def transfer(fs, ts, khat, xyz, L=5e9): khat = tt.reshape(khat, (1, 3)) fstar = 2.99792e8 / (2 * pi * L) tfs_re = tt.zeros((3, 3, ts.shape[0])) tfs_im = tt.zeros((3, 3, ts.shape[0])) for i in range(3): for j in range(i + 1, 3): if not (j == i): rij = xyz[j, :, :] - xyz[i, :, :] r2 = tt.reshape(pmm.sum(rij * rij, axis=1), (-1, 1)) rij = rij / pmm.sqrt(r2) rk = pmm.sum(rij * khat, axis=1) w = fs / (2 * fstar) * (1 - rk) wp = fs / (2 * fstar) * (1 + rk ) # Reverse direction, get a plus sc = pmm.sin(w) / w scp = pmm.sin(wp) / wp tfs_re = tt.set_subtensor(tfs_re[i, j, :], sc * pmm.cos(w)) tfs_im = tt.set_subtensor(tfs_im[i, j, :], sc * pmm.sin(w)) tfs_re = tt.set_subtensor(tfs_re[j, i, :], scp * pmm.cos(wp)) tfs_im = tt.set_subtensor(tfs_im[j, i, :], scp * pmm.sin(wp)) return tfs_re, tfs_im
def uvk(nhat): phi = tt.arctan2(nhat[1], nhat[0]) cos_theta = nhat[2] sin_theta = pmm.sqrt(1 - cos_theta * cos_theta) cphi = pmm.cos(phi) sphi = pmm.sin(phi) u = tt.as_tensor_variable([cos_theta * cphi, cos_theta * sphi, -sin_theta]) v = tt.as_tensor_variable([sphi, -cphi, 0.0]) k = tt.as_tensor_variable( [-sin_theta * cphi, -sin_theta * sphi, -cos_theta]) return tt.stack((u, v, k), dim=0)
def dp_dc(xyz, uvk): dps = tt.zeros((3, 3, xyz.shape[1])) dcs = tt.zeros((3, 3, xyz.shape[1])) for i in range(3): for j in range(i + 1, 3): rij = xyz[j, :, :] - xyz[i, :, :] r2 = pmm.sum(rij * rij, axis=1) rij = rij / tt.reshape(pmm.sqrt(r2), (-1, 1)) ru = pmm.sum(rij * uvk[0, :], axis=1) rv = pmm.sum(rij * uvk[1, :], axis=1) dps = tt.set_subtensor(dps[i, j, :], ru * ru - rv * rv) dcs = tt.set_subtensor(dcs[i, j, :], ru * rv + ru * rv) dps = tt.set_subtensor(dps[j, i, :], dps[i, j, :]) dcs = tt.set_subtensor(dcs[j, i, :], dcs[i, j, :]) return dps, dcs
def Bcdf(x0,mu,sigma,skew): A = 6.5 G = Ghat(-abs_(skew)) BM = Mhat(G) BV = Vhat(G) xs=(x0-mu)/sigma x = xs*sqrt(BV)+BM #print(sgn(skew).eval()==-1.0) #if sgn(skew)==-1.0: if le(skew,0.0): xc = clip(x,0,5) y = 1 - (1+xc**G)**-A #y[x<0] = 0 #print('Bcdf: step1') else: #print('Bcdf: step2') x = -x+2*BM xc = clip(x,0,5) y = (1+xc**G)**-A return y #, xc
def cumulative_normal(x): """Cummulative normal distribution""" return 0.5 + 0.5 * math.erf(x / math.sqrt(2))
def make_model(A_re_data, A_im_data, E_re_data, E_im_data, Tobs, f0, fdot, fddot, sigma, hbin, lnAlow, lnAhigh, N, start_pt={}): f0_mean = f0 fdot_mean = fdot fddot_mean = fddot with pm.Model() as model: _ = pm.Data('sigma', sigma) _ = pm.Data('hbin', hbin) _ = pm.Data('Tobs', Tobs) _ = pm.Data('N', N) A_re_data = pm.Data('A_re_data', A_re_data) A_im_data = pm.Data('A_im_data', A_im_data) E_re_data = pm.Data('E_re_data', E_re_data) E_im_data = pm.Data('E_im_data', E_im_data) n_phi = pm.Normal('n_phi', mu=zeros(2), sigma=ones(2), shape=(2, ), testval=start_pt.get('n_phi', randn(2))) phi0 = pm.Deterministic('phi0', tt.arctan2(n_phi[1], n_phi[0])) dphi_f0 = pm.Normal('dphi_f0', mu=0, sigma=pi, testval=0) dphi_fdot = pm.Normal('dphi_fdot', mu=0, sigma=pi, testval=0) dphi_fddot = pm.Normal('dphi_fddot', mu=0, sigma=pi, testval=0) f0 = pm.Deterministic('f0', f0_mean + dphi_f0 / (2 * pi * Tobs)) fdot = pm.Deterministic('fdot', fdot_mean + dphi_fdot / (pi * Tobs * Tobs)) fddot = pm.Deterministic( 'fddot', fddot_mean + 3.0 * dphi_fddot / (pi * Tobs * Tobs * Tobs)) cos_iota = pm.Uniform('cos_iota', lower=-1, upper=1, testval=start_pt.get( 'cos_iota', np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1))) iota = pm.Deterministic('iota', tt.arccos(cos_iota)) # This 2-vector gives 2*psi n_2psi = pm.Normal('n_2psi', mu=zeros(2), sigma=ones(2), shape=(2, ), testval=start_pt.get('n_2psi', randn(2))) psi = pm.Deterministic('psi', tt.arctan2(n_2psi[1], n_2psi[0]) / 2) n_ra_dec = pm.Normal('n_ra_dec', mu=zeros(3), sigma=ones(3), shape=(3, ), testval=start_pt.get('nhat', randn(3))) nhat = pm.Deterministic( 'nhat', n_ra_dec / pmm.sqrt(tt.tensordot(n_ra_dec, n_ra_dec, axes=1))) _ = pm.Deterministic('phi', tt.arctan2(n_ra_dec[1], n_ra_dec[0])) _ = pm.Deterministic('theta', tt.arccos(nhat[2])) lnA = pm.Uniform('lnA', lower=lnAlow, upper=lnAhigh, testval=start_pt.get( 'lnA', np.random.uniform(low=lnAlow, high=lnAhigh))) A = pm.Deterministic('A', pmm.exp(lnA)) y_re, y_im = y_fd(Tobs, f0, fdot, fddot, phi0, nhat, cos_iota, psi, hbin, N) ((X_re, X_im), (Y_re, Y_im), (Z_re, Z_im)) = XYZ_freq(y_re, y_im, Tobs, hbin, N) ((A_re, A_im), (E_re, E_im), (T_re, T_im)) = AET_XYZ(X_re, X_im, Y_re, Y_im, Z_re, Z_im) A_re = pm.Deterministic('A_re', A * A_re) A_im = pm.Deterministic('A_im', A * A_im) E_re = pm.Deterministic('E_re', A * E_re) E_im = pm.Deterministic('E_im', A * E_im) snr = pm.Deterministic( 'SNR', tt.sqrt( tt.sum(tt.square(A_re / sigma)) + tt.sum(tt.square(A_im / sigma)) + tt.sum(tt.square(E_re / sigma)) + tt.sum(tt.square(E_im / sigma)))) _ = pm.Normal('A_re_obs', mu=A_re, sigma=sigma, observed=A_re_data) _ = pm.Normal('A_im_obs', mu=A_im, sigma=sigma, observed=A_im_data) _ = pm.Normal('E_re_obs', mu=E_re, sigma=sigma, observed=E_re_data) _ = pm.Normal('E_im_obs', mu=E_im, sigma=sigma, observed=E_im_data) return model
def distance_f(): return D.d('v_mean') * cos(D.d('theta')) * \ (D.d('v_mean') * sin(D.d('theta')) + sqrt((D.d('v_mean') * sin(D.d('theta'))) ** 2 +\ 2 * g * D.d('height')) / g)
