def _bootstrap_problem(A, k, minstepsize=1e-9):
    m, n = A.shape
    manifold = FixedRankEmbeeded(m, n, k)
    #solver = TrustRegions(maxiter=500, minstepsize=1e-6)
    solver = SteepestDescent(maxiter=500, minstepsize=minstepsize)
    #solver = ConjugateGradient(maxiter=500, minstepsize=minstepsize)
    return manifold, solver
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def fit(self):
        v_matrix_shape = (self.w_matrix.shape[0], self.w_matrix.shape[1])
        w_matrix = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.w_matrix, dtype=tf.float64)
        z_matrix = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.z_matrix, dtype=tf.float64)
        x_matrix = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.x_matrix, dtype=tf.float64)
        lambda_matrix = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.lambda_matrix,
        x = tf.Variable(
            initial_value=tf.ones(v_matrix_shape, dtype=tf.dtypes.float64))

        cost = tf.norm(x_matrix - tf.linalg.matmul(
            tf.linalg.matmul(x, lambda_matrix), tf.transpose(x))
                       ) + self.rho / 2 * tf.norm(x - w_matrix + z_matrix)

        manifold = Stiefel(v_matrix_shape[0], v_matrix_shape[1])
        problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost, arg=x)
        solver = SteepestDescent(logverbosity=self.verbosity)
        if self.verbosity > 2:
            v_optimal, _ = solver.solve(problem)
            v_optimal = solver.solve(problem)

        if self.verbosity > 2:
            print("==> WSubproblem ==> Showing v_optimal:")

        return v_optimal
Ejemplo n.º 3
def run(backend=SUPPORTED_BACKENDS[0], quiet=True):
    n = 128
    matrix = rnd.randn(n, n)
    matrix = 0.5 * (matrix + matrix.T)

    cost, egrad = create_cost_egrad(backend, matrix)
    manifold = Sphere(n)
    problem = pymanopt.Problem(manifold, cost=cost, egrad=egrad)
    if quiet:
        problem.verbosity = 0

    solver = SteepestDescent()
    estimated_dominant_eigenvector = solver.solve(problem)

    if quiet:

    # Calculate the actual solution by a conventional eigenvalue decomposition.
    eigenvalues, eigenvectors = la.eig(matrix)
    dominant_eigenvector = eigenvectors[:, np.argmax(eigenvalues)]

    # Make sure both vectors have the same direction. Both are valid
    # eigenvectors, but for comparison we need to get rid of the sign
    # ambiguity.
    if (np.sign(dominant_eigenvector[0]) != np.sign(
        estimated_dominant_eigenvector = -estimated_dominant_eigenvector

    # Print information about the solution.
    print("l2-norm of x: %f" % la.norm(dominant_eigenvector))
    print("l2-norm of xopt: %f" % la.norm(estimated_dominant_eigenvector))
    print("Solution found: %s" % np.allclose(
        dominant_eigenvector, estimated_dominant_eigenvector, rtol=1e-3))
    error_norm = la.norm(dominant_eigenvector - estimated_dominant_eigenvector)
    print("l2-error: %f" % error_norm)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _align_H_stiefel(self, Q, G):
        """Tangent vector field alignment via optimization on orthogonal group."""

        N, D, d = Q.shape

        indptr = G.indptr
        indices = G.indices

        K =

        def cost(V):
            F = 0
            for i in range(N):
                for j, K_ij in zip(indices[indptr[i]:indptr[i + 1]],
                                   K[indptr[i]:indptr[i + 1]]):
                    f_i = K_ij * np.trace(
              [i].T,[i].T, Q[j])), V[j]))
                    F += f_i

            return F

        manifold = Rotations(d)
        problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost)
        solver = SteepestDescent()

        V = solver.solve(problem, np.zeros((d, d)))

        return H
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_rotation_matrix(M, Mtilde, weights=None, dist=None):
    if dist is None:
        dist = 'euc'
    n = M[0].shape[0]
    # (1) Instantiate a manifold
    manifold = Rotations(n)
    # (2) Define cost function and a problem
    if dist == 'euc':
        cost = partial(cost_function_full, M=M, Mtilde=Mtilde, weights=weights, dist=dist)    
        problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost, verbosity=0)
    elif dist == 'rie':
        cost = partial(cost_function_full, M=M, Mtilde=Mtilde, weights=weights, dist=dist)    
        egrad = partial(egrad_function_full_rie, M=M, Mtilde=Mtilde, weights=weights) 
        problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost, egrad=egrad, verbosity=0)
    # (3) Instantiate a Pymanopt solver
    solver = SteepestDescent(mingradnorm=1e-3)   
    # let Pymanopt do the rest
    Q_opt = solver.solve(problem)    
    return Q_opt
Ejemplo n.º 6
def rotation_matrix(mean_source, mean_target_train):
    manifold = Rotations(mean_source[0].shape[0])
    cost = partial(cost_function_full, mean_source, mean_target_train)
    problem = Problem(manifold, cost)
    solver = SteepestDescent(mingradnorm=1e-3)
    U = solver.solve(problem)
    return U
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, P, k, testing=True):
        P is a (d x n) matrix holding our points.
        k is the number of clusters expected
        If testing is true then we do extra computations which are useful but not computationally necessary.
        self.P = P #Matrix of points = np.sum(P**2, axis=0)[:,None] #Matrix of pts' norms.
        self.d = P.shape[0] #Dimension the points lie in
        self.n = P.shape[1] #number of points
        self.k = k #number of clusters
        self.M = Y_mani(self.n, self.k) #"Y" manifold corresponding to our problem.
        #NB it may be quicker to use "sums" and such strictly instead of the ones matrix = np.ones((self.n,1)) #Matrix of all ones.
        #The solver we use for gradient descent.
        #NB there may be some better way to set the settings,
        #Perhaps dynamically depending on the data.
        self.solver = SteepestDescent(maxiter=MAXITER, logverbosity = 1, mingradnorm = MINGRADNORM)
        if testing: #Computationally expensive, and not needed in final code.
            self.D = dist_mat(P)**2 #Distance squared matrix
            #Slow way which is replaced by the way below.
            #self.Dsize = la.norm(self.D)

