Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, kernel):
        # a mapping from parameter names to a list of tuples
        # (arg_name, axis_nr, function), where function is a
        # unary function of kernel.arg_dict[arg_name].shape[axis_nr]
        # returning the desired parameter.
        self.param_to_sources = param_to_sources = {}

        param_names = kernel.all_params()

        from loopy.kernel.data import GlobalArg
        from loopy.symbolic import DependencyMapper
        from pymbolic import compile

        dep_map = DependencyMapper()

        from pymbolic import var

        for arg in kernel.args:
            if isinstance(arg, GlobalArg):
                for axis_nr, shape_i in enumerate(arg.shape):
                    deps = dep_map(shape_i)
                    if len(deps) == 1:
                        dep, = deps

                        if dep.name in param_names:
                            from pymbolic.algorithm import solve_affine_equations_for

                                # friggin' overkill :)
                                param_expr = solve_affine_equations_for([dep.name], [(shape_i, var("shape_i"))])[
                                # went wrong? oh well
                                param_func = compile(param_expr, ["shape_i"])
                                param_to_sources.setdefault(dep.name, []).append((arg.name, axis_nr, param_func))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, kernel):
        # a mapping from parameter names to a list of tuples
        # (arg_name, axis_nr, function), where function is a
        # unary function of kernel.arg_dict[arg_name].shape[axis_nr]
        # returning the desired parameter.
        self.param_to_sources = param_to_sources = {}

        param_names = kernel.all_params()

        from loopy.kernel.data import GlobalArg
        from loopy.symbolic import DependencyMapper
        from pymbolic import compile
        dep_map = DependencyMapper()

        from pymbolic import var
        for arg in kernel.args:
            if isinstance(arg, GlobalArg):
                for axis_nr, shape_i in enumerate(arg.shape):
                    deps = dep_map(shape_i)
                    if len(deps) == 1:
                        dep, = deps

                        if dep.name in param_names:
                            from pymbolic.algorithm import solve_affine_equations_for
                                # friggin' overkill :)
                                param_expr = solve_affine_equations_for(
                                    [(shape_i, var("shape_i"))])[dep.name]
                                # went wrong? oh well
                                param_func = compile(param_expr, ["shape_i"])
                                    dep.name, []).append(
                                        (arg.name, axis_nr, param_func))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def generate_integer_arg_finding_from_shapes(gen, kernel, impl_arg_info, options):
    # a mapping from integer argument names to a list of tuples
    # (arg_name, expression), where expression is a
    # unary function of kernel.arg_dict[arg_name]
    # returning the desired integer argument.
    iarg_to_sources = {}

    from loopy.kernel.data import GlobalArg
    from loopy.symbolic import DependencyMapper, StringifyMapper
    dep_map = DependencyMapper()

    from pymbolic import var
    for arg in impl_arg_info:
        if arg.arg_class is GlobalArg:
            sym_shape = var(arg.name).attr("shape")
            for axis_nr, shape_i in enumerate(arg.shape):
                if shape_i is None:

                deps = dep_map(shape_i)

                if len(deps) == 1:
                    integer_arg_var, = deps

                    if kernel.arg_dict[integer_arg_var.name].dtype.kind == "i":
                        from pymbolic.algorithm import solve_affine_equations_for
                            # friggin' overkill :)
                            iarg_expr = solve_affine_equations_for(
                                    [(shape_i, sym_shape.index(axis_nr))]
                        except Exception as e:
                            #from traceback import print_exc

                            # went wrong? oh well
                            from warnings import warn
                            warn("Unable to generate code to automatically "
                                    "find '%s' from the shape of '%s':\n%s"
                                    % (integer_arg_var.name, arg.name, str(e)),
                            iarg_to_sources.setdefault(integer_arg_var.name, []) \
                                    .append((arg.name, iarg_expr))

    gen("# {{{ find integer arguments from shapes")

    for iarg_name, sources in six.iteritems(iarg_to_sources):
        gen("if %s is None:" % iarg_name)
        with Indentation(gen):
            if_stmt = "if"
            for arg_name, value_expr in sources:
                gen("%s %s is not None:" % (if_stmt, arg_name))
                with Indentation(gen):
                    gen("%s = %s"
                            % (iarg_name, StringifyMapper()(value_expr)))

                if_stmt = "elif"


    gen("# }}}")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def generate_integer_arg_finding_from_shapes(gen, kernel,
    # a mapping from integer argument names to a list of tuples
    # (arg_name, expression), where expression is a
    # unary function of kernel.arg_dict[arg_name]
    # returning the desired integer argument.
    iarg_to_sources = {}

    from loopy.kernel.data import GlobalArg
    from loopy.symbolic import DependencyMapper, StringifyMapper
    dep_map = DependencyMapper()