def hmetad_rm1way(data: dict, sample_model: bool = True, **kwargs: int): """Compute hierachical meta-d' at the subject level. This is an internal function. The repeated measures model must be called using :py:func:`metadPy.hierarchical.hmetad`. Parameters ---------- data : dict Response data. sample_model : boolean If `False`, only the model is returned without sampling. **kwargs : keyword arguments All keyword arguments are passed to `func::pymc3.sampling.sample`. Returns ------- model : :py:class:`pymc3.Model` instance The pymc3 model. Encapsulates the variables and likelihood factors. trace : :py:class:`pymc3.backends.base.MultiTrace` or :py:class:`arviz.InferenceData` A `MultiTrace` or `ArviZ InferenceData` object that contains the samples. References ---------- .. [#] Fleming, S.M. (2017) HMeta-d: hierarchical Bayesian estimation of metacognitive efficiency from confidence ratings, Neuroscience of Consciousness, 3(1) nix007, """ nSubj = data["nSubj"] nCond = data["nCond"] nRatings = data["nRatings"] hits = data["hits"].reshape(nSubj, 2) falsealarms = data["falsealarms"].reshape(nSubj, 2) counts = data["counts"] Tol = data["Tol"] cr = data["cr"].reshape(nSubj, 2) m = data["m"].reshape(nSubj, 2) c1 = data["c1"].reshape(nSubj, 2, 1) d1 = data["d1"].reshape(nSubj, 2, 1) with Model() as model: ############# # Hyperpriors ############# mu_c2 = Normal("mu_c2", tau=0.01, shape=(1, ), testval=np.random.rand() * 0.1) sigma_c2 = HalfNormal("sigma_c2", tau=0.01, shape=(1, ), testval=np.random.rand() * 0.1) mu_D = Normal("mu_D", tau=0.001, shape=(1), testval=np.random.rand() * 0.1) sigma_D = HalfNormal("sigma_D", tau=0.1, shape=(1), testval=np.random.rand() * 0.1) mu_Cond1 = Normal("mu_Cond1", mu=0, tau=0.001, shape=(1), testval=np.random.rand() * 0.1) sigma_Cond1 = HalfNormal("sigma_Cond1", tau=0.1, shape=(1), testval=np.random.rand() * 0.1) ############################# # Hyperpriors - Subject level ############################# dbase_tilde = Normal( "dbase_tilde", mu=0, sigma=1, shape=(nSubj, 1, 1), ) dbase = Deterministic("dbase", mu_D + sigma_D * dbase_tilde) Bd_Cond1_tilde = Normal( "Bd_Cond1_tilde", mu=0, sigma=1, shape=(nSubj, 1, 1), ) Bd_Cond1 = Deterministic( "Bd_Cond1", mu_Cond1 + sigma_Cond1 * Bd_Cond1_tilde, ) lambda_logMratio = Gamma( "lambda_logMratio", alpha=0.001, beta=0.001, shape=(nSubj, 1, 1), ) sigma_logMratio = Deterministic("sigma_logMratio", 1 / math.sqrt(lambda_logMratio)) ############################### # Hypterprior - Condition level ############################### mu_regression = [dbase + (Bd_Cond1 * c) for c in range(nCond)] log_mRatio_tilde = Normal("log_mRatio_tilde", mu=0, sigma=1, shape=(nSubj, 1, 1)) log_mRatio = Deterministic( "log_mRatio", tt.stack(mu_regression, axis=1)[:, :, :, 0] + tt.tile(log_mRatio_tilde, (1, 2, 1)) * tt.tile(sigma_logMratio, (1, 2, 1)), ) mRatio = Deterministic("mRatio", tt.exp(log_mRatio)) # Means of SDT distributions metad = Deterministic("metad", mRatio * d1) S2mu = Deterministic("S2mu", metad / 2) S1mu = Deterministic("S1mu", -metad / 2) # TYPE 2 SDT MODEL (META-D) # Multinomial likelihood for response counts # Specify ordered prior on criteria # bounded above and below by Type 1 c cS1_hn = Normal( "cS1_hn", mu=0, sigma=1, shape=(nSubj, nCond, nRatings - 1), testval=np.linspace(-1.5, -0.5, nRatings - 1).reshape( 1, 1, nRatings - 1).repeat(nSubj, axis=0).repeat(nCond, axis=1), ) cS1 = Deterministic("cS1", -mu_c2 + (cS1_hn * sigma_c2)) cS2_hn = Normal( "cS2_hn", mu=0, sigma=1, shape=(nSubj, nCond, nRatings - 1), testval=np.linspace(0.5, 1.5, nRatings - 1).reshape( 1, 1, nRatings - 1).repeat(nSubj, axis=0).repeat(nCond, axis=1), ) cS2 = Deterministic("cS2", mu_c2 + (cS2_hn * sigma_c2)) # Calculate normalisation constants C_area_rS1 = cumulative_normal(c1 - S1mu) I_area_rS1 = cumulative_normal(c1 - S2mu) C_area_rS2 = 1 - cumulative_normal(c1 - S2mu) I_area_rS2 = 1 - cumulative_normal(c1 - S1mu) # Get nC_rS1 probs nC_rS1 = cumulative_normal(cS1 - S1mu) / C_area_rS1 nC_rS1 = Deterministic( "nC_rS1", math.concatenate( ([ cumulative_normal(cS1[:, :, 0].reshape((nSubj, 2, 1)) - S1mu) / C_area_rS1, nC_rS1[:, :, 1:] - nC_rS1[:, :, :-1], ((cumulative_normal(c1 - S1mu) - cumulative_normal(cS1[:, :, (nRatings - 2)].reshape( (nSubj, 2, 1)) - S1mu)) / C_area_rS1), ]), axis=2, ), ) # Get nI_rS2 probs nI_rS2 = (1 - cumulative_normal(cS2 - S1mu)) / I_area_rS2 nI_rS2 = Deterministic( "nI_rS2", math.concatenate( ([ ((1 - cumulative_normal(c1 - S1mu)) - (1 - cumulative_normal(cS2[:, :, 0].reshape( (nSubj, nCond, 1)) - S1mu))) / I_area_rS2, nI_rS2[:, :, :-1] - (1 - cumulative_normal(cS2[:, :, 1:] - S1mu)) / I_area_rS2, (1 - cumulative_normal(cS2[:, :, nRatings - 2].reshape( (nSubj, nCond, 1)) - S1mu)) / I_area_rS2, ]), axis=2, ), ) # Get nI_rS1 probs nI_rS1 = (-cumulative_normal(cS1 - S2mu)) / I_area_rS1 nI_rS1 = Deterministic( "nI_rS1", math.concatenate( ([ cumulative_normal(cS1[:, :, 0].reshape((nSubj, nCond, 1)) - S2mu) / I_area_rS1, nI_rS1[:, :, :-1] + (cumulative_normal(cS1[:, :, 1:] - S2mu)) / I_area_rS1, (cumulative_normal(c1 - S2mu) - cumulative_normal(cS1[:, :, nRatings - 2].reshape( (nSubj, nCond, 1)) - S2mu)) / I_area_rS1, ]), axis=2, ), ) # Get nC_rS2 probs nC_rS2 = (1 - cumulative_normal(cS2 - S2mu)) / C_area_rS2 nC_rS2 = Deterministic( "nC_rS2", math.concatenate( ([ ((1 - cumulative_normal(c1 - S2mu)) - (1 - cumulative_normal(cS2[:, :, 0].reshape( (nSubj, nCond, 1)) - S2mu))) / C_area_rS2, nC_rS2[:, :, :-1] - ((1 - cumulative_normal(cS2[:, :, 1:] - S2mu)) / C_area_rS2), (1 - cumulative_normal(cS2[:, :, nRatings - 2].reshape( (nSubj, nCond, 1)) - S2mu)) / C_area_rS2, ]), axis=2, ), ) # Avoid underflow of probabilities nC_rS1 = math.switch(nC_rS1 < Tol, Tol, nC_rS1) nI_rS2 = math.switch(nI_rS2 < Tol, Tol, nI_rS2) nI_rS1 = math.switch(nI_rS1 < Tol, Tol, nI_rS1) nC_rS2 = math.switch(nC_rS2 < Tol, Tol, nC_rS2) for c in