Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_attributes(self):
        is_true = {("Xe", "Kr") : "is_noble_gas",
                   ("Fe", "Ni") : 'is_transition_metal',
                   ('Li', 'Cs') : 'is_alkali',
                   ('Ca', 'Mg') : 'is_alkaline',
                   ('F', 'Br', 'I') : 'is_halogen',
                   ('La',) : 'is_lanthanoid',
                   ('U', 'Pu') : 'is_actinoid',
                   ('Si', 'Ge') : 'is_metalloid'

        for k, v in is_true.items():
            for sym in k:
                self.assertTrue(getattr(Element(sym), v), sym + ' is false')

        keys = ["name", "Z", "mendeleev_no", "atomic_mass", "electronic_structure", "X", "atomic_radius", "min_oxidation_state",
                        "max_oxidation_state", "electrical_resistivity", "velocity_of_sound",
                        "reflectivity", "refractive_index", "poissons_ratio", "molar_volume", "thermal_conductivity", "melting_point", "boiling_point",
                        "liquid_range", "critical_temperature", "superconduction_temperature",
                        "bulk_modulus", "youngs_modulus", "brinell_hardness", "rigidity_modulus", "mineral_hardness",
                        "vickers_hardness", "density_of_solid", "coefficient_of_linear_thermal_expansion", "oxidation_states", "common_oxidation_states", 'average_ionic_radius', 'ionic_radii']

        #Test all elements up to Uranium
        for i in range(1, 93):
            for k in keys:
                self.assertIsNotNone(getattr(Element.from_Z(i), k))
            el = Element.from_Z(i)
            if len(el.oxidation_states) > 0:
                self.assertEqual(max(el.oxidation_states), el.max_oxidation_state)
                self.assertEqual(min(el.oxidation_states), el.min_oxidation_state)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_attributes(self):
        is_true = {("Xe", "Kr"): "is_noble_gas",
                   ("Fe", "Ni"): "is_transition_metal",
                   ("Li", "Cs"): "is_alkali",
                   ("Ca", "Mg"): "is_alkaline",
                   ("F", "Br", "I"): "is_halogen",
                   ("La",): "is_lanthanoid",
                   ("U", "Pu"): "is_actinoid",
                   ("Si", "Ge"): "is_metalloid",
                   ("O", "Te"): "is_chalcogen"}

        for k, v in is_true.items():
            for sym in k:
                self.assertTrue(getattr(Element(sym), v), sym + " is false")

        keys = ["mendeleev_no", "atomic_mass",
                "electronic_structure", "atomic_radius",
                "min_oxidation_state", "max_oxidation_state",
                "electrical_resistivity", "velocity_of_sound", "reflectivity",
                "refractive_index", "poissons_ratio", "molar_volume",
                "thermal_conductivity", "melting_point", "boiling_point",
                "liquid_range", "critical_temperature",
                "bulk_modulus", "youngs_modulus", "brinell_hardness",
                "rigidity_modulus", "mineral_hardness",
                "vickers_hardness", "density_of_solid",
                "atomic_orbitals", "coefficient_of_linear_thermal_expansion",
                "common_oxidation_states", "average_ionic_radius",
                "average_cationic_radius", "average_anionic_radius",
                "ionic_radii", "long_name", "metallic_radius", "iupac_ordering"]

        # Test all elements up to Uranium
        for i in range(1, 104):
            el = Element.from_Z(i)
            d = el.data
            for k in keys:
                k_str = k.capitalize().replace("_", " ")
                if k_str in d and (not str(d[k_str]).startswith("no data")):
                    self.assertIsNotNone(getattr(el, k))
                elif k == "long_name":
                    self.assertEqual(getattr(el, "long_name"), d["Name"])
                elif k == "iupac_ordering":
                    self.assertTrue("IUPAC ordering" in d)
                    self.assertIsNotNone(getattr(el, k))
            el = Element.from_Z(i)
            if len(el.oxidation_states) > 0:

            if el.symbol not in ["He", "Ne", "Ar"]:
                self.assertTrue(el.X > 0, "No electroneg for %s" % el)

