def segmentImage(bgImg, humImg, spatial_rad, range_rad, density, clusterThresh, labThresh): # perform mean shift clustering on both images (seg_bg, labels_bg, regions_bg) = pms.segment(bgImg, spatial_rad, range_rad, density) (seg_hum, labels_hum, regions_hum) = pms.segment(humImg, spatial_rad, range_rad, density) # display num clusters found print('regions_bg: ' + str(regions_bg)) print('regions_hum: ' + str(regions_hum)) # convert to LAB colour space lab_seg_bg = cv2.cvtColor(seg_bg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB) lab_seg_hum = cv2.cvtColor(seg_hum, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB) lab_humImg = cv2.cvtColor(humImg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB) lab_bgImg = cv2.cvtColor(bgImg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB) threshImg = np.empty_like(humImg) meanshiftImg = np.empty_like(humImg) threshImg[:] = humImg meanshiftImg[:] = humImg for row in range(0, humImg.shape[0]): for col in range(0, humImg.shape[1]): # while looking at background pixel, look at range of human pixels # to account for slight translation invariances seg_bg_pixel = seg_bg[row][col] lab_bgImg_pixel = lab_bgImg[row][col] meanshift_deltas = getOffsetDeltas(seg_hum, col, row, seg_bg_pixel) threshold_deltas = getOffsetDeltas(lab_humImg, col, row, lab_bgImg_pixel) do_seg_cluster = any(x < clusterThresh for x in meanshift_deltas) do_seg_thresh = any(x < labThresh for x in threshold_deltas) if do_seg_cluster or do_seg_thresh: humImg[row][col][0] = 255 # white out humImg[row][col][1] = 255 # all channels humImg[row][col][2] = 255 # save intermediate threshold photo for analysis if do_seg_thresh: threshImg[row][col][0] = 255 threshImg[row][col][1] = 255 threshImg[row][col][2] = 255 # save intermediate mean shift clustering photo for analysis if do_seg_cluster: meanshiftImg[row][col][0] = 255 meanshiftImg[row][col][1] = 255 meanshiftImg[row][col][2] = 255 return (seg_hum, seg_bg, humImg, threshImg, meanshiftImg)
def getSegments(original, SHOW): allimages["original"] = original ############################################################################################################## #gaussian Blur #blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray_img,(5,5),0) #allimages["gaussianBlur"] = blur #mean shift segmentation on bgr image # # (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(original, spatial_radius=SPATIAL_RADIUS, range_radius=RANGE_RADIUS, min_density=MIN_DENSITY, speedup_level=2) print("Number of Regions Found: %s" % number_regions) unique_labels = np.unique(labels_image) blank = original - original for label in unique_labels: b = random.randint(0, 255) g = random.randint(0, 255) r = random.randint(0, 255) blank[labels_image == label] = [b, g, r] if SHOW == "save": cv2.imwrite("saved_segmentation.png", blank) ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ return original, labels_image
def getHairArea(self,face): scale=float(self.img.shape[1])/400 (segmented,labels,n)=pms.segment(self.img,spatial_radius=int(scale*6), range_radius=scale*5, min_density=300) #cv2.imshow('segmented',segmented) mv = cv2.split(self.img) hair = [] x=face[0]+face[2]/2 y=face[1]-self.img.shape[1]/8 hair_new = [labels[y][x]] not_hair = range(n) not_hair.remove(labels[y][x]) neighbor=self.getNeighbor(labels,n) factors=self.getFactor(segmented,labels,n) # Run until new hair area is not detected while(hair!=hair_new): hair=hair_new[:] for i in hair: for j in not_hair: if neighbor[i][j]==1 and compare(factors[i],factors[j]): hair_new.append(j) not_hair.remove(j) #print(hair) area_hair=np.zeros(shape=labels.shape, #print('making array of hair area...') for i in range(area_hair.shape[0]): for j in range(area_hair.shape[1]): if labels[i][j] in hair: area_hair[i][j]=1 return area_hair
def segment_img(original_image, spatial_radius=5, range_radius=5, min_density=60): (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(original_image, spatial_radius, range_radius, min_density)
def meanShift(filename): img = cv2.imread(filename) # (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(img, spatial_radius=6, range_radius=4.5, min_density=50) (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(img, spatial_radius=7, range_radius=4.5, min_density=50) return segmented_image
def segment(img): shifted = cv2.pyrMeanShiftFiltering(img, 5, 200) ##shifted = cv2.pyrMeanShiftFiltering(ROI, sp=7, sr=25, \ ## maxLevel=1, \ ## termcrit=( ## cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS \ ## + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 5, 1)) ## cv2.imshow('olaa', shifted) ## cv2.waitKey() (seg_image, lab_image, num_regions) = pms.segment(shifted, \ spatial_radius=10,\ range_radius=3, \ min_density=200) for i in range(num_regions): A = np.uint8(lab_image == i) * 200 ## cv2.imshow('seg', A) ## cv2.waitKey() (_, cnts, _) = cv2.findContours(A, cv2.RETR_CCOMP, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) for c in cnts: if (cv2.contourArea(c) < 1000) or (cv2.contourArea(c) > 100000): continue epsilon = 0.01 * cv2.arcLength(c, True) approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(c, epsilon, True) cv2.drawContours(img, [approx], 0, (10 * i, 0, 0), 2) return num_regions
