Ejemplo n.º 1
def _indvdl_gg(
    hparams, std_x, n_samples, L_cov, Normal, Gamma, Deterministic, sgn, gamma, 
    floatX, cholesky, tt, verbose):
    # Uniform distribution on sphere
    gs = Normal('gs', np.float32(0.0), np.float32(1.0), 
                shape=(n_samples, 2), dtype=floatX)
    ss = Deterministic('ss', gs + sgn(sgn(gs) + np.float32(1e-10)) * 
    ns = Deterministic('ns', ss.norm(L=2, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis])
    us = Deterministic('us', ss / ns)

    # Scaling s.t. variance to 1
    n = 2 # dimension
    beta = np.float32(hparams['beta_coeff'])
    m = n * gamma(0.5 * n / beta) \
        / (2 ** (1 / beta) * gamma((n + 2) / (2 * beta)))
    L_cov_ = (np.sqrt(m) * cholesky(L_cov)).astype(floatX)

    # Scaling to v_indvdls
    scale1 = np.float32(std_x[0] * hparams['v_indvdl_1'])
    scale2 = np.float32(std_x[1] * hparams['v_indvdl_2'])
    tt.set_subtensor(L_cov_[0, :], L_cov_[0, :] * scale1, inplace=True)
    tt.set_subtensor(L_cov_[1, :], L_cov_[1, :] * scale2, inplace=True)

    # Draw samples
    ts = Gamma(
        'ts', alpha=np.float32(n / (2 * beta)), beta=np.float32(.5), 
        shape=n_samples, dtype=floatX
    )[:, np.newaxis]
    mus_ = Deterministic(
        'mus_', ts**(np.float32(0.5 / beta)) * us.dot(L_cov_)
    mu1s_ = mus_[:, 0]
    mu2s_ = mus_[:, 1]

    if 10 <= verbose:
        print('GG for individual effect')
        print('gs.dtype = {}'.format(gs.dtype))
        print('ss.dtype = {}'.format(ss.dtype))
        print('ns.dtype = {}'.format(ns.dtype))
        print('us.dtype = {}'.format(us.dtype))
        print('ts.dtype = {}'.format(ts.dtype))

    return mu1s_, mu2s_
Ejemplo n.º 2
def edhmm_fit(inp, nans, n_subs, last, method='advi'):
    # inp - array containing responses, outcomes, and a switch variable witch turns off update in the presence of nans
    # nans - bool array pointing towards locations of nan responses and outcomes
    # n_subs - int value, total number of subjects (each subjects is fited to a different parameter value)
    # last - int value, negative value denoting number of last trials to exclude from parameter estimation
    #        e.g. setting last = -35 excludes the last 35 trials from parameter estimation.

    # define the hierarchical parametric model for ED-HMM
    # define the hierarchical parametric model
    d_max = 200  # maximal value for state duration
    with Model() as edhmm:
        d = tt.arange(
            d_max)  # vector of possible duration values from zero to d_max
        d = tt.tile(d, (n_subs, 1))
        P = tt.ones((2, 2)) - tt.eye(2)  # permutation matrix

        # set prior state probability
        theta0 = tt.ones(n_subs) / 2

        # set hierarchical prior for delta parameter of prior beliefs p_0(d)
        dtau = HalfCauchy('dtau', beta=1)
        dloc = HalfCauchy('dloc', beta=dtau, shape=(n_subs, ))
        delta = Deterministic('delta', dloc / (1 + dloc))

        # set hierarchical prior for r parameter of prior beleifs p_0(d)
        rtau = HalfCauchy('rtau', beta=1)
        rloc = HalfCauchy('rloc', beta=rtau, shape=(n_subs, ))
        r = Deterministic('r', 1 + rloc)

        # compute prior beliefs over state durations for given
        binomln = tt.gammaln(d + r[:, None]) - tt.gammaln(d + 1) - tt.gammaln(
            r[:, None])
        pd0 = tt.nnet.softmax(binomln + d * log(1 - delta[:, None]) +
                              r[:, None] * log(delta[:, None]))

        # set joint probability distribution
        joint0 = tt.stack([theta0[:, None] * pd0,
                           (1 - theta0)[:, None] * pd0]).dimshuffle(1, 0, 2)

        # set hierarchical priors for response noises
        btau = HalfCauchy('btau', beta=1)
        bloc = HalfCauchy('bloc', beta=btau, shape=(n_subs, ))
        beta = Deterministic('beta', 1 / bloc)

        # set hierarchical priors for initial inital beliefs about reward probability
        mtau = HalfCauchy('mtau', beta=4)
        mloc = HalfCauchy('mloc', beta=mtau, shape=(n_subs, 2))
        muA = Deterministic('muA', mloc[:, 0] / (1 + mloc[:, 0]))
        muB = Deterministic('muB', 1 / (1 + mloc[:, 1]))
        init = tt.stacklists([[10 * muA, 10 * (1 - muA)],
                              [10 * muB, 10 * (1 - muB)]]).dimshuffle(2, 0, 1)

        # compute the posterior beleifs over states, durations, and reward probabilities
        (post, _) = scan(edhmm_model,
                         outputs_info=[init, joint0],
                         non_sequences=[pd0, P, range(n_subs)],

        # get posterior reward probabliity and state probability
        a0 = init[None, ..., 0]
        b0 = init[None, ..., 1]
        a = tt.concatenate([a0, post[0][:-1, ..., 0]])
        b = tt.concatenate([b0, post[0][:-1, ..., 1]])
        mu = Deterministic('mu', a / (a + b))
        theta = Deterministic(
                [theta0[None, :], post[1][:-1].sum(axis=-1)[..., 0]])[...,

        # compute choice dependend expected reward probability
        mean = (theta * mu + (1 - theta) * mu.dot(P))

        # compute expected utility
        U = Deterministic('U', 2 * mean - 1)

        # set hierarchical prior for response biases
        ctau = HalfCauchy('ctau', beta=1)
        cloc = HalfCauchy('cloc', beta=ctau, shape=(n_subs, ))
        c0 = Deterministic('c0', cloc / (1 + cloc))

        # compute response noise and response bias modulated expected free energy
        G = Deterministic(
            'G', beta[None, :, None] * U + log([c0, 1 - c0]).T[None, ...])

        # compute response probability for the pre-reversal and the reversal phase of the experiment
        valid_obs = ~nans[:last]
        nzero = tt.nonzero(valid_obs)
        p = Deterministic('p', tt.nnet.softmax(G[:last][nzero]))

        # set observation likelihood of responses
        responses = inp[:last, :, 0][valid_obs]
        Categorical('obs', p=p, observed=responses)

    # fit the model
    with edhmm:
        approx = fit(method=method, n=50000, progressbar=True)

    return approx