def plot_img_pos(pars, pix_scale=1., threshold=0.8, fits_file=None, img_xobs=None, img_yobs=None, d=None): xsrcA, ysrcA, sigsrcA, xlens, ylens, blens, qlens, plens = pars fig_dir = 'Figures/lensed_quasar/' sa = (0, 100) # search area is 2000 pixels to 5000 pixels # Define source positions as a Guassian surface brightness profile X1, Y1, Q1, P1, S1, srcs = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} X1['A'] = pymc.Uniform('X1A', 0., 100., value=xsrcA) Y1['A'] = pymc.Uniform('Y1A', 0., 100., value=ysrcA) Q1['A'] = pymc.Uniform('Q1A', 0.2, 1., value=1.) P1['A'] = pymc.Uniform('P1A', -180., 180., value=0.) S1['A'] = pymc.Uniform('N1A', 0., 6., value=sigsrcA) srcs['A'] = SBObjects.Gauss('', {'x': X1['A'], 'y': Y1['A'], 'q': Q1['A'],'pa': P1['A'], 'sigma': S1['A']}) # Define lens mass model LX = pymc.Uniform('lx', 0., 100., value=xlens) LY = pymc.Uniform('ly', 0., 100., value=ylens) LB = pymc.Uniform('lb', 0., 100., value=blens) LQ = pymc.Uniform('lq', 0.2, 1., value=qlens) LP = pymc.Uniform('lp', -180., 180., value=plens) XB = pymc.Uniform('xb', -0.2, 0.2, value=0.) XP = pymc.Uniform('xp', -180., 180., value=0.) lens = MassModels.SIE('', {'x': LX, 'y': LY, 'b': LB, 'q': LQ, 'pa': LP}) shear = MassModels.ExtShear('',{'x':LX,'y':LY,'b':XB,'pa':XP}) lenses = [lens] x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(sa[0], sa[1], pix_scale), np.arange(sa[0], sa[1], pix_scale)) image_plane, image_coords_pred = {}, {} for name in ['A']: x_src, y_src = pylens.getDeflections(lenses, [x, y], d=d[name]) image_plane[name] = srcs[name].pixeval(x_src, y_src) plt.figure() plt.imshow(image_plane[name], interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plt.xlabel('%dx - %d pixels' % (pix_scale, sa[0])) plt.ylabel('%dy - %d pixels' % (pix_scale, sa[0])) plt.savefig(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, fig_dir, 'image_plane%s.png' % name)) image_coords_pred[name] = np.add(np.multiply(np.where(image_plane[name] > threshold), pix_scale)[::-1], sa[0]) lnlike, img_xpred_compare, img_ypred_compare = calc_lnlike(image_coords_pred[name], img_xobs[name], img_yobs[name]) print(img_xpred_compare, img_xobs[name], lnlike) print(img_ypred_compare, img_yobs[name], lnlike) colors = (col for col in ['#1f77b4', '#2ca02c', '#9467bd', '#17becf', '#e377c2']) fig = plt.figure('image_and_position') plot_image(fits_file, figname='image_and_position', vmax=10.) plt.xlim(sa[0], sa[1]) plt.ylim(sa[0], sa[1]) for name in ['A']: plt.scatter(image_coords_pred[name][0], image_coords_pred[name][1], marker='.', alpha=0.3, c=next(colors)) plt.savefig(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, fig_dir, 'image_with_predicted_image_plane.png'))
def __init__(self, config): = [] self.par2index = {} self.index2par = {} self.sci = {} self.err = {} self.convol_matrix = {} self.zp = {} self.light_sb_models = [] self.source_sb_models = [] self.light_sed_models = [] self.source_sed_models = [] self.light_mags = [] self.source_mags = [] self.lens_models = [] self.logp = None # defines bands self.bands = [] self.reference_band = config['reference_band'] for band in config['filters']: self.bands.append(band) self.nbands = len(self.bands) # reads in data filtnames = {} psfdic = {} for i in range(self.nbands): band = self.bands[i] self.zp[band] = config['zeropoints'][i] filtname = config['filter_prefix'] + band + config['filter_suffix'] filtnames[band] = filtname hdu = os.path.expandvars(config['data_dir']) + '/' + config['filename'] + '_%s' % band + config['science_tag'])[0] img = subimg = img.copy() self.sci[band] = subimg suberr = os.path.expandvars(config['data_dir']) + '/' + config['filename'] + '_%s' % band + config['err_tag'])[0].data.copy() if config['err_type'] == 'VAR': self.err[band] = suberr**0.5 elif config['err_type'] == 'SIGMA': self.err[band] = suberr.copy() else: df psf_file = os.path.expandvars(config['data_dir']) + '/' + config['filename'] + '_%s' % band + config['psf_tag']) nhdu = len(psf_file) found = False n = 0 while not found and n < nhdu: if psf_file[n].data is not None: psf = psf_file[n].data.copy() found = True else: n += 1 if not found: df m = (psf[:2].mean() + psf[-2:].mean() + psf[:, :2].mean() + psf[:, -2:].mean()) / 4. psf -= m psf /= psf.sum() psfdic[band] = psf self.convol_matrix[band] = convolve.convolve(self.sci[band], psf)[1] # prepares mask and data array ny, nx = self.sci[self.bands[0]].shape X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(1. * nx), np.arange(1. * ny)) self.ny = ny self.nx = nx self.X = X self.Y = Y self.R = ((X - nx / 2)**2 + (Y - ny / 2)**2)**0.5 if config['mask_dir'] is None: mask_dir = './' else: mask_dir = os.path.expandvars(config['mask_dir']) if config['maskname'] is not None: MASK = + config['maskname'])[0].data.copy() else: MASK = np.ones(X.shape, dtype=int) if config['rmax'] is not None: MASK[self.R > config['rmax']] = 0 mask = MASK > 0 mask_r = mask.ravel() self.modelstack = np.zeros((self.nbands * ny, nx)) self.scistack = 0. * self.modelstack self.errstack = 0. * self.modelstack self.maskstack = np.zeros((self.nbands * ny, nx), dtype=bool) for i in range(self.nbands): self.scistack[i * ny:(i + 1) * ny, :] = self.sci[self.bands[i]] self.errstack[i * ny:(i + 1) * ny, :] = self.err[self.bands[i]] self.maskstack[i * ny:(i + 1) * ny, :] = mask self.maskstack_r = self.maskstack.ravel() #defines model parameters ncomp = 0 npar = 0 for comp in config['light_components']: ncomp += 1 for par in comp['pars']: parpar = comp['pars'][par] if parpar['link'] is None and parpar['var'] == 1: Par(par + str(ncomp), lower=parpar['low'], upper=parpar['up'], value=parpar['value'], step=parpar['step'])) self.par2index['light' + str(ncomp) + '.' + par] = npar self.index2par[npar] = 'light' + str(ncomp) + '.' + par npar += 1 ncomp = 0 for comp in config['source_components']: ncomp += 1 for par in comp['pars']: parpar = comp['pars'][par] if parpar['link'] is None and parpar['var'] == 1: Par(par + str(ncomp), lower=parpar['low'], upper=parpar['up'], value=parpar['value'], step=parpar['step'])) self.par2index['source' + str(ncomp) + '.' + par] = npar self.index2par[npar] = 'source' + str(ncomp) + '.' + par npar += 1 ncomp = 0 for comp in config['lens_components']: ncomp += 1 for par in comp['pars']: parpar = comp['pars'][par] if parpar['link'] is None and parpar['var'] == 1: Par(par + str(ncomp), lower=parpar['low'], upper=parpar['up'], value=parpar['value'], step=parpar['step'])) self.par2index['lens' + str(ncomp) + '.' + par] = npar self.index2par[npar] = 'lens' + str(ncomp) + '.' + par npar += 1 i = 0 filtnames = {} for band in config['filters']: filtname = config['filter_prefix'] + band + config['filter_suffix'] filtnames[band] = filtname ncomp = 1 for comp in config['lens_components']: name = 'lens%d' % ncomp pars_here = {} for par in comp['pars']: if comp['pars'][par]['link'] is None: if comp['pars'][par]['var'] == 1: pars_here[par] =[self.par2index[name + '.' + par]] elif comp['pars'][par]['var'] == 0: pars_here[par] = Par(par, lower=comp['pars'][par]['value'], upper=comp['pars'][par]['value'], value=comp['pars'][par]['value']) else: df else: pars_here[par] =[self.par2index[comp['pars'][par] ['link']]] ncomp += 1 lens = MassModels.PowerLaw(name, pars_here) self.lens_models.append(lens) self.nlens = len(self.lens_models) ncomp = 1 for comp in config['light_components']: name = 'light%d' % ncomp pars_here = {} sed_here = {} for par in comp['pars']: if par in SBModels.parlists[comp['class']]: if comp['pars'][par]['link'] is None: if comp['pars'][par]['var'] == 1: pars_here[par] =[self.par2index[name + '.' + par]] else: pars_here[par] = Par( par, lower=comp['pars'][par]['value'], upper=comp['pars'][par]['value'], value=comp['pars'][par]['value']) else: pars_here[par] =[self.par2index[ comp['pars'][par]['link']]] else: if comp['pars'][par]['link'] is None: if comp['pars'][par]['var'] == 1: sed_here[par] =[self.par2index[name + '.' + par]] else: sed_here[par] = Par( par, lower=comp['pars'][par]['value'], upper=comp['pars'][par]['value'], value=comp['pars'][par]['value']) else: sed_here[par] =[self.par2index[ comp['pars'][par]['link']]] if comp['class'] == 'Sersic': light = SBModels.Sersic('light%d' % ncomp, pars_here) elif comp['class'] == 'PointSource': light = SBModels.PointSource('light%d' % ncomp, psfdic, pars_here) else: df self.light_sb_models.append(light) if comp['sed'] == 'colorpars': sed = SEDModels.Colors('light_sed%d' % ncomp, sed_here, self.bands, self.reference_band, self.zp) elif comp['sed'] == 'template': sed = SEDModels.Template('light_sed%d' % ncomp, sed_here, filtnames, self.zp) elif comp['sed'] == 'sps': modelname = config['sps_model_dir'] + comp['sps_model'] sed = SEDModels.SPS('light_sed%d' % ncomp, sed_here, self.bands, self.zp, modelname) else: df self.light_sed_models.append(sed) self.light_mags.append({}) ncomp += 1 self.nlight = len(self.light_sb_models) ncomp = 1 for comp in config['source_components']: name = 