        self.Dsize = np.sqrt(2*self.n*(**2).sum() + 2*(**2
                              + 4*la.norm(**2 - 8*(
def envelope(X_env, Y_env, u):

    p, r = X_env.shape[1], Y_env.shape[1]
    linear_model = LinearRegression().fit(X_env, Y_env)
    err = Y_env - linear_model.predict(X_env)
    Sigma_res = np.cov(err.transpose())
    Sigma_Y = np.cov(Y_env.transpose())

    def cost(Gamma):
        X = np.matmul(Gamma, Gamma.T)
        out = -np.log(
                np.matmul(np.matmul(X, Sigma_res), X) +
                np.matmul(np.matmul(np.eye(r) - X, Sigma_Y),
                          np.eye(r) - X)))
        return (np.array(out))

    manifold = Grassmann(r, u)
    # manifold = Stiefel(r, u)
    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost, verbosity=0)
    solver = SteepestDescent()
    Gamma = solver.solve(problem)
    PSigma1_hat = np.matmul(Gamma, Gamma.T)
    PSigma2_hat = np.eye(r) - PSigma1_hat

    beta_hat = np.matmul(PSigma1_hat, linear_model.coef_)
    Sigma1_hat = np.matmul(np.matmul(PSigma1_hat, Sigma_res), PSigma1_hat)
    Sigma2_hat = np.matmul(np.matmul(np.eye(r) - PSigma1_hat, Sigma_res),
                           np.eye(r) - PSigma1_hat)
    alpha_hat = np.mean(Y_env - np.matmul(X_env, beta_hat.T), axis=0)

    return (alpha_hat.reshape(1, r), beta_hat.reshape(p, r))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_rotation_matrix(X, C):
    def cost(R):
        Z =, R)
        M = npy.max(Z, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        return npy.sum((Z / M)**2)

    manifold = Stiefel(C, C)
    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost, verbosity=0)
    solver = SteepestDescent(logverbosity=0)
    opt = solver.solve(problem=problem, x=npy.eye(C))
    return cost(opt), opt
Ejemplo n.º 10
def NG_sdr(X, y, m, v_w = 5, v_b = 5, verbosity=0, *args, **kwargs):
    X: array of N points on complex Gr(n, p); N x n x p array
    aim to represent X by X_hat (N points on Gr(m, p), m < n) 
    where X_hat_i = R^T X_i, W \in St(n, m)
    minimizing the projection error (using projection F-norm)
    N, n, p = X.shape
    cpx = np.iscomplex(X).any() # true if X is complex-valued
    if cpx:
        gr = ComplexGrassmann(n, p)
        man = ComplexGrassmann(n, m)
        gr = Grassmann(n, p)
        man = Grassmann(n, m)
    # distance matrix
    dist_m = np.zeros((N, N))

    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(i):
            dist_m[i, j] = gr.dist(X[i], X[j])
            dist_m[j, i] = dist_m[i, j]
    # affinity matrix
    affinity = affinity_matrix(dist_m, y, v_w, v_b)

    X_ = torch.from_numpy(X)
    affinity_ = torch.from_numpy(affinity)
    def cost(A):
        dm = torch.zeros((N, N))
        for i in range(N):
            for j in range(i):
                dm[i, j] = dist_proj(torch.matmul(A.conj().t(), X_[i]), torch.matmul(A.conj().t(), X_[j]))**2
                #dm[i, j] = gr_low.dist(X_proj[i], X_proj[j])**2
                dm[j, i] = dm[i, j]
        d2 = torch.mean(affinity_*dm)   
        return d2

    # solver = ConjugateGradient()
    solver = SteepestDescent()
    problem = Problem(manifold=man, cost=cost, verbosity=verbosity)
    A = solver.solve(problem)

    tmp = np.array([A.conj().T for i in range(N)]) # N x m x n
    X_low = multiprod(tmp, X) # N x m x p
    X_low = np.array([qr(X_low[i])[0] for i in range(N)])
    return X_low, A
Ejemplo n.º 11
def NG_dr1(X, verbosity = 0):
    X: array of N points on Gr(n, p); N x n x p array
    aim to represent X by X_hat (N points on Gr(n-1, p)) 
    where X_hat_i = A^T X_i, A \in St(n, n-1)
    minimizing the projection error (using projection F-norm)
    N, n, p = X.shape
    cpx = np.iscomplex(X).any() # true if X is complex-valued

    if cpx:
        man = Product([ComplexGrassmann(n, 1), Euclidean(p, 2)])
        man = Product([Grassmann(n, 1), Euclidean(p)])
    X_ = torch.from_numpy(X)
    def cost(v, b):
        vvT = torch.matmul(v, v.conj().t()) # n x n
        if cpx:
            b_ = b[:,0] + b[:,1]*1j
            b_ = torch.unsqueeze(b_, axis=1)
            b_ = torch.unsqueeze(b, axis=1)
        vbt = torch.matmul(v, b_.t()) # n x p
        IvvT = torch.eye(n, dtype=X_.dtype) - vvT
        d2 = 0
        for i in range(N):
            d2 = d2 + dist_proj(X_[i], torch.matmul(IvvT, X_[i]) + vbt)**2/N
            #d2 = d2 + dist_proj(X_[i], torch.matmul(AAT, X_[i]))**2/N
        return d2
    solver = SteepestDescent()
    problem = Problem(manifold=man, cost=cost, verbosity=verbosity)
    theta = solver.solve(problem)
    v = theta[0]
    b_ = theta[1]
    if cpx:
        b = b_[:,0] + b_[:,1]*1j
        b = np.expand_dims(b, axis=1)
        b = np.expand_dims(b_, axis=1)
    R = ortho_complement(v)
    tmp = np.array([R.conj().T for i in range(N)])
    X_low = multiprod(tmp, X)
    X_low = np.array([qr(X_low[i])[0] for i in range(N)])

