Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _degrief(self, command):
    degrief [ <height> ]

    Reverse a few forms of griefing by removing
    Adminium, Obsidian, Fire, and Lava wherever
    they occur above the specified height.
    Without a height, uses height level 32.

    Removes natural surface lava.

    Also see removeEntities
        box = self.level.bounds
        box = BoundingBox(box.origin + (0, 32, 0), box.size - (0, 32, 0))
        if len(command):
                box.miny = int(command[0])
            except ValueError:

        print("Removing grief matter and surface lava above height {0}...".

        self.needsSave = True
    def testCopyConvertBlocks(self):
        indevlevel = self.indevLevel.level
        level = self.anvilLevel.level
        x, y, z = level.bounds.origin
        x += level.bounds.size[0] / 2 & ~15
        z += level.bounds.size[2] / 2 & ~15
        x -= indevlevel.Width / 2
        z -= indevlevel.Height / 2

        middle = (x, y, z)

        oldEntityCount = len(
        level.copyBlocksFrom(indevlevel, indevlevel.bounds, middle)

        convertedSourceBlocks, convertedSourceData = block_copy.convertBlocks(
            indevlevel, level, indevlevel.Blocks[0:16, 0:16,
            indevlevel.Data[0:16, 0:16, 0:indevlevel.Height])

        assert ((level.getChunk(
            x >> 4, z >>
            4).Blocks[0:16, 0:16,
                      0:indevlevel.Height] == convertedSourceBlocks).all())

        assert (oldEntityCount +
                len(indevlevel.getEntitiesInBox(indevlevel.bounds)) == len(
                        BoundingBox(middle, indevlevel.bounds.size))))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def testCreate(self):
        # log.info("Schematic from indev")

        size = (64, 64, 64)
        temp = mktemp("testcreate.schematic")
        schematic = MCSchematic(shape=size, filename=temp, mats='Classic')
        level = self.indevLevel.level

        schematic.copyBlocksFrom(level, BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (64, 64, 64,)), (0, 0, 0))
        assert ((schematic.Blocks[0:64, 0:64, 0:64] == level.Blocks[0:64, 0:64, 0:64]).all())

        schematic.copyBlocksFrom(level, BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (64, 64, 64,)), (-32, -32, -32))
        assert ((schematic.Blocks[0:32, 0:32, 0:32] == level.Blocks[32:64, 32:64, 32:64]).all())


        schem = mclevel.fromFile("schematics/CreativeInABox.schematic")
        tempSchematic = MCSchematic(shape=(1, 1, 3))
        tempSchematic.copyBlocksFrom(schem, BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 3)), (0, 0, 0))

        level = self.anvilLevel.level
        for cx, cz in itertools.product(xrange(0, 4), xrange(0, 4)):
                level.createChunk(cx, cz)
            except ValueError:
        schematic.copyBlocksFrom(level, BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (64, 64, 64,)), (0, 0, 0))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _degrief(self, command):
    degrief [ <height> ]

    Reverse a few forms of griefing by removing
    Adminium, Obsidian, Fire, and Lava wherever
    they occur above the specified height.
    Without a height, uses height level 32.

    Removes natural surface lava.

    Also see removeEntities
        box = self.level.bounds
        box = BoundingBox(box.origin + (0, 32, 0), box.size - (0, 32, 0))
        if len(command):
                box.miny = int(command[0])
            except ValueError:

        print "Removing grief matter and surface lava above height {0}...".format(box.miny)

        self.needsSave = True
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _clone(self, command):
    clone <sourceBox> <destPoint> [noair] [nowater]

    Clone blocks in a cuboid starting at sourcePoint and extending for
    sourceSize blocks in each direction. Blocks and entities in the area
    are cloned at destPoint.
        if len(command) == 0:

        box = self.readBox(command)

        destPoint = self.readPoint(command)

        destPoint = list(map(int, list(map(floor, destPoint))))
        blocksToCopy = self.readBlocksToCopy(command)

        tempSchematic = self.level.extractSchematic(box)
                                  BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), box.origin),
                                  destPoint, blocksToCopy)

        self.needsSave = True
        print("Cloned 0 blocks.")
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def add_block(self, blk):

        o_x = self.settings["origin_x"]
        o_y = self.settings["origin_y"]
        o_z = self.settings["origin_z"]

        blk_size = float(blk[6]) / self.resolution

        x1 = (self.max_x - float(blk[0])) / self.resolution + o_x
        y1 = (float(blk[1]) - self.min_y) / self.resolution + o_y
        z1 = (float(blk[2]) - self.min_z) / self.resolution + o_z

        r = (int(blk[3]))
        g = (int(blk[4]))
        b = (int(blk[5]))

        box = BoundingBox((x1, y1, z1), (blk_size, blk_size, blk_size))

        closest_block = getBlockFromColor((r, g, b))
        blockID = closest_block[1]
        data = closest_block[3]
        item = self.level.materials.blockWithID(blockID, data)

        self.level.fillBlocks(box, item)
    def testCopy(self):
        indevlevel = self.indevlevel.level
        creativelevel = self.creativelevel.level

        creativelevel.copyBlocksFrom(indevlevel, BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (64, 64, 64,)), (0, 0, 0))
        assert (numpy.array((indevlevel.Blocks[0:64, 0:64, 0:64]) == (creativelevel.Blocks[0:64, 0:64, 0:64])).all())