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, Element.from_Z, 1000)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_equals(self):
     random_z = random.randint(1, 92)
     fixed_el = Element.from_Z(random_z)
     other_z = random.randint(1, 92)
     while other_z == random_z:
         other_z = random.randint(1, 92)
     comp1 = Composition({fixed_el:1, Element.from_Z(other_z) :0})
     other_z = random.randint(1, 92)
     while other_z == random_z:
         other_z = random.randint(1, 92)
     comp2 = Composition({fixed_el:1, Element.from_Z(other_z) :0})
     self.assertEqual(comp1, comp2, "Composition equality test failed. %s should be equal to %s" % (comp1.formula, comp2.formula))
     self.assertEqual(comp1.__hash__(), comp2.__hash__(), "Hashcode equality test failed!")
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_element(self):
        symbols = list()
        for i in range(1, 102):
            el = Element.from_Z(i)
            self.assertGreater(el.atomic_mass, 0,
                               "Atomic mass cannot be negative!")
            self.assertNotIn(el.symbol, symbols,
                             "Duplicate symbol for " + el.symbol)
            symbols.append(""" + el.symbol + """)
                                 "Group cannot be none for Z=" + str(i))
            self.assertIsNotNone(el.row, "Row cannot be none for Z=" + str(i))

            #Test all properties
            all_attr = ["Z", "symbol", "X", "name", "atomic_mass",
                        "atomic_radius", "max_oxidation_state",
                        "min_oxidation_state", "mendeleev_no",
                        "electrical_resistivity", "velocity_of_sound",
                        "reflectivity", "refractive_index", "poissons_ratio",
                        "molar_volume", "electronic_structure",
                        "thermal_conductivity", "boiling_point",
                        "melting_point", "critical_temperature",
                        "superconduction_temperature", "liquid_range",
                        "bulk_modulus", "youngs_modulus", "brinell_hardness",
                        "rigidity_modulus", "mineral_hardness",
                        "vickers_hardness", "density_of_solid",

            for a in all_attr:
                self.assertIsNotNone(el, a)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_pickle(self):
        el1 = Element.Fe
        o = pickle.dumps(el1)
        self.assertEqual(el1, pickle.loads(o))

        #Test all elements up to Uranium
        for i in range(1, 93):
            self.serialize_with_pickle(Element.from_Z(i), test_eq=True)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def from_string(string, symbols=None):
    structures = []
    timesteps = []
    steps = string.split("ITEM: TIMESTEP")
    for step in steps:
        lines = tuple(step.split("\n"))
        mdstep = int(lines[1])
        natoms = int(lines[3])
        xbox   = tuple((lines[5] + " 0").split())
        ybox   = tuple((lines[6] + " 0").split())
        zbox   = tuple((lines[7] + " 0").split())
        xlo = float(xbox[0])
        xhi = float(xbox[1])
        xy  = float(xbox[2])
        ylo = float(ybox[0])
        yhi = float(ybox[1])
        xz  = float(ybox[2])
        zlo = float(zbox[0])
        zhi = float(zbox[1])
        yz  = float(zbox[2])
        xlo -= np.min([0, xy, xz, xy+xz])
        xhi -= np.max([0, xy, xz, xy+xz])
        ylo -= np.min([0, yz])
        yhi -= np.max([0, yz])
        lattice = [xhi-xlo, 0, 0, xy, yhi-ylo, 0, xz, yz, zhi-zlo]
        atoms = [[float(j) for j in line.split()] for line in lines[9:-1]]
        atoms = sorted(atoms, key=lambda a_entry: a_entry[0], reverse=True) 

        coords = []
        atomic_sym = []
        while (len(atoms)):
           one = atoms.pop()
           typ = one[1]
           coo = one[2:5]
           sym = symbols[typ] if symbols else Element.from_Z(typ).symbol
        struct = Structure(lattice, atomic_sym, coords,
                   to_unit_cell=False, validate_proximity=False,
    return lmpdump(structures, timesteps)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_element(self):
        symbols = list()
        for i in range(1, 102):
            el = Element.from_Z(i)
            self.assertGreater(el.atomic_mass, 0, "Atomic mass cannot be negative!")
            self.assertNotIn(el.symbol, symbols, "Duplicate symbol for " + el.symbol)
            symbols.append('"' + el.symbol + '"')
            self.assertIsNotNone(el.group, "Group cannot be none for Z=" + str(i))
            self.assertIsNotNone(el.row, "Row cannot be none for Z=" + str(i))