def meanshift_seg(rgb_img, spatial_radius, range_radius, min_density, br): start = time.time() (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(rgb_img, spatial_radius=spatial_radius, range_radius=range_radius, min_density=min_density) meanShift_id_segs_dict = {} for i in range(number_regions): meanShift_id_segs_dict[i] = (i == labels_image) * 1 fore_mask, back_id = identify_background(labels_image, meanShift_id_segs_dict, br) #print(np.unique(labels_image), back_id) fore_mask = fore_mask != back_id cl = 5 closed_fore_mask = close_image_with_back(fore_mask, cl) fore_mask = put_back_boundary(fore_mask, closed_fore_mask, cl) labeled_image, object_mask = get_object_mask_from_connected_regions( fore_mask) print('size ', object_mask.shape, ' MeanShift processing time ', time.time() - start) return object_mask
def segmented(img): (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(img, spatial_radius=6, range_radius=4.5, min_density=50) return segmented_image
def _segment(self, threshold=0.5): ## # Segment the image. start_time_seconds = time.time() print("...started segmenting...") # Using mean shift implementation from segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions = pms.segment( self.image, spatial_radius = 6, range_radius = 4.5, min_density = 50) # segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions = pms.segment( # self.image, # spatial_radius = 1, # range_radius = 1, # min_density = 300) # Gather points of each segment. self._set_segment_points(labels_image, number_regions) # Label each segment if it's annotated or note. self.label_annotation_segments(threshold=threshold) self.segmented_image = segmented_image return segmented_image
def segment(ROI,side): shifted = cv2.pyrMeanShiftFiltering(ROI, 7, 31) # first filter ##shifted = cv2.pyrMeanShiftFiltering(ROI, sp=7, sr=25, \ ## maxLevel=1, \ ## termcrit=( ## cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS \ ## + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 5, 1)) (seg_image, lab_image, num_regions) = pms.segment(shifted, \ spatial_radius=3,\ range_radius=3, \ min_density=0) # segmentation B = [] min_dist = 10000 gaze_c = [] for i in range(num_regions): A = np.uint8(lab_image == i)*200 (_,cnts,_) = cv2.findContours(A, cv2.RETR_CCOMP, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) for c in cnts: if (cv2.contourArea(c) < 50) or (cv2.contourArea(c) > 3000): continue d = cv2.pointPolygonTest(c,(side,side),True)*(-1) if d < min_dist: min_dist = d gaze_c = c ## epsilon = 0.01*cv2.arcLength(c,True) ## approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(c,epsilon,True) ## cv2.drawContours(ROI,[approx],0,(100,100,100),2) if gaze_c != []: epsilon_g = 0.01*cv2.arcLength(gaze_c,True) approx_g = cv2.approxPolyDP(gaze_c,epsilon_g,True) cv2.drawContours(ROI,[approx_g],0,(150,150,150),2)
def calc_hsv_mean_each_image(): ROOT_DIR_SRC = "./img/resource/aerial_image/fixed_histogram_v2" ROOT_DIR_GT = "./img/resource/ground_truth" # experiments = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] experiments = [5] params_mean_shift = { # "spatial_radius": 8, # "range_radius": 5, "spatial_radius": 8, "range_radius": 5, "min_density": 0 } gt_type = "GT_ORANGE" results = dict() for exp_num in experiments: src_img = imread_with_error( path.join(ROOT_DIR_SRC, f"aerial_roi{exp_num}.png")) ground_truth = imread_with_error( path.join(ROOT_DIR_GT, f"aerial_roi{exp_num}.png")) eprint( dedent(f""" Experiment Num: {exp_num} gt_type: {gt_type} """)) eprint(f"Do Mean-Shift ... ", end="") src_img = pymeanshift.segment(src_img, **params_mean_shift)[0] eprint("done") metrics = calc_hsv_metrics_by_ground_truth(src_img, ground_truth) # print(dedent(f""" # Mean (H): {means['H']} # Mean (S): {means['S']} # Mean (V): {means['V']} # """)) results[f"aerial_roi{exp_num}"] = metrics for exp_name, metrics in results.items(): print("\t".join(["EXP_NAME", exp_name])) print("\t".join(["Ch.", *list(metrics.values())[0].keys()])) for ch_name, metric in metrics.items(): # for k, v in results.items(): # print(",".join([ # k, # *metric.values() # ])) print("\t".join([str(x) for x in [ch_name, *metric.values()]])) return results
def segmented_downsampled(img): downsampled = cv2.resize(img, (0, 0), fx=0.25, fy=0.25) (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(downsampled, spatial_radius=6, range_radius=4.5, min_density=50) return segmented_image
def bar_detect(input_image, k=5): temp_image = np.copy(input_image) # aplicamos segmentacao (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(input_image, spatial_radius=6, range_radius=4.5, min_density=50) qtde_rect = 0 cnt_rects = [] cnt_rects_info = [] lst_countaprox = [] for label in range(1, number_regions): filter = np.full(shape=labels_image.shape, fill_value=label, dtype=float) result = labels_image - filter filtered_img = result == 0 # A detecao ocorre na imagem colorida # filtered_img = apply_mask(temp_image, filtered_img.astype(np.uint8)) filtered_img = filtered_img.astype(np.uint8) * 255 # Como algumas linhas ou outros residuos podem ter sido reconhecidos como grupos, aplicamos a erosao # kernel = np.ones((k, k), np.uint8) filtered_img = cv2.erode(filtered_img, (5, 5), iterations=1) # cv2.imshow('erode', filtered_img) # cv2.waitKey() # So entao o algoritmo para deteccao de retangulos eh aplicado filtered_img, t, lst_cnt, lst_cnt_info = rectangle_detection( filtered_img) if t > 0: cnt_rects.append(lst_cnt) cnt_rects_info += lst_cnt_info qtde_rect += t # cv2.imshow('rectangle after ', filtered_img) # cv2.waitKey() for cnt, cnt_info in zip(lst_cnt, lst_cnt_info): cv2.drawContours(temp_image, [cnt_info['cnt']], 0, (0, 0, 255), thickness=2), cnt_info['center'], 2, (0, 255, 0), 2) # print('Total de barras reconhecidas', qtde_rect) # cv2.imshow('final ', temp_image) # cv2.waitKey() # return output_image, qtde_rect # return temp_image, cnt_rects, cnt_rects_info, lst_countaprox return temp_image, cnt_rects_info, lst_countaprox
