Ejemplo n.º 1
def reorient(structure, miller_index, rotate=0.):
    # Align miller_index direction to z-direction [0,0,1]
    struct = structure.copy()
    latt = struct.lattice
    recp = latt.reciprocal_lattice_crystallographic
    normal = recp.get_cartesian_coords(miller_index)
    normal /= np.linalg.norm(normal)
    z = [0, 0, 1]
    rot_axis = np.cross(normal, z)
    # Check if normal and z are linearly dependent
    if not np.isclose(rot_axis, [0, 0, 0]).all():
        angle = np.arccos(np.clip(np.dot(normal, z), -1.0, 1.0))
        struct = RotationTransformation(
            rot_axis, math.degrees(angle)).apply_transformation(struct)
    # Align other axis (longest) to x-axis
    lattm = struct.lattice.matrix
    basis_lengths_xy = [
        lattm[0][0]**2 + lattm[0][1]**2, lattm[1][0]**2 + lattm[1][1]**2,
        lattm[2][0]**2 + lattm[2][1]**2
    max_ind = basis_lengths_xy.index(max(basis_lengths_xy))
    max_basis = list(lattm[max_ind])
    max_basis[2] = 0
    max_basis /= np.linalg.norm(max_basis)
    angle2 = np.arccos(np.clip(np.dot(max_basis, [1, 0, 0]), -1.0, 1.0))
    struct = RotationTransformation(
        z, math.degrees(angle2)).apply_transformation(struct)
    # Check if correct sign of rotation was applied, if not: rotate twice the angle the other direction
    if abs(struct.lattice.matrix[max_ind][1]) > 1e-5:
        struct = RotationTransformation(
            z, -2 * math.degrees(angle2)).apply_transformation(struct)
    if rotate:
        struct = RotationTransformation(z, rotate).apply_transformation(struct)
    return struct
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_get_symmetry_hash():
    """Test the symmetry hashes"""
    zif3 = MOFChecker.from_cif(
        os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "test_files", "ZIF-3.cif"))
    hash_a = get_symmetry_hash(zif3.structure, tight=True)
    assert len(hash_a) == 275
    hash_b = get_symmetry_hash(zif3.structure)
    assert len(hash_b) == 47
    assert hash_a[-3:] == hash_b[-3:]

    zif4 = MOFChecker.from_cif(
        os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "test_files", "ZIF-4.cif"))
    hash_zif4_a = get_symmetry_hash(zif4.structure, tight=True)
    hash_zif4_b = get_symmetry_hash(zif4.structure)

    assert hash_zif4_a != hash_a
    assert hash_zif4_b != hash_b

    assert zif4.symmetry_hash == hash_zif4_b

    structure = Structure.from_file(
        os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "test_files", "ABAXUZ.cif"))
    original_hash = get_symmetry_hash(MOFChecker(structure).structure)

    # rotate structure
    rotation_transformer = RotationTransformation([1, 0, 0], 10)
    rotated_structure = rotation_transformer.apply_transformation(structure)
    assert get_symmetry_hash(
        MOFChecker(rotated_structure).structure) == original_hash

    # create supercell
    structure.make_supercell([1, 2, 1])
    assert get_symmetry_hash(MOFChecker(structure).structure) == original_hash
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def rotate_c_parallel_to_z(self):
        Rotates the cell such that lattice vector c is parallel to the
        Cartesian z-axis.

        Note: this method doesn't change the fractional coordinates of the
        sites. However, the Cartesian coordinates may be changed.