    from pymbolic import var
    for arg in implemented_data_info:
        if arg.arg_class is GlobalArg:
            sym_shape = var(arg.name).attr("shape")
            for axis_nr, shape_i in enumerate(arg.shape):
                if shape_i is None:

                deps = dep_map(shape_i)

                if len(deps) == 1:
                    integer_arg_var, = deps

                    if kernel.arg_dict[
                        from pymbolic.algorithm import solve_affine_equations_for
                            # friggin' overkill :)
                            iarg_expr = solve_affine_equations_for(
                                [integer_arg_var.name], [
                                    (shape_i, sym_shape.index(axis_nr))
                        except Exception as e:
                            #from traceback import print_exc

                            # went wrong? oh well
                            from warnings import warn
                                "Unable to generate code to automatically "
                                "find '%s' from the shape of '%s':\n%s" %
                                (integer_arg_var.name, arg.name, str(e)),
                            iarg_to_sources.setdefault(integer_arg_var.name, []) \
                                    .append((arg.name, iarg_expr))

    gen("# {{{ find integer arguments from shapes")

    for iarg_name, sources in six.iteritems(iarg_to_sources):
        gen("if %s is None:" % iarg_name)
        with Indentation(gen):
            if_stmt = "if"
            for arg_name, value_expr in sources:
                gen("%s %s is not None:" % (if_stmt, arg_name))
                with Indentation(gen):
                    gen("%s = %s" % (iarg_name, StringifyMapper()(value_expr)))

                if_stmt = "elif"


    gen("# }}}")
Ejemplo n.º 5
def affine_map_inames(kernel, old_inames, new_inames, equations):
    """Return a new *kernel* where the affine transform
    specified by *equations* has been applied to the inames.

    :arg old_inames: A list of inames to be replaced by affine transforms
        of their values.
        May also be a string of comma-separated inames.

    :arg new_inames: A list of new inames that are not yet used in *kernel*,
        but have their values established in terms of *old_inames* by
        May also be a string of comma-separated inames.
    :arg equations: A list of equations estabilishing a relationship
        between *old_inames* and *new_inames*. Each equation may be
        a tuple ``(lhs, rhs)`` of expressions or a string, with left and
        right hand side of the equation separated by ``=``.

    # {{{ check and parse arguments

    if isinstance(new_inames, str):
        new_inames = new_inames.split(",")
        new_inames = [iname.strip() for iname in new_inames]
    if isinstance(old_inames, str):
        old_inames = old_inames.split(",")
        old_inames = [iname.strip() for iname in old_inames]
    if isinstance(equations, str):
        equations = [equations]

    import re
    eqn_re = re.compile(r"^([^=]+)=([^=]+)$")

    def parse_equation(eqn):
        if isinstance(eqn, str):
            eqn_match = eqn_re.match(eqn)
            if not eqn_match:
                raise ValueError("invalid equation: %s" % eqn)

            from loopy.symbolic import parse
            lhs = parse(eqn_match.group(1))
            rhs = parse(eqn_match.group(2))
            return (lhs, rhs)
        elif isinstance(eqn, tuple):
            if len(eqn) != 2:
                raise ValueError("unexpected length of equation tuple, "
                        "got %d, should be 2" % len(eqn))
            return eqn
            raise ValueError("unexpected type of equation"
                    "got %d, should be string or tuple"
                    % type(eqn).__name__)

    equations = [parse_equation(eqn) for eqn in equations]

    all_vars = kernel.all_variable_names()
    for iname in new_inames:
        if iname in all_vars:
            raise LoopyError("new iname '%s' is already used in kernel"
                    % iname)

    for iname in old_inames:
        if iname not in kernel.all_inames():
            raise LoopyError("old iname '%s' not known" % iname)

    # }}}

    # {{{ substitute iname use

    from pymbolic.algorithm import solve_affine_equations_for
    old_inames_to_expr = solve_affine_equations_for(old_inames, equations)

    subst_dict = dict(
            (v.name, expr)
            for v, expr in old_inames_to_expr.items())

    var_name_gen = kernel.get_var_name_generator()

    from pymbolic.mapper.substitutor import make_subst_func
    from loopy.context_matching import parse_stack_match

    rule_mapping_context = SubstitutionRuleMappingContext(
            kernel.substitutions, var_name_gen)
    old_to_new = RuleAwareSubstitutionMapper(rule_mapping_context,
            make_subst_func(subst_dict), within=parse_stack_match(None))

    kernel = (
                applied_iname_rewrites=kernel.applied_iname_rewrites + [subst_dict]