'source%d' % ncomp pars_here = {} sed_here = {} for par in comp['pars']: if par in SBModels.parlists['Sersic']: if comp['pars'][par]['link'] is None: if comp['pars'][par]['var'] == 1: pars_here[par] =[self.par2index[name + '.' + par]] else: pars_here[par] = comp['pars'][par]['value'] else: pars_here[par] =[self.par2index[ comp['pars'][par]['link']]] else: if comp['pars'][par]['link'] is None: if comp['pars'][par]['var'] == 1: sed_here[par] =[self.par2index[name + '.' + par]] else: sed_here[par] = Par( par, lower=comp['pars'][par]['value'], upper=comp['pars'][par]['value'], value=comp['pars'][par]['value']) else: sed_here[par] =[self.par2index[ comp['pars'][par]['link']]] if comp['class'] == 'Sersic': source = SBModels.Sersic('source%d' % ncomp, pars_here) else: df self.source_sb_models.append(source) if comp['sed'] == 'colorpars': sed = SEDModels.Colors('light_sed%d' % ncomp, sed_here, self.bands, self.reference_band, zp=self.zp) elif comp['sed'] == 'template': sed = SEDModels.Template('light_sed%d' % ncomp, sed_here, filtnames, zp=self.zp) self.source_sed_models.append(sed) self.source_mags.append({}) ncomp += 1 self.nsource = len(self.source_sb_models)
def get_quasar_img_pos(pix_scale=1., threshold=0.8, fits_file=None, img_xobs=None, img_yobs=None, d=None): fig_dir = 'Figures/lensed_quasar/' sa = (0, 100) # search area is 2000 pixels to 5000 pixels # Define source positions as a Guassian surface brightness profile X1, Y1, Q1, P1, S1, srcs = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} X1['A'] = pymc.Uniform('X1A', 0., 100., value=52.) Y1['A'] = pymc.Uniform('Y1A', 0., 100., value=48.) Q1['A'] = pymc.Uniform('Q1A', 1., 1., value=1.) P1['A'] = pymc.Uniform('P1A', 0., 0., value=0.) S1['A'] = pymc.Uniform('N1A', 0., 6., value=1.2) srcs['A'] = SBObjects.Gauss('', {'x': X1['A'], 'y': Y1['A'], 'q': Q1['A'],'pa': P1['A'], 'sigma': S1['A']}) pars = [X1['A'], Y1['A'], S1['A']] # List of parameters cov = [0.1, 0.1, 1.5] # List of initial `scatter' for emcee # Define lens mass model LX = pymc.Uniform('lx', 0., 100., value=49.) LY = pymc.Uniform('ly', 0., 100., value=50.) LB = pymc.Uniform('lb', 10., 40., value=20.) LQ = pymc.Uniform('lq', 0.2, 1., value=0.8) LP = pymc.Uniform('lp', -180., 180., value=85.) XB = pymc.Uniform('xb', -0.2, 0.2, value=0.) XP = pymc.Uniform('xp', -180., 180., value=0.) lens = MassModels.SIE('', {'x': LX, 'y': LY, 'b': LB, 'q': LQ, 'pa': LP}) # shear = MassModels.ExtShear('', {'x': LX, 'y': LY, 'b': XB, 'pa': XP}) lenses = [lens] pars += [LX, LY, LB, LQ, LP] cov += [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.05, 10.] cov = np.array(cov) # Get grid of x and y points x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(sa[0], sa[1], pix_scale), np.arange(sa[0], sa[1], pix_scale)) # MCMC setup nwalkers = 100 nsteps = 1000 # Define likelihood function @pymc.observed def logL(value=0., tmp=pars): for key in srcs: srcs[key].setPars() for lens in lenses: lens.setPars() lnlike = {} for name in ['A']: # Calculate deflections x_src, y_src = pylens.getDeflections(lenses, [x, y], d[name]) # Get list of predicted image coordinates image_plane = srcs[name].pixeval(x_src, y_src) image_coords_pred = np.add(np.multiply(np.where(image_plane > threshold), pix_scale)[::-1], sa[0]) # Only if brightness > threshold if not image_coords_pred.size: # If it's an empty list return -1e30 img_xpred, img_ypred = image_coords_pred # Map each observed image to the single closest predicted image pred_arg = [] for xo, yo in zip(img_xobs[name], img_yobs[name]): xdist = np.abs(img_xpred - xo) # pixel distance between xobs and xpredicted ydist = np.abs(img_ypred - yo) dist = xdist**2 + ydist**2 pred_arg.append(np.argmin(dist)) # The index of the pred_img that the given observed image is closest to pred_arg = np.array(pred_arg) # these pred images are the ones that are being compared with the list of the obs images img_xpred_compare = np.array([img_xpred[i] for i in pred_arg]) img_ypred_compare = np.array([img_ypred[i] for i in pred_arg]) lnlike[name] = -0.5 * (np.sum((img_xpred_compare - img_xobs[name]) ** 2 + (img_ypred_compare - img_yobs[name]) ** 2)) print(name, img_xpred_compare, lnlike[name], float(srcs[name].x), float(srcs[name].y), float(srcs[name].sigma), float(lens.x), float(lens.y), float(lens.b), float(lens.q), float( print(name, img_ypred_compare, lnlike[name], float(srcs[name].x), float(srcs[name].y), float(srcs[name].sigma), float(lens.x), float(lens.y), float(lens.b), float(lens.q), float( return