            #Test all properties
            all_attr = ['Z', 'symbol', 'X', 'name', 'atomic_mass', 'atomic_radius', 'max_oxidation_state', 'min_oxidation_state', 'mendeleev_no',
            'electrical_resistivity', 'velocity_of_sound', 'reflectivity', 'refractive_index', 'poissons_ratio', 'molar_volume' , 'electronic_structure',
            'thermal_conductivity', 'boiling_point', 'melting_point', 'critical_temperature', 'superconduction_temperature', 'liquid_range', 'bulk_modulus',
            'youngs_modulus', 'brinell_hardness', 'rigidity_modulus', 'mineral_hardness', 'vickers_hardness', 'density_of_solid', 'coefficient_of_linear_thermal_expansion']

            for a in all_attr:
                self.assertIsNotNone(el, a)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_transformed_entries(entries, elements):
    comp_matrix = get_comp_matrix(entries, elements)
    newmat = []
    energies = []
    for i in xrange(len(elements)):
        col = comp_matrix[:, i]
        maxval = max(col)
        maxind = list(col).index(maxval)
    invm = np.linalg.inv(np.array(newmat).transpose())
    newentries = []
    for i in xrange(len(entries)):
        entry = entries[i]
        lincomp = np.dot(invm, comp_matrix[i])
        lincomp = np.around(lincomp, 5)
        comp = Composition({Element.from_Z(j + 1):lincomp[j] for j in xrange(len(elements))})
        scaled_energy = entry.energy_per_atom - sum(lincomp * energies)
        newentries.append(TransformedPDEntry(comp, scaled_energy, entry))
    return newentries
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_attributes(self):
        is_true = {
            ("Xe", "Kr"): "is_noble_gas",
            ("Fe", "Ni"): "is_transition_metal",
            ("Li", "Cs"): "is_alkali",
            ("Ca", "Mg"): "is_alkaline",
            ("F", "Br", "I"): "is_halogen",
            ("La", ): "is_lanthanoid",
            ("U", "Pu"): "is_actinoid",
            ("Si", "Ge"): "is_metalloid",
            ("O", "Te"): "is_chalcogen",

        for k, v in is_true.items():
            for sym in k:
                self.assertTrue(getattr(Element(sym), v), sym + " is false")

        keys = [

        # Test all elements up to Uranium
        for i in range(1, 104):
            el = Element.from_Z(i)
            d = el.data
            for k in keys:
                k_str = k.capitalize().replace("_", " ")
                if k_str in d and (not str(d[k_str]).startswith("no data")):
                    self.assertIsNotNone(getattr(el, k))
                elif k == "long_name":
                    self.assertEqual(getattr(el, "long_name"), d["Name"])
                elif k == "iupac_ordering":
                    self.assertTrue("IUPAC ordering" in d)
                    self.assertIsNotNone(getattr(el, k))
            el = Element.from_Z(i)
            if len(el.oxidation_states) > 0:

            if el.symbol not in ["He", "Ne", "Ar"]:
                self.assertTrue(el.X > 0, f"No electroneg for {el}")

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, Element.from_Z, 1000)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def write_xdatcar(self, filepath="XDATCAR", groupby_type=True, overwrite=False, to_unit_cell=False):
        Write Xdatcar file with unit cell and atomic positions to file ``filepath``.

            filepath: Xdatcar filename. If None, a temporary file is created.
            groupby_type: If True, atoms are grouped by type. Note that this option
                may change the order of the atoms. This option is needed because
                there are post-processing tools (e.g. ovito) that do not work as expected
                if the atoms in the structure are not grouped by type.
            overwrite: raise RuntimeError, if False and filepath exists.
            to_unit_cell (bool): Whether to translate sites into the unit cell.

            path to Xdatcar file.
        if filepath is not None and os.path.exists(filepath) and not overwrite:
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot overwrite pre-existing file `%s`" % filepath)
        if filepath is None:
            import tempfile
            fd, filepath = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True, suffix="_XDATCAR")

        # int typat[natom], double znucl[npsp]
        # NB: typat is double in the HIST.nc file
        typat = self.reader.read_value("typat").astype(int)
        znucl = self.reader.read_value("znucl")
        ntypat = self.reader.read_dimvalue("ntypat")
        num_pseudos = self.reader.read_dimvalue("npsp")
        if num_pseudos != ntypat:
            raise NotImplementedError("Alchemical mixing is not supported, num_pseudos != ntypat")
        #print("znucl:", znucl, "\ntypat:", typat)

        symb2pos = OrderedDict()
        symbols_atom = []
        for iatom, itype in enumerate(typat):
            itype = itype - 1
            symbol = Element.from_Z(int(znucl[itype])).symbol
            if symbol not in symb2pos: symb2pos[symbol] = []