    return X_low, R, v, b
Ejemplo n.º 12
def NG_dr(X, m, verbosity=0, *args, **kwargs):
    X: array of N points on Gr(n, p); N x n x p array
    aim to represent X by X_hat (N points on Gr(m, p), m < n) 
    where X_hat_i = R^T X_i, R \in St(n, m)
    minimizing the projection error (using projection F-norm)
    N, n, p = X.shape
    cpx = np.iscomplex(X).any() # true if X is complex-valued

    if cpx:
        man = Product([ComplexGrassmann(n, m), Euclidean(n, p, 2)])
        man = Product([Grassmann(n, m), Euclidean(n, p)])
    X_ = torch.from_numpy(X)
    def cost(A, B):
        AAT = torch.matmul(A, A.conj().t()) # n x n
        if cpx:
            B_ = B[:,:,0] + B[:,:,1]*1j
            B_ = B
        IAATB = torch.matmul(torch.eye(n, dtype=X_.dtype) - AAT, B_) # n x p
        d2 = 0
        for i in range(N):
            d2 = d2 + dist_proj(X_[i], torch.matmul(AAT, X_[i]) + IAATB)**2/N
            #d2 = d2 + dist_proj(X_[i], torch.matmul(AAT, X_[i]))**2/N
        return d2

    #solver = ConjugateGradient()
    solver = SteepestDescent()
    problem = Problem(manifold=man, cost=cost, verbosity=verbosity)
    theta = solver.solve(problem)
    A = theta[0]
    B = theta[1]
    if cpx:
        B_ = B[:,:,0] + B[:,:,1]*1j
        B_ = B

    #tmp = np.array([A.T for i in range(N)])
    tmp = np.array([A.conj().T for i in range(N)])
    X_low = multiprod(tmp, X)
    X_low = np.array([qr(X_low[i])[0] for i in range(N)])

    return X_low, A, B_
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: Proyecto: zuoshifan/FCA
def icf(Fhat, Z, nc=None, return_Fhat=False):
    """Independent Component Factorization (ICF) of an array of matrices Z."""
    # get centered vec(Z) such that zc = A xc = A Cxx^(1/2) xc^w
    zc = centering(Z)
    # get y = Vs^T xc^w, where A Cxx^(1/2) = Us \Sigma_s Vs^T
    y, es, Us = z2y(zc, nc)
    _, N, M = Z.shape
    s, NM = y.shape

    def cost(W):
        WTy =, y)
        return np.sum([ Fhat(WTy[i]) for i in range(s) ])

    # A solver that involves the hessian
    # solver = TrustRegions(mingradnorm=1e-8)
    solver = SteepestDescent(mingradnorm=1e-8)

    # O(s)
    manifold = Rotations(s, 1)

    # Solve the problem with pymanopt
    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost)
    # get What = Vs^T P S
    Wopt = solver.solve(problem)

    # get Ahat and xhat such that zc = Ahat xhat
    # get Ahat, which is actually = A Cxx^(1/2) P S
    Ahat =*es, Wopt)
    # get xhat, which is actually = S^-1 P^-1 xc^w
    # xhat =, y)
    # Wopt is orthogonal, so Wopt.T = la.inv(Wopt)
    xhat =, y)
    # assert np.allclose(zc,, xhat)), 'Something may be wrong as zc != Ahat xhat'

    # re=order xhat and Ahat, from more non-Gaussian to more Gaussian
    Fhat_values = np.array([ Fhat(xhat[i]) for i in range(s) ])
    inds = np.argsort(Fhat_values)
    Ahat = Ahat[:, inds]
    xhat = xhat[inds]
    # assert np.allclose(zc,, xhat)), 'Something may be wrong as zc != Ahat xhat'
    # reshape xhat to an array of matrices Xhat
    Xhat = xhat.reshape((s, N, M))

    if return_Fhat:
        return Ahat, Xhat, Fhat_values[inds]

    return Ahat, Xhat
Ejemplo n.º 14
Archivo: Proyecto: zuoshifan/FCA
def fcf(Fhat, Z, type='rectangular', nc=None, return_Fhat=False):
    """Free Component Factorization (FCF) of an array of matrices Z."""
    # get centered Z such that Zc = A Xc = A Cxx^(1/2) Xc^w
    Zc = centering(Z, type)
    # get Y = Vs^T Xc^w, where A Cxx^(1/2) = Us \Sigma_s Vs^T
    Y, es, Us = z2y(Zc, type, nc)
    s, N, M = Y.shape

    def cost(W):
        WTY = np.tensordot(W.T, Y, axes=(1, 0))
        return np.sum([Fhat(WTY[i], type) for i in range(s)])

    # A solver that involves the hessian
    # solver = TrustRegions(mingradnorm=1e-8)
    # solver = SteepestDescent(mingradnorm=1e-8)
    solver = SteepestDescent(mingradnorm=1e-8, maxtime=36000, maxiter=3000)

    # O(s)
    manifold = Rotations(s, 1)

    # Solve the problem with pymanopt
    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost)
    # get What = Vs^T P S
    Wopt = solver.solve(problem)

    # get Ahat and Xhat such that Zc = Ahat Xhat
    # get Ahat, which is actually = A Cxx^(1/2) P S
    Ahat = * es, Wopt)
    # get Xhat, which is actually = S^-1 P^-1 Xc^w
    # Xhat = np.tensordot(la.inv(Wopt), Y, axes=(1, 0))
    # Wopt is orthogonal, so Wopt.T = la.inv(Wopt)
    Xhat = np.tensordot(Wopt.T, Y, axes=(1, 0))
    # assert np.allclose(Zc, np.tensordot(Ahat, Xhat, axes=(1, 0))), 'Something may be wrong as Zc != Ahat Xhat'

