Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_find_encyclopedic_informations(self):
     # Create several definitions
     def1 = Definition()
     def2 = Definition()
     self.sense.definition = [def1, def2]
     # Create several statements with different encyclopedic informations and languages
     state1 = Statement().set_encyclopedicInformation("info1", "eng")
     state2 = Statement().set_encyclopedicInformation("info2", "fra")
     state3 = Statement().set_encyclopedicInformation("info3", "eng")
     self.sense.definition[0].statement = [state1, state2]
     self.sense.definition[1].statement = [state3]
     # Test find encyclopedic informations
     # List is randomly ordered => create a set to avoid random results
             state1.encyclopedicInformation, state3.encyclopedicInformation
     # Release created instances
     del self.sense.definition[0].statement[:]
     del self.sense.definition[1].statement[:]
     del state1, state2, state3
     del self.sense.definition[:]
     del def1, def2
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_add_statement(self):
     # Create statements
     state1 = Statement()
     state2 = Statement()
     # Test add statements to the definition
     self.assertIs(self.definition.add_statement(state1), self.definition)
     self.assertListEqual(self.definition.statement, [state1])
     self.assertIs(self.definition.add_statement(state2), self.definition)
     self.assertListEqual(self.definition.statement, [state1, state2])
     # Release Statement instances
     del self.definition.statement[:]
     del state1, state2
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_get_statements(self):
     # List of Statement instances is empty
     self.assertListEqual(self.definition.get_statements(), [])
     # Create Statement instances and add them to the list
     state1 = Statement()
     state2 = Statement()
     self.definition.statement = [state1, state2]
     # Test get statements
                          [state1, state2])
     # Delete Statement instances
     del self.definition.statement[:]
     del state1, state2
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_get_etymology_comment(self):
     comment = "etymology"
     # Create definition and add it to the sense
     definition = Definition()
     self.sense.definition = [definition]
     # Create a statement and add it to the definition
     state = Statement()
     self.sense.definition[0].statement = [state]
     # Set etymology
     self.sense.definition[0].statement[0].etymologyComment = comment
     # Test get etymology
     self.assertEqual(self.sense.get_etymology_comment(), comment)
     # Test with a language filter
     language = "eng"
     self.sense.definition[0].statement[0].termSourceLanguage = language
     # Release created instances
     del self.sense.definition[0].statement[:]
     del state
     del self.sense.definition[:]
     del definition
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_find_notes(self):
     # Create several statements with different notes, types and languages
     state1 = Statement().set_note("note1", "comparison", "eng")
     state2 = Statement().set_note("note2", "general", "fra")
     state3 = Statement().set_note("note3", "comparison")
     state4 = Statement().set_note("note4", "history")
     # Add statements to the definition
     self.definition.statement = [state1, state2, state3, state4]
     # Test find notes
     # List is randomly ordered => create a set to avoid random results
                      set([state1.note, state3.note]))
     # Release Statement instances
     del self.definition.statement[:]
     del state1, state2, state3, state4
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_find_restrictions(self):
     # Create several statements with different restrictions and languages
     state1 = Statement().set_restriction("only1", "eng")
     state2 = Statement().set_restriction("only2", "fra")
     state3 = Statement().set_restriction("only3", "eng")
     state4 = Statement().set_restriction("only4")
     # Add statements to the definition
     self.definition.statement = [state1, state2, state3, state4]
     # Test find usage notes
     # List is randomly ordered => create a set to avoid random results
                      set([state1.restriction, state3.restriction]))
     # Release Statement instances
     del self.definition.statement[:]
     del state1, state2, state3, state4
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_find_encyclopedic_informations(self):
     # Create several statements with different encyclopedic informations and languages
     state1 = Statement().set_encyclopedicInformation("info1", "eng")
     state2 = Statement().set_encyclopedicInformation("info2", "fra")
     state3 = Statement().set_encyclopedicInformation("info3", "eng")
     state4 = Statement().set_encyclopedicInformation("info4")
