Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_madelung_tag_single(rundict, force=False, verbose=0, oxi_int=False):
    struct_data = rundict.structure_data
    if not force and struct_data[0].properties.get("E_mad", None) is not None:
        return True
    poscar, potcar = [p.from_file(rundict.job_folder+f) for (p, f) in
                      [(Poscar, "/POSCAR"), (Potcar, "/POTCAR")]]
    s_dict = {}
    if verbose > 0:
        print("poscar/potcar parsed")
    if oxi_int:
        oxi = rundict.structure.copy()
        except ValueError:
            print("Forced to set oxidation by hand")
            oxi.add_oxidation_state_by_element({"Na": 1,
                                                "Mg": 2,
                                                "Mn": 3.5,
                                                "O": -2,
                                                "Li": 1,
                                                "Ca": 2,
                                                "Fe": 3,
                                                "Zn": 4,
                                                "Co": 2.5,
                                                "Ti": 4,
                                                "S": -2,
                                                'P': 5})
        ew_sum_int = EwaldSummation(oxi)
                               for i in range(oxi.num_sites)])
        s_dict['oxi_int'] = oxi
                                       for i in range(oxi.num_sites)])
        if verbose > 0:
            print("integer oxidation state computed")

    if struct_data[0].properties.get("charge", None) is None:
        print("No bader charges => no bader madelung")
        return False
        # Test if bader charges were computed correctly

                                            potcar, poscar)
    if verbose > 0:
        print("bader oxidation state computed")

    ew_sum = EwaldSummation(rundict.structure_data)
    # madelung_array = []
                                   for i in range(struct_data.num_sites)])
    s_dict["oxi_bader"] = struct_data
    print(" ".join(s_dict.values()))
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_site(self):
        """Test that uses an uncharged structure"""
        filepath = os.path.join(test_dir, "POSCAR")
        p = Poscar.from_file(filepath, check_for_POTCAR=False)
        original_s = p.structure
        s = original_s.copy()
        s.add_oxidation_state_by_element({"Li": 1, "Fe": 3, "P": 5, "O": -2})

        # Comparison to LAMMPS result
        ham = EwaldSummation(s, compute_forces=True)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(-1226.3335, ham.total_energy, 3)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(-45.8338, ham.get_site_energy(0), 3)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(-27.2978, ham.get_site_energy(8), 3)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_site(self):
        """Test that uses an uncharged structure"""
        filepath = os.path.join(test_dir, 'POSCAR')
        p = Poscar.from_file(filepath, check_for_POTCAR=False)
        original_s = p.structure
        s = original_s.copy()
        s.add_oxidation_state_by_element({"Li": 1, "Fe": 3,
                                          "P": 5, "O": -2})

        # Comparison to LAMMPS result
        ham = EwaldSummation(s, compute_forces=True)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(-1226.3335, ham.total_energy, 3)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(-45.8338, ham.get_site_energy(0), 3)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(-27.2978, ham.get_site_energy(8), 3)
def calc_elem_max_potential(structure_oxid: mg.Structure,
    Return the maximum Madelung potential for all elements in a structure.

    :param structure_oxid: Pymatgen Structure with oxidation states for each site
    :param full_list: Boolean, if True, return all the site potentials associated with the element
    :param check_vesta: Boolean, if True, convert all site potentials' units from V to e/Angstrom
    :return: Dictionary: {Pymatgen Element: maximum Madelung potential for that element}
                      or {Pymatgen Element: list of all Madelung potentials for that element}
    # set the conversion factor if the potential values needs to be compared with the ones from VESTA
    # conversion value obtained from page 107 of https://jp-minerals.org/vesta/archives/VESTA_Manual.pdf
    if check_vesta:
        vesta_conversion = 14.39965
        vesta_conversion = 1

    # define a dictionary that stores the oxidation states for all the element
    elem_charge_lookup = {
        specie.element: specie.oxi_state
        for specie in structure_oxid.composition.elements
    # if there is only one element, then ewald summation will not work
    if len(elem_charge_lookup) == 1:
        return {elem: None for elem in elem_charge_lookup.keys()}

    # initialize the Ewald Summation object in order to calculate Ewald site energy
    ews = EwaldSummation(structure_oxid)
    # obtain the site indices where each element occupies
    elem_indices, *_ = get_elem_info(structure_oxid, makesupercell=False)
    # get the site potential using indices
    # the Ewald site energy is converted to site potential using V=2E/q
    # TODO: need to resolve division by zero error message
    site_potentials = {
        elem: [
            2 * ews.get_site_energy(index) /
            (elem_charge_lookup[elem] * vesta_conversion) for index in indices
        for elem, indices in elem_indices.items()
    if full_list:
        return site_potentials

    return {
        elem: max(potentials)
        for elem, potentials in site_potentials.items()
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def featurize(self, strc, idx):
            struct (Structure): Pymatgen Structure object.
            idx (int): index of target site in structure.
            ([float]) - Electrostatic energy of the site

        # Check if the new input is the last
        #  Note: We use 'is' rather than structure comparisons for speed
        if strc is self.__last_structure:
            ewald = self.__last_ewald
            self.__last_structure = strc
            ewald = EwaldSummation(strc, acc_factor=self.accuracy)
            self.__last_ewald = ewald
        return [ewald.get_site_energy(idx)]
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_I_mads(struc):
    # Add oxidation states
        struc = bva.get_oxi_state_decorated_structure(struc)
        #print (struc)
	# Check if a specific species is present 
    if (Specie('I',-1) in struc.species):
        ews = EwaldSummation(struc)
        print (ews)
        I_indices = [n  for n,site in enumerate(struc) if 
                             site.specie.symbol == 'I']
        I_mads = np.array([ews.get_site_energy(n) for n in I_indices])
        print (I_indices)
        print (I_mads)
        return I_mads
        return ews.total_energy
        print (ews.total_energy)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def featurize(self, strc, idx):
            struct (Structure): Pymatgen Structure object.
            idx (int): index of target site in structure.
            ([float]) - Electrostatic energy of the site

        # Check if the new input is the last
        #  Note: We use 'is' rather than structure comparisons for speed
        #  TODO: Figure out if this implementation is thread-safe! I was debating adding
        #        Locks, but think we are OK
        if strc is self.__last_structure:
            ewald = self.__last_ewald
            self.__last_structure = strc
            ewald = EwaldSummation(strc, acc_factor=self.accuracy)
            self.__last_ewald = ewald
        return [ewald.get_site_energy(idx)]