Ejemplo n.º 8
 def testFill(self):
     indevlevel = self.indevlevel.level
         BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (
         )), indevlevel.materials.Sand,
         [indevlevel.materials.Stone, indevlevel.materials.Dirt])
Ejemplo n.º 9
def nbttree_mouse_down(e):
    if e.num_clicks > 1:
        if tree.selected_item and tree.selected_item[3].startswith('(') and tree.selected_item[3].endswith(')'):
            s = ast.literal_eval(tree.selected_item[3])
            editor.mainViewport.cameraPosition = (s[0] + 0.5, s[1] + 2, s[2] - 1)
            editor.mainViewport.yaw = 0.0
            editor.mainViewport.pitch = 45.0
            newBox = BoundingBox(s, (1, 1, 1))
    tree.treeRow.__class__.mouse_down(tree.treeRow, e)
    def testFill(self):
        level = self.anvilLevel.level
        cx, cz = level.allChunks.next()
        box = BoundingBox((cx * 16, 0, cz * 16), (32, level.Height, 32))
        level.fillBlocks(box, level.materials.WoodPlanks)
        level.fillBlocks(box, level.materials.WoodPlanks,
        c = level.getChunk(cx, cz)

        assert (c.Blocks == 5).all()
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def testRotate(self):
        level = self.anvilLevel.level
        schematic = level.extractSchematic(BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (21, 11, 8)))

        level.copyBlocksFrom(schematic, schematic.bounds, level.bounds.origin, biomes=True, create=True)

        level.copyBlocksFrom(schematic, schematic.bounds, level.bounds.origin, biomes=True, create=True)

        level.copyBlocksFrom(schematic, schematic.bounds, level.bounds.origin, biomes=True, create=True)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def testCopy(self):
     indevlevel = self.indevlevel.level
     srclevel = self.srclevel.level
                               BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (
                               )), (0, 0, 0))
     assert ((indevlevel.Blocks[0:64, 0:64,
                                0:64] == srclevel.Blocks[0:64, 0:64,
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def drawToolReticle(self):
        if self.movingPlayer is None:

        pos, direction = self.editor.blockFaceUnderCursor
        pos = (pos[0], pos[1] + 2, pos[2])

        x, y, z = pos

        # x,y,z=map(lambda p,d: p+d, pos, direction)
        GL.glColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5)
        self.drawCharacterHead(x + 0.5, y + 0.75, z + 0.5, self.revPlayerPos[self.movingPlayer])

        self.drawCharacterHead(x + 0.5, y + 0.75, z + 0.5, self.revPlayerPos[self.movingPlayer])
        drawTerrainCuttingWire(BoundingBox((x, y, z), (1, 1, 1)))
        drawTerrainCuttingWire(BoundingBox((x, y - 1, z), (1, 1, 1)))
        #drawTerrainCuttingWire( BoundingBox((x,y-2,z), (1,1,1)) )
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def testZipSchematic(self):
        level = self.anvilLevel.level

        x, y, z = level.bounds.origin
        x += level.bounds.size[0] / 2 & ~15
        z += level.bounds.size[2] / 2 & ~15

        box = BoundingBox((x, y, z), (64, 64, 64,))
        zs = level.extractZipSchematic(box)
        assert (box.chunkCount == zs.chunkCount)
    def testImportSchematic(self):
        level = self.anvilLevel.level
        cx, cz = level.allChunks.next()

        schem = mclevel.fromFile("schematics/CreativeInABox.schematic")
        box = BoundingBox((cx * 16, 64, cz * 16), schem.bounds.size)
        level.copyBlocksFrom(schem, schem.bounds, (0, 64, 0))
        schem = MCSchematic(shape=schem.bounds.size)
        schem.copyBlocksFrom(level, box, (0, 0, 0))
        convertedSourceBlocks, convertedSourceData = block_copy.convertBlocks(
            schem, level, schem.Blocks, schem.Data)
        assert (level.getChunk(
            cx, cz).Blocks[0:1, 0:3, 64:65] == convertedSourceBlocks).all()
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def drawCage(self, x, y, z):
        cageTexVerts = pymclevel.MCInfdevOldLevel.materials.blockTextures[52,
        cageTexVerts = numpy.array([((tx, ty), (tx + 16, ty),
                                     (tx + 16, ty + 16), (tx, ty + 16))
                                    for (tx, ty) in cageTexVerts],

        drawCube(BoundingBox((x, y, z), (1, 1, 1)),
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def init_map(self):
        filename = self.settings["level_name"]
        self.level = mclevel.fromFile(filename)
        self.level.setPlayerGameType(1, "Player")
        pos = [
            self.settings["spawn_x"], self.settings["spawn_y"],


        rows = self.size_x / self.resolution
        cols = self.size_y / self.resolution

        o_x = self.settings["origin_x"]
        o_y = self.settings["origin_y"]
        o_z = self.settings["origin_z"]
        ovs = self.settings["oversize"]

        box = BoundingBox((o_x - ovs, o_y, o_z - ovs),
                          (rows + ovs * 2, ovs, cols + ovs * 2))

        print("creating chunks")
        chunksCreated = self.level.createChunksInBox(box)
        print("Created %d chunks" % len(chunksCreated))

