def setWritable( fileName ): fileName = Path( fileName ) writable = True if fileName.exists() and fileName.isfile(): if not fileName.access( os.W_OK ): writable = False return writable
def TransformExport_Import(imp=1): if imp: sel =, type='transform') if sel: for obj in sel: sceneName = mc.file(q=True, l=True) #print sceneName if sceneName: fileName, extName = os.path.splitext(sceneName[0]) jsonFile = '%s_%s.json' % (fileName, obj) startF = mc.playbackOptions(q=1, min=1) endF = mc.playbackOptions(q=1, max=1) outDIC = { "Name": obj, "frameStart": startF, "frameEnd": endF, "frames": { "matrix_world": {} } } for x in range(int(startF), int(endF) + 1): mc.currentTime(x) outDIC["frames"]["matrix_world"][str(x)] = mc.xform( obj, q=1, matrix=1, ws=1) outFile = open(jsonFile, 'w') json.dump(outDIC, outFile, indent=2) outFile.close() else: sceneName = mc.file(q=True, l=True) fileName, extname = os.path.splitext(sceneName[0]) jsonFile = Path('%s/' % (fileName.rsplit('/', 1)[0])) poseJsons = [p for p in jsonFile.glob("*.json") if "001" in p] for jsonF in poseJsons: print jsonF poseData = json.load(open(jsonF)) obj = poseData['Name'] startF = poseData['frameStart'] endF = poseData['frameEnd'] print poseData mc.playbackOptions(min=int(startF), max=int(endF)) if, type='transform'): for c, vals in poseData["frames"]["matrix_world"].iteritems(): mc.currentTime(int(c)) mc.xform(obj, matrix=vals) for x in [ 'tx', 'ty', 'tz', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz', 'sx', 'sy', 'sz' ]: mc.setKeyframe('%s.%s' % (obj, x))
def openFromClipboard(): filepath = Path(QtGui.QClipboard().text().strip()) if filepath.exists(): if filepath.ext.lower() == '.mb': fileType = 'mayaBinary' if filepath.ext.lower() == '.ma': fileType = 'mayaAscii' mel.addRecentFile(filepath.cannonicalPath(), fileType) openFile(filename, f=True)
def checkSave( fileName=None ): if fileName is None: fileName = pm.sceneName() else: fileName = Path( fileName ) mc.file( rename=fileName ) if not setWritable( fileName ): mel.warning( 'File "%s" is read-only. Could not save.' % fileName.basename() ) return False mc.file( save=True ) print '// Result: %s //' % fileName return True
def _renderCleanup( path, filename ): pm.window( 'glRenderWindow', e=1, vis=0 ) f1 = filename.replace('@', str(int(pm.currentTime())) ) f2 = filename.replace('@.', '' ) p1 = Path(path) / f1 p2 = Path(path) / f2 if not p2.exists(): p1.rename( p2 ) else: print 'File exists:', p2 #os.rename '''
def _import( self, *args ): path = pm.fileDialog2( dialogStyle=2, fileMode=1, caption='Choose Pose File', okCaption='Import', selectFileFilter='Poses', fileFilter='Poses (*.pose *.group)' ) if path is None: return else: path = path[0] path = Path(path) if path.isfile(): data = ''.join(file( path ).read().splitlines()) if len( data ) is not 0: data = eval( data ) name = path.namebase ext = path.ext[1:] if ext == 'group': print 'Group: "%s"' % name if self._poseGroups.has_key( name ): result = pm.confirmDialog( title='Import Group', message='Group "%s" already exists. Overwrite existing poses?' % name, button=['Overwrite', 'Cancel'], defaultButton='Overwrite', cancelButton='Cancel', dismissString='Cancel' ) if result == 'Overwrite': self._poseGroups[ name ].update( data ) else: self._poseGroups[ name ] = data self._updateGroupList() #setSelect for optionMenu broken with pymel 0.6+ OptionMenu( self.groupOM, edit=True, select=self._sortedGroupList().index( name ) + 1 ) self._updatePoseList() elif ext == 'pose': print 'Pose: "%s"' % name currentGroup = self._poseGroups[ self.groupOM.getValueStr() ] if currentGroup.has_key( name ): result = pm.confirmDialog( title='Import Pose', message='Overwrite existing pose "%s"?' % name, button=['Overwrite', 'Cancel'], defaultButton='Overwrite', cancelButton='Cancel', dismissString='Cancel' ) if result == 'Overwrite': currentGroup[ name ] = data else: currentGroup[ name ] = data self._updatePoseList() self.poseListTSL.setSelectItem( name ) self._savePrefs()