        if not groupby_type:
            group_ids = np.arange(self.reader.natom)
            group_ids = []
            for pos_list in symb2pos.values():
            group_ids = np.array(group_ids, dtype=np.int)

        comment = " %s\n" % self.initial_structure.formula
        with open(filepath, "wt") as fh:
            # comment line  + scaling factor set to 1.0
            for vec in self.initial_structure.lattice.matrix:
                fh.write("%.12f %.12f %.12f\n" % (vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]))
            if not groupby_type:
                fh.write(" ".join(symbols_atom) + "\n")
                fh.write("1 " * len(symbols_atom) + "\n")
                fh.write(" ".join(symb2pos.keys()) + "\n")
                fh.write(" ".join(str(len(p)) for p in symb2pos.values()) + "\n")

            # Write atomic positions in reduced coordinates.
            xred_list = self.reader.read_value("xred")
            if to_unit_cell:
                xred_list = xred_list % 1

            for step in range(self.num_steps):
                fh.write("Direct configuration= %d\n" % (step + 1))
                frac_coords = xred_list[step, group_ids]
                for fs in frac_coords:
                    fh.write("%.12f %.12f %.12f\n" % (fs[0], fs[1], fs[2]))

        return filepath
Ejemplo n.º 11
def get_ranked_list_goldschmidt_halffill():
    #TODO: get the oxidation state right!!!

    filename = "goldschmidt_rank_halffill.p"
    if os.path.exists(filename):
        with open(filename) as f:
            return pickle.load(f)

    from ga_optimization_ternary.fitness_evaluators import FitnessEvaluator, eval_fitness_simple
    all_AB = FitnessEvaluator(eval_fitness_simple, 10)._reverse_dict.keys()
    print 'generating goldschmidt ranks...'
    cand_score = {}  # dictionary of cand_tuple:score. a high score is BAD

    for a in all_AB:
        for b in all_AB:
            for x in range(7):
                r_a = Element.from_Z(
                ).average_ionic_radius  # TODO: get the correct oxidation state!
                r_b = Element.from_Z(b).average_ionic_radius
                r_x = None
                if x == 0:
                    r_x = Element("O").ionic_radii[-2]
                elif x == 1:
                    r_x = Element("O").ionic_radii[-2] * 2 / 3 + Element(
                        "N").ionic_radii[-3] * 1 / 3
                elif x == 2:
                    r_x = Element("O").ionic_radii[-2] * 1 / 3 + Element(
                        "N").ionic_radii[-3] * 2 / 3
                elif x == 3:
                    r_x = Element("N").ionic_radii[-3]
                elif x == 4:
                    r_x = Element("O").ionic_radii[-2] * 2 / 3 + Element(
                        "F").ionic_radii[-1] * 1 / 3
                elif x == 5:
                    r_x = Element("O").ionic_radii[-2] * 1 / 3 + Element(
                        "F").ionic_radii[-1] * 1 / 3 + Element(
                            "N").ionic_radii[-3] * 1 / 3
                elif x == 6:
                    r_x = Element("O").ionic_radii[-2] * 2 / 3 + Element(
                        "S").ionic_radii[-2] * 1 / 3

                goldschmidt = (r_a + r_x) / (math.sqrt(2) * (r_b + r_x))
                score = abs(goldschmidt - 1)  # a high score is bad, like golf

                #nelectrons must be even
                ne_a = Element.from_Z(a).Z
                ne_b = Element.from_Z(b).Z
                ne_x = None
                if x == 0:
                    ne_x = Element("O").Z * 3
                elif x == 1:
                    ne_x = Element("O").Z * 2 + Element("N").Z
                elif x == 2:
                    ne_x = Element("O").Z + Element("N").Z * 2
                elif x == 3:
                    ne_x = Element("N").Z
                elif x == 4:
                    ne_x = Element("O").Z * 2 + Element("F").Z
                elif x == 5:
                    ne_x = Element("O").Z + Element("F").Z + Element("N").Z
                elif x == 6:
                    ne_x = Element("O").Z * 2 + Element("S").Z