        print("filling air")
        self.level.fillBlocks(box, self.level.materials.blockWithID(0, 0))
        print("filled %d blocks" % box.volume)

        print("filling base layer")
        box = BoundingBox((o_x - ovs, o_y - 10, o_z - ovs),
                          (rows + ovs * 2, 10, cols + ovs * 2))
        item = self.readBlockInfo(self.settings["base_item"])
        self.level.fillBlocks(box, item)
        print("filled %d blocks" % box.volume)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def readBox(self, command):

        sourcePoint = self.readIntPoint(command)
        if command[0].lower() == "to":
            sourcePoint2 = self.readIntPoint(command)
            sourceSize = sourcePoint2 - sourcePoint
            sourceSize = self.readIntPoint(command, isPoint=False)
        if len([p for p in sourceSize if p <= 0]):
            raise UsageError("Box size cannot be zero or negative")
        box = BoundingBox(sourcePoint, sourceSize)
        return box
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def drawCage(self, x, y, z):
        cageTexVerts = numpy.array(pymclevel.MCInfdevOldLevel.materials.blockTextures[52, 0])

        pixelScale = 0.5 if self.editor.level.materials.name in ("Pocket", "Alpha") else 1.0
        texSize = 16 * pixelScale
        cageTexVerts *= pixelScale

        cageTexVerts = numpy.array(
            [((tx, ty), (tx + texSize, ty), (tx + texSize, ty + texSize), (tx, ty + texSize)) for (tx, ty) in
             cageTexVerts], dtype='float32')

        drawCube(BoundingBox((x, y, z), (1, 1, 1)), texture=pymclevel.alphaMaterials.terrainTexture,
    def testSaveRelight(self):
        indevlevel = self.indevLevel.level
        level = self.anvilLevel.level

        cx, cz = -3, -1

        level.deleteChunk(cx, cz)

        level.createChunk(cx, cz)
        level.copyBlocksFrom(indevlevel, BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (
        )), level.bounds.origin)

Ejemplo n.º 21
    def drawToolReticle(self):
        pos, direction = self.editor.blockFaceUnderCursor
        x, y, z = map(lambda p, d: p + d, pos, direction)

        color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5)
        if isinstance(self.editor.level, pymclevel.MCInfdevOldLevel) and self.spawnProtection:
            if not positionValid(self.editor.level, (x, y, z)):
                color = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)

        self.drawCage(x, y, z)
        self.drawCharacterHead(x + 0.5, y + 0.5, z + 0.5)

        self.drawCage(x, y, z)
        self.drawCharacterHead(x + 0.5, y + 0.5, z + 0.5)
        color2 = map(lambda a: a * 0.4, color)
        drawTerrainCuttingWire(BoundingBox((x, y, z), (1, 1, 1)), color2, color)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def __init__(self, project_file_path, floor_block, level, box,
        self.project_file_path = project_file_path
        self.floor_block = floor_block
        self.floor_height = floor_height

        self.area = box
        self.level = level

        self.files = None
        self.functions_path = None
        self.behavior_pack_uuid = None

        project_data = None

        is_project = True
        # Test if file is json project file -> project_data, use_as_project
            with open(project_file_path) as project_file:
                project_data = json.load(project_file)
        except BaseException:
            is_project = False

        if is_project:  # The file is a json project file
            if isinstance(project_data, dict):
                if (('files' not in project_data.keys()) or
                        ('area' not in project_data.keys())):
                    raise Exception('Invalid project file structure. ' +
                                    type(project_data) + ' Code:wiv5af')

                self.files = project_data['files']

                area = project_data['area']
                minx = area[0] if area[0] < area[3] else area[3]
                miny = area[1] if area[1] < area[4] else area[4]
                minz = area[2] if area[2] < area[5] else area[5]
                maxx = area[0] if area[0] > area[3] else area[3]
                maxy = area[1] if area[1] > area[4] else area[4]
                maxz = area[2] if area[2] > area[5] else area[5]
                self.area = BoundingBox(
                    origin=(minx, miny, minz),
                    size=(maxx-minx, maxy-miny, maxz-minz)

                # Save additional options data
                if 'floor_height' in project_data.keys():
                    self.floor_height = project_data['floor_height']
                if 'behavior_pack_uuid' in project_data.keys():
                    self.behavior_pack_uuid = \
                if 'functions_path' in project_data.keys():
                    self.functions_path = project_data['functions_path']
            elif isinstance(project_data, list):
                self.files = project_data
                raise Exception('Invalid project file structure. ' +
                                type(project_data) + ' Code:x6ibzz')

            path = os.path.split(project_file_path)[0]
            if self.functions_path is not None:
                self.functions_path = os.path.join(path, self.functions_path)

        else:  # The file is a brfunction
            self.files = [os.path.basename(project_file_path)]
Ejemplo n.º 23
def fit_elements(meta_input, element_list, OPTIONS):

    schematic_bufferX = 3
    #schematic_bufferZ = 4

    # Also, the schematics must be spaced out a certain length as well
    total_schematic_lengthX = sum(s.size[0] for s in element_list)
    sizeX = total_schematic_lengthX + schematic_bufferX * len(element_list) + 2

    sizeZ = element_list[0].size[2]
    sizeZ += 2 * max(len(meta_input.input_domain), len(
        meta_input.output_range)) + 6

    sizeY = max(s.size[1] for s in element_list) + 5

    level = MCSchematic(shape=(sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ))
    box = BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ))

    cx, cy, cz = 2, 0, 0

    schematic_origins = {}
    for s in element_list:

        schematic_origins[s] = [cx, cy, cz]

        level.copyBlocksFrom(s.schematic, BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), s.size),
                             (cx, cy, cz))

        cx += s.size[0] + schematic_bufferX

    # The schematics contain their own *relative* input locations in a dict of the form
    # input name --> (x, y, z). We wish to make a giant composite list of all the *absolute* locations
    # of the inputs, this time of the form (x, y, z) --> input name. We obtain the absolute
    # location by adding the individual schematic origin (in our coordinate system) with the
    # schematic's relative coordinate.