     # Add statements to the definition
     self.definition.statement = [state1, state2, state3, state4]
     # Test find usage notes
     # List is randomly ordered => create a set to avoid random results
             state1.encyclopedicInformation, state3.encyclopedicInformation
     # Release Statement instances
     del self.definition.statement[:]
     del state1, state2, state3, state4
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_find_notes(self):
     # Create several definitions
     def1 = Definition()
     def2 = Definition()
     self.sense.definition = [def1, def2]
     # Create several statements with different notes and types
     state1 = Statement().set_note("note1", "comparison")
     state2 = Statement().set_note("note2", "general")
     state3 = Statement().set_note("note3", "comparison")
     self.sense.definition[0].statement = [state1, state2]
     self.sense.definition[1].statement = [state3]
     # Test find notes
     self.assertListEqual(self.sense.find_notes("general"), [state2.note])
     # List is randomly ordered => create a set to avoid random results
                      set([state1.note, state3.note]))
     # Release created instances
     del self.sense.definition[0].statement[:]
     del self.sense.definition[1].statement[:]
     del state1, state2, state3
     del self.sense.definition[:]
     del def1, def2
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_get_etymology_source(self):
     source = "etymology"
     # Create a statement
     state = Statement()
     # Add statement to the definition
     self.definition.statement = [state]
     # Set etymology source
     self.definition.statement[0].etymologySource = source
     # Test get etymology source
     self.assertEqual(self.definition.get_etymology_source(), source)
     # Release Statement instance
     del self.definition.statement[:]
     del state
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_get_scientific_name(self):
     name = "Maximus"
     # Create a statement
     state = Statement()
     # Add statement to the definition
     self.definition.statement = [state]
     # Set scientific name
     self.definition.statement[0].scientificName = name
     # Test get scientific name
     self.assertEqual(self.definition.get_scientific_name(), name)
     # Release Statement instance
     del self.definition.statement[:]
     del state
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def test_get_writtenForm(self):
     form = "written"
     # Create a statement
     state = Statement()
     # Add statement to the definition
     self.definition.statement = [state]
     # Set written form
     self.definition.statement[0].writtenForm = form
     # Test get written form
     self.assertEqual(self.definition.get_written_form(), form)
     # Release Statement instance
     del self.definition.statement[:]
     del state
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_get_etymology_gloss(self):
     gloss = "GLOSS"
     # Create a statement
     state = Statement()
     # Add statement to the definition
     self.definition.statement = [state]
     # Set etymology gloss
     self.definition.statement[0].etymologyGloss = gloss
     # Test get etymology gloss
     self.assertEqual(self.definition.get_etymology_gloss(), gloss)
     # Release Statement instance
     del self.definition.statement[:]
     del state
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_get_etymology(self):
     etymology = "etymology"
     # Create a statement
     state = Statement()
     # Add statement to the definition
     self.definition.statement = [state]
     # Set etymology
     self.definition.statement[0].etymology = etymology
     # Test get etymology
     self.assertEqual(self.definition.get_etymology(), etymology)
     # Release Statement instance
     del self.definition.statement[:]
     del state
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_get_borrowed_word(self):
     word = "borrowed"
     # Create a statement
     state = Statement()
     # Add statement to the definition
     self.definition.statement = [state]
     # Set borrowed word
     self.definition.statement[0].borrowedWord = word
     # Test get borrowed word
     self.assertEqual(self.definition.get_borrowed_word(), word)
     # Release Statement instance
     del self.definition.statement[:]
     del state
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_find_usage_notes(self):
     # Create several definitions
     def1 = Definition()
     def2 = Definition()
     self.sense.definition = [def1, def2]
     # Create several statements with different usage notes and languages
     state1 = Statement().set_usageNote("note1", "eng")
     state2 = Statement().set_usageNote("note2", "fra")
     state3 = Statement().set_usageNote("note3", "eng")
     self.sense.definition[0].statement = [state1, state2]