def compute_preseg(self): """ Compute the initial presegmentation using ``preseg_method`` """ ms_image = imread(self._path_to_image) (_, labels, self._number_of_regions) = segment(ms_image, spatial_radius=self._hs, range_radius=self._hr, min_density=self._M) self._presegmentation = 1 + labels
def segment(original_image): (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(original_image, spatial_radius=6, range_radius=4.5, min_density=50) # print("segment", len(np.unique(segments))) # cv2.imshow('image',segmented_image) # cv2.waitKey(0) return labels_image
def meanShiftFilter(original_image): #We need to homogenize tonality of the image to get the most repeated colors. #If we dont do that we get tons of diferent pixels that have minimal differences in their RGB and #we can't consider them as the same color, resulting an error to our project. (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(original_image, spatial_radius=6, range_radius=4.5, min_density=50) img = Image.fromarray(segmented_image) return img
def meanShift(filename): img = cv2.imread(filename) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2LUV) # (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(img, spatial_radius=6, range_radius=4.5, min_density=50) (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(img, spatial_radius=3, range_radius=11, min_density=10) return segmented_image
def meanshif(image, raw_image, minAreaSize, maxAreaSize, minDensity): """ perform segmentation using meanshift modules. THIS REQUIRES""" if (len(image.shape) > 3): image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) mask = np.zeros_like(image, ) (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(image, spatial_radius=6, range_radius=4.5, min_density=int(minDensity)) # marked indeentifed objects for label in range(len(np.unique(labels_image))): if label == 0: continue mask[labels_image == label] = 255 mask = cv2.bitwise_and(image, mask) if len(mask.shape) > 2: mask = cv2.cvtColor(mask, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) _, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(mask.copy(), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) color = np.random.randint(0, 255, (5000, 3)) mask_colored = np.zeros_like(raw_image, ) pts, rectang, cellFeatures = [], [], [] for (ii, cnt) in enumerate(contours): ((x, y), radius) = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(cnt) area = cv2.contourArea(cnt) rect = cv2.boundingRect(cnt) (x1, y1, w1, h1) = rect if area < minAreaSize or area > maxAreaSize or hierarchy[0, ii, 3] != -1: del contours[ii] else: cellMorph = getCellIntensityModule(cnt, image) cellFeatures.append(cellMorph) cv2.drawContours(mask_colored, [cnt], -1, color[ii].tolist(), thickness=cv2.FILLED) cv2.drawContours(raw_image, [cnt], -1, (0, 255, 0), 1) rectang.append((x1, y1, w1, h1)) pts.append([x, y]) return pts, rectang, mask_colored, image, cellFeatures
def testPMS(): image = "pms_images/shells/image00021.jpg" image_obj = cv2.imread(image) (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(image_obj, spatial_radius=15, range_radius=15, min_density=200) status = cv2.imwrite("test_images/test.jpg", segmented_image) print(type(labels_image)) print("Labelled array shape: %s", labels_image.shape) print("Number of regions:\t" + str(number_regions)) print("label image:\t" + str(labels_image))
def func_worker(img, spatial_radius=None, range_radius=None, min_density=None): _worker_id = current_process()._identity[0] _desc = f"Worker #{_worker_id:3d} (sp={spatial_radius:2.1f}, sr={range_radius:2.1f})" for _ in tqdm([0], desc=_desc, position=_worker_id, leave=False): segmented = segment( img, spatial_radius=spatial_radius, range_radius=range_radius, min_density=min_density )[0] return segmented, spatial_radius, range_radius
def determineBackground(original, imageFileName, labelFileName, SHOW=True, SPATIAL_RADIUS=5,RANGE_RADIUS=5,MIN_DENSITY=250): segmented_image,labels_image,number_regions = pms.segment( original, spatial_radius=SPATIAL_RADIUS, range_radius=RANGE_RADIUS, min_density=MIN_DENSITY) print("Number of Regions Found: %s" % number_regions) unique_labels = np.unique(labels_image) # Save the image and also save the labels to a folder if SHOW: if not os.path.exists('backgroundChecker'): os.makedirs('backgroundChecker') cv2.imwrite(os.path.join('backgroundChecker', imageFileName), segmented_image) np.savetxt(os.path.join('backgroundChecker', labelFileName), labels_image, delimiter=',')
def segment(img, spatial_radius, range_radius, min_density) : ''' Segment the image into regions using the Mean Shift algorithm. An image of same shape is returned containing the region id of each pixel. ''' # import _pymeanshift as _pms # @UnresolvedImport # Check if the image has the minimum size for the algorithm to run properly w, h, c = img.shape # @UnusedVariable if (w <= 2*range_radius) or (h <= 2*range_radius) : labels_img = np.zeros(img.shape) else: _segmented_im, labels_img, _nregions = pms.segment(img, spatial_radius, range_radius, min_density) return _segmented_im, labels_img, _nregions
def _segment(self, threshold=0): ## # Segment the image. start_time_seconds = time.time() print("...started segmenting", self.filename, "...") # Using mean shift implementation from segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions = pms.segment( self.image, spatial_radius=6, range_radius=4.5, min_density=50) # Gather points of each segment. self._set_segment_points(labels_image, number_regions) # Construct image of the segment and save to disk. self._make_segment_images(segmented_image) self.segmented_image = segmented_image return segmented_image
