Ejemplo n.º 1
def plot_rwy(rwy_coords, color):
    for r in rwy_coords:
        a, b = r[0], r[1]
        start_x, start_y, _ = pm.geodetic2enu(a[0], a[1], airport_altitude,
                                              airport_lat, airport_lon,
        end_x, end_y, _ = pm.geodetic2enu(b[0], b[1], airport_altitude,
                                          airport_lat, airport_lon,
        pl.plot([start_x * M_TO_NM, end_x * M_TO_NM],
                [start_y * M_TO_NM, end_y * M_TO_NM],
Ejemplo n.º 2
def plot_rwy(rwy_coords, color):
    for r in rwy_coords:
        a, b = r[0], r[1]
        start_x, start_y, _ = pm.geodetic2enu(a[0], a[1], airport_altitude,
                                              airport_lat, airport_lon,
        end_x, end_y, _ = pm.geodetic2enu(b[0], b[1], airport_altitude,
                                          airport_lat, airport_lon,
        plt.plot([start_x * M_TO_NM, end_x * M_TO_NM],
                 [start_y * M_TO_NM, end_y * M_TO_NM],
    plt.scatter(0, 0, s=4, c=color, marker='*')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def callback_gnss(msg_gnss):
    global RUN, RUN_imu, RUN_gnss
    global arr_pos, arr_cov
    global dydx_last

    gnss_pos = np.array(
        pm.geodetic2enu(msg_gnss.latitude, msg_gnss.longitude,
                        msg_gnss.altitude, lat0, lon0, h0))

    if not RUN:
        # Initial State
        ekf.p[0] = gnss_pos[0]
        ekf.p[1] = gnss_pos[1]
        arr_pos[-1] = np.copy(arr_pos[0])
        arr_pos[0] = np.array([gnss_pos[0], gnss_pos[1]])
        arr_cov[-1] = np.copy(arr_cov[0])
        arr_cov[0] = msg_gnss.position_covariance[0]
        ekf.correct_gnss_2d(gnss_pos[:-1], J_gnss)
        if np.linalg.norm(ekf.v) >= gnss_compass_vel_min:  # m/s
            n = 0
            diff = np.array([gnss_pos[0], gnss_pos[1]]) - arr_pos[n]
            gnss_compass = np.arctan2(diff[-1], diff[0])
            if np.abs(gnss_compass -
                      dydx_last) <= 25. / 180. * np.pi:  # Cancel the noise
                ekf.correct_compass(gnss_compass, J_gnss_compass)
            dydx_last = np.copy(gnss_compass) + 0.0
        elif np.linalg.norm(ekf.v) <= stop_vel_max:  # m/s
            ekf.correct_compass(ekf.yaw, J_yaw_stop)
        arr_pos[-1] = np.copy(arr_pos[0])
        arr_pos[0] = np.array([gnss_pos[0], gnss_pos[1]])
        arr_cov[-1] = np.copy(arr_cov[0])
        arr_cov[0] = msg_gnss.position_covariance[0]
    RUN_gnss = True
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def NavSat2PoseGPS(self, GPSfix):
        gps_e, gps_n, gps_u = pm.geodetic2enu(GPSfix.latitude,
                                              GPSfix.longitude, 0,
                                              self.lat_mean, self.long_mean, 0)

        delta_z_th = math.atan2((-gps_e - self.z_y), (gps_n - self.z_x))
        self.z_th = delta_z_th

        self.z_x = gps_n
        self.z_y = -gps_e

        self.z_cov = GPSfix.position_covariance[
            0]  # Original value of covariance from Automower
        self.z_cov = self.z_cov / 4.5  # Scale value of HDOP (Averaging among n&e covariances and removing 1.5*1.5 scale)
        self.z_cov = self.z_cov / 10  # Trying to lower the cov

        self.R = np.diag([self.z_cov, self.z_cov, self.z_th_cov
                          ])  # Observation x,y,th position covariance
        #self.R = np.diag([self.z_cov, self.z_cov])  # Observation x,y position covariance