    absolute_input_locations = {}
    for s in element_list:
        for key, value in s.relative_input_locations.items():
            abs_loc = add_tuples(schematic_origins[s], value)
            absolute_input_locations[abs_loc] = key

    # The z value for all the input locations will be the same. We just need to grab an arbitrary
    # one and use it to define the starting z location for the input rails

    input_z = 5 + absolute_input_locations.keys()[0][2]
    input_rail_z_values = {}
    for i in meta_input.input_domain:
        input_rail_z_values[i] = input_z
        input_z += 2

    absolute_output_locations = {}
    for s in element_list:
        for key, value in s.relative_output_locations.items():
            abs_loc = add_tuples(schematic_origins[s], value)
            absolute_output_locations[abs_loc] = key

    output_z = 4 + absolute_output_locations.keys()[0][2]
    output_rail_z_values = {}
    for i in meta_input.output_range:
        output_rail_z_values[i] = output_z
        output_z += 2

    # Step through the input locations and build backward to to the point where it joins
    # up with the appropriate input rail. The rail will actually be built later.

    for input_loc, input_name in absolute_input_locations.items():

        cx, cy, cz = input_loc[0], input_loc[1], input_loc[2]

        cz += 1

        while (cz < input_rail_z_values[input_name] - 1):
            level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz, REDSTONE)
            cz += 1

        level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz, REPEATER)

        cz += 1
        level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz, WOOL)
        level.setBlockDataAt(cx, cy, cz,

        cy += 1
        level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz, REDSTONE)

    # Step through the output locations and build backward to to the point where it joins
    # up with the appropriate output rail. The rail will actually be built later.

    for output_loc, output_name in absolute_output_locations.items():

        if OPTIONS["make_output_rail"] == False:

        cx, cy, cz = output_loc[0], output_loc[1], output_loc[2]

        cz += 1

        while (cz < output_rail_z_values[output_name] - 1):
            level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz, REDSTONE)
            cy -= 1
            level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz, WOOL)
            level.setBlockDataAt(cx, cy, cz,
            cy += 1
            cz += 1

        level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz, REPEATER)
        level.setBlockDataAt(cx, cy, cz, REPEATER_TOWARD_POS_Z)

        cy -= 1
        level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz, WOOL)
        level.setBlockDataAt(cx, cy, cz,
        cy += 1

        cz += 1
        level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz, WOOL)
        level.setBlockDataAt(cx, cy, cz,

        cy += 1
        level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz, REDSTONE)

    # Now build the input rails!

    for input_name, input_z_value in input_rail_z_values.items():
        cx, cy, cz = 0, 2, input_z_value
        while cx < sizeX:

            cy -= 1

            if level.blockAt(cx, cy, cz) != REDSTONE:
                level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz, WOOL)
                level.setBlockDataAt(cx, cy, cz,
            level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz - 1, WOOL)
            level.setBlockDataAt(cx, cy, cz - 1, WOOL_BLACK)
            level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz + 1, WOOL)
            level.setBlockDataAt(cx, cy, cz + 1, WOOL_BLACK)

            cy += 1

            level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz, REDSTONE)

            cx += 1

    # We need to put repeaters on the input rail. There are multiple ways to do so. If POSSIBLE,
    # use the gap method. To do this we need to perform the following algorithm to find the
    # gaps inbetween inputs.

    # Find the x values of the 'gaps' between clusters
    # of inputs. These are nice open spots to put repeaters. The following is a 'find the gap'
    # algorithm that ends up with a list of x values where repeaters should be placed (rep_locs)

    # Get the x values of the inputs
    input_x_values = list(x[0] for x in absolute_input_locations.keys())

    # Get the differences between each pair of input x values
    diffs = list(input_x_values[i] - input_x_values[i - 1]
                 for i in range(1, len(input_x_values)))

    # Where these differences are more than 2, that means that we had a jump in the x values.
    # Obtain the indexes of the two input x values on either side of the jump
    gap_index_pairs = list(
        (i, i + 1) for i in range(len(diffs)) if diffs[i] > 2)

    # Finally, for each index pair, we want the x value in between the x values at those indices:
    # input_x_values[x] ---------------- (*) --------------- input_x_values[y] for each (x, y) pair in gap_index_pairs
    rep_locs = list(input_x_values[x] +
                    int((input_x_values[y] - input_x_values[x]) / 2)
                    for x, y in gap_index_pairs)