range(nCond): Multinomial( f"CR_counts_{c}", n=cr[:, c], p=nC_rS1[:, c, :], observed=counts[:, c, :nRatings], shape=(nSubj, nRatings), ) Multinomial( f"H_counts_{c}", n=hits[:, c], p=nC_rS2[:, c, :], observed=counts[:, c, nRatings * 3:nRatings * 4], shape=(nSubj, nRatings), ) Multinomial( f"FA_counts_{c}", n=falsealarms[:, c], p=nI_rS2[:, c, :], observed=counts[:, c, nRatings:nRatings * 2], shape=(nSubj, nRatings), ) Multinomial( f"M_counts_{c}", n=m[:, c], p=nI_rS1[:, c, :], observed=counts[:, c, nRatings * 2:nRatings * 3], shape=(nSubj, nRatings), ) if sample_model is True: trace = sample(return_inferencedata=True, **kwargs) return model, trace else: return model
def n_star_inference(n_stars, iteration, elem_err=False, n_init=20000, n_samples=1000, max_stars=100): ## Define which stars to use these_stars = np.arange(max_stars)[iteration * n_stars:(iteration + 1) * n_stars] ## Load in mock dataset mock_data = np.load(mock_data_file) #dataset mu_times = mock_data.f.obs_time[these_stars] #time of birth sigma_times = mock_data.f.obs_time_err[these_stars] #error on age all_els = mock_data.f.elements full_abundances = mock_data.f.abundances[ these_stars] # chemical element abundances for data full_errors = mock_data.f.abundance_errs[ these_stars] # error on abundances # Filter out correct elements: els = ['C', 'Fe', 'He', 'Mg', 'N', 'Ne', 'O', 'Si'] # TNG elements n_els = len(els) el_indices = np.zeros(len(els), dtype=int) for e, el in enumerate(els): for j in range(len(all_els)): if els[e] == str(all_els[j]): el_indices[e] = j break if j == len(all_els) - 1: print("Failed to find element %s" % el) obs_abundances = full_abundances[:, el_indices] obs_errors = full_errors[:, el_indices] # Now standardize dataset norm_data = (obs_abundances - output_mean) / output_std norm_sd = obs_errors / output_std data_obs = norm_data.ravel() data_sd = np.asarray(norm_sd).ravel() std_times_mean = (mu_times - input_mean[-1]) / input_std[-1] std_times_width = sigma_times / input_std[-1] # Define stacked local priors Local_prior_mean = np.vstack([ np.hstack([std_Theta_prior_mean, std_times_mean[i]]) for i in range(n_stars) ]) Local_prior_sigma = np.vstack([ np.hstack([std_Theta_prior_width, std_times_width[i]]) for i in range(n_stars) ]) # Bound variables to ensure they don't exit the training parameter space lowBound = tt._shared(np.asarray([-5, std_log_SFR_crit, -5, std_min_time])) upBound = tt._shared(np.asarray([5, 5, 5, std_max_time])) # Create stacked mean and variances loc_mean = np.hstack([ np.asarray(std_Theta_prior_mean).reshape(1, -1) * np.ones([n_stars, 1]), std_times_mean.reshape(-1, 1) ]) loc_std = np.hstack([ np.asarray(std_Theta_prior_width).reshape(1, -1) * np.ones([n_stars, 1]), std_times_width.reshape(-1, 1) ]) # Share theano variables w0 = tt._shared(w_array_0) b0 = tt._shared(b_array_0) w1 = tt._shared(w_array_1) b1 = tt._shared(b_array_1) ones_tensor = tt.ones([n_stars, 1]) b0_all = ma.matrix_dot(ones_tensor, b0) b1_all = ma.matrix_dot(ones_tensor, b1) # Define PyMC3 Model simple_model = pm.Model() with simple_model: # Define priors Lambda = pm.Normal('Std-Lambda', mu=std_Lambda_prior_mean, sd=std_Lambda_prior_width, shape=(1, len(std_Lambda_prior_mean))) Locals = pm.Normal( 'Std-Local', mu=loc_mean, sd=loc_std, shape=loc_mean.shape, transform=pm.distributions.transforms.Interval(lowBound, upBound), ) TimeSq = tt.reshape(Locals[:, -1]**2., (n_stars, 1)) TruLa = pm.Deterministic('Lambda', Lambda * input_std[:2] + input_mean[:2]) TruTh = pm.Deterministic( 'Thetas', Locals[:, :3] * input_std[2:5] + input_mean[2:5]) TruTi = pm.Deterministic( 'Times', Locals[:, -1] * input_std[-1] + input_mean[-1]) ## NEURAL NET Lambda_all = ma.matrix_dot(ones_tensor, Lambda) InputVariables = ma.concatenate([Lambda_all, Locals, TimeSq], axis=1) layer1 = ma.matrix_dot(InputVariables, w0) + b0_all output = ma.matrix_dot(ma.tanh(layer1), w1) + b1_all if elem_err: # ERRORS #element_error = pm.Normal('Element-Error',mu=-2,sd=1,shape=(1,n_els)) element_error = pm.HalfCauchy('Std-Element-Error', beta=0.01 / output_std, shape=(1, n_els)) TruErr = pm.Deterministic('Element-Error', element_error * output_std) stacked_error = ma.matrix_dot(ones_tensor, element_error) tot_error = ma.sqrt( stacked_error**2. + norm_sd**2.) # NB this is all standardized by output_std here else: tot_error = norm_sd # NB: all quantities are standardized here predictions = pm.Deterministic("Predicted-Abundances", output * output_std + output_mean) # Define likelihood function (unravelling output to make a multivariate gaussian) likelihood = pm.Normal('likelihood', mu=output.ravel(), sd=tot_error.ravel(), observed=norm_data.ravel()) # Now sample init_time = ttime.time() with simple_model: samples = pm.sample(draws=n_samples, chains=chains, cores=cores, tune=tune, nuts_kwargs={'target_accept': 0.9}, init='advi+adapt_diag', n_init=n_init) end_time = ttime.time() - init_time def construct_output(samples): Lambda = samples.get_values('Lambda')[:, 0, :] Thetas = samples.get_values('Thetas')[:, :, :] Times = samples.get_values('Times')[:, :] predictions = samples.get_values('Predicted-Abundances')[:, :, :] if elem_err: Errs = samples.get_values('Element-Error')[:, 0, :] return Lambda, Thetas, Times, Errs, predictions else: return Lambda, Thetas, Times, predictions print("Finished after %.2f seconds" % end_time) if elem_err: Lambda, Thetas, Times, Errs, predictions = construct_output(samples) return Lambda, Thetas, Times, end_time, Errs, predictions else: Lambda, Thetas, Times, predictions = construct_output(samples) return Lambda, Thetas, Times, end_time, predictions