        # Save that a new measure has been made
        self.new_measure = True

        # since all odometry is 6DOF we'll need a quaternion created from yaw
        odom_quat = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, self.z_th)

        # next, we'll publish the pose message over ROS
        pose = Pose(Point(self.z_x, self.z_y, 0.), Quaternion(*odom_quat))

        # publish the message
def getENUTrackDict(start,stop,hour_window = 12,flights_of_interest=[]):
    This will return a dict with the trajectories of each plane observed in the 
    period of time specified (given in UTC timestamps).
    unique_flights,all_vals = getTracks(start,stop,hour_window=hour_window)

    if numpy.size(flights_of_interest) != 0:
        unique_flights = [u.replace(' ','') for u in unique_flights]
        all_vals[:,0] = [u.replace(' ','') for u in all_vals[:,0]]
        unique_flights = unique_flights[numpy.isin(unique_flights,flights_of_interest)]
        all_vals = all_vals[numpy.isin(all_vals[:,0],flights_of_interest),:]

    if numpy.size(all_vals) != 0:
        lat = all_vals[:,2].astype(float)
        lon = all_vals[:,3].astype(float)
        alt = all_vals[:,4].astype(float)*0.3048 #Expressing alt in meters now. 
        timestamps = all_vals[:,1].astype(float)

        flight_tracks_ENU = {}
        origin = info.loadAntennaZeroLocation(deploy_index = 1) #Antenna 0

        for unique_flight in unique_flights:
            flight_cut = all_vals[:,0] == unique_flight
            enu = pm.geodetic2enu(lat[flight_cut],lon[flight_cut],alt[flight_cut],origin[0],origin[1],origin[2])  #converts to ENU
            ts = timestamps[flight_cut]
            # x, y, z, t
            flight_tracks_ENU[unique_flight.replace(' ','')] = numpy.vstack((numpy.asarray(enu),ts[None,:])).T

        return flight_tracks_ENU, all_vals
        return [], []
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def callback(self, data):

        # Decompose the message into known data types.
        lat = data.latitude
        lon = data.longitude
        alt = data.altitude

        # If this is the first reading, save it to normnalize
        # any subsequent readings.
        if not self.init:
            self.init_lat = lat
            self.init_lon = lon
            self.init_alt = alt
            self.init = True

        x, z, y = pm.geodetic2enu(lat, lon, alt,
                                  self.init_lat, self.init_lon, self.init_alt)

        # In NumPy, indexing starts from the top-left. We therefore invert E
        # to get a WNU reading, which more closely approximates NumPy indexing.
        x = -x

        # Normalize the measurements according to the UAV's diameter,
        # to have it such that every one unit of the xyz data represents
        # a cube of dimension UAV_diameter**3
        self.position = np.array([x, y, z]) / self.UAV_diameter
        self.x = self.position[0]
        self.y = self.position[1]
        self.z = self.position[2]
Ejemplo n.º 7
def geodetic2enu(lat, lon, alt):
    # x, y, z = pm.geodetic2ecef(lat, lon, alt)
    # x, y ,z = ecef2enu(x, y, z, 45.90414414, 11.02845385, 227.5819)
    x, y, z = pm.geodetic2enu(lat, lon, alt, 45.90414414, 11.02845385,

    return x, y, z
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def NavSat2PoseENU(self, GPSfix):

        self.current_time = GPSfix.header.stamp

        # print("Status: " + str(GPSfix.status.status) + " - Service: " + str(GPSfix.status.service) ) 5 - 1

        gps_e , gps_n, gps_u = pm.geodetic2enu(GPSfix.latitude,GPSfix.longitude,0,self.lat_mean,self.long_mean,0)

        self.z_x = - gps_e
        self.z_y = gps_n

        # since all odometry is 6DOF we'll need a quaternion created from yaw
        odom_quat = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, self.th)

        # first, we'll publish the transform over tf
            (self.z_x, self.z_x, 0.),

        # next, we'll publish the pose message over ROS
        pose = Pose(Point(self.z_x, self.z_y, 0.), Quaternion(*odom_quat))

