeze""")

    def _get_W1(self):
        """getter of W1"""
        return self._W1

    def _set_W1(self, value):
        """setter of W1"""
        check_var("W1", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._W1 = value

    # the small base of the Trapeze
    # Type : float, min = 0
    W1 = property(fget=_get_W1,
                  doc=u"""the small base of the Trapeze""")
Ejemplo n.º 20
class Conductor(FrozenClass):
    """abstact class for conductors"""

    VERSION = 1

    # cf Methods.Machine.Conductor.check
    if isinstance(check, ImportError):
        check = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                ImportError("Can't use Conductor method check: " + str(check))
        check = check
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(self, cond_mat=-1, ins_mat=-1, init_dict=None):
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if cond_mat == -1:
            cond_mat = Material()
        if ins_mat == -1:
            ins_mat = Material()
        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            check_init_dict(init_dict, ["cond_mat", "ins_mat"])
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "cond_mat" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                cond_mat = init_dict["cond_mat"]
            if "ins_mat" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                ins_mat = init_dict["ins_mat"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        self.parent = None
        # cond_mat can be None, a Material object or a dict
        if isinstance(cond_mat, dict):
            self.cond_mat = Material(init_dict=cond_mat)
            self.cond_mat = cond_mat
        # ins_mat can be None, a Material object or a dict
        if isinstance(ins_mat, dict):
            self.ins_mat = Material(init_dict=ins_mat)
            self.ins_mat = ins_mat

        # The class is frozen, for now it's impossible to add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        Conductor_str = ""
        if self.parent is None:
            Conductor_str += "parent = None " + linesep
            Conductor_str += "parent = " + str(type(self.parent)) + " object" + linesep
        if self.cond_mat is not None:
            Conductor_str += (
                "cond_mat = " + str(self.cond_mat.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
            Conductor_str += "cond_mat = None" + linesep + linesep
        if self.ins_mat is not None:
            Conductor_str += (
                "ins_mat = " + str(self.ins_mat.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
            Conductor_str += "ins_mat = None"
        return Conductor_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False
        if other.cond_mat != self.cond_mat:
            return False
        if other.ins_mat != self.ins_mat:
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        Conductor_dict = dict()
        if self.cond_mat is None:
            Conductor_dict["cond_mat"] = None
            Conductor_dict["cond_mat"] = self.cond_mat.as_dict()
        if self.ins_mat is None:
            Conductor_dict["ins_mat"] = None
            Conductor_dict["ins_mat"] = self.ins_mat.as_dict()
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        Conductor_dict["__class__"] = "Conductor"
        return Conductor_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        if self.cond_mat is not None:
        if self.ins_mat is not None:

    def _get_cond_mat(self):
        """getter of cond_mat"""
        return self._cond_mat

    def _set_cond_mat(self, value):
        """setter of cond_mat"""
        check_var("cond_mat", value, "Material")
        self._cond_mat = value

        if self._cond_mat is not None:
            self._cond_mat.parent = self

    # Material of the conductor
    # Type : Material
    cond_mat = property(
        fget=_get_cond_mat, fset=_set_cond_mat, doc=u"""Material of the conductor"""

    def _get_ins_mat(self):
        """getter of ins_mat"""
        return self._ins_mat

    def _set_ins_mat(self, value):
        """setter of ins_mat"""
        check_var("ins_mat", value, "Material")
        self._ins_mat = value

        if self._ins_mat is not None:
            self._ins_mat.parent = self

    # Material of the insulation
    # Type : Material
    ins_mat = property(
        fget=_get_ins_mat, fset=_set_ins_mat, doc=u"""Material of the insulation"""
Ejemplo n.º 21
class WindingDW1L(Winding):
    """single layer overlapping integral distributed winding"""

    VERSION = 1

    # Check ImportError to remove unnecessary dependencies in unused method
    # cf Methods.Machine.WindingDW1L.comp_connection_mat
    if isinstance(comp_connection_mat, ImportError):
        comp_connection_mat = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use WindingDW1L method comp_connection_mat: " +
        comp_connection_mat = comp_connection_mat
    # cf Methods.Machine.WindingDW1L.get_dim_wind
    if isinstance(get_dim_wind, ImportError):
        get_dim_wind = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use WindingDW1L method get_dim_wind: " + str(
        get_dim_wind = get_dim_wind
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if conductor == -1:
            conductor = Conductor()
        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "coil_pitch" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                coil_pitch = init_dict["coil_pitch"]
            if "is_reverse_wind" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                is_reverse_wind = init_dict["is_reverse_wind"]
            if "Nslot_shift_wind" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Nslot_shift_wind = init_dict["Nslot_shift_wind"]
            if "qs" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                qs = init_dict["qs"]
            if "Ntcoil" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Ntcoil = init_dict["Ntcoil"]
            if "Npcpp" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Npcpp = init_dict["Npcpp"]
            if "type_connection" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                type_connection = init_dict["type_connection"]
            if "p" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                p = init_dict["p"]
            if "Lewout" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Lewout = init_dict["Lewout"]
            if "conductor" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                conductor = init_dict["conductor"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        self.coil_pitch = coil_pitch
        # Call Winding init
        super(WindingDW1L, self).__init__(
        # The class is frozen (in Winding init), for now it's impossible to
        # add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        WindingDW1L_str = ""
        # Get the properties inherited from Winding
        WindingDW1L_str += super(WindingDW1L, self).__str__() + linesep
        WindingDW1L_str += "coil_pitch = " + str(self.coil_pitch)
        return WindingDW1L_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False

        # Check the properties inherited from Winding
        if not super(WindingDW1L, self).__eq__(other):
            return False
        if other.coil_pitch != self.coil_pitch:
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        # Get the properties inherited from Winding
        WindingDW1L_dict = super(WindingDW1L, self).as_dict()
        WindingDW1L_dict["coil_pitch"] = self.coil_pitch
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        # Overwrite the mother class name
        WindingDW1L_dict["__class__"] = "WindingDW1L"
        return WindingDW1L_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        self.coil_pitch = None
        # Set to None the properties inherited from Winding
        super(WindingDW1L, self)._set_None()

    def _get_coil_pitch(self):
        """getter of coil_pitch"""
        return self._coil_pitch

    def _set_coil_pitch(self, value):
        """setter of coil_pitch"""
        check_var("coil_pitch", value, "int", Vmin=0, Vmax=1000)
        self._coil_pitch = value

    # winding coil pitch or coil span expressed in slots (coil_pitch1=Zs/(2p)->full-pitch distributed winding, coil_pitch1<Zs/(2p)->chorded/shorted-pitch distributed winding, coil_pitch1=1->tooth-winding). Coil pitch is sometimes written 1/9 means Input.Magnetics.coil_pitch1=9-1=8
    # Type : int, min = 0, max = 1000
    coil_pitch = property(
        u"""winding coil pitch or coil span expressed in slots (coil_pitch1=Zs/(2p)->full-pitch distributed winding, coil_pitch1<Zs/(2p)->chorded/shorted-pitch distributed winding, coil_pitch1=1->tooth-winding). Coil pitch is sometimes written 1/9 means Input.Magnetics.coil_pitch1=9-1=8""",
Ejemplo n.º 22
class ImportMatrix(Import):
    """Abstract class to Import/Generate 1D or D matrix"""

