def lavaDispenser(x, y, z):
	trap = TAG_Compound()
	trap["id"] = TAG_String(u'Trap')
	items = TAG_List()
	item = TAG_Compound()
	item["id"] = TAG_Short(327)
	item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	item["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	item["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(4)
	trap["Items"] = items
	trap["x"] = TAG_Int(x)
	trap["y"] = TAG_Int(y)
	trap["z"] = TAG_Int(z)
	return trap
Ejemplo n.º 2
def createShop(level, x, y, z):
    chest = level.tileEntityAt(x, y, z)
    if chest == None:

    priceList = {}
    saleList = {}
    profession = 0
    riches = 0

    for item in chest["Items"]:
        slot = item["Slot"].value
        if slot >= 0 and slot <= 8:
            priceList[slot] = item
        elif slot >= 9 and slot <= 17:
            saleList[slot-9] = item
        elif slot == 18:
            if item["id"].value == 35:
                dmg = item["Damage"].value
                if dmg == 12:
                    profession = 0 #brown villager
                elif dmg == 0:
                    profession = 1 #white villager
                elif dmg == 2 or dmg == 6 or dmg == 10 or dmg == 14:
                    profession = 2 #purple villager
                elif dmg == 15 or dmg == 7:
                    profession = 3 #black apron villager
                elif dmg == 8:
                    profession = 4 #white apron villager
                elif dmg == 5 or dmg == 13:
                    profession = 5 #green villager
            riches += item["Count"].value #other slots are used to count towards the "riches" total

    villager = TAG_Compound()
    villager["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(1)
    villager["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
    villager["AttackTime"] = TAG_Short(0)
    villager["DeathTime"] = TAG_Short(0)
    villager["Fire"] = TAG_Short(-1)
    villager["Health"] = TAG_Short(20)
    villager["HurtTime"] = TAG_Short(0)
    villager["Age"] = TAG_Int(0)
    villager["Profession"] = TAG_Int(profession)
    villager["Riches"] = TAG_Int(riches)
    villager["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0)
    villager["id"] = TAG_String("Villager")
    villager["Motion"] = TAG_List()
    villager["Pos"] = TAG_List()
    villager["Pos"].append(TAG_Double(x + 0.5))
    villager["Pos"].append(TAG_Double(z + 0.5))
    villager["Rotation"] = TAG_List()

    villager["Offers"] = TAG_Compound()
    villager["Offers"]["Recipes"] = TAG_List()
    for i in range(9):
        if i in priceList and i in saleList:
            offer = TAG_Compound()
            offer["buy"] = priceList[i]
            offer["sell"] = saleList[i]

    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 0)

    chunk = level.getChunk(x / 16, z / 16)
    chunk.dirty = True
Ejemplo n.º 3
	spawner["z"] = TAG_Int(z)
	spawner["Delay"] = TAG_Short(delay)
	spawner["MinSpawnDelay"] = TAG_Short(loopTicks)
	spawner["MaxSpawnDelay"] = TAG_Short(loopTicks)
	spawner["SpawnCount"] = TAG_Short(1)
	spawner["MaxNearbyEntities"] = TAG_Short(10000)
	spawner["RequiredPlayerRange"] = TAG_Short(range)
	# Creates a spawner with certain aspects

	return spawner

def createPotion((x, y, z), (vx, vy, vz), effect, duration, amp, potionId):
	thrownPotion = TAG_Compound()
	thrownPotion["yTile"] = TAG_Short(-1)

	motion = TAG_List()
	thrownPotion["Motion"] = motion
	thrownPotion["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
	thrownPotion["inGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
	thrownPotion["shake"] = TAG_Byte(0)
	thrownPotion["Dimension"] = TAG_Int(0)
	thrownPotion["inTile"] = TAG_Byte(0)
	thrownPotion["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
	thrownPotion["id"] = TAG_String(u'ThrownPotion')
	pos = TAG_List()
Ejemplo n.º 4
def perform(level, box, options):
    for x in xrange(box.minx, box.maxx):
        for y in xrange(box.miny, box.maxy):
            for z in xrange(box.minz, box.maxz):
                block = level.blockAt(x, y, z)
                data = level.blockDataAt(x, y, z)
                extrab = options["Use Slime Blocks"]
                ItemsSmokeBox2 = Smokeboxs2[options["Minecraft Type"]]

                chunk = level.getChunk(x / 16, z / 16)

                areaEffectCloud = TAG_Compound()
                if options["1.11+ or 1.11.2+"]:
                    areaEffectCloud["id"] = TAG_String(u'area_effect_cloud')
                if options["1.11+ or 1.11.2+"] != True:
                    areaEffectCloud["id"] = TAG_String(u'AreaEffectCloud')
                areaEffectCloud["ownerUUID"] = TAG_String(u'')
                areaEffectCloud["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                areaEffectCloud["Dimension"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
                areaEffectCloud["ParticleParam2"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud["ParticleParam1"] = TAG_Int(0)
                if ItemsSmokeBox2 == "PC":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String(u"take")
                if ItemsSmokeBox2 != "PC":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud["ReapplicationDelay"] = TAG_Int(0)
                rotation = TAG_List()
                areaEffectCloud["Rotation"] = rotation
                areaEffectCloud["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
                effects = TAG_List()
                effect = TAG_Compound()
                effect["Amplifier"] = TAG_Byte(15)
                effect["Id"] = TAG_Byte(25)
                effect["Duration"] = TAG_Int(10)
                effect["Ambient"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                effect["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                effect2 = TAG_Compound()
                effect2["Amplifier"] = TAG_Byte(100)
                effect2["Id"] = TAG_Byte(11)
                effect2["Duration"] = TAG_Int(100)
                effect2["Ambient"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                effect2["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                effect3 = TAG_Compound()
                effect3["Amplifier"] = TAG_Byte(20)
                effect3["Id"] = TAG_Byte(8)
                effect3["Duration"] = TAG_Int(40)
                effect3["Ambient"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                effect3["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                areaEffectCloud["Effects"] = effects
                areaEffectCloud["Fire"] = TAG_Short(0)
                areaEffectCloud["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                areaEffectCloud["PortalCooldown"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'')
                areaEffectCloud["createdOnHost"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                areaEffectCloud["Silent"] = TAG_Byte(1)
                areaEffectCloud["NoGravity"] = TAG_Byte(1)
                areaEffectCloud["Glowing"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                areaEffectCloud["Age"] = TAG_Int(1)
                areaEffectCloud["RadiusOnUse"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
                areaEffectCloud["Duration"] = TAG_Int(2147483647)
                areaEffectCloud["DurationOnUse"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud["WaitTime"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud["RadiusPerTick"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
                areaEffectCloud["Radius"] = TAG_Float(2.5)
                areaEffectCloud["Color"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud["Potion"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:leaping')
                pos = TAG_List()
                pos.append(TAG_Double(x + 0.5))
                pos.append(TAG_Double(y + 5))
                pos.append(TAG_Double(z + 0.5))
                areaEffectCloud["Pos"] = pos
                motion = TAG_List()
                areaEffectCloud["Motion"] = motion

                areaEffectCloud2 = TAG_Compound()
                if options["1.11+ or 1.11.2+"]:
                    areaEffectCloud2["id"] = TAG_String(u'area_effect_cloud')
                if options["1.11+ or 1.11.2+"] != True:
                    areaEffectCloud2["id"] = TAG_String(u'AreaEffectCloud')
                areaEffectCloud2["ownerUUID"] = TAG_String(u'')
                areaEffectCloud2["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["Dimension"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
                areaEffectCloud2["ParticleParam2"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["ParticleParam1"] = TAG_Int(0)
                if ItemsSmokeBox2 == "PC":
                    areaEffectCloud2["Particle"] = TAG_String(u"take")
                if ItemsSmokeBox2 != "PC":
                    areaEffectCloud2["Particle"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["ReapplicationDelay"] = TAG_Int(0)
                rotation2 = TAG_List()
                areaEffectCloud2["Rotation"] = rotation2
                areaEffectCloud2["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
                effects2 = TAG_List()
                effect4 = TAG_Compound()
                effect4["Amplifier"] = TAG_Byte(15)
                effect4["Id"] = TAG_Byte(25)
                effect4["Duration"] = TAG_Int(10)
                effect4["Ambient"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                effect4["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                effect5 = TAG_Compound()
                effect5["Amplifier"] = TAG_Byte(100)
                effect5["Id"] = TAG_Byte(11)
                effect5["Duration"] = TAG_Int(100)
                effect5["Ambient"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                effect5["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                effect6 = TAG_Compound()
                effect6["Amplifier"] = TAG_Byte(20)
                effect6["Id"] = TAG_Byte(8)
                effect6["Duration"] = TAG_Int(40)
                effect6["Ambient"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                effect6["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["Effects"] = effects2
                areaEffectCloud2["Fire"] = TAG_Short(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["PortalCooldown"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'')
                areaEffectCloud2["createdOnHost"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["Silent"] = TAG_Byte(1)
                areaEffectCloud2["NoGravity"] = TAG_Byte(1)
                areaEffectCloud2["Glowing"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["Age"] = TAG_Int(1)
                areaEffectCloud2["RadiusOnUse"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
                areaEffectCloud2["Duration"] = TAG_Int(2147483647)
                areaEffectCloud2["DurationOnUse"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["WaitTime"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["RadiusPerTick"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
                areaEffectCloud2["Radius"] = TAG_Float(2.5)
                areaEffectCloud2["Color"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["Potion"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:leaping')
                pos2 = TAG_List()
                pos2.append(TAG_Double(x + 0.5))
                pos2.append(TAG_Double(y + 1.1))
                pos2.append(TAG_Double(z + 0.5))
                areaEffectCloud2["Pos"] = pos2
                motion2 = TAG_List()
                areaEffectCloud2["Motion"] = motion2

                print "Created Trampoline! Successfully"
                chunk.dirty = True

                #Blackwool #3x3

                level.setBlockAt(x, y + 1, z, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x, y + 1, z, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y + 1, z, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y + 1, z, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x, y + 1, z + 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x, y + 1, z + 1, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y + 1, z + 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y + 1, z + 1, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x, y + 1, z - 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x, y + 1, z - 1, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y + 1, z, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y + 1, z, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y + 1, z - 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y + 1, z - 1, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y + 1, z - 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y + 1, z - 1, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y + 1, z + 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y + 1, z + 1, 15)

                #Blackwool #2 3x3 Empty Circle

                level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y + 1, z, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y + 1, z, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y + 1, z, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y + 1, z, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x, y + 1, z + 2, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x, y + 1, z + 2, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x, y + 1, z - 2, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x, y + 1, z - 2, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y + 1, z - 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y + 1, z - 1, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y + 1, z + 2, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y + 1, z + 2, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y + 1, z + 2, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y + 1, z + 2, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y + 1, z + 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y + 1, z + 1, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y + 1, z + -2, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y + 1, z - 2, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y + 1, z + 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y + 1, z + 1, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y + 1, z - 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y + 1, z - 1, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y + 1, z - 2, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y + 1, z - 2, 15)

                #Blue Wool 5x5 / 3x3

                level.setBlockAt(x + 3, y + 1, z, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 3, y + 1, z, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 3, y + 1, z, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 3, y + 1, z, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x, y + 1, z + 3, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x, y + 1, z + 3, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x, y + 1, z - 3, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x, y + 1, z - 3, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y + 1, z - 3, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y + 1, z - 3, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y + 1, z - 3, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y + 1, z - 3, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 3, y + 1, z - 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 3, y + 1, z - 1, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 3, y + 1, z - 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 3, y + 1, z - 1, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 3, y + 1, z + 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 3, y + 1, z + 1, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 3, y + 1, z + 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 3, y + 1, z + 1, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y + 1, z + 3, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y + 1, z + 3, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y + 1, z + 3, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y + 1, z + 3, 11)
                level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y + 1, z + 2, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y + 1, z + 2, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y + 1, z - 2, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y + 1, z - 2, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y + 1, z + 2, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y + 1, z + 2, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y + 1, z - 2, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y + 1, z - 2, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y + 1, z - 2, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y + 1, z - 2, 11)

                if extrab == True:

                    #Slime Block #3x3

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z + 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z + 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z + 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z + 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z - 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z - 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z - 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z + 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z + 1, 0)

                    #Part 2 Slime 3x3 Empty Circle

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y, z, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y, z, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z + 2, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z + 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z - 2, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z - 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y, z - 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z + 2, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z + 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z + 2, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z + 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y, z + 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y, z + 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z + -2, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z - 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y, z + 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y, z + 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y, z - 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z - 2, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z - 2, 0)

                    #Part 3 Slime Outer Ring

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 3, y, z, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 3, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 3, y, z, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 3, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z + 3, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z + 3, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z - 3, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z - 3, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z - 3, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z - 3, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z - 3, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z - 3, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 3, y, z - 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 3, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 3, y, z - 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 3, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 3, y, z + 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 3, y, z + 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 3, y, z + 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 3, y, z + 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z + 3, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z + 3, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z + 3, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z + 3, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y, z + 2, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y, z + 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y, z - 2, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y, z - 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y, z + 2, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y, z + 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y, z - 2, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y, z - 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y, z - 2, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y, z - 2, 0)
                    #String Middle Block #3x3

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z + 1, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z + 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z + 1, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z + 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z - 1, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z - 1, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z - 1, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z + 1, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z + 1, 0)

                    #String Block Inner #3x3

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y, z, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y, z, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z + 2, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z + 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z - 2, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z - 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y, z - 1, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z + 2, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z + 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z + 2, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z + 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y, z + 1, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y, z + 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z + -2, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z - 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y, z + 1, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y, z + 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y, z - 1, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z - 2, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z - 2, 0)

