Ejemplo n.º 1
def run(backend=SUPPORTED_BACKENDS[0], quiet=True):
    dimension = 3
    num_samples = 200
    num_components = 2
    samples = np.random.randn(num_samples, dimension) @ np.diag([3, 2, 1])
    samples -= samples.mean(axis=0)

    cost, egrad, ehess = create_cost_egrad_ehess(backend, samples,
    manifold = Stiefel(dimension, num_components)
    problem = pymanopt.Problem(manifold, cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)
    if quiet:
        problem.verbosity = 0

    solver = TrustRegions()
    # from pymanopt.solvers import ConjugateGradient
    # solver = ConjugateGradient()
    estimated_span_matrix = solver.solve(problem)

    if quiet:

    estimated_projector = estimated_span_matrix @ estimated_span_matrix.T

    eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eig(samples.T @ samples)
    indices = np.argsort(eigenvalues)[::-1][:num_components]
    span_matrix = eigenvectors[:, indices]
    projector = span_matrix @ span_matrix.T

        "Frobenius norm error between estimated and closed-form projection "
        "matrix:", np.linalg.norm(projector - estimated_projector))
def solve_dist_with_man(man, A, X0, maxiter):
    from pymanopt import Problem
    from pymanopt.solvers import TrustRegions
    from pymanopt.function import Callable

    def cost(S):
        # if not(S.P.dtype == np.float):
        #    raise(ValueError("Non real"))
        diff = (A - S.U @ S.P @ S.V.T.conj())
        val = rtrace(diff @ diff.T.conj())
        # print('val=%f' % val)
        return val

    def egrad(S):
        return fr_ambient(-2*A @ S.V @ S.P,
                          -2*A.T.conj() @ S.U @S.P,
                          2*(S.P-S.U.T.conj() @ A @ S.V))
    def ehess(S, xi):
        return fr_ambient(-2*A @ (xi.tV @ S.P + S.V @ xi.tP),
                          -2*A.T.conj() @ (xi.tU @S.P + [email protected]),
                          2*(xi.tP - xi.tU.T.conj()@[email protected] -
                             S.U.T.conj()@[email protected]))

    prob = Problem(
        man, cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)

    solver = TrustRegions(maxtime=100000, maxiter=maxiter, use_rand=False)
    opt = solver.solve(prob, x=X0, Delta_bar=250)
    return opt
Ejemplo n.º 3
def run(quiet=True):
    dimension = 3
    num_samples = 200
    num_components = 2
    samples = np.random.randn(num_samples, dimension) @ np.diag([3, 2, 1])
    samples -= samples.mean(axis=0)
    samples_ = torch.from_numpy(samples)

    def cost(w):
        projector = torch.matmul(w, torch.transpose(w, 1, 0))
        return torch.norm(samples_ - torch.matmul(samples_, projector)) ** 2

    manifold = Stiefel(dimension, num_components)
    problem = pymanopt.Problem(manifold, cost, egrad=None, ehess=None)
    if quiet:
        problem.verbosity = 0

    solver = TrustRegions()
    # from pymanopt.solvers import ConjugateGradient
    # solver = ConjugateGradient()
    estimated_span_matrix = solver.solve(problem)

    if quiet:

    estimated_projector = estimated_span_matrix @ estimated_span_matrix.T

    eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eig(samples.T @ samples)
    indices = np.argsort(eigenvalues)[::-1][:num_components]
    span_matrix = eigenvectors[:, indices]
    projector = span_matrix @ span_matrix.T

    print("Frobenius norm error between estimated and closed-form projection "
          "matrix:", np.linalg.norm(projector - estimated_projector))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def run(backend=SUPPORTED_BACKENDS[0], quiet=True):
    """This example generates a random 128 x 128 symmetric matrix and finds the
    dominant invariant 3 dimensional subspace for this matrix, i.e., it finds
    the subspace spanned by the three eigenvectors with the largest
    num_rows = 128
    subspace_dimension = 3
    matrix = rnd.randn(num_rows, num_rows)
    matrix = 0.5 * (matrix + matrix.T)

    cost, egrad, ehess = create_cost_egrad_ehess(
        backend, matrix, subspace_dimension)
    manifold = Grassmann(num_rows, subspace_dimension)
    problem = pymanopt.Problem(manifold, cost=cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)
    if quiet:
        problem.verbosity = 0

    solver = TrustRegions()
    estimated_spanning_set = solver.solve(
        problem, Delta_bar=8*np.sqrt(subspace_dimension))

    if quiet:

    eigenvalues, eigenvectors = la.eig(matrix)
    column_indices = np.argsort(eigenvalues)[-subspace_dimension:]
    spanning_set = eigenvectors[:, column_indices]
    print("Geodesic distance between true and estimated dominant subspace:",
          manifold.dist(spanning_set, estimated_spanning_set))
def run(backend=SUPPORTED_BACKENDS[0], quiet=True):
    num_samples, num_weights = 200, 3

    solver = TrustRegions()
    manifold = Euclidean(3)

    for k in range(5):
        samples = rnd.randn(num_samples, num_weights)
        targets = rnd.randn(num_samples)

        cost, egrad, ehess = create_cost_egrad_ehess(backend, samples, targets)
        problem = pymanopt.Problem(manifold,

        estimated_weights = solver.solve(problem)
        if not quiet:
            print("Run {}".format(k + 1))
            print("Weights found by pymanopt (top) / "
                  "closed form solution (bottom)")
            print(la.pinv(samples) @ targets)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def estimateR_weighted(S, W, D, R0):
    estimates the update of the rotation matrix for the second part of the iterations
    :param S : shape
    :param W : heatmap
    :param D : weight of the heatmap
    :param R0 : rotation matrix
    :return: R the new rotation matrix

    A = np.transpose(S)
    B = np.transpose(W)
    X0 = R0[0:2, :]
    store_E = Store()

    [m, n] = A.shape
    p = B.shape[1]

    At = np.zeros([n, m])
    At = np.transpose(A)

    # we use the optimization on a Stiefel manifold because R is constrained to be othogonal
    manifold = Stiefel(n, p, 1)

    def cost(X):
        cost function of the manifold, the cost is trace(E'*D*E)/2 with E = A*X - B or store_E
        :param X : vector
        :return f : the cost

        if store_E.stored is None:
            store_E.stored = np.dot(A, np.transpose(X)) - B

        E = store_E.stored
        f = np.trace(np.dot(np.transpose(E), np.dot(D, E))) / 2

        return f


    # setup the problem structure with manifold M and cost
    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost, verbosity=0)

    # setup the trust region algorithm to solve the problem
    TR = TrustRegions(maxiter=10)

    # solve the problem
    X = TR.solve(problem, X0)

    #print('X : ',X)
    return np.transpose(X)  # return R = X'
    def estimate_orth_subspaces(self, DataStruct):
        main optimization function