    # re=order Xhat and Ahat, from more non-Gaussian to more Gaussian
    Fhat_values = np.array([Fhat(Xhat[i]) for i in range(s)])
    inds = np.argsort(Fhat_values)
    Ahat = Ahat[:, inds]
    Xhat = Xhat[inds]
    # assert np.allclose(Zc, np.tensordot(Ahat, Xhat, axes=(1, 0))), 'Something may be wrong as Zc != Ahat Xhat'

    if return_Fhat:
        return Ahat, Xhat, Fhat_values[inds]

    return Ahat, Xhat
Ejemplo n.º 15
def estimate_dominant_eigenvector(matrix):
    """Returns the dominant eigenvector of the symmetric matrix A by minimizing
    the Rayleigh quotient -x' * A * x / (x' * x).
    num_rows, num_columns = gs.shape(matrix)
    assert num_rows == num_columns, 'matrix must be square'
    assert gs.allclose(gs.sum(matrix - gs.transpose(matrix)), 0.0), \
        'matrix must be symmetric'

    def cost(vector):
        return,, vector))

    def egrad(vector):
        return -2 *, vector)

    sphere = GeomstatsSphere(num_columns)
    problem = Problem(manifold=sphere, cost=cost, egrad=egrad)
    solver = SteepestDescent()
    return solver.solve(problem)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def fit(self, T, Y, init, maxIter=100):
        self.init_fit(T, Y, None)

        D = self.D + self.L
        K = self.K

        # (1) Instantiate the manifold
        manifold = Product([PositiveDefinite(D + 1, k=K), Euclidean(K - 1)])

        cost = self.get_cost_function(T, Y)

        problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost, verbosity=1)

        # (3) Instantiate a Pymanopt solver
        solver = SteepestDescent(maxiter=3 * maxIter)

        # let Pymanopt do the rest
        Xopt = solver.solve(problem)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def run(backend=SUPPORTED_BACKENDS[0], quiet=True):
    n = 3
    m = 10
    k = 10

    A = np.random.randn(k, n, m)
    B = np.random.randn(k, n, m)
    ABt = np.array([Ak @ Bk.T for Ak, Bk in zip(A, B)])

    cost, egrad = create_cost_egrad(backend, ABt)
    manifold = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(n, k)
    problem = pymanopt.Problem(manifold, cost, egrad=egrad)
    if quiet:
        problem.verbosity = 0

    solver = SteepestDescent()
    X = solver.solve(problem)

    if not quiet:
        Xopt = np.array([compute_optimal_solution(ABtk) for ABtk in ABt])
        print("Frobenius norm error:", np.linalg.norm(Xopt - X))
Ejemplo n.º 18
def estimate_dominant_eigenvector(matrix):
    """Returns the dominant eigenvector of the symmetric matrix A by minimizing
    the Rayleigh quotient -x' * A * x / (x' * x).
    num_rows, num_columns = gs.shape(matrix)
    if num_rows != num_columns:
        raise ValueError('Matrix must be square.')
    if not gs.allclose(gs.sum(matrix - gs.transpose(matrix)), 0.0):
        raise ValueError('Matrix must be symmetric.')

    def cost(vector):
        return,, vector))

    def egrad(vector):
        return -2 *, vector)

    sphere = GeomstatsSphere(num_columns)
    problem = pymanopt.Problem(manifold=sphere, cost=cost, egrad=egrad)
    solver = SteepestDescent()
    return solver.solve(problem)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def get_rotation_matrix(Mt, Ms, metric='euc'):
    Mt = Mt.reshape(-1, *Mt.shape[-2:])
    Ms = Ms.reshape(-1, *Ms.shape[-2:])

    n = Mt[0].shape[0]
    manifolds = Rotations(n)

    if metric == 'euc':
        cost = partial(_procruster_cost_function_euc, Mt=Mt, Ms=Ms)
        problem = Problem(manifold=manifolds, cost=cost, verbosity=0)
    elif metric == 'rie':
        cost = partial(_procruster_cost_function_rie, Mt=Mt, Ms=Ms)
        egrad = partial(_procruster_egrad_function_rie, Mt=Mt, Ms=Ms)
        problem = Problem(manifold=manifolds,

    solver = SteepestDescent(mingradnorm=1e-3)

    Ropt = solver.solve(problem)

    return Ropt
Ejemplo n.º 20
import autograd.numpy as np

from pymanopt import Problem
from pymanopt.solvers import SteepestDescent
from pymanopt.manifolds import Stiefel

import pprint

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Generate random data with highest variance in first 2 dimensions
    X = np.diag([3, 2, 1]).dot(np.random.randn(3, 200))

    # Cost function is the squared reconstruction error
    def cost(w):
        return np.sum(np.sum((X -,, X)))**2))

    solver = SteepestDescent(logverbosity=2)

    # Projection matrices onto a two dimensional subspace
    manifold = Stiefel(3, 2)

    # Solve the problem with pymanopt
    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost, verbosity=0)
    wopt, optlog = solver.solve(problem)

    print('And here comes the optlog:\n\r')
    pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
    def run(self, x_init, max_rep=400):
        problem = Problem(manifold=self.manifold, cost=self.cost_function)
        solver = SteepestDescent()
        self.x_opt = solver.solve(problem)

        return self.x_opt
Ejemplo n.º 22
def kindr(Ud, n_clusters, mansolver, init, tol_in, tol_out, max_iter_in,
          max_iter_out, disp, do_inner, post_SR, isnrm_row_U, isnrm_col_H,
    if max_iter_out <= 0:
        raise ValueError('Number of iterations should be a positive number,'
                         ' got %d instead' % max_iter_out)
    if tol_out <= 0:
        raise ValueError('The tolerance should be a positive number,'
                         ' got %d instead' % tol_out)
        from pymanopt import Problem
        from pymanopt.manifolds import Stiefel, Rotations
        from pymanopt.solvers import SteepestDescent, ConjugateGradient, TrustRegions, NelderMead
    except ImportError:
        raise ValueError(
            "KindR needs pymanopt, which is unavailable, try KindAP instead.")
    #                warnings.warn("KindR solver is unavailable. Transfer to"
    #                                 "KindAP instead.")
        import autograd.numpy as anp
    except ImportError:
            "Pymanopt needs autograd, which is unavailable,try KindAP instead."
        idx, center, gerr, numiter = kindap(Ud, n_clusters, init, tol_in,
                                            tol_out, max_iter_in, max_iter_out,
                                            disp, True, post_SR, isnrm_row_U,
                                            isnrm_col_H, isbinary_H)
        return idx, center, gerr, numiter