sum(lnlike.values()) # Run MCMC sampler = myEmcee.Emcee(pars+[logL], cov, nwalkers=nwalkers, nthreads=44) sampler.sample(nsteps) # Plot chains result = sampler.result() posterior, samples, _, best = result print best import pylab for j in range(nwalkers): pylab.plot(posterior[:, j]) for i in range(len(pars)): pylab.figure() for j in range(nwalkers): pylab.plot(samples[:, j, i]) # Trim initial samples (ie the burn-in) and concatenate chains burn = 200 samples = samples[burn:].reshape(((nsteps-burn) * nwalkers, len(pars))) # Get best fit parameters samples_exp = samples.copy() samples_exp[:, 2] = np.exp(samples_exp[:, 2]) best_fits = list(map(lambda v: (v[1]), zip(*np.percentile(samples_exp, [16, 50, 84], axis=0)))) print('bestfits') print(best_fits) # Plot parameter contours and mcmc chains param_names = ['$xA_{src}$', '$yA_{src}$', '$\sigma A_{src}$'] param_names += ['$x_{lens}$', '$y_{lens}$', '$b_{lens}$', '$q_{lens}$', '$pa_{lens}$'] c = ChainConsumer() c.add_chain(samples, parameters=param_names) c.configure(summary=True, cloud=True) fig = c.plotter.plot() fig.savefig(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, fig_dir, 'source_pos_parameter_contours.png'), transparent=False) fig = c.plotter.plot_walks(convolve=100) fig.savefig(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, fig_dir, 'source_pos_mcmc_walks.png'), transparent=False) b = best print(b) plot_img_pos(pars=b, pix_scale=pix_scale, threshold=threshold, fits_file=fits_file, img_xobs=img_xobs, img_yobs=img_yobs, d=d)
def plot_img_pos(pars, pix_scale=1., threshold=0.8, fits_file=None, img_xobs=None, img_yobs=None, d=None, fig_dir=None): names = img_xobs.keys() sa = (2000, 4500) # search area is 2000 pixels to 5000 pixels xsrc, ysrc, sigsrc = {}, {}, {} for i, name in enumerate(names): xsrc[name], ysrc[name], sigsrc[name] = pars[3 * i:3 * (i + 1)] xlens, ylens, blens, qlens, plens = pars[-5:] # Define source positions as a Guassian surface brightness profile X1, Y1, Q1, P1, S1, srcs = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} for name in names: X1[name] = pymc.Uniform('X1%s' % name, 0., 5000., value=xsrc[name]) Y1[name] = pymc.Uniform('Y1%s' % name, 0., 5000., value=ysrc[name]) Q1[name] = pymc.Uniform('Q1%s' % name, 0.2, 1., value=1.) P1[name] = pymc.Uniform('P1%s' % name, -180., 180., value=0.) S1[name] = pymc.Uniform('N1%s' % name, 0., 10000., value=sigsrc[name]) srcs[name] = SBObjects.Gauss( '', { 'x': X1[name], 'y': Y1[name], 'q': Q1[name], 'pa': P1[name], 'sigma': S1[name] }) # Define lens mass model LX = pymc.Uniform('lx', 0., 5000., value=xlens) LY = pymc.Uniform('ly', 0., 5000., value=ylens) LB = pymc.Uniform('lb', 0., 5000., value=blens) LQ = pymc.Uniform('lq', 0.2, 1., value=qlens) LP = pymc.Uniform('lp', -180., 180., value=plens) XB = pymc.Uniform('xb', -0.2, 0.2, value=0.) XP = pymc.Uniform('xp', -180., 180., value=0.) lens = MassModels.SIE('', {'x': LX, 'y': LY, 'b': LB, 'q': LQ, 'pa': LP}) shear = MassModels.ExtShear('', {'x': LX, 'y': LY, 'b': XB, 'pa': XP}) lenses = [lens] x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(sa[0], sa[1], pix_scale), np.arange(sa[0], sa[1], pix_scale)) image_plane, image_coords_pred = {}, {} for name in names: x_src, y_src = pylens.getDeflections(lenses, [x, y], d=d[name]) image_plane[name] = srcs[name].pixeval(x_src, y_src) plt.figure() plt.imshow(image_plane[name], interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plt.xlabel('%dx - %d pixels' % (pix_scale, sa[0])) plt.ylabel('%dy - %d pixels' % (pix_scale, sa[0])) plt.savefig(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, fig_dir, 'image_plane%s.png' % name)) image_indexes_pred = np.where(image_plane[name] > threshold) image_coords_pred[name] = np.array( [x[image_indexes_pred], y[image_indexes_pred]]) print(name, image_coords_pred[name]) colors = (col for col in ['#1f77b4', '#2ca02c', '#9467bd', '#17becf', '#e377c2', 'lime']) markers = (marker for marker in ['x', 'o', '*', '+', 'v', 'D']) fig = plt.figure('image_and_position', figsize=(13, 13)) plot_image(fits_file, figname='image_and_position') plt.xlim(sa[0], sa[1]) plt.ylim(sa[0], sa[1]) for name in names: plt.scatter(img_xobs[name], img_yobs[name], marker=next(markers), c='white', label="%s obs" % name, alpha=0.8) plt.scatter(image_coords_pred[name][0], image_coords_pred[name][1], marker='.', alpha=0.5, c=next(colors), label=name) plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.savefig( os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, fig_dir, 'image_with_predicted_image_plane.png'))