        # rotate about the z-axis until c lies in the x-z plane
        rotation = RotationTransformation(
            [0, 0, 1], 180 - (180 / np.pi) *
            np.arctan2(self.lattice.matrix[2][1], self.lattice.matrix[2][0]))
        new_structure = rotation.apply_transformation(self)

        # rotate about the y-axis to make c parallel to the z-axis
        rotation = RotationTransformation(
            [0, 1, 0], 180 - (180 / np.pi) *
            np.arctan2(self.lattice.matrix[2][0], self.lattice.matrix[2][2]))
        new_structure = rotation.apply_transformation(self)

        # make sure c is pointing along the positive z-axis
        if self.lattice.matrix[2][2] < 0:
            # rotate 180 degrees about the x-axis
            rotation = RotationTransformation([1, 0, 0], 180)
            new_structure = rotation.apply_transformation(self)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def create_sample(edc, structure, angle_start, angle_change):
    dps = []
    for orientation in create_pair(angle_start, angle_change):
        axis, angle = euler2axangle(orientation[0], orientation[1],
                                    orientation[2], 'rzxz')
        rotation = RotationTransformation(axis, angle, angle_in_radians=True)
        rotated_structure = rotation.apply_transformation(structure)
        data = edc.calculate_ed_data(
            reciprocal_radius=0.9,  #avoiding a reflection issue
        dps.append(data.as_signal(2 * half_side_length, 0.025, 1).data)
    dp = pxm.ElectronDiffraction([dps[0:2], dps[2:]])
    dp.set_diffraction_calibration(1 / half_side_length)
    return dp
Ejemplo n.º 5
def planar_structure_normalization(structure):
    This function does the following:
        1. check whether the structure is planar using coordniates standard deviation
        2. move the planar layer to the center of c-direction

        structure: pymatgen structure
        a boolean whether the structure is planar
        tranformed pymatgen structure
    tol = 1E-3 # tolerance to check whether the structure is planar
    is_planar = True

    coords = structure.frac_coords
    ts = TransformedStructure(structure, [])
    if np.std(coords[:,2]) < tol : 
        center_translate = 0.5 - coords[:,2].mean()
    elif np.std(coords[:,0]) < tol :
        ts.append_transformation(RotationTransformation([0,1,0], 90))        
        center_translate = 0.5 - coords[:,0].mean()
    elif np.std(coords[:,1]) < tol :
        ts.append_transformation(RotationTransformation([1,0,0], 90)) 
        center_translate = 0.5 - coords[:,1].mean()
    else : 
        is_planar = False
        transformed_structure = None

    if is_planar:
                            list(range(len(structure))), [0,0,center_translate]))        
        # Use pymatgen 2019.7.2, ts.structures[-1] may change in a newer version           
        transformed_structure = ts.structures[-1]
    return is_planar, transformed_structure
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def get_diffraction_library(self,
        """Calculates a dictionary of diffraction data for a library of crystal
        structures and orientations.

        Each structure in the structure library is rotated to each associated
        orientation and the diffraction pattern is calculated each time.

        structure_library : dict
            Dictionary of structures and associated orientations (represented as
            Euler angles or axis-angle pairs) for which electron diffraction is
            to be simulated.

        calibration : float
            The calibration of experimental data to be correlated with the
            library, in reciprocal Angstroms per pixel.

        reciprocal_radius : float
            The maximum g-vector magnitude to be included in the simulations.

        representation : 'euler' or 'axis-angle'
            The representation in which the orientations are provided.
            If 'euler' the zxz convention is taken and values are in radians, if
            'axis-angle' the rotational angle is in degrees.

        diffraction_library : dict of :class:`DiffractionSimulation`
            Mapping of crystal structure and orientation to diffraction data

        # Define DiffractionLibrary object to contain results
        diffraction_library = DiffractionLibrary()
        # The electron diffraction calculator to do simulations
        diffractor = self.electron_diffraction_calculator
        # Iterate through phases in library.
        for key in structure_library.keys():
            phase_diffraction_library = dict()
            structure = structure_library[key][0]
            orientations = structure_library[key][1]
            # Iterate through orientations of each phase.
            for orientation in tqdm(orientations, leave=False):
                if representation=='axis-angle':
                    axis = [orientation[0], orientation[1], orientation[2]]
                    angle = orientation[3] / 180 * pi
                if representation=='euler':
                    axis, angle = euler2axangle(orientation[0], orientation[1],
                                                orientation[2], 'rzxz')
                # Apply rotation to the structure
                rotation = RotationTransformation(axis, angle,
                rotated_structure = rotation.apply_transformation(structure)
                # Calculate electron diffraction for rotated structure
                data = diffractor.calculate_ed_data(rotated_structure,
                # Calibrate simulation
                data.calibration = calibration
                # Construct diffraction simulation library.
                phase_diffraction_library[tuple(orientation)] = data
            diffraction_library[key] = phase_diffraction_library
        return diffraction_library
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def rotate_to_principal_directions(self):
        Rotates the cell into the principal directions. That is, lattice vector
        a is parallel to the Cartesian x-axis, lattice vector b lies in the
        Cartesian x-y plane and the z-component of lattice vector c is