     self.sense.definition[1].statement = [state3]
     # Test find usage notes
     # List is randomly ordered => create a set to avoid random results
                      set([state1.usageNote, state3.usageNote]))
     # Release created instances
     del self.sense.definition[0].statement[:]
     del self.sense.definition[1].statement[:]
     del state1, state2, state3
     del self.sense.definition[:]
     del def1, def2
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def test_get_borrowed_word(self):
     word = "borrowed"
     # Create definition and add it to the sense
     definition = Definition()
     self.sense.definition = [definition]
     # Create a statement and add it to the definition
     state = Statement()
     self.sense.definition[0].statement = [state]
     # Set borrowed word
     self.sense.definition[0].statement[0].borrowedWord = word
     # Test get borrowed word
     self.assertEqual(self.sense.get_borrowed_word(), word)
     # Release created instances
     del self.sense.definition[0].statement[:]
     del state
     del self.sense.definition[:]
     del definition
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def test_get_writtenForm(self):
     form = "written"
     # Create definition and add it to the sense
     definition = Definition()
     self.sense.definition = [definition]
     # Create a statement and add it to the definition
     state = Statement()
     self.sense.definition[0].statement = [state]
     # Set written form
     self.sense.definition[0].statement[0].writtenForm = form
     # Test get written form
     self.assertEqual(self.sense.get_written_form(), form)
     # Release created instances
     del self.sense.definition[0].statement[:]
     del state
     del self.sense.definition[:]
     del definition
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def test_get_etymology_gloss(self):
     gloss = "GLOSS"
     # Create definition and add it to the sense
     definition = Definition()
     self.sense.definition = [definition]
     # Create a statement and add it to the definition
     state = Statement()
     self.sense.definition[0].statement = [state]
     # Set etymology
     self.sense.definition[0].statement[0].etymologyGloss = gloss
     # Test get etymology
     self.assertEqual(self.sense.get_etymology_gloss(), gloss)
     # Release created instances
     del self.sense.definition[0].statement[:]
     del state
     del self.sense.definition[:]
     del definition
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def test_get_etymology_source(self):
     source = "etymology"
     # Create definition and add it to the sense
     definition = Definition()
     self.sense.definition = [definition]
     # Create a statement and add it to the definition
     state = Statement()
     self.sense.definition[0].statement = [state]
     # Set etymology
     self.sense.definition[0].statement[0].etymologySource = source
     # Test get etymology
     self.assertEqual(self.sense.get_etymology_source(), source)
     # Release created instances
     del self.sense.definition[0].statement[:]
     del state
     del self.sense.definition[:]
     del definition
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def test_get_scientific_name(self):
     name = "Nameus"
     # Create definition and add it to the sense
     definition = Definition()
     self.sense.definition = [definition]
     # Create a statement and add it to the definition
     state = Statement()
     self.sense.definition[0].statement = [state]
     # Set scientific name
     self.sense.definition[0].statement[0].scientificName = name
     # Test get scientific name
     self.assertEqual(self.sense.get_scientific_name(), name)
     # Release created instances
     del self.sense.definition[0].statement[:]
     del state
     del self.sense.definition[:]
     del definition
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def test_get_etymology_comment(self):
     comment = "etymology"
     # Create a statement
     state = Statement()
     # Add statement to the definition
     self.definition.statement = [state]
     # Set etymology comment
     self.definition.statement[0].etymologyComment = comment
     # Test get etymology comment
     self.assertEqual(self.definition.get_etymology_comment(), comment)
     # Test with a language filter
     language = "eng"
     self.definition.statement[0].termSourceLanguage = language
             term_source_language=language), comment)
     # Release Statement instance
     del self.definition.statement[:]
     del state
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def setUp(self):
     # Instantiate a Statement object
     self.statement = Statement()
Ejemplo n.º 23
class TestStatementFunctions(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        # Instantiate a Statement object
        self.statement = Statement()

