def get_latest_ouput_file_name(self): """Return latest output file name (latest .out file in working folder)""" canditates = glob1(self.workingdir, self.jobname + '*.out') if len(canditates) > 0: # make newest first: canditates.sort(reverse=True) self.out_file = path.join(self.workingdir, canditates[0])'Post-processing output file from previous ' 'simulation run: {0}'.format(self.out_file)) else: # we try again using only the file suffix, maybe the folder or file was renamed: candidates = glob1(self.workingdir, '*.out') if len(candidates) > 0: # make newest first: candidates.sort(reverse=True) self.out_file = path.join(self.workingdir, candidates[0])'Post-processing output file from previous ' 'simulation run: {0}'.format(self.out_file)) if len(candidates) > 1: log.warn( "Other output files were found in same folder: {0}". format(candidates)) else: log.exception('Cannot post-process, no simulation output ' 'file found!') return return self.out_file
def write_ctl_file(self, where='./'): filename = path.join(where, self.ctl_file)"writing ctl file to %s" % filename)"### ctl file for reference: ###\n" + str(self) + '\n### end of ctl file ###\n\n') with open(filename, 'w') as input_file: input_file.write(str(self))
def plot_fluxes(self, interactive=False, only_fluxplanes=None, norm_with_influx=True, gap=None, xlim=None, ylim=None): if interactive: fig_filename = None else: fig_filename = path.join(self.workingdir, self.jobname + '_fluxes.png')'saving flux diagram to file %s' % fig_filename) self.fluxdata = postprocess.load_flux_data( self.get_latest_ouput_file_name()) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13.8, 6)) X = self.fluxdata[:, 0] #X = range(len(fluxes[:, 0])) if only_fluxplanes is None: # plot all: only_fluxplanes = range(1, self.fluxdata.shape[1]) refl = self.fluxdata[:, 1] trans = self.fluxdata[:, 2] influx = trans - refl #plt.plot(X, influx) for i in only_fluxplanes: if norm_with_influx: plt.plot(X, self.fluxdata[:, i] / influx, label=i) else: plt.plot(X, self.fluxdata[:, i], label=i) if xlim is not None: plt.xlim(*xlim) if ylim is not None: plt.ylim(*ylim) ymin, ymax = plt.ylim() if gap is not None: plt.fill([gap[0], gap[0], gap[1], gap[1]], [ymin, ymax, ymax, ymin], 'b', alpha=0.15) plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() if fig_filename is not None: fig.savefig(fig_filename, transparent=False, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) else: return
def h5topng_field_series(field_component, epsfile, workingdir, x_tiles=1, y_tiles=1, sliceparam='-0z0'): """ Run mpbdata and then h5topng on multiple files using dkbluered color scale. Return 0 if successful. field_component: e.g. 'hz'; dataset: e.g. 'hz.r'; """ h5files = glob1(workingdir, field_component + '-*.h5') if len(h5files) == 0: log.warning("h5topng: Could not open file: %s" % field_component + '-*.h5') return 1 # The dataset must be supplied, otherwise mpb_data does nothing. # If only real values were used in sim, then the dataset is e.g. 'hz', otherwise 'hz.r' or 'hz.i'. # Get first dataset of first file, other files should be the same: dataset = sp.check_output(["h5ls", path.join(workingdir, h5files[0]) ]).decode('utf-8').split()[0] # Export real part: if dataset == 'hz.i': dataset = 'hz.r' for h5file in h5files: # call mpbdata for each file: error = mpb_data(h5file, dataset, 'temp_' + h5file, workingdir, x_tiles=x_tiles, y_tiles=y_tiles) if error: return 1 # and now h5topng on all files in one call, so that we can use -R: callstr = defaults.fieldh5topng_call % dict(h5_file=' '.join( ['temp_' + f for f in h5files]), eps_file=epsfile, sliceparam=sliceparam)"running: %s (in working dir: %s)" % (callstr, workingdir)) error =, cwd=workingdir) if error: return error # move pngs into subdirectory and remove temporary files again: dname = path.join(workingdir, sliceparam.lstrip('-')) if not path.exists(dname): mkdir(dname) for h5file in h5files: rename(path.join(workingdir, 'temp_' + h5file.rstrip('h5') + 'png'), path.join(dname, h5file.rstrip('h5') + 'png')) remove(path.join(workingdir, 'temp_' + h5file))