    n, d = Ud.shape
    k = n_clusters
    if d != k:
        warnings.warn('Provided more features, expected %d, got %d' % (k, d))
    if isnrm_row_U:
        Ud = normalize(Ud, axis=1)
    # initialization
    if isinstance(init, string_types) and init == 'eye':
        # Z_0 = -np.identity(k)
        U = Ud[:, :k]
    elif hasattr(init, '__array__'):
        if init.shape[0] != d:
            raise ValueError(
                'The row size of init should be the same as the total'
                'features, got %d instead.' % init.shape[0])
        if init.shape[1] != k:
            raise ValueError(
                'The column size of init should be the same as the total'
                'clusters, got %d instead.' % init.shape[1])
        U = np.matmul(Ud, np.array(init))
    elif isinstance(init, string_types) and init == 'random':
        H = sparse.csc_matrix((np.ones(
            (n, )), (np.arange(n), np.random.randint(0, k, (n, )))),
                              shape=(n, k))
        smat, sigma, vmat = la.svd(, H),
        z_init = np.matmul(smat, vmat)
        U = np.matmul(Ud, z_init)
        raise ValueError(
            "The init parameter for KindAP should be 'eye','random',"
            "or an array. Got a %s with type %s instead." % (init, type(init)))
    if isinstance(do_inner, bool) or isinstance(do_inner, int):
        do_inner = bool(do_inner)
    elif isinstance(do_inner, string_types) and (do_inner
                                                 in ["relu", "softmax"]):
        raise ValueError("Invalid put do_inner")

    H, N = sparse.csc_matrix((n, k)), sparse.csc_matrix((n, k))
    dUH = float('inf')
    numiter, gerr = [], []
    idx = np.ones(n)
    crit2 = np.zeros(4)

    def cost_n(rotation):
        return 0.5 * anp.sum(anp.minimum(anp.matmul(Ud, rotation), 0)**2)

    # def cost_softmax(rotation):
    #     umat = anp.matmul(Ud, rotation)
    #     exp_umat = anp.exp(umat)
    #     mat = exp_umat / exp_umat.sum(axis=1).reshape(Ud.shape[0], 1)
    #     return 0.5 * anp.sum((umat - mat) ** 2)

    for n_iter_out in range(max_iter_out):
        idxp, Up, Np, Hp = idx, U, N, H
        optlog = {}
        itr = 0

        # inner iterations
        if do_inner:
            if d == k:
                manifold = Rotations(k)
                manifold = Stiefel(d, k)
            # if do_inner == "softmax":
            #     cost = cost_softmax
            # else:
            #     cost = cost_n
            problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost_n, verbosity=0)
            if mansolver == "SD":
                solver = SteepestDescent(maxiter=max_iter_in,
            elif mansolver == "CG":
                solver = ConjugateGradient(maxiter=max_iter_in,
            elif mansolver == "TR":
                solver = TrustRegions(maxiter=max_iter_in,
            elif mansolver == "NM":
                solver = NelderMead(maxiter=max_iter_in,
                raise ValueError(
                    "Undefined manifold optimization method, Expect SD, CG, TR or NM, "
                    "get %s instead" % mansolver)
            Z, optlog = solver.solve(problem)
            U = np.matmul(Ud, Z)
            N = np.maximum(U, 0)
            itr = len(optlog['iterations']['iteration'])
            if disp:
            N = U

        # project onto H
        H, idx = proj_h(N, isnrm_col_H, isbinary_H)
        idxchg = sum(idx != idxp)

        # project back to Ud
        U = proj_ud(H, Ud)
        dUHp = dUH
        dUH = la.norm(U - H, 'fro')
        if disp:
            print('Outer %3d: %3d  dUH: %11.8e idxchg: %6d' %
                  (n_iter_out + 1, itr, dUH, idxchg))
        # stopping criteria of outer iterations
        crit2[0] = dUH < 1e-12
        crit2[1] = abs(dUH - dUHp) < dUHp * tol_out
        crit2[2] = dUH > dUHp
        crit2[3] = idxchg == 0
        if any(crit2):
            if post_SR and do_inner:
                do_inner, isbinary_H = False, True
            if crit2[2] and not crit2[1]:
                idx, H, U, N, dUH = idxp, Hp, Up, Np, dUHp
            if disp and optlog and 'stoppingreason' in optlog:
                print('\t stop reason:', optlog['stoppingreason'])
    center =
        normalize((H != 0), axis=0, norm='l1').T, Ud)
    return idx, center, gerr, numiter
    def __init__(self,
                 M: Manifold,
        """Compute regression with Bézier splines for data in a manifold M using pymanopt.