    # Now put repeaters on the input rail

    # We can get away with gap method if the rep_locs are within 15 spaces apart. Otherwise,
    # we'll HAVE to use an ugly-ass method

    rep_loc_spacings = list(rep_locs[i] - rep_locs[i - 1]
                            for i in range(1, len(rep_locs)))

    if len(rep_loc_spacings) > 0:
        rep_loc_max_spacing = max(rep_loc_spacings)
        # The method fails... just set max spacing to something ridiculous so that it does the other method
        rep_loc_max_spacing = 100

    if rep_loc_max_spacing <= 14:

        print "inputs - gap method"

        # GAP METHOD -- very nice looking, but doesn't work when the input domain is very large
        # because there *won't be any* gaps within 15 units, so it will place no repeaters.

        cy = 2
        for iter_cx in rep_locs:
            for iter_cz in input_rail_z_values.values():
                level.setBlockAt(iter_cx, cy, iter_cz, REPEATER)
                level.setBlockDataAt(iter_cx, cy, iter_cz,


        print "inputs - method 2"

        # Method 2 -- aesthetically displeasing... has to fudge around the block edges and produces
        # lines of repeaters with 'imperfections' from scooting the necessary ones

        for input_name, input_z_value in input_rail_z_values.items():
            cx, cy, cz = 12, 2, input_z_value
            while cx < sizeX:
                if level.blockAt(cx, cy - 1, cz) == REDSTONE:
                    level.setBlockAt(cx - 2, cy, cz, REPEATER)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(cx - 2, cy, cz, REPEATER_TOWARD_POS_X)
                elif level.blockAt(cx - 1, cy - 1, cz) == REDSTONE:
                    level.setBlockAt(cx + 1, cy, cz, REPEATER)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(cx + 1, cy, cz, REPEATER_TOWARD_POS_X)
                elif level.blockAt(cx + 1, cy - 1, cz) == REDSTONE:
                    level.setBlockAt(cx - 1, cy, cz, REPEATER)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(cx - 1, cy, cz, REPEATER_TOWARD_POS_X)
                    level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz, REPEATER)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(cx, cy, cz, REPEATER_TOWARD_POS_X)
                cx += 12

    if OPTIONS["make_output_rail"]:

        # Now build the output rails!

        outputHeight = absolute_output_locations.keys()[0][1] + 2

        for output_name, output_z_value in output_rail_z_values.items():

            cx, cy, cz = 0, outputHeight, output_z_value
            while cx < sizeX:

                cy -= 1

                if level.blockAt(cx, cy, cz) != REDSTONE:
                    level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz, WOOL)
                        cx, cy, cz, meta_input.output_color_key[output_name])
                level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz - 1, WOOL)
                level.setBlockDataAt(cx, cy, cz - 1, WOOL_BLACK)
                level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz + 1, WOOL)
                level.setBlockDataAt(cx, cy, cz + 1, WOOL_BLACK)

                cy += 1

                level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz, REDSTONE)

                cx += 1

        # We need to find gaps for the gap method again

        output_x_values = list(x[0] for x in absolute_output_locations.keys())

        diffs = list(output_x_values[i] - output_x_values[i - 1]
                     for i in range(1, len(output_x_values)))

        gap_index_pairs = list(
            (i, i + 1) for i in range(len(diffs)) if diffs[i] > 2)

        rep_locs = list(output_x_values[x] +
                        int((output_x_values[y] - output_x_values[x]) / 2)
                        for x, y in gap_index_pairs)

        if len(rep_loc_spacings) > 0:
            rep_loc_max_spacing = max(rep_loc_spacings)
            # The method fails... just set max spacing to something ridiculous so that it does the other method
            rep_loc_max_spacing = 100

        if rep_loc_max_spacing < 14:

            print "outputs - gap method"

            # GAP METHOD -- very nice looking, but doesn't work when the input domain is very large
            # because there *won't be any* gaps within 15 units, so it will place no repeaters.

            cy = outputHeight
            for iter_cx in rep_locs:
                for iter_cz in output_rail_z_values.values():
                    level.setBlockAt(iter_cx, cy, iter_cz, REPEATER)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(iter_cx, cy, iter_cz,


            print "outputs - method 2"

            # Method 2 -- aesthetically displeasing... has to fudge around the block edges and produces
            # lines of repeaters with 'imperfections' from scooting the necessary ones

            for output_name, output_z_value in output_rail_z_values.items():
                cx, cy, cz = 12, outputHeight, output_z_value
                while cx < sizeX:
                    if level.blockAt(cx, cy - 1, cz) == REDSTONE:
                        level.setBlockAt(cx - 2, cy, cz, REPEATER)
                        level.setBlockDataAt(cx - 2, cy, cz,
                    elif level.blockAt(cx - 1, cy - 1, cz) == REDSTONE:
                        level.setBlockAt(cx + 1, cy, cz, REPEATER)
                        level.setBlockDataAt(cx + 1, cy, cz,
                    elif level.blockAt(cx + 1, cy - 1, cz) == REDSTONE:
                        level.setBlockAt(cx - 1, cy, cz, REPEATER)
                        level.setBlockDataAt(cx - 1, cy, cz,
                        level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz, REPEATER)
                        level.setBlockDataAt(cx, cy, cz, REPEATER_TOWARD_NEG_X)
                    cx += 12