def h5topng_pwr(h5file, outputfile, epsfile, workingdir, sliceparam='-0z0'): """ Run h5topng using hot color scale. Return 0 if successful. """ if has_magic(h5file): names = glob1(workingdir, h5file) if len(names) == 0: log.warning("h5topng: Could not open file: %s" % h5file) return 1 elif len(names) > 1: log.warning( 'h5topng: Warning: Globbing found multiple' ' matching filenames, but will only use first one: %s' % names[0]) # only load the first one found: h5file = names[0] callstr = defaults.pwrh5topng_call % dict(h5_file=h5file, output_file=outputfile, eps_file=epsfile, sliceparam=sliceparam)"running: %s (in working dir: %s)" % (callstr, workingdir)) return, cwd=workingdir)
def plot_raw_fluxes(self, interactive=False): """Plot all recorded flux data :return: None """ self.fluxdata = postprocess.load_flux_data( self.get_latest_ouput_file_name()) #if 'fcen' in self.__dict__ and 'df' in self.__dict__: # y_range = (self.fcen - self.df / 2.0, self.fcen + self.df / 2.0) #else: # y_range = None if interactive: fig_filename = None else: fig_filename = path.join(self.workingdir, self.jobname + '_fluxes_raw.png')'saving flux diagram to file %s' % fig_filename) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 5)) for i in range(self.fluxdata.shape[1] - 1): plt.plot(self.fluxdata[:, 0], self.fluxdata[:, i + 1], label='flux plane %i' % (i + 1)) plt.legend() #plt.xlim(0.43, 0.45) #plt.ylim(1.5, 2.5) plt.tight_layout() if fig_filename is not None: fig.savefig(fig_filename, transparent=False, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) else: return
def mpb_data(h5file, dataset, outputfile, workingdir, x_tiles=1, y_tiles=1): """ Run mpb-data. Return 0 if successful. """ if has_magic(h5file): names = glob1(workingdir, h5file) if len(names) == 0: log.warning("mpb_data: Could not open file: %s" % h5file) return 1 elif len(names) > 1: log.warning( 'mpb_data: Warning: Globbing found multiple' ' matching filenames, but will only use first one: %s' % names[0]) # only load the first one found: h5file = names[0] callstr = defaults.mpbdata_call % dict(h5_file=h5file, dataset=dataset, output_file=outputfile, tiles_x=x_tiles, tiles_y=y_tiles)"running: %s (in working dir: %s)" % (callstr, workingdir)) return, cwd=workingdir)
def run_simulation(self, num_processors=2): self.write_ctl_file(self.workingdir) meep_call_str = defaults.meep_call % dict(num_procs=num_processors) with open(self.out_file, 'w') as outputFile:"Using MEEP " + defaults.meepversion)"Running the MEEP-computation using the following " "call:\n" + " ".join([meep_call_str, self.ctl_file]))"Writing MEEP output to %s" % self.out_file) # write Time and ctl as reference: outputFile.write("This is a simulation started by pyMEEP\n") outputFile.write("Run on: " + uname()[1] + "\n") starttime = outputFile.write("Date: " + str(starttime) + "\n") outputFile.write("\n=================================\n") outputFile.write("=========== CTL INPUT ===========\n") outputFile.write("=================================\n\n") outputFile.write(str(self)) outputFile.write("\n\n==================================\n") outputFile.write("=========== MEEP OUTPUT ===========\n") outputFile.write("==================================\n\n") outputFile.flush()'MEEP simulation is running... To see progress, please ' 'check the output file %s' % self.out_file) # run MEEP, write output to outputFile: # TODO can we also pipe MEEP output to stdout, so the user can # see progress? p = sp.Popen(meep_call_str.split() + [self.ctl_file], stdout=outputFile, stderr=sp.STDOUT, cwd=self.workingdir) retcode = p.wait() endtime = outputFile.write("finished on: %s (duration: %s)\n" % (str(endtime), str(endtime - starttime))) outputFile.write("returncode: " + str(retcode))"Simulation finished, returncode: " + str(retcode)) return retcode
def main(): ownname = path.splitext(path.basename(sys.argv[0]))[0].capitalize() if len(sys.argv) > 1: runmode = sys.argv[1][0] else: print( 'please provide mode: "sim" / "s" or "display" / "d" or "post-process" / "p"' ) return if len(sys.argv) > 2: onlystep = float(sys.argv[2]) else: onlystep = None resolution = 12 fcen = 0.5 df = 0.5 # dpml = 3 # sx = 22 # sy = 12 # sz = 10 thickness = 0.8 containing_folder = './' minstep = 1 stepsize = 1 maxstep = 8.0 #minstep + stepsize * 6 numsteps = int((maxstep - minstep) / stepsize + 1.5) steps = np.linspace(minstep, maxstep, num=numsteps, endpoint=True) #steps = [0.8] if runmode == 'd' and numsteps > 1 and onlystep is None: print( 'will only plot first step: %f. Alternatively, specify step as 2nd parameter' % minstep) steps = [minstep] elif onlystep is not None: