def get_metrics(self, kind=['mse', 'mae', 'loo', 'aic'], sample_size=5000): if self.predicted is None: self._predict_in_sample(sample_size=sample_size, use_median=False) records = {} for kind_ in kind: if kind_.lower() == 'mse': records['mse'] = np.mean( np.square(self.response - self.predicted)) elif kind_.lower() == 'mae': records['mae'] = np.mean(np.abs(self.response - self.predicted)) elif kind_.lower() == 'waic': records['waic'] = pm.waic(self.trace, self.model).WAIC elif kind_.lower() == 'loo': records['loo'] = pm.loo(self.trace, self.model).LOO else: raise ValueError(f'{kind_} is not supported.') table_content = [['Metrics', 'Value']] for key, value in records.items(): value = str(round(value, 4)) table_content.append([key, value]) header = 'Model Fitting Metrics Report' BaseModel.pretty_print(header, table, table_len=50)
def posteriorChecks(model, trace): """ Performs various posterior checks Posterior Predictive Checks: - Simulates replicating data under the fitted model and then comparing these to the observed data - This checks for systematic discrepancies between real and simulated data Widely-applicable Information Criterion (WAIC): - Fully Bayesian criterion for estimating out-of-sample expectation, using the computed log pointwise posterior predictive density (LPPD) and correcting for the effective number of parameters to adjust for overfitting. - This is primarilly for the comparison between different models Leave-one-out Cross-validation (LOO): - Estimate of the out-of-sample predictive fit. In cross-validation, the data are repeatedly partitioned into training and holdout sets, iteratively fitting the model with the former and evaluating the fit with the holdout data. PyMC's implementation of LOO is using Pareto-smoothed importance sampling, it provides and estimate of point-wise out-of-sample prediction accuracy Note: out-of-sample is data not used for the fit (ie: making a prediction) """ # Posterior Predictive Checks -- Generates 500 toy samples of size 100 # This is essentially toy MC model_ppc = pm.sample_ppc(trace, samples=500, model=model) # Widely-applicable Information Criterion (WAIC) model_waic = pm.waic(trace[len(trace) - 100:], model, progressbar=True) # Leave-one-out Cross-validation (LOO) model_loo = pm.loo(trace[len(trace) - 100:], model, progressbar=True) # ppc = pm.sample_ppc(trace[nBurn:], samples=500, model=model) # print(np.asarray(ppc['L'].shape), ppc.keys()) # _, axppc = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6)) # axppc.hist([n.mean() for n in ppc['L']], bins=19, alpha=0.5) # axppc.set(title='Posterior predictive for L', xlabel='L(x)', ylabel='Frequency'); # # df_comp_WAIC = = [model, modelBasic], traces = [trace[nBurn:], traceBasic[nBurn]]) # df_comp_WAIC.head() # pm.compareplot(df_comp_WAIC) # df_comp_LOO = = [model, modelBasic], traces = [trace[nBurn:], traceBasic[nBurn]], ic='LOO') # df_comp_LOO.head() # pm.compareplot(df_comp_LOO) # LOO results # LOO pLOO dLOO weight SE dSE warning # 0 61479.8 5.68 0 0.94 798.63 0 1 # 1 61502 4.95 22.12 0.06 798.47 10.2 1 return model_ppc, model_waic, model_loo
def run(n=1000): if n == "short": n = 50 with schools: tr = sample(n) loo(tr)
plt.plot(x_1s[0][idx], y_p_post[idx], label='Pol order {}'.format(order)) plt.scatter(x_1s[0], y_1s) plt.xlabel('$x$', fontsize=16) plt.ylabel('$y$', fontsize=16, rotation=0) plt.legend() plt.savefig('img605.png') print (pm.dic(trace=trace_l, model=model_l)) print( pm.dic(trace=trace_p, model=model_p)) waic_l = pm.waic(trace=trace_l, model=model_l) waic_p = pm.waic(trace=trace_p, model=model_p) loo_l = pm.loo(trace=trace_l, model=model_l) loo_p = pm.loo(trace=trace_p, model=model_p) plt.figure() plt.subplot(121) for idx, ic in enumerate((waic_l, waic_p)): plt.errorbar(ic[0], idx, xerr=ic[1], fmt='bo') plt.title('WAIC') plt.yticks([0, 1], ['linear', 'quadratic']) plt.ylim(-1, 2) plt.subplot(122) for idx, ic in enumerate((loo_l, loo_p)): plt.errorbar(ic[0], idx, xerr=ic[1], fmt='go') plt.title('LOO') plt.yticks([0, 1], ['linear', 'quadratic'])