    VERSION = 1

    # cf Methods.Import.ImportMatrix.edit_matrix
    if isinstance(edit_matrix, ImportError):
        edit_matrix = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use ImportMatrix method edit_matrix: " + str(
        edit_matrix = edit_matrix
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(self, is_transpose=False, init_dict=None):
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            check_init_dict(init_dict, ["is_transpose"])
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "is_transpose" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                is_transpose = init_dict["is_transpose"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        self.is_transpose = is_transpose
        # Call Import init
        super(ImportMatrix, self).__init__()
        # The class is frozen (in Import init), for now it's impossible to
        # add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        ImportMatrix_str = ""
        # Get the properties inherited from Import
        ImportMatrix_str += super(ImportMatrix, self).__str__() + linesep
        ImportMatrix_str += "is_transpose = " + str(self.is_transpose)
        return ImportMatrix_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False

        # Check the properties inherited from Import
        if not super(ImportMatrix, self).__eq__(other):
            return False
        if other.is_transpose != self.is_transpose:
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        # Get the properties inherited from Import
        ImportMatrix_dict = super(ImportMatrix, self).as_dict()
        ImportMatrix_dict["is_transpose"] = self.is_transpose
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        # Overwrite the mother class name
        ImportMatrix_dict["__class__"] = "ImportMatrix"
        return ImportMatrix_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        self.is_transpose = None
        # Set to None the properties inherited from Import
        super(ImportMatrix, self)._set_None()

    def _get_is_transpose(self):
        """getter of is_transpose"""
        return self._is_transpose

    def _set_is_transpose(self, value):
        """setter of is_transpose"""
        check_var("is_transpose", value, "bool")
        self._is_transpose = value

    # 1 to transpose the Imported/Generated matrix
    # Type : bool
    is_transpose = property(
        doc=u"""1 to transpose the Imported/Generated matrix""",
Ejemplo n.º 23
class SolutionFEMM(Solution):
    """Gather the electromagnetic solution from FEMM (only 2D triangles)"""

    VERSION = 1

    # cf Methods.Mesh.SolutionFEMM.get_field
    if isinstance(get_field, ImportError):
        get_field = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use SolutionFEMM method get_field: " + str(
        get_field = get_field
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(self, B=None, H=None, mu=None, init_dict=None):
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            check_init_dict(init_dict, ["B", "H", "mu"])
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "B" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                B = init_dict["B"]
            if "H" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                H = init_dict["H"]
            if "mu" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                mu = init_dict["mu"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        # B can be None, a ndarray or a list
        set_array(self, "B", B)
        # H can be None, a ndarray or a list
        set_array(self, "H", H)
        # mu can be None, a ndarray or a list
        set_array(self, "mu", mu)
        # Call Solution init
        super(SolutionFEMM, self).__init__()
        # The class is frozen (in Solution init), for now it's impossible to
        # add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        SolutionFEMM_str = ""
        # Get the properties inherited from Solution
        SolutionFEMM_str += super(SolutionFEMM, self).__str__() + linesep
        SolutionFEMM_str += "B = " + linesep + str(self.B) + linesep + linesep
        SolutionFEMM_str += "H = " + linesep + str(self.H) + linesep + linesep
        SolutionFEMM_str += "mu = " + linesep + str(self.mu)
        return SolutionFEMM_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False

        # Check the properties inherited from Solution
        if not super(SolutionFEMM, self).__eq__(other):
            return False
        if not array_equal(other.B, self.B):
            return False
        if not array_equal(other.H, self.H):
            return False
        if not array_equal(other.mu, self.mu):
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        # Get the properties inherited from Solution
        SolutionFEMM_dict = super(SolutionFEMM, self).as_dict()
        if self.B is None:
            SolutionFEMM_dict["B"] = None
            SolutionFEMM_dict["B"] = self.B.tolist()
        if self.H is None:
            SolutionFEMM_dict["H"] = None
            SolutionFEMM_dict["H"] = self.H.tolist()
        if self.mu is None:
            SolutionFEMM_dict["mu"] = None
            SolutionFEMM_dict["mu"] = self.mu.tolist()
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        # Overwrite the mother class name
        SolutionFEMM_dict["__class__"] = "SolutionFEMM"
        return SolutionFEMM_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        self.B = None
        self.H = None
        self.mu = None
        # Set to None the properties inherited from Solution
        super(SolutionFEMM, self)._set_None()

    def _get_B(self):
        """getter of B"""
        return self._B

    def _set_B(self, value):
        """setter of B"""
        if type(value) is list:
                value = array(value)
        check_var("B", value, "ndarray")
        self._B = value

    # Magnetic flux per element (Bx, By)
    # Type : ndarray
    B = property(fget=_get_B,
                 doc=u"""Magnetic flux per element (Bx, By)""")

    def _get_H(self):
        """getter of H"""
        return self._H

    def _set_H(self, value):
        """setter of H"""
        if type(value) is list:
                value = array(value)
        check_var("H", value, "ndarray")
        self._H = value

    # Magnetic field per element (Hx, Hy)
    # Type : ndarray
    H = property(fget=_get_H,
                 doc=u"""Magnetic field per element (Hx, Hy)""")

    def _get_mu(self):
        """getter of mu"""
        return self._mu

    def _set_mu(self, value):
        """setter of mu"""
        if type(value) is list:
                value = array(value)
        check_var("mu", value, "ndarray")
        self._mu = value

    # Pemreability per element
    # Type : ndarray
    mu = property(fget=_get_mu,
                  doc=u"""Pemreability per element""")
Ejemplo n.º 24
class Mesh(FrozenClass):
    """Gather the mesh storage format"""