    # }}}

    # {{{ change domains

    new_inames_set = set(new_inames)
    old_inames_set = set(old_inames)

    new_domains = []
    for idom, dom in enumerate(kernel.domains):
        dom_var_dict = dom.get_var_dict()
        old_iname_overlap = [
                for iname in old_inames
                if iname in dom_var_dict]

        if not old_iname_overlap:

        from loopy.symbolic import get_dependencies
        dom_new_inames = set()
        dom_old_inames = set()

        # mapping for new inames to dim_types
        new_iname_dim_types = {}

        dom_equations = []
        for iname in old_iname_overlap:
            for ieqn, (lhs, rhs) in enumerate(equations):
                eqn_deps = get_dependencies(lhs) | get_dependencies(rhs)
                if iname in eqn_deps:
                    dom_new_inames.update(eqn_deps & new_inames_set)
                    dom_old_inames.update(eqn_deps & old_inames_set)

                if dom_old_inames:
                    dom_equations.append((lhs, rhs))

                this_eqn_old_iname_dim_types = set(
                        for old_iname in eqn_deps & old_inames_set)

                if this_eqn_old_iname_dim_types:
                    if len(this_eqn_old_iname_dim_types) > 1:
                        raise ValueError("inames '%s' (from equation %d (0-based)) "
                                "in domain %d (0-based) are not "
                                "of a uniform dim_type"
                                % (", ".join(eqn_deps & old_inames_set), ieqn, idom))

                    this_eqn_new_iname_dim_type, = this_eqn_old_iname_dim_types

                    for new_iname in eqn_deps & new_inames_set:
                        if new_iname in new_iname_dim_types:
                            if (this_eqn_new_iname_dim_type
                                    != new_iname_dim_types[new_iname]):
                                raise ValueError("dim_type disagreement for "
                                        "iname '%s' (from equation %d (0-based)) "
                                        "in domain %d (0-based)"
                                        % (new_iname, ieqn, idom))
                            new_iname_dim_types[new_iname] = \

        if not dom_old_inames <= set(dom_var_dict):
            raise ValueError("domain %d (0-based) does not know about "
                    "all old inames (specifically '%s') needed to define new inames"
                    % (idom, ", ".join(dom_old_inames - set(dom_var_dict))))

        # add inames to domain with correct dim_types
        dom_new_inames = list(dom_new_inames)
        for iname in dom_new_inames:
            dt = new_iname_dim_types[iname]
            iname_idx = dom.dim(dt)
            dom = dom.add_dims(dt, 1)
            dom = dom.set_dim_name(dt, iname_idx, iname)

        # add equations
        from loopy.symbolic import aff_from_expr
        for lhs, rhs in dom_equations:
            dom = dom.add_constraint(
                        aff_from_expr(dom.space, rhs - lhs)))

        # project out old inames
        for iname in dom_old_inames:
            dt, idx = dom.get_var_dict()[iname]
            dom = dom.project_out(dt, idx, 1)


    # }}}

    return kernel.copy(domains=new_domains)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def affine_map_inames(kernel, old_inames, new_inames, equations):
    """Return a new *kernel* where the affine transform
    specified by *equations* has been applied to the inames.

    :arg old_inames: A list of inames to be replaced by affine transforms
        of their values.
        May also be a string of comma-separated inames.

    :arg new_inames: A list of new inames that are not yet used in *kernel*,
        but have their values established in terms of *old_inames* by
        May also be a string of comma-separated inames.
    :arg equations: A list of equations estabilishing a relationship
        between *old_inames* and *new_inames*. Each equation may be
        a tuple ``(lhs, rhs)`` of expressions or a string, with left and
        right hand side of the equation separated by ``=``.

    # {{{ check and parse arguments

    if isinstance(new_inames, str):
        new_inames = new_inames.split(",")
        new_inames = [iname.strip() for iname in new_inames]
    if isinstance(old_inames, str):
        old_inames = old_inames.split(",")
        old_inames = [iname.strip() for iname in old_inames]
    if isinstance(equations, str):
        equations = [equations]

    import re
    eqn_re = re.compile(r"^([^=]+)=([^=]+)$")

    def parse_equation(eqn):
        if isinstance(eqn, str):
            eqn_match = eqn_re.match(eqn)
            if not eqn_match:
                raise ValueError("invalid equation: %s" % eqn)

            from loopy.symbolic import parse
            lhs = parse(eqn_match.group(1))
            rhs = parse(eqn_match.group(2))
            return (lhs, rhs)
        elif isinstance(eqn, tuple):
            if len(eqn) != 2:
                raise ValueError("unexpected length of equation tuple, "
                                 "got %d, should be 2" % len(eqn))
            return eqn
            raise ValueError("unexpected type of equation"
                             "got %d, should be string or tuple" %

    equations = [parse_equation(eqn) for eqn in equations]

    all_vars = kernel.all_variable_names()
    for iname in new_inames:
        if iname in all_vars:
            raise LoopyError("new iname '%s' is already used in kernel" %

    for iname in old_inames:
        if iname not in kernel.all_inames():
            raise LoopyError("old iname '%s' not known" % iname)