                    #Iron Fence Block #3x3 Outer

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 3, y, z, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 3, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 3, y, z, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 3, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z + 3, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z + 3, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z - 3, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z - 3, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z - 3, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z - 3, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z - 3, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z - 3, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 3, y, z - 1, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 3, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 3, y, z - 1, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 3, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 3, y, z + 1, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 3, y, z + 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 3, y, z + 1, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 3, y, z + 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z + 3, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z + 3, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z + 3, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z + 3, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y, z + 2, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y, z + 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y, z - 2, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y, z - 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y, z + 2, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y, z + 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y, z - 2, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y, z - 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y, z - 2, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y, z - 2, 0)
def perform(level, box, options):
	for x in xrange(box.minx, box.maxx):
		for y in xrange(box.miny, box.maxy):
			for z in xrange(box.minz, box.maxz):
				block =	level.blockAt(x, y, z)
				data =	level.blockDataAt(x, y, z)
				extrab = options["Use Slime Blocks"]
				ItemsSmokeBox2 = Smokeboxs2[options["Minecraft Type"]]
				chunk = level.getChunk(x / 16, z / 16)
				areaEffectCloud = TAG_Compound()
				if options["1.11+ or 1.11.2+"]:
					areaEffectCloud["id"] = TAG_String(u'area_effect_cloud')
				if options["1.11+ or 1.11.2+"] != True:
					areaEffectCloud["id"] = TAG_String(u'AreaEffectCloud')
				areaEffectCloud["ownerUUID"] = TAG_String(u'')
				areaEffectCloud["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				areaEffectCloud["Dimension"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
				areaEffectCloud["ParticleParam2"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud["ParticleParam1"] = TAG_Int(0)
				if ItemsSmokeBox2 == "PC":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String(u"take")
				if ItemsSmokeBox2 != "PC":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud["ReapplicationDelay"] = TAG_Int(0)
				rotation = TAG_List()
				areaEffectCloud["Rotation"] = rotation
				areaEffectCloud["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
				effects = TAG_List()
				effect = TAG_Compound()
				effect["Amplifier"] = TAG_Byte(15)
				effect["Id"] = TAG_Byte(25)
				effect["Duration"] = TAG_Int(10)
				effect["Ambient"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				effect["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				effect2 = TAG_Compound()
				effect2["Amplifier"] = TAG_Byte(100)
				effect2["Id"] = TAG_Byte(11)
				effect2["Duration"] = TAG_Int(100)
				effect2["Ambient"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				effect2["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				effect3 = TAG_Compound()
				effect3["Amplifier"] = TAG_Byte(20)
				effect3["Id"] = TAG_Byte(8)
				effect3["Duration"] = TAG_Int(40)
				effect3["Ambient"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				effect3["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				areaEffectCloud["Effects"] = effects
				areaEffectCloud["Fire"] = TAG_Short(0)
				areaEffectCloud["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				areaEffectCloud["PortalCooldown"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'')
				areaEffectCloud["createdOnHost"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				areaEffectCloud["Silent"] = TAG_Byte(1)
				areaEffectCloud["NoGravity"] = TAG_Byte(1)
				areaEffectCloud["Glowing"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				areaEffectCloud["Age"] = TAG_Int(1)
				areaEffectCloud["RadiusOnUse"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
				areaEffectCloud["Duration"] = TAG_Int(2147483647)
				areaEffectCloud["DurationOnUse"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud["WaitTime"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud["RadiusPerTick"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
				areaEffectCloud["Radius"] = TAG_Float(2.5)
				areaEffectCloud["Color"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud["Potion"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:leaping')
				pos = TAG_List()
				areaEffectCloud["Pos"] = pos
				motion = TAG_List()
				areaEffectCloud["Motion"] = motion
				areaEffectCloud2 = TAG_Compound()
				if options["1.11+ or 1.11.2+"]:
					areaEffectCloud2["id"] = TAG_String(u'area_effect_cloud')
				if options["1.11+ or 1.11.2+"] != True:
					areaEffectCloud2["id"] = TAG_String(u'AreaEffectCloud')
				areaEffectCloud2["ownerUUID"] = TAG_String(u'')
				areaEffectCloud2["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["Dimension"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
				areaEffectCloud2["ParticleParam2"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["ParticleParam1"] = TAG_Int(0)
				if ItemsSmokeBox2 == "PC":
					areaEffectCloud2["Particle"] = TAG_String(u"take")
				if ItemsSmokeBox2 != "PC":
					areaEffectCloud2["Particle"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["ReapplicationDelay"] = TAG_Int(0)
				rotation2 = TAG_List()
				areaEffectCloud2["Rotation"] = rotation2
				areaEffectCloud2["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
				effects2 = TAG_List()
				effect4 = TAG_Compound()
				effect4["Amplifier"] = TAG_Byte(15)
				effect4["Id"] = TAG_Byte(25)
				effect4["Duration"] = TAG_Int(10)
				effect4["Ambient"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				effect4["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				effect5 = TAG_Compound()
				effect5["Amplifier"] = TAG_Byte(100)
				effect5["Id"] = TAG_Byte(11)
				effect5["Duration"] = TAG_Int(100)
				effect5["Ambient"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				effect5["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				effect6 = TAG_Compound()
				effect6["Amplifier"] = TAG_Byte(20)
				effect6["Id"] = TAG_Byte(8)
				effect6["Duration"] = TAG_Int(40)
				effect6["Ambient"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				effect6["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["Effects"] = effects2
				areaEffectCloud2["Fire"] = TAG_Short(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["PortalCooldown"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'')
				areaEffectCloud2["createdOnHost"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["Silent"] = TAG_Byte(1)
				areaEffectCloud2["NoGravity"] = TAG_Byte(1)
				areaEffectCloud2["Glowing"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["Age"] = TAG_Int(1)
				areaEffectCloud2["RadiusOnUse"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
				areaEffectCloud2["Duration"] = TAG_Int(2147483647)
				areaEffectCloud2["DurationOnUse"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["WaitTime"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["RadiusPerTick"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
				areaEffectCloud2["Radius"] = TAG_Float(2.5)
				areaEffectCloud2["Color"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["Potion"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:leaping')
				pos2 = TAG_List()
				areaEffectCloud2["Pos"] = pos2
				motion2 = TAG_List()
				areaEffectCloud2["Motion"] = motion2
				print "Created Trampoline! Successfully"
				chunk.dirty = True
				#Blackwool #3x3
				level.setBlockAt(x, y+1, z, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x, y+1, z, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x+1, y+1, z, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y+1, z, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x, y+1, z+1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x, y+1, z+1, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x+1, y+1, z+1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y+1, z+1, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x, y+1, z-1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x, y+1, z-1, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x-1, y+1, z, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y+1, z, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x-1, y+1, z-1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y+1, z-1, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x+1, y+1, z-1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y+1, z-1, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x-1, y+1, z+1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y+1, z+1, 15)
				#Blackwool #2 3x3 Empty Circle
				level.setBlockAt(x+2, y+1, z, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y+1, z, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x-2, y+1, z, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y+1, z, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x, y+1, z+2, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x, y+1, z+2, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x, y+1, z-2, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x, y+1, z-2, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x+2, y+1, z-1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y+1, z-1, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x-1, y+1, z+2, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y+1, z+2, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x+1, y+1, z+2, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y+1, z+2, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x+2, y+1, z+1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y+1, z+1, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x+1, y+1, z+-2, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y+1, z-2, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x-2, y+1, z+1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y+1, z+1, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x-2, y+1, z-1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y+1, z-1, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x-1, y+1, z-2, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y+1, z-2, 15)
				#Blue Wool 5x5 / 3x3 
				level.setBlockAt(x+3, y+1, z, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+3, y+1, z, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x-3, y+1, z, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-3, y+1, z, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x, y+1, z+3, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x, y+1, z+3, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x, y+1, z-3, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x, y+1, z-3, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x+1, y+1, z-3, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y+1, z-3, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x-1, y+1, z-3, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y+1, z-3, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x+3, y+1, z-1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+3, y+1, z-1, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x-3, y+1, z-1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-3, y+1, z-1, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x+3, y+1, z+1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+3, y+1, z+1, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x-3, y+1, z+1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-3, y+1, z+1, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x+1, y+1, z+3, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y+1, z+3, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x-1, y+1, z+3, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y+1, z+3, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x-2, y+1, z+2, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y+1, z+2, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x+2, y+1, z-2, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y+1, z-2, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x+2, y+1, z+2, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y+1, z+2, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x+2, y+1, z-2, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y+1, z-2, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x-2, y+1, z-2, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y+1, z-2, 11)

				if extrab == True:
					#Slime Block #3x3
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z+1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z+1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z+1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z+1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z-1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z-1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z-1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z+1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z+1, 0)
					#Part 2 Slime 3x3 Empty Circle
					level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-2, y, z, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z+2, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z+2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z-2, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z-2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z-1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z+2, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z+2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z+2, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z+2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z+1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y, z+1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z+-2, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z-2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-2, y, z+1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y, z+1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-2, y, z-1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z-2, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z-2, 0)
					#Part 3 Slime Outer Ring
					level.setBlockAt(x+3, y, z, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+3, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-3, y, z, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-3, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z+3, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z+3, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z-3, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z-3, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z-3, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z-3, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z-3, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z-3, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+3, y, z-1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+3, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-3, y, z-1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-3, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+3, y, z+1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+3, y, z+1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-3, y, z+1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-3, y, z+1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z+3, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z+3, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z+3, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z+3, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-2, y, z+2, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y, z+2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z-2, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y, z-2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z+2, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y, z+2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z-2, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y, z-2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-2, y, z-2, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y, z-2, 0)
					#String Middle Block #3x3
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z+1, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z+1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z+1, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z+1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z-1, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z-1, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z-1, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z+1, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z+1, 0)
					#String Block Inner #3x3
					level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-2, y, z, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z+2, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z+2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z-2, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z-2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z-1, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z+2, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z+2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z+2, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z+2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z+1, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y, z+1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z+-2, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z-2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-2, y, z+1, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y, z+1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-2, y, z-1, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z-2, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z-2, 0)
					#Iron Fence Block #3x3 Outer
					level.setBlockAt(x+3, y, z, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+3, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-3, y, z, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-3, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z+3, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z+3, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z-3, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z-3, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z-3, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z-3, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z-3, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z-3, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+3, y, z-1, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+3, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-3, y, z-1, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-3, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+3, y, z+1, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+3, y, z+1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-3, y, z+1, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-3, y, z+1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z+3, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z+3, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z+3, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z+3, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-2, y, z+2, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y, z+2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z-2, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y, z-2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z+2, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y, z+2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z-2, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y, z-2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-2, y, z-2, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y, z-2, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def makeItemFrameEntity(x, y, z, facing, itemtag=None, itemRotation=0):
    itemFrame = TAG_Compound()
    itemFrame["id"] = TAG_String(u'ItemFrame')
    pos = TAG_List()
    pos.append(TAG_Double(x + 0.5 + 0.4375*[0, 1, 0, -1][facing]))
    pos.append(TAG_Double(y + 0.5))
    pos.append(TAG_Double(z + 0.5 + 0.4375*[-1, 0, 1, 0][facing]))
    itemFrame["Pos"] = pos
    motion = TAG_List()
    itemFrame["Motion"] = motion
    rotation = TAG_List()
    itemFrame["Rotation"] = rotation
    itemFrame["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
    itemFrame["Fire"] = TAG_Short(0)
    itemFrame["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
    itemFrame["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
    itemFrame["Dimension"] = TAG_Int(0)
    itemFrame["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(0)
    itemFrame["PortalCooldown"] = TAG_Int(0)
    itemFrame["UUIDLeast"] = TAG_Long(0)
    itemFrame["UUIDMost"] = TAG_Long(0)
    itemFrame["TileX"] = TAG_Int(x + [0, 1, 0, -1][facing])
    itemFrame["TileY"] = TAG_Int(y)
    itemFrame["TileZ"] = TAG_Int(z + [-1, 0, 1, 0][facing])
    itemFrame["Direction"] = TAG_Byte(facing)
    if itemtag:
        itemFrame["Item"] = itemtag
        itemFrame["ItemDropChance"] = TAG_Float(1)
        itemFrame["ItemRotation"] = TAG_Byte(itemRotation)
    return itemFrame
def bogusSpawn(cx, cz):
	properties = TAG_Compound()
	properties["id"] = TAG_String(u'Item')
	properties["Age"] = TAG_Short(19)
	motion = TAG_List()
	properties["Motion"] = motion
	properties["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	properties["Health"] = TAG_Short(5)
	properties["Dimension"] = TAG_Int(0)
	properties["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
	pos = TAG_List()
	properties["Pos"] = pos
	properties["PortalCooldown"] = TAG_Int(0)
	item = TAG_Compound()
	item["id"] = TAG_Short(24)
	item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	item["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	properties["Item"] = item
	properties["Fire"] = TAG_Short(-1)
	properties["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
	rotation = TAG_List()
	properties["Rotation"] = rotation
	properties["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(0)
	return properties
Ejemplo n.º 8
def createShop(level, x, y, z, emptyTrade, invincible, profession, unlimited,
               xp, nomove, silent, name, yaxis, xaxis, IsCustomHead, legacy,
               SkullType, PlayerName):
    chest = level.tileEntityAt(x, y, z)
    if chest is None:

    priceList = {}
    priceListB = {}
    saleList = {}

    for item in chest["Items"]:
        slot = item["Slot"].value
        if 0 <= slot <= 8:
            priceList[slot] = item
        elif 9 <= slot <= 17:
            priceListB[slot - 9] = item
        elif 18 <= slot <= 26:
            saleList[slot - 18] = item

    villager = TAG_Compound()
    villager["PersistenceRequired"] = TAG_Byte(1)
    villager["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(1)
    villager["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
    villager["AttackTime"] = TAG_Short(0)
    villager["DeathTime"] = TAG_Short(0)
    villager["Fire"] = TAG_Short(-1)
    villager["Health"] = TAG_Short(20)
    villager["HurtTime"] = TAG_Short(0)
    villager["Age"] = TAG_Int(0)
    villager["Profession"] = TAG_Int(profession)
    villager["Career"] = TAG_Int(1)
    villager["CareerLevel"] = TAG_Int(1000)
    villager["Riches"] = TAG_Int(200)
    villager["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0)
    villager["CustomNameVisible"] = TAG_Byte(1)
    villager["CustomName"] = TAG_String(name)
    villager["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(invincible)
    villager["NoAI"] = TAG_Byte(nomove)
    villager["id"] = TAG_String("Villager")
    villager["Motion"] = TAG_List(
        [TAG_Double(0.0), TAG_Double(0.0),
    villager["Pos"] = TAG_List(
        [TAG_Double(x + 0.5),
         TAG_Double(z + 0.5)])
    villager["Rotation"] = TAG_List([TAG_Float(yaxis), TAG_Float(xaxis)])