    VERSION = 1

    # Check ImportError to remove unnecessary dependencies in unused method
    # cf Methods.Mesh.Mesh.set_submesh
    if isinstance(set_submesh, ImportError):
        set_submesh = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Mesh method set_submesh: " + str(set_submesh
        set_submesh = set_submesh
    # cf Methods.Mesh.Mesh.get_all_node_coord
    if isinstance(get_all_node_coord, ImportError):
        get_all_node_coord = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Mesh method get_all_node_coord: " + str(
        get_all_node_coord = get_all_node_coord
    # cf Methods.Mesh.Mesh.add_element
    if isinstance(add_element, ImportError):
        add_element = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Mesh method add_element: " + str(add_element
        add_element = add_element
    # cf Methods.Mesh.Mesh.get_all_connectivity
    if isinstance(get_all_connectivity, ImportError):
        get_all_connectivity = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Mesh method get_all_connectivity: " + str(
        get_all_connectivity = get_all_connectivity
    # cf Methods.Mesh.Mesh.get_connectivity
    if isinstance(get_connectivity, ImportError):
        get_connectivity = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Mesh method get_connectivity: " + str(
        get_connectivity = get_connectivity
    # cf Methods.Mesh.Mesh.get_new_tag
    if isinstance(get_new_tag, ImportError):
        get_new_tag = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Mesh method get_new_tag: " + str(get_new_tag
        get_new_tag = get_new_tag
    # cf Methods.Mesh.Mesh.interface
    if isinstance(interface, ImportError):
        interface = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Mesh method interface: " + str(interface))))
        interface = interface
    # cf Methods.Mesh.Mesh.get_node_tags
    if isinstance(get_node_tags, ImportError):
        get_node_tags = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Mesh method get_node_tags: " + str(
        get_node_tags = get_node_tags
    # cf Methods.Mesh.Mesh.get_vertice
    if isinstance(get_vertice, ImportError):
        get_vertice = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Mesh method get_vertice: " + str(get_vertice
        get_vertice = get_vertice
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(self,
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if node == -1:
            node = Node()
        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            check_init_dict(init_dict, ["element", "node", "submesh"])
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "element" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                element = init_dict["element"]
            if "node" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                node = init_dict["node"]
            if "submesh" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                submesh = init_dict["submesh"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        self.parent = None
        # element can be None or a list of Element object
        self.element = dict()
        if type(element) is dict:
            for key, obj in element.items():
                if isinstance(obj, dict):
                    # Check that the type is correct (including daughter)
                    class_name = obj.get("__class__")
                    if class_name not in ["Element", "ElementMat"]:
                        raise InitUnKnowClassError("Unknow class name " +
                                                   class_name +
                                                   " in init_dict for element")
                    # Dynamic import to call the correct constructor
                    module = __import__("pyleecan.Classes." + class_name,
                    class_obj = getattr(module, class_name)
                    self.element[key] = class_obj(init_dict=obj)
                    element = element  # Should raise an error
        elif element is None:
            self.element = dict()
            self.element = element  # Should raise an error
        # node can be None, a Node object or a dict
        if isinstance(node, dict):
            # Check that the type is correct (including daughter)
            class_name = node.get("__class__")
            if class_name not in ["Node", "NodeMat"]:
                raise InitUnKnowClassError("Unknow class name " + class_name +
                                           " in init_dict for node")
            # Dynamic import to call the correct constructor
            module = __import__("pyleecan.Classes." + class_name,
            class_obj = getattr(module, class_name)
            self.node = class_obj(init_dict=node)
            self.node = node
        # submesh can be None or a list of Mesh object
        self.submesh = list()
        if type(submesh) is list:
            for obj in submesh:
                if obj is None:  # Default value
                elif isinstance(obj, dict):
        elif submesh is None:
            self.submesh = list()
            self.submesh = submesh

        # The class is frozen, for now it's impossible to add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        Mesh_str = ""
        if self.parent is None:
            Mesh_str += "parent = None " + linesep
            Mesh_str += "parent = " + str(type(
                self.parent)) + " object" + linesep
        if len(self.element) == 0:
            Mesh_str += "element = []"
        for key, obj in self.element.items():
            Mesh_str += ("element[" + key + "] = " +
                         str(self.element[key].as_dict()) + "\n" + linesep +
        if self.node is not None:
            Mesh_str += "node = " + str(
                self.node.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
            Mesh_str += "node = None" + linesep + linesep
        if len(self.submesh) == 0:
            Mesh_str += "submesh = []"
        for ii in range(len(self.submesh)):
            Mesh_str += ("submesh[" + str(ii) + "] = " +
                         str(self.submesh[ii].as_dict()) + "\n")
        return Mesh_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False
        if other.element != self.element:
            return False
        if other.node != self.node:
            return False
        if other.submesh != self.submesh:
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        Mesh_dict = dict()
        Mesh_dict["element"] = dict()
        for key, obj in self.element.items():
            Mesh_dict["element"][key] = obj.as_dict()
        if self.node is None:
            Mesh_dict["node"] = None
            Mesh_dict["node"] = self.node.as_dict()
        Mesh_dict["submesh"] = list()
        for obj in self.submesh:
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        Mesh_dict["__class__"] = "Mesh"
        return Mesh_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        for key, obj in self.element.items():
        if self.node is not None:
        for obj in self.submesh:

    def _get_element(self):
        """getter of element"""
        for key, obj in self._element.items():
            if obj is not None:
                obj.parent = self
        return self._element

    def _set_element(self, value):
        """setter of element"""
        check_var("element", value, "{Element}")
        self._element = value

    # Storing connectivity
    # Type : {Element}
    element = property(fget=_get_element,
                       doc=u"""Storing connectivity""")

    def _get_node(self):
        """getter of node"""
        return self._node

    def _set_node(self, value):
        """setter of node"""
        check_var("node", value, "Node")
        self._node = value

        if self._node is not None:
            self._node.parent = self

    # Storing nodes
    # Type : Node
    node = property(fget=_get_node, fset=_set_node, doc=u"""Storing nodes""")

    def _get_submesh(self):
        """getter of submesh"""
        for obj in self._submesh:
            if obj is not None:
                obj.parent = self
        return self._submesh

    def _set_submesh(self, value):
        """setter of submesh"""
        check_var("submesh", value, "[Mesh]")
        self._submesh = value

        for obj in self._submesh:
            if obj is not None:
                obj.parent = self

    # Storing submeshes. Node and element numbers/tags or group must be the same.
    # Type : [Mesh]
    submesh = property(
        u"""Storing submeshes. Node and element numbers/tags or group must be the same.""",
Ejemplo n.º 25
class WindingDW2L(WindingDW1L):
    """double layer overlapping integral distributed winding, radial coil superposition"""

    VERSION = 1

    # cf Methods.Machine.WindingDW2L.get_dim_wind
    if isinstance(get_dim_wind, ImportError):
        get_dim_wind = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use WindingDW2L method get_dim_wind: " + str(
        get_dim_wind = get_dim_wind
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if conductor == -1:
            conductor = Conductor()
        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "coil_pitch" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                coil_pitch = init_dict["coil_pitch"]
            if "is_reverse_wind" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                is_reverse_wind = init_dict["is_reverse_wind"]
            if "Nslot_shift_wind" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Nslot_shift_wind = init_dict["Nslot_shift_wind"]
            if "qs" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                qs = init_dict["qs"]
            if "Ntcoil" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Ntcoil = init_dict["Ntcoil"]
            if "Npcpp" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Npcpp = init_dict["Npcpp"]
            if "type_connection" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                type_connection = init_dict["type_connection"]
            if "p" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                p = init_dict["p"]
            if "Lewout" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Lewout = init_dict["Lewout"]
            if "conductor" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                conductor = init_dict["conductor"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        # Call WindingDW1L init
        super(WindingDW2L, self).__init__(
        # The class is frozen (in WindingDW1L init), for now it's impossible to
        # add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        WindingDW2L_str = ""
        # Get the properties inherited from WindingDW1L
        WindingDW2L_str += super(WindingDW2L, self).__str__() + linesep
        return WindingDW2L_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False

        # Check the properties inherited from WindingDW1L
        if not super(WindingDW2L, self).__eq__(other):
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        # Get the properties inherited from WindingDW1L
        WindingDW2L_dict = super(WindingDW2L, self).as_dict()
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        # Overwrite the mother class name
        WindingDW2L_dict["__class__"] = "WindingDW2L"
        return WindingDW2L_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        # Set to None the properties inherited from WindingDW1L
        super(WindingDW2L, self)._set_None()
Ejemplo n.º 26
class Lamination(FrozenClass):
    """abstract class for lamination"""