steps = [onlystep] numsteps = len(steps) # save previous step's data, needed for comparison with current data: prev_step_data = None for i, step in enumerate(steps): dpml = step sx = 16 + 2 * dpml sy = 6 + 2 * dpml sz = 4 + 2 * dpml"running simulation with {0:n} steps:\n{1}".format( numsteps, steps) + '\n ### step: #{0} ({1}) ###\n'.format(i + 1, step)) ### create and run simulation ### jobname = ownname + '_res{0:03.0f}'.format(resolution) jobname_suffix = '_dpml{0:03.0f}'.format(dpml * 10) sim = Simulation( jobname=jobname + jobname_suffix, ctl_template=template, resolution=resolution, work_in_subfolder=path.join(containing_folder, jobname + jobname_suffix), clear_subfolder=runmode.startswith('s'), sx=sx, sy=sy, sz=sz, thickness=thickness, dpml=dpml, fcen=fcen, df=df, ) if runmode == 's': error = sim.run_simulation(num_processors=g_num_processors) if error: log.error( 'an error occured during simulation. See the .out file') return if runmode in ['s', 'd', 'p']: sim.plot_fluxes(interactive=runmode == 'd', only_fluxplanes=None)' ##### step={0} - success! #####\n\n'.format(step)) # reset logger; the next stuff logged is going to next step's file: log.reset_logger()
def main(): ownname = path.splitext(path.basename(sys.argv[0]))[0].capitalize() if len(sys.argv) > 1: runmode = sys.argv[1][0] else: print( 'please provide mode: "sim" / "s" or "display" / "d" or "post-process" / "p"' ) return if len(sys.argv) > 2: onlystep = float(sys.argv[2]) else: onlystep = None radius = 0.38 thickness = 0.8 resolution = 12 sz = 4 dpml = 1 containing_folder = './' T = 200 fcen = 0.5 df = 0.3 nx = 7 k_interp = 15 minstep = 0.20 stepsize = 0.02 maxstep = 0.48 #minstep + stepsize * 6 numsteps = int((maxstep - minstep) / stepsize + 1.5) steps = np.linspace(minstep, maxstep, num=numsteps, endpoint=True) #steps = [0.8] if runmode == 'd' and numsteps > 1 and onlystep is None: print( 'will only plot first step: %f. Alternatively, specify step as 2nd parameter' % minstep) steps = [minstep] elif onlystep is not None: steps = [onlystep] numsteps = len(steps) # save previous step's data, needed for comparison with current data: #prev_step_data = None for i, step1 in enumerate(steps): for j, step2 in enumerate(steps[1::2]): "running simulation with " "{0:n} first row radius steps:\n{1}".format(numsteps, steps) + "{0:n} second row radius steps:\n{1}".format(numsteps, steps) + '\n ### current step: row1: #{0} ({1}); row2: #{2} ({3}) ###\n' .format(i + 1, step1, j + 1, step2)) r1 = step1 r2 = step2 ### create and run simulation ### jobname = ownname + '_r{0:03.0f}_t{1:03.0f}_res{2:03.0f}'.format( radius * 1000, thickness * 100, resolution) jobname_suffix = '_1r{0:03.0f}_2r{1:03.0f}'.format( r1 * 1000, r2 * 1000) sim = Simulation(jobname=jobname + jobname_suffix, ctl_template=template, resolution=resolution, work_in_subfolder=path.join( containing_folder, jobname + jobname_suffix), clear_subfolder=runmode.startswith('s'), radius=radius, thickness=thickness, sz=sz, dpml=dpml, harminv_time_steps=T, fcen=fcen, df=df, nx=nx, k_interp=k_interp, wg_row1rad=r1, wg_row2rad=r2) if runmode == 's': error = sim.run_simulation(num_processors=g_num_processors) if error: log.error( 'an error occured during simulation. See the .out file' ) return if runmode in ['s', 'd', 'p']: sim.post_process_bands(interactive=runmode == 'd', gap=[0.44090, 0.52120])' ##### step={0}-{1} - success! #####\n\n'.format( step1, step2)) # reset logger; the next stuff logged is going to next step's file: log.reset_logger()
def onclick(self, event): """This is the function called if the bands are plotted with a picker supplied and the user clicks on a vertex in the plot. It then prints some information about the vertex(ices) clicked on to stdout, including the mode, the k-vector and -index and the frequency(ies). The k-index, the frequency and a default bandwidth (should be adjusted manually later) is added to a file ('patterns_to_simulate') which can be used later to selectively excite a single mode and save the mode pattern in another simulation. On the other hand, if the mode pattern was already simulated in this way, there should exist a subfolder with the name 'pattern_k{0:03.0f}_f{1:.4f}'.format(kindex, frequency).replace('.', 'p'). Then a new figure is displayed with all pngs found in this subfolder. """ try: thisline = event.artist xdata = thisline.get_xdata() ydata = thisline.get_ydata() ind = event.ind print('event.ind:', ind, thisline.indexes.shape) #xaxisformatter = event.mouseevent.inaxes.xaxis.major.formatter except AttributeError: print('error getting event data') return print() for i in ind: kindex = thisline.indexes[0, i] bandindex = thisline.indexes[1, i] kvec = thisline.kdata[kindex] freq = thisline.hdata[kindex, bandindex, 0] #xaxispos = xdata[i] #freq = ydata[i] s = 'picker_index={0}, band_index={1}, k_index={2:.0f}, k_vec={3}, freq={4}'.format( i, bandindex, kindex, kvec, freq) print(s + '; ') ## display mode pattern if it was exported; patterndir = path.join( self.workingdir, 'pattern_k{0:03.0f}_f{1:.4f}'.format(kindex, freq).replace('.', 'p')) ## calculate it if not exported yet: if not path.exists(patterndir): 'Folder "%s" not found; added to list of modes to be simulated.' % patterndir) with open(path.join(self.workingdir, 'patterns_to_simulate'), 'a') as f: f.write("{0:.0f}\t{1:.4f}\t{2:.4f}\n".format( kindex, freq, defaults.mode_pattern_sim_df)) # mark the mode in the plot: s = plt.scatter([kindex], [freq], facecolors='none', edgecolors='r', s=100) if path.exists(patterndir): # display all pngs in folder pngs = glob1(patterndir, '*.png') cnt = len(pngs) if not cnt: return print('displaying all pngs in folder: %s' % patterndir) # print the frequencies found in the simulation to stdout, to make sure only one mode was excited: with open(path.join(patterndir, glob1(patterndir, '*.out')[0])) as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('harminv'): print(line.rstrip()) # Start interactive mode: plt.ion() # create a new popup figure: fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=cnt, num='mode pattern', figsize=(min(16, cnt * 2), 2), sharey=True) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=0.92, wspace=0) maxx = 0 maxy = 0 for i, fname in enumerate(pngs): img = mpimg.imread(path.join(patterndir, fname)) axes[i].imshow(img, ) #origin='upper', #extent=(xl, xr, yb, yt), #interpolation='none') maxx = max(maxx, img.shape[1]) maxy = max(maxy, img.shape[0]) axes[i].set_title(fname, {'fontsize': 6}) # remove ticks: axes[i].set_xticks([]) axes[i].set_yticks([]) print(maxx, maxy) for ax in axes: ax.set_xlim(0, maxx) ax.set_ylim(0, maxy)
def post_process_bands(self, interactive=False, gap=None, maxq=None, coldataindex=1): """Make csv files for all band information. :return: None """ # load all frequencies, even if two harminv outputs present: self.kdata, self.hdata = postprocess.load_bands_data( self.get_latest_ouput_file_name(), phase_tolerance=100, freq_tolerance=-1) # 0.01) # x_axis_formatter = axis_formatter.KVectorAxisFormatter(5) # # add hover data: # if x_axis_formatter._hover_func_is_default: # x_axis_formatter.set_hover_data(self.kdata) # # plotter = BandPlotter(figure_size=defaults.fig_size) # print (self.kdata.shape, self.hdata.shape) # plotter.plot_bands( # self.hdata[:, :, 0], self.kdata, # formatstr='o' # x_axis_formatter=x_axis_formatter) # if 'fcen' in self.__dict__ and 'df' in self.__dict__: y_range = (self.fcen - self.df / 2.0, self.fcen + self.df / 2.0) else: y_range = None if interactive: fig_filename = None self.patts_simulated = self.find_modes_with_calculated_patterns() try: self.patts_to_sim = np.loadtxt(path.join( self.workingdir, 'patterns_to_simulate'), ndmin=2) except IOError: self.patts_to_sim = None else: fig_filename = path.join(self.workingdir, self.jobname + '_bands.png')'saving band diagram to file %s' % fig_filename) self.patts_simulated = None self.patts_to_sim = None postprocess.plot_bands( self.kdata, self.hdata, draw_light_line=True, maxq=maxq, filename=fig_filename, onpick=self.onclick, modes_with_calculated_patterns=self.patts_simulated, mode_patterns_to_be_calculated=self.patts_to_sim, y_range=y_range, gap=gap, coldataindex=coldataindex) return
