Ejemplo n.º 1
    def processCoords(coords):
        newcoords = collections.deque()

        for (x, y, z) in coords:
            for _dir, offsets in pymclevel.faceDirections:
                dx, dy, dz = offsets
                p = (x + dx, y + dy, z + dz)

                nx, ny, nz = p
                b = op.level.blockAt(nx, ny, nz)
                if indiscriminate:
                    if b == 2:
                        b = 3
                if b == doomedBlock:
                    if checkData:
                        if op.level.blockDataAt(nx, ny, nz) != doomedBlockData:

                    saveUndoChunk(nx // 16, nz // 16)
                    op.level.setBlockAt(nx, ny, nz, op.options['Block'].ID)
                    op.level.setBlockDataAt(nx, ny, nz, op.options['Block'].blockData)
                    if tileEntity:
                        if op.level.tileEntityAt(nx, ny, nz):
                            op.level.removeTileEntitiesInBox(BoundingBox((nx, ny, nz), (1, 1, 1)))
                        tileEntityObject = TileEntity.Create(tileEntity, (nx, ny, nz))
                        createTileEntities(tileEntityObject, op.level)

        return newcoords
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def testEntities(self):
     level = self.indevlevel.level
     entityTag = Entity.Create("Zombie")
     tileEntityTag = TileEntity.Create("Painting")
     schem = level.extractSchematic(level.bounds)
     level.copyBlocksFrom(schem, schem.bounds, (0, 0, 0))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def createMobSpawnerWithOptions(x, y, z, options):
    spawner = TileEntity.Create("MobSpawner")
    TileEntity.setpos(spawner, (x, y, z))
    spawner["Delay"] = TAG_Short(0)
    spawner["MaxSpawnDelay"] = TAG_Short(options["Max Spawn Delay"])
    spawner["MinSpawnDelay"] = TAG_Short(options["Min Spawn Delay"])
    spawner["SpawnCount"] = TAG_Short(options["Spawn Count"])
    spawner["SpawnRange"] = TAG_Short(options["Spawn Radius"])
    spawner["MaxNearbyEntities"] = TAG_Short(options["Entity Cap"])
    spawner["RequiredPlayerRange"] = TAG_Short(options["Detection Range"])
    return spawner
Ejemplo n.º 4
def createTileEntities(block, box, chunk):
    if box is None or block.stringID not in TileEntity.stringNames.keys():

    tileEntity = TileEntity.stringNames[block.stringID]
    for (x, y, z) in box.positions:
        if chunk.world.blockAt(x, y, z) == block.ID:
            if chunk.tileEntityAt(x, y, z):
                chunk.removeTileEntitiesInBox(BoundingBox((x, y, z),
                                                          (1, 1, 1)))
            tileEntityObject = TileEntity.Create(tileEntity, (x, y, z))
            chunk._fakeEntities = None
Ejemplo n.º 5
def createTileEntities(block, box, chunk, defsIds=None):
    # If defIds is not None, it must be an instance of pymclevel.id_definitions.MCEditDefsIds.
    # Every Level instance has such an object attached as defsIds.
    if box is None or block.stringID not in TileEntity.stringNames.keys():

    tileEntity = TileEntity.stringNames[block.stringID]
    for (x, y, z) in box.positions:
        if chunk.world.blockAt(x, y, z) == block.ID:
            if chunk.tileEntityAt(x, y, z):
                chunk.removeTileEntitiesInBox(BoundingBox((x, y, z), (1, 1, 1)))
            tileEntityObject = TileEntity.Create(tileEntity, (x, y, z), defsIds=defsIds)
            chunk._fakeEntities = None
Ejemplo n.º 6
def apply(self, op, point):

    # undoLevel = pymclevel.MCInfdevOldLevel(mkundotemp(), create=True)
    # Use the same world as the one loaded.
    create = True
    if op.level.gameVersion == 'PE':
        create = op.level.world_version
    undoLevel = type(op.level)(mkundotemp(), create=create)
    dirtyChunks = set()

    def saveUndoChunk(cx, cz):
        if (cx, cz) in dirtyChunks:
        dirtyChunks.add((cx, cz))
        undoLevel.copyChunkFrom(op.level, cx, cz)

    doomedBlock = op.level.blockAt(*point)
    doomedBlockData = op.level.blockDataAt(*point)
    checkData = (doomedBlock not in (8, 9, 10, 11))
    indiscriminate = op.options['Indiscriminate']

    if indiscriminate:
        checkData = False
        if doomedBlock == 2:  # grass
            doomedBlock = 3  # dirt
    if doomedBlock == op.options['Block'].ID and (doomedBlockData == op.options['Block'].blockData or not checkData):

    tileEntity = None
    if op.options['Block'].stringID in TileEntity.stringNames.keys():
        tileEntity = TileEntity.stringNames[op.options['Block'].stringID]

    x, y, z = point
    saveUndoChunk(x // 16, z // 16)
    op.level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, op.options['Block'].ID)
    op.level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z, op.options['Block'].blockData)
    if tileEntity:
        if op.level.tileEntityAt(x, y, z):
            op.level.removeTileEntitiesInBox(BoundingBox((x, y, z), (1, 1, 1)))
        tileEntityObject = TileEntity.Create(tileEntity, (x, y, z), defsIds=op.level.defsIds)
        createTileEntities(tileEntityObject, op.level)

    def processCoords(coords):
        newcoords = collections.deque()

        for (x, y, z) in coords:
            for _dir, offsets in pymclevel.faceDirections:
                dx, dy, dz = offsets
                p = (x + dx, y + dy, z + dz)

                nx, ny, nz = p
                b = op.level.blockAt(nx, ny, nz)
                if indiscriminate:
                    if b == 2:
                        b = 3
                if b == doomedBlock:
                    if checkData:
                        if op.level.blockDataAt(nx, ny, nz) != doomedBlockData:

                    saveUndoChunk(nx // 16, nz // 16)
                    op.level.setBlockAt(nx, ny, nz, op.options['Block'].ID)
                    op.level.setBlockDataAt(nx, ny, nz, op.options['Block'].blockData)
                    if tileEntity:
                        if op.level.tileEntityAt(nx, ny, nz):
                            op.level.removeTileEntitiesInBox(BoundingBox((nx, ny, nz), (1, 1, 1)))
                        tileEntityObject = TileEntity.Create(tileEntity, (nx, ny, nz))
                        createTileEntities(tileEntityObject, op.level)

        return newcoords

    def spread(coords):
        while len(coords):
            start = datetime.datetime.now()

            num = len(coords)
            coords = processCoords(coords)
            d = datetime.datetime.now() - start
            progress = "Did {0} coords in {1}".format(num, d)
            yield progress

    showProgress("Flood fill...", spread([point]), cancel=True)
    op.undoLevel = undoLevel