    VERSION = 1

    # Check ImportError to remove unnecessary dependencies in unused method
    # cf Methods.Machine.Lamination.build_geometry
    if isinstance(build_geometry, ImportError):
        build_geometry = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Lamination method build_geometry: " + str(
        build_geometry = build_geometry
    # cf Methods.Machine.Lamination.check
    if isinstance(check, ImportError):
        check = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Lamination method check: " + str(check))))
        check = check
    # cf Methods.Machine.Lamination.comp_length
    if isinstance(comp_length, ImportError):
        comp_length = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Lamination method comp_length: " + str(
        comp_length = comp_length
    # cf Methods.Machine.Lamination.comp_masses
    if isinstance(comp_masses, ImportError):
        comp_masses = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Lamination method comp_masses: " + str(
        comp_masses = comp_masses
    # cf Methods.Machine.Lamination.comp_radius_mec
    if isinstance(comp_radius_mec, ImportError):
        comp_radius_mec = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Lamination method comp_radius_mec: " + str(
        comp_radius_mec = comp_radius_mec
    # cf Methods.Machine.Lamination.comp_surface_axial_vent
    if isinstance(comp_surface_axial_vent, ImportError):
        comp_surface_axial_vent = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Lamination method comp_surface_axial_vent: "
                        + str(comp_surface_axial_vent))))
        comp_surface_axial_vent = comp_surface_axial_vent
    # cf Methods.Machine.Lamination.comp_surfaces
    if isinstance(comp_surfaces, ImportError):
        comp_surfaces = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Lamination method comp_surfaces: " + str(
        comp_surfaces = comp_surfaces
    # cf Methods.Machine.Lamination.comp_volumes
    if isinstance(comp_volumes, ImportError):
        comp_volumes = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Lamination method comp_volumes: " + str(
        comp_volumes = comp_volumes
    # cf Methods.Machine.Lamination.get_bore_line
    if isinstance(get_bore_line, ImportError):
        get_bore_line = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Lamination method get_bore_line: " + str(
        get_bore_line = get_bore_line
    # cf Methods.Machine.Lamination.get_Rbo
    if isinstance(get_Rbo, ImportError):
        get_Rbo = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Lamination method get_Rbo: " + str(get_Rbo))
        get_Rbo = get_Rbo
    # cf Methods.Machine.Lamination.get_Ryoke
    if isinstance(get_Ryoke, ImportError):
        get_Ryoke = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Lamination method get_Ryoke: " + str(
        get_Ryoke = get_Ryoke
    # cf Methods.Machine.Lamination.get_name_phase
    if isinstance(get_name_phase, ImportError):
        get_name_phase = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Lamination method get_name_phase: " + str(
        get_name_phase = get_name_phase
    # cf Methods.Machine.Lamination.plot
    if isinstance(plot, ImportError):
        plot = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Lamination method plot: " + str(plot))))
        plot = plot
    # cf Methods.Machine.Lamination.comp_output_geo
    if isinstance(comp_output_geo, ImportError):
        comp_output_geo = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Lamination method comp_output_geo: " + str(
        comp_output_geo = comp_output_geo
    # cf Methods.Machine.Lamination.get_polar_eq
    if isinstance(get_polar_eq, ImportError):
        get_polar_eq = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Lamination method get_polar_eq: " + str(
        get_polar_eq = get_polar_eq
    # cf Methods.Machine.Lamination.is_outwards
    if isinstance(is_outwards, ImportError):
        is_outwards = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Lamination method is_outwards: " + str(
        is_outwards = is_outwards
    # cf Methods.Machine.Lamination.comp_height_yoke
    if isinstance(comp_height_yoke, ImportError):
        comp_height_yoke = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Lamination method comp_height_yoke: " + str(
        comp_height_yoke = comp_height_yoke
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if mat_type == -1:
            mat_type = Material()
        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "L1" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                L1 = init_dict["L1"]
            if "mat_type" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                mat_type = init_dict["mat_type"]
            if "Nrvd" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Nrvd = init_dict["Nrvd"]
            if "Wrvd" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Wrvd = init_dict["Wrvd"]
            if "Kf1" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Kf1 = init_dict["Kf1"]
            if "is_internal" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                is_internal = init_dict["is_internal"]
            if "Rint" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Rint = init_dict["Rint"]
            if "Rext" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Rext = init_dict["Rext"]
            if "is_stator" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                is_stator = init_dict["is_stator"]
            if "axial_vent" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                axial_vent = init_dict["axial_vent"]
            if "notch" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                notch = init_dict["notch"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        self.parent = None
        self.L1 = L1
        # mat_type can be None, a Material object or a dict
        if isinstance(mat_type, dict):
            self.mat_type = Material(init_dict=mat_type)
            self.mat_type = mat_type
        self.Nrvd = Nrvd
        self.Wrvd = Wrvd
        self.Kf1 = Kf1
        self.is_internal = is_internal
        self.Rint = Rint
        self.Rext = Rext
        self.is_stator = is_stator
        # axial_vent can be None or a list of Hole object
        self.axial_vent = list()
        if type(axial_vent) is list:
            for obj in axial_vent:
                if obj is None:  # Default value
                elif isinstance(obj, dict):
                    # Check that the type is correct (including daughter)
                    class_name = obj.get("__class__")
                    if class_name not in [
                        raise InitUnKnowClassError(
                            "Unknow class name " + class_name +
                            " in init_dict for axial_vent")
                    # Dynamic import to call the correct constructor
                    module = __import__("pyleecan.Classes." + class_name,
                    class_obj = getattr(module, class_name)
        elif axial_vent is None:
            self.axial_vent = list()
            self.axial_vent = axial_vent
        # notch can be None or a list of Notch object
        self.notch = list()
        if type(notch) is list:
            for obj in notch:
                if obj is None:  # Default value
                elif isinstance(obj, dict):
                    # Check that the type is correct (including daughter)
                    class_name = obj.get("__class__")
                    if class_name not in ["Notch", "NotchEvenDist"]:
                        raise InitUnKnowClassError("Unknow class name " +
                                                   class_name +
                                                   " in init_dict for notch")
                    # Dynamic import to call the correct constructor
                    module = __import__("pyleecan.Classes." + class_name,
                    class_obj = getattr(module, class_name)
        elif notch is None:
            self.notch = list()
            self.notch = notch