        :param M: manifold
        :param Y: array containing M-valued data.
        :param param: vector with scalars between 0 and the number of intended segments corresponding to the data points in
        Y. The integer part determines the segment to which the data point belongs.
        :param degrees: vector of length L; the l-th entry is the degree of the l-th segment of the spline. All entries must
        be positive. For a closed spline, L > 1, degrees[0] > 2 and degrees[-1] > 2 must hold.
        :param iscycle: boolean that determines whether a closed curve C1 spline shall be modeled.
        :param P_init: initial guess
        :param verbosity: 0 is silent to gives the most information, see pymanopt's problem class

        :param maxtime: maximum time for steepest descent
        :param maxiter: maximum number of iterations in steepest descent
        :param mingradnorm: stop iteration when the norm of the gradient is lower than mingradnorm
        :param minstepsize: stop iteration when step the stepsize is smaller than minstepsize
        :param maxcostevals: maximum number of allowed cost evaluations

        :return P: list of control points of the optimal Bézier spline
        degrees = np.atleast_1d(degrees)

        self._M = M
        self._Y = Y
        self._param = param

        pymanoptM = ManoptWrap(M)

        # Cost
        def cost(P):
            P = np.stack(P)
            control_points = self.full_set(M, P, degrees, iscycle)

            return self.sumOfSquared(
                BezierSpline(M, control_points, iscycle=iscycle), Y, param)

        #MMM = Product([M for i in range(degrees[0])]) # for conjugated gradient

        # Gradient
        def grad(P):
            P = np.stack(P)
            control_points = self.full_set(M, P, degrees, iscycle)
            grad_E = self.gradSumOfSquared(
                BezierSpline(M, control_points, iscycle=iscycle), Y, param)
            grad_E = self.indep_set(grad_E, iscycle)

            # return _ProductTangentVector([grad_E[0][i] for i in range(len(grad_E[0]))]) # for conjugated gradient
            return np.concatenate(grad_E)

        # Solve optimization problem with pymanopt by optimizing over independent control points
        if iscycle:
            N = Product([pymanoptM] * np.sum(degrees - 1))
            N = Product([pymanoptM] * (np.sum(degrees - 1) + 2))

        problem = Problem(manifold=N,

        # solver = ConjugateGradient(maxtime=maxtime, maxiter=maxiter, mingradnorm=mingradnorm,
        #                            minstepsize=minstepsize, maxcostevals=maxcostevals, logverbosity=2)

        solver = SteepestDescent(maxtime=maxtime,

        if P_init is None:
            P_init = self.initControlPoints(M, Y, param, degrees, iscycle)
        P_init = self.indep_set(P_init, iscycle)

        P_opt, opt_log = solver.solve(problem, list(np.concatenate(P_init)))
        P_opt = self.full_set(M, np.stack(P_opt, axis=0), degrees, iscycle)

        self._spline = BezierSpline(M, P_opt, iscycle=iscycle)
        self._unexplained_variance = opt_log['final_values']["f(x)"] / len(Y)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def wda(X,
    Wasserstein Discriminant Analysis :ref:`[11] <references-wda>`

    The function solves the following optimization problem:

    .. math::
        \mathbf{P} = \mathop{\arg \min}_\mathbf{P} \quad
        \frac{\sum\limits_i W(P \mathbf{X}^i, P \mathbf{X}^i)}{\sum\limits_{i, j \neq i} W(P \mathbf{X}^i, P \mathbf{X}^j)}

    where :

    - :math:`P` is a linear projection operator in the Stiefel(`p`, `d`) manifold
    - :math:`W` is entropic regularized Wasserstein distances
    - :math:`\mathbf{X}^i` are samples in the dataset corresponding to class i

    **Choosing a Sinkhorn solver**

    By default and when using a regularization parameter that is not too small
    the default sinkhorn solver should be enough. If you need to use a small
    regularization to get sparse cost matrices, you should use the
    :py:func:`ot.dr.sinkhorn_log` solver that will avoid numerical
    errors, but can be slow in practice.

    X : ndarray, shape (n, d)
        Training samples.
    y : ndarray, shape (n,)
        Labels for training samples.
    p : int, optional
        Size of dimensionnality reduction.
    reg : float, optional
        Regularization term >0 (entropic regularization)
    solver : None | str, optional
        None for steepest descent or 'TrustRegions' for trust regions algorithm
        else should be a pymanopt.solvers
    sinkhorn_method : str
        method used for the Sinkhorn solver, either 'sinkhorn' or 'sinkhorn_log'
    P0 : ndarray, shape (d, p)
        Initial starting point for projection.
    normalize : bool, optional
        Normalise the Wasserstaiun distance by the average distance on P0 (default : False)
    verbose : int, optional
        Print information along iterations.

    P : ndarray, shape (d, p)
        Optimal transportation matrix for the given parameters
    proj : callable
        Projection function including mean centering.

    .. _references-wda:
    .. [11] Flamary, R., Cuturi, M., Courty, N., & Rakotomamonjy, A. (2016).
            Wasserstein Discriminant Analysis. arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.08063.
    """  # noqa

    if sinkhorn_method.lower() == 'sinkhorn':
        sinkhorn_solver = sinkhorn
    elif sinkhorn_method.lower() == 'sinkhorn_log':
        sinkhorn_solver = sinkhorn_log
        raise ValueError("Unknown Sinkhorn method '%s'." % sinkhorn_method)

    mx = np.mean(X)
    X -= mx.reshape((1, -1))

    # data split between classes
    d = X.shape[1]
    xc = split_classes(X, y)
    # compute uniform weighs
    wc = [np.ones((x.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32) / x.shape[0] for x in xc]

    # pre-compute reg_c,c'
    if P0 is not None and normalize:
        regmean = np.zeros((len(xc), len(xc)))
        for i, xi in enumerate(xc):
            xi =, P0)
            for j, xj in enumerate(xc[i:]):
                xj =, P0)
                M = dist(xi, xj)
                regmean[i, j] = np.sum(M) / (len(xi) * len(xj))
        regmean = np.ones((len(xc), len(xc)))

    def cost(P):
        # wda loss
        loss_b = 0
        loss_w = 0

        for i, xi in enumerate(xc):
            xi =, P)
            for j, xj in enumerate(xc[i:]):
                xj =, P)
                M = dist(xi, xj)
                G = sinkhorn_solver(wc[i], wc[j + i], M, reg * regmean[i, j],
                if j == 0:
                    loss_w += np.sum(G * M)
                    loss_b += np.sum(G * M)

        # loss inversed because minimization
        return loss_w / loss_b

    # declare manifold and problem
    manifold = Stiefel(d, p)
    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost)