        # Grassman point?
        if LA.norm(np.dot(self.Q.T, self.Q) - np.eye(self.Q.shape[-1]),
                   ord='fro') > 1e-4:

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #

        # eGrad = grad(cost)
        # eHess = hessian(cost)

        # Perform optimization
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #

        d, r = np.shape(self.Q)  # problem size

        manif = Stiefel(d, r)  # initialize manifold

        # instantiate problem
        problem = Problem(manifold=manif, cost=self._cost, verbosity=2)

        # initialize solver
        solver = TrustRegions(mingradnorm=1e-8,

        # solve
        Xopt, optlog = solver.solve(problem)

        opt_subspaces = self._objfn(Xopt)

        # Align the axes within a subspace by variance high to low
        for j in range(self.numSubspaces):
            Aj = DataStruct.A[j]
            Qj = opt_subspaces[2].Q[j]
            # data projected onto subspace
            Aj_proj = np.dot((Aj - np.mean(Aj, 0)), Qj)
            if np.size(np.cov(Aj_proj.T)) < 2:
                V = 1
                V = LA.svd(np.cov(Aj_proj.T))[0]
            Qj = np.dot(Qj, V)
            opt_subspaces[2].Q[j] = Qj  # ranked top to low variance

        return opt_subspaces[2]
def ManoptOptimization(A, m):
    n = A.shape[0]
    T = A.shape[2]
    manifold = Stiefel(n, m, k=1)

    mycost = lambda x: cost(A, x)
    myegrad = lambda x: egrad(A, x)
    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=mycost, egrad=myegrad)

    solver = TrustRegions()
    print('# Start optimization using solver: trustregion')
    Xopt = solver.solve(problem)

    return Xopt
def rank_k_correlation_matrix_approximation(A, k):
    Returns the matrix with unit-norm columns that is closests to A w.r.t. the
    Frobenius norm.
    m, n = A.shape
    assert m == n, "matrix must be square"
    assert np.allclose(np.sum(A - A.T), 0), "matrix must be symmetric"

    manifold = Oblique(k, n)
    solver = TrustRegions()
    X = T.matrix()
    cost = 0.25 * T.sum((T.dot(X.T, X) - A) ** 2)

    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost, arg=X)
    return solver.solve(problem)
def _bootstrap_problem(A, k):
    m, n = A.shape
    assert m == n, "matrix must be square"
    assert np.allclose(np.sum(A - A.T), 0), "matrix must be symmetric"
    manifold = SymFixedRankYY(n, k)
    solver = TrustRegions(maxiter=500, minstepsize=1e-6)
    return manifold, solver
def rank_k_correlation_matrix_approximation(A, k):
    Returns the matrix with unit-norm columns that is closests to A w.r.t. the
    Frobenius norm.
    m, n = A.shape
    assert m == n, "matrix must be square"
    assert np.allclose(np.sum(A - A.T), 0), "matrix must be symmetric"

    manifold = Oblique(k, n)
    solver = TrustRegions()
    X = T.matrix()
    cost = 0.25 * T.sum((T.dot(X.T, X) - A)**2)

    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost, arg=X)
    return solver.solve(problem)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def solve_dist_with_man(man, A, X0, maxiter, check_deriv=False):
    import pymanopt
    from pymanopt import Problem
    from pymanopt.solvers import TrustRegions

    def cost(S):
        if not(S.P.dtype == np.float):
            raise(ValueError("Non real"))
        diff = (A - S.Y @ S.P @ S.Y.T.conjugate())
        val = trace(diff @ diff.T.conjugate()).real
        # print('val=%f' % val)
        return val

    def egrad(S):
        return psd_ambient(-4 * A @ S.Y @ S.P,
                           2 * (S.P - S.Y.T.conjugate() @ A @ S.Y))

    def ehess(S, xi):
        return psd_ambient(
            -4 * A @ (xi.tY @ S.P + S.Y @ xi.tP),
            2 * (xi.tP - xi.tY.T.conjugate() @ A @ S.Y -
                 S.Y.T.conjugate() @ A @ xi.tY))

    if check_deriv:
        xi = man.randvec(X0)
        dlt = 1e-7
        S1 = psd_point(X0.Y + dlt * xi.tY, X0.P + dlt * xi.tP)
        print((cost(S1) - cost(X0)) / dlt)
        print(man.base_inner_ambient(egrad(X0), xi))
        h1 = egrad(S1) - egrad(X0)
        h1 = psd_ambient(h1.tY / dlt, h1.tP / dlt)
        h2 = ehess(X0, xi)
        print(check_zero(h1.tY - h2.tY) + check_zero(h1.tP - h2.tP))

    prob = Problem(man, cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)

    solver = TrustRegions(maxtime=100000, maxiter=maxiter, use_rand=False)
    opt = solver.solve(prob, x=X0, Delta_bar=250)
    return opt
Ejemplo n.º 13
def optimizer_R_v1(W, D, S, R0):
    :param W: heatmap constant
    :param D: weight of the keypoints
    :param S: shape of the object
    :param R0: initial R

    :return : the optimal R with fixed T and s
    the cost is ||(W-(RS))*sqrt(D)|| but in fact is the scale factor is already taken into account in S and T is taken into account in W

    # this store object is needed because the manifold optimizer do not works if it is not implemented like that
    store = Store()

    # -------------------------------------COST FUNCTION-------------------------------------
    def cost(R):
        :param R: rotation matrix variable
        :return : ||(W-(RS))*D^1/2||^2 = tr((W-(RS))*D*(W-(RS))')

        if store.stored is None:
            store.stored = W - np.dot(R, S)

        X = store.stored
        f = np.trace(np.dot(X, np.dot(D, np.transpose(X)))) / 2

        return f

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # we use the optimization on a Stiefel manifold because R is constrained to be othogonal
    manifold = Stiefel(3, 2, 1)

    # setup the problem structure with manifold M and cost
    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost, verbosity=0)

    # setup the trust region algorithm to solve the problem
    TR = TrustRegions(maxiter=15)

    # solve the problem
    R_opt = TR.solve(problem, R0)

    return np.transpose(R_opt)
def dominant_invariant_subspace(A, p):
    Returns an orthonormal basis of the dominant invariant p-subspace of A.

        - A
            A real, symmetric matrix A of size nxn
        - p
            integer p < n.
        A real, orthonormal matrix X of size nxp such that trace(X'*A*X)
        is maximized. That is, the columns of X form an orthonormal basis
        of a dominant subspace of dimension p of A. These span the same space
        as  the eigenvectors associated with the largest eigenvalues of A.
        Sign is important: 2 is deemed a larger eigenvalue than -5.
    # Make sure the input matrix is square and symmetric
    n = A.shape[0]
    assert type(A) == np.ndarray, 'A must be a numpy array.'
    assert np.isreal(A).all(), 'A must be real.'
    assert A.shape[1] == n, 'A must be square.'
    assert np.linalg.norm(A-A.T) < n * np.spacing(1), 'A must be symmetric.'
    assert p <= n, 'p must be smaller than n.'