        # The class is frozen, for now it's impossible to add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        Lamination_str = ""
        if self.parent is None:
            Lamination_str += "parent = None " + linesep
            Lamination_str += "parent = " + str(type(
                self.parent)) + " object" + linesep
        Lamination_str += "L1 = " + str(self.L1) + linesep
        if self.mat_type is not None:
            Lamination_str += ("mat_type = " + str(self.mat_type.as_dict()) +
                               linesep + linesep)
            Lamination_str += "mat_type = None" + linesep + linesep
        Lamination_str += "Nrvd = " + str(self.Nrvd) + linesep
        Lamination_str += "Wrvd = " + str(self.Wrvd) + linesep
        Lamination_str += "Kf1 = " + str(self.Kf1) + linesep
        Lamination_str += "is_internal = " + str(self.is_internal) + linesep
        Lamination_str += "Rint = " + str(self.Rint) + linesep
        Lamination_str += "Rext = " + str(self.Rext) + linesep
        Lamination_str += "is_stator = " + str(self.is_stator) + linesep
        if len(self.axial_vent) == 0:
            Lamination_str += "axial_vent = []"
        for ii in range(len(self.axial_vent)):
            Lamination_str += ("axial_vent[" + str(ii) + "] = " +
                               str(self.axial_vent[ii].as_dict()) + "\n" +
                               linesep + linesep)
        if len(self.notch) == 0:
            Lamination_str += "notch = []"
        for ii in range(len(self.notch)):
            Lamination_str += ("notch[" + str(ii) + "] = " +
                               str(self.notch[ii].as_dict()) + "\n")
        return Lamination_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False
        if other.L1 != self.L1:
            return False
        if other.mat_type != self.mat_type:
            return False
        if other.Nrvd != self.Nrvd:
            return False
        if other.Wrvd != self.Wrvd:
            return False
        if other.Kf1 != self.Kf1:
            return False
        if other.is_internal != self.is_internal:
            return False
        if other.Rint != self.Rint:
            return False
        if other.Rext != self.Rext:
            return False
        if other.is_stator != self.is_stator:
            return False
        if other.axial_vent != self.axial_vent:
            return False
        if other.notch != self.notch:
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        Lamination_dict = dict()
        Lamination_dict["L1"] = self.L1
        if self.mat_type is None:
            Lamination_dict["mat_type"] = None
            Lamination_dict["mat_type"] = self.mat_type.as_dict()
        Lamination_dict["Nrvd"] = self.Nrvd
        Lamination_dict["Wrvd"] = self.Wrvd
        Lamination_dict["Kf1"] = self.Kf1
        Lamination_dict["is_internal"] = self.is_internal
        Lamination_dict["Rint"] = self.Rint
        Lamination_dict["Rext"] = self.Rext
        Lamination_dict["is_stator"] = self.is_stator
        Lamination_dict["axial_vent"] = list()
        for obj in self.axial_vent:
        Lamination_dict["notch"] = list()
        for obj in self.notch:
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        Lamination_dict["__class__"] = "Lamination"
        return Lamination_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        self.L1 = None
        if self.mat_type is not None:
        self.Nrvd = None
        self.Wrvd = None
        self.Kf1 = None
        self.is_internal = None
        self.Rint = None
        self.Rext = None
        self.is_stator = None
        for obj in self.axial_vent:
        for obj in self.notch:

    def _get_L1(self):
        """getter of L1"""
        return self._L1

    def _set_L1(self, value):
        """setter of L1"""
        check_var("L1", value, "float", Vmin=0, Vmax=100)
        self._L1 = value

    # Lamination stack active length [m] without radial ventilation airducts but including insulation layers between lamination sheets
    # Type : float, min = 0, max = 100
    L1 = property(
        u"""Lamination stack active length [m] without radial ventilation airducts but including insulation layers between lamination sheets""",

    def _get_mat_type(self):
        """getter of mat_type"""
        return self._mat_type

    def _set_mat_type(self, value):
        """setter of mat_type"""
        check_var("mat_type", value, "Material")
        self._mat_type = value

        if self._mat_type is not None:
            self._mat_type.parent = self

    # Lamination's material
    # Type : Material
    mat_type = property(fget=_get_mat_type,
                        doc=u"""Lamination's material""")

    def _get_Nrvd(self):
        """getter of Nrvd"""
        return self._Nrvd

    def _set_Nrvd(self, value):
        """setter of Nrvd"""
        check_var("Nrvd", value, "int", Vmin=0)
        self._Nrvd = value

    # number of radial air ventilation ducts in lamination
    # Type : int, min = 0
    Nrvd = property(
        doc=u"""number of radial air ventilation ducts in lamination """,

    def _get_Wrvd(self):
        """getter of Wrvd"""
        return self._Wrvd

    def _set_Wrvd(self, value):
        """setter of Wrvd"""
        check_var("Wrvd", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._Wrvd = value

    # axial width of ventilation ducts in lamination
    # Type : float, min = 0
    Wrvd = property(
        doc=u"""axial width of ventilation ducts in lamination""",

    def _get_Kf1(self):
        """getter of Kf1"""
        return self._Kf1

    def _set_Kf1(self, value):
        """setter of Kf1"""
        check_var("Kf1", value, "float", Vmin=0, Vmax=1)
        self._Kf1 = value

    # lamination stacking / packing factor
    # Type : float, min = 0, max = 1
    Kf1 = property(fget=_get_Kf1,
                   doc=u"""lamination stacking / packing factor""")

    def _get_is_internal(self):
        """getter of is_internal"""
        return self._is_internal

    def _set_is_internal(self, value):
        """setter of is_internal"""
        check_var("is_internal", value, "bool")
        self._is_internal = value

    # 1 for internal lamination topology, 0 for external lamination
    # Type : bool
    is_internal = property(
        u"""1 for internal lamination topology, 0 for external lamination""",

    def _get_Rint(self):
        """getter of Rint"""
        return self._Rint

    def _set_Rint(self, value):
        """setter of Rint"""
        check_var("Rint", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._Rint = value

    # To fill
    # Type : float, min = 0
    Rint = property(fget=_get_Rint, fset=_set_Rint, doc=u"""To fill""")

    def _get_Rext(self):
        """getter of Rext"""
        return self._Rext

    def _set_Rext(self, value):
        """setter of Rext"""
        check_var("Rext", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._Rext = value

    # To fill
    # Type : float, min = 0
    Rext = property(fget=_get_Rext, fset=_set_Rext, doc=u"""To fill""")

    def _get_is_stator(self):
        """getter of is_stator"""
        return self._is_stator

    def _set_is_stator(self, value):
        """setter of is_stator"""
        check_var("is_stator", value, "bool")
        self._is_stator = value

    # To fill
    # Type : bool
    is_stator = property(fget=_get_is_stator,
                         doc=u"""To fill""")

    def _get_axial_vent(self):
        """getter of axial_vent"""
        for obj in self._axial_vent:
            if obj is not None:
                obj.parent = self
        return self._axial_vent

    def _set_axial_vent(self, value):
        """setter of axial_vent"""
        check_var("axial_vent", value, "[Hole]")
        self._axial_vent = value

        for obj in self._axial_vent:
            if obj is not None:
                obj.parent = self

    # Axial ventilation ducts
    # Type : [Hole]
    axial_vent = property(fget=_get_axial_vent,
                          doc=u"""Axial ventilation ducts""")

    def _get_notch(self):
        """getter of notch"""
        for obj in self._notch:
            if obj is not None:
                obj.parent = self
        return self._notch

    def _set_notch(self, value):
        """setter of notch"""
        check_var("notch", value, "[Notch]")
        self._notch = value

        for obj in self._notch:
            if obj is not None:
                obj.parent = self

    # Lamination bore notches
    # Type : [Notch]
    notch = property(fget=_get_notch,
                     doc=u"""Lamination bore notches""")
Ejemplo n.º 27
class MagnetType11(MagnetPolar):
    """single magnet with polar shape"""