    return level
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def _testCreate(filename):
                     BoundingBox((-128, 0, -128), (128, 128, 128)))
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def do_convert(self, image):
        filename = self.settings["level_name"]
        self.level = mclevel.fromFile(filename)
        self.level.setPlayerGameType(1, "Player")
        pos = [self.settings["spawn_x"], self.settings["spawn_y"], self.settings["spawn_z"]]
        self.level.setPlayerPosition( pos  )
        self.level.setPlayerSpawnPosition( pos )
        rows = image.shape[0]
        cols = image.shape[1]
        o_x = self.settings["origin_x"]
        o_y = self.settings["origin_y"]
        o_z = self.settings["origin_z"]
        ovs = self.settings["oversize"]
        box = BoundingBox( (o_x - ovs, o_y - ovs, o_z - ovs ), 
                          ( rows + ovs * 2, ovs * 2, cols + ovs * 2))
        print("creating chunks")          
        chunksCreated = self.level.createChunksInBox( box )
        print("Created %d chunks" % len( chunksCreated ) )
        print("filling air")
        self.level.fillBlocks( box, self.level.materials.blockWithID(0,0) )
        print("filled %d blocks" % box.volume )
        print("filling base layer")
        box = BoundingBox( (o_x - ovs, o_y - 10, o_z - ovs ), 
                          ( rows + ovs * 2, 10, cols + ovs * 2))
        item = self.readBlockInfo( self.settings["unexplored_item"] )
        self.level.fillBlocks( box, item )
        print("filled %d blocks" % box.volume )
        print("creating map")

        for r in range( rows ):

            print("  row %d / %d" % (r, rows) );
            for c in range( cols ):
                x = o_x + r
                y = o_y
                z = o_z + c
                if image[rows-r-1,c] > self.settings["empty_thresh"]:
                    item = self.readBlockInfo( self.settings["empty_item"])
                    self.level.setBlockAt(x,y,z, item.ID)
                    if self.settings["do_ceiling"] :
                        item = self.readBlockInfo( self.settings["ceiling_item"])
                        y2 = y + self.settings["occupied_height"]
                        self.level.setBlockAt(x,y2,z, item.ID)
                if image[rows-r-1,c] < self.settings["occ_thresh"]:
                    h = self.settings["occupied_height"]
                    item = self.readBlockInfo( self.settings["occupied_item"])
                    box = BoundingBox( (x,y,z),(1,h,1) )

                    self.level.fillBlocks( box, item )
        print("saving map")
Ejemplo n.º 26
def perform(level, box, options):
    global search

    by = options["Match by:"]
    matchtype = options["Match block type (for TileEntity searches):"]
    matchblock = options["Match block:"]
    matchdata = options["Match block data:"]
    matchtile = options["Match tile entities (for Block searches):"]
    matchname = u"" if options["Match Tag Name:"] == "None" else unicode(
        options["Match Tag Name:"])
    matchval = u"" if options["Match Tag Value:"] == "None" else unicode(
        options["Match Tag Value:"])
    caseSensitive = not options["Case insensitive:"]
    matchtagtype = tagtypes[options[
        "Match Tag Type:"]] if options["Match Tag Type:"] != "Any" else "Any"
    op = options["Operation:"]

    if newLayout:
        datas = []

    if not caseSensitive:
        matchname = matchname.upper()
        matchval = matchval.upper()

    if matchtile and matchname == "" and matchval == "":
            "\nInvalid Tag Name and Value; the present values will match every tag of the specified type."

    if search is None or op == "Start New Search" or op == "Dump Found Coordinates":
        search = []

    if not search:
        if by == "Block":
            for x in xrange(box.minx, box.maxx):
                for z in xrange(box.minz, box.maxz):
                    for y in xrange(box.miny, box.maxy):
                        block = level.blockAt(x, y, z)
                        data = level.blockDataAt(x, y, z)
                        if block == matchblock.ID and (
                                not matchdata or data == matchblock.blockData):
                        if matchtile:
                            tile = level.tileEntityAt(x, y, z)
                            if tile is not None:
                                if not FindTag(tile, matchname, matchval,
                        search.append((x, y, z))
                        if newLayout:
        elif by == "TileEntity":
            for (chunk, _, _) in level.getChunkSlices(box):
                for e in chunk.TileEntities:
                    x = e["x"].value
                    y = e["y"].value
                    z = e["z"].value
                    if (x, y, z) in box:
                        if matchtype:
                            block = level.blockAt(x, y, z)
                            data = level.blockDataAt(x, y, z)
                            if block == matchblock.ID and (
                                    not matchdata
                                    or data == matchblock.blockData):
                        if not FindTag(e, matchname, matchval,
                                       tagses[matchtagtype], caseSensitive):

                        search.append((x, y, z))
                        if newLayout:
            for (chunk, _, _) in level.getChunkSlices(box):
                for e in chunk.Entities:
                    x = e["Pos"][0].value
                    y = e["Pos"][1].value
                    z = e["Pos"][2].value
                    if (x, y, z) in box:
                        if FindTag(e, matchname, matchval,
                                   tagses[matchtagtype], caseSensitive):
                            search.append((x, y, z))
                            if newLayout:
    if not search:
        alert("\nNo matching blocks/tile entities found")
        if op == "Dump Found Coordinates":
            alert("\nMatching Coordinates:\n" + "\n".join("%d, %d, %d" % pos
                                                          for pos in search))
            if newLayout:
                treeData = {}
                for i in range(len(search)):
                    if by == 'Block':
                        treeData[u"%s" % (search[i], )] = datas[i]
                        treeData[u"%s" %
                                   datas[i]['Pos'][2].value), )] = datas[i]
                inputs[1][1][1][1] = {'Data': treeData}
                for s in search:
                    editor.mainViewport.cameraPosition = (s[0] + 0.5, s[1] + 2,
                                                          s[2] - 1)
                    editor.mainViewport.yaw = 0.0
                    editor.mainViewport.pitch = 45.0