def meanshift_image(image): """ Description of meanshift_image Performs meanshift algorithm on the image Args: image (undefined): PIL image """ (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(image, spatial_radius=6, range_radius=5, min_density=100) return Image.fromarray(segmented_image)
def segmentImage(img, path): print("Preprocessing...") pre = cv2.medianBlur(img, 5) pre = cv2.pyrMeanShiftFiltering(pre, 15, 25) if showAllImages: cv2.imshow("Pre-Segmentation", img) print("Segmenting...") (spatial, range, density) = (8, 8, 250) (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(pre, spatial_radius=spatial, range_radius=range, min_density=density) segmented_image = cv2.medianBlur(segmented_image, 7) cv2.imwrite(path, segmented_image) return segmented_image
def pmsTransformation(): #file path(s) to different objects filePath = "../../separated_Cenek_images/" #Traverse all the folders that have the name of the images for x in os.listdir(filePath): #Traverse all the folders of each video for i in os.listdir(filePath + x): #Traverse the images in each of the folder for n in os.listdir(filePath + x + "/" + i): path = filePath + x + "/" + i + "/" + n writePath = "pms_images/" + x + "_" + n original_image = cv2.imread(path) (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(original_image, spatial_radius=10, range_radius=10, min_density=300) status = cv2.imwrite(writePath, segmented_image)
def _mean_shift(self, data_list): """ The first parameter is the image the second parameter is [spatial_radius, range_radius, min_density] If None, the default val will be 6, 4.5, and 50 """ im = data_list[0] params = data_list[1] if params is None: sr = 6 rr = 4.5 md = 50 else: sr = params[0] rr = params[1] md = params[2] (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = \ pms.segment(im, spatial_radius=sr, range_radius=rr, min_density=md) return labels_image
def extract_green(image): '''Return extracted image''' img = cv2.imread(image) (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(img, spatial_radius=6, range_radius=4.5, min_density=50) b, g, r = cv2.split(segmented_image / 255) diff1 = g - r diff2 = g - b diff_image = diff1 * diff2 vegetation = np.empty_like(diff_image) for (i, j), value in np.ndenumerate(diff_image): if diff_image[i][j] > 0 and diff1[i][j] > 0 and b[i][j] <= 0.7 and g[ i][j] <= 0.7 and r[i][j] <= 0.7: vegetation[i][j] = 255 # filtering noise kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8) vegetation = cv2.morphologyEx(np.uint8(vegetation), cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel) return img, vegetation
def meanshift(image, spatial_radius, range_radius, min_density): """ Segment an image using the meanshift clustering algorithm. Parameters ---------- image : array_like Input image. spatial_radius : int Spatial radius of the search window. range_radius : float Range radius parameter of the search window. min_density : int Minimum size of a region in the segmented image. Returns ------- segmented : array_like Segmented image. n_modes : int The number of modes found by the meanshift algorithm. Notes ----- A custom fork of the "pymeanshift" module [1] is used to perform the meanshift. Details on the algorithm can be found in [2]. References ---------- [1] [2] Dorin Comaniciu and Peter Meer, "Mean Shift: A robust approach toward feature space analysis". IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 2002. pp. 603-619. """ hs, hr, M = spatial_radius, range_radius, min_density segmented, labels, n_modes = pyms.segment(image, hs, hr, M) return segmented, n_modes
def getSegments(original, SHOW=False, SPATIAL_RADIUS=5, RANGE_RADIUS=5, MIN_DENSITY=250): ############################################################################################################## #gaussian Blur #blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray_img,(5,5),0) #mean shift segmentation on bgr image # # segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions = pms.segment( original, spatial_radius=SPATIAL_RADIUS, range_radius=RANGE_RADIUS, min_density=MIN_DENSITY) print("Number of Regions Found: %s" % number_regions) unique_labels = np.unique(labels_image) blank = original - original for label in unique_labels: b = random.randint(0, 255) g = random.randint(0, 255) r = random.randint(0, 255) if label == 0: blank[labels_image == label] = [b, g, r] # The blank images show exactly what is segmented where if SHOW == True: cv2.imwrite("saved_segmentation.png", blank) ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ return segmented_image, labels_image
def obtainLabels(img): data_array = cv2.imread(img, 1) b, g, r = cv2.split(data_array) (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(r, spatial_radius=3, range_radius=5, min_density=100) segmented_image[segmented_image > segmented_image.min()] = 255 segmented_image[segmented_image <= segmented_image.min()] = 0 ###################################################################### # Small spurious objects are easily removed by setting a minimum size for valid objects. segmented_image = morphology.remove_small_objects(segmented_image, 100, connectivity=4) # Watershed D = ndi.distance_transform_edt(segmented_image) localMax = peak_local_max(D, indices=False, min_distance=20, labels=segmented_image) # perform a connected component analysis on the local peaks, # using 8-connectivity, then appy the Watershed algorithm markers = ndi.label(localMax, structure=np.ones((3, 3)))[0] labels = watershed(-D, markers, mask=segmented_image) print("[INFO] {} unique segments found".format(len(np.unique(labels)) - 1)) # Un comment to bypass watershed labels, num = ndi.label(segmented_image, structure=np.ones((3, 3))) # remove edge nuclei labels_image = clear_border(labels) # recount labels number_regions = np.delete(np.unique(labels_image),0) return labels_image, number_regions, r, g
