Ejemplo n.º 1
    def to_bytes(self):
        Create bytes from properties
        # Verify that the properties make sense

        # Write the version
        bitstream = BitStream('uint:4=%d' % self.version)

        # Write the header length
        options_len = math.ceil(len(self.options) / 4.0)
        bitstream += BitStream('uint:4=%d' % (5 + options_len))

        # Write the type of service
        bitstream += BitStream('uint:8=%d' % self.tos)

        # Write the total length
        payload_bytes = bytes(self.payload)
        total_length = 20 + len(payload_bytes)
        bitstream += BitStream('uint:16=%d' % total_length)

        # Write the identification
        bitstream += BitStream('uint:16=%d' % self.identification)

        # Write the flags
        bitstream += BitStream('bool=False, bool=%d, '
                               'bool=%d' % (self.dont_fragment,

        # Write the fragment offset
        bitstream += BitStream('uint:13=%d' % self.fragment_offset)

        # Write the TTL
        bitstream += BitStream('uint:8=%d' % self.ttl)

        # Write the protocol number
        bitstream += BitStream('uint:8=%d' % self.protocol)

        # Write the header checksum as 0 for now, we calculate it later
        bitstream += BitStream('uint:16=0')

        # Write the source and destination addresses
        bitstream += BitStream('uint:32=%d, '
                               'uint:32=%d' % (int(self.source),

        # Add the options
        bitstream += BitStream(bytes=self.options)
        padding_len = (4 - (len(self.options) % 4)) % 4
        bitstream += BitStream(padding_len * 8)

        # Calculate the header checksum and fill it in
        my_checksum = checksum.ones_complement(bitstream.bytes)
        bitstream[80:96] = BitStream('uint:16=%d' % my_checksum)

        return bitstream.bytes + payload_bytes
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def calculate_checksum(self, source, destination):
        # Calculate the pseudo-header for the checksum calculation
        pseudo_header = self.generate_pseudo_header(source, destination)

        # Remember the current checksum, generate a message and restore the
        # original checksum
        old_checksum = self.checksum
        self.checksum = 0
        message = self.to_bytes()
        self.checksum = old_checksum

        # Calculate the checksum
        my_checksum = checksum.ones_complement(pseudo_header + message)

        # If the computed checksum is zero, it is transmitted as all ones (the
        # equivalent in one's complement arithmetic).  An all zero transmitted
        # checksum value means that the transmitter generated no checksum (for
        # debugging or for higher level protocols that don't care).
        if my_checksum == 0:
            my_checksum = 0xffff

        return my_checksum
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def from_bytes(cls, bitstream, decode_payload=True):
        Parse the given packet and update properties accordingly
        packet = cls()

        # Convert to ConstBitStream (if not already provided)
        if not isinstance(bitstream, ConstBitStream):
            if isinstance(bitstream, Bits):
                bitstream = ConstBitStream(auto=bitstream)
                bitstream = ConstBitStream(bytes=bitstream)

        # Read the version
        version = bitstream.read('uint:4')
        if version != packet.version:
            raise ValueError('Provided bytes do not contain an IPv4 packet')

        # Read the header length
        ihl = bitstream.read('uint:4')
        if ihl < 5:
            raise ValueError('Invalid IPv4 header length')

        # Now that we know the length of the header we store it to be able
        # to easily recalculate the header checksum later
        remaining_header_bits = (ihl * 32) - 8
        header = (BitStream('uint:4=4, uint:4=%d' % ihl) +

        # Read the type of service
        packet.tos = bitstream.read('uint:8')

        # Read the total length
        total_length = bitstream.read('uint:16')
        if total_length < ihl * 4:
            raise ValueError('Total length is shorter than the header')

        # Read the identification
        packet.identification = bitstream.read('uint:16')

        # Read the flags
         packet.more_fragments) = bitstream.readlist('3*bool')

        if reserved:
            raise ValueError('Reserved flag must be 0')

        # Read the fragment offset
        packet.fragment_offset = bitstream.read('uint:13')

        # Read the TTL
        packet.ttl = bitstream.read('uint:8')

        # Read the protocol number
        packet.protocol = bitstream.read('uint:8')

        # Read the header checksum
        header_checksum = bitstream.read('uint:16')

        # Set the checksum bits in the header to 0 and re-calculate
        header[80:96] = BitStream(16)
        my_checksum = checksum.ones_complement(header.bytes)

        if my_checksum != header_checksum:
            raise ValueError('Header checksum does not match')

        # Read the source and destination addresses
        packet.source = IPv4Address(bitstream.read('uint:32'))
        packet.destination = IPv4Address(bitstream.read('uint:32'))

        # Read the options
        option_len = (ihl - 5) * 4
        packet.options = bitstream.read('bytes:%d' % option_len)

        # And the rest is payload
        payload_bytes = (total_length) - (ihl * 4)
        packet.payload = bitstream.read('bytes:%d' % payload_bytes)

        if decode_payload:
            payload_class = protocol_registry.get_type_class(packet.protocol)
            if payload_class:
                packet.payload = payload_class.from_bytes(packet.payload)

        # There should be no remaining bits
        if bitstream.pos != bitstream.len:
            raise ValueError('Bits remaining after processing packet')

        # Verify that the properties make sense

        return packet