Ejemplo n.º 1
def _calc_singleLP_exTI_pred_mbar(Es, dEs, LPs_pred, nfr, T=300):
    assert Es.shape == dEs.shape
    kT = kb * T
    mbar = MBAR(Es / kT, nfr)
    w = mbar.getWeights()
    wt = w.T
    dgdl_int = []
    for i in range(len(LPs_pred)):
        dgdl_int.append(np.dot(wt[i], dEs[i]))
    return np.array(dgdl_int)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_mbar_getWeights():
    """ testing getWeights """

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        # rows should be equal to zero
        W = mbar.getWeights()
        sumrows = np.sum(W, axis=0)
        eq(sumrows, np.ones(len(sumrows)), decimal=precision)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_mbar_getWeights():

    """ testing getWeights """

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        # rows should be equal to zero
        W = mbar.getWeights()
        sumrows = np.sum(W,axis=0)
        eq(sumrows, np.ones(len(sumrows)), decimal=precision)
            if state_index == len(state_ranges) - 1 and T == state[1]:
                state_counts[state_index] = state_counts[state_index] + 1
            state_index = state_index + 1
# print("The distribution with "+str(num_states)+" states is: "+str(state_counts))
# Store the distribution data for this number of states so that we can plot comparisons later
    for state in range(0, num_states):
            state] = state_counts[state]
        state_temps_for_each_num_states[num_states_index][state] = sum(
            state_ranges[state]) / 2
    T_ranges_for_each_num_states[num_states_index][state] = state_ranges[state]
    # Initialize MBAR
    mbar = MBAR(u_kn, state_counts, verbose=False, relative_tolerance=1e-12)
    # Get the 'weights', or reweighted mixture distribution
    weights = mbar.getWeights()
    # Store the weights for plot comparisons later on
    for sample in range(0, len(weights)):
        for state in range(0, num_states):
            #   print(weights_for_each_num_states[num_states_index][state][sample])
                sample] = weights[sample][state]

# 5) Calculate dimensionless free energies with MBAR

# Get the dimensionless free energy differences
    free_energies, uncertainty_free_energies = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences(
# 5) Calculate 'weights' for each thermodynamic state (temp.) with MBAR

# 'u_kn' contains the decorrelated reduced potential energies evaluated at each temperature (state)
   u_kn = np.array([[float(float(U_uncorrelated[sample])/float(temperature)) for sample in range(0,len(U_uncorrelated))] for temperature in temperatures])
   u_kn_same_total_samples = np.array([[float(float(U_uncorrelated_same_total_samples[sample])/float(temperature)) for sample in range(0,len(U_uncorrelated_same_total_samples))] for temperature in temperatures])
# Initialize MBAR
   mbar = MBAR(u_kn, state_counts, verbose=False, relative_tolerance=1e-12)
# Initialize MBAR using u_kn_same_total_samples, constructed from uniform sampling (same total # of samples)
   mbar_same_total_samples = MBAR(u_kn_same_total_samples, state_counts_same_total_samples, verbose=False, relative_tolerance=1e-12)
#  Get the 'weights', or reweighted mixture distribution
   weights = mbar.getWeights()
   weights_same_total_samples = mbar_same_total_samples.getWeights()
# Store the weights for later analysis 

# 6) Calculate dimensionless free energies with MBAR

# Get the dimensionless free energy differences, and uncertainties in their values
   free_energies,uncertainty_free_energies = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences()[0],mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences()[1]
# Save the free energies
Ejemplo n.º 6
    print "Interfaces"    
    # Create Interaces around first and last frame of the first trajectory and use only solute coordinates
    traj = simulator.storage.trajectory(1)[ [0,-1] ].solute

#    mat = tis.compute_N_IJ_l_kI()
#    print mat

    if simulator.storage.number_of_trajectories() > 100:  
        u_kln, N_k = tis.compute_mbar_array(0, 0, infinite_energy = 1e5)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kln, N_k, method = 'adaptive', relative_tolerance=1.0e-10, verbose=False)
        weights =  mbar.getWeights()
        n = np.zeros(weights.shape, dtype='float')
        print np.exp(-mbar.f_k)    
        print N_k
        index = 0
        for k,n_samples in enumerate(N_k):
            n[index:index+int(n_samples),0:k+1] = 1.0
            index += int(n_samples)
        print n
        print weights[:,0]
        print weights[:,2]