        Note: this method doesn't change the fractional coordinates of the
        sites. However, the Cartesian coordinates may be changed.

        # rotate about the z-axis to align a vertically with the x-axis
        rotation = RotationTransformation(
            [0, 0, 1], 180 - (180 / np.pi) *
            np.arctan2(self.lattice.matrix[0][1], self.lattice.matrix[0][0]))
        new_structure = rotation.apply_transformation(self)

        # rotate about the y-axis to make a parallel to the x-axis
        rotation = RotationTransformation(
            [0, 1, 0], (180 / np.pi) *
            np.arctan2(self.lattice.matrix[0][2], self.lattice.matrix[0][0]))
        new_structure = rotation.apply_transformation(self)

        # rotate about the x-axis to make b lie in the x-y plane
        rotation = RotationTransformation(
            [1, 0, 0], 180 - (180 / np.pi) *
            np.arctan2(self.lattice.matrix[1][2], self.lattice.matrix[1][1]))
        new_structure = rotation.apply_transformation(self)

        # make sure they are all pointing in positive directions
        if self.lattice.matrix[0][0] < 0:
            # rotate about y-axis to make a positive
            rotation = RotationTransformation([0, 1, 0], 180)
            new_structure = rotation.apply_transformation(self)
        if self.lattice.matrix[1][1] < 0:
            # rotate about x-axis to make b positive
            rotation = RotationTransformation([1, 0, 0], 180)
            new_structure = rotation.apply_transformation(self)
        if self.lattice.matrix[2][2] < 0:
            # mirror c across the x-y plane to make it positive
            # a and b
            a = self.lattice.matrix[0]
            b = self.lattice.matrix[1]
            # the components of c
            cx = self.lattice.matrix[2][0]
            cy = self.lattice.matrix[2][1]
            cz = -1 * self.lattice.matrix[2][2]
            self.modify_lattice(Lattice([a, b, [cx, cy, cz]]))
def slab_has_mirror_sym(slab, nterm=1, tol=0.01):
    '''This function tests if the input slab has a mirror symmetry in the c-direction (given tolerance 'tol' in Angstrom).
    Specify 'nterm' (number of unique terminations) to ensure enough subtractions from the top/bottom of the layer are considered.
    Unit cell can be of any shape, however make sure that the layer thickness in c-direction is thick enough
    (recommendation: SlabGenerator with min_slab_size=4, in_unit_planes=True)
    Remark: A bug in pymatgen/transformations/standard_transformations.py was fixed in version pymatgen-2020.4.29

    Output: [mirror_sym, error] where 'mirror_sym' is the mirror symmetry (True or False),
    'error' may contain an error message in case any step of the unit cell rotation didn't work, otherwise contains empty string