def macs0451_multiple_sources(): fig_dir = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'Figures/penalise1MACS0451_multiple_sis_model_log') if not os.path.exists(fig_dir): os.makedirs(fig_dir) fits_file = '/home/djm241/PycharmProjects/StrongLensing/data/MACS0451/MACS0451_F110W.fits' if not os.path.isfile(fits_file): fits_file = '/Users/danmuth/PycharmProjects/StrongLensing/data/MACS0451/MACS0451_F110W.fits' sa = (2000, 4500) pix_scale = 10. img_name = '' z_lens = 0.43 img_xobs, img_yobs, d, init = OrderedDict(), OrderedDict(), OrderedDict(), OrderedDict() img_xobs['A'] = np.array([2375.942110, 2378.5, 2379.816610, 2381.299088, 2384, 2385.927991, 2389.555816, 2457.694760, 2450.744242, 2442.833333, 2437.857924, 2433.064587, 2427.166666, 2424.099866, 2418.5, 2416.444081, 2462]) img_yobs['A'] = np.array([3038.016677, 3024, 3012.367933, 2999.365293, 2983.5, 2970.435199, 2955.945319, 2737.545077, 2752.305849, 2766.166666, 2782.058508, 2795.293450, 2811.166666, 2823.079067, 2837.5, 2846.943113, 2728]) d['A'] = scale_einstein_radius(z_lens=z_lens, z_src=2.013) init['A'] = {'xsrc': 3.49212756e+03, 'ysrc': 3.08381379e+03, 'sigsrc': 8.06085547e+00} img_xobs['B'] = np.array([3276.693717, 3261.382557, 3427.351819, 3417.043471, 3497.163625, 3486.371962]) img_yobs['B'] = np.array([3482.795501, 3482.854177, 2592.719350, 2590.191799, 3075.107748, 3069.305065]) d['B'] = scale_einstein_radius(z_lens=z_lens, z_src=1.405) init['B'] = {'xsrc': 3.00192697e+03, 'ysrc': 2.96770223e+03, 'sigsrc': 2.17208719e+00} img_xobs['11'] = np.array([3557.178601, 3548.271886, 3541.407488]) img_yobs['11'] = np.array([3363.943860, 3375.285957, 3385.515024]) d['11'] = scale_einstein_radius(z_lens=z_lens, z_src=2.06) init['11'] = {'xsrc': 3034, 'ysrc': 3053, 'sigsrc': 3.} img_xobs['31'] = np.array([2933.063074, 2943.400421, 2890.687234, 2878.906523]) img_yobs['31'] = np.array([3393.715824, 3398.196336, 3044.431729, 3042.460964]) d['31'] = scale_einstein_radius(z_lens=z_lens, z_src=1.904) init['31'] = {'xsrc': 3034, 'ysrc': 3053, 'sigsrc': 3.} img_xobs['41'] = np.array([3222.796159, 3227.700108]) img_yobs['41'] = np.array([3550.903781, 3542.180780]) d['41'] = scale_einstein_radius(z_lens=z_lens, z_src=1.810) init['41'] = {'xsrc': 3034, 'ysrc': 3053, 'sigsrc': 3.} img_xobs['C'] = np.array([3799.999263, 3794.5, 3863.057095, 3861.1]) img_yobs['C'] = np.array([3358.972702, 3367.9, 3059.195359, 3069.9]) d['C'] = scale_einstein_radius(z_lens=z_lens, z_src=2.0) init['C'] = {'xsrc': 3034, 'ysrc': 3053, 'sigsrc': 3.} names = img_xobs.keys() # Define source positions as a Guassian surface brightness profile X1, Y1, Q1, P1, S1, srcs = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} pars, cov = [], [] for name in names: X1[name] = pymc.Uniform('X1%s' % name, 2300., 3900., value=init[name]['xsrc']) Y1[name] = pymc.Uniform('Y1%s' % name, 2300., 3900., value=init[name]['ysrc']) Q1[name] = pymc.Uniform('Q1%s' % name, 1., 1., value=1.) P1[name] = pymc.Uniform('P1%s' % name, 0., 0., value=0.) S1[name] = pymc.Uniform('N1%s' % name, 0., 10., value=init[name]['sigsrc']) srcs[name] = SBObjects.Gauss('', {'x': X1[name], 'y': Y1[name], 'q': Q1[name],'pa': P1[name], 'sigma': S1[name]}) pars += [X1[name], Y1[name], S1[name]] # List of parameters cov += [400., 400., 1.5] # List of initial `scatter' for emcee # Define overall lens SIE mass model LX = pymc.Uniform('lx', 3100., 3500., value=3.29213154e+03) LY = pymc.Uniform('ly', 2850., 3150., value=3.04899548e+03) LB = pymc.Uniform('lb', 100., 3000., value=2.56554040e+02) LQ = pymc.Uniform('lq', 0.01, 1., value=1.24379589e-01) LP = pymc.Uniform('lp', -180., 180., value=5.67806821e+00) lens = MassModels.SIE('', {'x': LX, 'y': LY, 'b': LB, 'q': LQ, 'pa': LP}) lenses = [lens] pars = [LX, LY, LB, LQ, LP] cov = [400., 400., 400., 0.3, 50.] # Define individual lens models for each major light source that are in the same section on the color magnitude plot masses_pos = [(2965.5288, 1933.9563), (2049.9021, 2192.387), (3141.9883, 2217.7527), (4607.7075, 2167.5984), (3549.3555, 2162.8872), (2068.0742, 2216.7585), (4268.5576, 2319.8298), (4663.2427, 2328.0593), (3323.5115, 2425.0659), (2221.5608, 2512.1736), (2950.5073, 2629.0552), (2981.6868, 2652.0073), (2033.7075, 2788.6877), (1949.4614, 2728.1226), (4241.4492, 2750.6653), (3361.4163, 2940.6357), (3173.2246, 2941.2471), (4516.8184, 2908.7585), (3382.9978, 