        # publish the message

        last_time = self.current_time
Ejemplo n.º 9
def updateENUFromLatlonel(data, verbose=True):
    Given data, this will take the latlonel data and use it to update the ENU data in a deep copy of the original dict.

    data : dict
        The dict generated when loading a configuration from a json file.
    data = copy.deepcopy(data)  #So as to not edit the original.
    origin = data['origin'][
        'latlonel']  #Lat Lon Elevation, use for generating ENU from other latlonel values.

    for mast in range(4):
        for key in ['physical', 'hpol', 'vpol']:
            if numpy.asarray(data['antennas']['ant%i' %
                                              mast][key]['latlonel']).size > 0:
                data['antennas']['ant%i' % mast][key]['enu'] = numpy.asarray(
                        data['antennas']['ant%i' % mast][key]['latlonel'][0],
                        data['antennas']['ant%i' % mast][key]['latlonel'][1],
                        data['antennas']['ant%i' % mast][key]['latlonel'][2],
                        origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]))
                if verbose:
                    print(key + ' does not contain ENU data for mast %i %s.' %
                          (mast, key))
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def set_nav(self, datagram, counter=0, add_enu=True):
        Read positioning information from a datagram of type 'P' and updates the navigation variable in the class.        
        if (self._positioning_system is None):
            self._positioning_system = datagram.Descriptor
        if self._origin is None:
            self._origin = np.array([datagram.Latitude, datagram.Longitude])
        if self._previous_latitude is None:
            self._previous_latitude = datagram.Latitude
            self._previous_longitude = datagram.Longitude

        r, _, _ = utils.geodetic.calculateRangeBearingFromGeographicals(
            self._previous_longitude, self._previous_latitude,
            datagram.Longitude, datagram.Latitude)
        self._distance_travelled += r

        nav = [
            self._reader.currentRecordDateTime(), datagram.Heading,
            datagram.Latitude, datagram.Longitude

        if add_enu:
            east, north, _ = pm3.geodetic2enu(datagram.Latitude,
                                              datagram.Longitude, 0,
                                              self._origin[0], self._origin[1],

        self._navigation.append(np.array(nav + [east, north]))
        self._previous_latitude = datagram.Latitude
        self._previous_longitude = datagram.Longitude
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def GPS_call(self,data):
        self.t_GPS_call = t.time()

        lon = float(data.longitude) #x
        lat = float(data.latitude) #y
        alt = float(data.altitude) #z

        self.status = data.status.status

        self.e_gps,self.n_gps,self.u_gps = pm.geodetic2enu(lat,lon,alt,base_lat,base_lon,base_alt)
        if self.dis_gps_flag == 0:
            self.a = self.add_displacement
            self.b = self.add_displacement
            self.dis_gps_flag = 1
            self.a = self.b
            self.b = self.add_displacement
            self.dis_gps_enc = self.b-self.a

        self.e_gps_pre = self.e_gps
        self.n_gps_pre = self.n_gps
Ejemplo n.º 12
def getENUTrackDict(start,
    This will return a dict with the trajectories of each plane observed in the 
    period of time specified (given in UTC timestamps).

    origin should be a tuple in the same format as returned by loadAntennaZeroLocation (latitude,longtidue,elevation)
        if deploy_index is None:
            deploy_index = info.returnDefaultDeploy()

        unique_flights, all_vals = getTracks(start,
        if numpy.size(flights_of_interest) != 0:
            unique_flights = unique_flights[numpy.isin(unique_flights,
            all_vals = all_vals[numpy.isin(all_vals['names'],

        if numpy.size(all_vals) != 0:
            flight_tracks_ENU = {}
            if origin is None:
                origin = info.loadAntennaZeroLocation(
                    deploy_index=deploy_index)  #Antenna 0

            for unique_flight in unique_flights:
                flight_cut = numpy.where(all_vals['names'] == unique_flight)[0]
                flight_cut = flight_cut[numpy.unique(
                    all_vals['timestamps'][flight_cut], return_index=True
                )[1]]  #Removing repeated timestamps per flight
                ts = all_vals['timestamps'][flight_cut]