    # Define the cost on the Grassmann manifold
    Gr = Grassmann(n, p)
    X = T.matrix()
    cost = -T.dot(X.T, T.dot(A, X)).trace()

    # Setup the problem
    problem = Problem(manifold=Gr, cost=cost, arg=X)

    # Create a solver object
    solver = TrustRegions()

    # Solve
    Xopt = solver.solve(problem, Delta_bar=8*np.sqrt(p))

    return Xopt
Ejemplo n.º 15
def run(backend=SUPPORTED_BACKENDS[0], quiet=True):
    num_rows = 1000
    rank = 5
    low_rank_factor = rnd.randn(num_rows, rank)
    matrix = low_rank_factor @ low_rank_factor.T

    cost, egrad, ehess = create_cost_egrad_ehess(backend, matrix, rank)
    manifold = PSDFixedRank(num_rows, rank)
    problem = pymanopt.Problem(manifold, cost=cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)
    if quiet:
        problem.verbosity = 0

    solver = TrustRegions(maxiter=500, minstepsize=1e-6)
    low_rank_factor_estimate = solver.solve(problem)

    if quiet:

    print("Rank of target matrix:", la.matrix_rank(matrix))
    matrix_estimate = low_rank_factor_estimate @ low_rank_factor_estimate.T
    print("Frobenius norm error of low-rank estimate:",
          la.norm(matrix - matrix_estimate))
def run(backend=SUPPORTED_BACKENDS[0], quiet=True):
    num_rows = 10
    rank = 3
    matrix = rnd.randn(num_rows, num_rows)
    matrix = 0.5 * (matrix + matrix.T)

    # Solve the problem with pymanopt.
    cost, egrad, ehess = create_cost_egrad_ehess(backend, matrix, rank)
    manifold = Oblique(rank, num_rows)
    problem = pymanopt.Problem(manifold, cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)
    if quiet:
        problem.verbosity = 0

    solver = TrustRegions()
    X = solver.solve(problem)

    if quiet:

    C = X.T @ X
    print("Diagonal elements:", np.diag(C))
    print("Eigenvalues:", np.sort(la.eig(C)[0].real)[::-1])
def dominant_invariant_subspace(A, p):
    Returns an orthonormal basis of the dominant invariant p-subspace of A.

        - A
            A real, symmetric matrix A of size nxn
        - p
            integer p < n.
        A real, orthonormal matrix X of size nxp such that trace(X'*A*X)
        is maximized. That is, the columns of X form an orthonormal basis
        of a dominant subspace of dimension p of A. These span the same space
        as  the eigenvectors associated with the largest eigenvalues of A.
        Sign is important: 2 is deemed a larger eigenvalue than -5.
    # Make sure the input matrix is square and symmetric
    n = A.shape[0]
    assert type(A) == np.ndarray, 'A must be a numpy array.'
    assert np.isreal(A).all(), 'A must be real.'
    assert A.shape[1] == n, 'A must be square.'
    assert np.linalg.norm(A-A.T) < n * np.spacing(1), 'A must be symmetric.'
    assert p <= n, 'p must be smaller than n.'

    # Define the cost on the Grassmann manifold
    Gr = Grassmann(n, p)
    X = T.matrix()
    cost = -T.dot(X.T, T.dot(A, X)).trace()

    # Setup the problem
    problem = Problem(man=Gr, ad_cost=cost, ad_arg=X)

    # Create a solver object
    solver = TrustRegions()

    # Solve
    Xopt = solver.solve(problem, Delta_bar=8*np.sqrt(p))

    return Xopt
from pymanopt.solvers import TrustRegions
from pymanopt.manifolds import Euclidean, Product

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Generate random data
    X = np.random.randn(3, 100).astype('float32')
    Y = (X[0:1, :] - 2*X[1:2, :] + np.random.randn(1, 100) + 5).astype(

    # Cost function is the sqaured test error
    w = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([3, 1]))
    b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1]))
    cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(Y - tf.matmul(tf.transpose(w), X) - b))

    # first-order, second-order
    solver = TrustRegions()

    # R^3 x R^1
    manifold = Product([Euclidean(3, 1), Euclidean(1, 1)])

    # Solve the problem with pymanopt
    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost, arg=[w, b], verbosity=0)
    wopt = solver.solve(problem)

    print('Weights found by pymanopt (top) / '
          'closed form solution (bottom)')


    X1 = np.concatenate((X, np.ones((1, 100))), axis=0)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def kindr(Ud, n_clusters, mansolver, init, tol_in, tol_out, max_iter_in,
          max_iter_out, disp, do_inner, post_SR, isnrm_row_U, isnrm_col_H,
    if max_iter_out <= 0:
        raise ValueError('Number of iterations should be a positive number,'
                         ' got %d instead' % max_iter_out)
    if tol_out <= 0:
        raise ValueError('The tolerance should be a positive number,'
                         ' got %d instead' % tol_out)
        from pymanopt import Problem
        from pymanopt.manifolds import Stiefel, Rotations
        from pymanopt.solvers import SteepestDescent, ConjugateGradient, TrustRegions, NelderMead
    except ImportError:
        raise ValueError(
            "KindR needs pymanopt, which is unavailable, try KindAP instead.")
    #                warnings.warn("KindR solver is unavailable. Transfer to"
    #                                 "KindAP instead.")
        import autograd.numpy as anp
    except ImportError:
            "Pymanopt needs autograd, which is unavailable,try KindAP instead."
        idx, center, gerr, numiter = kindap(Ud, n_clusters, init, tol_in,
                                            tol_out, max_iter_in, max_iter_out,
                                            disp, True, post_SR, isnrm_row_U,
                                            isnrm_col_H, isbinary_H)
        return idx, center, gerr, numiter

    n, d = Ud.shape
    k = n_clusters
    if d != k:
        warnings.warn('Provided more features, expected %d, got %d' % (k, d))
    if isnrm_row_U:
        Ud = normalize(Ud, axis=1)
    # initialization
    if isinstance(init, string_types) and init == 'eye':
        # Z_0 = -np.identity(k)
        U = Ud[:, :k]
    elif hasattr(init, '__array__'):
        if init.shape[0] != d:
            raise ValueError(
                'The row size of init should be the same as the total'
                'features, got %d instead.' % init.shape[0])
        if init.shape[1] != k:
            raise ValueError(
                'The column size of init should be the same as the total'
                'clusters, got %d instead.' % init.shape[1])
        U = np.matmul(Ud, np.array(init))
    elif isinstance(init, string_types) and init == 'random':
        H = sparse.csc_matrix((np.ones(
            (n, )), (np.arange(n), np.random.randint(0, k, (n, )))),
                              shape=(n, k))
        smat, sigma, vmat = la.svd(sparse.csc_matrix.dot(Ud.T, H),
        z_init = np.matmul(smat, vmat)
        U = np.matmul(Ud, z_init)
        raise ValueError(
            "The init parameter for KindAP should be 'eye','random',"
            "or an array. Got a %s with type %s instead." % (init, type(init)))
    if isinstance(do_inner, bool) or isinstance(do_inner, int):
        do_inner = bool(do_inner)
    elif isinstance(do_inner, string_types) and (do_inner
                                                 in ["relu", "softmax"]):
        raise ValueError("Invalid put do_inner")