2781.5076), (2898.4788, 2840.1252), (1942.7456, 2877.2471), (2899.8923, 2899.4895), (4041.6626, 2880.5015), (4162.7109, 2886.1875), (3989.6919, 2935.3879), (3303.6855, 2938.9148), (3968.1621, 2968.2993), (4613.0122, 2897.4099), (4649.1987, 2862.4167), (3261.9656, 2921.2605), (3386.9814, 2911.084), (3414.7791, 2936.4338), (2298.7419, 2965.8403), (3427.4221, 3072.7476), (3227.8262, 3095.5388), (3275.3184, 3263.1567), (4284.9653, 3240.2017), (3227.1746, 3250.7136), (2487.8906, 3230.6677), (2559.6587, 3186.9429), (2017.4875, 3195.2239), (2740.4167, 3208.8381), (3146.053, 3237.4194), (2401.4067, 3203.291), (2808.7485, 3427.9224), (4322.1392, 3317.6938), (3397.1904, 3356.5364), (3074.5276, 3448.4421), (3954.7253, 3590.8535), (3116.0625, 3523.1008), (2640.4075, 3624.4426), (3082.8025, 3548.231), (4583.7495, 3697.9534), (2768.9014, 3617.7961), (2639.042, 3615.2815), (2255.7852, 3900.9021), (2476.9795, 4028.5874)] masses_flux = np.array([378.1141, 1527.1989999999998, 773.9109, 294.5334, 275.1775, 346.9561, 780.823, 201.5256, 244.387, 391.2144, 954.7488, 273.3743, 2777.741, 636.8357, 317.5356, 2693.8559999999998, 3436.873, 1680.48, 219.1088, 591.2639, 624.871, 590.7428, 695.0563, 485.1097, 901.0128, 947.5237, 939.0687, 290.4246, 226.5177, 717.8644, 325.5481, 285.941, 266.1354, 232.6961, 257.5104, 1943.4389999999999, 957.1483, 1277.3110000000001, 821.7504, 362.3544, 343.2694, 381.5304, 260.1786, 306.7749, 1675.8770000000002, 442.8735, 549.5866, 910.3147, 979.7011, 389.7068, 707.3599, 433.32599999999996, 1193.312, 204.4583, 218.7119, 451.3262, 333.3452]) masses_flux = masses_flux/200. print(masses_flux) flux_dependent_b = True if flux_dependent_b: # ------> b_sis = slope * flux ** 8 + intercept <-------- # slope = pymc.Uniform('slope', 0., 1000., value=1.53454884e+01) intercept = pymc.Uniform('intercept', -100., 1000., value=-7.22002250e-02) # n = pymc.Uniform('n', 0., 10., value=4.) pars += [slope, intercept] cov += [5., 5.] cov = np.array(cov) for (lx, ly), flux in zip(masses_pos, masses_flux): LX = pymc.Uniform('lx', 1000., 5000., value=lx) LY = pymc.Uniform('ly', 1000., 5000., value=ly) LB = slope * np.log(flux) + intercept lens = MassModels.SIS('', {'x': LX, 'y': LY, 'b': LB}) lenses += [lens] else: for lx, ly in masses_pos: LX = pymc.Uniform('lx', 1000., 5000., value=lx) LY = pymc.Uniform('ly', 1000., 5000., value=ly) LB = pymc.Uniform('lb', 0., 2000., value=50.) lens = MassModels.SIS('', {'x': LX, 'y': LY, 'b': LB}) lenses += [lens] pars += [LB] cov += [30.] cov = np.array(cov) nwalkers = 200 nsteps = 500 burn = 100 best_lens = [ 3.29213154e+03, 3.04899548e+03, 2.56554040e+02, 1.24379589e-01, 5.67806821e+00, 1.53454884e+01, -7.22002250e-02] # plot_source_and_pred_lens_positions(best_lens, img_xobs, img_yobs, d, fig_dir, threshold=0.01, plotimage=True, fits_file=fits_file, mass_pos=masses_pos, flux_dependent_b=flux_dependent_b, masses_flux=masses_flux, sa=sa, pix_scale=pix_scale) run_mcmc(img_xobs, img_yobs, fig_dir, d, lenses, srcs, pars, cov, nwalkers=nwalkers, nsteps=nsteps, burn=burn, fits_file=fits_file, img_name=img_name, mass_pos=masses_pos, flux_dependent_b=flux_dependent_b, masses_flux=masses_flux, threshold=0.01, sa=sa, pix_scale=pix_scale)
def plot_source_and_pred_lens_positions(pars, img_xobs, img_yobs, d, fig_dir, threshold=0.01, plotimage=False, fits_file=None, mass_pos=None, flux_dependent_b=False, masses_flux=None, sa=(2000, 4500), pix_scale=10.): if plotimage: fig = plt.figure('image_and_position', figsize=(13, 13)) plot_image(fits_file, figname='image_and_position') names = img_xobs.keys() xsrc, ysrc, sigsrc = {}, {}, {} for i, name in enumerate(names): xsrc[name], ysrc[name], sigsrc[name] = pars[3 * i: 3 * (i + 1)] xlens, ylens, blens, qlens, plens = pars[-7:-2] # Define source positions as a Guassian surface brightness profile X1, Y1, Q1, P1, S1, srcs = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} for name in names: X1[name] = pymc.Uniform('X1%s' % name, 0., 5000., value=xsrc[name]) Y1[name] = pymc.Uniform('Y1%s' % name, 0., 5000., value=ysrc[name]) Q1[name] = pymc.Uniform('Q1%s' % name, 0.2, 1., value=1.) P1[name] = pymc.Uniform('P1%s' % name, -180., 180., value=0.) S1[name] = pymc.Uniform('N1%s' % name, 0., 10000., value=sigsrc[name]) srcs[name] = SBObjects.Gauss('', {'x': X1[name], 'y': Y1[name], 'q': Q1[name],'pa': P1[name], 'sigma': S1[name]}) # Define lens mass model LX = pymc.Uniform('lx', 0., 5000., value=xlens) LY = pymc.Uniform('ly', 0., 