    villager["Willing"] = TAG_Byte(0)
    villager["Offers"] = TAG_Compound()
    villager["Offers"]["Recipes"] = TAG_List()

    if silent:
        villager["Silent"] = TAG_Byte(1)
        villager["Silent"] = TAG_Byte(0)

    for i in range(9):
        if (i in priceList or i in priceListB) and i in saleList:
            offer = TAG_Compound()
            if xp:
                offer["rewardExp"] = TAG_Byte(1)
                offer["rewardExp"] = TAG_Byte(0)

            if unlimited:
                offer["uses"] = TAG_Int(0)
                offer["maxUses"] = TAG_Int(2000000000)
                offer["uses"] = TAG_Int(0)
                offer["maxUses"] = TAG_Int(1)

            if i in priceList:
                offer["buy"] = priceList[i]
            if i in priceListB:
                if i in priceList:
                    offer["buyB"] = priceListB[i]
                    offer["buy"] = priceListB[i]

            offer["sell"] = saleList[i]

    if emptyTrade:
        offer = TAG_Compound()
        offer["buy"] = TAG_Compound()
        offer["buy"]["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
        offer["buy"]["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
        offer["buy"]["id"] = TAG_String("minecraft:barrier")
        offer["sell"] = TAG_Compound()
        offer["sell"]["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
        offer["sell"]["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
        offer["sell"]["id"] = TAG_String("minecraft:barrier")

    if IsCustomHead:
        Head = TAG_Compound()
        Head["id"] = TAG_String("minecraft:skull")
        Head["Damage"] = TAG_Short(SkullType)
        if SkullType == 3 and PlayerName:
            Head["tag"] = TAG_Compound()
            Head["tag"]["SkullOwner"] = TAG_String(PlayerName)
        if legacy == True:
            villager["Equipment"] = TAG_List([
                TAG_Compound(), Head
            ], )
            villager["ArmorItems"] = TAG_List(
                 TAG_Compound(), Head])

    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 0)

    chunk = level.getChunk(x / 16, z / 16)
    chunk.dirty = True
Ejemplo n.º 9
def perform(level, box, options):
    block = options["Block:"].ID
    data = options["Block Data:"]
    height = options["Block Height from Cart:"]
    typ = options["Type of Cart:"]
    tileEntitiesToRemove = []

    if typ == "Ridable":
        mc = TAG_String("MinecartRideable")
    elif typ == "Furnace":
        mc = TAG_String("MinecartFurnace")
    elif typ == "TNT":
        mc = TAG_String("MinecartTNT")
    elif typ == "Chest":
        mc = TAG_String("MinecartChest")
    elif typ == "Hopper":
        mc = TAG_String("MinecartHopper")
    elif typ == "Spawner":
        mc = TAG_String("MinecartSpawner")
    elif typ == "Command Block":
        mc = TAG_String("MinecartCommandBlock")

    for (chunk, slices, point) in level.getChunkSlices(box):
        for t in chunk.TileEntities:
            x = t["x"].value
            y = t["y"].value
            z = t["z"].value

            tileEntitiesToRemove.append((chunk, t))

            level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 0)

            cart = TAG_Compound()
            cart["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
            cart["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0)
            cart["Fire"] = TAG_Short(-1)
            cart["id"] = mc
            cart["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(0)
            cart["Motion"] = TAG_List()
            cart["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(1)
            cart["Pos"] = TAG_List()
            cart["Pos"].append(TAG_Double(box.minx + 0.5))
            cart["Pos"].append(TAG_Double(box.miny + 1))
            cart["Pos"].append(TAG_Double(box.minz + 0.5))
            cart["Rotation"] = TAG_List()
            cart["CustomDisplayTile"] = TAG_Byte(1)
            cart["DisplayTile"] = TAG_Int(block)
            cart["DisplayData"] = TAG_Int(data)
            cart["DisplayOffset"] = TAG_Int(height)
            if typ == "Spawner":
                for tag in t:
                    if tag not in ["id", "x", "y", "z"]:
                        cart[tag] = t[tag]
            if typ == "MinecartCommandBlock":
                if t["id"] == "Control":
                    cart["Command"] = t["Command"]
                    cart["CustomName"] = t["CustomName"]

            chunk.dirty = True

    for (chunk, t) in tileEntitiesToRemove:
Ejemplo n.º 10
def CreateItemFrame(x, y, z, dir, blockID, invuln):
    TileY = y
    posy = float(y) + 0.5
    if dir == 1:
        direction = dir
        rotation = 90.0
        TileX = x + 1
        TileZ = z
        posx = float(x) + 0.9375
        posz = float(z) + 0.5
    elif dir == 3:
        rotation = 270.0
        direction = dir
        TileX = x - 1
        TileZ = z
        posx = float(x) + 0.0625
        posz = float(z) + 0.5
    elif dir == 0:
        rotation = 0.0
        direction = 2
        TileZ = z + 1
        TileX = x
        posz = float(z) + 0.9375
        posx = float(x) + 0.5
    elif dir == 2:
        rotation = 180.0
        direction = 0
        TileZ = z - 1
        TileX = x
        posz = float(z) + 0.0625
        posx = float(x) + 0.5
    iframe = TAG_Compound()
    iframe["id"] = TAG_String("ItemFrame")
    iframe["Pos"] = TAG_List()
    iframe["Facing"] = TAG_Byte(dir)
    iframe["Dir"] = TAG_Byte(dir)
    iframe["Direction"] = TAG_Byte(direction)
    iframe["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(invuln)
    #	iframe["ItemRotation"] = TAG_Byte(0)
    #	iframe["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
    #	iframe["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
    #	iframe["Fire"] = TAG_Short(0)
    #	iframe["FallDistance"] = TAG_Double(0.0)
    #	iframe["ItemDropChance"] = TAG_Double(1.0)
    iframe["Motion"] = TAG_List()
    iframe["TileX"] = TAG_Int(TileX)
    iframe["TileY"] = TAG_Int(TileY)
    iframe["TileZ"] = TAG_Int(TileZ)
    iframe["Rotation"] = TAG_List()
    iframe["Item"] = TAG_Compound()
    iframe["Item"]["id"] = TAG_String(names[blockID])
    iframe["Item"]["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    iframe["Item"]["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
    #	iframe["Item"]["UUIDLeast"] = TAG_Long(1)
    #	iframe["Item"]["UUIDMost"] = TAG_Long(2)
    return iframe
def perform(level, box, options):
	print "Follow Me On Twitter At @RedstonerLabs"
	ShowBottoms = options["ShowBottom"]
	Invun = options["Invulnerable"]
	target1 = options["Y"]
	target2 = options["X"]
	target3 = options["Z"]
	for x in xrange(box.minx, box.maxx):
		for y in xrange(box.miny, box.maxy):
			for z in xrange(box.minz, box.maxz):
				chunk = level.getChunk(x/16, z/16)
				enderCrystal = TAG_Compound()
				pos = TAG_List()
				enderCrystal["Pos"] = pos
				if options["1.11-1.12+Worlds"]:	
					enderCrystal["id"] = TAG_String(u'ender_crystal')
					enderCrystal["id"] = TAG_String(u'EnderCrystal')
				if options["Offset X,Y,Z Coordinates"]:	
					beamTarget = TAG_Compound()
					beamTarget["X"] = TAG_Int(x+target2)
					beamTarget["Y"] = TAG_Int(y+target1)
					beamTarget["Z"] = TAG_Int(z+target3)
					enderCrystal["BeamTarget"] = beamTarget				
					beamTarget = TAG_Compound()
					beamTarget["X"] = TAG_Int(target2)
					beamTarget["Y"] = TAG_Int(target1)
					beamTarget["Z"] = TAG_Int(target3)
					enderCrystal["BeamTarget"] = beamTarget

				enderCrystal["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				motion = TAG_List()
				enderCrystal["Motion"] = motion
				enderCrystal["Dimension"] = TAG_Int(0)
				enderCrystal["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
				rotation = TAG_List()
				enderCrystal["Rotation"] = rotation
				enderCrystal["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
				enderCrystal["Fire"] = TAG_Short(0)
				enderCrystal["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(Invun)
				enderCrystal["PortalCooldown"] = TAG_Int(0)
				enderCrystal["Glowing"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				enderCrystal["ShowBottom"] = TAG_Byte(ShowBottoms)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def createArmorStand(level, x, y, z, customName, Invisible, CustomNameVisible,
                     Invulnerable, Marker, NoGravity, MotionX, MotionY,
                     MotionZ, RotationX, RotationY, Small, ShowArms,
                     NoBasePlate, HandItem1, HandItem2, ArmorItem1, ArmorItem2,
                     ArmorItem3, ArmorItem4, ArmorItem4Data, PoseBodyX,
                     PoseBodyY, PoseBodyZ, PoseHeadX, PoseHeadY, PoseHeadZ,
                     PoseRightArmX, PoseRightArmY, PoseRightArmZ, PoseLeftArmX,
                     PoseLeftArmY, PoseLeftArmZ, PoseRightLegX, PoseRightLegY,
                     PoseRightLegZ, PoseLeftLegX, PoseLeftLegY,
                     PoseLeftLegZ):  # After @Sethbling
    print("New ArmorStand named " + customName)

    mob = TAG_Compound()
    mob["CustomName"] = TAG_String(customName)
    mob["Invisible"] = TAG_Byte(Invisible)
    mob["Small"] = TAG_Byte(Small)
    mob["ShowArms"] = TAG_Byte(ShowArms)
    mob["NoBasePlate"] = TAG_Byte(NoBasePlate)
    mob["CustomNameVisible"] = TAG_Byte(CustomNameVisible)
    mob["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(Invulnerable)
    mob["Marker"] = TAG_Byte(Marker)
    mob["NoGravity"] = TAG_Byte(NoGravity)
    mob["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(1)
    mob["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
    mob["DeathTime"] = TAG_Short(0)
    mob["Fire"] = TAG_Short(-1)
    mob["Health"] = TAG_Short(20)
    mob["HurtTime"] = TAG_Short(0)
    mob["Age"] = TAG_Int(0)
    mob["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0)
    mob["Motion"] = TAG_List()
    mob["Pos"] = TAG_List()
    mob["Pos"].append(TAG_Double(x + 0.5))
    mob["Pos"].append(TAG_Double(z + 0.5))
    mob["Rotation"] = TAG_List()

    tl_AI = TAG_List()
    tc_AI1 = TAG_Compound()
    tc_AI1["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
    tc_AI1["id"] = TAG_String(HandItem1)
    tc_AI1 = TAG_Compound()
    tc_AI1["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
    tc_AI1["id"] = TAG_String(HandItem2)
    mob["HandItems"] = tl_AI

    tl_AI = TAG_List()
    tc_AI1 = TAG_Compound()
    tc_AI1["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
    tc_AI1["id"] = TAG_String(ArmorItem1)
    tc_AI1 = TAG_Compound()
    tc_AI1["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
    tc_AI1["id"] = TAG_String(ArmorItem2)
    tc_AI1 = TAG_Compound()
    tc_AI1["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
    tc_AI1["id"] = TAG_String(ArmorItem3)
    tc_AI1 = TAG_Compound()
    tc_AI1["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
    tc_AI1["id"] = TAG_String(ArmorItem4)
    tc_AI1["Damage"] = TAG_Short(ArmorItem4Data)
    mob["ArmorItems"] = tl_AI

    tc_Pose = TAG_Compound()
    tl_Pose = TAG_List()
    tc_Pose["Body"] = tl_Pose
    tl_Pose = TAG_List()
    tc_Pose["Head"] = tl_Pose
    tl_Pose = TAG_List()
    tc_Pose["RightArm"] = tl_Pose
    tl_Pose = TAG_List()
    tc_Pose["LeftArm"] = tl_Pose
    tl_Pose = TAG_List()
    tc_Pose["RightLeg"] = tl_Pose
    tl_Pose = TAG_List()
    tc_Pose["LeftLeg"] = tl_Pose
    mob["Pose"] = tc_Pose

    mob["id"] = TAG_String("ArmorStand")
    chunk = level.getChunk(int(x) / CHUNKSIZE, int(z) / CHUNKSIZE)
    chunk.dirty = True
def perform(level, box, options):
	start = time.time()
	file_name = options["Export File Name:"]

	if file_name == "":
		file_name = "translate-java-2-bedrock.txt"

	if file_name.find(".txt") < 0:
		file_name += ".txt"