    H, N = sparse.csc_matrix((n, k)), sparse.csc_matrix((n, k))
    dUH = float('inf')
    numiter, gerr = [], []
    idx = np.ones(n)
    crit2 = np.zeros(4)

    def cost_n(rotation):
        return 0.5 * anp.sum(anp.minimum(anp.matmul(Ud, rotation), 0)**2)

    # def cost_softmax(rotation):
    #     umat = anp.matmul(Ud, rotation)
    #     exp_umat = anp.exp(umat)
    #     mat = exp_umat / exp_umat.sum(axis=1).reshape(Ud.shape[0], 1)
    #     return 0.5 * anp.sum((umat - mat) ** 2)

    for n_iter_out in range(max_iter_out):
        idxp, Up, Np, Hp = idx, U, N, H
        optlog = {}
        itr = 0

        # inner iterations
        if do_inner:
            if d == k:
                manifold = Rotations(k)
                manifold = Stiefel(d, k)
            # if do_inner == "softmax":
            #     cost = cost_softmax
            # else:
            #     cost = cost_n
            problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost_n, verbosity=0)
            if mansolver == "SD":
                solver = SteepestDescent(maxiter=max_iter_in,
            elif mansolver == "CG":
                solver = ConjugateGradient(maxiter=max_iter_in,
            elif mansolver == "TR":
                solver = TrustRegions(maxiter=max_iter_in,
            elif mansolver == "NM":
                solver = NelderMead(maxiter=max_iter_in,
                raise ValueError(
                    "Undefined manifold optimization method, Expect SD, CG, TR or NM, "
                    "get %s instead" % mansolver)
            Z, optlog = solver.solve(problem)
            U = np.matmul(Ud, Z)
            N = np.maximum(U, 0)
            itr = len(optlog['iterations']['iteration'])
            if disp:
            N = U

        # project onto H
        H, idx = proj_h(N, isnrm_col_H, isbinary_H)
        idxchg = sum(idx != idxp)

        # project back to Ud
        U = proj_ud(H, Ud)
        dUHp = dUH
        dUH = la.norm(U - H, 'fro')
        if disp:
            print('Outer %3d: %3d  dUH: %11.8e idxchg: %6d' %
                  (n_iter_out + 1, itr, dUH, idxchg))
        # stopping criteria of outer iterations
        crit2[0] = dUH < 1e-12
        crit2[1] = abs(dUH - dUHp) < dUHp * tol_out
        crit2[2] = dUH > dUHp
        crit2[3] = idxchg == 0
        if any(crit2):
            if post_SR and do_inner:
                do_inner, isbinary_H = False, True
            if crit2[2] and not crit2[1]:
                idx, H, U, N, dUH = idxp, Hp, Up, Np, dUHp
            if disp and optlog and 'stoppingreason' in optlog:
                print('\t stop reason:', optlog['stoppingreason'])
    center = sparse.csc_matrix.dot(
        normalize((H != 0), axis=0, norm='l1').T, Ud)
    return idx, center, gerr, numiter
Ejemplo n.º 20
def wda(X, y, p=2, reg=1, k=10, solver=None, maxiter=100, verbose=0):
    Wasserstein Discriminant Analysis [11]_
    The function solves the following optimization problem:

    .. math::
        P = \\text{arg}\min_P \\frac{\\sum_i W(PX^i,PX^i)}{\\sum_{i,j\\neq i} W(PX^i,PX^j)}

    where :
    - :math:`P` is a linear projection operator in the Stiefel(p,d) manifold
    - :math:`W` is entropic regularized Wasserstein distances
    - :math:`X^i` are samples in the dataset corresponding to class i    
    X : numpy.ndarray (n,d)
        Training samples
    y : np.ndarray (n,)
        labels for training samples
    p : int, optional
        size of dimensionnality reduction
    reg : float, optional
        Regularization term >0 (entropic regularization)
    solver : str, optional
        None for steepest decsent or 'TrustRegions' for trust regions algorithm
        else shoudl be a pymanopt.sovers
    verbose : int, optional
        Print information along iterations

    P : (d x p) ndarray
        Optimal transportation matrix for the given parameters
    proj : fun
        projectiuon function including mean centering


    .. [11] Flamary, R., Cuturi, M., Courty, N., & Rakotomamonjy, A. (2016). Wasserstein Discriminant Analysis. arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.08063.


    mx = np.mean(X)
    X -= mx.reshape((1, -1))

    # data split between classes
    d = X.shape[1]
    xc = split_classes(X, y)
    # compute uniform weighs
    wc = [np.ones((x.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32) / x.shape[0] for x in xc]

    def cost(P):
        # wda loss
        loss_b = 0
        loss_w = 0

        for i, xi in enumerate(xc):
            xi = np.dot(xi, P)
            for j, xj in enumerate(xc[i:]):
                xj = np.dot(xj, P)
                M = dist(xi, xj)
                G = sinkhorn(wc[i], wc[j + i], M, reg, k)
                if j == 0:
                    loss_w += np.sum(G * M)
                    loss_b += np.sum(G * M)

        # loss inversed because minimization
        return loss_w / loss_b

    # declare manifold and problem
    manifold = Stiefel(d, p)
    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost)

    # declare solver and solve
    if solver is None:
        solver = SteepestDescent(maxiter=maxiter, logverbosity=verbose)
    elif solver in ['tr', 'TrustRegions']:
        solver = TrustRegions(maxiter=maxiter, logverbosity=verbose)