    def tearDown(self):
        # Release instantiated objects
        del self.statement

    def test_init(self):
        self.assertListEqual(self.statement.text_representation, [])

    def test_set_note(self):
        # Test note only
        note = "blablabla"
        self.assertIs(self.statement.set_note(note), self.statement)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.note, note)
        # Test note and type
        note = "This is a note."
        type = "discourse"
        self.assertIs(self.statement.set_note(note, type), self.statement)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.note, note)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.noteType, type)
        # Test note and language
        note = "This is another note."
        language = "eng"
        self.assertIs(self.statement.set_note(note, language=language), self.statement)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.note, note)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.language, language)
        # Test with type and language
        note = "note"
        type = "general"
        language = "fra"
        self.assertIs(self.statement.set_note(note, type, language), self.statement)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.note, note)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.noteType, type)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.language, language)

    def test_get_note(self):
        # Set note
        note = "whatever"
        self.statement.note = note
        # Test get note
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.get_note(), note)
        # Test with a type filter
        type = "anthropology"
        self.statement.noteType = type
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.get_note(type), note)
        # Test with a language filter
        language = "eng"
        self.statement.language = language
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.get_note(language=language), note)
        # Test with both filters
        type = "comment"
        language = "bla"
        self.statement.noteType = type
        self.statement.language = language
        self.assertIsNone(self.statement.get_note("usage", "eng"))
        self.assertIsNone(self.statement.get_note(type, "eng"))
        self.assertIsNone(self.statement.get_note("usage", language))
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.get_note(type, language), note)

    def test_set_language(self):
        lang = "Python"
        self.assertIs(self.statement.set_language(lang), self.statement)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.language, lang)

    def test_get_language(self):
        # Set language
        lang = "python"
        self.statement.language = lang
        # Test get language
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.get_language(), lang)

    def test_set_noteType(self):
        # Test error case
        # Test nominal case
        type = "phonology"
        self.assertIs(self.statement.set_noteType(type), self.statement)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.noteType, type)

    def test_get_noteType(self):
        # Set note type
        type = "whatever"
        self.statement.noteType = type
        # Test get note type
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.get_noteType(), type)

    def test_set_usageNote(self):
        # Test usage note only
        note = "blablabla"
        self.assertIs(self.statement.set_usageNote(note), self.statement)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.usageNote, note)
        # Test usage note and language
        note = "This is another usage note."
        language = "eng"
        self.assertIs(self.statement.set_usageNote(note, language=language), self.statement)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.usageNote, note)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.language, language)

    def test_get_usageNote(self):
        # Set usage note
        note = "whatever"
        self.statement.usageNote = note
        # Test get usage note
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.get_usageNote(), note)
        # Test with a language filter
        language = "eng"
        self.statement.language = language
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.get_usageNote(language=language), note)

    def test_set_encyclopedicInformation(self):
        # Test encyclopedic information only
        info = "blablabla"
        self.assertIs(self.statement.set_encyclopedicInformation(info), self.statement)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.encyclopedicInformation, info)
        # Test encyclopedic information and language
        info = "This is another encyclopedic information."
        language = "eng"
        self.assertIs(self.statement.set_encyclopedicInformation(info, language=language), self.statement)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.encyclopedicInformation, info)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.language, language)

    def test_get_encyclopedicInformation(self):
        # Set encyclopedic information
        info = "whatever"
        self.statement.encyclopedicInformation = info
        # Test get encyclopedic information
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.get_encyclopedicInformation(), info)
        # Test with a language filter
        language = "eng"
        self.statement.language = language
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.get_encyclopedicInformation(language=language), info)