    1. Rotate unit cell such that Cartesian coordinates of a and b basis vectors is of form (a_x,0,0) and (b_x,b_y,0), respectively.
    2. Create new c-direction orthogonal to a and b.
    3. Add atoms from slab in step 1 to new unit cell of step 2.
    4. Use function mirror_sym_check to check symmetry for the initial slab, the slab with the topmost, the slab with lowermost layer missing,
    and the slab with both topmost/lowermost layers missing. If nterm > 3, additionally np.floor(nterm/2) layers are subtracted from either side and their symmetry checked.
    error = ""
    if round(slab.lattice.alpha, 1) == 90.0 and round(slab.lattice.beta,
                                                      1) == 90.0:
        slab_straight = Structure(slab._lattice, slab.species_and_occu,
        R = slab.lattice.matrix
        #if a base vector not parallel to x-axis in caartesian coords, rotate the cell/structure such that it is
        if abs(R[0, 1]) > 0.0001 or abs(R[0, 2]) > 0.0001:
            x = [1, 0, 0]
            rot_axis = np.cross(R[0], x)
            angle = np.arccos(
                    np.dot(R[0] / np.linalg.norm(R[0]), x / np.linalg.norm(x)),
                    -1.0, 1.0))
            slab = RotationTransformation(
                rot_axis, math.degrees(angle)).apply_transformation(slab)
            R = slab.lattice.matrix
            #In case the wrong sign of the rotation was applied, rotate back twice the angle:
            if abs(R[0, 1]) > 0.0001 or abs(R[0, 2]) > 0.0001:
                slab = RotationTransformation(
                    -2 * math.degrees(angle)).apply_transformation(slab)
                R = slab.lattice.matrix
            if abs(R[0, 1]) > 0.0001 or abs(R[0, 2]) > 0.0001:
                error = "Error. Could not rotate a-axis to be parallel to x-axis."
        #if b vector not lying in cartesian x-y plane, rotate to make it so (i.e. z-component of b vector = 0)
        if abs(R[1, 2]) > 0.0001 and not error:
            b_x_flat = [0, 0, 0]
            b_x_flat[1] = R[1, 1]
            b_x_flat[2] = R[1, 2]
            x = [1, 0, 0]
            y = [0, 1, 0]
            angle2 = np.arccos(
                    np.dot(b_x_flat / np.linalg.norm(b_x_flat),
                           y / np.linalg.norm(y)), -1.0, 1.0)
            )  #angle between y-axis and b vector projected onto y-z-plane
            slab = RotationTransformation(
                x, math.degrees(angle2)).apply_transformation(slab)
            R = slab.lattice.matrix
            #In case the wrong sign of the rotation was applied, rotate back twice the angle:
            if abs(R[1, 2]) > 0.0001:
                slab = RotationTransformation(
                    x, -2 * math.degrees(angle2)).apply_transformation(slab)
                R = slab.lattice.matrix
            if abs(R[1, 2]) > 0.0001:
                error = "Error. Could not rotate b-vector to lie within x-y-plane."
            if R[1, 1] < -0.0001:
                error = "Error. Vector b faces into negative y-direction (which could cause problems)."
        #Now create new c-direction that is orthogonal to the rotated a and b vectors
        if not error:
            N = np.array(R)  #new lattice vectors
            N[2] = np.cross(R[0], R[1])
            N[2] = N[2] * np.dot(
                R[2], N[2]) / (np.linalg.norm(N[2]) * np.linalg.norm(N[2]))
            latticeN = Lattice(N)  #new lattice with c perpendicular to a,b
            #Add atoms from rotated unit cell to new unit cell with orthogonal c-direction
            slab_straight = Structure(latticeN,
    #Check mirror symmetry for straightened slab as well as slabs that are missing either (or both) topmost, lowermost atom-layers
    if not error:
        mirror_sym = False

        #Checks mirror symmetry of slab_straight without any layers removed
        slab_orig = Structure(slab_straight._lattice,
        msym, err = mirror_sym_check(slab_orig, tol=tol)
        if msym:
            mirror_sym = True
        if not err == '':
            error = err

        #Checks mirror symmetry of slab_straight with lowermost layer removed
        min_value = np.min(slab_orig.cart_coords[:, 2])
        first_layer_size = len(
            np.where(np.abs(min_value - slab_orig.cart_coords[:, 2]) < tol)[0])
        for i in range(first_layer_size):
            index_to_remove = np.argmin(slab_orig.frac_coords[:, 2])
        msym, err = mirror_sym_check(slab_orig, tol=tol)
        if msym:
            mirror_sym = True
        if not err == '':
            error = err