    Popt = solver.solve(problem)

    def proj(X):
        return (X - mx.reshape((1, -1))).dot(Popt)

    return Popt, proj
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def manifold_fit(self, Y, X):
        from pymanopt.manifolds import Rotations, Euclidean, Product
        from pymanopt import Problem
        from pymanopt.solvers import TrustRegions
        # from minimal_varx import make_normalized_G

        cov_res, cov_xlag, cov_y_xlag = calc_extended_covariance(Y, X, self.p)
        self.set_covs(cov_res, cov_xlag)
        # m = X.shape[0]

        with_c = (self.mm_degree > self.agg_rnk) and (self.m - self.agg_rnk)
        C = Euclidean(self.mm_degree - self.agg_rnk, self.m - self.agg_rnk)
        RG = Rotations(self.m)
        if with_c:
            raise (ValueError(
                "This option is implemented only for self.agg_rnk == m"))
        if with_c:
            manifold = Product([RG, C])
            manifold = RG
        if not with_c:
            c_null = np.zeros(
                (self.mm_degree - self.agg_rnk, self.m - self.agg_rnk))
            c_null = None

        if with_c:

            def cost(x):
                o, c = x
                G = make_normalized_G(self, self.m, o, c)
                return self.neg_log_llk

            def cost(x):
                G = make_normalized_G(self, self.m, x, c_null)
                return self.neg_log_llk

        if with_c:

            def egrad(x):
                o, c = x
                grad_o, grad_c = self.map_o_c_grad(self._gradient_tensor, o, c)
                return [grad_o, grad_c]

            def egrad(x):
                grad_o, grad_c = self.map_o_c_grad(self._gradient_tensor, x,

                return grad_o

        if with_c:

            def ehess(x, Heta):
                o, c = x
                eta = make_normalized_G(self, self.m, Heta[0], Heta[1])
                hess_raw = self.hessian_prod(eta)
                hess_o, hess_c = self.map_o_c_grad(hess_raw, o, c)
                return [hess_o, hess_c]


            def ehess(x, Heta):
                eta = make_normalized_G(self, self.m, Heta, c_null)
                hess_raw = self.hessian_prod(eta)
                hess_o, hess_c = self.map_o_c_grad(hess_raw, x, c_null)
                return hess_o

        if with_c:
            min_mle = Problem(manifold, cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)
            min_mle = Problem(manifold, cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)

        solver = TrustRegions()
        opt = solver.solve(min_mle)
        if with_c:
            G_opt = make_normalized_G(self, self.m, opt[0], opt[1])
            G_opt = make_normalized_G(self, self.m, opt, c_null)

        self.calc_H_F_Phi(G_opt, cov_y_xlag)
        return opt
Ejemplo n.º 22
def nonlinear_eigenspace(L, k, alpha=1):
    """Nonlinear eigenvalue problem: total energy minimization.

    This example is motivated in [1]_ and was adapted from the manopt toolbox
    in Matlab.

    TODO : check this

    L : array, shape=(n_channels, n_channels)
        Discrete Laplacian operator: the covariance matrix.
    alpha : float
        Given constant for optimization problem.
    k : int
        Determines how many eigenvalues are returned.

    Xsol : array, shape=(n_channels, n_channels)
    S0 : array

    .. [1] "A Riemannian Newton Algorithm for Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems",
       Zhi Zhao, Zheng-Jian Bai, and Xiao-Qing Jin, SIAM Journal on Matrix
       Analysis and Applications, 36(2), 752-774, 2015.

    n = L.shape[0]
    assert L.shape[1] == n, 'L must be square.'

    # Grassmann manifold description
    manifold = Grassmann(n, k)
    manifold._dimension = 1  # hack

    # A solver that involves the hessian (check if correct TODO)
    solver = TrustRegions()

    # Cost function evaluation
    def cost(X):
        rhoX = np.sum(X**2, 1, keepdims=True)  # diag(X*X')
        val = 0.5 * np.trace(X.T @ (L * X)) + \
            (alpha / 4) * (rhoX.T @ mldivide(L, rhoX))
        return val

    # Euclidean gradient evaluation
    def egrad(X):
        rhoX = np.sum(X**2, 1, keepdims=True)  # diag(X*X')
        g = L @ X + alpha * np.diagflat(mldivide(L, rhoX)) @ X
        return g

    # Euclidean Hessian evaluation
    # Note: Manopt automatically converts it to the Riemannian counterpart.
    def ehess(X, U):
        rhoX = np.sum(X**2, 1, keepdims=True)  # np.diag(X * X')
        rhoXdot = 2 * np.sum(X.dot(U), 1)
        h = L @ U + alpha * np.diagflat(mldivide(L, rhoXdot)) @ X + \
            alpha * np.diagflat(mldivide(L, rhoX)) @ U
        return h

    # Initialization as suggested in above referenced paper.
    # randomly generate starting point for svd
    x = np.random.randn(n, k)
    [U, S, V] = linalg.svd(x, full_matrices=False)
    x = U.dot(V.T)
    S0, U0 = linalg.eig(L + alpha * np.diagflat(mldivide(L, np.sum(x**2, 1))))

    # Call manoptsolve to automatically call an appropriate solver.
    # Note: it calls the trust regions solver as we have all the required
    # ingredients, namely, gradient and Hessian, information.
    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold,
    Xsol = solver.solve(problem, U0)

    return S0, Xsol
Ejemplo n.º 23
def optim_test2():
    from pymanopt import Problem
    from pymanopt.solvers import TrustRegions
    from pymanopt.function import Callable

    n = 100
    d = 20
    # problem Tr(AXBX^T)
    for i in range(1):
        D = randint(1, 10, n) * 0.02 + 1
        OO = random_orthogonal(n)
        A = OO @ np.diag(D) @ OO.T.conj()
        B = make_sym_pos(d)

        alpha = randint(1, 10, 2) * .1
        alpha = alpha / alpha[0]
        man = ComplexStiefel(n, d, alpha)
        A2 = A @ A

        def cost(X):
            return rtrace(A @ X @ B @ X.T.conj() @ A2 @ X @ B @ X.T.conj() @ A)

        def egrad(X):
            R = 4 * A2 @ X @ B @ X.T.conj() @ A2 @ X @ B
            return R

        def ehess(X, H):
            return 4*A2 @ H @ B @ X.T.conj() @ A2 @ X @ B +\
                4*A2 @ X @ B @ H.T.conj() @ A2 @ X @ B +\
                4*A2 @ X @ B @ X.T.conj() @ A2 @ H @ B

        if False:
            X = man.rand()
            xi = man.randvec(X)
            d1 = num_deriv(man, X, xi, cost)
            d2 = rtrace(egrad(X) @ xi.T.conj())
            print(check_zero(d1 - d2))
            d3 = num_deriv(man, X, xi, egrad)
            d4 = ehess(X, xi)
            print(check_zero(d3 - d4))

        prob = Problem(man, cost, egrad=egrad)
        XInit = man.rand()

        prob = Problem(man, cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)

        solver = TrustRegions(maxtime=100000, maxiter=100)
        opt = solver.solve(prob, x=XInit, Delta_bar=2500)
        if False:
            # print(opt)
            # double check:
            # print(cost(opt))
            min_val = 1e190
            # min_X = None
            for i in range(100):
                Xi = man.rand()
                c = cost(Xi)
                if c < min_val:
                    # min_X = Xi
                    min_val = c
                if i % 1000 == 0:
                    print('i=%d min=%f' % (i, min_val))
        man1 = ComplexStiefel(n, d, alpha=np.array([1, 1]))
        prob = Problem(man1, cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)

        solver = TrustRegions(maxtime=100000, maxiter=100)
        opt = solver.solve(prob, x=XInit, Delta_bar=250)

        man1 = ComplexStiefel(n, d, alpha=np.array([1, .5]))
        prob = Problem(man1, cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)

        solver = TrustRegions(maxtime=100000, maxiter=100)
        opt = solver.solve(prob, x=XInit, Delta_bar=250)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def wda(X,
    Wasserstein Discriminant Analysis :ref:`[11] <references-wda>`