                #modify the score based on charge-balance
                even_found = False
                el_a = Element.from_Z(a)
                el_b = Element.from_Z(b)
                val_x = 0
                if x == 0:
                    val_x = -2 * 3
                elif x == 1:
                    val_x = (-2 * 2) + (-3 * 1)
                elif x == 2:
                    val_x = (-2 * 1) + (-3 * 2)
                elif x == 3:
                    val_x = -3 * 3
                elif x == 4:
                    val_x = (-2 * 2) + (-1 * 1)
                elif x == 5:
                    val_x = (-2 * 1) + (-1 * 1) + (-3 * 1)
                elif x == 6:
                    val_x = (-2 * 2) + (-2 * 1)

                for a_oxi in el_a.oxidation_states:
                    for b_oxi in el_b.oxidation_states:
                        if (ne_a + ne_b + ne_x) % 2 == 0 and (a_oxi + b_oxi +
                                                              val_x) == 0:
                            even_found = True

                if not even_found:
                    score = score + 100
                cand_score[(a, b, x)] = score

    results = sorted(cand_score, key=cand_score.get)
    with open(filename, "wb") as f:
        pickle.dump(results, f)
    return results
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def amu_symbol(self):
     """Atomic mass units"""
     amu_list = self.reader.read_value("atomic_mass_units")
     atomic_numbers = self.reader.read_value("atomic_numbers")
     amu = {Element.from_Z(at).symbol: a for at, a in zip(atomic_numbers, amu_list)}
     return amu
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def from_string(data, default_names=None):
        Reads a Poscar from a string.

        The code will try its best to determine the elements in the POSCAR in
        the following order:
        1. If default_names are supplied and valid, it will use those. Usually,
        default names comes from an external source, such as a POTCAR in the
        same directory.
        2. If there are no valid default names but the input file is Vasp5-like
        and contains element symbols in the 6th line, the code will use that.
        3. Failing (2), the code will check if a symbol is provided at the end
        of each coordinate.

        If all else fails, the code will just assign the first n elements in
        increasing atomic number, where n is the number of species, to the
        Poscar. For example, H, He, Li, ....  This will ensure at least a
        unique element is assigned to each site and any analysis that does not
        require specific elemental properties should work fine.

                string containing Poscar data.
                default symbols for the POSCAR file, usually coming from a
                POTCAR in the same directory.

            Poscar object.

        chunks = re.split("^\s*$", data.strip(), flags=re.MULTILINE)

        #Parse positions
        lines = tuple(clean_lines(chunks[0].split("\n"), False))
        comment = lines[0]
        scale = float(lines[1])
        lattice = np.array([map(float, line.split())
                            for line in lines[2:5]])
        if scale < 0:
            # In vasp, a negative scale factor is treated as a volume. We need
            # to translate this to a proper lattice vector scaling.
            vol = abs(det(lattice))
            lattice *= (-scale / vol) ** (1 / 3)
            lattice *= scale

        vasp5_symbols = False
            natoms = map(int, lines[5].split())
            ipos = 6
        except ValueError:
            vasp5_symbols = True
            symbols = lines[5].split()
            natoms = map(int, lines[6].split())
            atomic_symbols = list()
            for i in xrange(len(natoms)):
                atomic_symbols.extend([symbols[i]] * natoms[i])
            ipos = 7

        postype = lines[ipos].split()[0]

        sdynamics = False
        # Selective dynamics
        if postype[0] in "sS":
            sdynamics = True
            ipos += 1
            postype = lines[ipos].split()[0]

        cart = postype[0] in "cCkK"
        nsites = sum(natoms)

        # If default_names is specified (usually coming from a POTCAR), use
        # them. This is in line with Vasp"s parsing order that the POTCAR
        # specified is the default used.
        if default_names:
                atomic_symbols = []
                for i in xrange(len(natoms)):
                    atomic_symbols.extend([default_names[i]] * natoms[i])
                vasp5_symbols = True
            except IndexError:

        if not vasp5_symbols:
            ind = 3 if not sdynamics else 6
                #check if names are appended at the end of the coordinates.
                atomic_symbols = [l.split()[ind]
                                  for l in lines[ipos + 1:ipos + 1 + nsites]]
                #Ensure symbols are valid elements
                if not all([Element.is_valid_symbol(sym)
                            for sym in atomic_symbols]):
                    raise ValueError("Non-valid symbols detected.")
                vasp5_symbols = True
            except (ValueError, IndexError):
                #Defaulting to false names.
                atomic_symbols = []
                for i in xrange(len(natoms)):
                    sym = Element.from_Z(i + 1).symbol
                    atomic_symbols.extend([sym] * natoms[i])
                warnings.warn("Elements in POSCAR cannot be determined. "
                              "Defaulting to false names {}."
                              .format(" ".join(atomic_symbols)))

