Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_get_header(self):
        comment = "From cif file"
        header = str(FeffInputSet.get_header(x, structure, "CoO19128.cif", comment))

        ref = FeffInputSetTest.header_string.splitlines()
        last4 = [" ".join(l.split()[2:]) for l in ref[-4:]]
        for i, l in enumerate(header.splitlines()):
            if i < 9:
                self.assertEqual(l, ref[i])
                s = " ".join(l.split()[2:])
                self.assertIn(s, last4)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_get_header(self):
        comment = 'From cif file'
        header = str(
            FeffInputSet.get_header(x, structure, 'CoO19128.cif', comment))

        ref = FeffInputSetTest.header_string.splitlines()
        last4 = [" ".join(l.split()[2:]) for l in ref[-4:]]
        for i, l in enumerate(header.splitlines()):
            if i < 9:
                self.assertEqual(l, ref[i])
                s = " ".join(l.split()[2:])
                self.assertIn(s, last4)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_get_feff_atoms(self):
     ATOMS = str(FeffInputSet.get_feff_atoms(x, structure, central_atom))
     self.assertEqual(ATOMS.splitlines()[3].split()[4], central_atom,
                      "failed to create ATOMS string")
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_get_feffPot(self):
        POT = str(FeffInputSet.get_feff_pot(x, structure, central_atom))
        d, dr = FeffPot.pot_dict_from_string(POT)

        self.assertEqual(d['Co'], 1, "Wrong symbols read in for FeffPot")
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_getfefftags(self):
     tags = FeffInputSet.get_feff_tags(x, "XANES").as_dict()
     self.assertEqual(tags['COREHOLE'], "FSR",
                      "Failed to generate PARAMETERS string")
Ejemplo n.º 6
import unittest
import os

from pymatgen.io.feff.sets import FeffInputSet
from pymatgen.io.feff import FeffPot
from pymatgen.io.cif import CifParser

test_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "..", "..",
cif_file = 'CoO19128.cif'
central_atom = 'O'
cif_path = os.path.join(test_dir, cif_file)
r = CifParser(cif_path)
structure = r.get_structures()[0]
x = FeffInputSet("MaterialsProject")

class FeffInputSetTest(unittest.TestCase):

    header_string = """* This FEFF.inp file generated by pymatgen
TITLE comment: From cif file
TITLE Source:  CoO19128.cif
TITLE Structure Summary:  Co2 O2
TITLE Reduced formula:  CoO
TITLE space group: (P6_3mc), space number:  (186)
TITLE abc:  3.297078   3.297078   5.254213
TITLE angles: 90.000000  90.000000 120.000000
TITLE sites: 4
* 1 Co     0.666667     0.333333     0.003676
* 2 Co     0.333334     0.666666     0.503676
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_get_feff_atoms(self):
     ATOMS = str(FeffInputSet.get_feff_atoms(x, structure, central_atom))
     self.assertEqual(ATOMS.splitlines()[3].split()[4], central_atom, "failed to create ATOMS string")
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_get_feffPot(self):
        POT = str(FeffInputSet.get_feff_pot(x, structure, central_atom))
        d, dr = FeffPot.pot_dict_from_string(POT)

        self.assertEqual(d["Co"], 1, "Wrong symbols read in for FeffPot")
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_getfefftags(self):
     tags = FeffInputSet.get_feff_tags(x, "XANES").as_dict()
     self.assertEqual(tags["COREHOLE"], "FSR", "Failed to generate PARAMETERS string")