def __init__(self, jobname, ctl_template, resolution=defaults.default_resolution, work_in_subfolder=True, clear_subfolder=True, logger=True, quiet=defaults.isQuiet, **kwargs): self.jobname = jobname self.ctl_template = ctl_template self.resolution = resolution self.quiet = quiet # All extra kwargs are going into this object's __dict__. # They are supposed to be used in ctl_template: self.__dict__.update(kwargs) self.work_in_subfolder = work_in_subfolder self.clear_subfolder = clear_subfolder if isinstance(work_in_subfolder, bool): if work_in_subfolder: # create default subfolder from jobname: self.workingdir = path.abspath(path.join(path.curdir, jobname)) else: # work here, no subfolder: self.workingdir = path.abspath(path.curdir) else: # hopefully a string self.workingdir = path.abspath( path.join(path.curdir, work_in_subfolder)) # the .ctl file that MEEP will use: self.ctl_file = jobname + '.ctl' # a date & time stamp added to log and output filenames: dtstamp = ('_{0.tm_year}-{0.tm_mon:02}-{0.tm_mday:02}' '_{0.tm_hour:02}-{0.tm_min:02}-' '{0.tm_sec:02}').format(time.localtime()) # the output file, where all MEEP output will go: self.out_file = path.join(self.workingdir, jobname + dtstamp + '.out') # a log file, where information from pyMEEP will go: self.log_file = path.join(self.workingdir, jobname + dtstamp + '.log') # the file where MEEP usually saves the dielectric: self.eps_file = path.join(self.workingdir, 'epsilon.h5') # logger is not setup yet, because the log file might be placed in a # subfolder that still needs to be created. But, I want to log that # I created a new directory. So make a simple log buffer: to_log = [] to_log.append('Working in directory ' + self.workingdir) if self.work_in_subfolder: if path.exists(self.workingdir): to_log.append('directory exists already: ' + self.workingdir) if self.clear_subfolder: # directory exists, make backup backupdir = self.workingdir + '_bak' if path.exists(backupdir): # previous backup exists already, remove old # backup, but keep .log and .out files (they have # unique names): keepers = (glob1(self.workingdir + '_bak', '*.log') + glob1(self.workingdir + '_bak', '*.out')) to_log.append( ('removing existing backup {0}, but keeping {1}' ' old log and output files').format( backupdir, len(keepers))) for f in keepers: rename(path.join(backupdir, f), path.join(self.workingdir, f)) rmtree(backupdir) to_log.append(backupdir + ' removed') # rename current (old) dir to backup: rename(self.workingdir, backupdir) to_log.append('existing ' + self.workingdir + ' renamed to ' + backupdir) # make new empty working directory: mkdir(self.workingdir) to_log.append('created directory ' + self.workingdir + '\n') else: to_log.append('working in existing directory.') else: # make new empty working directory: mkdir(self.workingdir) to_log.append('created directory ' + self.workingdir + '\n') if logger: if hasattr(logger, 'log') and callable(logger.log): # a custom logger was given as parameter, use it: log.logger = logger else: # Create the logger. Afterwards, we can also use # etc. in other modules. All status, logging # and stderr output will go through this logger (except # MEEP's output during simulation): log.setup_logger('root.' + self.jobname, self.log_file, self.quiet, redirect_stderr=True) # now we can log the stuff from before: if to_log:'\n' + '\n'.join(to_log)) del to_log new_environ_dict = {'GUILE_WARN_DEPRECATED': 'no'} environ.update(new_environ_dict)'added to environment:' + ''.join([ '\n {0}={1}'.format(key, environ[key]) for key in new_environ_dict.keys() ]))'pymeep Simulation created with following properties:' + ''.join([ '\npymeepprop: {0}={1!r}'.format(key, val) for key, val in self.__dict__.items() ]) + '\n\n')
def main(): ownname = path.splitext(path.basename(sys.argv[0]))[0].capitalize() if len(sys.argv) > 1: runmode = sys.argv[1][0] else: print( 'please provide mode: "sim" / "s" or "display" / "d" or "post-process" / "p"' ) return if len(sys.argv) > 2: onlystep = float(sys.argv[2]) else: onlystep = None gdsfile = './design.gds' gdscell = 'bend_optS' gdsunitlength = 0.27e-6 resolution = 12 fcen = 0.5 df = 0.5 dpml = 3 dpml_thick = 6 # thicker pml where phc protrudes into pml swgwidth = '(sqrt 3)' swglength = 4 + dpml holerad = 0.32 phcterm = 0 sx = np.ceil((swglength + dpml_thick + 9) / 2.0) * 2 sy = np.ceil((5 + dpml_thick) * np.sqrt(3) / 2.0) * 2 sz = 4 + 2 * dpml thickness = 0.8 containing_folder = './' minstep = 0 stepsize = 0.1 maxstep = 0 #minstep + stepsize * 6 numsteps = int((maxstep - minstep) / stepsize + 1.5) steps = np.linspace(minstep, maxstep, num=numsteps, endpoint=True) #steps = [0.8] if runmode == 'd' and numsteps > 1 and onlystep is None: print( 'will only plot first step: %f. Alternatively, specify step as 2nd parameter' % minstep) steps = [minstep] elif onlystep is not None: steps = [onlystep] numsteps = len(steps) # save previous step's data, needed for comparison with current data: prev_step_data = None for i, step in enumerate(steps):"running simulation with {0:n} steps:\n{1}".format( numsteps, steps) + '\n ### step: #{0} ({1}) ###\n'.format(i + 1, step)) ### create and run simulation ### gdsfilebase = path.splitext(path.basename(gdsfile))[0] pointsfilename = gdsfilebase + '_' + gdscell + '.dat' jobname = ownname + '_r{0:03.0f}_res{1:03.0f}'.format( holerad * 1000, resolution) jobname_suffix = '_opt0' #_term{0:03.0f}'.format(step*1000) sim = Simulation( jobname=jobname + jobname_suffix, ctl_template=template, resolution=resolution, work_in_subfolder=path.join(containing_folder, jobname + jobname_suffix), clear_subfolder=runmode.startswith('s'), sx=None, # will be set later sy=None, # will be set later sz=sz, thickness=thickness, pointsfilename=pointsfilename, dpml=dpml, dpmlthick=dpml_thick, swgwidth=swgwidth, swglength=swglength, swg_y_pos=None, # will be set later holerad=holerad, phcterm=phcterm, fcen=fcen, df=df, ) # prepare circles list: bb = export_gds_elements_locations_and_radii(gdsfile, gdscell, path.join( sim.workingdir, pointsfilename), unit=gdsunitlength, layers=[1]) # late setting of important grid size: = np.ceil((swglength + bb[1, 0] - bb[0, 0]) * resolution / 2) / resolution * 2.0 = np.ceil( (bb[1, 1] - bb[0, 1]) * resolution / 2) / resolution * 2.0 sim.swg_y_pos = (bb[0, 1] + bb[1, 1]) / -2.0 if runmode == 's': error = sim.run_simulation(num_processors=g_num_processors) if error: log.error( 'an error occured during simulation. See the .out file') return if runmode in ['s', 'd', 'p']: sim.plot_fluxes( interactive=runmode == 'd', only_fluxplanes=None, gap=[0.411115, 0.473015], ) #xlim=(0.4, 0.5), ylim=(0.3, 1))' ##### step={0} - success! #####\n\n'.format(step)) # reset logger; the next stuff logged is going to next step's file: log.reset_logger()
def distribute_pattern_images(imgfolder, dstfile_prefix, dstfile_type='pdf', borderpixel=5, vertical_complex_pairs=False, only_k=None, title='', show=False): """Read all pngs (from MPB simulation) from *imgfolder* and distribute them according to bandnumber and k vector number. The filenames must be in a format like h.k55.b06.z.r.zeven.png, where the mode is optional. The field (here: 'h'), direction (here: '.z') and mode (here: '.zeven') will be added to *dstfile_prefix* to make up the destination file name (with extension '.' + *dstfile_type*) *borderpixel* is the number of pixels that the border around the images will take up. (between r and i parts; border between bands and kvecs will take up 3*borderpixel) If *vertical_complex_pairs* is False (default), real and imaginary parts of the field patterns will be next to each other, otherwise on top of each other. Specify *only_k_* to limit the k-vecs to be included in the field pattern diagram. *only_k* can be a list with k-vector indexes to be included OR a tuple with length 2, in which case *only_k* is interpreted as a slice, e.g. (0, 2) meaning the first, second and third exported k-vector will be included. Please note that with these indexes, the index of exported k-vectors are meant, not the index of all k-vectors simulated. If it is None (default), all k-vectors where field patterns were exported will be added to the diagram. """ if not path.isdir(imgfolder): return 0 # make list of all field pattern png files: filenames = glob1(imgfolder, "*.png") if not filenames: return 0 # Build the regular expression pattern for parsing file names: # re that matches the output, i.e. field (e, d or h) or 'dpwr' etc.: f = r'(?P<field>[edh]|hpwr|dpwr)' # re that matches the k number part, starting with '.': k = r'[.]k(?P<knum>\d+)' # re that matches the band number part, starting with '.': b = r'[.]b(?P<bandnum>\d+)' # re that matches the dataset: d = r'(:?[.](?P<data>[xyz][.][ri]|data))?' # re that matches anything following '.', which does not contain # another period (this should be the mode: te, tm, zodd etc.): m = r'(:?[.](?P<mode>[^.]+))?' # The final re pattern matches field pattern PNG file names: retest = re.compile(''.join([f, k, b, d, m, '.png'])) # Analyze files in folder and make dictionary with data for each # destination file: dst_dict = dict() for fname in filenames: m = retest.match(fname) if m is None: # found png file with unknown format log.warning('Distribute field pattern images: Could not ' 'parse the file name: {0}'.format(fname)) continue redict = m.groupdict() field = redict['field'] data = redict['data'] if data is not None and data != 'data': field += '_' + data.split('.')