        # read the atomic coordinates
        coords = []
        selective_dynamics = list() if sdynamics else None
        for i in xrange(nsites):
            toks = lines[ipos + 1 + i].split()
            coords.append(map(float, toks[:3]))
            if sdynamics:
                selective_dynamics.append([tok.upper()[0] == "T"
                                           for tok in toks[3:6]])

        struct = Structure(lattice, atomic_symbols, coords, False, False, cart)

        #parse velocities if any
        velocities = []
        if len(chunks) > 1:
            for line in chunks[1].strip().split("\n"):
                velocities.append([float(tok) for tok in line.split()])

        predictor_corrector = []
        if len(chunks) > 2:
            lines = chunks[2].strip().split("\n")
            for line in lines[1:]:
                                            for tok in line.split()])

        return Poscar(struct, comment, selective_dynamics, vasp5_symbols,
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def _parse(self, filename):

        start_patt = re.compile(" \(Enter \S+l101\.exe\)")
        route_patt = re.compile(" #[pPnNtT]*.*")
        charge_mul_patt = re.compile("Charge\s+=\s*([-\\d]+)\s+" "Multiplicity\s+=\s*(\d+)")
        num_basis_func_patt = re.compile("([0-9]+)\s+basis functions")
        pcm_patt = re.compile("Polarizable Continuum Model")
        stat_type_patt = re.compile("imaginary frequencies")
        scf_patt = re.compile("E\(.*\)\s*=\s*([-\.\d]+)\s+")
        mp2_patt = re.compile("EUMP2\s*=\s*(.*)")
        oniom_patt = re.compile("ONIOM:\s+extrapolated energy\s*=\s*(.*)")
        termination_patt = re.compile("(Normal|Error) termination of Gaussian")
        std_orientation_patt = re.compile("Standard orientation")
        end_patt = re.compile("--+")
        orbital_patt = re.compile("Alpha\s*\S+\s*eigenvalues --(.*)")
        thermo_patt = re.compile("(Zero-point|Thermal) correction(.*)=" "\s+([\d\.-]+)")

        self.properly_terminated = False
        self.is_pcm = False
        self.stationary_type = "Minimum"
        self.structures = []
        self.corrections = {}
        self.energies = []

        coord_txt = []
        read_coord = 0
        orbitals_txt = []
        parse_stage = 0
        num_basis_found = False
        terminated = False

        with zopen(filename, "r") as f:
            for line in f:
                if parse_stage == 0:
                    if start_patt.search(line):
                        parse_stage = 1
                    elif route_patt.search(line):
                        self.route = {}
                        for tok in line.split():
                            sub_tok = tok.strip().split("=")
                            key = sub_tok[0].upper()
                            self.route[key] = sub_tok[1].upper() if len(sub_tok) > 1 else ""
                            m = re.match("(\w+)/([^/]+)", key)
                            if m:
                                self.functional = m.group(1)
                                self.basis_set = m.group(2)
                elif parse_stage == 1:
                    if charge_mul_patt.search(line):
                        m = charge_mul_patt.search(line)
                        self.charge = int(m.group(1))
                        self.spin_mult = int(m.group(2))
                        parse_stage = 2
                elif parse_stage == 2:

                    if self.is_pcm:

                    if "FREQ" in self.route and thermo_patt.search(line):
                        m = thermo_patt.search(line)
                        if m.group(1) == "Zero-point":
                            self.corrections["Zero-point"] = float(m.group(3))
                            key = m.group(2).strip(" to ")
                            self.corrections[key] = float(m.group(3))