                    newBox = BoundingBox(s, (1, 1, 1))

                    if not editor.YesNoWidget(
                            "Matching blocks/tile entities found at " +
                            str(s) + ".\nContinue search?"):
                        alert("\nSearch halted.")
                    alert("\nEnd of search.")
Ejemplo n.º 27
def generate(comb_equation,

    inputs = comb_equation.inputs
    minterms = comb_equation.minterms

    form = form_tall if len(minterms) > 5 else form_short
    formBox = formBox_tall if len(minterms) > 5 else formBox_short
    implicantLimit = 13 if len(minterms) > 5 else 5

    while len(minterms) % implicantLimit != 0:

    numXCopies = int(math.ceil(len(inputs) / 4))
    sizeX = numXCopies * form.Width + 2
    numYCopies = int(math.ceil(len(minterms) / implicantLimit))
    sizeY = numYCopies * form.Height + 3
    sizeZ = form.Length + 1

    #    print sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ

    level = MCSchematic(shape=(sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ))
    box = BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ))

    # ================================================================================================

    # Paste the schematic the number of times we know we'll need

    pasteX = 0
    for i in range(numXCopies):
        pasteY = 1
        for i in range(numYCopies):
            level.copyBlocksFrom(form, formBox, (pasteX, pasteY, 0))
            pasteY += form.Height
        pasteX += form.Width

    # Fill the bottom plane with a ground

    # level.fillBlocks(BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (sizeX, 1, sizeZ)), alphaMaterials.BlockofIron)

    # Build X-ways across each row corresponding to each term

    cx = 0
    cy = 2
    cz = 1
    numTerms = 0
    side = CLOSE_SIDE

    relative_input_locations = {}

    for termIndex in range(len(minterms)):

        term = minterms[termIndex]

        cx = 0
        for i in inputs:

            if i in term.keys():
                mat = TORCH if term[i] else REDSTONE
                mat = AIR

            data = TORCH_POINTING_NEG_Z if (cz == 1) else TORCH_POINTING_POS_Z

            level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz, mat)
            level.setBlockDataAt(cx, cy, cz, data)

            if termIndex == 0:
                sx = cx
                sy = cy - 2
                sz = cz + 4
                for iter_sz in [sz, sz + 1, sz + 2, sz + 3]:
                    level.setBlockAt(sx, sy, iter_sz, WOOL)
                    data = WOOL_BLACK if use_input_color_key == None else use_input_color_key[
                    level.setBlockDataAt(sx, sy, iter_sz, data)

                relative_input_locations[i] = [sx, sy, sz + 2]

            cx += 2

        # Build the slice of the side scaffolding that goes on this row's height level:
        # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        prevCy = cy
        prevCz = cz

        cx = box.width - 2

        if side == CLOSE_SIDE:
            cz -= 1
            cy -= 1
        elif side == FAR_SIDE:
            cz += 1
            cy -= 1

        if len(term) > 0:
            level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz, TORCH)
            level.setBlockDataAt(cx, cy, cz, TORCH_POINTING_POS_X)

        cx += 1
        cy -= 1

        if numTerms in [0, 1]:
            level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz, DOUBLE_SLAB)
            level.setBlockDataAt(cx, cy, cz, DOUBLE_SLAB_STONE)
            level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz, SLAB)
            level.setBlockDataAt(cx, cy, cz, STONE_SLAB_TOP)

        cy += 1

        level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz, REDSTONE)

        if side == CLOSE_SIDE:
            cz += 1
        elif side == FAR_SIDE:
            cz -= 1

        level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz, SLAB)
        level.setBlockDataAt(cx, cy, cz, STONE_SLAB_TOP)

        cy += 1

        level.setBlockAt(cx, cy, cz, REDSTONE)

        if side == CLOSE_SIDE:
            currentCloseTowerTopY = cy
            currentCloseTowerTopZ = cz
        elif side == FAR_SIDE:
            currentFarTowerTopY = cy
            currentFarTowerTopZ = cz

        cy = prevCy
        cz = prevCz
        # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

        # Switch sides

        side = FAR_SIDE if (side == CLOSE_SIDE) else CLOSE_SIDE

        # The z location alternates depending on the side

        if side == CLOSE_SIDE: cz = 1
        if side == FAR_SIDE: cz = 8

        # Keep track of the number of terms

        numTerms += 1

        # JUMP LOGIC
        # Normal case: cy goes up by one, we are working term by term up one paste of the schematic
        # Special case: We have done 13 terms, and need to 'jump' to the next paste of the schematic
        #    This requires some special connecting and bridging.