	output_text = ''
	contents = ''
	if options["Prepare for Bedrock:"]:
		tileEntitiesToReplace = []
		tileEntitiesToRemove = []
		entitiesToRemove = []
		entitiesToUpdate = []
		tileEntityContainer = []
		entityContainer = []
		for (chunk, slices, point) in level.getChunkSlices(box):
			# get list of all entities in selection
			for t in chunk.TileEntities:				
				x = t["x"].value
				y = t["y"].value
				z = t["z"].value
				coords = str(x) +","+ str(y) +","+str(z)
				id = fixID(t["id"].value)
				if (coords) not in tileEntityContainer:
					if (x,y,z) in box:
						if id in removeTileEntities:
							# tile entities that need to be removed
							tileEntitiesToRemove.append((chunk, t))		
							# tile entities that need to be translated
							tileEntitiesToReplace.append((chunk, t))
			# get all entities in selection
			for e in chunk.Entities:
				x = e["Pos"][0].value
				y = e["Pos"][1].value
				z = e["Pos"][2].value
				id = fixID(e["id"].value)
				coords = str(x) +","+ str(y) +","+str(z)	
				if (coords) not in entityContainer:	
					if (x,y,z) in box:
						# delete tile entity
						entitiesToRemove.append((chunk, e))
						# removed replacement code until entities can be translated
						#if (id in removeEntities):
							#entitiesToRemove.append((chunk, e))	
							#entitiesToUpdate.append((chunk, e))
		if tileEntitiesToReplace:
			for (chunk, t) in tileEntitiesToReplace:
				iIgnore = 0
				x = t["x"].value
				y = t["y"].value
				z = t["z"].value
				id = fixID(t["id"].value)	
				# check to see if the ID needs to be translated
				if id in tileEntityNameReplacements:
					id = tileEntityNameReplacements[id]
				blockid = level.blockAt(x,y,z)
				contents += "----"+id+" "+str(x)+","+str(y)+","+str(z)+"\n"
				contents += str(chunk)+"\n"+ str(t) + "\n\n"
				newte = TileEntity.Create(id)
				TileEntity.setpos(newte, (x, y, z))
				# rewrite spawner data - no features carried over as bedrock doesn't support
				# SpawnData or SpawnPotentials
				# adding MinSpawnDelay, MaxSpawnDelay, MaxNearbyEntities, etc is a good idea
				if ("Banner" in id):
					newte = t
					del newte["Patterns"]
				if ("Skull" in id):
					newte = t
					newte["MouthMoving"] = TAG_Byte(0)
					newte["MouthTickCount"] = TAG_Int(0)
				if ("MobSpawner" in id):
						entityName = t["SpawnData"]["id"].value.replace("minecraft:","")
					except KeyError:
						entityName = t["EntityId"].value
					if not str(entityName).isdigit():
						entityName = fixID(entityName)
					if (entityName in idMappings["entities"]):
						newte = t
						if "SpawnData" in newte:
							del newte["SpawnData"]
						if "SpawnPotentials" in newte:
							del newte["SpawnPotentials"]
						if entityName.isdigit():
							entityId = entityName
							entityId = idMappings["entities"][entityName]
						newte["EntityId"] = TAG_Int(int(entityId))
						print("ENTITY NOT FOUND REPLACED WITH ZOMBIE: "+str(entityName)+" "+str(x)+","+str(y)+","+str(z))
						contents += "ENTITY NOT FOUND REPLACED WITH ZOMBIE: "+str(entityName)+" "+str(x)+","+str(y)+","+str(z)+"\n"
						newte = t
						if "SpawnData" in newte:						
							del newte["SpawnData"]
						if "SpawnPotentials" in newte:							
							del newte["SpawnPotentials"]
						newte["EntityId"] = TAG_Int(32)
				# MCEdit doesn't add all the needed tags when creating a new tile entity
				if ("Items" in t) and (not "Items" in newte):
				# if the tile entity has an inventory, convert the inventory
				if ("Items" in t) and ("Items" in newte):
					for i in t["Items"]:
						if not str(i["id"].value).isdigit():
							itemNew = stripID(i["id"].value)
							if itemNew in idMappings["items"]:
								idItems = idMappings["items"][itemNew]	
							elif itemNew in idMappings:
								idItems = idMappings[itemNew]["id"]
								idItems = 248
								print("ITEM NOT FOUND: "+str(i["id"].value)+" "+str(x)+","+str(y)+","+str(z))
								contents += "ITEM NOT FOUND: "+str(i["id"].value)+" "+str(x)+","+str(y)+","+str(z)+"\n"
							idItems = i["id"].value
						idItems = int(idItems)					
						item = TAG_Compound()
						item["id"] = TAG_Short(idItems)
						if stripID(i["id"].value) == "lava_bucket":
							item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(10)
						elif stripID(i["id"].value) == "water_bucket":
							item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(8)
						elif stripID(i["id"].value) == "milk_bucket":	
							item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(1)
							item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(i["Damage"].value)
						item["Count"] = TAG_Byte(i["Count"].value)
						item["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(i["Slot"].value)
						if "tag" in i:
							item["tag"] = TAG_Compound(i["tag"].value)
							if ("Potion" in item["tag"]) and (not itemNew in idMappings):
								potion = stripID(item["tag"]["Potion"].value)
								if potion in idMappings["potions"]:
									item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(int(idMappings["potions"][potion]))
							elif ("Potion" in item["tag"]) and (itemNew in idMappings):
								potion = stripID(item["tag"]["Potion"].value)
								item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(int(idMappings[itemNew][potion]))
								del item["tag"]["Potion"]
							if ("ench" in i["tag"]):
								enchHolder = TAG_List()
								for e in i["tag"]["ench"]:
									ench = TAG_Compound()
									enchId = e["id"].value
									enchLvl = e["lvl"].value
									if str(enchId) in idMappings["enchantments"]:
										enchId = int(idMappings["enchantments"][str(enchId)])
										ench["lvl"] = TAG_Short(enchLvl)
										ench["id"] = TAG_Short(enchId)	
								item["tag"]["ench"] = enchHolder
							if "StoredEnchantments" in i["tag"]:
								enchHolder = TAG_List()
								for e in i["tag"]["StoredEnchantments"]:
									ench = TAG_Compound()
									enchId = e["id"].value
									enchLvl = e["lvl"].value
									if str(enchId) in idMappings["enchantments"]:
										enchId = int(idMappings["enchantments"][str(enchId)])
										ench["lvl"] = TAG_Short(enchLvl)
										ench["id"] = TAG_Short(enchId)	
								item["tag"]["ench"] = enchHolder
								del item["tag"]["StoredEnchantments"]
							if "CanPlaceOn" in i["tag"]:
								canPlaceOn = TAG_List()
								for p in i["tag"]["CanPlaceOn"]:
								del item["tag"]["CanPlaceOn"]
								item["CanPlaceOn"] = canPlaceOn
							if "CanDestroy" in i["tag"]:
								canDestroy = TAG_List()
								for p in i["tag"]["CanDestroy"]:
								del item["tag"]["CanDestroy"]
								item["CanDestroy"] = canDestroy
				# convert command block data after fixing the ID earlier
				if id == "CommandBlock":
					newte = t
					if "UpdateLastExecution" in newte:
						del newte["UpdateLastExecution"]
					if "auto" not in newte:
						newte["auto"] = TAG_Byte(0)
					if "powered" not in newte:
						newte["powered"] = TAG_Byte(0)				
					if "SuccessCount" not in newte:
						newte["SuccessCount"] = TAG_Int(0)
					if "conditionMet" not in newte:
						newte["conditionMet"] = TAG_Byte(0)		
					if "TrackOutput" not in newte:
						newte["TrackOutput"] = TAG_Byte(0)		
					if ("CustomName" not in newte) or newte["CustomName"] == TAG_String(u'@'):
						newte["CustomName"] = TAG_String('')
				# my attempt at converting signs with or without json data
				# still probably breaks some (most?) signs that are json formatted
				if id == "Sign":
					if "Text1" in t:
						if t["Text1"].value.find('"text":') > 0:
							text1 = t["Text1"].value
							text1 = json.loads(text1)
							text1 = text1["text"]
							newte["Text1"] = TAG_String(text1)
							text1 = t["Text1"].value
							if not text1 == "":
								if (text1[0] == '"' and text1[:1] == '"'):
									text1 = text1[:-1]
									text1 = text1[1:]
							newte["Text1"] = TAG_String(text1)
					if "Text2" in t:
						if t["Text2"].value.find('"text":') > 0:
							text2 = t["Text2"].value
							text2 = json.loads(text2)
							text2 = text2["text"]
							newte["Text2"] = TAG_String(text2)
							text2 = t["Text2"].value
							if not text2 == "":
								if (text2[0] == '"' and text2[:1] == '"'):
									text2 = text2[:-1]
									text2 = text2[1:]
							newte["Text2"] = TAG_String(text2)
					if "Text3" in t:
						if t["Text3"].value.find('"text":') > 0:
							text3 = t["Text3"].value
							text3 = json.loads(text3)
							text3 = text3["text"]
							newte["Text3"] = TAG_String(text3)
							text3 = t["Text3"].value
							if not text3 == "":
								if (text3[0] == '"' and text3[:1] == '"'):
									text3 = text3[:-1]
									text3 = text3[1:]
							newte["Text3"] = TAG_String(text3)
					if "Text4" in t:
						if t["Text4"].value.find('"text":') > 0:
							text4 = t["Text4"].value
							text4 = json.loads(text4)
							text4 = text4["text"]
							newte["Text4"] = TAG_String(text4)
							text4 = t["Text4"].value
							if not text4 == "":
								if (text4[0] == '"' and text4[:1] == '"'):
									text4 = text4[:-1]
									text4 = text4[1:]
							newte["Text4"] = TAG_String(text4)
				# convert new style brewing stands (with blaze powder) to old style
				# will need to be reverted for 1.2 (which uses blaze powder)
				# also translates some tags
				if id == "BrewingStand":
					itemHolder = TAG_List()
					if "BrewTime" in t:
						newte["CookTime"] = t["BrewTime"]
						newte["CookTime"] = t["CookTime"]
					for i in t["Items"]:
						item = TAG_Compound()
						if i["Slot"].value == 3:
							slotID = stripID(i["id"].value)
							slotID = idMappings['items'][slotID]
							item["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(0)
							item["id"] = TAG_Short(int(slotID))
							item["Damage"] = i["Damage"]
							item["Count"] = i["Count"]
						elif i["Slot"].value == 0:
							slotID = stripID(i["id"].value)
							slotID = idMappings['items'][slotID]
							item["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(1)
							item["Count"] = i["Count"]
							item["id"] = TAG_Short(int(slotID))
							if "tag" in i:
								potionType = stripID(i["tag"]["Potion"].value)
								item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(int(idMappings['potions'][potionType]))
								potionType = i["Damage"].value
								item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(int(idMappings['potions'][potionType]))
						elif i["Slot"].value == 1:
							slotID = stripID(i["id"].value)
							slotID = idMappings['items'][slotID]
							item["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(2)	
							item["Count"] = i["Count"]
							item["id"] = TAG_Short(int(slotID))
							if "tag" in i:
								potionType = stripID(i["tag"]["Potion"].value)
								item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(int(idMappings['potions'][potionType]))
								potionType = i["Damage"].value
								item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(int(idMappings['potions'][potionType]))
						elif i["Slot"].value == 2:
							slotID = stripID(i["id"].value)
							slotID = idMappings['items'][slotID]
							item["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(3)
							item["Count"] = i["Count"]
							item["id"] = TAG_Short(int(slotID))
							if "tag" in i:
								potionType = stripID(i["tag"]["Potion"].value)
								item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(int(idMappings['potions'][potionType]))
								potionType = i["Damage"].value
								item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(int(idMappings['potions'][potionType]))
					newte["Items"] = itemHolder
				newte["id"] = TAG_String(str(id))
				# playing around with java mode. If enabled it removes the block be keeps
				# the tile entity data. usecase would be to copy the tile entity data over
				# a world converted with a different tool
				if options["Java Mode:"]:
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, blockid)
		if tileEntitiesToRemove:
			for (chunk, t) in tileEntitiesToRemove:
				x = t["x"].value
				y = t["y"].value
				z = t["z"].value
				id = fixID(t["id"].value)	
				contents += "----"+id+" "+str(x)+","+str(y)+","+str(z)+"\n"
				contents += str(chunk)+"\n"+ str(t) + "\n\n"
				level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 0)
		if 	entitiesToRemove:
			for (chunk, e) in entitiesToRemove:
				x = e["Pos"][0].value
				y = e["Pos"][1].value
				z = e["Pos"][2].value
				id = fixID(e["id"].value)
				contents += "----"+id+" "+str(x)+","+str(y)+","+str(z)+"\n"
				contents += str(chunk)+"\n"+ str(e) + "\n\n"

		# beginning of translate entity data
		# not currently used
		if 	entitiesToUpdate:
			for (chunk, e) in entitiesToUpdate:
				x = e["Pos"][0].value
				y = e["Pos"][1].value
				z = e["Pos"][2].value
				id = fixID(e["id"].value)
				newEntity = e
				newEntity["id"] = TAG_String(id)
				contents += "----"+id+" "+str(x)+","+str(y)+","+str(z)+"\n"
				contents += str(chunk)+"\n"+ str(e) + "\n\n"
		output_text += contents
		chunk.dirty = True
	output_text = output_text.encode('utf-8')
	with open(file_name, "w") as text_file:
	end = time.time()
	finalTime = end - start
	print("It took " + str(finalTime) + " seconds to complete the requested operation")	
Ejemplo n.º 14
def shield(level, x, y, z, tx, ty):  #define function
    e = TAG_Compound()  #make the entity

    #the rest is defining all the data that is required by the entity

    e["id"] = TAG_String("ArmorStand")

    e["Invisible"] = TAG_Byte(1)

    e["NoGravity"] = TAG_Byte(1)

    e["HandItems"] = TAG_List()
    e["HandItems"][0]["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
    e["HandItems"][0]["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    e["HandItems"][0]["id"] = TAG_String("minecraft:stone_sword")
    e["HandItems"][1]["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
    e["HandItems"][1]["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    e["HandItems"][1]["id"] = TAG_String("minecraft:shield")
    e["HandItems"][1]["tag"] = TAG_Compound()
    e["HandItems"][1]["tag"]["BlockEntityTag"] = TAG_Compound()
    e["HandItems"][1]["tag"]["BlockEntityTag"]["Base"] = TAG_Int(1)
    e["HandItems"][1]["tag"]["BlockEntityTag"]["Patterns"] = TAG_List()
        "Color"] = TAG_Int(11)
        "Pattern"] = TAG_String("cr")
        "Color"] = TAG_Int(8)
        "Pattern"] = TAG_String("mc")

    e["Pos"] = TAG_List()
    e["Pos"].append(TAG_Double(y - 0.7))

    e["Pose"] = TAG_Compound()
    e["Pose"]["LeftArm"] = TAG_List()
    e["Pose"]["LeftArm"].append(TAG_Float(ty + 90.0))
    e["Pose"]["RightArm"] = TAG_List()
    e["Pose"]["RightArm"].append(TAG_Float((-ty / 2.5) - 40.0))
    e["Pose"]["RightArm"].append(TAG_Float(ty / 4))

    e["Rotation"] = TAG_List()

    chunk = level.getChunk(int(math.floor(x)) / 16,
                           int(math.floor(z)) /
                           16)  #get the chunk that the entitiy is located at
    chunk.Entities.append(e)  #mark the entity to that chunk
    chunk.dirty = True  #tell mcedit that that chunk has been modified and needs to be saved
Ejemplo n.º 15
def perform(level, box, options):
    wa = WeaponsArmor[options["Weapons & Armor"]]
    if wa != None:
        id = wa
        consumable = Consumables[options["Consumables"]]
        if consumable != None:
            id = consumable
            tool = Tools[options["Tools"]]
            if tool != None:
                id = tool
                id = options["Custom Id"]

    dmg = options["Damage"]
    count = options["Count"]
    name = options["Name"]
    lore = options["Lore"]
    effect = Effects[options["Enchantment"]]
    effectlvl = options["Enchant Lvl"]
    effect2 = Effects[options["Enchantment 2"]]
    effect2lvl = options["Enchant 2 Lvl"]
    effect3 = Effects[options["Enchantment 3"]]
    effect3lvl = options["Enchant 3 Lvl"]
    bookeffect = Effects[options["Book Enchantment"]]
    bookeffectlvl = options["Book Enchant Lvl"]
    amount = options["Number/Percentage"]
    operation = Operations[options["Operations"]]
    if operation == 1 or operation == 2:
        amount = amount / 100.0
    attributeName = options["Attribute"]
    name = options["Label"]
    attribute = options["Add Attributes?"]