    # declare solver and solve
    if solver is None:
        solver = SteepestDescent(maxiter=maxiter, logverbosity=verbose)
    elif solver in ['tr', 'TrustRegions']:
        solver = TrustRegions(maxiter=maxiter, logverbosity=verbose)

    Popt = solver.solve(problem, x=P0)

    def proj(X):
        return (X - mx.reshape((1, -1))).dot(Popt)

    return Popt, proj
Ejemplo n.º 25
def wda(X, y, p=2, reg=1, k=10, solver=None, maxiter=100, verbose=0):
    Wasserstein Discriminant Analysis [11]_
    The function solves the following optimization problem:

    .. math::
        P = \\text{arg}\min_P \\frac{\\sum_i W(PX^i,PX^i)}{\\sum_{i,j\\neq i} W(PX^i,PX^j)}

    where :
    - :math:`P` is a linear projection operator in the Stiefel(p,d) manifold
    - :math:`W` is entropic regularized Wasserstein distances
    - :math:`X^i` are samples in the dataset corresponding to class i    
    X : numpy.ndarray (n,d)
        Training samples
    y : np.ndarray (n,)
        labels for training samples
    p : int, optional
        size of dimensionnality reduction
    reg : float, optional
        Regularization term >0 (entropic regularization)
    solver : str, optional
        None for steepest decsent or 'TrustRegions' for trust regions algorithm
        else shoudl be a pymanopt.sovers
    verbose : int, optional
        Print information along iterations

    P : (d x p) ndarray
        Optimal transportation matrix for the given parameters
    proj : fun
        projectiuon function including mean centering


    .. [11] Flamary, R., Cuturi, M., Courty, N., & Rakotomamonjy, A. (2016). Wasserstein Discriminant Analysis. arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.08063.


    mx = np.mean(X)
    X -= mx.reshape((1, -1))

    # data split between classes
    d = X.shape[1]
    xc = split_classes(X, y)
    # compute uniform weighs
    wc = [np.ones((x.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32) / x.shape[0] for x in xc]

    def cost(P):
        # wda loss
        loss_b = 0
        loss_w = 0

        for i, xi in enumerate(xc):
            xi =, P)
            for j, xj in enumerate(xc[i:]):
                xj =, P)
                M = dist(xi, xj)
                G = sinkhorn(wc[i], wc[j + i], M, reg, k)
                if j == 0:
                    loss_w += np.sum(G * M)
                    loss_b += np.sum(G * M)

        # loss inversed because minimization
        return loss_w / loss_b

    # declare manifold and problem
    manifold = Stiefel(d, p)
    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost)

    # declare solver and solve
    if solver is None:
        solver = SteepestDescent(maxiter=maxiter, logverbosity=verbose)
    elif solver in ['tr', 'TrustRegions']:
        solver = TrustRegions(maxiter=maxiter, logverbosity=verbose)

    Popt = solver.solve(problem)

    def proj(X):
        return (X - mx.reshape((1, -1))).dot(Popt)

    return Popt, proj
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def transforming_A(self):
     with SuppressPrints(not self.verbose_obtimizer):
         result = SteepestDescent(maxtime=self.maxtime,
                                      self.transformer, x=self.x0)
     return result
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def run(self,
        Run MERLiN algorithm.
        Whether to run a scalar variant, i.e. S -> C -> w'F, or a
        timeseries variant, i.e. S -> C -> bp(w'F) is determined by the
        dimensionality of the input F.

        Input (default)
            - S
                (m x 1) np.array that contains the samples of S
            - F
                either a (d x m) np.array that contains the linear mixture
                samples or a (d x m x n) np.array that contains the linearly
                mixed timeseries of length n (d channels, m trials)
            - v
                (d x 1) np.array holding the linear combination that
                extracts middle node C from F
            - C
                (m x 1) np.array that contains the samples of the middle
                node C
            - fs
                sampling rate in Hz
            - omega
                tuple of (low, high) cut-off of desired frequency band
            - maxiter (500)
                maximum iterations to run the optimisation algorithm for
            - tol (1e-16)
                terminate optimisation if step size < tol or grad norm < tol
            - variant ('bp')
                determines which MERLiN variant to use on timeseries data
                ('bp' = MERLiNbp algorithm ([1], Algorithm 4),
                 'bpicoh' = MERLiNbpicoh algorithm ([1], Algorithm 5),
                 'nlbp' = MERLiNnlbp)

            - w
                linear combination that was found and should extract the
                effect of C from F
            - converged
                boolean that indicates whether the stopping criterion was
                met before the maximum number of iterations was performed
            - curob
                objecive functions value at w
        self._S = S
        self._Forig = F
        self._fs = fs
        self._omega = omega
        self._d = F.shape[0]
        self._m = F.shape[1]

        # scalar or timeseries mode
        if F.ndim == 3:
            self._mode = 'timeseries'
            self._n = F.shape[2]
            if not (fs and omega):
                raise ValueError('Both the optional arguments fs and omega '
                                 'need to be provided.')
            if self._verbosity:
                print('Launching MERLiN' + variant + ' for iid sampled '
                      'timeseries chunks.')
        elif F.ndim == 2:
            self._mode = 'scalar'
            if self._verbosity:
                print('Launching MERLiN for iid sampled scalars.')
            raise ValueError('F needs to be a 2-dimensional numpy array '
                             '(iid sampled scalars) or a 3-dimensional '
                             'numpy array (iid sampled timeseries chunks).')

        self._prepare(v, C)

        if self._mode is 'scalar':
            problem = self._problem_MERLiN()
        elif variant is 'bp':
            problem = self._problem_MERLiNbp()
        elif variant is 'bpicoh':
            problem = self._problem_MERLiNbpicoh()
        elif variant is 'nlbp':
            problem = self._problem_MERLiNnlbp()
            raise NotImplementedError

        if variant is not 'nlbp':
            problem.manifold = Sphere(self._d, 1)
        elif variant is 'nlbp':
            problem.manifold = Product(
                [Sphere(self._d, 1),
                 Euclidean(1, 1),
                 Euclidean(1, 1)])