    VERSION = 1
    IS_FLAT_BOT = 0
    IS_FLAT_TOP = 0

    # Check ImportError to remove unnecessary dependencies in unused method
    # cf Methods.Machine.MagnetType11._comp_point_coordinate
    if isinstance(_comp_point_coordinate, ImportError):
        _comp_point_coordinate = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                    "Can't use MagnetType11 method _comp_point_coordinate: "
                    + str(_comp_point_coordinate)
        _comp_point_coordinate = _comp_point_coordinate
    # cf Methods.Machine.MagnetType11.build_geometry
    if isinstance(build_geometry, ImportError):
        build_geometry = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                    "Can't use MagnetType11 method build_geometry: "
                    + str(build_geometry)
        build_geometry = build_geometry
    # cf Methods.Machine.MagnetType11.comp_height
    if isinstance(comp_height, ImportError):
        comp_height = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                    "Can't use MagnetType11 method comp_height: " + str(comp_height)
        comp_height = comp_height
    # cf Methods.Machine.MagnetType11.comp_surface
    if isinstance(comp_surface, ImportError):
        comp_surface = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                    "Can't use MagnetType11 method comp_surface: " + str(comp_surface)
        comp_surface = comp_surface
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if mat_type == -1:
            mat_type = Material()
        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
                init_dict, ["Wmag", "Hmag", "mat_type", "type_magnetization", "Lmag"]
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "Wmag" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Wmag = init_dict["Wmag"]
            if "Hmag" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Hmag = init_dict["Hmag"]
            if "mat_type" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                mat_type = init_dict["mat_type"]
            if "type_magnetization" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                type_magnetization = init_dict["type_magnetization"]
            if "Lmag" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Lmag = init_dict["Lmag"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        self.Wmag = Wmag
        self.Hmag = Hmag
        # Call MagnetPolar init
        super(MagnetType11, self).__init__(
            mat_type=mat_type, type_magnetization=type_magnetization, Lmag=Lmag
        # The class is frozen (in MagnetPolar init), for now it's impossible to
        # add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        MagnetType11_str = ""
        # Get the properties inherited from MagnetPolar
        MagnetType11_str += super(MagnetType11, self).__str__() + linesep
        MagnetType11_str += "Wmag = " + str(self.Wmag) + linesep
        MagnetType11_str += "Hmag = " + str(self.Hmag)
        return MagnetType11_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False

        # Check the properties inherited from MagnetPolar
        if not super(MagnetType11, self).__eq__(other):
            return False
        if other.Wmag != self.Wmag:
            return False
        if other.Hmag != self.Hmag:
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        # Get the properties inherited from MagnetPolar
        MagnetType11_dict = super(MagnetType11, self).as_dict()
        MagnetType11_dict["Wmag"] = self.Wmag
        MagnetType11_dict["Hmag"] = self.Hmag
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        # Overwrite the mother class name
        MagnetType11_dict["__class__"] = "MagnetType11"
        return MagnetType11_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        self.Wmag = None
        self.Hmag = None
        # Set to None the properties inherited from MagnetPolar
        super(MagnetType11, self)._set_None()

    def _get_Wmag(self):
        """getter of Wmag"""
        return self._Wmag

    def _set_Wmag(self, value):
        """setter of Wmag"""
        check_var("Wmag", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._Wmag = value

    # magnet bottom width [rad]
    # Type : float, min = 0
    Wmag = property(
        fget=_get_Wmag, fset=_set_Wmag, doc=u"""magnet bottom width [rad]"""

    def _get_Hmag(self):
        """getter of Hmag"""
        return self._Hmag

    def _set_Hmag(self, value):
        """setter of Hmag"""
        check_var("Hmag", value, "float", Vmin=0)
        self._Hmag = value

    # magnet radial height [m]
    # Type : float, min = 0
    Hmag = property(fget=_get_Hmag, fset=_set_Hmag, doc=u"""magnet radial height [m]""")
Ejemplo n.º 28
class Hole(FrozenClass):
    """Holes for lamination (abstract)"""

    VERSION = 1

    # Check ImportError to remove unnecessary dependencies in unused method
    # cf Methods.Slot.Hole.comp_radius
    if isinstance(comp_radius, ImportError):
        comp_radius = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                ImportError("Can't use Hole method comp_radius: " + str(comp_radius))
        comp_radius = comp_radius
    # cf Methods.Slot.Hole.comp_surface
    if isinstance(comp_surface, ImportError):
        comp_surface = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                ImportError("Can't use Hole method comp_surface: " + str(comp_surface))
        comp_surface = comp_surface
    # cf Methods.Slot.Hole.get_is_stator
    if isinstance(get_is_stator, ImportError):
        get_is_stator = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                    "Can't use Hole method get_is_stator: " + str(get_is_stator)
        get_is_stator = get_is_stator
    # cf Methods.Slot.Hole.get_Rbo
    if isinstance(get_Rbo, ImportError):
        get_Rbo = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                ImportError("Can't use Hole method get_Rbo: " + str(get_Rbo))
        get_Rbo = get_Rbo
    # cf Methods.Slot.Hole.has_magnet
    if isinstance(has_magnet, ImportError):
        has_magnet = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                ImportError("Can't use Hole method has_magnet: " + str(has_magnet))
        has_magnet = has_magnet
    # cf Methods.Slot.Hole.plot
    if isinstance(plot, ImportError):
        plot = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                ImportError("Can't use Hole method plot: " + str(plot))
        plot = plot
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(self, Zh=36, mat_void=-1, init_dict=None):
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if mat_void == -1:
            mat_void = Material()
        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            check_init_dict(init_dict, ["Zh", "mat_void"])
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "Zh" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Zh = init_dict["Zh"]
            if "mat_void" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                mat_void = init_dict["mat_void"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        self.parent = None
        self.Zh = Zh
        # mat_void can be None, a Material object or a dict
        if isinstance(mat_void, dict):
            self.mat_void = Material(init_dict=mat_void)
            self.mat_void = mat_void

        # The class is frozen, for now it's impossible to add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        Hole_str = ""
        if self.parent is None:
            Hole_str += "parent = None " + linesep
            Hole_str += "parent = " + str(type(self.parent)) + " object" + linesep
        Hole_str += "Zh = " + str(self.Zh) + linesep
        if self.mat_void is not None:
            Hole_str += "mat_void = " + str(self.mat_void.as_dict()) + linesep + linesep
            Hole_str += "mat_void = None"
        return Hole_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False
        if other.Zh != self.Zh:
            return False
        if other.mat_void != self.mat_void:
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        Hole_dict = dict()
        Hole_dict["Zh"] = self.Zh
        if self.mat_void is None:
            Hole_dict["mat_void"] = None
            Hole_dict["mat_void"] = self.mat_void.as_dict()
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        Hole_dict["__class__"] = "Hole"
        return Hole_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        self.Zh = None
        if self.mat_void is not None:

    def _get_Zh(self):
        """getter of Zh"""
        return self._Zh

    def _set_Zh(self, value):
        """setter of Zh"""
        check_var("Zh", value, "int", Vmin=0, Vmax=1000)
        self._Zh = value

    # Number of Hole around the circumference
    # Type : int, min = 0, max = 1000
    Zh = property(
        fget=_get_Zh, fset=_set_Zh, doc=u"""Number of Hole around the circumference"""

    def _get_mat_void(self):
        """getter of mat_void"""
        return self._mat_void

    def _set_mat_void(self, value):
        """setter of mat_void"""
        check_var("mat_void", value, "Material")
        self._mat_void = value

        if self._mat_void is not None:
            self._mat_void.parent = self

    # Material of the void part of the hole (Air in general)
    # Type : Material
    mat_void = property(
        doc=u"""Material of the void part of the hole (Air in general)""",
Ejemplo n.º 29
class HoleMag(Hole):
    """Hole with magnets for lamination (abstract)"""