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if numTerms == implicantLimit:

            sx = box.width - 1
            sy = currentCloseTowerTopY
            sz = currentCloseTowerTopZ

            sz += 1

            level.setBlockAt(sx, sy, sz, WOOL)
            level.setBlockDataAt(sx, sy, sz, WOOL_BLACK)

            sz += 1

            level.setBlockAt(sx, sy, sz, TORCH)
            level.setBlockDataAt(sx, sy, sz, TORCH_POINTING_POS_Z)

            sy += 1

            for itr_sz in [sz, sz - 1, sz - 2]:
                level.setBlockAt(sx, sy, itr_sz, WOOL)
                level.setBlockDataAt(sx, sy, itr_sz, WOOL_BLACK)

            sy += 1

            level.setBlockAt(sx, sy, sz, TORCH)
            level.setBlockDataAt(sx, sy, sz, TORCH_ON_GROUND)

            sz -= 1

            level.setBlockAt(sx, sy, sz, REDSTONE)

            sz -= 1

            level.setBlockAt(sx, sy, sz, REPEATER)

            # If we are finished with the whole thing, make the lead the exposes
            # The signal to the rest of the world

            if termIndex == len(minterms) - 1:

                sz += 2
                sy += 1

                data = WOOL_BLACK if use_output_color_key == None else use_output_color_key[

                for iter_sz in range(sz, sz + 7, 1):
                    level.setBlockAt(sx, sy, iter_sz, WOOL)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(sx, sy, iter_sz, data)
                    sy += 1
                    level.setBlockAt(sx, sy, iter_sz, REDSTONE)
                    sy -= 1

                sz += 7

                level.setBlockAt(sx, sy, sz, WOOL)
                level.setBlockDataAt(sx, sy, sz, data)

                sy += 1

                level.setBlockAt(sx, sy, sz, REPEATER)
                level.setBlockDataAt(sx, sy, sz, REPEATER_TOWARD_POS_Z)

                lead_location = [sx, sy, sz]

            # -----------------------------------------------------

            sx = box.width - 1
            sy = currentFarTowerTopY
            sz = currentFarTowerTopZ

            sz -= 1

            level.setBlockAt(sx, sy, sz, WOOL)
            level.setBlockDataAt(sx, sy, sz, WOOL_BLACK)

            sy += 1

            level.setBlockAt(sx, sy, sz, 75)
            level.setBlockDataAt(sx, sy, sz, 5)

            sz += 1

            level.setBlockAt(sx, sy, sz, WOOL)
            level.setBlockDataAt(sx, sy, sz, WOOL_BLACK)

            sz -= 1
            sy += 1

            level.setBlockAt(sx, sy, sz, WOOL)
            level.setBlockDataAt(sx, sy, sz, WOOL_BLACK)

            sz += 1

            level.setBlockAt(sx, sy, sz, REDSTONE)

            sz += 1

            level.setBlockAt(sx, sy, sz, WOOL)
            level.setBlockDataAt(sx, sy, sz, WOOL_BLACK)

            sy += 1

            level.setBlockAt(sx, sy, sz, TORCH)
            level.setBlockDataAt(sx, sy, sz, TORCH_ON_GROUND)

            # Now reset the variables for working up the next paste:

            cy += 4
            numTerms = 0
            side = CLOSE_SIDE
            cz = 1


            cy += 1

#    level.setBlockAt(0, 0, 0, 20)
#    level.setBlockAt(box.width-1, box.height-1, box.length-1, 20)

#    # Flip the entire schematic around to help make the fitting routine more 'sane'
#    # Also adjust location variables (like the locations of the lead and inputs) to
#    # reflect the Z-flip
#    level.flipEastWest()
#    lead_location[2] = sizeZ - 1 - lead_location[2]
#    for ril in relative_input_locations.values():
#        ril[2] = sizeZ - 1 - ril[2]

#    level.setBlockAt(*lead_location, blockID = 35)
#    level.setBlockDataAt(*lead_location, newdata = 0)
#    for ril in relative_input_locations.values():
#        level.setBlockAt(*ril, blockID = GLASS)

    ret = CombinationalElement(level)
    ret.relative_output_locations = {comb_equation.name: lead_location}
    ret.relative_input_locations = relative_input_locations
    ret.size = (sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ)

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 28
from __future__ import division
import os, math

me = os.path.dirname(__file__)
from block_constants import *
from Element import CombinationalElement

from pymclevel.schematic import MCSchematic
from pymclevel.box import BoundingBox
from pymclevel import alphaMaterials

form_tall = MCSchematic(
    filename=os.path.join(me, "..", "res", "generic_boolean_blank.schematic"))
form_short = MCSchematic(filename=os.path.join(
    me, "..", "res", "generic_boolean_short_blank.schematic"))
formBox_tall = BoundingBox(
    (0, 0, 0), (form_tall.Width, form_tall.Height, form_tall.Length))
formBox_short = BoundingBox(
    (0, 0, 0), (form_short.Width, form_short.Height, form_short.Length))

def generate(comb_equation,

    inputs = comb_equation.inputs
    minterms = comb_equation.minterms

    form = form_tall if len(minterms) > 5 else form_short
    formBox = formBox_tall if len(minterms) > 5 else formBox_short
    implicantLimit = 13 if len(minterms) > 5 else 5
    def testReplace(self):
        level = self.anvilLevel.level

            (-11, 0, -7), (38, level.Height, 25)), level.materials.WoodPlanks,
                         [level.materials.Dirt, level.materials.Grass])
    def testCreateChunks(self):
        level = self.anvilLevel.level

        for ch in list(level.allChunks):
        level.createChunksInBox(BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (32, 0, 32)))