    if name == "-":
        name = ""
    if lore == "-":
        lore = ""

    if name != "":
        if Colors[options["Name Color"]] != None:
            name = formatCode + Colors[options["Name Color"]] + name
        if options["Name Bold"]:
            name = formatCode + "l" + name
        if options["Name Italic"]:
            name = formatCode + "o" + name

    if lore != "":
        if Colors[options["Lore Color"]] != None:
            lore = formatCode + Colors[options["Lore Color"]] + lore
        if options["Lore Bold"]:
            lore = formatCode + "l" + lore
        if options["Lore Italic"]:
            lore = formatCode + "o" + lore

    if box.width == 1 and box.height == 1 and box.length == 1 and level.blockAt(
            box.minx, box.miny, box.minz) == 0:
        level.setBlockAt(box.minx, box.miny, box.minz, 54)
        chest = TAG_Compound()
        chest["Items"] = TAG_List()
        chest["id"] = TAG_String(u'Chest')
        chest["x"] = TAG_Int(box.minx)
        chest["y"] = TAG_Int(box.miny)
        chest["z"] = TAG_Int(box.minz)
        chunk = level.getChunk(box.minx / 16, box.minz / 16)
        chunk.dirty = True

    for (chunk, slices, point) in level.getChunkSlices(box):
        for t in chunk.TileEntities:
            x = t["x"].value
            y = t["y"].value
            z = t["z"].value

            if x >= box.minx and x < box.maxx and y >= box.miny and y < box.maxy and z >= box.minz and z < box.maxz:
                slots = 0
                if t["id"].value == "Chest":
                    slots = 27
                elif t["id"].value == "Trap" or t["id"].value == "Dropper":
                    slots = 9

                taken = zeros(slots)
                for item in t["Items"]:
                    taken[item["Slot"].value] = 1
                for slot in range(slots):
                    if taken[slot] == 0:
                        taken[slot] = 1
                        item = TAG_Compound()
                        item["id"] = TAG_Short(id)
                        item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(dmg)
                        item["Count"] = TAG_Byte(count)
                        item["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(slot)
                        if name != "":
                            if "tag" not in item:
                                item["tag"] = TAG_Compound()
                            if "display" not in item["tag"]:
                                item["tag"]["display"] = TAG_Compound()
                            item["tag"]["display"]["Name"] = TAG_String(name)

                        if lore != "":
                            if "tag" not in item:
                                item["tag"] = TAG_Compound()
                            if "display" not in item["tag"]:
                                item["tag"]["display"] = TAG_Compound()
                            item["tag"]["display"]["Lore"] = TAG_List()

                        if effect != None:
                            if "tag" not in item:
                                item["tag"] = TAG_Compound()
                            if "ench" not in item["tag"]:
                                item["tag"]["ench"] = TAG_List()
                            ef = TAG_Compound()
                            ef["id"] = TAG_Short(effect)
                            ef["lvl"] = TAG_Short(effectlvl)

                        if effect2 != None:
                            if "tag" not in item:
                                item["tag"] = TAG_Compound()
                            if "ench" not in item["tag"]:
                                item["tag"]["ench"] = TAG_List()
                            ef = TAG_Compound()
                            ef["id"] = TAG_Short(effect2)
                            ef["lvl"] = TAG_Short(effect2lvl)

                        if effect3 != None:
                            if "tag" not in item:
                                item["tag"] = TAG_Compound()
                            if "ench" not in item["tag"]:
                                item["tag"]["ench"] = TAG_List()
                            ef = TAG_Compound()
                            ef["id"] = TAG_Short(effect3)
                            ef["lvl"] = TAG_Short(effect3lvl)

                        if bookeffect != None:
                            if "tag" not in item:
                                item["tag"] = TAG_Compound()
                            if "StoredEnchantments" not in item["tag"]:
                                item["tag"]["StoredEnchantments"] = TAG_List()
                            ef = TAG_Compound()
                            ef["id"] = TAG_Short(bookeffect)
                            ef["lvl"] = TAG_Short(bookeffectlvl)

                        if attribute:
                            if "tag" not in item:
                                item["tag"] = TAG_Compound()
                            if "AttributeModifiers" not in item["tag"]:
                                item["tag"]["AttributeModifiers"] = TAG_List()

                            at = TAG_Compound()
                            at["Amount"] = TAG_Double(amount)
                            at["Operation"] = TAG_Int(operation)
                            at["AttributeName"] = TAG_String(attributeName)
                            at["Name"] = TAG_String(name)
                            at["UUIDLeast"] = TAG_Long(randint(0, 1000000000))
                            at["UUIDMost"] = TAG_Long(randint(0, 1000000000))


                        chunk.dirty = True
def perform(level, box, options):

    #Define Options#
    ItemsSmokeBox = Smokeboxs[options["Particle"]]
    colorvalue = dict([(trn._(a), b)
                       for a, b in Smokeboxs2.items()])[options["ColorValue"]]

    #Define Selection#
    for x in xrange(box.minx, box.maxx):

        for z in xrange(box.minz, box.maxz):

            for y in xrange(box.miny, box.maxy):

                #Checks If Console Edtion Is True#
                chunk = level.getChunk(x / 16, z / 16)

                #Define & Create AreaEffectCloud#
                areaEffectCloud = TAG_Compound()
                areaEffectCloud["Radius"] = TAG_Float(options["Radius"])
                areaEffectCloud["DurationOnUse"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(
                areaEffectCloud["PortalCooldown"] = TAG_Int(0)

                #Checks If Console Edtion Is True And Converts Particle Ids To Console#
                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "take":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(0)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "take":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("take")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "note":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(2)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "note":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("note")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "portal":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(3)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "portal":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("portal")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "explode":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(5)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "explode":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("explode")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "flame":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(6)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "flame":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("flame")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "lava":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(7)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "lava":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("lava")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "footstep":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(8)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "footstep":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("footstep")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "droplet":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(9)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "droplet":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("droplet")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "largesmoke":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(10)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "largesmoke":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("largesmoke")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "reddust":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(11)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "reddust":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("reddust")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "snowballpoof":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(12)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "snowballpoof":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("snowballpoof")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "snowshovel":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(13)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "snowshovel":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("snowshovel")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "slime":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(14)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "slime":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("slime")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "heart":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(15)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "heart":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("heart")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "depthsuspend":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(17)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "depthsuspend":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("depthsuspend")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "crit":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(18)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "crit":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("crit")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "hugeexplosion":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(19)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "hugeexplosion":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("hugeexplosion")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "largeexplode":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(20)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "largeexplode":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("largeexplode")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "spell":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(22)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "spell":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("spell")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "witchMagic":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(23)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "witchMagic":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("witchMagic")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "mobSpell":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(24)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "mobSpell":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("mobSpell")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "mobSpellAmbient":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(25)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "mobSpellAmbient":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("mobSpellAmbient")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "suspended":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(27)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "suspended":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("suspended")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "fallingdust":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(28)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "fallingdust":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("fallingdust")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "enchantmenttable":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(29)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "enchantmenttable":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String(

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "angryVillager":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(31)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "angryVillager":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("angryVillager")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "happyVillager":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(32)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "happyVillager":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("happyVillager")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "fireworksSpark":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(33)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "fireworksSpark":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("fireworksSpark")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "splash":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(34)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "splash":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("splash")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "magicCrit":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(35)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "magicCrit":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("magicCrit")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "cloud":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(37)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "cloud":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("cloud")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "barrier":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(38)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "barrier":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("barrier")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "iconcrack":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(39)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "iconcrack":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("iconcrack")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "blockcrack":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(40)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "blockcrack":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("blockcrack")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "Invisible":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(43)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "Invisible":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("Invisible")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "dragonbreath":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(44)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "dragonbreath":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("dragonbreath")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "endRod":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(45)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "endRod":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("endRod")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "damageIndicator":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(46)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "damageIndicator":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("damageIndicator")

                customPotionEffects = TAG_List()
                customPotionEffect = TAG_Compound()
                customPotionEffect["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(
                customPotionEffect["Duration"] = TAG_Int(
                    options["Effect Duration"])
                customPotionEffect["Id"] = TAG_Int(options["Effect ID"])
                customPotionEffect["Amplifier"] = TAG_Int(
                    options["Effect Amplifier"])
                areaEffectCloud["Effects"] = customPotionEffects

                areaEffectCloud["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0.0)

                #1.11+ Support Changes ID To New Format#
                if options["1.11-1.12+Plus"]:
                    AreaEffectCloud["id"] = TAG_String(u'area_effect_cloud')

                    areaEffectCloud["id"] = TAG_String(u'AreaEffectCloud')

                areaEffectCloud["ParticleParam1"] = TAG_Int(
                areaEffectCloud["ParticleParam2"] = TAG_Int(
                areaEffectCloud["Age"] = TAG_Int(options["Age"])

                #Custom ColorValue Option Aplies To Particles#
                if options["Custom ColorValue"]:

                    areaEffectCloud["Color"] = TAG_Int(colorvalue)

                    areaEffectCloud["Color"] = TAG_Int(0)

                motion = TAG_List()
                areaEffectCloud["Motion"] = motion

                areaEffectCloud["ReapplicationDelay"] = TAG_Int(
                areaEffectCloud["Potion"] = TAG_String("minecraft:potion")

                #Changes Durantion To The Max Value When True#
                if options["Last-Forever/No-Despawn"]:
                    areaEffectCloud["Duration"] = TAG_Int(2147483647)

                    areaEffectCloud["Duration"] = TAG_Int(options["Duration"])

                areaEffectCloud["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
                areaEffectCloud["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                areaEffectCloud["Dimension"] = TAG_Int(0)
                rotation = TAG_List()
                areaEffectCloud["Rotation"] = rotation
                areaEffectCloud["RadiusPerTick"] = TAG_Float(
                pos = TAG_List()
                pos.append(TAG_Double(x + 0.5))
                pos.append(TAG_Double(z + 0.5))
                areaEffectCloud["Pos"] = pos
                areaEffectCloud["Fire"] = TAG_Short(0)
                areaEffectCloud["RadiusOnUse"] = TAG_Float(
                areaEffectCloud["WaitTime"] = TAG_Int(options["WaitTime"])

                #Marks The Chunks As Dirty/ReLights Selection#
                chunk.dirty = True

                #Prints Out Particle ID & Coordinates That Were Generated#
                print "Created AreaEffectCloud " + str(
                    ItemsSmokeBox) + " At X:" + str(x) + " Y:" + str(
                        y) + " Z:" + str(z)

    #Prints Out Completed Generation Message#
    print "Completed Generation"
Ejemplo n.º 17
def createShop(level, x, y, z, emptyTrade, invincible, profession, unlimited):
    chest = level.tileEntityAt(x, y, z)
    if chest == None:

    priceList = {}
    priceListB = {}
    saleList = {}

    for item in chest["Items"]:
        slot = item["Slot"].value
        if slot >= 0 and slot <= 8:
            priceList[slot] = item
        elif slot >= 9 and slot <= 17:
            priceListB[slot - 9] = item
        elif slot >= 18 and slot <= 26:
            saleList[slot - 18] = item

    villager = TAG_Compound()
    villager["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(1)
    villager["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
    villager["AttackTime"] = TAG_Short(0)
    villager["DeathTime"] = TAG_Short(0)
    villager["Fire"] = TAG_Short(-1)
    villager["Health"] = TAG_Short(20)
    villager["HurtTime"] = TAG_Short(0)
    villager["Age"] = TAG_Int(0)
    villager["Profession"] = TAG_Int(profession)
    villager["Riches"] = TAG_Int(0)
    villager["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0)
    villager["id"] = TAG_String("Villager")
    villager["Motion"] = TAG_List()
    villager["Pos"] = TAG_List()
    villager["Pos"].append(TAG_Double(x + 0.5))
    villager["Pos"].append(TAG_Double(z + 0.5))
    villager["Rotation"] = TAG_List()

    villager["Offers"] = TAG_Compound()
    villager["Offers"]["Recipes"] = TAG_List()
    for i in range(9):
        if (i in priceList or i in priceListB) and i in saleList:
            offer = TAG_Compound()
            if unlimited:
                offer["uses"] = TAG_Int(-2000000000)
                offer["uses"] = TAG_Int(0)

            if i in priceList:
                offer["buy"] = priceList[i]
            if i in priceListB:
                if i in priceList:
                    offer["buyB"] = priceListB[i]
                    offer["buy"] = priceListB[i]

            offer["sell"] = saleList[i]

    if emptyTrade:
        offer = TAG_Compound()
        offer["buy"] = TAG_Compound()
        offer["buy"]["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
        offer["buy"]["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
        offer["buy"]["id"] = TAG_Short(36)
        offer["sell"] = TAG_Compound()
        offer["sell"]["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
        offer["sell"]["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
        offer["sell"]["id"] = TAG_Short(36)

    if invincible:
        if "ActiveEffects" not in villager:
            villager["ActiveEffects"] = TAG_List()

            resist = TAG_Compound()
            resist["Amplifier"] = TAG_Byte(4)
            resist["Id"] = TAG_Byte(11)
            resist["Duration"] = TAG_Int(2000000000)