                #cut = numpy.logical_and(cut,numpy.isin(numpy.arange(len(cut)),numpy.unique(file['timestamps'][...],return_index=True)[1])) #bool cut of first occurance of each timestamp to remove repeated.

                enu = pm.geodetic2enu(all_vals['lat'][flight_cut],
                                      all_vals['alt'][flight_cut], origin[0],
                                      origin[1], origin[2])  #converts to ENU
                sorted_track_indices = numpy.argsort(ts)
                # x, y, z, t
                flight_tracks_ENU[unique_flight] = numpy.vstack(
                    (numpy.asarray(enu), ts[None, :])).T[sorted_track_indices]

            return flight_tracks_ENU, all_vals
            return {}, []
    except Exception as e:
        print('Error in getENUTrackDict.')
        exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
        fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
        print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_ned():
    xyz = pm.aer2ecef(*aer0, *lla0)
    enu = pm.aer2enu(*aer0)
    ned = (enu[1], enu[0], -enu[2])
    lla = pm.aer2geodetic(*aer0, *lla0)

    assert pm.aer2ned(*aer0) == approx(ned0)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        pm.aer2ned(aer0[0], aer0[1], -1)

    assert pm.enu2aer(*enu) == approx(aer0)
    assert pm.enu2aer(*enu, deg=False) == approx(raer0)

    assert pm.ned2aer(*ned) == approx(aer0)

    assert pm.ecef2ned(*xyz, *lla0) == approx(ned)

    assert pm.ned2ecef(*ned, *lla0) == approx(xyz)
    # %%
    assert pm.ecef2enuv(vx, vy, vz, *lla0[:2]) == approx((ve, vn, vu))

    assert pm.ecef2nedv(vx, vy, vz, *lla0[:2]) == approx((vn, ve, -vu))

    # %%
    enu3 = pm.geodetic2enu(*lla, *lla0)
    ned3 = (enu3[1], enu3[0], -enu3[2])

    assert pm.geodetic2ned(*lla, *lla0) == approx(ned3)

    assert pm.enu2geodetic(*enu3, *lla0) == approx(lla)

    assert pm.ned2geodetic(*ned3, *lla0) == approx(lla)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_ned():
    xyz = pm.aer2ecef(*aer0, *lla0)
    enu = pm.aer2enu(*aer0)
    ned = (enu[1], enu[0], -enu[2])
    lla = pm.aer2geodetic(*aer0, *lla0)

    assert pm.aer2ned(*aer0) == approx(ned0)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        pm.aer2ned(aer0[0], aer0[1], -1)

    assert pm.enu2aer(*enu) == approx(aer0)
    assert pm.enu2aer(*enu, deg=False) == approx(raer0)

    assert pm.ned2aer(*ned) == approx(aer0)

    assert pm.ecef2ned(*xyz, *lla0) == approx(ned)

    assert pm.ned2ecef(*ned, *lla0) == approx(xyz)
# %%
    assert pm.ecef2enuv(vx, vy, vz, *lla0[:2]) == approx((ve, vn, vu))

    assert pm.ecef2nedv(vx, vy, vz, *lla0[:2]) == approx((vn, ve, -vu))

# %%
    enu3 = pm.geodetic2enu(*lla, *lla0)
    ned3 = (enu3[1], enu3[0], -enu3[2])

    assert pm.geodetic2ned(*lla, *lla0) == approx(ned3)

    assert pm.enu2geodetic(*enu3, *lla0) == approx(lla)