        #Checks mirror symmetry of slab_straight with topmost layer removed
        max_value = np.max(slab_straight.cart_coords[:, 2])
        first_layer_size = len(
                np.abs(max_value - slab_straight.cart_coords[:, 2]) < tol)[0])
        for i in range(first_layer_size):
            index_to_remove = np.argmax(slab_straight.frac_coords[:, 2])
        msym, err = mirror_sym_check(slab_straight, tol=tol)
        if msym:
            mirror_sym = True
        if not err == '':
            error = err

        #Checks mirror symmetry of slab_straight with lowermost and topmost layers removed
        min_value = np.min(slab_straight.cart_coords[:, 2])
        first_layer_size = len(
                np.abs(min_value - slab_straight.cart_coords[:, 2]) < tol)[0])
        for i in range(first_layer_size):
            index_to_remove = np.argmin(slab_straight.frac_coords[:, 2])
        msym, err = mirror_sym_check(slab_straight, tol=tol)
        if msym:
            mirror_sym = True
        if not err == '':
            error = err

        #If nterm is larger than 3, remove additonal layers from either side to ensure
        #that we check all relevant slabs that could yield proof that there is mirror symmetry
        if nterm > 3:
            slab_orig = Structure(slab_straight._lattice,
            #delete more layers nterm/2 rounded down on either side from the slab_straight (which had one each side already subtracted)
            for term in range(int(np.floor(nterm / 2))):
                max_value = np.max(slab_straight.cart_coords[:, 2])
                first_layer_size = len(
                        np.abs(max_value -
                               slab_straight.cart_coords[:, 2]) < tol)[0])
                for i in range(first_layer_size):
                    index_to_remove = np.argmax(slab_straight.frac_coords[:,
                msym, err = mirror_sym_check(slab_straight, tol=tol)
                if msym:
                    mirror_sym = True
                if not err == '':
                    error = err

                min_value = np.min(slab_orig.cart_coords[:, 2])
                first_layer_size = len(
                        np.abs(min_value -
                               slab_orig.cart_coords[:, 2]) < tol)[0])
                for i in range(first_layer_size):
                    index_to_remove = np.argmin(slab_orig.frac_coords[:, 2])
                msym, err = mirror_sym_check(slab_orig, tol=tol)
                if msym:
                    mirror_sym = True
                if not err == '':
                    error = err

        #Mirror symmetry is set to False in case there was an error along the way.
        mirror_sym = False

    return mirror_sym, error
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_rotation_transformation(self):
     t = RotationTransformation([0, 1, 0], 30, False)
     s2 = t.apply_transformation(self.struct)
     s1 = t.inverse.apply_transformation(s2)
         (abs(s1.lattice.matrix - self.struct.lattice.matrix) < 1e-8).all())
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_as_from_dict(self):
     t = RotationTransformation([0, 1, 0], 30, False)
     d = t.as_dict()
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def get_diffraction_library(self,
        """Calculates a dictionary of diffraction data for a library of crystal
        structures and orientations.

        Each structure in the structure library is rotated to each associated
        orientation and the diffraction pattern is calculated each time.

        structure_library : dict
            Dictionary of structures and associated orientations (represented as
            Euler angles or axis-angle pairs) for which electron diffraction is
            to be simulated.

        calibration : float
            The calibration of experimental data to be correlated with the
            library, in reciprocal Angstroms per pixel.

        reciprocal_radius : float
            The maximum g-vector magnitude to be included in the simulations.

        representation : 'euler' or 'axis-angle'
            The representation in which the orientations are provided.
            If 'euler' the zxz convention is taken and values are in radians, if
            'axis-angle' the rotational angle is in degrees.

        half_shape: tuple
            The half shape of the target patterns, for 144x144 use (72,72) etc

        diffraction_library : dict of :class:`DiffractionSimulation`
            Mapping of crystal structure and orientation to diffraction data