def VegetationClassification(Img): ''' This function is used to classify the green vegetation from GSV image, This is based on object based and otsu automatically thresholding method The season of GSV images were also considered in this function Img: the numpy array image, eg. Img = np.array( return the percentage of the green vegetation pixels in the GSV image By Xiaojiang Li ''' import pymeanshift as pms import numpy as np # use the meanshift segmentation algorithm to segment the original GSV image (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(Img, spatial_radius=6, range_radius=7, min_density=40) I = segmented_image / 255.0 red = I[:, :, 0] green = I[:, :, 1] blue = I[:, :, 2] # calculate the difference between green band with other two bands green_red_Diff = green - red green_blue_Diff = green - blue ExG = green_red_Diff + green_blue_Diff diffImg = green_red_Diff * green_blue_Diff redThreImgU = red < 0.6 greenThreImgU = green < 0.9 blueThreImgU = blue < 0.6 shadowRedU = red < 0.3 shadowGreenU = green < 0.3 shadowBlueU = blue < 0.3 del red, blue, green, I greenImg1 = redThreImgU * blueThreImgU * greenThreImgU greenImgShadow1 = shadowRedU * shadowGreenU * shadowBlueU del redThreImgU, greenThreImgU, blueThreImgU del shadowRedU, shadowGreenU, shadowBlueU greenImg3 = diffImg > 0.0 greenImg4 = green_red_Diff > 0 threshold = graythresh(ExG, 0.1) if threshold > 0.1: threshold = 0.1 elif threshold < 0.05: threshold = 0.05 greenImg2 = ExG > threshold greenImgShadow2 = ExG > 0.05 greenImg = greenImg1 * greenImg2 + greenImgShadow2 * greenImgShadow1 del ExG, green_blue_Diff, green_red_Diff del greenImgShadow1, greenImgShadow2 # calculate the percentage of the green vegetation greenPxlNum = len(np.where(greenImg != 0)[0]) greenPercent = greenPxlNum / (400.0 * 400) * 100 del greenImg1, greenImg2 del greenImg3, greenImg4 return greenPercent
import cv2 import pymeanshift as ms img_name = "test" original_image = cv2.imread(img_name + ".png") sk = "Gaussian" rk = "Gaussian" # other : Uniform i = 1 for sr in range(2,20,8): for rr in range(2,20,8): for m in range(1,50,10): (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) \ = ms.segment(original_image, spatial_radius=sr, range_radius=rr, min_density=m, skernel=sk, rkernel=rk) cv2.imwrite(img_name+"_" + sk[0] + rk[0] +"_"+str(i)+".jpg", segmented_image) print i,'\t',sr,'\t',rr,'\t',m, '\t'+sk[0]+'\t'+rk[0]+'\t', number_regions i+=1
def segmentImage(img, spatial_radius, range_radius, min_density): """Generate segmented image, the meanshift magic""" (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(img, spatial_radius=10, range_radius=8, min_density=150) return segmented_image
file_name = "plates/license1.png" if len(sys.argv) != 1: file_name = sys.argv[1] base_name = os.path.basename(file_name) fname_prefix = ".".join(base_name.split(".")[:-1]) print fname_prefix # Image load & conversion to cvmat license_plate = cv2.imread(file_name, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR) # Segment segmented, labels, regions = pms.segment(license_plate, 3, 3, 50) print "Segmentation results" print "%s: %s" % ("labels", labels) print "%s: %s" % ("regions", regions) cv2.imwrite('%s_segmented.png' % fname_prefix, segmented) license_plate = cv2.imread('%s_segmented.png' % fname_prefix, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR) license_plate_size = (license_plate.shape[1], license_plate.shape[0]) license_plate_cvmat = license_plate_ipl =,, 3) license_plate_ipl, license_plate.tostring(),
from PIL import Image import pymeanshift as pms import numpy import Image def PIL2array(img): return numpy.array(img.getdata(), numpy.uint8).reshape(img.size[1], img.size[0], 3) def array2PIL(arr, size): mode = 'RGBA' arr = arr.reshape(arr.shape[0]*arr.shape[1], arr.shape[2]) if len(arr[0]) == 3: arr = numpy.c_[arr, 255*numpy.ones((len(arr),1), numpy.uint8)] return Image.frombuffer(mode, size, arr.tostring(), 'raw', mode, 0, 1) def segment_img(original_image, spatial_radius=5,range_radius=5, min_density=60): (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(original_image, spatial_radius, range_radius, min_density) original_image ="/home/lforet/images/class1/1.grass3.jpg") (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(original_image, spatial_radius=10, range_radius=10, min_density=60) array2PIL(segmented_image, original_image.size).show()
def seg(img,a,b,c): lx, ly, ch = img.shape img = img[lx / 4:-lx/4,ly/10:-ly/10,:] l = list(pms.segment(img[:,:,0:3],a,b,c)) #1,12,30 "magic" l.extend(list(img.shape)) return l
def segmented_downsampled(img): downsampled = cv2.resize(img, (0,0), fx=0.25, fy=0.25) (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(downsampled, spatial_radius=6, range_radius=4.5, min_density=50) return segmented_image