    The function solves the following optimization problem:

    .. math::
        \mathbf{P} = \mathop{\arg \min}_\mathbf{P} \quad
        \frac{\sum\limits_i W(P \mathbf{X}^i, P \mathbf{X}^i)}{\sum\limits_{i, j \neq i} W(P \mathbf{X}^i, P \mathbf{X}^j)}

    where :

    - :math:`P` is a linear projection operator in the Stiefel(`p`, `d`) manifold
    - :math:`W` is entropic regularized Wasserstein distances
    - :math:`\mathbf{X}^i` are samples in the dataset corresponding to class i

    **Choosing a Sinkhorn solver**

    By default and when using a regularization parameter that is not too small
    the default sinkhorn solver should be enough. If you need to use a small
    regularization to get sparse cost matrices, you should use the
    :py:func:`ot.dr.sinkhorn_log` solver that will avoid numerical
    errors, but can be slow in practice.

    X : ndarray, shape (n, d)
        Training samples.
    y : ndarray, shape (n,)
        Labels for training samples.
    p : int, optional
        Size of dimensionnality reduction.
    reg : float, optional
        Regularization term >0 (entropic regularization)
    solver : None | str, optional
        None for steepest descent or 'TrustRegions' for trust regions algorithm
        else should be a pymanopt.solvers
    sinkhorn_method : str
        method used for the Sinkhorn solver, either 'sinkhorn' or 'sinkhorn_log'
    P0 : ndarray, shape (d, p)
        Initial starting point for projection.
    normalize : bool, optional
        Normalise the Wasserstaiun distance by the average distance on P0 (default : False)
    verbose : int, optional
        Print information along iterations.

    P : ndarray, shape (d, p)
        Optimal transportation matrix for the given parameters
    proj : callable
        Projection function including mean centering.

    .. _references-wda:
    .. [11] Flamary, R., Cuturi, M., Courty, N., & Rakotomamonjy, A. (2016).
            Wasserstein Discriminant Analysis. arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.08063.
    """  # noqa

    if sinkhorn_method.lower() == 'sinkhorn':
        sinkhorn_solver = sinkhorn
    elif sinkhorn_method.lower() == 'sinkhorn_log':
        sinkhorn_solver = sinkhorn_log
        raise ValueError("Unknown Sinkhorn method '%s'." % sinkhorn_method)

    mx = np.mean(X)
    X -= mx.reshape((1, -1))

    # data split between classes
    d = X.shape[1]
    xc = split_classes(X, y)
    # compute uniform weighs
    wc = [np.ones((x.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32) / x.shape[0] for x in xc]

    # pre-compute reg_c,c'
    if P0 is not None and normalize:
        regmean = np.zeros((len(xc), len(xc)))
        for i, xi in enumerate(xc):
            xi = np.dot(xi, P0)
            for j, xj in enumerate(xc[i:]):
                xj = np.dot(xj, P0)
                M = dist(xi, xj)
                regmean[i, j] = np.sum(M) / (len(xi) * len(xj))
        regmean = np.ones((len(xc), len(xc)))

    def cost(P):
        # wda loss
        loss_b = 0
        loss_w = 0

        for i, xi in enumerate(xc):
            xi = np.dot(xi, P)
            for j, xj in enumerate(xc[i:]):
                xj = np.dot(xj, P)
                M = dist(xi, xj)
                G = sinkhorn_solver(wc[i], wc[j + i], M, reg * regmean[i, j],
                if j == 0:
                    loss_w += np.sum(G * M)
                    loss_b += np.sum(G * M)

        # loss inversed because minimization
        return loss_w / loss_b

    # declare manifold and problem
    manifold = Stiefel(d, p)
    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost)

    # declare solver and solve
    if solver is None:
        solver = SteepestDescent(maxiter=maxiter, logverbosity=verbose)
    elif solver in ['tr', 'TrustRegions']:
        solver = TrustRegions(maxiter=maxiter, logverbosity=verbose)

    Popt = solver.solve(problem, x=P0)

    def proj(X):
        return (X - mx.reshape((1, -1))).dot(Popt)

    return Popt, proj
Ejemplo n.º 25
def optim_test():
    from pymanopt import Problem
    from pymanopt.solvers import TrustRegions
    from pymanopt.function import Callable

    n = 100
    d = 20
    # problem Tr(AXBX^T)
    for i in range(1):
        D = randint(1, 10, n) * 0.02 + 1
        OO = random_orthogonal(n)
        A = OO @ np.diag(D) @ OO.T
        B = make_sym_pos(d)

        man = RealStiefelWoodbury(n,

        def cost(X):
            return trace(A @ X @ B @ X.T)

        def egrad(X):
            return 2 * A @ X @ B

        def ehess(X, H):
            return 2 * A @ H @ B

        X = man.rand()
        if False:
            xi = man.randvec(X)
            d1 = num_deriv(man, X, xi, cost)
            d2 = trace(egrad(X) @ xi.T)
            print(check_zero(d1 - d2))

        XInit = man.rand()

        prob = Problem(man, cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)

        solver = TrustRegions(maxtime=100000, maxiter=100)
        man.retr_method = 'geo'
        opt = solver.solve(prob, x=XInit, Delta_bar=250)
        # print(opt)
        # double check:
        min_val = 1e190
        min_X = None
        for i in range(100):
            Xi = man.rand()
            c = cost(Xi)
            if c < min_val:
                min_X = Xi
                min_val = c
            if i % 1000 == 0:
                print('i=%d min=%f' % (i, min_val))
        man1 = RealStiefelWoodbury(n, d, np.eye(n), np.eye(d))
        prob1 = Problem(man1, cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)
        man1.retr_method = 'svd'
        solver1 = TrustRegions(maxtime=100000, maxiter=100)
        opt1 = solver1.solve(prob1, x=XInit, Delta_bar=250)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def optim_test():
    from pymanopt import Problem
    from pymanopt.solvers import TrustRegions
    from pymanopt.function import Callable