    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 0)

    chunk = level.getChunk(x / 16, z / 16)
    chunk.dirty = True
def createShop(level, x, y, z, stopTrade, variant, unlimited, customName,
               customNameVisible, maxHealth, professionGUI, rewardXP,
    chest = level.tileEntityAt(x, y, z)
    if chest == None:

    priceList = {}
    priceListB = {}
    saleList = {}

    for item in chest["Items"]:
        slot = item["Slot"].value
        if slot >= 0 and slot <= 8:
            priceList[slot] = item
            del priceList[slot]["Slot"]
            priceList[slot]["id"] = TAG_Short(int(priceList[slot]["id"].value))
        elif slot >= 9 and slot <= 17:
            priceListB[slot - 9] = item
            del priceListB[slot - 9]["Slot"]
            priceListB[slot - 9]["id"] = TAG_Short(
                int(priceListB[slot - 9]["id"].value))
        elif slot >= 18 and slot <= 26:
            saleList[slot - 18] = item
            del saleList[slot - 18]["Slot"]
            saleList[slot - 18]["id"] = TAG_Short(
                int(saleList[slot - 18]["id"].value))

    villager = TAG_Compound()
    villager["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(1)
    villager["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
    villager["Armor"] = TAG_List()
    for i in range(3):
        armorData = TAG_Compound()
        armorData["Count"] = TAG_Byte(0)
        armorData["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
        armorData["id"] = TAG_Short(0)
    villager["AttackTime"] = TAG_Short(0)
    villager["BodyRot"] = TAG_Float(-132.68496704101562)
    villager["ChestItems"] = TAG_List()
    for i in range(7):
        chestData = TAG_Compound()
        chestData["Count"] = TAG_Byte(0)
        chestData["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
        chestData["id"] = TAG_Short(0)
    villager["Chested"] = TAG_Byte(0)
    villager["Color"] = TAG_Byte(0)
    villager["DeathTime"] = TAG_Short(0)
    villager["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
    villager["Fire"] = TAG_Short(0)
    villager["HurtTime"] = TAG_Short(0)
    villager["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(0)
    villager["Variant"] = TAG_Int(variant)
    villager["Riches"] = TAG_Int(0)
    villager["Persistent"] = TAG_Byte(1)
    villager["id"] = TAG_String("Villager")
    villager["CustomName"] = TAG_String(customName)
    villager["Pos"] = TAG_List()
    villager["Pos"].append(TAG_Float(x + 0.5))
    villager["Pos"].append(TAG_Float(z + 0.5))
    villager["definitions"] = TAG_List()
    villager["definitions"].append(TAG_String("+" + professionGUI))

    villager["Rotation"] = TAG_List()

    if customNameVisible:
        villager["CustomName"] = TAG_String(customName)
        villager["CustomNameVisible"] = TAG_Byte(1)
        villager["CustomName"] = TAG_String(customName)
        villager["CustomNameVisible"] = TAG_Byte(0)

    if maxHealth:
        attributes = TAG_Compound()
        attributes["Name"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:health')
        attributes["Base"] = TAG_Float(1024.0)
        attributes["Current"] = TAG_Float(1024.0)
        attributes["Max"] = TAG_Float(1024.0)
        villager["Attributes"] = TAG_List()
        attributes = TAG_Compound()
        attributes["Name"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:health')
        attributes["Base"] = TAG_Float(20.0)
        attributes["Current"] = TAG_Float(20.0)
        attributes["Max"] = TAG_Float(20.0)
        villager["Attributes"] = TAG_List()

    villager["Offers"] = TAG_Compound()
    villager["Offers"]["Recipes"] = TAG_List()
    for i in range(9):
        if (i in priceList or i in priceListB) and i in saleList:
            offer = TAG_Compound()
            if unlimited:
                offer["uses"] = TAG_Int(-2000000000)
                offer["maxUses"] = TAG_Int(2000000000)
                offer["uses"] = TAG_Int(0)
                offer["maxUses"] = TAG_Int(1)
            offer["rewardExp"] = TAG_Byte(rewardXP)
            if i in priceList:
                offer["buyA"] = priceList[i]
            if i in priceListB:
                if i in priceList:
                    offer["buyB"] = priceListB[i]
                    offer["buyA"] = priceListB[i]

            offer["sell"] = saleList[i]

    if stopTrade:
        villager["TradeTier"] = TAG_Int(-2000000000)

    if componentGroups:
        componentGroups = string.split(componentGroups, ",")
        for i in componentGroups:
            villager["definitions"].append(TAG_String("+" + i))

    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 0)

    chunk = level.getChunk(x / 16, z / 16)
    chunk.dirty = True
Ejemplo n.º 19
	mobSpawner["RequiredPlayerRange"] = TAG_Short(1000)
	mobSpawner["MaxNearbyEntities"] = TAG_Short(maxEntities)
	mobSpawner["SpawnRange"] = TAG_Short(spawnRange)
	mobSpawner["SpawnData"] = entity
	mobSpawner["EntityId"] = TAG_String(u'MinecartSpawner')
	mobSpawner["x"] = TAG_Int(x)
	mobSpawner["y"] = TAG_Int(y)
	mobSpawner["z"] = TAG_Int(z)
	return mobSpawner
def minecartSpawner((cx, cy, cz), spawn1, spawn2, initialDelay=True):
	spawnerCart = TAG_Compound()
	spawnerCart["id"] = TAG_String(u'MinecartSpawner')
	spawnerCart["Items"] = TAG_List()
	motion = TAG_List()
	spawnerCart["Motion"] = motion
	spawnerCart["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
	spawnerCart["Type"] = TAG_Int(0)
	if initialDelay:
		# 1 tick delay before first spawn, 1 tick before second
		spawnerCart["MinSpawnDelay"] = TAG_Short(1)
		spawnerCart["MaxSpawnDelay"] = TAG_Short(1)
		spawnerCart["Delay"] = TAG_Short(2)
		# instantaneous first spawn, 2 ticks before second
		spawnerCart["MinSpawnDelay"] = TAG_Short(2)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def fix(angle):
    while angle > pi:
        angle = angle - 2 * pi
    while angle < -pi:
        angle = angle + 2 * pi
    return angle

# createSandSpawner() function by @SethBling (
# hacks by @abrightmoore
def createSandSpawner(x, y, z, (block, data), frameNum, numFrames, tx, ty, tz,
                      interval, delay, TICKS, life):

    spawner = TAG_Compound()
    spawner["id"] = TAG_String("MobSpawner")
    spawner["Items"] = TAG_List()
    spawner["x"] = TAG_Int(x)
    spawner["y"] = TAG_Int(y)
    spawner["z"] = TAG_Int(z)
    spawner["Delay"] = TAG_Short(TICKS * frameNum + delay)
    spawner["MinSpawnDelay"] = TAG_Short(interval + TICKS * numFrames)
    spawner["MaxSpawnDelay"] = TAG_Short(interval + TICKS * numFrames)
    spawner["SpawnCount"] = TAG_Short(1)
    spawner["SpawnData"] = createSandEntity(tx, ty, tz, block, data, life)
    spawner["MaxNearbyEntities"] = TAG_Short(10000)
    spawner["RequiredPlayerRange"] = TAG_Short(128)
    spawner["EntityId"] = TAG_String("FallingSand")
    return spawner

# createSandEntity() function by @SethBling (
Ejemplo n.º 21
def perform(level, box, options):
		raise Exception('This filter requires level.gamePlatform. You will need a version of MCedit that has this')
	global idcount
	nearest = options["Use Nearest-Color Transparency (recommended for lossy image formats):"]
	tmode = options["Transparency Mode:"]
	tcolor = options["Transparency Color:"]
	if tmode == "Use Default Color (#FF00FF)":
		transparent = (255,0,255)
	elif tmode == "User-Specified Color Below":
		if tcolor[0] == "#":
			alphacolor = int(tcolor[1:7],16)
			transparent = (alphacolor>>16,(alphacolor>>8)&0xff,alphacolor&0xff)
			raise Exception("ERROR! The provided transparency color was formatted incorrectly! Colors must in hexadecimal format, in the form #RRGGBB")
		transparent = None

	invulnerable = options["Item Frames are invulnerable:"]
	imgpath = options["Image path:"]
	facing = options["Item Frames are facing:"]
	backing = options["Item Frame backing block (replaces air blocks only):"]
	if backing.ID == 0:
		raise Exception("ERROR! The backing block CANNOT be air!")
	toosmall = options["If selection is too small for image size:"]

	if level.gamePlatform == 'Java':
		if level.dimNo:
			datafolder = level.parentWorld.worldFolder.getFolderPath("data")	
			datafolder = level.worldFolder.getFolderPath("data")

		if not os.path.exists(datafolder):
				raise OSError("ERROR! Data folder does not exist and could not be created. Please create a \"data\" folder at: "+datafolder)
		idcountpath = os.path.join(datafolder,"idcounts.dat")
		if os.path.exists(idcountpath):
			idcountfile = nbt.load(idcountpath)
			if "map" in idcountfile:
				idcount = idcountfile["map"].value
				idcount = 0
				idcountfile["map"] = TAG_Short(0)
			idcount = 0
			idcountfile = TAG_Compound()
			idcountfile["map"] = TAG_Short(0)
	elif level.gamePlatform == 'PE':
			with level.worldFile.world_db() as db:
				rop = level.worldFile.readOptions
				idcountfile = loadNBTCompoundList(db.Get(rop, 'MCeditMapIt'))[0]
			if "map" in idcountfile:
				idcount = idcountfile["map"].value
				idcount = 0
				idcountfile["map"] = TAG_Long(0)
			idcount = 0
			idcountfile = TAG_Compound()
			idcountfile["map"] = TAG_Long(0)

	if imgpath != "None":
		if os.path.exists(imgpath):
			image_path = imgpath
			image_path = mcplatform.askOpenFile(title="Select an Image", schematics=False)
		image_path = mcplatform.askOpenFile(title="Select an Image", schematics=False)

	if image_path == None:
		raise Exception("ERROR: No file provided!")
	surface = pygame.image.load(image_path)
	(height, width) = surface.get_size()
	sx, sy, sz = box.size
	xsize, ysize, zsize = box.size * 128
	loopx = int(math.ceil(float(width)/128.0))
	loopy = int(math.ceil(float(height)/128.0))
	if level.gamePlatform == 'Java':
		if (loopx*loopy)+idcount > 32767:
			raise Exception("\nERROR! The image size is too large or there are not enough maps left for this world.\n"
			"Only 32,767 map files are allowed per world, and there are",idcount,"maps in this world.\n"
			"The image specified requires",(loopx*loopy),"maps.\n")
	# elif level.gamePlatform == 'PE':
		# could do similar code to above but the limit is 2^63 rather than 2^15 so it will never be reached ever

	chestorframe = "item frames"
	if ysize < width:
		if toosmall == "Cancel Image Processing":
			raise Exception("\nERROR! The selection height is too small! Your selection should be at least "+str(loopx)+"H in size.\n"
			 "Cancelled image processing.")
			print "Creating chests instead of Item Frames" 
			chestorframe = "chests"
	if chestorframe == "item frames" and (facing == "Eastwards (-X to +X)" or facing == "Westwards (+X to -X)"):
		if zsize < height or sx < 2:
			if toosmall == "Cancel Image Processing":
				raise Exception("\nERROR! The selection size is too small; it selection should be at least\n"
				 "2W x "+str(loopy)+"L x "+str(loopx)+"H in size.\n"
				 "Cancelled image processing.")
				print "Creating chests instead of Item Frames" 
				chestorframe = "chests"
	elif chestorframe == "item frames" and (facing == "Northwards (+Z to -Z)" or facing == "Southwards (-Z to +Z)"):
		if xsize < height or sz < 2:
			if toosmall == "Cancel Image Processing":
				raise Exception("\nERROR! The selection size is too small; it should be at least\n"
				 ""+str(loopy)+"W x 2L x "+str(loopx)+"H in size.\n"
				 "Cancelled image processing.")
				print "Creating chests instead of Item Frames" 
				chestorframe = "chests"
	image = numpy.fromstring(pygame.image.tostring(surface, "RGB"),dtype=numpy.uint8).reshape(width,height,3)
	progresscount = 1
	progressmax = loopx * loopy
	startid = idcount + 1
	def processImageJava(image, loopx, loopy, width, height, cache, transparent, nearest, image_path, progresscount, progressmax):
		global idcount
		for lx in xrange(loopx):
			for ly in xrange(loopy):
				yield idcount-1, progressmax, "of image "+image_path
				progresscount += 1
				idcount += 1
				converted = numpy.zeros((128,128),dtype=numpy.uint8)
				offsetx = lx * 128
				offsety = ly * 128
				for x in xrange(128):
					for y in xrange(128):
						if (offsetx+x) >= width:
						elif(offsety+y) >= height:
						r,g,b = (image[offsetx+x,offsety+y,0],image[offsetx+x,offsety+y,1],image[offsetx+x,offsety+y,2])
						if (r,g,b) in cache:
							converted[x,y] = cache[(r,g,b)]
							converted[x,y] = FindClosestPaletteIndex(r,g,b,transparent,nearest)
					if(offsetx+x) >= width:
				CreateNewMapFileJava(datafolder, idcount, converted)
	def processImagePE(image, loopx, loopy, width, height, image_path, progresscount, progressmax):
		global idcount
		for lx in xrange(loopx):
			for ly in xrange(loopy):
				yield idcount-1, progressmax, "of image "+image_path
				progresscount += 1
				idcount += 1
				print idcount
				converted = numpy.zeros((65536),dtype=numpy.uint8)
				offsetx = lx * 128
				offsety = ly * 128
				for x in xrange(128):
					for y in xrange(128):
						if (offsetx+x) >= width:
						elif(offsety+y) >= height:
						r,g,b = (image[offsetx+x,offsety+y,0],image[offsetx+x,offsety+y,1],image[offsetx+x,offsety+y,2])
						converted[4*(x*128+y)] = r
						converted[4*(x*128+y)+1] = g
						converted[4*(x*128+y)+2] = b
						converted[4*(x*128+y)+3] = 255
					if(offsetx+x) >= width:
				CreateNewMapFilePE(level, idcount, converted)

	if level.gamePlatform == 'Java':
		level.showProgress("Processing image pieces:", processImageJava(image, loopx, loopy, width, height, cache, transparent, nearest, image_path, progresscount, progressmax))
	elif level.gamePlatform == 'PE':
		level.showProgress("Processing image pieces:", processImagePE(image, loopx, loopy, width, height, image_path, progresscount, progressmax))
	print idcount
	endid = idcount
	print endid
	if level.gamePlatform == 'Java':
		idcountfile["map"] = TAG_Short(idcount), compressed=False)
	elif level.gamePlatform == 'PE':
		idcountfile["map"] = TAG_Long(idcount)
		with level.worldFile.world_db() as db:
			wop = level.worldFile.writeOptions
			with nbt.littleEndianNBT():
				db.Put(wop, 'MCeditMapIt',
	print "Finished processing image "+image_path+". Creating "+chestorframe+"..."