def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv desc = """%prog is a tool performs mean shift clustering and a phase symmetry transfromation\n on a given input image, in that order.""" parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=desc, usage='Usage: ex) %prog imageFile.png') parser.add_option('--scale', help='specify number of phasesym scales', dest='NSCALE', default=4, type="int") parser.add_option('--ori', help='specify number of phasesym orientations', dest='NORIENT', default=6, type="int") parser.add_option('--mult', help='specify multiplier for phasesym', dest='MULT', default=3.0, type="float") parser.add_option('--sig', help='specify sigma on frequncy for phasesym', dest='SIGMAONF', default=0.55, type="float") parser.add_option('--k', help='specify k value for phasesym', dest='K', default=1, type="int") parser.add_option('--blur', help='specify blur width value N for NxN blur operation', dest='BLUR', default=3, type="int") parser.add_option('--srad', help='specify spatial radius for mean shift', dest='SRAD', default=5, type="int") parser.add_option('--rrad', help='specify radiometric radius for mean shift', dest='RRAD', default=6, type="int") parser.add_option('--den', help='specify pixel density value for mean shift', dest='DEN', default=10, type="int") parser.add_option('--amin', help='specify blob minimum area for boxing', dest='AMIN', default=5, type="int") parser.add_option('--amax', help='specify blob maximum area for boxing', dest='AMAX', default=400, type="int") parser.add_option('--wmin', help='specify box minimum width acceptance', dest='WMIN', default=3, type="int") parser.add_option('--wmax', help='specify box maximum width acceptance', dest='WMAX', default=35, type="int") parser.add_option('--hmin', help='specify box minimum height acceptance', dest='HMIN', default=2, type="int") parser.add_option('--hmax', help='specify box maximum height acceptance', dest='HMAX', default=55, type="int") parser.add_option('--arat', help='specify minimum box aspect ratio for acceptance', dest='ARATIO', default=0.25, type="float") parser.add_option('--edgeMin', help='specify minimum hysteresis value for edge detection', dest='EDGEMIN', default=100, type="int") parser.add_option('--edgeMax', help='specify maximum hysteresis value for edge detection', dest='EDGEMAX', default=200, type="int") parser.add_option('--ref', help='specify reference car image', dest='MASTERIMG', default="") parser.add_option('--win', help='specify search window size', dest='WINSZ', default=55, type="int") parser.add_option('--tol', help='specify shape description tolerance', dest='TOL', default=0.07, type="float") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) args = args[1:] #check to see if the user provided an output directory if len(args) == 0: print "\nNo input file provided" parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) #check to see if the file system image is provided if len(args) > 1: print "\n invalid argument(s) %s provided" % (str(args)) parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) NSCALE = opts.NSCALE NORIENT = opts.NORIENT MULT = opts.MULT SIGMAONF = opts.SIGMAONF K = opts.K BLUR = (opts.BLUR, opts.BLUR) SRAD = opts.SRAD RRAD = opts.RRAD DEN = opts.DEN AMIN = opts.AMIN AMAX = opts.AMAX WMAX = opts.WMAX WMIN = opts.WMIN HMAX = opts.HMAX HMIN = opts.HMIN ARATIO = opts.ARATIO EDGEMIN = opts.EDGEMIN EDGEMAX = opts.EDGEMAX WINSZ = opts.WINSZ TOL = opts.TOL masterImg = "" masterHist = None if len(opts.MASTERIMG) > 0: masterImg = cv2.imread(opts.MASTERIMG) h, w, z = masterImg.shape if w%2: x = int(np.ceil(w/float(2))) else: x = w/2 if h%2: y = int(np.ceil(h/float(2))) else: y = h/2 print y, x masterHist = RadAngleHist(masterImg, 0, y, x,BLUR) else: #masterImg = cv2.imread('singleCar.png') #masterHist = RadAngleHist(masterImg, 0, 27, 29) masterImg, cen = genReferenceCar(WINSZ) print cen print masterImg masterHist = RadAngleHist(masterImg, 0, cen[0], cen[1],BLUR) print str(masterHist) #begin transform filename = args[0] basename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] img = cv2.imread(filename) grayImg = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) cv2.imwrite(basename+"_gray.png", grayImg) pha, ori, tot, T = phasesym(grayImg, nscale=NSCALE, norient=NORIENT, minWaveLength=3, mult=MULT, sigmaOnf=SIGMAONF, k=K, polarity=0) pha = cv2.normalize(pha, pha, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, cv2.CV_8UC1) pha = np.uint8(pha) cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K), pha) cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_ori.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K), ori) np.savetxt('python_ori.txt',ori) pha = cv2.blur(pha, BLUR) cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1]), pha) pha = cv2.cvtColor(pha, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) pha = cv2.cvtColor(pha, cv2.COLOR_RGB2LUV) (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(pha, spatial_radius=SRAD, range_radius=RRAD, min_density=DEN) segmented_image=cv2.normalize(segmented_image, segmented_image, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, cv2.CV_8UC1) segmented_image = np.uint8(segmented_image) segmented_image = cv2.cvtColor(segmented_image, cv2.COLOR_LUV2RGB) segmented_image = cv2.cvtColor(segmented_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d_MS_%d_%d_%d.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1], SRAD, RRAD, DEN), segmented_image) #ori = np.uint8(ori) #(ori, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(ori, spatial_radius=SRAD, range_radius=RRAD, min_density=DEN) #ori=cv2.normalize(ori, ori, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, cv2.CV_8UC1) #ori = np.uint8(ori) #cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d_MS_%d_%d_%d_ori.