    VERSION = 1

    # cf Methods.Slot.HoleMag.has_magnet
    if isinstance(has_magnet, ImportError):
        has_magnet = property(
            fget=lambda x: raise_(
                ImportError("Can't use HoleMag method has_magnet: " + str(has_magnet))
        has_magnet = has_magnet
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(self, Zh=36, mat_void=-1, init_dict=None):
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if mat_void == -1:
            mat_void = Material()
        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            check_init_dict(init_dict, ["Zh", "mat_void"])
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "Zh" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                Zh = init_dict["Zh"]
            if "mat_void" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                mat_void = init_dict["mat_void"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        # Call Hole init
        super(HoleMag, self).__init__(Zh=Zh, mat_void=mat_void)
        # The class is frozen (in Hole init), for now it's impossible to
        # add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        HoleMag_str = ""
        # Get the properties inherited from Hole
        HoleMag_str += super(HoleMag, self).__str__() + linesep
        return HoleMag_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False

        # Check the properties inherited from Hole
        if not super(HoleMag, self).__eq__(other):
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        # Get the properties inherited from Hole
        HoleMag_dict = super(HoleMag, self).as_dict()
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        # Overwrite the mother class name
        HoleMag_dict["__class__"] = "HoleMag"
        return HoleMag_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        # Set to None the properties inherited from Hole
        super(HoleMag, self)._set_None()
Ejemplo n.º 30
class Magnetics(FrozenClass):
    """Magnetic module abstract object"""

    VERSION = 1

    # Check ImportError to remove unnecessary dependencies in unused method
    # cf Methods.Simulation.Magnetics.run
    if isinstance(run, ImportError):
        run = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Magnetics method run: " + str(run))))
        run = run
    # cf Methods.Simulation.Magnetics.comp_time_angle
    if isinstance(comp_time_angle, ImportError):
        comp_time_angle = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Magnetics method comp_time_angle: " + str(
        comp_time_angle = comp_time_angle
    # cf Methods.Simulation.Magnetics.comp_emf
    if isinstance(comp_emf, ImportError):
        comp_emf = property(fget=lambda x: raise_(
            ImportError("Can't use Magnetics method comp_emf: " + str(comp_emf)
        comp_emf = comp_emf
    # save method is available in all object
    save = save

    def __init__(
        """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways :
        - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values
            for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix
            for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor
        - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys

        ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix
        object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""

        if init_dict is not None:  # Initialisation by dict
            # Overwrite default value with init_dict content
            if "is_remove_slotS" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                is_remove_slotS = init_dict["is_remove_slotS"]
            if "is_remove_slotR" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                is_remove_slotR = init_dict["is_remove_slotR"]
            if "is_remove_vent" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                is_remove_vent = init_dict["is_remove_vent"]
            if "is_mmfs" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                is_mmfs = init_dict["is_mmfs"]
            if "is_mmfr" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                is_mmfr = init_dict["is_mmfr"]
            if "is_stator_linear_BH" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                is_stator_linear_BH = init_dict["is_stator_linear_BH"]
            if "is_rotor_linear_BH" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                is_rotor_linear_BH = init_dict["is_rotor_linear_BH"]
            if "is_symmetry_t" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                is_symmetry_t = init_dict["is_symmetry_t"]
            if "sym_t" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                sym_t = init_dict["sym_t"]
            if "is_antiper_t" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                is_antiper_t = init_dict["is_antiper_t"]
            if "is_symmetry_a" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                is_symmetry_a = init_dict["is_symmetry_a"]
            if "sym_a" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                sym_a = init_dict["sym_a"]
            if "is_antiper_a" in list(init_dict.keys()):
                is_antiper_a = init_dict["is_antiper_a"]
        # Initialisation by argument
        self.parent = None
        self.is_remove_slotS = is_remove_slotS
        self.is_remove_slotR = is_remove_slotR
        self.is_remove_vent = is_remove_vent
        self.is_mmfs = is_mmfs
        self.is_mmfr = is_mmfr
        self.is_stator_linear_BH = is_stator_linear_BH
        self.is_rotor_linear_BH = is_rotor_linear_BH
        self.is_symmetry_t = is_symmetry_t
        self.sym_t = sym_t
        self.is_antiper_t = is_antiper_t
        self.is_symmetry_a = is_symmetry_a
        self.sym_a = sym_a
        self.is_antiper_a = is_antiper_a

        # The class is frozen, for now it's impossible to add new properties

    def __str__(self):
        """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)"""

        Magnetics_str = ""
        if self.parent is None:
            Magnetics_str += "parent = None " + linesep
            Magnetics_str += "parent = " + str(type(
                self.parent)) + " object" + linesep
        Magnetics_str += "is_remove_slotS = " + str(
            self.is_remove_slotS) + linesep
        Magnetics_str += "is_remove_slotR = " + str(
            self.is_remove_slotR) + linesep
        Magnetics_str += "is_remove_vent = " + str(
            self.is_remove_vent) + linesep
        Magnetics_str += "is_mmfs = " + str(self.is_mmfs) + linesep
        Magnetics_str += "is_mmfr = " + str(self.is_mmfr) + linesep
        Magnetics_str += ("is_stator_linear_BH = " +
                          str(self.is_stator_linear_BH) + linesep)
        Magnetics_str += ("is_rotor_linear_BH = " +
                          str(self.is_rotor_linear_BH) + linesep)
        Magnetics_str += "is_symmetry_t = " + str(self.is_symmetry_t) + linesep
        Magnetics_str += "sym_t = " + str(self.sym_t) + linesep
        Magnetics_str += "is_antiper_t = " + str(self.is_antiper_t) + linesep
        Magnetics_str += "is_symmetry_a = " + str(self.is_symmetry_a) + linesep
        Magnetics_str += "sym_a = " + str(self.sym_a) + linesep
        Magnetics_str += "is_antiper_a = " + str(self.is_antiper_a)
        return Magnetics_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare two objects (skip parent)"""

        if type(other) != type(self):
            return False
        if other.is_remove_slotS != self.is_remove_slotS:
            return False
        if other.is_remove_slotR != self.is_remove_slotR:
            return False
        if other.is_remove_vent != self.is_remove_vent:
            return False
        if other.is_mmfs != self.is_mmfs:
            return False
        if other.is_mmfr != self.is_mmfr:
            return False
        if other.is_stator_linear_BH != self.is_stator_linear_BH:
            return False
        if other.is_rotor_linear_BH != self.is_rotor_linear_BH:
            return False
        if other.is_symmetry_t != self.is_symmetry_t:
            return False
        if other.sym_t != self.sym_t:
            return False
        if other.is_antiper_t != self.is_antiper_t:
            return False
        if other.is_symmetry_a != self.is_symmetry_a:
            return False
        if other.sym_a != self.sym_a:
            return False
        if other.is_antiper_a != self.is_antiper_a:
            return False
        return True

    def as_dict(self):
        """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__)