    assert pm.ned2geodetic(*ned3, *lla0) == approx(lla)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def get_line_points(ref, line: ET.ElementTree):
    points_elements = line.findall('./PNT')
    if len(points_elements) == 0:
        return []
    point_data = [pnt_to_pair(pelement) for pelement in points_elements]
    points = [pymap3d.geodetic2enu(p[0], p[1], 0, ref[0], ref[1], 0, ell=ell_wgs84, deg=True) for p in
    return points
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def c(points):
     points = CoordinateConverter.__getPyprojFunc(
     e, n, u = p3d.geodetic2enu(points[:, 1], points[:, 0],
                                points[:, 2], toCrs.lat, toCrs.lon,
     return np.column_stack((e, n, u))
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def get_xy(self, lat, lon, alt):
     e, n, u = pymap3d.geodetic2enu(lat, lon, alt,
     # print ('lat : ', lat, self.control_data['base_lat'])
     # print ('lon : ', lon, self.control_data['base_lon'])
     # print ('alt : ', alt, self.control_data['base_alt'])
     return e, n
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def GPS_call(self, data):
        lon = float(data.longitude)  #x
        lat = float(data.latitude)  #y
        alt = float(data.altitude)  #z
        self.e, self.n, self.u = pm.geodetic2enu(lat, lon, alt, base_lat,
                                                 base_lon, base_alt)

        self.msg.x = float(n)
        self.msg.y = float(e)
    def callback_gps(msg_gps):
        global state
        global RUN_gps

        gps_pos = pm.geodetic2enu(msg_gps.latitude, msg_gps.longitude,
                                  msg_gps.altitude, lat0, lon0, h0)
        state['x'] = gps_pos[0]
        state['y'] = gps_pos[1]

        RUN_gps = True
Ejemplo n.º 20
	def compute_local_roation(self):
		h = self.h0
		lat = self.east[0]
		lon = self.east[1]
		lat0 = self.origin[0]
		lon0 = self.origin[1]
		x,y,z = pm.geodetic2enu(lat, lon, h, lat0, lon0, self.h0)
		self.local_rot = atan2(y, x)
		rospy.logwarn("Local roation = %s", self.local_rot)
		return self.local_rot
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def geo2enu(self, lat, lon):
        x, y, _ = p3d.geodetic2enu(lat,

        return x, y
Ejemplo n.º 22
def mergefov(w0: xarray.Dataset, w1: xarray.Dataset, projalt: float = 110e3, method: str = None):
    w0: wide FOV data, particularly az/el
    w1: other camera FOV data contained in w0
    projalt: projection altitude METERS
    ofn: plot filename
    fovrow: to vastly speedup intiial overlap exploration, pick row(s) of pixels to examing--it could take half an hour + otherwise.

    find the ECEF x,y,z, at 110km altitude for narrow camera outer pixel
    boundary, then find the closest pixels in the wide FOV to those points.
    Remember, it can be (much) faster to brute force this calculation than to use
    k-d tree.

    if projalt < 1e3:
        logging.warning(f"this function expects meters, you picked projection altitude {projalt/1e3} km")

    # %% print distance from wide camera to narrow camera (just for information)
    print(f"intercamera distance with {w0.site}:  {vdist(w0.lat,w0.lon, w1.lat,w1.lon)[0]/1e3:.1f} kilometers")
    # %% ENU projection from cam0 to cam1
    e1, n1, u1 = pm.geodetic2enu(w1.lat, w1.lon, w1.alt_m, w0.lat, w0.lon, w0.alt_m)
    # %% find the ENU of narrow FOV pixels at 110km from narrow FOV
    w1 = pixelmask(w1, method)
    if method is not None and method.lower() == "mzslice":
        w0 = pixelmask(w0, method)
        azSlice0, elSlice0, rSlice0 = pm.ecef2aer(w1.x2mz, w1.y2mz, w1.z2mz, w0.lat, w0.lon, w0.alt_m)
        azSlice1, elSlice1, rSlice1 = pm.ecef2aer(w0.x2mz, w0.y2mz, w0.z2mz, w1.lat, w1.lon, w1.alt_m)
        # find image indices (mask) corresponding to slice az,el
        w0["rows"], w0["cols"] = fnd.findClosestAzel(
            w0["az"].where(w0["fovmask"]), w0["el"].where(w0["fovmask"]), azSlice0, elSlice0
        w0.attrs["Brow"], w0.attrs["Bcol"] = fnd.findClosestAzel(w0["az"], w0["el"], w0.Baz, w0.Bel)