# import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pymc3 import Model, Normal, HalfNormal, HalfCauchy, sample, traceplot, loo J = 8 y = np.array([28, 8, -3, 7, -1, 1, 18, 12]) sigma = np.array([15, 10, 16, 11, 9, 11, 10, 18]) # Schools model defined at with Model() as schools: print 'building model...' eta = Normal('eta', 0, 1, shape=J) mu = Normal('mu', 0, sd=1e6) tau = HalfCauchy('tau', 25) # not in original model theta = mu + tau*eta obs = Normal('obs', theta, sd=sigma, observed=y) with schools: print 'sampling...' tr = sample(1000) l = loo(tr) # -29.6821436703 print 'LOO estimate {}'.format(l) traceplot(tr)
def loo(self): return pm.loo(self.trace, self.model)
pr_sigma_transient_len=14, pr_median_lambda = 1/8, pr_sigma_lambda = 1.0)] if rerun: traces = [] models = [] model = cov19.SIR_with_change_points(new_cases_obs = np.diff(cases_obs), change_points_list = change_points, date_begin_simulation = date_begin_sim, num_days_sim = num_days_sim, diff_data_sim = diff_data_sim, N = 83e6, priors_dict=None, weekends_modulated=True, weekend_modulation_type = 'abs_sine') models.append(model) traces.append(pm.sample(model=model, init='advi', draws=4000, tune=1000, cores = 12)) pickle.dump([models, traces], open(path_save_pickled + 'b.pickle', 'wb')) else: models, traces = pickle.load(open(path_save_pickled + 'b.pickle', 'rb')) exec(open('').read()) create_figure_distributions(models[0], traces[0], additional_insets = None, xlim_lambda = (0, 0.53), color = 'tab:red', num_changepoints=1, xlim_tbegin=7, save_to = path_to_save + 'distribution.1b') create_figure_timeseries(traces[0], 'tab:red', plot_red_axis=True, save_to=path_to_save + 'time.1b', add_more_later = False) loo = [pm.loo(e, scale='deviance', pointwise=True) for e in traces] for e in reversed(loo): print("lo: %.2f %.2f %.2f" % (e['loo'], e['loo_se'], e['p_loo']))
plt.ylabel('predicted output variable') plt.title(out_str + ' (%i samples)' % len(X_disc)) plt.savefig('%s/%s_r2scatter_partial_corr_disc_10000_draws.png' % (OUT_DIR, output_name), dpi=150) plt.savefig('%s/%s_r2scatter_partial_corr_disc_10000_draws.pdf' % (OUT_DIR, output_name), dpi=150) plt.figure() plt.hist([it.mean() for it in Y_ppc_insample.T], bins=19, alpha=0.35, label='predicted output') plt.hist(y_disc, bins=19, alpha=0.5, label='original output') plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.title('Posterior predictive check: predictive distribution', fontsize=10) plt.savefig('%s/%s_ppc_partial_corr_disc_10000_draws.png' % (OUT_DIR, output_name), dpi=150) plt.savefig('%s/%s_ppc_partial_corr_disc_10000_draws.pdf' % (OUT_DIR, output_name), dpi=150) loo_res = pm.loo(hierarchical_trace, hierarchical_model, progressbar=True, pointwise=True) print('LOO point-wise deviance: mean=%.2f+/-%.2f' % (np.mean(loo_res[4]), np.std(loo_res[4]))) pd.DataFrame(Y_ppc_insample).to_csv('%s/%s_Y_ppc_insample_partial_corr_disc_10000_draws.csv' % (OUT_DIR, output_name)) pd.DataFrame(y_pred_insample).to_csv('%s/%s_y_pred_insample_partial_corr_disc_10000_draws.csv' % (OUT_DIR, output_name)) pd.DataFrame(loo_res).to_csv('%s/%s_loo_res_partial_corr_disc_10000_draws.csv' % (OUT_DIR, output_name)) joblib.dump([ppc_insample], os.path.join(OUT_DIR, output_name + '_ppc_insample_partial_corr_disc_10000_draws_dump'), compress=9) # female ppc female_Y_ppc_insample = Y_ppc_insample.T[female] female_y_pred_insample = female_Y_ppc_insample.mean(axis=1) ppc_insample = r2_score(y_disc[female], female_y_pred_insample) out_str = 'PPC in sample R^2: %2.6f' % (ppc_insample) print(out_str)
