Ejemplo n.º 1
    def initialize_population(self):
        """Create an initial population from the prior distribution."""
        population = []

        if self.init_samples is None:
            init_rnd = sample_prior_predictive(
                var_names=[v.name for v in self.model.unobserved_RVs],

            for i in range(self.N):

                point = Point(
                    {v.name: init_rnd[v.name][i]
                     for v in self.variables},
            self.prior_samples = np.array(floatX(population))

        elif self.init_samples is not None:
            self.prior_samples = np.copy(self.init_samples)

        self.samples = np.copy(self.prior_samples)
        self.nf_samples = np.copy(self.samples)
        self.log_weight = self.posterior_logp - self.prior_logp
        self.log_evidence = logsumexp(self.log_weight) - np.log(
        self.evidence = np.exp(self.log_evidence)
        self.log_weight = self.log_weight - self.log_evidence

        #same as in fitnf but prior~q
        self.log_weight_pq_num = self.posterior_logp + 2 * self.prior_logp
        self.log_weight_pq_den = 3 * self.prior_logp
        self.log_evidence_pq = logsumexp(self.log_weight_pq_num) - logsumexp(
        self.evidence_pq = np.exp(self.log_evidence_pq)
        self.log_weight_pq = self.posterior_logp - self.prior_logp - self.log_evidence_pq
        self.pq_bw_loss = np.log(
            (np.exp(self.posterior_logp) -
             np.exp(self.log_evidence_pq +
                    self.prior_logp))**2)  #not actually used yet I think

        #sum of mean loss (p - q*Z_pq)^2 /N for diagnostic purposes
        self.log_mean_loss = np.log(
            np.mean((np.exp(self.posterior_logp) -
                     np.exp(self.prior_logp + self.log_evidence_pq))**2))

        self.init_weights_cleanup(lambda x: self.prior_logp(x),
                                  lambda x: self.prior_dlogp(x))
        self.q_ess = self.calculate_ess(self.log_weight)
        self.total_ess = self.calculate_ess(self.sinf_logw)

        self.all_logq = np.array([])
        self.nf_models = []
        self.nf_models_uw = []
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def initialize_population(self):
        """Create an initial population from the prior distribution."""
        population = []
        var_info = OrderedDict()
        if self.start is None:
            init_rnd = sample_prior_predictive(
                var_names=[v.name for v in self.model.unobserved_RVs],
            init_rnd = self.start

        init = self.model.initial_point

        for v in self.variables:
            var_info[v.name] = (init[v.name].shape, init[v.name].size)

        for i in range(self.draws):

            point = Point(
                {v.name: init_rnd[v.name][i]
                 for v in self.variables},

        self.posterior = np.array(floatX(population))
        self.var_info = var_info
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def initialize_population(self):
        """Create an initial population from the prior distribution."""
        population = []
        var_info = OrderedDict()

        init_rnd = sample_prior_predictive(
            var_names=[v.name for v in self.model.unobserved_RVs],

        init = self.model.test_point

        for v in self.variables:
            var_info[v.name] = (init[v.name].shape, init[v.name].size)

        for i in range(self.draws):

            point = Point({v.name: init_rnd[v.name][i] for v in self.variables}, model=self.model)

        self.nf_samples = np.array(floatX(population))
        self.live_points = np.array(floatX(population))
        self.var_info = var_info
        self.posterior = np.empty((0, np.shape(self.nf_samples)[1]))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_interval_missing_observations():
    with Model() as model:
        obs1 = ma.masked_values([1, 2, -1, 4, -1], value=-1)
        obs2 = ma.masked_values([-1, -1, 6, -1, 8], value=-1)

        rng = aesara.shared(np.random.RandomState(2323), borrow=True)

        with pytest.warns(ImputationWarning):
            theta1 = Uniform("theta1", 0, 5, observed=obs1, rng=rng)
        with pytest.warns(ImputationWarning):
            theta2 = Normal("theta2", mu=theta1, observed=obs2, rng=rng)

        assert "theta1_observed_interval__" in model.named_vars
        assert "theta1_missing_interval__" in model.named_vars
        assert isinstance(
            model.rvs_to_values[model.named_vars["theta1_observed"]].tag.transform, Interval

        prior_trace = sample_prior_predictive()