        w1["rows"], w1["cols"] = fnd.findClosestAzel(
            w1["az"].where(w1["fovmask"]), w1["el"].where(w1["fovmask"]), azSlice1, elSlice1
        w1.attrs["Brow"], w1.attrs["Bcol"] = fnd.findClosestAzel(w1["az"], w1["el"], w1.Baz, w1.Bel)
        # csc(x) = 1/sin(x)
        slantrange = projalt / np.sin(np.radians(np.ma.masked_invalid(w1["el"].where(w1["fovmask"]))))
        assert (slantrange >= projalt).all(), "slantrange must be >= projection altitude"

        e0, n0, u0 = pm.aer2enu(w1["az"], w1["el"], slantrange)
        # %% find az,el to narrow FOV from ASI FOV
        az0, el0, _ = pm.enu2aer(e0 - e1, n0 - n1, u0 - u1)
        assert (el0 >= 0).all(), "FOVs may not overlap, negative elevation from cam0 to cam1"
        # %% nearest neighbor brute force
        w0["rows"], w0["cols"] = fnd.findClosestAzel(w0["az"], w0["el"], az0, el0)

    return w0, w1
Ejemplo n.º 23
	def geo2desiredENU(self, lat, lon, h):
		"""Converts from LLA to desired local ENU coordinates.
		It requires origin LLA and local_rot
		lat0 = self.origin[0]
		lon0 = self.origin[1]
		x,y,z = pm.geodetic2enu(lat, lon, h, lat0, lon0, self.h0)

		x_L = cos(self.local_rot)*x + sin(self.local_rot)*y
		y_L = -1*sin(self.local_rot)*x + cos(self.local_rot)*y

		z = self.curr_z_enu - self.GND_ALT
		return x_L, y_L, z
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def callback_gps(msg_gps):
        global RUN_gps
        global state_x
        global state_y
        global time_now

        if not RUN_gps:
            RUN_gps = True
            time_now = time.time()
            gps_pos = pm.geodetic2enu(msg_gps.latitude, msg_gps.longitude,
                                      msg_gps.altitude, lat0, lon0, h0)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def checkConfigConsistency(data, decimals=6, verbose=True):
    Given the data loaded from the configuration data file, this will check for defined ENU and latlonel coordinates, 
    and confirm if they agree with eachother.

    data : dict
        The dict generated when loading a configuration from a json file.
    decimals : int
        Values are rounded before compared.  This chooses the precision using the numpy.around funciton.
    data = copy.deepcopy(data)  #So as to not edit the original.
    origin = data['origin'][
        'latlonel']  #Lat Lon Elevation, use for generating ENU from other latlonel values.

    for mast in range(4):
        for key in ['hpol', 'vpol']:
            if numpy.asarray(data['antennas'][
                    'ant%i' % mast][key]['enu']).size > 0 and numpy.asarray(
                        data['antennas']['ant%i' %
                                         mast][key]['latlonel']).size > 0:
                enu_from_latlonel = numpy.asarray(
                        data['antennas']['ant%i' % mast][key]['latlonel'][0],
                        data['antennas']['ant%i' % mast][key]['latlonel'][1],
                        data['antennas']['ant%i' % mast][key]['latlonel'][2],
                        origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]))
                enu_from_json = numpy.asarray(
                    data['antennas']['ant%i' % mast][key]['enu'])

                match = numpy.all(
                    numpy.around(enu_from_latlonel, decimals=decimals) ==
                    numpy.around(enu_from_json, decimals=decimals))

                max_precision_to_check = 10
                decimals = max_precision_to_check
                while numpy.all(
                        numpy.around(enu_from_latlonel, decimals=decimals) !=
                        numpy.around(enu_from_json, decimals=decimals)
                ) or decimals == 0:
                    decimals -= 1