    # }}}

    # {{{ substitute iname use

    from pymbolic.algorithm import solve_affine_equations_for
    old_inames_to_expr = solve_affine_equations_for(old_inames, equations)

    subst_dict = dict((v.name, expr) for v, expr in old_inames_to_expr.items())

    var_name_gen = kernel.get_var_name_generator()

    from pymbolic.mapper.substitutor import make_subst_func
    from loopy.match import parse_stack_match

    rule_mapping_context = SubstitutionRuleMappingContext(
        kernel.substitutions, var_name_gen)
    old_to_new = RuleAwareSubstitutionMapper(rule_mapping_context,

    kernel = (rule_mapping_context.finish_kernel(
            applied_iname_rewrites=kernel.applied_iname_rewrites +

    # }}}

    # {{{ change domains

    new_inames_set = frozenset(new_inames)
    old_inames_set = frozenset(old_inames)

    new_domains = []
    for idom, dom in enumerate(kernel.domains):
        dom_var_dict = dom.get_var_dict()
        old_iname_overlap = [
            iname for iname in old_inames if iname in dom_var_dict

        if not old_iname_overlap:

        from loopy.symbolic import get_dependencies
        dom_new_inames = set()
        dom_old_inames = set()

        # mapping for new inames to dim_types
        new_iname_dim_types = {}

        dom_equations = []
        for iname in old_iname_overlap:
            for ieqn, (lhs, rhs) in enumerate(equations):
                eqn_deps = get_dependencies(lhs) | get_dependencies(rhs)
                if iname in eqn_deps:
                    dom_new_inames.update(eqn_deps & new_inames_set)
                    dom_old_inames.update(eqn_deps & old_inames_set)

                if dom_old_inames:
                    dom_equations.append((lhs, rhs))

                this_eqn_old_iname_dim_types = set(dom_var_dict[old_iname][0]
                                                   for old_iname in eqn_deps
                                                   & old_inames_set)

                if this_eqn_old_iname_dim_types:
                    if len(this_eqn_old_iname_dim_types) > 1:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "inames '%s' (from equation %d (0-based)) "
                            "in domain %d (0-based) are not "
                            "of a uniform dim_type" %
                            (", ".join(eqn_deps & old_inames_set), ieqn, idom))

                    this_eqn_new_iname_dim_type, = this_eqn_old_iname_dim_types

                    for new_iname in eqn_deps & new_inames_set:
                        if new_iname in new_iname_dim_types:
                            if (this_eqn_new_iname_dim_type !=
                                raise ValueError(
                                    "dim_type disagreement for "
                                    "iname '%s' (from equation %d (0-based)) "
                                    "in domain %d (0-based)" %
                                    (new_iname, ieqn, idom))
                            new_iname_dim_types[new_iname] = \

        if not dom_old_inames <= set(dom_var_dict):
            raise ValueError(
                "domain %d (0-based) does not know about "
                "all old inames (specifically '%s') needed to define new inames"
                % (idom, ", ".join(dom_old_inames - set(dom_var_dict))))

        # add inames to domain with correct dim_types
        dom_new_inames = list(dom_new_inames)
        for iname in dom_new_inames:
            dt = new_iname_dim_types[iname]
            iname_idx = dom.dim(dt)
            dom = dom.add_dims(dt, 1)
            dom = dom.set_dim_name(dt, iname_idx, iname)

        # add equations
        from loopy.symbolic import aff_from_expr
        for lhs, rhs in dom_equations:
            dom = dom.add_constraint(
                    aff_from_expr(dom.space, rhs - lhs)))

        # project out old inames
        for iname in dom_old_inames:
            dt, idx = dom.get_var_dict()[iname]
            dom = dom.project_out(dt, idx, 1)


    # }}}

    # {{{ switch iname refs in instructions

    def fix_iname_set(insn_id, inames):
        if old_inames_set <= inames:
            return (inames - old_inames_set) | new_inames_set
        elif old_inames_set & inames:
            raise LoopyError(
                "instruction '%s' uses only a part (%s), not all, "
                "of the old inames" %
                (insn_id, ", ".join(old_inames_set & inames)))
            return inames

    new_instructions = [
        insn.copy(within_inames=fix_iname_set(insn.id, insn.within_inames))
        for insn in kernel.instructions

    # }}}

    return kernel.copy(domains=new_domains, instructions=new_instructions)