    n = 1000

    # problem Tr(AXBX^T)
    for i in range(1):
        dvec = np.array([0, 30, 2, 1])
        dvec[0] = 1000 - dvec[1:].sum()
        d = dvec[1:].sum()
        D = randint(1, 10, n) * 0.02 + 1
        OO = random_orthogonal(n)
        A = OO @ np.diag(D) @ OO.T
        B = make_sym_pos(d)
        p = dvec.shape[0]-1
        alpha = randint(1, 10, (p, p+1)) * .1
        alpha0 = randint(1, 10, (p))
        # alpha0 = randint(1, 2, (p))
        alpha = make_simple_alpha(alpha0, 0)
        man = RealFlag(dvec, alpha=alpha)

        def cost(X):
            return trace(A @ X @ B @ X.T)
        def egrad(X):
            return 2*A @ X @ B

        def ehess(X, H):
            return 2*A @ H @ B

        if False:
            X = man.rand()
            xi = man.randvec(X)
            d1 = num_deriv(man, X, xi, cost)
            d2 = trace(egrad(X) @ xi.T)
        prob = Problem(
            man, cost, egrad=egrad)
        XInit = man.rand()

        prob = Problem(
            man, cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)

        solver = TrustRegions(maxtime=100000, maxiter=100)
        opt = solver.solve(prob, x=XInit, Delta_bar=250)

        if False:
            min_val = 1e190
            # min_X = None
            for i in range(100):
                Xi = man.rand()
                c = cost(Xi)
                if c < min_val:
                    # min_X = Xi
                    min_val = c
                if i % 1000 == 0:
                    print('i=%d min=%f' % (i, min_val))
        alpha_c = alpha.copy()
        alpha_c[:] = 1
        man1 = RealFlag(dvec, alpha=alpha_c)
        prob = Problem(
            man1, cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)

        solver = TrustRegions(maxtime=100000, maxiter=100)
        opt = solver.solve(prob, x=XInit, Delta_bar=250)
        alpha_c5 = alpha_c.copy()
        alpha_c5[:, 1:] = .5
        man1 = RealFlag(dvec, alpha=alpha_c5)
        prob = Problem(
            man1, cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)

        solver = TrustRegions(maxtime=100000, maxiter=100)
        opt = solver.solve(prob, x=XInit, Delta_bar=250)
Ejemplo n.º 27
from pymanopt import Problem
from pymanopt.solvers import TrustRegions
from pymanopt.manifolds import Euclidean, Product

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Generate random data
    X = np.random.randn(3, 100)
    Y = X[0:1, :] - 2 * X[1:2, :] + np.random.randn(1, 100) + 5

    # Cost function is the sqaured test error
    w = T.matrix()
    b = T.matrix()
    cost = T.sum((Y - w.T.dot(X) - b[0, 0])**2)

    # A solver that involves the hessian
    solver = TrustRegions()

    # R^3 x R^1
    manifold = Product([Euclidean(3, 1), Euclidean(1, 1)])

    # Solve the problem with pymanopt
    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost, arg=[w, b], verbosity=0)
    wopt = solver.solve(problem)

    print('Weights found by pymanopt (top) / ' 'closed form solution (bottom)')


    X1 = np.concatenate((X, np.ones((1, 100))), axis=0)
    wclosed = np.linalg.inv(X1.dot(X1.T)).dot(X1).dot(Y.T)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def cost(X):
    return -np.tensordot(X, ABt, axes=X.ndim)

def egrad(X):
    return -ABt

def ehess(X, S):
    return manifold.zerovec(X)

problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)
# problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost)

solver = TrustRegions()
# solver = SteepestDescent()

X = solver.solve(problem)
# print(X)

def sol(ABt):
    # Compare with the known optimal solution\n",
    U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(ABt)
    UVt = np.dot(U, Vt)
    # The determinant of UVt is either 1 or -1, in theory\n",
    if abs(1.0 - np.linalg.det(UVt)) < 1e-10:
        Xopt = UVt
    elif abs(-1.0 - np.linalg.det(UVt)) < 1e-10:
        # UVt is in O(n) but not SO(n). This is easily corrected for:\n",
Ejemplo n.º 29
def optim_test():
    from pymanopt import Problem
    from pymanopt.solvers import TrustRegions
    from pymanopt.function import Callable

    n = 300

    # problem Tr(AXBX^T)
    for i in range(1):
        dvec = np.array([0, 5, 4, 10])
        dvec[0] = n - dvec[1:].sum()
        d = dvec[1:].sum()

        alpha = randint(1, 10, 2) * .1
        D = randint(1, 10, n) * 0.02 + 1
        OO = random_orthogonal(n)
        A = OO @ np.diag(D) @ OO.T.conjugate()
        B = make_sym_pos(d)

        p = dvec.shape[0] - 1
        alpha = randint(1, 10, (p, p + 1)) * .1
        alpha0 = randint(1, 10, (p))
        # alpha0 = randint(1, 2, (p))
        alpha = make_simple_alpha(alpha0, 0)

        man = ComplexFlag(dvec, alpha)

        def cost(X):
            return trace(A @ X @ B @ X.T.conjugate()).real

        def egrad(X):
            return 2 * A @ X @ B

        def ehess(X, H):
            return 2 * A @ H @ B

        X = man.rand()
        if False:
            xi = man.randvec(X)
            d1 = num_deriv(man, X, xi, cost)
            d2 = trace(egrad(X) @ xi.T.conjugate()).real
            print(check_zero(d1 - d2))

        prob = Problem(man, cost, egrad=egrad)
        XInit = man.rand()

        prob = Problem(man, cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)

        solver = TrustRegions(maxtime=100000, maxiter=100)
        opt = solver.solve(prob, x=XInit, Delta_bar=250)

        alpha0 = randint(1, 2, (p))
        alpha1 = make_simple_alpha(alpha0, 0)

        man1 = ComplexFlag(dvec, alpha=alpha1)
        prob = Problem(man1, cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)

        solver = TrustRegions(maxtime=100000, maxiter=100)
        opt = solver.solve(prob, x=XInit, Delta_bar=250)

        alpha0 = randint(1, 2, (p))
        alpha2 = make_simple_alpha(alpha0, -1)
        man1 = ComplexFlag(dvec, alpha=alpha2)
        prob = Problem(man1, cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)

        solver = TrustRegions(maxtime=100000, maxiter=100)
        opt = solver.solve(prob, x=XInit, Delta_bar=250)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def optim_test3():
    from pymanopt import Problem
    from pymanopt.solvers import TrustRegions
    from pymanopt.function import Callable
    n = 200
    d = 20
    # problem Tr(AXBX^T)
    for i in range(1):
        B = np.diag(np.concatenate([randint(1, 10, d), np.zeros(n - d)]))
        D = randint(1, 10, n) * 0.02 + 1
        OO = random_orthogonal(n)
        A = OO @ np.diag(D) @ OO.T.conj()