                    'Checking mast %i %s coordinates:  Match up to %i decimals'
                    % (mast, key, decimals) + ['', ' (Max precision checked)'][
                        decimals == max_precision_to_check])
                print(key + ' does not contain both latlonel and ENU data.')
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def calculateRelativeCoordinatesToStation(self, station):
     Given a station this will determine relative coordinates of the source to the
     station and store them in a dict using the station key.
         self.relative_enu[station.key] = pm.geodetic2enu(
             self.latitude, self.longitude, self.elevation,
             station.latitude, station.longitude, station.elevation)
     except Exception as e:
         print('Error in Source.calculateRelativeCoordinatesToStation().')
         exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
         fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
         print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def gpsSpCb(self, msg):
        # lat = msg.x; lon = msg.y;
        # msg.z is the altitude setpoint in ENU
        if msg is not None:
            target_lat = msg.x
            target_lon = msg.y
            target_alt = msg.z  # in ENU

            target_gps_alt = self.current_alt
            delta_x, delta_y, delta_z = pm.geodetic2enu(
                target_lat, target_lon, target_gps_alt, self.current_lat,
                self.current_lon, self.current_alt)

            self.mavros_sp.position.x = self.current_local_x + delta_x
            self.mavros_sp.position.y = self.current_local_y + delta_y
            self.mavros_sp.position.z = target_alt
Ejemplo n.º 28
def gps_callback(msg):
    global datum_lat
    global datum_lon
    global i
    if i == 0:
        datum_lat = msg.latitude
        datum_lon = msg.longitude
        i = i + 1

    current_lat = msg.latitude
    current_lon = msg.longitude
    x, y, _ = pm.geodetic2enu(current_lat, current_lon, 0, datum_lat,
                              datum_lon, 0)
    position = Gps()
    position.x = x
    position.y = y
Ejemplo n.º 29
def cg_pos(data):
    '''Convers gps data to be in terms of local frame

    Assuming data is in dict defined in getData.gpsData.dataClean
    x, y, _ = pm.geodetic2enu(data['latitude'],
    xC, yC = (data["x_gps_cg"] * np.cos(data["Yaw"]) -
              data["y_gps_cg"] * np.sin(data["Yaw"]),
              data["x_gps_cg"] * np.sin(data["Yaw"]) +
              data["y_gps_cg"] * np.cos(data["Yaw"]))
    return x + xC, y + yC
Ejemplo n.º 30
def test_ned_geodetic():
    lla = pm.aer2geodetic(*aer0, *lla0)

    enu3 = pm.geodetic2enu(*lla, *lla0)
    ned3 = (enu3[1], enu3[0], -enu3[2])

    assert pm.geodetic2ned(*lla, *lla0) == approx(ned3)

    lat, lon, alt = pm.enu2geodetic(*enu3, *lla0)
    assert lat == approx(lla[0])
    assert lon == approx(lla[1])
    assert alt == approx(lla[2])

    lat, lon, alt = pm.ned2geodetic(*ned3, *lla0)
    assert lat == approx(lla[0])
    assert lon == approx(lla[1])
    assert alt == approx(lla[2])
Ejemplo n.º 31
	def desiredENU2localSp(self, xd, yd, zd):
		"""Converts locaion in desired ENU to setpoint in robot's ENU

		if self.INDOOR:
			self.mavros_sp.position.x = xd
			self.mavros_sp.position.y = yd
			self.mavros_sp.position.z = zd

			lat, lon, alt = self.desiredENU2geo(xd, yd, zd)
			# converts to differences in robot's ENU
			x,y,z = pm.geodetic2enu(lat, lon, alt, self.curr_lat, self.curr_lon, self.gpsAlt)

			# Add the differences to robot's current location
			self.mavros_sp.position.x = self.local_pose.pose.position.x + x
			self.mavros_sp.position.y = self.local_pose.pose.position.y + y
			self.mavros_sp.position.z = zd + self.GND_ALT