        # Make sure the observed + missing combined deterministics have the
        # same shape as the original observations vectors
        assert prior_trace["theta1"].shape[-1] == obs1.shape[0]
        assert prior_trace["theta2"].shape[-1] == obs2.shape[0]

        # Make sure that the observed values are newly generated samples
        assert np.all(np.var(prior_trace["theta1_observed"], 0) > 0.0)
        assert np.all(np.var(prior_trace["theta2_observed"], 0) > 0.0)

        # Make sure the missing parts of the combined deterministic matches the
        # sampled missing and observed variable values
        assert np.mean(prior_trace["theta1"][:, obs1.mask] - prior_trace["theta1_missing"]) == 0.0
        assert np.mean(prior_trace["theta1"][:, ~obs1.mask] - prior_trace["theta1_observed"]) == 0.0
        assert np.mean(prior_trace["theta2"][:, obs2.mask] - prior_trace["theta2_missing"]) == 0.0
        assert np.mean(prior_trace["theta2"][:, ~obs2.mask] - prior_trace["theta2_observed"]) == 0.0

        assert {"theta1", "theta2"} <= set(prior_trace.keys())

        trace = sample(chains=1, draws=50, compute_convergence_checks=False)

        assert np.all(0 < trace["theta1_missing"].mean(0))
        assert np.all(0 < trace["theta2_missing"].mean(0))
        assert "theta1" not in trace.varnames
        assert "theta2" not in trace.varnames

        # Make sure that the observed values are newly generated samples and that
        # the observed and deterministic matche
        pp_trace = sample_posterior_predictive(trace)
        assert np.all(np.var(pp_trace["theta1"], 0) > 0.0)
        assert np.all(np.var(pp_trace["theta2"], 0) > 0.0)
        assert np.mean(pp_trace["theta1"][:, ~obs1.mask] - pp_trace["theta1_observed"]) == 0.0
        assert np.mean(pp_trace["theta2"][:, ~obs2.mask] - pp_trace["theta2_observed"]) == 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_missing(data):

    with Model() as model:
        x = Normal("x", 1, 1)
        with pytest.warns(ImputationWarning):
            y = Normal("y", x, 1, observed=data)

    assert "y_missing" in model.named_vars

    test_point = model.initial_point
    assert not np.isnan(model.logp(test_point))

    with model:
        prior_trace = sample_prior_predictive()
    assert {"x", "y"} <= set(prior_trace.keys())
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_missing_dual_observations():
    with Model() as model:
        obs1 = ma.masked_values([1, 2, -1, 4, -1], value=-1)
        obs2 = ma.masked_values([-1, -1, 6, -1, 8], value=-1)
        beta1 = Normal("beta1", 1, 1)
        beta2 = Normal("beta2", 2, 1)
        latent = Normal("theta", size=5)
        with pytest.warns(ImputationWarning):
            ovar1 = Normal("o1", mu=beta1 * latent, observed=obs1)
        with pytest.warns(ImputationWarning):
            ovar2 = Normal("o2", mu=beta2 * latent, observed=obs2)

        prior_trace = sample_prior_predictive()
        assert {"beta1", "beta2", "theta", "o1", "o2"} <= set(prior_trace.keys())
        # TODO: Assert something
        trace = sample(chains=1, draws=50)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_missing_with_predictors():
    predictors = array([0.5, 1, 0.5, 2, 0.3])
    data = ma.masked_values([1, 2, -1, 4, -1], value=-1)
    with Model() as model:
        x = Normal("x", 1, 1)
        with pytest.warns(ImputationWarning):
            y = Normal("y", x * predictors, 1, observed=data)

    assert "y_missing" in model.named_vars

    test_point = model.initial_point
    assert not np.isnan(model.logp(test_point))

    with model:
        prior_trace = sample_prior_predictive()
    assert {"x", "y"} <= set(prior_trace.keys())