	if chestorframe == "item frames":
		if level.gamePlatform == 'Java':
			if facing == "Northwards (+Z to -Z)" or facing == "Southwards (-Z to +Z)":
				if facing == "Northwards (+Z to -Z)":
					dir = 0
					posIncrement = False
					dir = 2
					posIncrement = True
				if facing == "Eastwards (-X to +X)":
					dir = 3
					posIncrement = True
					dir = 1
					posIncrement = False
			if facing == "Northwards (+Z to -Z)" or facing == "Southwards (-Z to +Z)":
				z = box.minz
				if posIncrement:
					z += 1
				for y in xrange(box.miny-1+loopx,box.miny-1,-1):
					for x in xrange(box.minx,box.minx+loopy) if posIncrement else xrange(box.minx-1+loopy, box.minx-1, -1):
						level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 0)
						level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z, 0)
						if level.blockAt(x, y, z+(-1 if posIncrement else 1)) == 0:
							level.setBlockAt(x, y, z+(-1 if posIncrement else 1), backing.ID)
							level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z+(-1 if posIncrement else 1), backing.blockData)
						chunk = level.getChunk(x>>4,z>>4)
						chunk.Entities.append(CreateItemFrameJava(x, y, z, dir, startid, invulnerable))
						chunk.dirty = True
						startid += 1
			elif facing == "Eastwards (-X to +X)" or facing == "Westwards (+X to -X)":
				x = box.minx
				if posIncrement:
					x += 1
				for y in xrange(box.miny-1+loopx,box.miny-1,-1):
					for z in xrange(box.minz,box.minz+loopy) if not posIncrement else xrange(box.minz-1+loopy, box.minz-1, -1):
						level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 0)
						level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z, 0)
						if level.blockAt(x+(-1 if posIncrement else 1), y, z) == 0:
							level.setBlockAt(x+(-1 if posIncrement else 1), y, z, backing.ID)
							level.setBlockDataAt(x+(-1 if posIncrement else 1), y, z, backing.blockData)
						chunk = level.getChunk(x>>4,z>>4)
						chunk.Entities.append(CreateItemFrameJava(x, y, z, dir, startid, invulnerable))
						chunk.dirty = True
						startid += 1
		elif level.gamePlatform == 'PE':
			if facing == "Northwards (+Z to -Z)" or facing == "Southwards (-Z to +Z)":
				if facing == "Northwards (+Z to -Z)":
					dir = 3
					posIncrement = False
					dir = 2
					posIncrement = True
				if facing == "Eastwards (-X to +X)":
					dir = 0
					posIncrement = True
					dir = 1
					posIncrement = False
			if facing == "Northwards (+Z to -Z)" or facing == "Southwards (-Z to +Z)":
				z = box.minz
				if posIncrement:
					z += 1
				for y in xrange(box.miny-1+loopx,box.miny-1,-1):
					for x in xrange(box.minx,box.minx+loopy) if posIncrement else xrange(box.minx-1+loopy, box.minx-1, -1):
						level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 199)
						level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z, dir)
						if level.blockAt(x, y, z+(-1 if posIncrement else 1)) == 0:
							level.setBlockAt(x, y, z+(-1 if posIncrement else 1), backing.ID)
							level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z+(-1 if posIncrement else 1), backing.blockData)
						chunk = level.getChunk(x>>4,z>>4)
						chunk.TileEntities.append(CreateItemFramePE(x, y, z, startid))
						chunk.dirty = True
						startid += 1
			elif facing == "Eastwards (-X to +X)" or facing == "Westwards (+X to -X)":
				x = box.minx
				if posIncrement:
					x += 1
				for y in xrange(box.miny-1+loopx,box.miny-1,-1):
					for z in xrange(box.minz,box.minz+loopy) if not posIncrement else xrange(box.minz-1+loopy, box.minz-1, -1):
						level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 199)
						level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z, dir)
						if level.blockAt(x+(-1 if posIncrement else 1), y, z) == 0:
							level.setBlockAt(x+(-1 if posIncrement else 1), y, z, backing.ID)
							level.setBlockDataAt(x+(-1 if posIncrement else 1), y, z, backing.blockData)
						chunk = level.getChunk(x>>4,z>>4)
						chunk.TileEntities.append(CreateItemFramePE(x, y, z, startid))
						chunk.dirty = True
						startid += 1

		if level.gamePlatform == 'Java':
			breakout = False
			entsToAdd = []
			for y in xrange(box.miny,box.maxy):
				for z in xrange(box.minz,box.maxz):
					for x in xrange(box.minx,box.maxx):
						newchest = TAG_Compound()
						newchest["id"] = TAG_String("Chest")
						newchest["x"] = TAG_Int(x)
						newchest["y"] = TAG_Int(y)
						newchest["z"] = TAG_Int(z)
						newchest["Lock"] = TAG_String()
						newchest["Items"] = TAG_List()
						mapitem = TAG_Compound()
						mapitem["id"] = TAG_String("minecraft:filled_map")
						mapitem["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
						mapitem["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
						mapitem["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(0)
						for c in xrange(27):
							newitem = deepcopy(mapitem)
							newitem["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(c)
							newitem["Damage"] = TAG_Short(startid)
							startid += 1
							if startid > endid:
								breakout = True
						level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 54)
						level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z, 4)
						entsToAdd.append((level.getChunk(x>>4, z>>4),deepcopy(newchest)))
						if breakout:
					if breakout:
				if breakout:
		elif level.gamePlatform == 'PE':
			breakout = False
			entsToAdd = []
			for y in xrange(box.miny,box.maxy):
				for z in xrange(box.minz,box.maxz):
					for x in xrange(box.minx,box.maxx):
						newchest = TAG_Compound()
						newchest["id"] = TAG_String("Chest")
						newchest["x"] = TAG_Int(x)
						newchest["y"] = TAG_Int(y)
						newchest["z"] = TAG_Int(z)
						newchest["Items"] = TAG_List()
						mapitem = TAG_Compound()
						mapitem["id"] = TAG_Short(358)
						mapitem["Count"] = TAG_Byte(16)
						mapitem["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
						mapitem["tag"] = TAG_Compound()
						for c in xrange(27):
							newitem = deepcopy(mapitem)
							newitem["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(c)
							newitem["tag"]["map_uuid"] = TAG_Long(startid)
							startid += 1
							if startid > endid:
								breakout = True
						level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 54)
						level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z, 4)
						entsToAdd.append((level.getChunk(x>>4, z>>4),deepcopy(newchest)))
						if breakout:
					if breakout:
				if breakout:

		for (chunk, entity) in entsToAdd:
			chunk.dirty = True
	print "-------------------"
	print "Filtering complete."
Ejemplo n.º 22
def perform(level, box, options):
	print "Follow Me On Twitter At @RedstonerLabs"
	for x in xrange(box.minx, box.maxx):
		for z in xrange(box.minz, box.maxz):
			for y in xrange(box.miny, box.maxy):
				invun = options["Invuneable"]
				float = options["NoGravity"]