        alpha = randint(1, 10, 2)
        alpha = alpha / alpha[0]
        man = ComplexStiefel(n, d, alpha)
        cf = 10
        B2 = B @ B

        def cost(X):
            return cf * rtrace(
                B @ X @ X.T.conj() @ B2 @ X @ X.T.conj() @ B) +\
                rtrace(X.T.conj() @ A @ X)

        def egrad(X):
            R = cf * 4 * B2 @ X @ X.T.conj() @ B2 @ X + 2 * A @ X
            return R

        def ehess(X, H):
            return 4*cf*B2 @ H @ X.T.conj() @ B2 @ X +\
                4*cf*B2 @ X @ H.T.conj() @ B2 @ X +\
                4*cf*B2 @ X @ X.T.conj() @ B2 @ H + 2*A @ H

        if False:
            X = man.rand()
            xi = man.randvec(X)
            d1 = num_deriv(man, X, xi, cost)
            d2 = rtrace(egrad(X) @ xi.T.conj())
            print(check_zero(d1 - d2))
            d3 = num_deriv(man, X, xi, egrad)
            d4 = ehess(X, xi)
            print(check_zero(d3 - d4))

        XInit = man.rand()
        prob = Problem(man, cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)

        solver = TrustRegions(maxtime=100000, maxiter=100)
        opt = solver.solve(prob, x=XInit, Delta_bar=2500)
        if False:
            # print(opt)
            # double check:
            # print(cost(opt))
            min_val = 1e190
            # min_X = None
            for i in range(100):
                Xi = man.rand()
                c = cost(Xi)
                if c < min_val:
                    # min_X = Xi
                    min_val = c
                if i % 1000 == 0:
                    print('i=%d min=%f' % (i, min_val))
        man1 = ComplexStiefel(n, d, alpha=np.array([1, 1]))
        prob = Problem(man1, cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)

        solver = TrustRegions(maxtime=100000, maxiter=100)
        opt = solver.solve(prob, x=XInit, Delta_bar=250)

        man1 = ComplexStiefel(n, d, alpha=np.array([1, .5]))
        # man1 = ComplexStiefel(n, d, alpha=np.array([1, 1]))
        prob = Problem(man1, cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)

        solver = TrustRegions(maxtime=100000, maxiter=100)
        opt = solver.solve(prob, x=XInit, Delta_bar=250)
     Wcd = np.reshape(Wcd_vec,(n,n))
     Wnum = np.dot(Wo,Wcd)
     Wden = np.dot(Wo,Wcd-Sigma_norm_B)
     num = np.linalg.det(Wnum+sigma2*I)
     den = np.linalg.det(Wden+sigma2*I)
     return -np.log2(num/den)/(2.*T)
 def make_shannon_capacity_fact_fixed_time(T): 
     def shannon_capacity_fact_fixed_time(L):
         return shannon_rate(L, T)  
     return shannon_capacity_fact_fixed_time
 # instantiate manifold for Pymanopt               
 manifold_fact = Euclidean(n,n)
 # instantiate solver for Pymanopt
 solver = TrustRegions()
 #### find R_max via bisection method ####
 # min value T
 shannon_capacity_fact_fixed_time = make_shannon_capacity_fact_fixed_time(T1)
 problem = Problem(manifold=manifold_fact, cost=shannon_capacity_fact_fixed_time, verbosity=0)
 L_opt1 = solver.solve(problem)
 p_1 = -shannon_capacity_fact_fixed_time(L_opt1)
 #print p_1
 Sigma_opt1 = np.dot(L_opt1,L_opt1.transpose())
 Sigma_opt_norm1 = Sigma_opt1/(np.trace(Sigma_opt1)) 
Ejemplo n.º 32
def optim_test3():
    from pymanopt import Problem
    from pymanopt.solvers import TrustRegions
    from pymanopt.function import Callable
    n = 1000

    # problem Tr(AXBX^T)
    for i in range(1):
        # Stiefel manifold
        dvec = np.array([0, 50])
        dvec[0] = n - dvec[1:].sum()
        d = dvec[1:].sum()
        p = dvec.shape[0] - 1

        alpha = randint(1, 10, (p, p + 1)) * .1
        alpha0 = randint(1, 10, (p))
        # alpha0 = randint(1, 2, (p))
        alpha = make_simple_alpha(alpha0, 0)

        B = np.diag(np.concatenate([randint(1, 10, d), np.zeros(n - d)]))
        D = randint(1, 10, n) * 0.02 + 1
        OO = random_orthogonal(n)
        A = OO @ np.diag(D) @ OO.T
        man = ComplexFlag(dvec, alpha)
        cf = 10
        B2 = B @ B

        def cost(X):
            return cf * trace(
                B @ X @ st(X) @ B2 @ X @ st(X) @ B) +\
                trace(st(X) @ A @ X)

        def egrad(X):
            R = cf * 4 * B2 @ X @ st(X) @ B2 @ X + 2 * A @ X
            return R

        def ehess(X, H):
            return 4*cf*B2 @ H @ st(X) @ B2 @ X +\
                4*cf*B2 @ X @ st(H) @ B2 @ X +\
                4*cf*B2 @ X @ st(X) @ B2 @ H + 2*A @ H

        if False:
            X = man.rand()
            xi = man.randvec(X)
            d1 = num_deriv(man, X, xi, cost)
            d2 = trace(egrad(X) @ st(xi)).real
            print(check_zero(d1 - d2))
            d3 = num_deriv(man, X, xi, egrad)
            d4 = ehess(X, xi)
            print(check_zero(d3 - d4))

        XInit = man.rand()
        prob = Problem(man, cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)

        solver = TrustRegions(maxtime=100000, maxiter=100)
        opt = solver.solve(prob, x=XInit, Delta_bar=2500)
        if False:
            # print(opt)
            # double check:
            # print(cost(opt))
            min_val = 1e190
            # min_X = None
            for i in range(100):
                Xi = man.rand()
                c = cost(Xi)
                if c < min_val:
                    # min_X = Xi
                    min_val = c
                if i % 1000 == 0:
                    print('i=%d min=%f' % (i, min_val))
        alpha0 = randint(1, 2, (p))
        alpha1 = make_simple_alpha(alpha0, 0)

        man1 = ComplexFlag(dvec, alpha=alpha1)
        prob = Problem(man1, cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)

        solver = TrustRegions(maxtime=100000, maxiter=100)
        opt = solver.solve(prob, x=XInit, Delta_bar=250)

        alpha0 = randint(1, 2, (p))
        alpha2 = make_simple_alpha(alpha0, -1)
        man1 = ComplexFlag(dvec, alpha=alpha2)
        # man1 = RealStiefel(n, d, alpha=np.array([1, 1]))
        prob = Problem(man1, cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)

        solver = TrustRegions(maxtime=100000, maxiter=100)
        opt = solver.solve(prob, x=XInit, Delta_bar=250)