    def test_set_restriction(self):
        # Test restriction only
        only = "blablabla"
        self.assertIs(self.statement.set_restriction(only), self.statement)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.restriction, only)
        # Test encyclopedic information and language
        only = "This is another restriction."
        language = "eng"
        self.assertIs(self.statement.set_restriction(only, language=language), self.statement)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.restriction, only)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.language, language)

    def test_get_restriction(self):
        # Set restriction
        only = "whatever"
        self.statement.restriction = only
        # Test get restriction
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.get_restriction(), only)
        # Test with a language filter
        language = "eng"
        self.statement.language = language
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.get_restriction(language=language), only)

    def test_set_borrowedWord(self):
        word = "borrowed"
        self.assertIs(self.statement.set_borrowedWord(word), self.statement)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.borrowedWord, word)

    def test_get_borrowedWord(self):
        # Set borrowed word
        word = "borrowed"
        self.statement.borrowedWord = word
        # Test get borrowed word
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.get_borrowedWord(), word)

    def test_set_writtenForm(self):
        form = "written"
        self.assertIs(self.statement.set_writtenForm(form), self.statement)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.writtenForm, form)

    def test_get_writtenForm(self):
        # Set written form
        form = "written"
        self.statement.writtenForm = form
        # Test get written form
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.get_writtenForm(), form)

    def test_set_etymology(self):
        etymology = "etymology"
        self.assertIs(self.statement.set_etymology(etymology), self.statement)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.etymology, etymology)

    def test_get_etymology(self):
        # Set etymology
        etymology = "etymology"
        self.statement.etymology = etymology
        # Test get etymology
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.get_etymology(), etymology)

    def test_set_etymologyComment(self):
        # Test etymology comment only
        comment = "etymology"
        self.assertIs(self.statement.set_etymologyComment(comment), self.statement)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.etymologyComment, comment)
        # Test etymology comment and language
        commentaire = "etymologie"
        langage = "fra"
        self.assertIs(self.statement.set_etymologyComment(commentaire, term_source_language=langage), self.statement)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.etymologyComment, commentaire)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.termSourceLanguage, langage)

    def test_get_etymologyComment(self):
        # Set etymology comment
        comment = "etymology"
        self.statement.etymologyComment = comment
        # Test get etymology
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.get_etymologyComment(), comment)
        # Test with a language filter
        language = "eng"
        self.statement.termSourceLanguage = language
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.get_etymologyComment(term_source_language=language), comment)

    def test_set_termSourceLanguage(self):
        lang = "source"
        self.assertIs(self.statement.set_termSourceLanguage(lang), self.statement)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.termSourceLanguage, lang)

    def test_get_termSourceLanguage(self):
        # Set language
        lang = "source"
        self.statement.termSourceLanguage = lang
        # Test get language
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.get_termSourceLanguage(), lang)

    def test_set_etymologyGloss(self):
        gloss = "GLOSS"
        self.assertIs(self.statement.set_etymologyGloss(gloss), self.statement)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.etymologyGloss, gloss)

    def test_get_etymologyGloss(self):
        # Set etymology gloss
        gloss = "GLOSS"
        self.statement.etymologyGloss = gloss
        # Test get etymology gloss
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.get_etymologyGloss(), gloss)

    def test_set_etymologySource(self):
        source = "etymology"
        self.assertIs(self.statement.set_etymologySource(source), self.statement)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.etymologySource, source)

    def test_get_etymologySource(self):
        # Set etymology source
        source = "etymology"
        self.statement.etymologySource = source
        # Test get etymology source
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.get_etymologySource(), source)

    def test_set_scientificName(self):
        name = "Latinus"
        self.assertIs(self.statement.set_scientificName(name), self.statement)
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.scientificName, name)

    def test_get_scientificName(self):
        # Set scientific name
        name = "Grecus"
        self.statement.scientificName = name
        # Test get scientific name
        self.assertEqual(self.statement.get_scientificName(), name)
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def create_statement(self):
     """! @brief Create a Statement instance.
     @return Statement instance.
     return Statement()