5000., value=ylens) LB = pymc.Uniform('lb', 0., 5000., value=blens) LQ = pymc.Uniform('lq', 0., 1., value=qlens) LP = pymc.Uniform('lp', -180., 180., value=plens) lens = MassModels.SIE('', {'x': LX, 'y': LY, 'b': LB, 'q': LQ, 'pa': LP}) lenses = [lens] if flux_dependent_b: for (lx, ly), flux in zip(mass_pos, masses_flux): slope, intercept = pars[-2:] LX = pymc.Uniform('lx', 0., 5000., value=lx) LY = pymc.Uniform('ly', 0., 5000., value=ly) LB = slope * np.log(flux) + intercept lens = MassModels.SIS('', {'x': LX, 'y': LY, 'b': LB}) lenses += [lens] print('lens einstein radius', lens.b) else: for b, (lx, ly) in zip(pars[-2:], mass_pos): LX = pymc.Uniform('lx', 0., 5000., value=lx) LY = pymc.Uniform('ly', 0., 5000., value=ly) LB = pymc.Uniform('lb', 0., 5000., value=b) lens = MassModels.SIS('', {'x': LX, 'y': LY, 'b': LB}) lenses += [lens] print('lens einstein radius', lens.b) colors = (col for col in ['#1f77b4', '#2ca02c', '#9467bd', '#17becf', '#e377c2', '#ADFF2F']) markers = (marker for marker in ['x', 'o', '*', '+', 'v', 'D']) x_src, y_src = {}, {} image_plane, image_coords_pred = {}, {} X1, Y1, Q1, P1, S1, srcs = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(sa[0], sa[1], pix_scale), np.arange(sa[0], sa[1], pix_scale)) plt.xlim(sa[0], sa[1]) plt.ylim(sa[0], sa[1]) for name in names: plt.figure('image_and_position') col = next(colors) plt.scatter(img_xobs[name], img_yobs[name], marker=next(markers), c='white', label="%s obs" % name, alpha=0.8) plt.scatter(x_src[name], y_src[name], marker='.', alpha=0.5, c=col, label="%s pred src" % name) # Get Image plane x_src_all, y_src_all = pylens.getDeflections(lenses, [x, y], d=d[name]) image_plane[name] = srcs[name].pixeval(x_src_all, y_src_all) image_indexes_pred = np.where(image_plane[name] > threshold) image_coords_pred[name] = np.array([x[image_indexes_pred], y[image_indexes_pred]]) image_plane_norm = (image_plane[name] - image_plane[name].min())/(image_plane[name].max() - image_plane[name].min()) rgba = np.zeros((len(image_coords_pred[name][0]), 4)) rgba[:, 0:3] = list(int(col[i:i+2], 16)/256. for i in (1, 3, 5)) rgba[:, 3] = 0.8 * np.array(image_plane_norm[image_indexes_pred]) plt.scatter(image_coords_pred[name][0], image_coords_pred[name][1], marker='x', color=rgba, label="%s pred img" % name) plt.figure(name) plt.title(name) plt.imshow(image_plane[name], interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') print(x_src, y_src) plt.figure('image_and_position') plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.savefig(os.path.join(fig_dir, 'image_with_contours_and_images.png'))
def plot_source_and_pred_lens_positions(pars, img_xobs, img_yobs, d, fig_dir, threshold=0.01, plotimage=False, fits_file=None): if plotimage: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13, 13)) plot_image(fits_file, fig) names = img_xobs.keys() try: xlens, ylens, blens, qlens, plens = pars bshear, pshear = 0., 0. except ValueError: # includes shear xlens, ylens, blens, qlens, plens, bshear, pshear = pars # Define lens mass model LX = pymc.Uniform('lx', 0., 5000., value=xlens) LY = pymc.Uniform('ly', 0., 5000., value=ylens) LB = pymc.Uniform('lb', 0., 5000., value=blens) LQ = pymc.Uniform('lq', 0.2, 1., value=qlens) LP = pymc.Uniform('lp', -180., 180., value=plens) XB = pymc.Uniform('xb', -200., 200., value=bshear) XP = pymc.Uniform('xp', -180., 180., value=pshear) lens = MassModels.SIE('', {'x': LX, 'y': LY, 'b': LB, 'q': LQ, 'pa': LP}) lenses = [lens] if len(pars) == 7: shear = MassModels.ExtShear('',{'x':LX,'y':LY,'b':XB,'pa':XP}) lenses += [shear] colors = (col for col in ['#1f77b4', '#2ca02c', '#9467bd', '#17becf', '#e377c2', 'lime']) markers = (marker for marker in ['x', 'o', '*', '+', 'v', 'D']) x_src, y_src = {}, {} image_plane, image_coords_pred = {}, {} X1, Y1, Q1, P1, S1, srcs = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} print(float(lens.x), float(lens.y), float(lens.b), float(lens.q), float( sa = (2000, 4500) pix_scale = 10. x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(sa[0], sa[1], pix_scale), np.arange(sa[0], sa[1], pix_scale)) plt.xlim(sa[0], sa[1]) plt.ylim(sa[0], sa[1]) for name in names: x_src[name], y_src[name] = pylens.getDeflections(lenses, [img_xobs[name], img_yobs[name]], d[name]) xs = np.median(x_src[name]) ys = np.median(y_src[name]) lnlike = -0.5 * (x_src[name].var() + y_src[name].var()) print(float(lens.x), float(lens.y), float(lens.b), float(lens.q), float( print(name, xs, ys, lnlike) col = next(colors) plt.scatter(img_xobs[name], img_yobs[name], marker=next(markers), c='white', label="%s obs" % name, alpha=0.8) plt.scatter(x_src[name], y_src[name], marker='.', alpha=0.5, c=col, label="%s pred src" % name) # CALC IMG POS # Assume gaussian surface brightness at (xs, ys) X1[name] = pymc.Uniform('X1%s' % name, 0., 5000., value=xs) Y1[name] = pymc.Uniform('Y1%s' % name, 0., 5000., value=ys) Q1[name] = pymc.Uniform('Q1%s' % name, 0.2, 1., value=1.) P1[name] = pymc.Uniform('P1%s' % name, -180., 180., value=0.) S1[name] = pymc.Uniform('N1%s' % name, 0., 10000., value=6.) srcs[name] = SBObjects.Gauss('', {'x': X1[name], 'y': Y1[name], 'q': Q1[name], 'pa': P1[name], 'sigma': S1[name]}) # Get Image plane x_src_all, y_src_all = pylens.getDeflections(lenses, [x, y], d=d[name]) image_plane[name] = srcs[name].pixeval(x_src_all, y_src_all) image_indexes_pred = np.where(image_plane[name] > threshold) image_coords_pred[name] = np.array([x[image_indexes_pred], y[image_indexes_pred]]) plt.scatter(image_coords_pred[name][0], image_coords_pred[name][1], marker='x', alpha=0.5, c=col, label="%s pred img" % name) print(x_src, y_src) plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.savefig(os.path.join(fig_dir, 'image_with_contours_and_images.png'))
def macs0451_multiple_sources(): fig_dir = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'Figures/MACS0451_min_src_pos_var_getlenspy_with_shear/') if not os.path.exists(fig_dir): os.makedirs(fig_dir) fits_file = '/home/djm241/PycharmProjects/StrongLensing/data/MACS0451/MACS0451_F110W.fits' if not os.path.isfile(fits_file): fits_file = '/Users/danmuth/PycharmProjects/StrongLensing/data/MACS0451/MACS0451_F110W.fits' img_name = '_multiple_sources' z_lens = 0.43 img_xobs, img_yobs, d = OrderedDict(), OrderedDict(), OrderedDict() img_xobs['A'] = np.array([2375.942110, 2378.5, 2379.816610, 2381.299088, 2384, 2385.927991, 2389.555816, 2457.694760, 2450.744242, 2442.833333, 2437.857924, 2433.064587, 2427.166666, 2424.099866, 2418.5, 2416.444081, 2462]) img_yobs['A'] = np.array([3038.016677, 3024, 3012.367933, 2999.365293, 2983.5, 2970.435199, 2955.945319, 2737.545077, 2752.305849, 2766.166666, 2782.058508, 2795.293450, 2811.166666, 2823.079067, 2837.5, 2846.943113, 2728]) d['A'] = scale_einstein_radius(z_lens=z_lens, z_src=2.013) img_xobs['B'] = np.array([3276.693717, 3261.382557, 3427.351819, 3417.043471, 3497.163625, 3486.371962]) img_yobs['B'] = np.array([3482.795501, 3482.854177, 2592.719350, 2590.191799, 3075.107748, 3069.305065]) d['B'] = scale_einstein_radius(z_lens=z_lens, z_src=1.405) img_xobs['11'] = np.array([3557.178601, 3548.271886, 3541.407488]) img_yobs['11'] = np.array([3363.943860, 3375.285957, 3385.515024]) d['11'] = scale_einstein_radius(z_lens=z_lens, z_src=2.06) img_xobs['31'] = np.array([2933.063074, 2943.400421, 2890.687234, 2878.906523]) img_yobs['31'] = np.array([3393.715824, 3398.196336, 3044.431729, 3042.460964]) d['31'] = scale_einstein_radius(z_lens=z_lens, z_src=1.904) img_xobs['41'] = np.array([3222.796159, 3227.700108]) img_yobs['41'] = np.array([3550.903781, 3542.180780]) d['41'] = scale_einstein_radius(z_lens=z_lens, z_src=1.810) img_xobs['C'] = np.array([3799.999263, 3794.5, 3863.057095, 3861.1]) img_yobs['C'] = np.array([3358.972702, 3367.9, 3059.195359, 3069.9]) d['C'] = scale_einstein_radius(z_lens=z_lens, z_src=2.0) # Define lens mass model LX = pymc.Uniform('lx', 2400., 4000., value=3.13876545e+03) LY = pymc.Uniform('ly', 2000., 3700., value=2.97884105e+03) LB = pymc.Uniform('lb', 10., 2000., value=1.50779124e+03) LQ = pymc.Uniform('lq', 0.2, 1., value=4.90424861e-01) LP = pymc.Uniform('lp', -180., 180., value=1.04010643e+02) XB = pymc.Uniform('xb', -200., 200., value=0.) XP = pymc.Uniform('xp', -180., 180., value=0.) lens = MassModels.SIE('', {'x': LX, 'y': LY, 'b': LB, 'q': LQ, 'pa': LP}) shear = MassModels.ExtShear('', {'x': LX, 'y': LY, 'b': XB, 'pa': XP}) lenses = [lens] pars = [LX, LY, LB, LQ, LP] cov = [400., 400., 400., 0.3, 50.] lenses += [shear] pars += [XB, XP] cov += [40., 30.] cov = np.array(cov) nwalkers = 500 nsteps = 30000 burn = 500 best_lens = [ 3.21895080e+03, 3.03726175e+03, 6.67192222e+02, 2.26586238e-01, 5.91357933e+00] # plot_source_and_pred_lens_positions(best_lens, img_xobs, img_yobs, d, fig_dir, threshold=0.01, plotimage=True, fits_file=fits_file) run_mcmc(img_xobs, img_yobs, fig_dir, d, lenses, pars, cov, nwalkers=nwalkers, nsteps=nsteps, burn=burn, fits_file=fits_file, img_name=img_name)