                    if read_coord:
                        if not end_patt.search(line):
                            read_coord = (read_coord + 1) % 4
                            if not read_coord:
                                sp = []
                                coords = []
                                for l in coord_txt[2:]:
                                    toks = l.split()
                                    coords.append(map(float, toks[3:6]))
                                self.structures.append(Molecule(sp, coords))
                    elif termination_patt.search(line):
                        m = termination_patt.search(line)
                        if m.group(1) == "Normal":
                            self.properly_terminated = True
                        terminated = True
                    elif (not num_basis_found) and num_basis_func_patt.search(line):
                        m = num_basis_func_patt.search(line)
                        self.num_basis_func = int(m.group(1))
                        num_basis_found = True
                    elif (not self.is_pcm) and pcm_patt.search(line):
                        self.is_pcm = True
                        self.pcm = {}
                    elif "FREQ" in self.route and "OPT" in self.route and stat_type_patt.search(line):
                        self.stationary_type = "Saddle"
                    elif mp2_patt.search(line):
                        m = mp2_patt.search(line)
                        self.energies.append(float(m.group(1).replace("D", "E")))
                    elif oniom_patt.search(line):
                        m = oniom_patt.matcher(line)
                    elif scf_patt.search(line):
                        m = scf_patt.search(line)
                    elif std_orientation_patt.search(line):
                        coord_txt = []
                        read_coord = 1
                    elif orbital_patt.search(line):
        if not terminated:
            raise IOError("Bad Gaussian output file.")
def get_excluded_list():
    filename = "excluded_compounds.p"
    if os.path.exists(filename):
        with open(filename) as f:
            return pickle.load(f)
    from ga_optimization_ternary.fitness_evaluators import FitnessEvaluator, eval_fitness_simple
    all_AB = FitnessEvaluator(eval_fitness_simple, 10)._reverse_dict.keys()
    print 'generating exclusion ranks...'
    exclusions = []
    for a in all_AB:
        for b in all_AB:
            for x in range(7):
                #nelectrons must be even
                ne_a = Element.from_Z(a).Z
                ne_b = Element.from_Z(b).Z
                ne_x = None
                if x == 0:
                    ne_x = Element("O").Z * 3
                elif x == 1:
                    ne_x = Element("O").Z * 2 + Element("N").Z
                elif x == 2:
                    ne_x = Element("O").Z + Element("N").Z * 2
                elif x == 3:
                    ne_x = Element("N").Z
                elif x == 4:
                    ne_x = Element("O").Z * 2 + Element("F").Z
                elif x == 5:
                    ne_x = Element("O").Z + Element("F").Z + Element("N").Z
                elif x == 6:
                    ne_x = Element("O").Z * 2 + Element("S").Z
                #modify the score based on charge-balance
                even_found = False
                el_a = Element.from_Z(a)
                el_b = Element.from_Z(b)
                val_x = 0
                if x == 0:
                    val_x = -2 * 3
                elif x == 1:
                    val_x = (-2 * 2) + (-3 * 1)
                elif x == 2:
                    val_x = (-2 * 1) + (-3 * 2)
                elif x == 3:
                    val_x = -3 * 3
                elif x == 4:
                    val_x = (-2 * 2) + (-1 * 1)
                elif x == 5:
                    val_x = (-2 * 1) + (-1 * 1) + (-3 * 1)
                elif x == 6:
                    val_x = (-2 * 2) + (-2 * 1)
                for a_oxi in el_a.oxidation_states:
                    for b_oxi in el_b.oxidation_states:
                        if (ne_a + ne_b + ne_x) % 2 == 0 and (a_oxi + b_oxi + val_x) == 0:
                            even_found = True
                if not even_found:
                    exclusions.append((a, b, x))
    with open(filename, "wb") as f:
        pickle.dump(exclusions, f)
    return exclusions
Ejemplo n.º 16
def get_excluded_list():

    filename = "excluded_compounds.p"
    if os.path.exists(filename):
        with open(filename) as f:
            return pickle.load(f)

    from ga_optimization_ternary.fitness_evaluators import FitnessEvaluator, eval_fitness_simple
    all_AB = FitnessEvaluator(eval_fitness_simple, 10)._reverse_dict.keys()
    print 'generating exclusion ranks...'
    exclusions = []

    for a in all_AB:
        for b in all_AB:
            for x in range(7):

                #nelectrons must be even
                ne_a = Element.from_Z(a).Z
                ne_b = Element.from_Z(b).Z
                ne_x = None
                if x == 0:
                    ne_x = Element("O").Z * 3
                elif x == 1:
                    ne_x = Element("O").Z * 2 + Element("N").Z
                elif x == 2:
                    ne_x = Element("O").Z + Element("N").Z * 2
                elif x == 3:
                    ne_x = Element("N").Z
                elif x == 4:
                    ne_x = Element("O").Z * 2 + Element("F").Z
                elif x == 5:
                    ne_x = Element("O").Z + Element("F").Z + Element("N").Z
                elif x == 6:
                    ne_x = Element("O").Z * 2 + Element("S").Z

