Ejemplo n.º 1
  def createShader(cls, name, path, *args, **kwargs):
      'name' is the name you want to give the shader
      'path' is the filepath with .cgfx file

    plugin.reloadPlugin('cgfxShader', True)

    shaderCGFX = pm.shadingNode('cgfxShader', asShader=True, name=name+'_CGFX_01' )
    SG = pm.sets(renderable=True, noSurfaceShader=True, empty=True, name=(shaderCGFX+'_SG') )
    pm.connectAttr(shaderCGFX.outColor, SG.surfaceShader, force=True)

    pm.cgfxShader(shaderCGFX, edit=True, fx=path) #this will fail if the cgfxShader plugin is not loaded

    return shaderCGFX
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def repathShader(cls, shader, newPath, *args, **kwargs):
   """ reload the shader from a new path """
   cgfxFile = pm.getAttr(shader+'.shader')
   if cgfxFile:
     pm.cgfxShader(shader, edit=True, fx=path.repath(cgfxFile, newPath) )
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def reloadShader(cls, shader, *args, **kwargs):
   """ reload the cgfx shader file """
   cgfxFile = pm.getAttr(shader+'.shader')
   if cgfxFile:
     pm.cgfxShader(shader, edit=True, fx=cgfxFile)