        # Define DiffractionLibrary object to contain results
        diffraction_library = DiffractionLibrary()
        # The electron diffraction calculator to do simulations
        diffractor = self.electron_diffraction_calculator
        # Iterate through phases in library.
        for key in structure_library.keys():
            phase_diffraction_library = dict()
            structure = structure_library[key][0]
            orientations = structure_library[key][1]
            # Iterate through orientations of each phase.
            for orientation in tqdm(orientations, leave=False):
                if representation == 'axis-angle':
                    axis = [orientation[0], orientation[1], orientation[2]]
                    angle = orientation[3] / 180 * pi
                if representation == 'euler':
                    axis, angle = euler2axangle(orientation[0], orientation[1],
                                                orientation[2], 'rzxz')
                # Apply rotation to the structure
                rotation = RotationTransformation(axis,
                rotated_structure = rotation.apply_transformation(structure)
                # Calculate electron diffraction for rotated structure
                data = diffractor.calculate_ed_data(rotated_structure,
                # Calibrate simulation
                data.calibration = calibration
                pattern_intensities = data.intensities
                pixel_coordinates = np.rint(
                    data.calibrated_coordinates[:, :2] +
                # Construct diffraction simulation library, removing those that contain no peaks
                if len(pattern_intensities) > 0:
                    phase_diffraction_library[tuple(orientation)] = \
                    {'Sim':data,'intensities':pattern_intensities, \
                     'pixel_coords':pixel_coordinates, \
                     'pattern_norm': np.sqrt(np.dot(pattern_intensities,pattern_intensities))}
                    diffraction_library[key] = phase_diffraction_library
        return diffraction_library
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_graph_hash_robustness():  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    """Check that duplicating or rotating the structure produces the same hash."""
    structure = Structure.from_file(
        os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "test_files", "ABAXUZ.cif"))
    original_hash = MOFChecker(structure).graph_hash

    # rotate structure
    rotation_transformer = RotationTransformation([1, 0, 0], 10)
    rotated_structure = rotation_transformer.apply_transformation(structure)
    assert MOFChecker(rotated_structure).graph_hash == original_hash

    # create supercell
    structure.make_supercell([1, 2, 1])
    assert MOFChecker(structure).graph_hash == original_hash

    # check the MOF-74 structures
    mohgoi_checker = MOFChecker(
        Structure.from_file(os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "test_files",

    todyuj_checker = MOFChecker(
        Structure.from_file(os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "test_files",

    vogtiv_checker = MOFChecker(
        Structure.from_file(os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "test_files",

    # There water on TODYUJ
    assert mohgoi_checker.graph_hash != todyuj_checker.graph_hash
    # one is the supercell of the other
    assert mohgoi_checker.graph_hash == vogtiv_checker.graph_hash

    # MOF-74-Zr.cif
    mof_74_zr = MOFChecker(
            os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "test_files", "MOF-74-Zr.cif")))
    assert mof_74_zr.graph_hash != todyuj_checker.graph_hash
    assert mof_74_zr.graph_hash != vogtiv_checker.graph_hash

    # # MOF-74-Zn.cif
    mof_74_zn = MOFChecker(
            os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "test_files", "MOF-74-Zn.cif")))
    assert mof_74_zr.scaffold_hash == mof_74_zn.scaffold_hash
    assert mof_74_zr.graph_hash != mof_74_zn.graph_hash

    # # MOF-5 is not ZIF-8
    mof_5 = MOFChecker(
            os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "test_files", "mof-5_cellopt.cif")))
    zif_8 = MOFChecker(
            os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "test_files", "ZIF-8-RASPA.cif")))
    assert mof_5.graph_hash != zif_8.graph_hash

    # # Mn-MOF-74 and UiO-67
    coknun = MOFChecker(
            os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "test_files", "coknun01.cif")))
    wizmac = MOFChecker(
            os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "test_files", "WIZMAV02_auto.cif")))
    assert coknun.graph_hash != wizmac.graph_hash