                #modify the score based on charge-balance
                even_found = False
                el_a = Element.from_Z(a)
                el_b = Element.from_Z(b)
                val_x = 0
                if x == 0:
                    val_x = -2 * 3
                elif x == 1:
                    val_x = (-2 * 2) + (-3 * 1)
                elif x == 2:
                    val_x = (-2 * 1) + (-3 * 2)
                elif x == 3:
                    val_x = -3 * 3
                elif x == 4:
                    val_x = (-2 * 2) + (-1 * 1)
                elif x == 5:
                    val_x = (-2 * 1) + (-1 * 1) + (-3 * 1)
                elif x == 6:
                    val_x = (-2 * 2) + (-2 * 1)

                for a_oxi in el_a.oxidation_states:
                    for b_oxi in el_b.oxidation_states:
                        if (ne_a + ne_b + ne_x) % 2 == 0 and (a_oxi + b_oxi +
                                                              val_x) == 0:
                            even_found = True

                if not even_found:
                    exclusions.append((a, b, x))

    with open(filename, "wb") as f:
        pickle.dump(exclusions, f)
    return exclusions
def get_ranked_list_goldschmidt_halffill():
    #TODO: get the oxidation state right!!!
    filename = "goldschmidt_rank_halffill.p"
    if os.path.exists(filename):
        with open(filename) as f:
            return pickle.load(f)
    from ga_optimization_ternary.fitness_evaluators import FitnessEvaluator, eval_fitness_simple
    all_AB = FitnessEvaluator(eval_fitness_simple, 10)._reverse_dict.keys()
    print 'generating goldschmidt ranks...'
    cand_score = {}  # dictionary of cand_tuple:score. a high score is BAD
    for a in all_AB:
        for b in all_AB:
            for x in range(7):
                r_a = Element.from_Z(a).average_ionic_radius  # TODO: get the correct oxidation state!
                r_b = Element.from_Z(b).average_ionic_radius
                r_x = None
                if x == 0:
                    r_x = Element("O").ionic_radii[-2]
                elif x == 1:
                    r_x = Element("O").ionic_radii[-2] * 2/3 + Element("N").ionic_radii[-3] * 1/3
                elif x == 2:
                    r_x = Element("O").ionic_radii[-2] * 1/3 + Element("N").ionic_radii[-3] * 2/3
                elif x == 3:
                    r_x = Element("N").ionic_radii[-3]
                elif x == 4:
                    r_x = Element("O").ionic_radii[-2] * 2/3 + Element("F").ionic_radii[-1] * 1/3
                elif x == 5:
                    r_x = Element("O").ionic_radii[-2] * 1/3 + Element("F").ionic_radii[-1] * 1/3 + Element("N").ionic_radii[-3] * 1/3
                elif x == 6:
                    r_x = Element("O").ionic_radii[-2] * 2/3 + Element("S").ionic_radii[-2] * 1/3
                goldschmidt = (r_a + r_x)/(math.sqrt(2) *(r_b+r_x))
                score = abs(goldschmidt - 1)  # a high score is bad, like golf
                #nelectrons must be even
                ne_a = Element.from_Z(a).Z
                ne_b = Element.from_Z(b).Z
                ne_x = None
                if x == 0:
                    ne_x = Element("O").Z * 3
                elif x == 1:
                    ne_x = Element("O").Z * 2 + Element("N").Z
                elif x == 2:
                    ne_x = Element("O").Z + Element("N").Z * 2
                elif x == 3:
                    ne_x = Element("N").Z
                elif x == 4:
                    ne_x = Element("O").Z * 2 + Element("F").Z
                elif x == 5:
                    ne_x = Element("O").Z + Element("F").Z + Element("N").Z
                elif x == 6:
                    ne_x = Element("O").Z * 2 + Element("S").Z
                #modify the score based on charge-balance
                even_found = False
                el_a = Element.from_Z(a)
                el_b = Element.from_Z(b)
                val_x = 0
                if x == 0:
                    val_x = -2 * 3
                elif x == 1:
                    val_x = (-2 * 2) + (-3 * 1)
                elif x == 2:
                    val_x = (-2 * 1) + (-3 * 2)
                elif x == 3:
                    val_x = -3 * 3
                elif x == 4:
                    val_x = (-2 * 2) + (-1 * 1)
                elif x == 5:
                    val_x = (-2 * 1) + (-1 * 1) + (-3 * 1)
                elif x == 6:
                    val_x = (-2 * 2) + (-2 * 1)
                for a_oxi in el_a.oxidation_states:
                    for b_oxi in el_b.oxidation_states:
                        if (ne_a + ne_b + ne_x) % 2 == 0 and (a_oxi + b_oxi + val_x) == 0:
                            even_found = True
                if not even_found:
                    score = score + 100
                cand_score[(a, b, x)] = score
    results = sorted(cand_score, key=cand_score.get)
    with open(filename, "wb") as f:
        pickle.dump(results, f)
    return results