				silent = options["Silent"]
				ROTX = options["Rotation"]
				Text2 = options["CustomName"]
				glowing = options["Glowing"]
				fire = options["Fire"]
				off1 = options["Offset X"]
				off2 = options["Offset Y"]
				off3 = options["Offset Z"]
				vis = options["CustomNameVisible"]
				ItemsSmokeBox = Smokeboxs[options["Boat Type"]]
				ItemsSmokeBox2 = Smokeboxs2[options["Minecraft Type"]]
				chunk = level.getChunk(x/16, z/16)
				Boat = TAG_Compound()
				if options["(1.11)(1.11.2)(1.11.2+)"]:
					Boat["id"] = TAG_String(u'boat')
					Boat["id"] = TAG_String(u'Boat')
				pos = TAG_List()
				Boat["Pos"] = pos
				Boat["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				Boat["NoGravity"] = TAG_Byte(float)
				Boat["Silent"] = TAG_Byte(silent)
				motion = TAG_List()
				Boat["Motion"] = motion
				Boat["Dimension"] = TAG_Int(0)
				Boat["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
				rotation = TAG_List()
				Boat["Rotation"] = rotation
				Boat["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
				Boat["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(invun)
				Boat["PortalCooldown"] = TAG_Int(0)
				Boat["Glowing"] = TAG_Byte(glowing)
				Boat["CustomNameVisible"] = TAG_Byte(vis)
				Boat["CustomName"] = TAG_String(Text2)
				Boat["Fire"] = TAG_Short(fire)
				if ItemsSmokeBox == "oak" and ItemsSmokeBox2 == "CONSOLE":
					Boat["Type"] = TAG_Int(0)
				if ItemsSmokeBox == "birch" and ItemsSmokeBox2 == "CONSOLE":
					Boat["Type"] = TAG_Int(1)
				if ItemsSmokeBox == "spruce" and ItemsSmokeBox2 == "CONSOLE":
					Boat["Type"] = TAG_Int(2)
				if ItemsSmokeBox == "jungle" and ItemsSmokeBox2 == "CONSOLE":
					Boat["Type"] = TAG_Int(3)
				if ItemsSmokeBox == "acaica" and ItemsSmokeBox2 == "CONSOLE":
					Boat["Type"] = TAG_Int(4)
				if ItemsSmokeBox == "dark_oak" and ItemsSmokeBox2 == "CONSOLE":
					Boat["Type"] = TAG_Int(5)
				if ItemsSmokeBox == "glitched" and ItemsSmokeBox2 == "CONSOLE":
					Boat["Type"] = TAG_Int(-1)
				if ItemsSmokeBox2 == "PC":
					Boat["Type"] = TAG_String(ItemsSmokeBox)
	print "Completed Work"
def createChestBlockData(x, y, z, options, seedtag, ItemsSmokeBox):
	foo = ['nether_bridge', 'village_blacksmith', 'stronghold_crossing', 'spawn_bonus_chest', 'jungle_temple', 'simple_dungeon', 'igloo_chest','end_city_treasure' , 'desert_pyramid', 'abandoned_mineshaft']
	chest = TAG_Compound()
	chest["y"] = TAG_Int(y)
	if options["(1.11+)"]:
		chest["id"] = TAG_String("chest")
		chest["id"] = TAG_String("Chest")
	chest["x"] = TAG_Int(x)
	chest["z"] = TAG_Int(z)
	items = TAG_List()
	minecraftchest = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag
	display = TAG_Compound()
	display["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag["display"] = display
	minecraftchest["tag"] = tag
	minecraftchest["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(0)
	minecraftchest2 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest2["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest2["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest2["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag2 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag2 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag2["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag2["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag2["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag2["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag2["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag2
	display2 = TAG_Compound()
	display2["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag2["display"] = display2
	minecraftchest2["tag"] = tag2
	minecraftchest2["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	minecraftchest3 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest3["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest3["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest3["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag3 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag3 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag3["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag3["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag3["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag3["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag3["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag3
	display3 = TAG_Compound()
	display3["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag3["display"] = display3
	minecraftchest3["tag"] = tag3
	minecraftchest3["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(2)
	minecraftchest4 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest4["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest4["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest4["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag4 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag4 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag4["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag4["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag4["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag4["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag4["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag4
	display4 = TAG_Compound()
	display4["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag4["display"] = display4
	minecraftchest4["tag"] = tag4
	minecraftchest4["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(3)
	minecraftchest5 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest5["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest5["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest5["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag5 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag5 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag5["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag5["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag5["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag5["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag5["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag5
	display5 = TAG_Compound()
	display5["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag5["display"] = display5
	minecraftchest5["tag"] = tag5
	minecraftchest5["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(4)
	minecraftchest6 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest6["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest6["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest6["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag6 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag6 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag6["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag6["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag6["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag6["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag6["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag6
	display6 = TAG_Compound()
	display6["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag6["display"] = display6
	minecraftchest6["tag"] = tag6
	minecraftchest6["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(5)
	minecraftchest7 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest7["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest7["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest7["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag7 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag7 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag7["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag7["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag7["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag7["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag7["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag7
	display7 = TAG_Compound()
	display7["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag7["display"] = display7
	minecraftchest7["tag"] = tag7
	minecraftchest7["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(6)
	minecraftchest8 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest8["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest8["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest8["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag8 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag8 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag8["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag8["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag8["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag8["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag8["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag8
	display8 = TAG_Compound()
	display8["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag8["display"] = display8
	minecraftchest8["tag"] = tag8
	minecraftchest8["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(7)
	minecraftchest9 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest9["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest9["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest9["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag9 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag9 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag9["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag9["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag9["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag9["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag9["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag9
	display9 = TAG_Compound()
	display9["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag9["display"] = display9
	minecraftchest9["tag"] = tag9
	minecraftchest9["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(8)
	minecraftchest10 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest10["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest10["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest10["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag10 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag10 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag10["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag10["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag10["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag10["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag10["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag10
	display10 = TAG_Compound()
	display10["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag10["display"] = display10
	minecraftchest10["tag"] = tag10
	minecraftchest10["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(9)
	minecraftchest11 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest11["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest11["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest11["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag11 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag11 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag11["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag11["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag11["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag11["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag11["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag11
	display11 = TAG_Compound()
	display11["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag11["display"] = display11
	minecraftchest11["tag"] = tag11
	minecraftchest11["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(10)
	minecraftchest12 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest12["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest12["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest12["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag12 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag12 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag12["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag12["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag12["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag12["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag12["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag12
	display12 = TAG_Compound()
	display12["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag12["display"] = display12
	minecraftchest12["tag"] = tag12
	minecraftchest12["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(10)
	minecraftchest13 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest13["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest13["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest13["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag13 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag13 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag13["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag13["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag13["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag13["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag13["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag13
	display13 = TAG_Compound()
	display13["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag13["display"] = display13
	minecraftchest13["tag"] = tag13
	minecraftchest13["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(11)
	minecraftchest14 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest14["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest14["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest14["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag14 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag14 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag14["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag14["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag14["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag14["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag14["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag14
	display14 = TAG_Compound()
	display14["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag14["display"] = display14
	minecraftchest14["tag"] = tag14
	minecraftchest14["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(12)
	minecraftchest15 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest15["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest15["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest15["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag15 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag15 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag15["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag15["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag15["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag15["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag15["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag15
	display15 = TAG_Compound()
	display15["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag15["display"] = display15
	minecraftchest15["tag"] = tag15
	minecraftchest15["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(13)
	minecraftchest16 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest16["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest16["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest16["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag16 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag16 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag16["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag16["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag16["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag16["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag16["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag16
	display16 = TAG_Compound()
	display16["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag16["display"] = display16
	minecraftchest16["tag"] = tag16
	minecraftchest16["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(14)
	minecraftchest17 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest17["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest17["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest17["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag17 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag17 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag17["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag17["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag17["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag17["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag17["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag17
	display17 = TAG_Compound()
	display17["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag17["display"] = display17
	minecraftchest17["tag"] = tag17
	minecraftchest17["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(15)
	minecraftchest18 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest18["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest18["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest18["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag18 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag18 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag18["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag18["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag18["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag18["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag18["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag18
	display18 = TAG_Compound()
	display18["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag18["display"] = display18
	minecraftchest18["tag"] = tag18
	minecraftchest18["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(16)
	minecraftchest19 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest19["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest19["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest19["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag19 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag19 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag19["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag19["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag19["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag19["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag19["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag19
	display19 = TAG_Compound()
	display19["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag19["display"] = display19
	minecraftchest19["tag"] = tag19
	minecraftchest19["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(17)
	minecraftchest20 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest20["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest20["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest20["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag20 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag20 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag20["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag20["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag20["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag20["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag20["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag20
	display20 = TAG_Compound()
	display20["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag20["display"] = display20
	minecraftchest20["tag"] = tag20
	minecraftchest20["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(18)
	minecraftchest21 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest21["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest21["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest21["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag21 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag21 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag21["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag21["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag21["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag21["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag21["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag21
	display21 = TAG_Compound()
	display21["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag21["display"] = display21
	minecraftchest21["tag"] = tag21
	minecraftchest21["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(19)
	minecraftchest22 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest22["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest22["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest22["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag22 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag22 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag22["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag22["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag22["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag22["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag22["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag22
	display22 = TAG_Compound()
	display22["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag22["display"] = display22
	minecraftchest22["tag"] = tag22
	minecraftchest22["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(20)
	minecraftchest23 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest23["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest23["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest23["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag23 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag23 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag23["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag23["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag23["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag23["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag23["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag23
	display23 = TAG_Compound()
	display23["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag23["display"] = display23
	minecraftchest23["tag"] = tag23
	minecraftchest23["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(21)
	minecraftchest24 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest24["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest24["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest24["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag24 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag24 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag24["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag24["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag24["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag24["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag24["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag24
	display24 = TAG_Compound()
	display24["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag24["display"] = display24
	minecraftchest24["tag"] = tag24
	minecraftchest24["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(22)
	minecraftchest25 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest25["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest25["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest25["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag25 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag25 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag25["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag25["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag25["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag25["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag25["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag25
	display25 = TAG_Compound()
	display25["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag25["display"] = display25
	minecraftchest25["tag"] = tag25
	minecraftchest25["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(23)
	minecraftchest26 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest26["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest26["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest26["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag26 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag26 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag26["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag26["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag26["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag26["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag26["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag26
	display26 = TAG_Compound()
	display26["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag26["display"] = display26
	minecraftchest26["tag"] = tag26
	minecraftchest26["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(25)
	minecraftchest27 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest27["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest27["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest27["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag27 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag27 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag27["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag27["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag27["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag27["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag27["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag27
	display27 = TAG_Compound()
	display27["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag27["display"] = display27
	minecraftchest27["tag"] = tag27
	minecraftchest27["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(27)
	chest["Items"] = items
	return chest
Ejemplo n.º 24
def createBlockEntity(chunk, convertTo, block, x, y, z):
    if convertTo == 'PE':
        # bed block
        if block == 26:
            te = TAG_Compound()
            te["color"] = TAG_Byte(14)
            te["id"] = TAG_String(u'Bed')
            te["x"] = TAG_Int(x)
            te["y"] = TAG_Int(y)
            te["z"] = TAG_Int(z)
        # sticky piston
        elif block == 29:
            te = TAG_Compound()
            te["AttachedBlocks"] = TAG_List()
            te["BreakBlocks"] = TAG_List()
            te["id"] = TAG_String(u'PistonArm')
            te["isMovable"] = TAG_Byte(1)
            te["LastProgress"] = TAG_Float()
            te["NewState"] = TAG_Byte()
            te["Progress"] = TAG_Float()
            te["State"] = TAG_Byte()
            te["Sticky"] = TAG_Byte(1)
            te["x"] = TAG_Int(x)
            te["y"] = TAG_Int(y)
            te["z"] = TAG_Int(z)
        # normal piston
        elif block == 33:
            te = TAG_Compound()
            te["AttachedBlocks"] = TAG_List()
            te["BreakBlocks"] = TAG_List()
            te["id"] = TAG_String(u'PistonArm')
            te["isMovable"] = TAG_Byte(1)
            te["LastProgress"] = TAG_Float()
            te["NewState"] = TAG_Byte()
            te["Progress"] = TAG_Float()
            te["State"] = TAG_Byte()
            te["Sticky"] = TAG_Byte(0)
            te["x"] = TAG_Int(x)
            te["y"] = TAG_Int(y)
            te["z"] = TAG_Int(z)
        # chests
        elif block in [54, 146]:
            te = TAG_Compound()
            te["Items"] = TAG_List()
            te["id"] = TAG_String(u'Chest')
            te["x"] = TAG_Int(x)
            te["y"] = TAG_Int(y)
            te["z"] = TAG_Int(z)
            raise Exception(
                'block {} is not currently supported for making tile entities'.
    # elif convertTo == 'PC':

        raise Exception(
            '{} is an unsupported conversion type'.format(convertTo))

    return te
def perform(level, box, options):

	#Define Options#
	ItemsSmokeBox = Smokeboxs[options["Particle"]]
	colorvalue = dict([(trn._(a), b) for a, b in Smokeboxs2.items()])[options["ColorValue"]]

	#Define Selection#
	for x in xrange(box.minx, box.maxx):
		for z in xrange(box.minz, box.maxz):
			for y in xrange(box.miny, box.maxy):

				#Checks If Console Edtion Is True#
				chunk = level.getChunk(x/16, z/16)
				#Define & Create AreaEffectCloud#
				areaEffectCloud = TAG_Compound()
				areaEffectCloud["Radius"] = TAG_Float(options["Radius"])
				areaEffectCloud["DurationOnUse"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(options["Invulnerable"])
				areaEffectCloud["PortalCooldown"] = TAG_Int(0)
				#Checks If Console Edtion Is True And Converts Particle Ids To Console#
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "take":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(0)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "take":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("take")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "note":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(2)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "note":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("note")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "portal":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(3)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "portal":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("portal")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "explode":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(5)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "explode":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("explode")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "flame":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(6)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "flame":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("flame")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "lava":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(7)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "lava":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("lava")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "footstep":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(8)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "footstep":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("footstep")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "droplet":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(9)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "droplet":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("droplet")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "largesmoke":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(10)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "largesmoke":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("largesmoke")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "reddust":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(11)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "reddust":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("reddust")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "snowballpoof":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(12)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "snowballpoof":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("snowballpoof")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "snowshovel":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(13)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "snowshovel":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("snowshovel")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "slime":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(14)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "slime":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("slime")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "heart":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(15)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "heart":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("heart")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "depthsuspend":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(17)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "depthsuspend":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("depthsuspend")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "crit":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(18)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "crit":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("crit")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "hugeexplosion":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(19)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "hugeexplosion":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("hugeexplosion")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "largeexplode":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(20)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "largeexplode":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("largeexplode")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "spell":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(22)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "spell":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("spell")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "witchMagic":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(23)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "witchMagic":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("witchMagic")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "mobSpell":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(24)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "mobSpell":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("mobSpell")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "mobSpellAmbient":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(25)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "mobSpellAmbient":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("mobSpellAmbient")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "suspended":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(27)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "suspended":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("suspended")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "fallingdust":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(28)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "fallingdust":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("fallingdust")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "enchantmenttable":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(29)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "enchantmenttable":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("enchantmenttable")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "angryVillager":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(31)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "angryVillager":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("angryVillager")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "happyVillager":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(32)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "happyVillager":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("happyVillager")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "fireworksSpark":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(33)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "fireworksSpark":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("fireworksSpark")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "splash":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(34)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "splash":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("splash")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "magicCrit":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(35)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "magicCrit":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("magicCrit")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "cloud":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(37)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "cloud":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("cloud")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "barrier":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(38)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "barrier":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("barrier")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "iconcrack":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(39)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "iconcrack":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("iconcrack")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "blockcrack":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(40)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "blockcrack":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("blockcrack")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "Invisible":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(43)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "Invisible":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("Invisible")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "dragonbreath":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(44)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "dragonbreath":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("dragonbreath")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "endRod":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(45)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "endRod":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("endRod")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "damageIndicator":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(46)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "damageIndicator":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("damageIndicator")

				customPotionEffects = TAG_List()
				customPotionEffect = TAG_Compound()
				customPotionEffect["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(options["ShowParticles"])
				customPotionEffect["Duration"] = TAG_Int(options["Effect Duration"])
				customPotionEffect["Id"] = TAG_Int(options["Effect ID"])
				customPotionEffect["Amplifier"] = TAG_Int(options["Effect Amplifier"])
				areaEffectCloud["Effects"] = customPotionEffects
				areaEffectCloud["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
				#1.11+ Support Changes ID To New Format#
				if options["1.11-1.12+Plus"]:
					AreaEffectCloud["id"] = TAG_String(u'area_effect_cloud')
					areaEffectCloud["id"] = TAG_String(u'AreaEffectCloud')

				areaEffectCloud["ParticleParam1"] = TAG_Int(options["ParticleParam1"])
				areaEffectCloud["ParticleParam2"] = TAG_Int(options["ParticleParam2"])
				areaEffectCloud["Age"] = TAG_Int(options["Age"])
				#Custom ColorValue Option Aplies To Particles#
				if options["Custom ColorValue"]:
					areaEffectCloud["Color"] = TAG_Int(colorvalue)
					areaEffectCloud["Color"] = TAG_Int(0)
				motion = TAG_List()
				areaEffectCloud["Motion"] = motion
				areaEffectCloud["ReapplicationDelay"] = TAG_Int(options["ReapplicationDelay"])
				areaEffectCloud["Potion"] = TAG_String("minecraft:potion")
				#Changes Durantion To The Max Value When True#
				if options["Last-Forever/No-Despawn"]:
					areaEffectCloud["Duration"] = TAG_Int(2147483647)
					areaEffectCloud["Duration"] = TAG_Int(options["Duration"])
				areaEffectCloud["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
				areaEffectCloud["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				areaEffectCloud["Dimension"] = TAG_Int(0)
				rotation = TAG_List()
				areaEffectCloud["Rotation"] = rotation
				areaEffectCloud["RadiusPerTick"] = TAG_Float(options["RadiusPerTick"])
				pos = TAG_List()
				areaEffectCloud["Pos"] = pos
				areaEffectCloud["Fire"] = TAG_Short(0)
				areaEffectCloud["RadiusOnUse"] = TAG_Float(options["RadiusOnUse"])
				areaEffectCloud["WaitTime"] = TAG_Int(options["WaitTime"])
				#Marks The Chunks As Dirty/ReLights Selection#
				chunk.dirty = True
				#Prints Out Particle ID & Coordinates That Were Generated#
				print "Created AreaEffectCloud " + str(ItemsSmokeBox) + " At X:" + str(x) + " Y:" + str(y) + " Z:" + str(z)

	#Prints Out Completed Generation Message#
	print "Completed Generation" 
Ejemplo n.º 26
    # This will find the closest Target and set it as the only target
    return ret

def dist2((x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2)):
    dx = x2 - x1
    dy = y2 - y1
    dz = z2 - z1

    return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz

def createSpawner((x, y, z), delay, loopTicks, range):
    spawner = TAG_Compound()
    spawner["id"] = TAG_String("MobSpawner")
    spawner["Items"] = TAG_List()
    spawner["x"] = TAG_Int(x)
    spawner["y"] = TAG_Int(y)
    spawner["z"] = TAG_Int(z)
    spawner["Delay"] = TAG_Short(delay)
    spawner["MinSpawnDelay"] = TAG_Short(loopTicks)
    spawner["MaxSpawnDelay"] = TAG_Short(loopTicks)
    spawner["SpawnCount"] = TAG_Short(1)
    spawner["MaxNearbyEntities"] = TAG_Short(10000)
    spawner["RequiredPlayerRange"] = TAG_Short(range)
    # Creates a spawner with certain aspects

    return spawner

def createPotion((x, y, z), (vx, vy, vz), effect, duration, amp, potionId):