[0] ri = data.split('.')[1] else: ri = '' mode = redict.get('mode', '') if mode: dstfile = '.'.join([dstfile_prefix, field, mode, dstfile_type]) else: dstfile = '.'.join([dstfile_prefix, field, dstfile_type]) if dstfile not in dst_dict: axtitle = '${0}{1}$ field pattern{2}'.format( field[0].upper(), field[1:], ', {0} mode'.format(mode) if mode else '') # dst_dict is a dictionary which keys are the unique # destination file names. The values are lists. The first # four items in these lists are a set of band numbers, a # set of k-vectors and a set of complex components (.r # and/or .i) occurring in the png file names and the # (second) title that will be printed below the major title. # Additional items in the value-lists are tuples, one for # each png file going to the destination file. The tuple # items are the png-file name, the band number, the k-vector # index and ['r' or 'i'] for the real or imaginary part. dst_dict[dstfile] = [set(), set(), set(), axtitle] bandnum = int(redict['bandnum']) knum = int(redict['knum']) # append to the sets of knum and ri of all png files going # to dstfile: dst_dict[dstfile][0].add(bandnum) dst_dict[dstfile][1].add(knum) dst_dict[dstfile][2].add(ri) # append a tuple for this png file dst_dict[dstfile].append((fname, bandnum, knum, ri)) # now, for each destination file, make a figure and distribute the # pngs belonging there: for dstfile_name, dst_list in dst_dict.items(): # convert sets to sorted lists: bnums = sorted(dst_list[0]) knums = sorted(dst_list[1]) if only_k is not None: if isinstance(only_k, tuple) and len(only_k) == 2: # interpret only_k as a slice: knums = knums[only_k[0]:only_k[1] + 1] else: knums = [knums[i] for i in only_k] bnums = sorted(bnums) # reverse, because I want real part first: ris = sorted(dst_list[2], reverse=True) num_cmplx_comps = len(ris) axtitle = dst_list[3]'Distributing following field patterns to' ' file {0}:'.format(dstfile_name))', '.join([tpl[0] for tpl in dst_list[4:] if tpl[2] in knums])) # prepare the figure: # read img size from first file, all images should be the same! img = mpimg.imread(path.join(imgfolder, dst_list[4][0])) imgsize = (img.shape[1], img.shape[0]) # img_aspect = imgsize[1] / imgsize[0] # calc pixelsize in data units: I want to force the individual # pngs into areas of 1x1 data units, including a half-border # around the pngs. That way, the pngs will be placed at integer # values of the axes. Because the pngs are generally not # rectangular, we will have a different pixelsize in x and y. if vertical_complex_pairs: # border belonging to one png in x: (1.5 + 1.5) * bordersize: pixelsize_x = 1.0 / (imgsize[0] + 3 * borderpixel) # border belonging to one png in y: (0.5 + 1.5) * bordersize: pixelsize_y = 1.0 / (imgsize[1] + 2 * borderpixel) # print 'pixel sizes (in data space)', pixelsize_x, pixelsize_y else: # border belonging to one png in x: (0.5 + 1.5) * bordersize: pixelsize_x = 1.0 / (imgsize[0] + 2 * borderpixel) # border belonging to one png in y: (1.5 + 1.5) * bordersize: pixelsize_y = 1.0 / (imgsize[1] + 3 * borderpixel) # print 'pixel sizes (in data space)', pixelsize_x, pixelsize_y # the aspect ratio for the subplot so the pixels turn out # rectangular: ax_aspect = pixelsize_x / pixelsize_y # calc extents of the indivdual pngs: These values are given in # data units. They denote the distance between an integer value # of an axis (near png center) to where the boundaries of the # pngs will be placed in data space, thereby # stretching/shrinking the pngs and leaving an empty border # between adjacent pngs. ext_thin_border_x = 0.5 - 0.5 * pixelsize_x * borderpixel ext_thick_border_x = 0.5 - 1.5 * pixelsize_x * borderpixel ext_thin_border_y = 0.5 - 0.5 * pixelsize_y * borderpixel ext_thick_border_y = 0.5 - 1.5 * pixelsize_y * borderpixel # size in data units: if vertical_complex_pairs: w_dataunits = len(knums) h_dataunits = len(bnums) * num_cmplx_comps else: w_dataunits = len(knums) * num_cmplx_comps h_dataunits = len(bnums) # now we have all data, so start plotting fig = plt.figure( figsize=(1 * w_dataunits / ax_aspect, 1 * h_dataunits) # note: do not play with dpi here, it does not change # the point size for fonts, so the graphics sizes change # while label sizes stay constant! ) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, axisbg='0.5', aspect=ax_aspect) # now, we can place each image on the subplot: for src_tuple in dst_list[4:]: fname = path.join(imgfolder, src_tuple[0]) bandnum = src_tuple[1] knum = src_tuple[2] ri = src_tuple[3] # where must the image go? try: ic = ris.index(ri) if vertical_complex_pairs: x0 = knums.index(knum) y0 = bnums.index(bandnum) * num_cmplx_comps + ic else: x0 = knums.index(knum) * num_cmplx_comps + ic y0 = bnums.index(bandnum) except ValueError: # kvec was excluded from distribution continue if vertical_complex_pairs: xl = x0 - ext_thick_border_x xr = x0 + ext_thick_border_x yb = y0 - ext_thin_border_y if ic else y0 - ext_thick_border_y yt = y0 + ext_thick_border_y if ic else y0 + ext_thin_border_y else: xl = x0 - ext_thin_border_x if ic else x0 - ext_thick_border_x xr = x0 + ext_thick_border_x if ic else x0 + ext_thin_border_x yb = y0 - ext_thick_border_y yt = y0 + ext_thick_border_y img = mpimg.imread(fname) ax.imshow(img, origin='upper', extent=(xl, xr, yb, yt), interpolation='none') # set aspect; must be done after ax.imshow, as the latter changes it: ax.set_aspect(ax_aspect) # set ticks, labels etc.: if vertical_complex_pairs: klabelform = 'k{knum}' xticks = [klabelform.format(knum=k) for k in knums] bandlabelform = '{bandnum} ({ri})' yticks = [ bandlabelform.format(bandnum=b, ri={ 'r': 're', 'i': 'im' }[c]) for b in bnums for c in ris ] else: ris = ['.' + c if c else c for c in ris] klabelform = 'k{knum}{ri}' xticks = [ klabelform.format(knum=k, ri=c) for k in knums for c in ris ] yticks = [str(b) for b in bnums] ax.set_xticks(range(len(xticks))) ax.set_xticklabels(xticks, rotation=45) ax.set_yticks(range(len(yticks))) ax.set_yticklabels(yticks) ax.tick_params(which='both', direction='out', length=2) ax.set_xlabel('Wave vector index', size='x-large') ax.set_ylabel('Band number', size='x-large') if title: fig.suptitle(title, size='x-large') ax.set_title(axtitle, size='large') # choose proper data region: # ax.autoscale_view(tight=True) ax.set_xlim(-0.5, w_dataunits - 0.5) ax.set_ylim(-0.5, h_dataunits - 0.5) # width of single png in data units: w_png_dataunits = imgsize[0] * pixelsize_x h_png_dataunits = imgsize[1] * pixelsize_y # print 'size of png in data units:', w_png_dataunits, h_png_dataunits # read here about transformations: # # transform sizes in (axis') data units to pixels: w_png_currentpixels, h_png_currentpixels = ( ax.transData.transform([w_png_dataunits, h_png_dataunits]) - ax.transData.transform((0, 0))) # print 'size of png transformed to pixel:', w_png_currentpixels, \ # h_png_currentpixels # transformation to transform pixel sizes to figure units: i.e., # what percentage of the whole figure takes up a single png? pixel_to_figcoords = fig.transFigure.inverted() w_png_figunits, h_png_figunits = pixel_to_figcoords.transform( (w_png_currentpixels, h_png_currentpixels)) # print 'size of png in figure units:', w_png_figunits, h_png_figunits # how many pixels should the whole figure contain, so that the # individual pngs have their original resolution? w_fig_pixel = imgsize[0] / w_png_figunits h_fig_pixel = imgsize[1] / h_png_figunits # print 'goal size of whole figure in pixel:', w_fig_pixel, h_fig_pixel # current size of figure in inches: wfig, hfig = fig.get_size_inches() # figure dpi, so that resulting pixel size is same than original # images: wdpi = w_fig_pixel / wfig hdpi = h_fig_pixel / hfig # print 'dpi to save figure:', wdpi, hdpi # note: I used here that 1 figure unit is 1 inch, but this is # not correct since I needed to keep the aspect ratio of the # individual images while I forced them (with extent parameter # in imshow) on areas of approx. 1x1 figure units. Matplotlib # then scales everything so it fits, leading to different x and # y DPIs. I believe the biggest DPI is correct, because the # smaller axis (smaller figure width in figure units than is # actually returned by get_size_inches) will just be padded in # the image, leading to a smaller DPI as calculated above. dpi = max(wdpi, hdpi) fig.savefig(dstfile_name, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) if show: if show == 'block': else: else: del fig