def get_loo(self): return pm.loo(trace=self.trace_, model=self.model)
# Modified from # import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pymc3 import Model, Normal, HalfNormal, HalfCauchy, sample, traceplot, loo J = 8 y = np.array([28, 8, -3, 7, -1, 1, 18, 12]) sigma = np.array([15, 10, 16, 11, 9, 11, 10, 18]) # Schools model defined at with Model() as schools: print('building model...') eta = Normal('eta', 0, 1, shape=J) mu = Normal('mu', 0, sd=1e6) tau = HalfCauchy('tau', 25) # original model uses U[0,infty] theta = mu + tau * eta obs = Normal('obs', theta, sd=sigma, observed=y) with schools: print('sampling...') tr = sample(1000) l = loo(tr) # -29.6821436703 print('LOO estimate {}'.format(l)) traceplot(tr)
def run(n=1000): if n == "short": n = 50 with schools: tr = sample(n) l = loo(tr)
# Making the slope conditional with pm.Model() as m5: α = pm.Normal('α', 0, 0.1, shape=2) β = pm.Normal('β', 0, 0.3, shape=2) σ = pm.Exponential('σ', 1) μ = α[dfinal.cont_africa.values] + β[dfinal.cont_africa.values] * (dfinal.rugged_s.values - rbar) log_gdp_s_i = pm.Normal('log_gdp_s_i', μ, σ, observed=dfinal.log_gdp_s.values) trace_m5 = pm.sample() pm.summary(trace_m5, alpha=0.11).round(decimals=2) = 'm5'{m3: trace_m3, m4: trace_m4, m5: trace_m5}, ic='LOO') waic_list = pm.waic(trace_m5, model=m5, pointwise=True) loo_list = pm.loo(trace_m5, model=m5, pointwise=True) pl.plot(waic_list.WAIC_i, marker='.', ls='', color='k'); pl.plot(loo_list.LOO_i, marker='s', ls='', markeredgecolor='r'); dfinal.head() # Plotting the interaction % matplotlib inline _, axs = pl.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(8,4)) ttls = ['Non-African', 'African'] df_m5 = pm.trace_to_dataframe(trace_m5) for i, (axi, ttl) in enumerate(zip(axs, ttls)): axs[i].scatter(dfinal[dfinal.cont_africa==i].rugged_s, dfinal[dfinal.cont_africa==i].log_gdp_s) m5_μ = link(df_m5.filter(regex=f'{i}', axis=1), x) with pm.Model() as model_BF_1: theta = pm.Beta('theta', 8, 4) y = pm.Bernoulli('y', theta, observed=y) trace_BF_1 = pm.sample(5000) chain_BF_1 = trace_BF_1[500:] pm.traceplot(chain_BF_1) # the smaller the better waic_0 = pm.waic(chain_BF_0, model_BF_0) waic_1 = pm.waic(chain_BF_1, model_BF_1) loo_0 = pm.loo(chain_BF_0, model_BF_0) loo_1 = pm.loo(chain_BF_1, model_BF_1) plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4)) plt.subplot(121) for idx, ic in enumerate((waic_0, waic_1)): plt.errorbar(ic[0], idx, xerr=ic[1], fmt='bo') plt.title('WAIC') plt.yticks([0, 1], ['model_0', 'model_1']) plt.ylim(-1, 2) plt.subplot(122) for idx, ic in enumerate((loo_0, loo_1)): plt.errorbar(ic[0], idx, xerr=ic[1], fmt='go') plt.title('LOO') plt.yticks([0, 1], ['model_0', 'model_1'])
az.summary(trace) #pm.gelman_rubin(trace) with m6_11: az.plot_trace(trace) az.plot_autocorr(trace) az.plot_density(trace) az.plot_forest(trace) # might need to multiply by -2 to compare with McElreath with m6_11: print(pm.waic(trace)) print(pm.loo(trace)) #m6_13 = pm.Model() with pm.Model() as m6_13: alpha = pm.Uniform('alpha', 0, 5) bm = pm.Uniform('bm', -10, 10) log_sigma = pm.Uniform('log_sigma', -10, 10) mu = alpha + bm*d['lmass'] y_obs = pm.Normal('y_obs', mu=mu, sigma=np.exp(log_sigma), observed=d['kcal.per.g']) trace = pm.sample(2000, return_inferencedata=True, chains=2) with m6_13: print(pm.summary(trace)) print(pm.waic(trace)) print(pm.loo(trace))