        Magnetics_dict = dict()
        Magnetics_dict["is_remove_slotS"] = self.is_remove_slotS
        Magnetics_dict["is_remove_slotR"] = self.is_remove_slotR
        Magnetics_dict["is_remove_vent"] = self.is_remove_vent
        Magnetics_dict["is_mmfs"] = self.is_mmfs
        Magnetics_dict["is_mmfr"] = self.is_mmfr
        Magnetics_dict["is_stator_linear_BH"] = self.is_stator_linear_BH
        Magnetics_dict["is_rotor_linear_BH"] = self.is_rotor_linear_BH
        Magnetics_dict["is_symmetry_t"] = self.is_symmetry_t
        Magnetics_dict["sym_t"] = self.sym_t
        Magnetics_dict["is_antiper_t"] = self.is_antiper_t
        Magnetics_dict["is_symmetry_a"] = self.is_symmetry_a
        Magnetics_dict["sym_a"] = self.sym_a
        Magnetics_dict["is_antiper_a"] = self.is_antiper_a
        # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose
        Magnetics_dict["__class__"] = "Magnetics"
        return Magnetics_dict

    def _set_None(self):
        """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)"""

        self.is_remove_slotS = None
        self.is_remove_slotR = None
        self.is_remove_vent = None
        self.is_mmfs = None
        self.is_mmfr = None
        self.is_stator_linear_BH = None
        self.is_rotor_linear_BH = None
        self.is_symmetry_t = None
        self.sym_t = None
        self.is_antiper_t = None
        self.is_symmetry_a = None
        self.sym_a = None
        self.is_antiper_a = None

    def _get_is_remove_slotS(self):
        """getter of is_remove_slotS"""
        return self._is_remove_slotS

    def _set_is_remove_slotS(self, value):
        """setter of is_remove_slotS"""
        check_var("is_remove_slotS", value, "bool")
        self._is_remove_slotS = value

    # 1 to artificially remove stator slotting effects in permeance mmf calculations
    # Type : bool
    is_remove_slotS = property(
        u"""1 to artificially remove stator slotting effects in permeance mmf calculations""",

    def _get_is_remove_slotR(self):
        """getter of is_remove_slotR"""
        return self._is_remove_slotR

    def _set_is_remove_slotR(self, value):
        """setter of is_remove_slotR"""
        check_var("is_remove_slotR", value, "bool")
        self._is_remove_slotR = value

    # 1 to artificially remove rotor slotting effects in permeance mmf calculations
    # Type : bool
    is_remove_slotR = property(
        u"""1 to artificially remove rotor slotting effects in permeance mmf calculations""",

    def _get_is_remove_vent(self):
        """getter of is_remove_vent"""
        return self._is_remove_vent

    def _set_is_remove_vent(self, value):
        """setter of is_remove_vent"""
        check_var("is_remove_vent", value, "bool")
        self._is_remove_vent = value

    # 1 to artificially remove the ventilations duct
    # Type : bool
    is_remove_vent = property(
        doc=u"""1 to artificially remove the ventilations duct""",

    def _get_is_mmfs(self):
        """getter of is_mmfs"""
        return self._is_mmfs

    def _set_is_mmfs(self, value):
        """setter of is_mmfs"""
        check_var("is_mmfs", value, "bool")
        self._is_mmfs = value

    # 1 to compute the stator magnetomotive force / stator armature magnetic field
    # Type : bool
    is_mmfs = property(
        u"""1 to compute the stator magnetomotive force / stator armature magnetic field""",

    def _get_is_mmfr(self):
        """getter of is_mmfr"""
        return self._is_mmfr

    def _set_is_mmfr(self, value):
        """setter of is_mmfr"""
        check_var("is_mmfr", value, "bool")
        self._is_mmfr = value

    # 1 to compute the rotor magnetomotive force / rotor magnetic field
    # Type : bool
    is_mmfr = property(
        u"""1 to compute the rotor magnetomotive force / rotor magnetic field""",

    def _get_is_stator_linear_BH(self):
        """getter of is_stator_linear_BH"""
        return self._is_stator_linear_BH

    def _set_is_stator_linear_BH(self, value):
        """setter of is_stator_linear_BH"""
        check_var("is_stator_linear_BH", value, "int", Vmin=0, Vmax=2)
        self._is_stator_linear_BH = value

    # 0 to use the B(H) curve, 1 to use linear B(H) curve according to mur_lin, 2 to enforce infinite permeability (mur_lin =100000)
    # Type : int, min = 0, max = 2
    is_stator_linear_BH = property(
        u"""0 to use the B(H) curve, 1 to use linear B(H) curve according to mur_lin, 2 to enforce infinite permeability (mur_lin =100000)""",

    def _get_is_rotor_linear_BH(self):
        """getter of is_rotor_linear_BH"""
        return self._is_rotor_linear_BH

    def _set_is_rotor_linear_BH(self, value):
        """setter of is_rotor_linear_BH"""
        check_var("is_rotor_linear_BH", value, "int", Vmin=0, Vmax=2)
        self._is_rotor_linear_BH = value

    # 0 to use the B(H) curve, 1 to use linear B(H) curve according to mur_lin, 2 to enforce infinite permeability (mur_lin =100000)
    # Type : int, min = 0, max = 2
    is_rotor_linear_BH = property(
        u"""0 to use the B(H) curve, 1 to use linear B(H) curve according to mur_lin, 2 to enforce infinite permeability (mur_lin =100000)""",

    def _get_is_symmetry_t(self):
        """getter of is_symmetry_t"""
        return self._is_symmetry_t

    def _set_is_symmetry_t(self, value):
        """setter of is_symmetry_t"""
        check_var("is_symmetry_t", value, "bool")
        self._is_symmetry_t = value

    # 0 Compute on the complete time vector, 1 compute according to sym_t and is_antiper_t
    # Type : bool
    is_symmetry_t = property(
        u"""0 Compute on the complete time vector, 1 compute according to sym_t and is_antiper_t""",

    def _get_sym_t(self):
        """getter of sym_t"""
        return self._sym_t

    def _set_sym_t(self, value):
        """setter of sym_t"""
        check_var("sym_t", value, "int", Vmin=1)
        self._sym_t = value

    # Number of symmetry for the time vector
    # Type : int, min = 1
    sym_t = property(
        doc=u"""Number of symmetry for the time vector""",

    def _get_is_antiper_t(self):
        """getter of is_antiper_t"""
        return self._is_antiper_t

    def _set_is_antiper_t(self, value):
        """setter of is_antiper_t"""
        check_var("is_antiper_t", value, "bool")
        self._is_antiper_t = value

    # To add an antiperiodicity to the time vector
    # Type : bool
    is_antiper_t = property(
        doc=u"""To add an antiperiodicity to the time vector""",

    def _get_is_symmetry_a(self):
        """getter of is_symmetry_a"""
        return self._is_symmetry_a

    def _set_is_symmetry_a(self, value):
        """setter of is_symmetry_a"""
        check_var("is_symmetry_a", value, "bool")
        self._is_symmetry_a = value

    # 0 Compute on the complete machine, 1 compute according to sym_a and is_antiper_a
    # Type : bool
    is_symmetry_a = property(
        u"""0 Compute on the complete machine, 1 compute according to sym_a and is_antiper_a""",

    def _get_sym_a(self):
        """getter of sym_a"""
        return self._sym_a

    def _set_sym_a(self, value):
        """setter of sym_a"""
        check_var("sym_a", value, "int", Vmin=1)
        self._sym_a = value

    # Number of symmetry for the angle vector
    # Type : int, min = 1
    sym_a = property(
        doc=u"""Number of symmetry for the angle vector""",

    def _get_is_antiper_a(self):
        """getter of is_antiper_a"""
        return self._is_antiper_a

    def _set_is_antiper_a(self, value):
        """setter of is_antiper_a"""
        check_var("is_antiper_a", value, "bool")
        self._is_antiper_a = value

    # To add an antiperiodicity to the angle vector
    # Type : bool
    is_antiper_a = property(
        doc=u"""To add an antiperiodicity to the angle vector""",