        # choose best out of ten 10-step runs as initialisation
        solver = SteepestDescent(maxiter=10, logverbosity=1)
        res = [solver.solve(problem) for k in range(0, 10)]
        obs = [-r[1]['final_values']['f(x)'] for r in res]
        w0 = res[obs.index(max(obs))][0]

        solver = SteepestDescent(maxtime=float('inf'),
        if self._verbosity:
            print('Running optimisation algorithm.')
        w, info = solver.solve(problem, x=w0)
        if variant is 'nlbp':
            w = w[0]
        converged = maxiter != info['final_values']['iterations']
        curob = -float(info['final_values']['f(x)'])
        if self._verbosity:
        return, converged, curob
Ejemplo n.º 28
def RidgeAlternating(X,
    if len(f.shape) == 1:
        f = f.reshape(-1, 1)

    # Instantiate the polynomial approximation
    rs = PolynomialApproximation(N=degree)

    # Instantiate the Grassmann manifold
    m, n = U0.shape
    manifold = Grassmann(m, n)

    if history:
        hist = {}
        hist['U'] = []
        hist['residual'] = []
        hist['inner_steps'] = []

    # Alternating minimization
    i = 0
    res = 1e9
    while i < maxiter and res > tol:

        # Train the polynomial approximation with projected points
        Y =, U0)
        rs.train(Y, f)

        # Minimize residual with polynomial over Grassmann
        func = lambda y: _res(y, X, f, rs)
        grad = lambda y: _dres(y, X, f, rs)

        problem = Problem(manifold=manifold,
        if history:
            solver = SteepestDescent(logverbosity=1,
            U1, log = solver.solve(problem, x=U0)
            solver = SteepestDescent(logverbosity=0,
            U1 = solver.solve(problem, x=U0)

        # Evaluate and store the residual
        res = func(U1)  # This is the squared mismatch
        if history:
            # To match the rest of code, we define the residual as the mismatch
            r = (f - rs.predict(Y)[0]).flatten()
        if disp:
            print "iter %3d\t |r| : %10.10e" % (i, np.linalg.norm(res))
        # Update iterators
        U0 = U1
        i += 1

    # Store data
    if i == maxiter:
        exitflag = 1
        exitflag = 0

    if history:
        return U0, hist
        return U0
            Sigma_norm_B =, Sigma_norm), B.transpose())
            Wcd = dlyap_iterative(Ad.transpose(), Sigma_norm_B)
            Wnum =, Wcd)
            Wden =, Wcd - Sigma_norm_B)
            num = np.linalg.det(Wnum / sigma2 + I)
            den = np.linalg.det(Wden / sigma2 + I)
            return -np.log2(num / den) / (2. * T)

        # instantiate manifold for Pymanopt
        manifold_fact = Euclidean(n, n)
        # instantiate problem for Pymanopt
        problem = Problem(manifold=manifold_fact,
        # instantiate solver for Pymanopt
        solver = SteepestDescent()
        # let Pymanopt do the rest
        L_opt = solver.solve(problem)

        # optimal covariance Sigma^*
        Sigma_opt =, L_opt.transpose())
        Sigma_opt_norm = Sigma_opt / (np.trace(Sigma_opt))

        # value of transmission rate
        rate = -shannon_rate(L_opt)
        print "Shannon transmission rate:", rate
        rate_vec[k] = rate
        rate_data[k, pp] = rate

        k = k + 1
Ejemplo n.º 30
def DR_geod_complex(X, m, verbosity=0):
    X: array of N points on Gr(n, p); N x n x p array
    aim to represent X by X_hat (N points on Gr(m, p), m < n) 
    where X_hat_i = R^T X_i, W \in St(n, m)
    minimizing the projection error (using geodesic distance)
    N, n, p = X.shape
    Cgr = ComplexGrassmann(n, p, N)
    Cgr_low = Grassmann(m, p)
    Cgr_map = ComplexGrassmann(n, m) # n x m
    XXT = multiprod(X, multihconj(X))
    def cost(Q):
        tmp = np.array([np.matmul(Q, Q.T) for i in range(N)]) # N x n x n
        new_X = multiprod(tmp, X) # N x n x p
        q = np.array([qr(new_X[i])[0] for i in range(N)])
        d2 = Cgr.dist(X, q)**2
        return d2/N
    def egrad(Q):
        need to be fixed
        QQ = np.matmul(Q, multihconj(Q))
        tmp = np.array([QQ for i in range(N)])
        XQQX = multiprod(multiprod(multihconj(X), tmp), X)
        lam, V = np.linalg.eigh(XQQX)
        theta = np.arccos(np.sqrt(lam))
        d = -2*theta/(np.cos(theta)*np.sin(theta))
        Sig = np.array([np.diag(dd) for dd in d])
        XV = multiprod(X,V)
        eg = multiprod(XV, multiprod(Sig, multitransp(XV.conj())))
        eg = np.mean(eg, axis = 0)
        eg = np.matmul(eg, Q)
        return eg

    def egrad_num(R, eps = 1e-8+1e-8j):
        compute egrad numerically
        g = np.zeros(R.shape, dtype=np.complex128)
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(m):
                R1 = R.copy()
                R2 = R.copy()
                R1[i,j] += eps
                R2[i,j] -= eps
                g[i,j] = (cost(R1) - cost(R2))/(2*eps)
        return g

    # solver = ConjugateGradient()
    solver = SteepestDescent()
    problem = Problem(manifold=Cst, cost=cost, egrad=egrad, verbosity=verbosity)
    Q_proj = solver.solve(problem)

    tmp = np.array([multihconj(Q_proj) for i in range(N)])
    X_low = multiprod(tmp, X)
    X_low = X_low/np.expand_dims(np.linalg.norm(X_low, axis=1), axis = 2)

    M_hat = compute_centroid(Cgr_low, X_low)
    v_hat = var(Cgr_low, X_low, M_hat)/N
    var_ratio = v_hat/v
    return var_ratio, X_low, Q_proj