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1], SRAD, RRAD, DEN), ori) thresh_img = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(segmented_image, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 7, 0) cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d_MS_%d_%d_%d_T.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1], SRAD, RRAD, DEN), thresh_img) #get centroids contours = getContours(thresh_img, AMIN, AMAX, WMIN, WMAX, HMIN, HMAX, ARATIO) centroids = getCentroids(contours) #cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d_MS_%d_%d_%d_A_%d_%d_W_%d_%d_H_%d_%d_R_%.2f.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1], SRAD, RRAD, DEN, AMIN, AMAX, WMIN, WMAX, HMIN, HMAX, ARATIO), img) histograms = [] dirName = 'windowTiles' if not (os.path.isdir(dirName)): #create subdirectory if it does not already exist os.mkdir(dirName) outputImg = img.copy() centroidsImg = img.copy() drawCentroids(centroidsImg,centroids) #drawCentroids(img,centroids) np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': '{: 0.2f}'.format}) print str(masterHist) + "\n" for cen,cnt in zip(centroids,contours): print cen #win = getImageWindow(img, cen[0],cen[1],26,52) #if cen[0]==100 and cen[1] == 310: # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() win = getImageWindow(img, cen[0],cen[1],WINSZ,WINSZ) #correct filename = "win_%d_%d.jpg" % (cen[0], cen[1]) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dirName, filename), win) #histogram = RadAngleHist(win, 90+ori[cen[0], cen[1]],cen[0],cen[1]) histogram = RadAngleHist(win, 90+ori[cen[0], cen[1]],cen[0],cen[1],BLUR) #print ori[cen[0], cen[1]] print str(histogram) + "\n" if histogram.getHistSum() < 0.1: continue #if cen == (11,144): # import pdb;pdb.set_trace() #print if < TOL: drawBox(outputImg, cnt) dirName = "" cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dirName, "Boxes_Centroids.jpg"), outputImg) cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d_MS_%d_%d_%d_A_%d_%d_W_%d_%d_H_%d_%d_R_%.2f_E_%d_%d_W_%d_T_%.2f.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1], SRAD, RRAD, DEN, AMIN, AMAX, WMIN, WMAX, HMIN, HMAX, ARATIO,EDGEMIN,EDGEMAX,WINSZ,TOL), outputImg) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dirName, "Centroids.jpg"), centroidsImg)
import pymeanshift as pms import cv2 import numpy as np img = cv2.imread("me.jpg") for i in range(4): (segmented, labels, n) = pms.segment(img, spatial_radius=6, range_radius=1.5 * (i + 1), min_density=200) cv2.imshow("spatial_radius=%s" % str(50 + 50 * i), segmented)
def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv desc = """%prog is a tool performs mean shift clustering and a phase symmetry transfromation\n on a given input image, in that order.""" parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=desc, usage='Usage: ex) %prog imageFile.png') parser.add_option('--scale', help='specify number of phasesym scales', dest='NSCALE', default=4, type="int") parser.add_option('--ori', help='specify number of phasesym orientations', dest='NORIENT', default=6, type="int") parser.add_option('--mult', help='specify multiplier for phasesym', dest='MULT', default=3.0, type="float") parser.add_option('--sig', help='specify sigma on frequncy for phasesym', dest='SIGMAONF', default=0.55, type="float") parser.add_option('--k', help='specify k value for phasesym', dest='K', default=1, type="int") parser.add_option('--blur', help='specify blur width value N for NxN blur operation', dest='BLUR', default=3, type="int") parser.add_option('--srad', help='specify spatial radius for mean shift', dest='SRAD', default=5, type="int") parser.add_option('--rrad', help='specify radiometric radius for mean shift', dest='RRAD', default=6, type="int") parser.add_option('--den', help='specify pixel density value for mean shift', dest='DEN', default=10, type="int") parser.add_option('--amin', help='specify blob minimum area for boxing', dest='AMIN', default=5, type="int") parser.add_option('--amax', help='specify blob maximum area for boxing', dest='AMAX', default=400, type="int") parser.add_option('--wmin', help='specify box minimum width acceptance', dest='WMIN', default=3, type="int") parser.add_option('--wmax', help='specify box maximum width acceptance', dest='WMAX', default=35, type="int") parser.add_option('--hmin', help='specify box minimum height acceptance', dest='HMIN', default=2, type="int") parser.add_option('--hmax', help='specify box maximum height acceptance', dest='HMAX', default=55, type="int") parser.add_option('--arat', help='specify minimum box aspect ratio for acceptance', dest='ARATIO', default=0.25, type="float") parser.add_option('--edgeMin', help='specify minimum hysteresis value for edge detection', dest='EDGEMIN', default=100, type="int") parser.add_option('--edgeMax', help='specify maximum hysteresis value for edge detection', dest='EDGEMAX', default=200, type="int") parser.add_option('--eps', help='specify maximum epsilon value for DBSCAN clustering algorithm', dest='EPS', default=15, type="int") parser.add_option('--min_samples', help='specify the numer fo minimum samples that constitute a cluster during DBSCAN', dest='MINSAMPLES', default=1, type="int") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) args = args[1:] #check to see if the user provided an output directory if len(args) == 0: print "\nNo input file provided" parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) #check to see if the file system image is provided if len(args) > 1: print "\n invalid argument(s) %s provided" % (str(args)) parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) NSCALE = opts.NSCALE NORIENT = opts.NORIENT MULT = opts.MULT SIGMAONF = opts.SIGMAONF K = opts.K BLUR = (opts.BLUR, opts.BLUR) SRAD = opts.SRAD RRAD = opts.RRAD DEN = opts.DEN AMIN = opts.AMIN AMAX = opts.AMAX WMAX = opts.WMAX WMIN = opts.WMIN HMAX = opts.HMAX HMIN = opts.HMIN ARATIO = opts.ARATIO EDGEMIN = opts.EDGEMIN EDGEMAX = opts.EDGEMAX EPS = opts.EPS MINSAMPLES = opts.MINSAMPLES #begin transform filename = args[0] basename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] img = cv2.imread(filename) grayImg = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) cv2.imwrite(basename+"_gray.png", grayImg) pha, ori, tot, T = phasesym(grayImg, nscale=NSCALE, norient=NORIENT, minWaveLength=3, mult=MULT, sigmaOnf=SIGMAONF, k=K, polarity=0) pha = cv2.normalize(pha, pha, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, cv2.CV_8UC1) pha = np.uint8(pha) cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K), pha) cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_ori.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K), ori) np.savetxt('python_ori.txt',ori) pha = cv2.blur(pha, BLUR) cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1]), pha) pha = cv2.cvtColor(pha, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) pha = cv2.cvtColor(pha, cv2.COLOR_RGB2LUV) (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(pha, spatial_radius=SRAD, range_radius=RRAD, min_density=DEN) segmented_image=cv2.normalize(segmented_image, segmented_image, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, cv2.CV_8UC1) segmented_image = np.uint8(segmented_image) segmented_image = cv2.cvtColor(segmented_image, cv2.COLOR_LUV2RGB) segmented_image = cv2.cvtColor(segmented_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d_MS_%d_%d_%d.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1], SRAD, RRAD, DEN), segmented_image) #ori = np.uint8(ori) #(ori, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(ori, spatial_radius=SRAD, range_radius=RRAD, min_density=DEN) #ori=cv2.normalize(ori, ori, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, cv2.CV_8UC1) #ori = np.uint8(ori) #cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d_MS_%d_%d_%d_ori.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1], SRAD, RRAD, DEN), ori) thresh_img = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(segmented_image, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 7, 0) cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d_MS_%d_%d_%d_T.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1], SRAD, RRAD, DEN), thresh_img) #get centroids contours = getContours(thresh_img, AMIN, AMAX, WMIN, WMAX, HMIN, HMAX, ARATIO) centroids = getCentroids(contours) #cv2.imwrite(basename + "_PS" + "_%d_%d_%.2f_%.2f_%d_B_%d_%d_MS_%d_%d_%d_A_%d_%d_W_%d_%d_H_%d_%d_R_%.2f.png" % (NSCALE, NORIENT, MULT, SIGMAONF, K, BLUR[0], BLUR[1], SRAD, RRAD, DEN, AMIN, AMAX, WMIN, WMAX, HMIN, HMAX, ARATIO), img) histograms = [] f = open('masterHist.txt') h = np.loadtxt(f) masterImg = cv2.imread('singleCar.png') masterHist = RadAngleHist(masterImg, 180, 27, 29) dirName = 'windowTiles' if not (os.path.isdir(dirName)): #create subdirectory if it does not already exist os.mkdir(dirName) outputImg = img.copy() #ori = np.loadtxt('matlab_ori.txt',delimiter=',') shapedCentroids = [] for cen,cnt in zip(centroids,contours): #print cen #win = getImageWindow(img, cen[0],cen[1],26,52) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() win = getImageWindow(img, cen[0],cen[1],55,55) #correct #win = getImageWindow(img, cen[0],cen[1],51,51) filename = "win_%d_%d.jpg" % (cen[0], cen[1]) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dirName, filename), win) histogram = RadAngleHist(win, ori[cen[0], cen[1]],cen[0],cen[1]) #print ori[cen[0], cen[1]] #print # if, dist=60) == 0: # histograms.append(histogram) if < 0.07: drawBox(outputImg, cnt) shapedCentroids.append(cen) # boxedImg = img.copy() # drawBox(boxedImg,cnt) # filename = "win_box_%d_%d.jpg" % (cen[0], cen[1]) # cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dirName, filename), boxedImg) dirName = "" filename = "Boxes_+_Centroids.jpg" cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dirName, filename), outputImg) dbResult = scanBlobs(shapedCentroids, img.copy(), EPS, MINSAMPLES) drawClusterColors(dbResult, img.copy(), shapedCentroids)
def meanShift(img, sradius=6, rradius=4.5, mdensity=50): (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(img, sradius, rradius, mdensity) return segmented_image
if len(rects) > 0: face = rects[len(rects)-1] # print img.shape, face r_img, r_face = resize.resize(img, face, resize_w, resize_h, face_ratio) # print r_img.shape, r_face face_x, face_y, face_w, face_h = r_face # cv2.rectangle(r_img, (face_x,face_y), (face_x+face_w,face_y+face_h), (255,0,0),2) # meanshift (segmented_img, labels_img, number_regions) = pms.segment(r_img, spatial_radius=9, range_radius=4.5, min_density=20) # kmeans pixels = reshape(segmented_img, (r_img.shape[0]*r_img.shape[1], r_img.shape[2])) centroids, _ = kmeans(pixels, 4) # four colors will be found qnt, _ = vq(pixels, centroids) centers_idx = reshape(qnt, (r_img.shape[0], r_img.shape[1])) # clustered_img = centroids[centers_idx] m_w = int(face_w * 0.1) m_h = int(face_h * 0.1) faces_idx = centers_idx[face_y:face_y+face_h-m_h*2,face_x+m_w:face_x+face_w-m_w] r_faces_idx = reshape(faces_idx, faces_idx.shape[0]*faces_idx.shape[1]) cnt = Counter(r_faces_idx).most_common()
def segment_img(original_image, spatial_radius=5,range_radius=5, min_density=60): (segmented_image, labels_image, number_regions) = pms.segment(original_image, spatial_radius, range_radius, min_density)